Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 2

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N.a AV" lm l- l Fia ?h..' 11gFinst on,_o MMI.eau"..andm aibo hw= »hout Nhm, o t a,tMannng b t he VIII e n.ci *lm SLttt ht lai teh ILd..1 gta TI g hh8tdt.Iettttt~t arttueDs tbcy. 1 U .ti A k..gth.i ilé .dy p T.1. !ie ~ d t k kS.dy ,.- »ait~',, î tr'e..dt le--t..wtt. have jt et»..d fre. îe . 1[,. In~L.e.Ig t.ehl b.t .d ZIMMERMAN Sa.d 0.bt..ltgb.,àtebbtthe i 911,. Hallt.d «t dill cetmaavleea taie im a, ht hl...if - ...cooit er mtuila80t.t h.e..8 tt9 oé,apttt.-.iai.te 1 mmIit. n u Mr.s . a.. a. Pattesn o nta te tat.Ntu.h..w.jbe. = aI fot bet mb.letj .d tet emt, bae.iled"m nnAies *ptnt @guttit v ,ttit. Att thai aia it.lt o e. ht h= . w. ., ll end te,. b.bfaite aepîth tlet.t rttd. t.aNittto. tne.oal.etam . .bteuSd.. htbla t. Y. Thé -at.em pu . we.p di.. Mieetoris ttHariso, Oset ttht e8 te t btter, ara.tîlias otou me @h evjayst"iMU eti t lpt, îsud tht ai out .t Rc.durt..thb.eclubt. Y.. k ,tettutgltTmatet. . on a ennuiWBlt"..httta .t ,tltImm boum..look.hla.tsgy hos. o. ýI a. a tramt. ato.u asdat.." M. and Nmm. P. Iat... tf uISb tttttes-n teteti edti l 1 d t eta la b.hedstance, ..ge,. With e ptt Sors, *accès the M aI . pet Saidt Vitb Mr.andtiN. titate.litne lpei b. rebthetht aime h. 0» f a..t.I. Thtt..tesa.,h Wthe ,p.twe.ebIbp.h .. .8.t.tC. BOM.iea Lnes..gbb.I l &"ith.oen Surinons vugetardthtb=*?î.y"ri Vititie iaei barre ferm t t ,.ttht Ni.... Jol,yand GloraB etnett ae t #o Lyte fta, re la dtle. Tall ...e Ab0» trni W t.. t ovet Mattotthie bôet, M..e. u et- vtettin la t81 othe ., . .PF..leltet.t att s& aoi. atet la e t ,.t Lei.m t meb aset. .8 ... ad. .. o e t lbat. antht thh, .h.e thty oeetta t t 10 le ae wu .t elernfi eeteg.l '.Th. kiid Mtb P A ter..ftanc.hrs ,tbtded te . 1 16941at11tt. lb... eemd, h..Ignoentt. one a e ane d acate u t. Q Nt.tt' b g.d. TI.y i ak etoltI Pitute b. OketntSte PBt * , Lndoe tarudntee .pu .on .teh.e m. .But .0 e.ei.y t~ Pi- . îaeettetttda. . ftttt ttledtb " . t. tt. . . tt. bttt btheSliver.,.dryaccostab Wto-e..t tti tttte. Mr. D. R ent «Ib.te et otnpicadoa] e cos tebntnetts thty .l..ttd on avect Il bt-ee iaiti .n. t weetd aIy A. attîpt ,onttonder tmettg, de. ttht etatbeg oet Pleven btte., bel the g nt hLord'. Dey. Tht.... S. Wiltte.".absence 0; Ht,. W. Ia. Aeler, silo ocahb.thtetsse hLetOad n fe b od.yteos be t tcm tha,1onSiet dey, fua ar. el..hetab.qi I"elth,.11,l it tn bo.idY. MIt Ee.al onc&Wbite, a- tt.ttesudtai«t tistae temt.eboi boilb.heme.@*p#- quiremio"ebh.hy tht.o .. tt.t@o,. 11dvby it. . e .r, #eso.anen..dya b h &itbrbno 0e0e bu a .tb.tyMU tToe" oladuaslrcigA.ntsoàb . th. te utt CAMPBELLV- c amantbrst.ou, al We. tttment e1iot"tefl en Mha,y,obi rndl,, ne oun 2... aat mm vlsi b et eb. ei Jt e . tah , fS orta litâ.t bu« obite.. i Iit a te ti roêe a iI gl d M91Yi 0» - lb ~ es, o . M ae nbu..» ongait h. .L,e ,trm 1 t itbde- M.show atf et ttti cîti. 811.. te Bhkusek in th Wm.t.B.abara ep 1Issb. Sldt t. I oftehte- be spr. Td Ad 4t hemt.tf td tff mt .T -W ..-h Pttiftdty etaet, bu mlidtbbtaa»Salatdt .a OdnweeNLead, 1 Ht at.hB. 9 a t. n. fy ilaT.lis ..i d'Yedu a-YM BitUbit-yd 8da ot ,; Imm. t t.b. tht att.er s 9p &.Ur.t.-b... a .tL éod M.beer lb... ai"ttW.hptit 8tycttd e .ii tt, cîî Atth itt~ i e tt ltt A,, OU...ta....... t ... M M 11 Pnt . a l l e l. prt. Th ie lpp .hV tttbt.t tb .rt.ea TtI etterrtt.tt ieityie.d iba tPtI., eit.H t.p .ei a Witd. .tte t Bibt., Iitot tb . ,bttt , A E. rn ttiofte1.1, Y-nu âtais ... M t.tt..t. b iti .. 1890C& t @sait. b SU th.' amp Wa Tl 8..de teedy btr , t ,.î î. iti, ,t a.e.t i tft i. aie.n .ta a8.îDn ad Ad m bu ..M tý l M . W ,ctuh,,..y b. t v .ý ieta.iletîî Utaetyl. M,.ut ThIIad tilt.. bav .%W ew Yrk Peo Piali-o l Bloetttt t ed ,Subirttetl ttei qtne3.J . o . eiete ut uwkt dun ath M M hePStk P Tbt.de81tttt. tttt t Saine ttîy .1 ayint..ilt.y tIt AO. à nit pctitt.tnedy t b'C titt .n.ete heu, t th evrnth emi hoP.etb .g fornptd ela l. t "tll. sale...1 .tarnt y , thteoc piut b alaihttet tt da ttli e i e co t b tale « -.. N --bum - e rn adSle St ..k,.tnaton.lietba te t.i .. of t.oei te&td tbo o K,9G émS aes0. utatI d ttat8tetAe s laar ..lit.etabe. O. l- tt.tMtit« H a .t utd e,.. ou oto-b prets in pejttitt. l . T -elnat efl titll ti b lt- tet th el. . l Tt h é ... te tdf ',oPnsn t lait t , - cotet .,t $8cd te annuelt te. b.ltah. >Mtfallont.c,81 Ht,,.kettt &dwl i lyd this Bektt Pttt. t elat. un, ai th n ..ai Tht., tatt1 a .tttbut ~tt a .the a . rnrne i pii seann .itt.ae tpfet t. .eiI.. b y . 1. tîto. , atnd Ithe cha t Slw.t,., ..bi ab.aut ile an~t ,tt a.in ed11 h. ,îtt.t. be e ..ghibins t te ur e.. t, e,.Uta .tateh. lut h aia t atfrt. f H ep. cht th O te ee.e...i baide eatt Mt tt iofe la h al bI oumn. ta1l.ie t.hêt.ES mol.u th. irruptin n , b e attb.d, IS .Itihti»,N.t t aa T itbeahîinemte a uIttedom e. ltteteDt.a ,tDar bttamins.à speech. .tie. girlsh.tuetth..e tttytt. Butteedtttt. Iebtt«btvt tttd ,, bt l bd btitltct. rtlltf Na. C.mbut.l.lll147=i.fer a ttotlit Biettt.tb cetll'td t, t8dThettrueti: Ht..l a Our î. Brn,.Bt ... mbe...t.t p.y a thb.e toul Ibt l.r,.i J.Pp and ted K.lOItrn,,etl.tB,.b.e.Whib. tndtielia.,.uthyeof.. V1. Jit 8..1 Tt tmtia-te,thymetaOfth@th . %D.. et Ta.Ike Oh... el.8 . 'fhie opte t eat...rtthsiet ..ht prteis. vs ta nd ait bouuet 1 . truc. .tba Il, Brwn.. , cwo h&,tytt th. pdl,, i.t emah.s., . Dtt ies & gh and...y . te h , haveapti Thee. wei nt 8 speet«. &(adbt lretbh eWtur-.tBlancettalet P to lI"hoT hI mm g.,,bg a ghtt. bte .whi e oi tp &tem for Ishttt. Ait e .i th 1, mu , frapoli a tlt.tie . Odr e. t a tthet Pent.t, .. tandtlbttt ».,yi . îh, ri.. .. agiota«tb go Salaain t8ttto. In8 B l t, td b tid aluaid enatt.T tîttwu,.oi... bit.adparfat db, .tia,titres b te. tt lte ot be htatI 18 td l lYat tte Pem"H M>tla A rn. the C cb.II . Att ,th" bis, H HP b.tate1.ds ic ý te i t e Mi.t, b.thetttof i8b .d , e.ttdcolliertln the ey a il- bava» rnO.etPae. batc. iI t . 8ad 18 du- l 80 t 18 2 l.y.tect.erdha.. .t.1 bu,.. b adi il ettt netttVc ttd yHe..t ..t bainsablelilatt.,. A t our.. . dit datron, ltnt. datagnbeelt0wtà &ta. bt rn.t.1.. .tTten a ielattu rnI eta ho t. bUtry. uh a Htcioh tai Oh lid W.I g.. rttastt i..al, tK. Cttse aw-i tjtePYàbt e II. th t,,.. ,., 71 81keoc th tt, tiu ,i tt uI i.tM AtestaHudienceh atti, . i', 8 .l.Ba8 i mat., Hat., . a« itie .td.t ettett. .îatlt 8,8i. ntheît roince we tu tttrn.. t i t.pc. . t e ad Toa.a.O&bra . WC 1 Thom ti efaturIe ilIt thebuine. -h"thn _h ___ ya ac ' e gp a.. J. itbli Mh. i.. Of.th e aI.Ttee.e Mtitd , htet.8 eo. t.1 edlb li tod1,itedet Indt ietutt. oTb he forttI tn , i t.a_ bouger___ it ie e ra. el ategetnd tîit -p . fo e a .Ya talaO tri o I nth Itel i .ua etionth e tt.- .h n -te tht Ue . .1,.o.ai.#Lte.t.îat im. toign.hoi edteOang Ho Th.Pladaint, n- %. taiîrtte baa tie.pli] AetlM b ie 'p.» ui,i,.t JhîOoatlit., t, t Qtb,., etd Pttocb IsckWtum'tlullal. Pi it ,t.heAties »loetrd 8f&bil e.camsStuy... ucil., t , ,ttidaU.3 te. tettttdait afle ,ttjet coe itî. cta.8t wula'L8t Of the& 'Os C8et.Eaîta, tdhg ebp»-f tn .. tlut paptit . et, 1.. tîitt pp, a codti e o cbiettte t nd cmb i i, t. îhet.ttTheirtmottait. wutbtfi"i"am, a s bel n tt.out lueeM hît , th@ i ta8t Wtdiit. b,, F.dca Tht' ,,.eti.iththt t.ttWte Ri ei li.ti. e u..... . 012t4d21 0tt le a e 20 P .tt e4te.te2..tent andtt t elita b. t itet luvial- b t'y ,.î J . ye . Ri.M .Fot i av At...... ot.... ... t ..tW..400 W 8 t a.hetpa..t6, ht I.ete.tbt ,,d b ,.M. .. tattnt.hi.. eiitittg tt .tit,.r Clme n ht .td oO"PMM Mothab boIns--pa . 7. 90bî8 ad Telagetmdwylnte isoy al U ait a . teeeti, .tdW-t1 beit, .b , htce tet. ThMtot M.hottp.ti, ,bo H. esoni'thi. Btatte Assis Ne.tiane. l..e..tt.i.,AB. Séaai;tGordo, Hdn. B. a tht eti pttttc.e.t 80 litetti.. ot, ta.I.d ,Ithte. t,Oubi eh .a, j . i.hI.b cils et-a; bta iS iTb,.88r dht, 4te ee.tttOf. tern t e meP 'tà 1.m .tor.t.Box y oUth , Gi iM M ýr « M n " ; local baobabWtl clIturan Ncmme-b o e. e ffce, slans fe th t Igb . 1 W weItytaittb..O. h a.tt e ttt . 8Instituts.Thtehttite @Op-.'tI th .t. tbltee.,bout-d tedbuaet able Ntt b'y'eo.,et.e.Bu t a"ia tomr eti n ga. t it10'.d tItib . td ,a el., e.ct.d " et datifi.. ita. 1N gtt.Gzett e).. p.fr et h.esi t it e bti.. hI ktteti. 'ttt..uttta 8.80 m efa ijkWo m lte ClEé tiing a t-Bcig oW.rnd feh n. rn»tpp."", :tt t .a.o. t.,. t. Johntt...o Ger ain e c ,et Id bttadaml.d a h.Bati.; I II., Iill8.a beei bc i n tt.y s, pdrbticbd Vonl ottaeta t hm enthed,. Te.tigothe Sniort1. -. tcofH 88S.lrettTag. ,,.ee.t.oct...bao ,Dte an it ne enthet b. d,eatiS et1.. wuO baiia n A ott.- .. lt tth@ dIt, t I A.t .ttheedtat., fnaltMt th, Un, ttt.for ulas cbdo e.taiho mokastht tOt ro"T t.att .. bat Mi e hem ,ST tni tt e h. bEllt bu.t ettt P ark onIt be.,,. cee an84 fot e uel ..fe .. ocdat. t ai t ooi t 8t a t tis a dî teg"ur. p itthetI. titts Od e h Thl t.atour . tc aewul a re Iti obtan t, ..S n.rom t eMlcr vn te g .t,.I p.adid raiita a joilt cg fad' btheInait u h i. tts c. Oa, e a.bit litniete iitH.CbtbIgains bit a is e et. , b ins. i t iit t tta. n t oobit le 8 normal.tt8bY r. Rein.It egîTh . nic tlt i.n e .I , 8,1, ras n l;on . bott er, t e h ,, y h 1 &b t -Piw P N. it cell. B_________ a. st u cîg...A t. cpte iet. ocae cil' Osxbte ta h :et a7e tattpth m tUm « ., thtt.0, istr aWSdllte InPupifetd origi albe e.bM, len~Hitd. o a oA. Stete.,ate . Htp.nd sbleuo ta.rie toéns. t a . u t . o er . o m ac L iei ,ls.- a t i o n orc S;mW .- i,, ., PW ..b Of e , . .tt e c 't . h @ m , oagasie .f..d Th îM t th .1. i. tiibh Ta t dedht g t authe s tht 1àI . tmà0 o uleyofth. laitte t.ar .O hi b.-e$ 'eth Ccsil . t 3,as i.cli.. A.g. 10 W St. ap M A'.ei ttoncuai m O. e . t, . i.,theS . i ut .,ettt e. a n.ee tat .tah . maga - oa tecur erstre m u ta,c bae.c aOe la ., gpA.ytins h en ttt ntait b tio th e or w ,,tai tt ln the 8.rn te ,tytilg i tII tc.Thepets8 tu. _#peut .mthe mru eTe a te s honora n. t e u to et t. Ttmatb A e ad u l.. t to nett b eytO ti.880.8 0 ttt. anttl h etattlocl est aer ath . e .dl e d t lit. f W h m ab i e n « OUttI h .e o .thi ai p i. ne. oeme. loobllh. 8et. POh-C COURT tht bo. whit gî e Ki t e t'tee ed wdam, .e att.,,e .the e . t,.,. te i.he I 'ttt partt es t c n . ief. tît. . eiilbt fltututOf ta,.ttblgne h Mite.,ret ules ndàbkeetmtt i.ala th lie cI aie It l'bae arebIde S i e t.tI RS bt h at ri s Br.gt n .Cu m r eup atof t ep ati e .L wha are travWhlitgtarcenal attblte t aIn.i hyc h, BndHai., tttetti ongm o aaiaab uar fa Pen motaie.nn trf th I thittbt edo,bat t1Ucr . akwb.cpeAn .d bate. Nta .ttlm- i. .. 21ltP it A ET ClaS r rhet a"i . Dott rmielsttb e , ofi.iict n t, oho t bal. eptc 0. toe th e pla.te;R.pSonderthe etl.. v abut h nt d bl..tta et hugs plteA.tti .. h o.gwbit. . .',t bde. pat.tJ.uadBtde t. Get,.cy Con IIt -bues.8ma -am a.nc. teti... C au m e. emtatt im h itls .Ilt.Io aa i t ,tbuetallasm tthbs en e amu. H CEsEW 8hebe.ct ih ai S8, thtel nao p ae t tey put ab tit e l ie ttR a.i Smth, rny 8, it. hi-s, tttt poiton wre: H. .5 peetlrd ettogooetibttttla p mld. tîi. A. ptaish.d0f îlebttdi.at ca Prirteat.c amen .to ein et1te dt1" -g al i p . itony. IW.t em... f: t. . Ramgie , trotitt t.orît telotng 'stbttbe .11 b atda ., ot e yM. i Pth t co.Cptcdb t -aI.iie.e l c meÏ:ë . e t tmb. ta; Hc . OAS.,, 17. usa O,...bu1tt.et -l, bguidt.anc teteeeda ..S a aeee.os iatpei ct. t. ea e t.- . o. , e t;a . HOPta- I L éotcl Ctat.,t, 'tehohb ,,"g. btt l, na.tiongaebul beauyapointt-i. e ttins , t.tittv tI. , . V ntli u eve -hm ttatS lai.th tataeît ad e. tth.c.ltei eet. atti ond vCeEa atisdsu rbot nd aaW te Cmt for bi, 3..a ,Ma 18 t. ttc.und.1 th.0 . oeit 8te.càntp.,Tht, do", "sa wu.ame «taCanada a.t.tt tetIoa te.dii ea' ilot Cit.ctCooptei bae. ie.Itesldtd. 1 , ti fietK31m o neJu al Netlal .,oe,.itthOt aro gttt . ,,b ea. Scil.at s es .. tbctedt ..the uc~tt ApBt28 ,o,..,t ae1,i..0a. -.gtuncte t. S eptoft1 t . Sebc W tt Sut-Taret.. .. tti t WI.tSt.T 'e th dotittatlbodie t e. 80.11UttîWte.o h a TIt. hé oa» Et soit.ba be eat ad.. rb ots tg. a.i auoraoa.ne.ri i at lI 1.mmthePointOCt, 0 I'iett tCotscî,-e.bl t ait pa teln&ct.. btte.. bi. te c nwilb ave meuetph.tte Ut tio. fcoliIftae.t i e.. fcitr , 10»t.,,teîbu,.,m,. uiyiaa .- fallaitptnt.t.tIo. estetiofb.sehapliEpot. M bIe n ooa it Ittiia m«iPtedt elt o'*Aicmo.bbX tattw the ith...eea-Rkiltd pyIlts tenBDi.s, phe,. 82, tatiet ti calt ie st ttedtaet ttB e . eo pe.ItUr VToncne., attilt, .......tît...38 1 l ilf tecCtai la. tisaotit t .tIt. awauttietaptend abon Mftttt. Wtt O l ....... 0010M 48 a E-t N.ctSii th~ aa,.t b t iiIba t e. atS c lioap,.too,. Wttie. PObetsaunate u10 . BTe mg Tho- I Ape rea .. itt, . . , ctiv e d o mut opltil Puernanp t. e tttl. a e tab..Th tilgt h eI bh abtd tot clIt. te .ttta.tt,-eLigo ta t o t Ie .t Itit t eaa. bottpleytep tt 1 ln b .ou t h c e y t S n. e s tat, pbttt slestt Pt t. . N at . t afttttîetl tigs ndln t s, ia..tc ateteeteiltaer on te uamt Se .. al tit tiy. pordcom&,ts.,t ECet. Ie ine mdiug-A o r ulle Ptt. t.t aitt tst lba. clll bt 8fortftrta 'tt b.,Ju ed e.tla m pp i,ebttis plan.Hoto'S bethà et e t1.ntnt t e 1ffet. b geai tO. 70tt. AapIa t. Insooand ,ott tht tt ot .t.... .a e trac eth -tet ancea».., et. i.= § .d» t.eju te Hctteta' It aiol ,Fd,,H.. 2 2i iTIut, ovetiofttl ith ave tht.tbusti.. ecgte, .ttaet Hnr oai I i sud T.PelO,.ut. TeIe, star. Undth "tîti the BlgiaI ed tohel, unsitttde t. .0 l.lei t'..ttOBau té,e ite hy.C. onetm d Aett,. eets teet raat 1 ,t ttofthbui88tdings tbt. TtcuPort h..,îct.iréit .rtl Cppt.,tcp e h til. ..l.t.b.. Ap.t 8i a tme tamk eaIme. Tt .Ite tta e. h e.,.tl b tetoyBaea 9 i"M tet.b img etoa, e.. uti,.. H.. N. .Mud pta ie etit. ataat bt t oa Thtb ete. it S it it a c cii e p.t.ti e k.i agi . ,.p.tbthf., be.0c.Ill .m erpa.I. tf a atdBox ea53 18ie ate completsthe MA . act .id tbtl .1 tdi ,. tî. e , o It.P i.W1tb t. b. .a.attatthe pbt nstofttc arrera-Hc,, lOtIt omr th.i,080,11, ioiP Mlto . . Atent btt dititet tn.i.tgibetettbit.t4ffy b. lIealtit0.taePmmcc e.. ne a mthtoceaie lt. ttbhItd.lo ca t h ab. rmtresd t - - --mustng f _te _Mitonle .culirmnt.. ettvaco C«àw o. .R .btth ce attcatd habt te teatiai' e C otae r ce," ma i. Il T u at t ote. e 811 tt 1 t -Pbb lt p t s,IM.t.tI w-b t PrtOeDa.r . el c1 tht 1.t t.. te, tus beca C "Unionlwudbi.p h thsy, p.n. Inla te bath. atefo a roe %0 ril sAai and cue aeri h i.abeaebmettro ukîclet I c --k tea ted gat confesse lb.itîle ppouto tbveyite'.0à ,.t..DamGo e te hi.b catIet.eI th. ot eccntio. 1tht t pemit. .1onbtht lb.. cluel .e s bts i the t.t.iAir, .',oe e s f,î.ard =b tl.oftea.ted hopit.a Inu thoa 1% gmiigbt jWen deI w A tg t. n.e tatWoeti.,ite thSat ttet. e .e .a or latedt. Mhel. ento iors . teelatem r e . bof eL.t.ttbhte 0 t. FeenseuM Pppr pro itheity o e11. it hm e . t pav illo ut t -tr.tte eml ti1 Ide buta i e n .aemetbinat tiesbtli.tl.a I teat uta bag ou en aa etb thamautla ê. , h e. jýTh- M. a.aéepe h pa I- - la . -... -s 1,8ans ',o tf W-elt-Iad O.K. tticket.ttuth. fi. et. oagetdtattcMl.cars tîl tta.hin 'h,-0,.7y818 ..c id. .et etytaCý.te.aatdMt F, y188 ht.htd. 0... 10i6i .-a.tta.ultbthet te,tscd mI -t teund .4iteifec.b. 5»tY li. Ac. tetappmatote te Mt81of8 e,.omacies ttia. A libey abtua.c iti c àuhilnd.A "LUCKY" TETIR'S HELL DRIVERS Thte .itiStutt Tlbyolw hibitiot for thet nIai time mto.aaSttatrcyle cf datth.d.t'aitg ttant. le 2.1 01 .Or". t.=t OtatdegSu. o.tl. r ROL X LAN D Fm'tthe four a..,... of tht globe thtePIS'. et Ct.az.og tmacture. Heati. foi gir.t...inta.pid acrobate UNITED KINGDOM PAVILlON Tht i.totaof B..it&e .,,.d .tt.a, Mi8e tm t,îoai.g î,doî.col..to .dlofad th. e..t tewn tooip, P.1 1, tiot, a.tt y =thaio udth, Tît bîOu.t on f te u do., b l, oengiolr t-. 'te. Tt..e oThetS b.ftopen alto.d.nc. sophtica.tion tGuy. 1.tJoo. itt.p. Cop ed D.aeas.tA,.t.lttee h..ttfoea.Ateftth. hi. p. erattsatd 7h,. 111e. tC paret. n.t, etW lA a' .et,tatd.te [R 'Ig nnInR RIBII AU 26I i-WKY NOT PLAN A BUSINESS CAREERI u ..d.t.tete tot.y., m,,tb, TRtINED tu et .ta..12 Dty Sdt.tte. Crnat .kb,. Dto'ty tforbte tl.êrbt. Pet tiidtittel.tbrytttty ci.»thd e tel.l a upirîba. atlmi. "LoIto;, "ad.eoa,,,.pop o'tdî, «Y... Kte.» At4t n. .aiathn no" lIiebe wonengjoredby ai. lb. Bpte.,ts. .w«p c*0b.beld et th. bui@ te the.,M&«. Utepi.. Tlb.. VU ie b ahtcrtâ te htbal. t&i th. beeta.. Tbe, touut eelàetwoey I:ERai- pacy, Ltd. MILTON. ONTARIO. CANADA. Noite te son&*. e.ttcc.ain. 09.ai as. cupeur, Woed lab.1J0, Cedmecgtepl%%I et T.ue.t. Tht emticu bOla , hie abtt tal.o Pt e.tataSlm..' bone=0.totti lte tct0. liait..Agricukural S«ietj ae i Pttttht a mgeofetThe. Hlt..a à grnit t'y aIif cO.etyttof11a.. à . Id hbe (JoueI . M t. Tt. .Mit., Se. sahturo.tu.th .de etp eà lm ". 8 0' . . .,eeet . : aie n. o tttyln e 5 a tit. camtaiSn a "Wt t.aet b.f te l . m tb au h o M Pai eorthMa. ielpr fiey a.5 Aut, n.5. te. M. 9P&DHPAD, NOTICE TO CREOITORS ta i.lt.. .eh. Pebte .orlUt T.cchip.ofiai..ý, ti.. n.o.ety ai eibs pc,..ta, de.a.. Ail peinn. b.n.p cil.. tsat meti, cavtidotne.raotttht Un dey ai Joelut, ut.aettteti to on r gitae.tht UtA dty ot Ag.ct. M80 Otlh..th . q"gae «Icieb.di. tbtatiéit "el..ta tethettttba GPOiMeAE2. PLLt0TF, Uionb. Ot=b eliltea, Jttiy '»Lb, na8. a WANTED ai iaP.H..Se.rJew.th ISe.e. ..là.=eet-lseat la it ali. Pha.. Ailietetmea m.bt 3. Hc.ieJi, e lMrktt4&Ace.Gallo. W aM e".c aret M& m.e. c.te at,:2. Zone.. tiltDec.tttBondt. Toe.ttt. 0100E PRCES PAIE lFOR PNOM tjer.d ti tt. et...eault .le. lat ment. Wth tjae.d .assmae. abta Vtc Pae y,. .fci ilmee. no.ctanna n.a.e ..Pt.. Buta.. rtde. U80. m a.ttth etbtaes. Mins tptll.tlnoe..tietitaud "eY..eiici.-V"aîTeaU Fex Fa,, ilqut. 'AIVILLE EXCHANGE NUW -USED .5toves Furniture Bicycles Repai rs PHONE3 520 OAKVILLE BANAN ' NS g 23c. APPLES TOMATOES ..atl ..... .. 3 3 Ibo ............n9 POTATOES ORANGES >PEACaJLdMHtept.g Qu'tB.... 15C ON1ONS CANTELOUPES 3 lim "PE9U,1111»...U.. . '1~2 ND i-.th . .....15C B U TT ER Price To Save SPECIAL CARIROLL 'S -LIITED-- Ch... ÎZhtie IL.,. C RITZ A.E,.& C E FFE d C SARDINES ý L 35c S..,R E A D S P..Zw ""'l1 CH S 21-02 tin2 po,. 25c *10 18 iI.dC.H E ES E ~~ST/*RD '08.0~S~ R P 16t@.CU E ~LONs FZi IIE PH.EP. 1

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