An Etie Range 0in CtNE-COOLEB-ma,. MODERNz. You mIil ind Oh FAnT-Cootoîcto snd THRIF tTo op.crt.... 20 oncle cooleiaogfailure.. gle- hog yooa PERFECT RERuLTs oenoF hm.. .. Il sasuree BMir LAVOUR. humus. HEATiI FFOOD VALUIS ARE RETAUIE» . . . Itlab SAFER. . . It BAISHF DRUDOERY. f. 'a - I The Local Hjrdro Instalis Service to Meter 10FREE 0F CHARGE -Leyn H MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION an driein. ' lltaz eao-4lal .11offia .Cannai MrorTite- h,a atrof aduh'àbaoh. I in od inc a liftio mdin oldby mawth . 25 ri gascnla. And Ihi Campaay i eabet iveu t very cl ll aaaus ts,. Ashya,,eabe. ST A lT 1 TrE Yuw" ndTWo'te otro ngvi Lad-Nad Male aAtaabiaaeth.d-adall e hec .t-d1h.U,- intl avlibl.. Itin m.d.hin olb Coelltmadr -d deh ,,ead"A-»o,2 Sand.ridtu md cftar 1-m= ~ot. .llAiAli cama d snam 5td.d trlagn , dge .p d I paa, ahhcm, e pr niwext- bity. ta--elans aël&, IeSNAPSPOI GUILL&j Teling the Vacation tory I lth msnforvocal na nce q th th. o er pltein pro- t ~ 1.1. 8. ad:nsrerych tour . vie vautenformation tSur1th clades m et ltî.aa, boh otr frands cho setîor a b aIi ento gdiha.oah0pîpy î y frah. you'lit. 'lh, sma tOla 1,peanly 0,111. oîitre bold tell a for aa vnglngahsleoal tu: aaCop lotoy of yor vacatIin trip. îeittla.. Il l1. m qaoar1. 'fhey 8h10.1 co1l lheote,. showm lnahIso ltbook ad lt lîdo lthetp froadntdcoror.itnomme(] ahatho t nioht stops , toitsaof 1 tert aboo) are fal,cprLu a mr ad hstoiesl]*spot rtsa V.tîîd, nteîbotaxt. Orien t sSne1oftheovioireare On Ita ana's vacnaoor, 1er -ltetd, and ltuîo.qeillella ht 1he ukep a ompm11hlst,, llitll tour Mort a c M.dIncomplets, -plît. RA hltdt I .«ocdit. l Ditera the hitorclalarkera. thon nous11, bt. a , nt .lhnî Ieltt dal, la ue 111nae, oad marher,1atell-5th1 Vacat ion lrllctvda 1fo Msd stl1llar "Idellntiatinloîit.- mmles ta titrelfiar brad ffll Dai..Theaa l111tur8s. a.citu more atiafig. FOr auton album0h11lnt, ropr go. 15 John va Olider. Subsoiha for 1he Champiq, $2 yiai m ýIFT PLAN 'y TG OWN mms* WsimuiT,. e o niai, Il beau. lth ,d, ano=v ebade. for along drlvemnys oroadeides, or a laigle pec. men inh yard. Il mahsan x cellent effe.l when groped e.th1 ithe New Y.rkTies. IThs ,lrlhlogly bandwe,. ra racaae htl cfrfa,,.W0 1,100 test; itas it.n"nctain«eme.sal ia font in diamelaer. In smmer tbe dark brome bnci. la In. pleanina colarat teatlb. pont yellow-green' co1mpounld lenven. In inIer, tbe tue a lenalfreable for lie nralabl lcunb and lbe a i limbe 6cana rouod-tapped ead. Native a thel a . ntemnield Saes anad ta eaubern 0Ontario, 1the black malnat bas been aaeetally aaGwllin aone partsof nearly overy sa!inlathe Uanion. oawver. Il thriet aly in rlch. deep, mell- daiaed laey or lcaemy snli,; and amlaa ta la long iaprool la anquie contîiuons eaalalnc, The Young blabk "at may be ,btalaed fr,,.nurserie, but Il may ba.aaily propagatedfIros thé nui,.. ebeaî rsalta cm.laafa,. thbn, plaalad ne. n au th iey elpen in th a n. Te auto bould ba plaai.d about 1w tacbhedeep. If lbhe eedingeae urome lnaa grdes, they ehoutd b. iransplantsd mbe,. a yîaarod tla & pot meu ibhey ml have anhla.. Hew EtiasiaAllen Desen Famousouia sWar Lqsder Infte raay ai lbe macnlng af May 1l, 1775,. a handfl ofa parllla Ae1rcanaebGre, Mouniala bay"-acched an lthebore af Labe Champlain, aflraamatcb fram, Beinlghln, V. Thela leader wae Efra, Allen* They approprlated boais, .raaad snse.the fmi ,of the labesanmd tb heB rliishaarrisan ai For1 Ticallderoaa aamplalaly by surprise. A sntnry firud ai Alen,. bal hlm. Theaerd.ofitlb AmercansetmIlhlbBritsh com- mandan,on Caplaija La PIc., et the door of the barrache mîaupled by the tatlar, deeandlaa Immedîia surrenderaofthe fort. 'Or whal aulbaity da yen mabe ibi, batd denandl" ashed the cap. tala. "Bp whal naiborîtl t uadered Ail-, "I demend il, sir, la the noms fbtheGrat Jehovah and lhe Contnental cogre«." Il oten by Iis darnla ctalnd these ommortal mords,,abserve@aa wriler tn the Chicago Tribune, Ihat lb, leadr aiflbe(Green Mumain boye became famoan. Laie, la fre wrhe mas caeplad by tleBlri- ish, taec, laEngtand, brouahi haab to Artîrica, and f0,ally ecaagad, He vtilcd Waehngtonalai Vattey Forge, an1d wa hoaared ta is borne 10,., Ornalnt,alawltlba salai, af 14 gane. 1He dl.d Febraey 11, 1789, aged Ilty-la, year nre lamont, an d ana day. Raemlu"iet nIPilai, plant A remarbable and rare blad af pitcher pla t, a ma nas lbe Der. lilghoffaanm ,nd la f a h os rlad Starrasf Orgonamd aal. enCalitornla. Il aroma aon tbe edg. af monall eampe al'cder, lickshe" ea leatia, af fra,. Imo la elghi ibaaaîd tfm. From, a dt, tana. Il umsmblese ba bdai cabra of Iadin. Tbe lent nielbas re lona. inialad end fanaît ,baped mith a randdbaod orcap fra,. mhlcb bana two crilsn anmd grn ap. pmndage. Tbem gi. th appear. ance o long feleor aehishers and are tavety in aolaring. Tbe lap ai lbe hood la baaalitaty motled by witla,tranalaoml arase hy mhlab bthe nclair tnlgbid. Bftlh baod and appeadages n au ,eed ilb hny lands mhiah lamplt neeai, toward the moalb htabhinothie mnd, aide aoflbthemod. Eaamveneeaee laChamane The effervscncenuof champagne t, broagbi aboat by lbe yeaal fementatiomofauaneta cona dioxlde amd lcohol darlng aesecond- ary fermenin intheb.batlte,s. cordtaf la Indaseln d Engtaacr. tag Cbemlalry. The ceemrouna1 af eauar maIl b, emplayed la mahr. btfchampagne se tlaahlgh na a hon dioida pressare mill break thlb botie, andtloa apresaure gîven ianlspid bevernge, ilt, la d. Roak 1 candr tnaaelaenarlly eed. Eecly Pamfaue-bnkieg Untlaomparatively recnt iene, wnadmorbing dld nomiti. There am o ed far Il. Asloei peoplIe $ponti mont ime aaidnare. Merely eatitgagnd leepng la the hame, they aund litai. funatue, aaliy preferred ibalata emode oi moel. Bal ahoat 400 yen.. aga mmodworh- taomcme an art; fuaitellaoumi.- ing mes blgbiy profiableamd lis secets haltdtd dom, frona gonore. liona lagenetralian. Bal macblaery. made facoiaure eaded Ihal. piia nanans Give Pery Sa,. "Esenered'orin,",'tlbbrîthiani casting ablala.d fromt lb, caeai crataflh, laaundto giveplaeiu e peaaty abeeo, enra Indusrilctan d Engmneertag Chemlaîtry. The par- 11dm sare coalorions eanrly irans. parent, exalaamelyeMalt,.amd pau. s n ahealitalt teri. Whena-e pended in a Pralarllve aollald, eaah as a pyaoaytta dispersin,, lbe bri. Iltancy in prmaenti. 010 Eetlgeh Kideno. fone 1 Leigh te an ,td Englieb ueidence lame meaniag "meadam dm00.."1 Il may br lher e man's or wm anta noms bat in aaaally the for- mer. Leigh Hunt (1784111W) l hosa frs two names of JameHenry are aae ud a n an cEngliab poel and enyiel, a aalnaparary amd associâte ot Shlley amd Byon.1 "Abat, Bn Adhent"in tprahabiy1 theb h ov oafahkipaoaton. 1 eeved uns avaBi Taros nom. yeare n go tn Caliornta a convitl, hevlag asrved ane ai Imo Ian-yen, prisnnIra nlne that ant 0f lbme lasoi new. oaB. A Jadge agrend, enys Col. iers Wely. betl alaI ibthelb, la înlidaner amee"the t ntirn.1 ped." and ihe p mer aar ene.1 qlaaed tlatmnfre mths: leu yeau.1 The Lite Chtries MJhfr.e ." A' (Impoai Oitevet.)m Massaloe 'neUi oml .01 th azfiiileon« amnair, tie aente, mot lavable Ose 4 liseB.eaalee ille Ua-MdI Iesibly thé graaeetai li op, isneesaff eid air(Cehéri Meaar.1 etlarmplr, , ,* m dclv.' "il lwayai11eeltla, feri a-s hman." 00 lalomile hy entoumies"fres. te Lihan ords e .p'cQthlle Ianc î,,dtecaaolla M e .c rof th. tela brai or i,,tre h eogiinatisgnu Fat0.1 it Slal a S.-aD,,.,,- hcftire iill deathand hi,. .t.Charte.,aMN. t'v.a,. -tii i.o pt tc lstrr.rotdeoa .l -ti fin, .o 11, 1 , ., , 0 , i .hu- , 4 in the -î..- ,,.,onia- n ,,o lniv, 1 1 ,.î-i i I'i-lDaptch. aKi.gtî,, J..tot, on AltOl 24 h, Mzart vins o,, ta Satzburg, .a) eupleola dsatth. lt aAstria, io t7ti. Whe hbwmasix1 .laiaad 'stonys holaliran cd. pearnitd, hia maanory for munie Th. tmpaylaeînàhlyat and atte and hi, dîticte ala acapnte oaide. sevant. laati11g and remranhorlag a diffe. Thelalir. MhNai , c ars i e ce o boia quartierofanlan- Mdilln,,Onnaci,.Hita ralt mpto.a o ianrsad his leraf, Ial bî mas ment masin a tcre but Oke mc.;y îahcn,. mth hte ittta miller, Maie. oraohseaoa..ratt a arme, olo.te prfor,. o the plana b,. -i.tadag..aeh'ala Pl mi.y. tieltectc ai Mniand be. men a. a P aU.c. ti l..1 tG-iraa re Teat: oatef Sacol. Ati .,..for thceemportcand couaiVien. yla bho quîaliidast . a laoî,ecn. Thenoilty ,viant wild ovtr t aagleîcsd atareir ycear n thbaî hidacoaandcîpaaialty over "the cipan(.y maeeomtaldttitbLietst... ltta tagician," as Moart mas a9 iîarleirnotîer..t.1 -10t.lledhby ancotpcror who prvd o as hn l. w ah,a , 11n 4 h, 0,4 tlas heo1tî, ntrlr lhe"mn- d.ebiaiiano.9 hirrnd Talent. 1.. iin ge has unal.i.e nitly t, nall nhîd boit Thte Young crodiglan wr. thon fr.tnLcoedueattentaioo îo..butittd avvayon atrimpaatllaur (ilelatoîaOign. 0.1 ttomay, seni.1- lhroogh Paris, London, The Hagae,. tai a aciaeytah u..lîea o hy Veîanadtheamusicalacentlaaof . q..f.d atr- -.. . A,n.,q,- ttaty dît..g sonneteo yekrs of trav- o.nIy, la. peah1c913,M lic. 01-01 l. While titt ta hin earl ltenes, t.s aeaîoy.d l'y Ihaét l.opaoY. t YonggMozart compced anme 1te ad a igdna,01o,ra.r11.yofiosymphoiesanad an operamblch aiNIr . vNagr at ',tîaod.c,:ttî, oarepeated ttaitullbonac etay &eSouu eqaly ho m«a apolnt.d îtu1th, t'oscn ltMian,, mid cri, of e'fim co -pt.eden.ta il tMaestro" Hoame, wba a, 1127 thet la SnlîOit Ca.- la, thoo rooopoig "llggerlo.' p&ap h C&nada mas irq.irc.l lt Iffi-prophticaltp îaid, "Tbis boy mil Ilri- 11Lim itaîlcetoit ,t... ffc ncueoa la t hoforfota,."1 tacres1tont Mentez Woaa l ,ir ai îbo Soilpopotorily, heavcr,orne o the ognln ampat. la o,, tcsoie. Fomthctime he mn lobse,. 19M, fi m as nrb,.t. i. aolcotccl, Moaa', effrs la ob. the oiio wàmhhrho ,l1 uthl lobtain bcurt oppetattent mIrecana. masti. îtan1ty hlrhcd di,he y the pati« H a lan eae'ia a',lîpe.. 100o f patrons or the opposition une.r,,b,oad llaLneoffavioarivata. Bock inSabaargâteo. h. ff.,.eo Limésr&boti. bis, ailtbeîitcaa t tic age of lteltyo, biotaad aamae.ola apaet.1Ot ,i.oî. in"I ncttanotleraht, nituation. ti.abdrl,8 lb, il,. dit t bat _______ caéîry 1. he. ect. MrniL-n eae. Fr..,. thtelune, ht, te T, - BuIear.aî Rug Markest Je rîthel.actve, l Lliotfllie il Lits5bCo-hbSir t't Ciel,, .n»agmaiz. an Open Ai, Attractien .Lion et 0artllt1 bdl..ltranttio. Th viccde.,.,et Oînht.raat, Remords, from tfe dematof thtelCl.o e in 1345. 'Th-c.ewî.otofettraVctera, in ne1 la a ltî e, r.nthc, c >Nir hop er store at att, bul la tha eepîitepe.irorelho ~*~ oeir ale..fthe river front. Tber ne.det.,redPîacl _fet.lIt Il a, .111 largc rLgS ire disatay.d 10 pros laretîleîritîîî,.r...-,t. prîtti, e ottiltare oetatlong clofres. Tho e tnesat T,eito e,. lire arroarement, othite smnllec aey 11- 'a.iatleni1 hyisilrankasen orearrhuait from treattlampe. 'h. l.te..yîe-ev.l.iln.d hý.ea- Thc deoigtn arc hoth hrilliaalanId .ilqa ltyOa.'raproel.aflttoà ni otic, monofaI h,em e',renm. olfidîettrIecfCa...dit. bhtteicNavacje Indla, cagie natd _____ in Amtricoa, ad lry aas ne mer, on a otit Od th, Boanepattern lviceinthe wohitediectay. Menl HERE ANI H R o h ok nrg n oswe -1 pcnsattartaît have oothing eist HUY IN IMILItON t te de. Tic..thcy apin thce11,001amd wcave iitloitheoîarpetsand rcgs An eeffrtla hettg madetalevvefoîr lirttttheiicoutry isalaoo. Ia 1 is à 1et i bat.. 'd.Rumtania a gol rog jaecoasidered T ooIrlntt.tD- ourl -i tO. tîton ieta hoputon .theafoar; lat. ....m a t.1 l.. tarothic ioachaeeerrhaiteil on Tlh .tcttaioffeithbrai, 0ni - i.the1010 011as ataprîtry, or "s IL (ltI ; ee th. dlctr,.. oasaîîccig forca0hiedor a table. A nw bndahi itoho racei inntA raigitto'hiBcîhacîi aod la A1.10hîdtte,,h~'0erad îhc R lemmila t iies in gypsy VeLor. Parituie bane.d, ithtinld dncing bears. Oe ltmîrh att.ti-clietoO.îbail Ethîgypy aihaa, an.d onae hai»ngoed cot,. thecanimoais ..trt te perte,,. n Soma of the ,meat imprtat,lnIe e' Od otilgticr 11hmagie a la es bordlnlLe mdyr.t.t ,. tltiefu. Cypatan ie l,. coI etgel IF yo.tb...aetaîî v..iie...... l, alvin.g in titcasyla,.htont lactl ,bir e.. fi . rl.taio. tne Iing of troogit iroo ork. Aeenoraîiemioli,~,,o Thir .t,i ta vrt'goid. and 0one fn.»Y.t lei. . attct.: t~o'dcu1ewY", m 'aoeampteof ILorn. itiog theOtohomesbaintaBoaha- T i.i. aîthiot it gote!-i P.-Iaret. ONTARIO DEPAtRTMIENT 0MF IGWAYS' Mida, Velbcataa Bah v, l'I-,7»ý Wlna coud bu mare complt. thion a combina. flan aller fluai gives youa ocinoice of yoar fararite magaziner-Sncla yoa your local neumppr- and gir.. yoarself anud family utlsymeuit aad eetaiemet thranghut the mhole ynar - Why sot talus odraetagu of thin rsmarkable off., tliot muons a ruaisaoving in maeuy ta yoaa? Tis Offer Fully Guaranteed- AU Renewvals Wt.U Be ExteMded MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY [7Pk«:»ýclip ýLi« of Mavazînes aft" cheekin7uýPýubUcatiom _4 ý.. ZW ded"& rill Mt coup" Srefully enUemen: 1 «elm * .................. Plea» mend nw thé Umè magazin« ch«ked with a men subscripUon te ym butn. f..c..or.lat1ya rs. nce I sa LFloaermmsfap Beit n la AM .............. .l - filsben lsdtyl at gana i l TRE5OR &..B . ............. *........ moe ha ba t he o m o ftt ns d n la l _ONAD RVNEd.................. mawo h otey ndatier f thedl ....... POVNC ,rf.oTh e laadir of id h _______________________________________ ratedo utao. T hr gtaa e ad ' hiaiow ,concellptionî of hîncir. Bal nu ongetfr does hahape antia pince of rioltncas*the ena d __ ai a mla tub t laoathina0fre- - ____ oealg bctaotp. The terhnique ai gtana bhtomt ago aeomp'ls~A llfT CbT.,., '.. shmedthaolrnnutan, b. aas.1T rAYS TO IiuVERISE-mry It andu ô SELECT AMY THREE OF TIIESE MAGAZINES SNational Hm Muly 1 y:. Caulis Mani.- 1lji. îsdm Boy - -7 on. Hm uMaWanae lji. E Pariai Mg. .. n. op Roi luBoys -16 No Amio lguiitrower lji. Mm"W»M«M- ~s~a>olÇi IL l i.l1aleht Le h-al thacablif Y..ea. ."orC e. let. uilielc-hilhti m-tort tha,. , .ode .1 aool.. . Reghl110..W. rekilt d h, 1.1ut t Riahed Li...,,,LEc l L e . e h h ..ebcng krk,-IIin, A.1 tlamr..h.n.oo.te,,.apie, fnlp atrlomt lhhitttt.. ,y 0.1lt la in tilt. A bond --. -ca, 1100 puî-! Ibal de y, racih il,. .ad Oaatetly d-aalri'y .. hihe.-y rt, ilac. adnro .tlî-k. If ratî ulmactd 14 h, îtý.nat.,Oe fplO ...,chanaltneet. he 'aatlacaaLatilce,p. flgha. adqtito 1h.'thiaig fore th, tiraîo'd th-o,, rI,, bt lh., talt. a.. T1.eaL.11nceu a...i , r..OI.b in feO...henrd",ee1î.. l.n"d~ Lie, dnîa . Whi. te UD.dlîy on,e,îk.g . ct.d la n'e 'ya .,ud "haIt't,. oc th enrelît. if, Idctrh. Oî.lOhi h ma aerylty iala..Jli StI,.- A Di,-Enlsr A sl-oalerr aaa a monato felcr himatly monna fmd ad di, th. lne a esdoro e rsa.n..TO., caslam al oeecommun io l paria of Engtand d n te i iat. lanof aStiotta.d. ltooo0ycîh vil. lage hall lis officiuati-e,t.I mhem noli c ao gir,.. ao soon a oa d.atb corred. Hcaitîoc et lu the hulanada toasteteltm farot 0fc bthe oinr aicacfoodvo handd hia. Atrcetngioand.drink ingbîc ronomaned teccoorndail af h, deat.perana.for litîttihe .Uce pamoîl un oý el. Ulteatm, Odr ai Maenalî Itagulates are a, îrdctof mn mata embracing att tic iîîfrd t.tii mals,,or Ihoan llîOracterzecd iy havng froo olfourhbitnuits or hanta on~ eaah font. Ta thisin -o porant crdcr hctîg coctof e! i daanîalic aalltata.attîia. thc hanse, os, nhecp, geat,' pig, and altt lia dîe. a..Icope, holtato, eabn,, crmet, lama, nraffe ta pir, et, piant. rhiaoaro, hippp.ota.coî MOImy ofhere. Niti la celp tilaa, atlthLnaguitearenahechot-. aroua land aniaas. Lusterware Wae Pnpular in Ecglaend Ceaiury Aga Luteorwoarit.noyed a greaaivague in Eogaid ai e hcginntag ofthlb Nioreetîroli naîry. Altthlb, Baf. teedohîce pttcrn ,oade Ite. Jo- ioh Wdgwootd yrcduccd ble gahi 1111cr as carly as 177f and hisellver la 1780. Hi, lutearroare t, disîla- gutnhedhy the iiîh quaaity ai the body. Thiuas aassenttiel 10 a sr faecftre rtian oaghoan d tlaa miark of fiens in att goad tater, Spdeaad toter and ilmaepro. dlcd aiLeeds, Swnsea, Liirpool, Broatoogton an.d ther, place. Togh oîoatty îeeaiderrd tn the class f tiuesîc, 01111of lbe Eng- toh lutaore dates ftee,.about tI20 te tI40. Te totronaeîlecs, retatea oriter in h, Lt, Ageles Times, wecccchaid ooealbî,mar ad hy tha applcation ai n tblo gtac of nome metltilaoxiu.. The pricla ia vorynoataaion* mhichi otie ailhttitctay onat- rd wiii tir Prian..The nrt mn. tury iy ite Staffîîdabire colae, and proided a oct, for,. of darora. tht.on hihietote e haanavery Cradit tl e uottly taJoho Han. cîlk of tic Derby f aîl'ry ne tht erigieatorofEgisohttatec. Il mas ot log, hoacticr, bahtrc the pallaca 001ot nithelicStafrdshlrc distrcto hot in tic noreirn distrctcsean ml weedaîîratig thetr pollary ta Ibis The varlety of deîtraliv, effecij t, toteîotor, là Cary groal. They map itîtode larît, bands, mattltd cllecîta, îtootoîatfigulainwhite relief, reverse panels ta whiab draoottgs c, inscription ne, trans. ter-proted ior the gae. Theat tier,, ia the cottage tppe af china wiii ticeîorgtaae priotn of Faîfh, 1!opr and Ciarity, th.o the anod Child sroa nd ienforth. Peniaeed Sevans, Retilvs May rulig price o Idinnare lic tic pnsiî,ig of e, aitî oind thi Irelativcs. Thene psy. mtt.clar made lit lt10reticld emotptycro, ays Cîtiera ecty bot atoî to tho desîeidtdon f cm ptîye,aof geneatiîra ago. Oaa miahaajahi olir idet. for enî- iog anetty, oa mnt hona grat-graodctter hdbahea, e,.' ptîycd b he roalîtfaanity, agrad that thebesion couîod he stepped, If there la na idwntin ar path nmd yen muât wati n nthe Hxphmay alin homard tIn, trafia, not wîlh t 1Wlen yp a mti homard aeiaamimg tlanGc, yon mn mwatch every car as it pcoahesanmd th driver can.sen yaneDnt riaf yoer life nde0 tnrond. STOP! 1