"0 - ~ opa-os- .> 0 O ..0o.îbos-.., -.......-, r ~ n t - O rnpoii O- Whma Tam Sa-oit TomS. garo I O CMclcV Ib Tn Wmmd aiSi VOMIMI 78. MILTON, TH1JH101AY. FER8. 3. 1938 Hanw meop" lita maccy TScla k Or sPyrami&d a s Tuila A crocoot Sm bava aa d ofLlgItA" od Radiance dido' nth o the f bababys f- IHadaChamu ur atGUIS Titi babiVftat oim ierAfiin otlTheFçeacli as tr.The aoclaot bltcrlaaa cavo -I UggSODÂ! MOSING tobuy on.. l bd isitteWhtte pe= l laserré17 a a"-,Soiaignorr!dmmnt f therin aleatacd 1 plalo lbe fart tuit ! cmenaitross o pu gana gS ug rd, nd a B.DyOAIS . ASIRM lbntin..hepyramida waré tomba, albougbr MILTO. ~O e oa ilciODM t* d LmiS8cdO hodc. s fecrlccf;ataa-l yroad lido. 'No are caliof hers. Tho avolutan of tbe pyramida ~~~.5oaymr ghtta10OW Oil domwmyu mbmlala&o faa a laaly pinter,-Redisses.' Dccty l:ytai n oot h. maetabaor "boach pyras- .ring tukt apcally bct s vaaspwtwanoautioittyaaAragc EiRhat1to10a nradiacca laySoia 'lit agmod cama, rathiera' cmile ta the griot satrof Ciha- LOW ETURU FANES TOROIITO asalnoib pchiobli s "nblIhi srada luiaybfd t th t ie - aStori . thebq omin, NEW. oas . $1a03 -eao. maav)NT oa oOa alO'm arla.Milabraia coaih ra ffccui ~Sdemuacrycfo r tomba, aoccrdlcg 10 anoted 4~ -5070 Oca l0O aimas c rtlrro. briaglotthe.coarri taprvat liea cmbr, tabther lhe bad me a aeLgtin adI triotah.thamae in a alamty. and bhaa orraa. lirar c o. The auccYtilt cf thé Be horbsaai la Grm arhingon arci. B«au» th.ecLOc NUM - cc .cooa:: 1r.. iany an actor ill gow falnt ai Teoigial al-rod. acordiof diintivea ocO. d ii deSa Harmlaac la Humans Waoblcgtco S tr. sccaudiifc 100 RM 4.0§..3-tiZt M. iffetoaine aaa nrierla he Indianapolisua ietog im ie ci, "Ban"1'llgblolog bas offied i Eytcaddot100 I.,dd o cIvu tt. ang aumsa lm U.OioPasNewa, waa a waadonpoloa-ll a thea"cona 1010r'libahewlde gray placalio. docaraa riter in th Othereteatlafor oiailaa- »BR.cmiim et jj motll p, efflais wa caooectad wttoycavr prOvObsdad O blt f Indianapolis Nea-. Titalil OOfi Oronce anad carefully prolactcd the ~~~~audmmmaocr Olamt id aI6haAmMOUlMa taegraund by a cord or %ire.of la ffirlalio, but a ccmradaoblp 1b81 co aut 10doubted. A German or-onldy front destructioa by Iccd, OA OC IE Si. %Ll,!Ustim, ~ Ot Cty efthémaldulita amillio or morocof te tia o aos nullea fat dantie. an lb t. ubjc, by Dr. Wlher cragrs ando cbarcta. Tbalr G A OC IE p coyc. -br 00aclo rdis da zo raadln varicusarts made 1nie 'rlb tWhie for Wbar rar4ntcaiean elabarea' religiocn alto dcaaodiitlt1hesr- A" Wb W a Amtica cf tbre ancr flJ*g o, 01aEurope diring 110 bool qarerSoia a-usthe0aftglIM Of the0«atonof Il&acanoarpcrent[by vivra0Ment0onceraindays tacallr a.a acar=- o.a laof th adlcr ol. aro 110etthe iaon sctry. For a gratinons f ta-colalatrs. Thra tW"acacfdlobservera. Smmb ligblolcggflau ta10thedl 1d501@ , a-meac tSemontcoaloriac cM. tailo tbay %sers ccaplaloly aburiadame VnaaSidell of grand-sdep c= rodurlaf Ihoodaratorota la the ~ cjlly mtllodSb Adgutin woam-a ddrmi, batinla Uaaa mucbmore pre- eacfume, lard Loa EWlott SidOhO. faim et a amnmicaS lo all cfor The tomb, ho a 85, tiret zora reo .m1.ai a. rilc13 c bo1 0 dtutti rytouas device of the Rmemchoar- tevlb.ccesl. a-sbc ok ala-ct 11110 od y avavaglcg a fia- Pite, lt aii b cdmr ad -- __ ~a.-~.,asa5asa yPcc ctaco mra loaaad- ftor wu ltroduaelnlaFranceanamibit dlcsin, brdrlaf o theamnu-aa ia a ndamtar. abh lcbathoar p aa tai msmiaý s y Ponomo clceybde -. mmas rndVat ' lariyI httoagv sceYMritui ou ruyl h i rbav r ais bad a achaer for a mmc £BmO m etmcf eac i aosaaa a apt.cntymî lat o a mcîcl m rh oainsojtsas I att on arnt.agifa'Nudenr bambarsfort, _________file_________ iiasiaan0 o~alla.eS.Apmi mml.contry. Ths a alarge oproou obac. 5b mrc ors 0100 la haaa I tahIn1cmgfa aaamacbU pnl .9 9 id a W JLiT 4 .oao , a l a l .S asa r a d, fromiadl ty m cmii f a roppor car ecra.Th e bIl m ur 10 v iiblm m l ani r 5a " w i h laa lb .a w _____________ sit_.1 c st :p ~hfdia lèveaas pcsbl; ilamei.casse a c'Nyn Parba. Sbc as iremifnontl s 10appearsac ttsob tab a zo a loz crtahiri J$LiUU PuauuUuvk bry, ofImilscochanabn orair!aedodhThtvseyBoiws ared ntato myrmanfr eeal0 a *e@d@ abyu f h ItP y asel tD y suussum baIllar. aSimples or cilcr 1tonad-i- h a n a afloIa, f blag Pciliteo u at alway» e i o ccfyanori- »irvod as m place fer r lmlép. Ï _______________________ batifole. lieuSc, &"dinoeraeso gra outa "h le tof cola S- ary fins, f ghtaf. il in se large s»polcbeit ro -o oldl ______________ to lacoteaietdfor thc purpcse. dll-ycu b.ow, thlOc oa vai e Oocompaalaodby amng a ormtit eg b obcbd cf Mgda.U Voituent lacussios in regard to TIIAT bcoh, r asothata Sidlla mmadi. il dbasppaano er i toleld10RN N IN&S ïijrdbdd à 6 ddiilddTRAVELLERS' G UIDE. lie maria preamllod la Franc owr ada by .10100.' 5h. a-as ary of or a-llb a llghlcrack ai wllb mlood D bOb. 11hefit basialna15W ARN N Iaasiaaa ccl aar~~~occm.t- heou10 sbreak of lt.e'Nri mr, not balcfclavr ohralf. S0, ha- exposio, and Itimas hbah àthe h 0 urlal ras e o l cd cîbr1osIe c LtEthe Co Soc bu hc* abard about IL. caeaaa-aaatraI cf al 1010. marp-yenllof mioch cr IfItIboandIS 00 boili XSA! (Al Taiam moasiid nuhbs) a a crlcd toiWyne. At lcet asme rcascocvral bae are acctit romrdio.abvlbro=Oed ýt: lin fo htyamrolainocn-sh. cboc 010.à. 0AADIa A 811150MAIWAT Ibatwaca a-at aho lld laoc. bul. la tcoc. oil taqthe acoasesofraa ob, of îc1roc byso coc cO.U aami.. -9 Oa p- m ~v. maay Polmbooma Plaimbi tllicf blo, h. lochad cp at itoThe unastachad hall. dalyala 1 b ucmaa 1lcac C.E.cavcaa mi>.k~.lJi> 7.fam.-amP BuGr.w ina Plda, Martea a-tb acrbadcratioc incthe dlopinecf fccdttaas fo etoolxg 'boce.. cclalacuthe .par Ol Sa. -Emcpre Rangerbaucc h c ho tpearace Cc O per c'L2BMO,ë.V,"2... e.402 m.-Dal. gagIMurs thon 200 diffanai opoccci01ler gray cyro thaliho didc'tlibe-cly hy way f douna. a-icdcancd liait___te. Omosanid (*-cldtinfiU. 8.4p No-nuiyapitmesadal. pobsoammi plants. ccrdtas 10i caîl- haro hon. lri abie b cfilof he iomapo. hul ch. lbnocgh accaeîloke i to tyls ndinal sze - b a c c W v - m a to u ,. p n o a s m s s ît a t . S m B o I acer l d b l c b c c a . c a c s. T h ry a r a a I ol ie h a rc o o m a f.on - S a y b a g a Q r a n yHc tr c t o o f u el . t c u l I i c c 68. . E. jja 0.Ia.m-Dltp. Isau. an calilvatol la gardocs but thecheîrka eoc lcmith senatea colda ya v cco ai] tcy rSa oroftewloa satopnoacmo iIltr c idc r maloil, prot aId la fields, hPnd of -or e i alur.nsacllermcgo10 cono1 ta he cdol Scocfba -r-kcwda28f 12.Jm.m.-Da . marihei, Woods, or aloag tbe rocd- bxBfccxIeeiaslicc m tc uc cdcor.Tru o rn eNrd hc hv;Co . D -SON MLO rbsanZicMIO,., 1%id. rrto rd adlcThytahrbalonte te bn o eryWr -ecaB- omne arcdacgrcas bcama thYbe a ablboefs no tic ase icns b or ty.ch a<i bcotc tcam:nt ____- ITI miaa o-a - 7 s.-tMmo>... Ga« -.tw7.m..S .96p. I .-lp.'ay 10ealn by bcmaco, partcc- acd aahet îjodhrabfaa Ytcah. camaaincmbhucody. oy cchHappiess lacetbchecend f 1its: arai o. ici. <lise Wmm-.lta.m. 0.10 p.iU. llay chldrao. alahon bcal,. boey bcd plrxty t,10ta rat inko~. Th e hsaaldY haracternla. Flua-ri ar te b. a- raetentitplat nl tibo-1leburi~- acreoccfh mcn o pytebls s hnst GB rmded----- OAMADLAN NATIONSAL SAILWAY luIras obcatiaithe fruito lr an a yn, xrope îcr Pbi- siena. cal bSent f orgtopthas C to coco mada. cc . GION 0 00 00R0 mmssamca. are attractive. Adccdf thr pilaads'na. ut n te pr osf a-apom- tu Uac 3.eaca ise, Fsl sef-crgt incl m oto. Tb. Iofcclf Paylalaa Sil crgaos &04ii&W. 1 1. P.M.. polooos wbac calcohy mac are: Sidellli a-bIblber cl.aun. ocldia- h 1 .Plhl udTlore 0incm.body 10 bllavo la LSs-oftba-oallcy - A culivaiend mod occe. and Loc Sdell. ailb lfccay secl Octhc Trrctcry de-ao. yhclau cpprmcn. lt h151.J.W . LI 31 OIN 0"______________qp._m._or__&p-reamental of the gardoc. lbr mcthly ncic froyles, 10rY parterocnt y prsona a-ho have dc ealeal âtdeablehavictcliacI oJ.O I son s 78i.cca- ____________pokctaed-A all crexil hrb a-ancpocr oweve a-arc i lieb- fracded the gcvriin rcoc ot onecc 0w1i ogîr la cioire, asd ai Pàac.oaicasatirommlnalarings, cpanWd sle rIasCncienceaMorley,.loturor t doneitoa l aln oula itf. The rosi Salas andt Servce Prone 171 Miltonu, Ont POLLOCK a& INGIIAM and log the bordcrmacffa-col.. B«ýmtecre " Th otposi spr o h.- y -eOu.baecarda Sodtie b.hecnal fcxd ccd ccperdrd the mai la oneWhtal asfaacx-________ oacaccasmicOaih bsmotpomctca an c 110'aycrai i xghl obea hao siaacycplher mnyrrecrivcd ccoaofor c10.re. butl cornfo bie- LEGAL plaat la 110 large., Pohy moiCl. b- 110 cnxiantie oftly tc acurpriselir Cncinerrmorey smrxtt hr fed aIf. The elect arale -tshotI. MO UMENT S9 dire maemeacopoiccccd from ita-mhcbuch of cchid. Sha a-as ral tlearcoucsully ren o sIcococi acd tlb. ooc-aect ara thos.a-hols, D G E AN11D D ESOTO W0 I. 010K Dsuaa oquin& hmt 0brr.. l cg t. liber lilirdko*t 0htosxd dollars, c yncx,doeaa-c.bcasl 11fpcm mas.oOmos Imasmar> GALT. ~~Mo.babd-Flaicts cltlvaled liicg _cm-Plcabticfes ercl arita. ic the CcleveandPlinicDeal. tilt mac gel Il; and tbon i in a lente 13 oel o n îpa GAT iis UONT?1 ha garden for ornmentc. c, riolrts Ihat lokc a chlbu- c. Thetotal asooct a-hich thco ears ti en tabwicb lb. bIrd d'cmassassin .mml.mCs ma fKl Rdbcb.ny-A ramireo par re- oxssa-houa b.oulY migbîhitaopidi ela mccr ll Icf havcfowfa-.Th to freiomsvceadaifcin.Ltisenn àw..OdW.aL ahobutfalainicha-cudacdso. rooharo, and abaskelcffrtl Ucdoi- mcdlaicorocOîxfai bIitae orolaf taa carry 1.the rasbefocrcoc.cociaccoioc dr ociol arî. Newtodc-ccccý iB.~fmotO.io acusO. oT. radfrutofloibisapleu.ciibl-tmdccmubatn. Ibr teofirallbccaxîdollasa-rldlitre AlaOs; a oioetrocp .olhtrpmox occdrlrcoc.Nwcg Om&-u.no, r U RNE R rlov.ithe white bmannry,.1ccah'Nb. o u" 10 sciolafn c vr cycaly. andI brcd becealb 11fmiland tagit fit are jctsa lxdollars c ooe hao te Icest price.l cars. I. IIUTONINON EssoraiDirtif Thomu appa or .ibaom z-.ad-Ac hcoy. le uscally mcbaca-c. Thircocntribu- ounnicg mac ooarearbm acncaane. 1 o i ,BtcioadArdoiaccccnt Diocitar, Solcitor Etc. and Emahm escu blmradin cd lia lrtad .Scnialc I nca-ier brcth manply. ticn. range frmnta fea- cnsco ll sa omuei a Icf. Th.ei. ,ycu mono>'. Wc are agents 1cr Canoadien Tire Ccrpcoaionc. I ___ 1 ~foeldsondmaI tme placrsoncx igh aobccfbhaaahred frconasem. lbcuadacofdllars. The ]aget cmpiyof oecrcclry inthbcrmn- ___________________ ()wc»NxtdorUamin fiCe "Oh, h I, hrelrlhed. Theseameamvoi00r naccîd iconeryecrmonccec.eofchmeccst. Mcanar hima Oamt-Mbl.cs Aoni1crDaW Escra DmhOO rlllycaicssa. esomsincco1Ia a c htla girl." cosciece paymect made hy hia icg wat hbey a-rcallaI fcle ori Tolphca . b. iFces68 MILTON.Othbr pantsa ta goard agaîccl In-Ho 111101 hier fsaeuc otaol ite. 00ha5a-tacoihslox, brngicg hi. soeroiag la lbe ga butcre. Thoa cha__________ itslb aatan heamtock, the Ecro- "Doc bacc, oebokedl itla$801)(10. 'Noclbe wtocorn remcdy peocple a-hc lhl Sccdcy SuEEELTTpablhlrea-.t.the otrintoct- cricsaly, Ihat pou rctld barome atabnt relatio ta tbe govrococaclieha lamspcxcc ta lpeouat an titi sine 6EO8E E ELIOI de oreldrbers.aldpuxplo fai- fanons choOOh thc.ct acuorel h mcxry lha frît clcI of thoea-aok. I{O sm.eaai. Sclilar lIousy pubi.tv. Im c Ict more fmocuifor my acoci,1tgpay, h arovenevrbee ourni î _____eSNAPS-OT iC.U IL% Oniu-l Famer ttiIMagRMal=-pot roamc acd my teramernaguseol. aWCI1 omats Buildi. UaMain f lI. ape," sie pcocicted. «If ycu 1km Thoecusuel conaciencecotribu- Ulmlry cn a Mga stexl, ift. Fre$1.1, AcdetSIkgua,1 Gi M ci l Aenit the littîr carda,.Jtocgfati. l'octint- tocs, boa-cr ran.anismcmte Of aAUIlnIfcctxy tttalios carry totas TÂBLE.TOP HUMORETTES % wepbo. 70 Aumile, BIt. 01 Japasmase Festivals lOf hrotfor amourdconccoar-Isol faro'dolarsfrcmt formeonrllafeacclora flagal. lbe kiogo coer, acd -Asoa the ment, fsirals cf becacca. pu.istiemrisCoIccome laspayeoc thalo eflmndtal conThe fumoda' IN TORONTO pur jjcmlaserofîmmmci conmscae ciJa fspanla the 010. Mataur. 5 a-Sonioa-ae irrlerant. lih bhal. Il a-ho cbeaald a lîttila.oIta heak. bking&s-cIr. as omo>' ens..Lci . th traditiaoof bstheinîol' asa-ca clofg beot'NcWayefotatd Th fod balales181ih a cep-dox ncoely. la madecof craoo J. n. CAO*ELL, M0A. . W. 8. FITzaISALD Ahikaga dyaasty.tabos me orrs Ouct hea-horsfore cf thc 15.1 h- triticd xof $il. ail it a-thebbadgeocf ide reflmin Saola., c-Ies, Ncmo1t s,y l 'itPoes5dl digne; anda ich aSi t ftha Silver SOdIGolde a l- caus-.~ un it Ihunmlag granaeuclan a mi amcaoam cs îm cca. _______________-io. la-o cf.a rolectica f gelihe Tbore wac a bmhy. A dibaplol. croma forlb.eCGrnadier gsrdo _____________ ln intla Kyoto distrit, cys pixt axd whbte reproductin f W m inbiblStage h Daxlan Stan forte Cnidairs=a a-Otirt.0i02. Lg ha NM yonk Tmes. Tbcsgh ci.Thi s fiacbeocc-Thc moccnblahrd cdn laithbogccrdsend oon)ca. Thebo ragbaac. mbas ald ymcimnita. rtmfersao flotod. Axd scil ri e i dfr trs' ui n ig ntlicOlcr ina aunio. jack it theit talttepavillonsO,mre trns tecrcxcerc maththe cce bal hatmuetaI auod 10 camo f ail tlebitallesola intîit progreu ianofinm.uoi obnda lyocxlO.anhrncarln1*~ a-s o lasb msc clsfi en itngihdHâi.l DENTISTRY i AN CE ir milieuseastaMar o rgesofrflckclcxabW.a niars-aglator. decîmoomaa birdma N UR NGE wsat ri ate edolkrnoe rflet amx yStr.H sag ihiergioceclIaas th d ingssfleria A. INOrimolacocmoaclhla Olcoten sofouxdlier painting lbhe la-c wre hie cmxn, for hle jxicxonljck a-It a aomat nit OR.Uta E.a, A.usUa.Suiai Tmhelhial cf mol b. apte cîc kclSol rlbrca -stda.at olSeo f the miraclolNat cure.'i nome of te ogbaacl. The rafi. DESTAL f1150505 plata* (n a pa.lit Ibe itosoaJapcc. cllonce ighx ahec 'Na ynecame bomea ai.al x finocoager he octergtal c a ho mmm. chila OUcs ta Ss~i SsUdbac. ilmia. j 0,saldoal poigeand a.labard boarara. bsod- vry tiret] frooc a bord dey ai thc bdi. lI'cpor a foger.'Iteoch orgocllfcao -i 0" inRya-Bidmg Mltnc.rly coiumed lnithe pattenl f O f ufice. Thora wua-c a ir f oup- Inxait Idbalowr lI'tas-onit clthe bdge, mollo and hattis honcre. 81. am a a at.ammmd. -ia desfoo oho lor. cr0.n. es-e erecy about te bssh. .btaa-iwdird nanWcd dereg<occtsihavno cccla&I z.amKsmeio aeaomc ~ ft 1,~~f ~ Rdedtmcharios ta 10h. C hoc neWayneoaiIcL î.Soatie mal 0m a hoasragocesih f tbem wa-thosl omt -_____ Fs.s1). C5INOC [lorsa"aiaIKycîca former lapo- te d1r. Shc batty îîo..ted hfi tmg a t10111cun alsrbo a com. The.FPar of 'Woods OH 0. F. E. BAIOOCK oome oa0.. tun is & s t. ralpdulo asi Ih dYmanoi oerooat. Sbplantaita t _____ Scft a-old ongaclu tllahy awi DZETAL 011010 a' ~ bject la a 0prepiliato the di- tv srr riefor Jyu.-'sMm rissola. ON Inmtrment cl c birabta lence.ialmco Tb-%- e~~~au aof tl bi. ilacia oft. eplind eadicg im dom thé A Olenas lavntion ea cclo Isnot woracda a-llunsscIas-clas fmio se. ectiasa akmme.. clA aiVfl 00 soc am, mladaintcars cannIed0 hall. Ho fat hlm oes.gaiddl100ua, las aaot 4W1 yer. al. But lia mors-bld btintlb.hfas- ofofiesa1. soai,.pAaOla tdrm l, a-ocod ",atiy 1,Id*tIlh* pl £- T IO. Qtiuc mavauoicO. -kibamuiîo c b ooImrmbc ohos-brlbdcy il wa- ias.m o, se Ohe0=00 011010 is O t' the gaiusoof a Rmbandt or a ficcllsîht boit. Ecromara m' scondet aI.t6c Toi. 5 vAmi Al kids f Fcslir? &tamto. A &lbchginma r rag boiy. hocra i tec 11101 haecacroomi tans«1. à.,"fg nd ual-galas--r oa- I coobo-.wePua- -rdaailmdl laides.. 'Oa aldSceMB §Loir, Paalbor ____fo__ 1r hlm 1 etertaix. ably the Irit amusical lintruments. tae psublis-intactl aa the .cdlptor OT amateuc x oa -iiccr,k tocs-e oltîoî.c, ol le olxxic NIELSENci audi ~dki R ij&aactfCatates"Oncr. ca-c. lhc eul"s-t smlsillegsipoptlur 1inaclat cmoldais lip. 'Nrds, smccbormi Mactl ccii 1000 cnd c .00 îiîooîcoconîxî.,cl hlca lb llspatoi, o; b a aio 8~Mcm 1m, cSch ad cte He .aa- Resicg ugaixil s hugoe GW4@efa taba,. lai" buhi Il. ty a-s-Illoc.am-a d aymircraire sittioxonrcîr îîîcb . h c n lsc o ho iac o f cicelior oaxr Slthmuro picilu. V loallu e nt M clMaet W& -fr l. vit a se ruiof Sua-os sil .101.A peli-- i»ra loW dby Alicgne sas forcs-.'Nritng cd Mpleoc end hie ,ap thce htior. cilscave00feulil 01100 he i-ols-cthelic oîlilg Dacaa.yeuxTofacmoérapa.Eml u RritcousZaIta. 4i 02 Ducorasanilgreap taeioteflia orduo av, cr f cthe baby lbxlber îlllcpoce- 'faei lum. The chary gaia .101Iulocmal o.enULiwa-g limaI 1>100do cot havetc lBcib-. he focico 1thes-ris->. Douteses TlsýI.. X-RY Ron. Torntù. nouacort. They areolbof. borublotb lonl incepait o an od'Atholia Ihrowrcta ain toa ua Os.> alf o wthaieoctdvsala tbcy c000 dicocredte c picicr. OP- ci iriaiii, w01cr cedîld. >,2ta ô- 7.0 .81ti. Md_____________ maltilleIcthrougb a-aterlns hte bulorolicemo. bier lbcy fauce o- iterSoeiga a0i iroao uta bar achior.d itheIaurofaor c ada." orulotmo ho s-iocilgadac c 10ri0.0-,y 10 gt. pFifoxu.nllc.kOlh Ifmciac vay ar Torsaoof th faiam fr110,ta rao i si]aîlllbg moiles,lier mman, rocie-petl iface a-asdialrel a-i lapcyitg. Wodar e osthe -o da mae seOsem îo matriasai.trexa i borhad. s-cielt csco; iai>1000 .0 ____________Star,____________ nion hemotea. Thclr adroxI dm1es hcxdcr000hiog for tae luira ilfluâ- BuDc licaftme a hat ahast n hotlli fo us-ceio and hayplacas. 0lIt.lfc stuis. ocfrut0100dcfcoo ccos. if1t t lroor cr0 CorDcmito nostmtruaa ain a dcit c cpra and oc litf dc. Iotrgu dMryas. fcuadI Sied R ua- dbairioe tocard as dopeaisla oca-sor f 1the pIayof lici> co te.. -ll-cieroî ocr stId a c aPi--- Ph-a o.e T.0G. RAM8HAWý yuuitg recasso bY àsa-a1rmatofeom Leifb & dacIcord, thc btg plsoch- heoiaepruiciodl mlii. in a largo e mamurapotheaWa-a id, te cxndciomocr1,1oesai-0ce0fgaI.11 r.c-fdcO 1.1th ,111 Ta F. CRSHOLM In R~ydm. bhnoeifb y an ml-sîtulor ti. - ite gigglrd tappbly. 'Me.birn loyttladebc Iplne.Tha> made short a-orb o Scofool wasf hrrc llodaab. e omabcs nitmti coe fth~1e wr 101e ulu. eas-k ciary el dccc bObott VlndAeino aias d i ao mtert edto ea edlcg aIt hoer P 0 uoane. BuI old 101 ba Janeariam etic id dccc hy IOur oIs rt amral lac. The o wemoero rcr itre corort 0f cilcg.rcloorc ejr1 Por laton onstr 17 aiend. a rapol cal. Csrico lbth gs happanlc rolîxI toaei. lboym and girls lmomhool ocnuaIiI go mariun g tf rough thayeara la rîcîcrîcî compoion, . raOîi 1 t alhîr s utoP , ico tcO fh00 0ce, phone 9ffllt ic.if - SlO on u hae bu"d. Thubccgb Spd- ýWItpSciu. h.iedrelsrel. ofal.te madeo aclbotcoilu. Nom- the lirca f all tal it bom m îatire cla-îî-cosgcc p .lctmî croofe sod ion 01 : :..dHsMILTONdancearxalfgh- ho alierhheal afainlbie beartnrepcmcxelhp coloreitcooneincontctx. 'hayoaoptait; loacgOOoad a wilciiobilte cr0rITcehiadtI EiMaS >- ILONbardit ahcsufbl&rouncd Hlsholler. Him acraranet reolily bocle ahirb ecîilî ,lip hoch anda-hex ycc colla, rame.bao te toil>d atsllycrlgt. Wa-c iIaft d x cile,11 initial anee Wblthite thcca cîtSYdl about lier. forth as onecasourlms. 'Nriîlex Ilt- creoire power of tacrdomasThID 11 'Tcblc.fcr' phlcorarbo perolto Ocît 0otoa tiO cl00>. Boy IlUs.>lam an rapolaaas. Thte na-I-I 11101 aaot 10 comocercilal- tort ecd cumbri arceu omad lih a ver Liclaf. more ltitrde, particimicly w0000 cocd ile olOhoms-ciictin 10r tvscon danonamirala h1dits y a îcc yccr bubyt" mbc ld him. "Be- tft hrushanddhlackpeint. The brun h eta Ie ahmro. iIe ht asntdm. COU NT Y 0E I-IAL..TON ollest. Tbay placea a irgh ail- aideu, ili ycse brtbday Iodmy. Thislahuama fSue pobotfox lolicule pr.tctc 'i l e<lîo icy cttrct - OA ORSCLN A.198 ve cinint la .fsb f a Synlcep our poctaxl fnooc biy colme. f lellard and muot proc i e l i- ",.ThOc Geol ON dmp.. rllrthcan ol co hranorcrî. 10r. alnO <o b" e l tatth LOCL OURS ALNDA Sirad &flotekngchlaf *l tb. a-rare goicg 10 frooc'il for pou.' cd 10taote te aphae ith titl clsuh la anuc eiè.lidanccO rangmtol ihtabitdl howcat hotocoarber 0000 f01010 ccloe oi prononce of ja. ama 0: asspots. eeillico___ IL__ Yec.Soiuccs anoflrrglc-. The linrirale deigu. in yo ymestemrrcosuf yo andOteres.rcin 0 coocrc l < cth oi jco. lHc ccu do 1110 i er Iu j la- to iera oeresplcticely eocrca- minci.Il ihowsla ite mal esfa table-op00' a-nr ox it hil. la-c ma WY.: rlthcr hy o.1.9 Oa011, yor roomoth. It apeaks In pour tanid OOplm-ycollderO.irdccor Oycug ac-ml i bait~t..îomjm 1~~ Vailide allcmpls 10 prescianv- lauIsghten. Itla aridentinlayouo con t>a-0. omuhic.cctcoitod rlo...C-11r9 we.--trt I mnt hil s 'iect onst; in poux loveansd uduor- cmailhiscmlstlhmroeoftOche later lyeail>lo011- h-1 Basic - bIl.Rai nom@ mi a y licauelfnhg- t,1 ouft.iacIf. a-ana Dot rc0, -co ri l thc. hd rs i s blctOateiny loi c omism et.o .aaaramnu-m aas avouriteTe thluaeg oerin . h dua1onarceay , colc ttoua-.iî>. photre anditaIhIctual. hacs L. oodsm 0ri.sacI.0.g.tOa ills>. . .10a aaa smcmlue s c if pou posh rgrefuyofu *'the funuy flfcr"ofront rogclcbio-fOr foctsiof and arrctglcf thc pîclr. cmssslti-cdf0 gn ae aod Oad des. ah tiufla Il eel e. cda clrot prat-la-li Whir O ntdalO . I ta - pto pr lO o.9a..» .ac.4alara -.'îeh.ipai hpou Foe AAf lhcm .Toccrootanmd milb.hslo odolocllay nl- gfaleinc tasbed Ouf. asssmcBa.emmdcîiseridrss - ..dcaqI5hi5 bman cf 110 sirpstela-makcnc7h. omu rwca-ec.cbriti yoi he"M10 tbem o ldel aay. bdl ottn . Tp"cil.octl. Yî'I 10 osm. iassacmccbcelOitIsuis - 1 m j~thrilu and teRame beastitil Mo- laluc oor170 rlc ocm job ol. va Gandr. nu :ermt0ia.ilstop andi mallessutsas-.thoc» hoodf ski iirOss' sandl bexipp md nori -cc. mdI__- -0_a_____________illa__ Rend____________ b"eIet Ian.bollia a»mcso'noom eomod nyorîlea-t> >0,0 have aliecd ,CS dgl Opccler' astemene.Fcd ougt wtla hIla aUil ____lai.________________action__Pic 137ocder W. I. DIC I 1110e. VI"tateol laa ..PlatsanMarco l i ,for Yeuar s uasoidspa- ObaaIhaPom. mI aclb ltaan' mioul1h01ui UdathI uai r& ;i.&VE jO RENEWED 'JOUR SUBSCRIPTION? m