Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Dec 1937, p. 1

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ï.8 'VUa88l9u&r-1TRE r W-ÎDW--- 1 SAITU at.u &1a loge U. O. ER TEN f" o 2 ;7-9 p..., o by ap. PaoSn8 uls m178 - 1 N LEQAL W. 1. 010K Plf IA. HUTCHINSON I- Main. Sreet-Miiw, To.p.. 4. Ail à SEulEE. ELIDIT 42; J. V Wu,-l. .M8' Pbid9. 0.11.. BUr.t, 89111. T.ieph.. 70. - IN TORONTO0 i . I. ADWELL, MA. w DENTISTRY tu1 OR. 6. A. KINO DENTTAL BURGEON - Ois. tuRyal Building. Milton.. T OR. F. E. BABCOCK .1t DENTIL BUEGEON cu. ay b,. P9 . -.. "d . 88. UIO '.~ '- T'. - , . w NIELSEN4 ' T Th*. Chlpop op or 24h ymof ppa,1k,. d D01..TzA,....-. XR,, 2 to56-7.01t.iO p.. OLo.... 09,8' Tu"., au. O.., Doaia.a8 t-, g.ffE. 48899N. uno. 0 T. F. CHISHOLM 2î LiOsnfffd Auctloneep b. FoRit.. c ... y el 0CPh,90.21 ph, o.8 MILTON , o COUNTY OP lm LOCAL COURTS 18 . .. ..d. ,d .. ra fin1... 0 ,1 -17.... B* ab :_9d8,p89a ..1,1 1eue.oeI.U.Sm~ WWR t4*i#uMç#T# U~es.loe~u~. *AL'W. 1ho.a~ ~ are .ad hi. pi.8.-i.I .,.. .un Ied hoauy t180,.-4ed In 18819 ther com00m t 18i. CI A- P»t Ph,.. EEiEee=aMth= -ha r W e rs, u 1 î~ 1 Wner 9,8g frflad 8. 89 îta 196og. 98 8090.ert l .O ail ~ ~ "V -,taO vev moloUtie 8epemban u - jPuet hn the oel avi eligos lire cla, um 10 lrai, t hesu cisa-te isitdoo....-, doveloporente ire s ve.allowad te seican of.to'., rlo.ut, of courai, no onekowe. 09,98,8 have . utsceler9or19ie, Warka wit98 areo net99889908. Sm d uwrow. mina, 1W8tohO o f the91980 *tiet~.o, weeor mm and litvs ai.. dasEven a eSar818..g 18p8788y m lee If9.89 9are8serions9999998, 1989 They re998 91919.rialy, 98. 11,1 ____________ h s eewls o ooA *a38.' lIn» of dretin.e n offei.g 9te egode and for d. 09009190limai,99 tune olesean fial 99199 1.baet se1 macIth e.e 6199a8800lne heaytaîi e,9t __________ lm,__ etthe89 op0 " 0. Da0vidlbg mediie, aodi.g a09l joeî8oi0o 191989 e 9 98999889 o90 918111 89 9.9 __________ e t, Con-or I. Pursoui Loodon WekIy. 091919908 9999 9,0,0 1finitas1In ,eueoo .selec, ta arrange, tu factuelle paniA~ o'osi e mva or m ~BY8001 B. C. brewi.ghioi.e.8BThe geat ma9iae crm o sud th. w990 Iller9 look 9,99 i 1919etar99 d nd 190890988"'18 9nini. - eder toileh .e uloMetl l C.Ma' ni« nc pome .ailoo.a large seI.. la0et010809od tatoislaerwithlt942 Ta putil anothe9899999pleures,9Yithe ue ci hie crut91ImagI090 0,Ulo. Aumld el, olîhIO me, Tn. Daneld Webser d 8*18*ai1 to UmltoObllgrall.a o av o vthll o pe s1 va insi8*ii.desaller th9e lldap4 . blu doni. 099i9a199e toryi n liaon99ta191 999 199198198,9991 t0ra1n89 ugli. hshomeIn Mandifie89, Mains., 81 If h rds,199*8"Naani.800 EgYPtio titre, althmugh otler in o- 980caeselil baso00909ef09000d the 99,9,0 999 111filet a elcIaosi e. .AtemebLle,îEtc. Olhl2,15,a 8 g lo'-Volohp- .fr.,8 maoinahepb, ho. r e n d oma--oo.8iderabIy loier i 810e1 9 as n9119et91 019oî191 Too10801 1 9.9119l &Il lasso. of luroo nnaîte,0180*. __________ 99h019 ,,,d b80999901 ytoiThe .Ori.89 Grueho îeamed 19ev- elle for tle Iestivitles. 9,î persans8 Ieginn9918ta199e0litCellefo9989 09999'a 90I.9au, FI . w..FITZGERALD l0hat ilo',8ant nlss obeoay n9g i.gftrainhe Egyptians, and the a. a arra wou0,9l thIti fllk909l99d e9819199909109nd0feelingand.ie ofie Dari t rihon'. Publie iHouse aD,,0h family. In HoIIoo8* î,w. 'dm1 tRomn.e.aigu9,8* Glatir boue, G o eRtlaRltv9ar'd a p a09989,19 îî 99919 9Iapc tion0et 999 0imagination'*, 969 o... 1899.9.01. 0 es 109ter9in1th Chcag o anstO Opel ButRo 8 one.Ra .Remiv 9 90îhotognLp999î,', 99 oeniae I99019999999198 0. 0011,99 99.a Mu H o rti' itradITiue lw db pe uave eatailler îî0 ~ dmpi.od Il1as0acl.op .ol,81. of Comment Kangaroo Rat 0991lft-fa ,9, 1fo9 pl919900 omade and Pansa e net 8,1 99 bt1 have 1, ma s oie na ean adg cai . t he abetonsI lazeVnn.9.p- a tute for081,9. The Gaule and S6808 ThegoertI s e lative Vt lent00981o189 , Beau p99. 0,99191 of0 a1gracia9,90f11908 cm 9liegioooed fr0ont'varions publiceBito0n9998'0998991of it1 le rep ed o 80f te et I i oomoly inda vo a.d 819988 0990999890 1, xaust a 8881 0 texure w9901191. 019 .990 houea. eîo miseoni. villages and Toror ' 991 t 9819 'Od, YSU R A N C E ta., net.. a writerin Pearson'00The,9o ololîd Cana"ienî,108 ," mornelsoto alei0,asre0 o rditblo10O ad ore i oute801 00Idahio ad Isamfas0,OI ina o rmet that. 19' o uilliriO8 0dlshueB1are London Weolly. w0899 aa is1fer 90"199 ed" adRmnhsoieso h8ieO J-Nvdw8hlacvri ihwnd ht lm.Tismrncnrs. e trciebt aeenaPe Many of heaze eoeleci91 utfamilier. In France i t"S. A." for 1.OtiodEurope,OtheChinezehta In ibis sand the ratburr908ai h omeafcl on n 1o9i ie au880999,919t9101 9 9obreleIenoahall,'cerner, Flp, Atomoble, DeB lry o camplIment te the 98188189kin, "S'ociale9Anonyrne " TO, taie,î o th ,89898eJpo,,hdol,18 of 900h.ho. 9 991095 91199.01 99981909199918899009699 1090099 . or od o1thO me r.a~9 "The lu191 ' .' 99South 1h..,. 19090ndewed 1908Om daptatio ta ihis eculia envi. go ie t file rails, eur999999g a99 îteintai ail 90th e seceof91 819 Étui Gila, Aides, M111h. oB îoar tresthebadge of Richard 0, 02090A8889,, c9e. The Kîffirs of South Af19998 9008890-081198 ho9dIyry 8 a9iter90 train1th009 1,onain,919 are MlleO' 4,9,08 Ill:"Th Bu 99 ead"of8999 9109ompnie ai e ve"S. A.'"1brewed*a 1198*o919,8919908n0millet, 8maronna1 can 11, se tOt98ilol fir- ltnloO o ng,19,. s999,9 8whitefines; F8990 lowG id0089.1my VIII; 8and "TIe White IHart" f . 99010fileur tag. Il1 p9 99 9999999999 ,,8 ,oo0011 muniy, 0999in F. D. DEWIl.ipoO,0e" is"A. G"- of"Aktien Ge- 9In*918991090 lOoR was net a a881189mot n allaitwhr. 1the9senti la9 bisoîOI9, 099' 0898119ad-t mhuid e011 But,8810a0 F.D.DE A T. "For80andlOo..urm ad "Hors sellaschti09" Swr0r's"A. . ali fn bfr h oa o- r" orirorflr ok hrve osbe i ri ottanytrel abil lot a M. O« 00 .,98141 aM." as.9 and 6onds" 0899î81med It 9008911' "Alie , bas "Jp, Ot"K. K" q ilî, il0 lait., 9,th.- bei 90181' - Il, 1eOîond 8mes0areOoo'ily 1 fu 991choe a 1training of0 91,99 8,1 a, 9Jo '.0 01 ment t a spoting suireand "Te 1. fic ýly cs8od atd ide9. Th b"Pr,98.10In 99ther .ordf pparently woesJhvnOuilr WAANTED Ilto 19dort9the"Saracen'8 "19999999991l90"Coinp1 nias ra999 18' . 9li8ya991g0 Rn A 8998*"080 Ios9a08d y i9',9899.194 Rrth t oyalsamoise Car Mu ch ,8,99,18W89g9 19 89 lle hi 9,998908 9 1,y09have 9989990 9 in 9st.ck . In Lik. Dog in.Ile*Habite 10 tant, living ina waterless8*08090. iW-801 aiRomHuit, .St fel , w8rs. The "Chequers" la 9991ai 19te 999999999990 99999999itrtie.si 00te9ei1' TIe 99999 9190890 90t, 080990 je Il "carriers 100089 bile"ro" o9988 id*Rage. We &eo c o I re - fers, 99099t100Suart kingo,909 li01Iy99 01u___ eg.. F1... AiI., 9019019 99 9 .99991 9MaritaliOO 988980 808090011 0.A99 1e099food la the R.nd.li' he1 1e j« or hleld y,, "9Iîrhy." 90919 1988n91,0 ,1 009l 9o,11,8 îahed roa88llierby 110 9 i,9 9 A.801 1 099th 991 on 001 8198 en, Markopet Mi:n "The Spread Kugle,' bing th'e89l1,188000 090 ol ,, 99990 90 *,9.Ti m eer80,4092 Do,0888990a9mu5of0emayOidiatdipast Imfaoig, .i neof h o,8,e pets 88.90 avec9h189,0 Dodo, 8099,1 This9 ,Toronto. daya 98,8 Germen, 9veines98re 819 0050Shd Mdo1f08* lesi. lo ,1 the m0 ntd,888001991,8* 999e00 ,9,1.,eh880 1 hich.T9 ~ Spansh ine wee sld. mad 10nar 98r." Th8y m901la988108eCleveland 1Pinî,Damier9. i8081Puits8ad*carriez9liient9091818* OH'T TAKE CHANCES a Sha.os99cela are vry rare in the etfl oreswl AE IET*ECNIICI 1= lu 899l àt W f0~!,icu9,lt, lke"The Goal nd oin- c98 ,, 909,0919 09898110981d90999-î 0'O1î 0 . ie-IIflfi ,- = g a88ed 1n the Portion doy. 9,18 Mgazine. The 9,9998919î,o0091911 9 11080 toil. 3, 00 T1inr99800eI ".') Ieh.e v..l-mig Tho MagI ,08990919, 800990h89g et fght te ibis 98999o 1,199lie. t M cors. . contact. The Mg-tO, 81080 081080Iiter 1,sa1,99 1999 have9tabc c90,9990ac-.bas90cerai 09999988* 99emenait8g881 In failBais E, OadSame-A T AC I E A E 080u80ld ntl hetuitis8ued te9t u 10asbeuf o brdn ndfo9 Nw or, Boson9, W919ingt-', Montrea, lantic City i, ,.n 899ldmnoI=, tz .08o.. o ,1 8soucientMediaad Permis. TOe ,9 ,9119 9919 9,.10 0199981 0 891g998 1o.TOrya poece a eaai e g8019999908inIg oîîloio îI,î o hn 6 toi9 braie 9908d90 9198Magi o9198880,98199 bought 999 99 910animal. Thero ' '9 intelligent'con d. el98,..:".d := 8 alh, f 988 i,%9199 h0.es h.,ply mgl999,t99090 pun08999091 9î9 matches d08 Wll0090.99collier- 18Chicago Tibune, a ,9,-8809d9 0891088h 09'W0 Pm.80 royalty; 8the 0second, 1akncns,199 us,90 ' 'a te 0aen8. Ilaoyal991te toeil pg0,e asbiga 1$, 00. hi 1,o n o't th o9191 010' 0999, onpphttraining8900 919as90 89198 9 iblIndin ousins,. The ami. .1. put . essai. ne8d train. inch 9,99999 1,8, 910 strngt 1an Inlisd888891 , hbits and et- ormaie.of an0899890Carthaoge 98f T .mso- i od isi udw i0mwatd te ,,,. li os oN î, 0-o. Chdld. Melhior lensald 1ta 88809 09919888998the Sa9989890cet,oed- A191908 810900010 1in889. an1 , se-n .O blLO "J0u81l.0 "80t 8118980".i9Id e0,,, 1998 981 a Ou808910158Georgetown 809 iL 120 10999CoTh.Gerg uilbe il, 0889080 ver "king of 1981"; Gaspar, o Camper, ers sa , o 89,0889990more 0,0c 0900ine Vthon"AtApi, in the and 1901 08. .0a nu fn,8ine09ono809. er n 98 IfyelMIL.TON, ONT. tu n8V9j8It - 09tg8.91 th" 8"the alo 0oftr9 lbes> Me890198mn9thn " or'en h i"traiing, ine9 Trofi. I ,i 80898p8tss.8 u,00 laa9o¶09o elle88 thora 91" O,, th"'Threa Kingsl"Te xtnl00819la98888. 9.0ring1il8tends0u.9199098fi-8P0'nt mi0atiul8l, i heFalat0f hein,90o 889wa le ,. benam- atyUfILDEFa iat fSrn CSUPPLIESRS SPPIE ma ,810 ti, ama99i8880de pi8190101e919899 9999,9999991999998'ph99 ýinc aril, lidasu y et. importait as09 1 i990008101999099.10011'9990 ,,90981.y 90Y 19_ . 19080 e pl BrhFiesTy eeMiie aMiue hw h, in n, i -,ad9,,o0 999is99. 88919eephants are 919918for9train- mi,0 .. . ACiclr0riat yte ntd9100il8ai.i9098a19910ng h8 i arido frtn Celit8lhl, 10%ý1 ,lspGyrp A pil ici, 190 9889099eBedFI patientes8901. oI,'I 9, 1999'99'9 00 i. _________ 09.9,90 0"mite 9 9 98 ('oîeett,îî ,etîdî 11 Ioîroyp9, o11l est vour8lry 0 us 1i terward ilwas hownirn.988991900999ai81008,0allerf, vins8. 8801 n18o138, de,îh 9f198e9animal." Fnr Prompt Service Phonoe Illon 49 vetsa1900, once on he w nghe0999991991,, 91 si 9, u 9,98 Exposition 890Constance. H joined the orra 91199010989 oo8lo~ î, 18 ids 9y ai 9gher ,pleeds 10on lîglîl.., «'1199 19 1-999 r '180n- 900t9e 8 919f888809. In186193 9e er b9i91de of theBorne 199. i a6,889,i1tnkpatinth9999,, ivl a 0?fj~ ,,9a 150 9ai the18 89801098909*88. , we,9, '999999999999899008908A8î9,,i 9WE DELIVER or et hos ofnomalMilais bu , y, k.10 ' -1 1c1..199 bronze10 on9 file01 Uniono9aide. 999099990 1 ,,8foa998.f0C908a9ll80.i910 8990119e091899891 igOl. bo ~ , ~î,,1,9,oIy- incluîog Gem,98 lie.089889999active 81 0'1service eoe Oin 0.. I llla IiI999e08f e d 9îr9090~, ,,.99999900 91e 89919691 9971 089 1i. lapolîe r rd99108o,,,W C ETNMaae l- e19e11of81the0 288 09018oA1090. d be880019 î99199,,l 199,, ,19 ,iA9988O0e898lt99se19 9009 9f91000_____________ lT8991. ts1 -991a-e8d .0 19199.9.tarifs~ .910990 991O9the wry1O11866d1 87oo,0-7. Il w îh90089. Hoo,îotrainîte fgainar.C.KE CALENDAR.19fr3fod.Secnd n Gle Gae1,9 09'7.191 San 011, 989 9in9189 . 1ono ,9ser ray0e 810109k 910mort 8899.10.890s i Pas toDea atDa thi Bt a98gldn88ge 999e-Th980191001 f Th Tiik889s9i0988011e oue p erou99th,0801-n0are aido v 'e, yieocmi 1100 gN ol8* 2mie s anplrre hi,' be- 808Rodin <90ise991inRodin 18of ,,lîlu il 9mii18999009mode a 8991091roisthe . ,91train 1t e ier 99.n 0.9ha1080.d0 by9 per8gP199 11990 1 "sge ooe in ,80 Cnd olol, ovei. s c ,911î Rg,0 o i88to,90 n9 The0 19990,o Ras:9808, 98 8819and 8car- - - - -in980819;p00 b10 e r90 17T 1917 ta i his frt airh9p. I the 90d ba0kta9theopen0fild,98891909i 88,Ca aube IWO_ hoN 9~~~~~~~re corne 8 the 'aav000199.8 99'909909889980990 10911e ,o88991o90.049 990080,,919 i CAU NDAR-1___ ,1,09 , 99 A,9199381. Zoppeho d72îilesan h8r1919. 99880891.rsroi raliez9090198*.gann ro taprennte loI g dnpoe 1' etI chs_ _ __ad atl1a F idrchhfe, oo ete iis81. Ne tcJf>sthe maximu ), 62 1heaWOt (verage The R si 9891ep is t onzî r __ute________ uh hne eprtete S y aera 999 ooo.10... 8oo911,ae Vie 9,,eident ftr.to 01 ofe191 the99,0Massachusetts and Jao.-le. otble Monuoments le Lion,, Ciey anO8 Pl oat E pV oh o e I 909809v999,08090"08999889II88900998 9909990 In Li, e ruvian capital Co99 0199 Eypolgoî,p,81 ni l ien o i ,y. ,eiEIthpiriifoooiiStýos 689000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ er 099,0. 98 0,. 18813-incIoded Aaron urDant. balace999 9090res0i tal ,9d olo 19908 1 h, ay t.00 e198 l , dhodl re.8 99081.0090000909 îlG.Tophoa.R919M8l989.10,9991c1i000. 18l î99Y901th88o.Oh, 19108 11, nain et ,1 P . Bre.i908989 909189110, 20107188 ColOs, Ad- They w0889880o09 ads o e8ly. aidentst 01ole 19098190n le e Ve- Iha ty Cmeta l s ao u 1 8. t lo dy- 000999. 80.1.001 .910009L0.8 l,.ESc080o099,lA.19L1lthP9o99Pu9lh99te9~88îph9109îhfil 80O80 9î0019919880lire0009100n8990styes1ad1ii999 af Aoril ol «Il uf()atelie, [0 a.. oi E. Steenson, Grrett A. o- L.,e he apaise rops of he Oral m He is9hre, and he fiaien ex- C.s e when l9u cr9nchthe cris ByodrW .DIC, Mlto, 9,11 IbO 9,19081n ble o0he9F8899 Plk, Buohoann, M amu uwe..um1 odore Rooonvelt. 09y 08d Th.- Aianlî,.and1 ,penr91the 00100 19 Ooylo..4ai1 1veallaao3peri09891. 0h8911199908081999 11990819heEgy9îian ruler8 more than 30 centuries ag0 Ma lyoe do" the aol.98191. 7.40.- &41 pm ffl ita- M&14pm MA. -il

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