Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Sep 1937, p. 5

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F IL . U Sturdee, gmeralPa&" bouger agent C99994999 F9999. Inoor.~a"i 1833 essor, 9a9991999999999tu br L . OO 99999l..9Da99sur _____________________________ Morose____ th. Canadien Pa99999ai st99 John. N.B.. lu 1993, 99.kha9. cu 909 Company et9 Toronto9. , on- mi9, Bouton. Seattle, W-.,9..999 - -- R9.9.9and V999ooo. Halton Live Stock Breeders 6 Prominent at C.N.E. I Ballon le stoc09k 99,99199a 9999 /Z *9i welI1t the fore ail h Cana. 9999de returnest 99 ibis county. 1u 9hn, 999999classe., P. ,C. Wi11999999& J. 909, 9.McKlUn and 9.99Cre Wil son, ait ot Milton, 9'99.9 9.9991999, th 991999999mb. 99999199îte tais r the999 bord9. of Duncan,.Campbe999land T, OR In 1 919h9g9199 d 999999199919rncs.191ud999119P9.99. Thin animal was brd ai Campbell91 rame an 9d 9ln9the opinion or 9999.on 999î 9.999999, .99991 vu9,99th.99Ju199 Douglas . Prte sit d 9. 19ly9 9B999 date ulta. Halton 99999ort C919wi Il 111 basit 9 y 1,edr rees yw. gruhop ad u o y e hw O~ w.eGeorgetown «y lu theonIndividuel99 i. ..91 TELEPH O N E z lt~9oi. ai VJersy sec l""' ne * .a On weg9t deys and 19. b. . aîp ly 9.1.- Hall-9Ii. fr999 . e l .~ 999..9,. pt9.ays d99fthris soay99.,owi Jacted muet] .A 999.99 r,bo ut. F. 9g nd9l19 .99 Btabl. .1The,9999.9999.99 99 W wY 999979 bc99 doue,9 on 99<19Whou sYeu W. 9. e 999.9.999front .9the at felnog 9999d t.9cratc oi.ph or bls T.L9919& .f.,,,l,,g 99999. 9.91999ds..& 8 no. Vitor Lawrence 9.99E il!@ greattu, bc abl to &hop 9 tel@.99.9999 '&9Son Clore.- .o9 phone. nd on9ine9des tonand9.. John l , A,9ors & .99...P9 9 le9.9,999 9o.& 99Sens . 99. Shcp999999.d your market9baset. .e Ha 99.999e99999.. 9.9999mode9o or9 anima.9 9f9r 9 . 9.99- filet 9999bor. - 999999 . est99 99.99999999 the 9Holstein9 Theh.. Iieorgetow- .i hi,. .MITON ON. U9.hl 99th9Hui.9.9999.999. î999B Gubr aigeorgtwn ramer S o.bMmdTr. cmaig .MIL-rON, ONCr. .9.fortunaty 99, 9 ne alet the big fairbut 999.19notefr 999 al.9. Cemern, Lime, Shardwll Plfanter, Gypron A& phat 9.9999999999999.999 9.9m 99 . Shingles and Roofiog of ail kinds. Piste wlt 999999mc99.9.999.99tu9field 99999and9 fri. 9999 999 .j,9.99. 999 For Prompt Service Phone Milton 49 Play9Of9.9 999 eu-9te -19.1d99.9.99.99 Colin9 and9W. L.. Smith9.. 9999.999999, WE DELIVER 99999999A99.999999.999.9.9.y 199. s -g W. C. KENTNBIR. Manag e tgowl999centre 9y Pt',999g999.. 9999999 9999999999.9, 9 999et 9 d9a- lu9...9, 999999 te the 9999999999ut Infant l9paralysie9ln Ture.9.9 Nov.99. M OTO R.JST~Slave Mre , 9999999999 oo 9.9..999t99. We are Agents for Canadian Tire Corporation Tire.,9 999, 29lr. ackTay orý, of 999999., Batteries and Aceoe990yes, Save op to 50% on >9.009 .ceIW1.ýd l,.9h.?poGe motorîng need9 . 99on 9a99fil99h g. 199999,919 199999, Alma M99999, Milton, and B tty We have some resi pood boys in9 used cars9 Rvas, a ermo0, -ep.Jnn m 1 137 Ford Coach. 1 19359 Ford Sedan. T ,, 99týbreedr ad compet999.9. fi. 1 ,l9349.9ev. Coach. 1 1929 Chev. Sedan. 0lier. o t'"d . di a.ny thes w. (a) 99999bave9999199999999999.99999 New 1938 Dode Cmrsvii b. available i a ea.pk. i » sotogauation,9o nul.o99:999 y .o t.',. t) PHONE99 171 J. W. HIGGINS MILTON 1 ÂC f99f99.9 _____ lUi 99999m ~ '"»91 Ofm . 7 l. Danchaur 12.05 ..Oh, t - P Admis ,.o, .9 r 9It Pays to Deal at Days" . 'Ba 999s sd bro«For999 d. Frbot veather comfort in the kitchen use aiu"acaW ,s 11buer Foof9 Ob..fo E raFica] OSeya. Direct contact wth entire bottom 42; . 99h99'9 99.9 Maket 14 or ! 99 su9rfae Of nI tenBii together witb a perlet mixture of 111 9Ia .A99Market 9M2 ' o iavo air and kerosene vapor givee maximum heat with 99999, T...tu em minimum fuel conaumption. t jThe long IeNoe Wiek requiren a minimum ut at- AT tention and gives yen a dlean, ateady, bot bine gls Iflame. . mi PHN 8 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON j ,I.yocu Cit. I-*.IB~9 T ODAY you have reason f0 rejoice Ebaf 7099 voted Henry out and Hepburn in. The Hepburn administra- tion bas replaced nismanagemene with gond manage- mnent, extravagance with economy. It has repiaced the unbalîiiced budget with a balanced budget, cbanged the cbronic yearly drficit to a surplus of over 9 million dol- lars. le bas relieved the drain and strain on taxpayers pockebooks in nîany ways. In the year that ended Match 31st, 1937, je reduced Ontario's gross debt by $33,098,165-39. How You Have Profited by Hepburn's Policies 1 Gant, equal 99 9one 9991 on the dollar, frot the Prov- in9 99ce toe9.y Muncpalit., bas 99i9.v9d Municipal faSpayer9 99 9the9.999999of $3,000,090. ZCancellatio9n of the 0999999999f ax wiil save patrons of the theatre, sports and other amusements $3,000,00a ye9.9 3Ontario is granting a $5 reduction in Motor Car rates 3that will 99a99 9919999.999$2,500,000o ayear. The Province 199s.9cancelled the 20 pet9cent. lrs.y for. 4 merly made u. pon thcIe Counties toward the cost of Kings Higho ays, a saving to Municipalities of 0v999 $2,7009,00 99 date, and a furcher 999ving this yea9 of $2.00.,000. 5Township Road subsidy ws. iicreased to 50 per cent., a 999vl9n to onships of $400,000 per year. 6Entire cost of Mo919ers' Allowances was assuincd by the U Prîovince, a saving tu the Municipal TaSpayersofve 7 Mu9nicipalities' shace of 0199 Age Pensionî9s 9999 taken over by the9 Province, s9ving 0999.9$1,0090,900 a year. 8Payment of Pensions 90 9the Blind of $300000. 9Aboliion of the Sudents' examination fecs îof $170.000 9 sanother wor919.while saving Iliat M,îhers an9d F9.oîlers appreciafe. 10t Rates for Hydro.Eleetric Poswer ha9.ve. 1999.09dticed tu LV 999.9 9 91thesten, of $4,800,ooo. 11The He pburn Govrrnmet paid relief charges outf of 9.999.999 resenue instead of adding 919999tu0the Public Debt tou1e paid for by increased taxes i9n9the futur, as 592 the phicy of the former G99rrrne99 More Sunshine Budgets On Ocfol9cr (.f , yoti will bave the opporeunity of shoow- i99g Mitchell F. Hepburn bow mucb you alOpreci.1îe 1is handling of the Provincr's finances and the 9admin9iIsfra- tion of ifs governmene. Mark 7099F ballot for the9 Liberal Candidate in your 9onsfifuency and work fa 1i9n by a safe n99jorify. Thaf's the way f0u5sho9w Nr. Ile1oburn 79999 wanf bîrn f0 "Carry On" with bis pro.gr9991 of tax reduef ions. He promises înofber -Sunsbiîoe Budgetf" tlois year-91d >990know he keeps bis promises. Be kind eo 799999 0590pockebook-Vofe Liberal. Carrq On, Hepburn 1 Ci VOT BLAKIILOCK FOR UAL TON Clo ver Seeds Weare buyeî s oaCo ver iS e9ehis-- i h OM Alfalfa lRed Clos ciVI kuand w cet Clover. Send sunp1)I or let lis,, now I' I MN'PA what you have andI our i us ci w illcallii SELECT. SEEDS. PHONE S PIlTIO\ ONT.et 'Il 1111TT.1 b W î A rýe 9ale r.999199 l î9Il IESTRI CNAD ~ 9.19.~9 ~ 9999.99~.999entre Cpca agin fc9 9 I9 . o..9 999se9.9 9g1999 9.999. te99 e ba a, o9999l ti_ e, - 9 9 e9 9I nt9999er l.9.s ESTER99 9.9..9.9999ý9999... 999 a99 à9 9999 91099..SEPT, 9999 99 unT . M99f9Il99c9 999.9999999 9999,9 _ t 99o99.9999999.99' t 99999..99. 9ba99I9 99 . .9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . . A il 9 99 . . 9 91 9 9 9 If9 . T .9 . 9 9 99 9 . ,9 o9 9 9 1 .~ ~ ' r 9 99 9 th- t tn9 nd as. -sit i9 o99 I,9.9I Gains :,S 0PT .h989tIh t. 0(7.9..9 _d 9.pr9.999.99 9.9. to 999999r9t,9the99 con-99 SLEE In I CAR PIVIEGE A-.8 The Pless99 . .u9.., 9vos, 9 o0cres-.9999999999.999..9 on .990t,.999 99 . ..999 , 99 99 9 9 9 9 l 9 I, p 9. e. . 9, p 9. ~ o 9 9 9 9 . .9 9 9 9 .9.9 h 9. . 99 .9 9 9. . 99 < 9 9 9, , 9. 9999.99.9930,0099) in99.9 . ngc of tb99.99.9 as.9999 99999991 999199 9999999.99.99 9999 .9999..999.9, 99932 99.9 ,l 9.9Fa99,999 a9,:o A9999999,plo, 9<999 9,î9,99.9 9 99.99..99991. 99.il * 9 ,oa9,.999 ni9,99 On.99999991 C 999.999.999.9nt99o 999.9 .9e.9999.99n 9999999999.or 99999. Gond9.,Coch, .n9'9tI99inu,8 99grIc el s99999999999 9T9-79b0oa999..9. .9999.999 . f9the99 9991ile1 l.999.9. ,n.,,gl,99, 99999 99 99 99 '99ý.-,l9a9pressue i9.ex-999 SLEEPING9 CAR9P99999999 of lisper square inc about 9 Iller99"nt ii9.9.99 tu99.à9bc. 99 retseein an . vlurl9il il et. l b te99. par , 999 9. il. pus 99 , 9, 9.lr . 9. 999,9en 9if .99 9. 19n9a999, d stand999 a rd 9* .9.99 e,99.,.,99, s . 9. 9 9.t il,-lu e^. 99 9jal ..999 99..99 999990..9 il9909.99999.f...9.9999.9S9 9999999999991.9.-U9999999 N T ON L E P M N =hýIo ar es ureaCOMMISSIONds li N A D i A N P C F C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 999 9.9 99 9 U D R T E A T O I Y 0 U O I I N G 5 E N 9 N bc.. ai __________ 9999 99.999 9.999, 99..9.9 on.9-le.999.99.Il .9d9Tires .9.99999..99 LOA 0990 999.999999...s99 In.~ 99999 1 . 999999999~. 9,,.99 20 PCESPAI FO MORES.999.9.9999 9.99999..99.1999999hl 9999W 9 . giAtthe 9 g 999999.9999999i9.9.9999of. the9. C:71= h h99999999999999î,9V99999,.9999.99L'9%9 9O99o.~199 *99Y97e9.99p9ya999999999~999 99991. 9.99999.9990999..9999.99999.9 _______ TrucksftiktýIýcl, etuy 1i, rtiharylere ail919999999999- 8 il Il Il, .. _ __ _ S o.F%.aax Al ________ 9.999999999 bout 999999. . . .979999 9,99 . 099 9 99,9.919 8h.,9999t9 9 F.o9,f999. 7099999999 . b9.999.. no FI9 o., n 9a99999999.99vol9..99999 F999 99.1. 99999 9 099 .99999 . i9 . 99999. 999ng 9r c.9999999.9 1 999 99 999.P u b n ,9.999999 999. 999 999 <9h 999 9.99. V 99 999.9. 9..99in99 99 i9.999999 9 99 99. 9 .9 9 .9 9 .99 G 9lea I .99n,,,n9 9 F19999,1999<,99999, 99.9999999.99.9. the- 9 n.NATIONAL9.99999.999. COMM ISSION "Y """I99 .99.9.9. , 9. . fine of 9 999 9. . br .99999 Ie ti g an 999igi,9 9999,9.. 9 Oie A IR.- Ad9î9CI 999999 'n9î99.9, 9.19.9 9999.99 e 99t9999199999of99 C9.9y. THE. 99999.99 91. OF. HE DOMINION 9999.,î,999. 0,999 999.,. 9t.9LOAL9BAR.9KNI. LENE99S Cha..9999, Pl 11.H.F 99hl0 h 4 )0 . 99999999 999gbOR 999 l9199,99 9. the 999 I99.9..pe9.99 1 99 il T9 wEh9h. .99 0,9., 90 r9 y td.. 9g99.199 9.99b 99.999l .99999..99.9.999or khah9kpi9 i9 999 9y 999199the AR Y'S GA AG 9r 99 fo 99. ib 9 .9.9 .99. o0< t9,. 999999 -lie.9..9 99 .19b ~o 9 .09the Test 9 999 99999r9.F00 SLE 01 ERIC ah.ai. 1. 9Ys Mn o I o.99The999 n99999.9999999.999. NANST. A . LTON, ONT CarsB&L Trucks - 99 -.dà--a wumT« Oouau5M bamoum aan, vdah Ibo su& eu T.amo, yeu am e axd ad the saralul, Moud!7 aoerv.o.iv.qa.. diue u tra"in te .bàma.of hauldung, and capable of servlasg Four lulerosseffzniomtly. Vo eaMer coaplot*o aiilti.. la eveyIrd.partzaeuaaofbaldau, lu. *Iudlmg Twavll.,a' Choque@, LUQn Of Codt, Suaits, Mem.y Oedoxanmd ]roui" Mexhav. savfl Agmosaruae gveaaf..f atkmtieu ai avez, sirmuel, - . y 1 E PIIL.

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