Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Sep 1937, p. 3

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Suppleinent to mhe'Canadian Champion MILTON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1927 Ath la OnIy GCeecn Wood TL.c Wiii Ecen in Ccci. Legs do ecciticcwyt cae ethe ccci billi. Sce hae- te hace cecte ta maie thecctec, ad cc -aed. loi li enet ececcmicl. Ail kieds et legsewili teece teighteiy if tiey ca c tted ic teshed ecdflitely, teeeedicg le the Mncetere(Erg.) Getedete. Actel e eetly thceciny ceed tt i cli tere, centcete greene. Siecte teltetcctteec cctie ,t thced cpltee.j Bitete, lece, Iteee, and oet'm-tch excetlecnt ic-ee whec dry, tnd beeci de te btteeeteprc-eeeantin- flatmalet"ccetth t cety set te ieceeelc-. Eleand ycte re e net ceac-ced, buctbec-atee ettee tteee c-ee ie, cc. i, aed cettet, wheteteeaee pece. Cecittand ecyesbeecwtlhea dc-tcttttccl teegeecc, e. tceetetcea geel bittead ttceeetehee eccet ta eeelincdeceitytbut it mustceet ee lell etteded, a t l pti-letdacger- ceclc-. Otd eectced eeee aeete gond teeeodd eleeaceleecat ecceli, bhtchec-muctec telli deced. Eic combincetes geed cembuteione ecthtea pleesatesecent, ae de ce e tesece derece pcee ccd iteet lege weecdec- and ceesi-ece Lehceece and 1Iceec ri tece froneteeetec c-te dencmceegeedhlie. Laege gaeeeecacce thec eteeeleg b.reeele. .e tese cceteusetteh. poeec c-ithe lidet etfceicp ce e baseete b aet heeec-h tectee thece ce eatdece. Iceteei et cf pokee, ccc tee.clec-ccg ecte t blte citth .ptceretbeleet. Hicincy ef Recel Pig [c Trcced tecîtcing Hee,, C-bette Lecn iccecc c--cc ethel -* A Dc cccec 'cti. cce c-cý.tt ce- , I c ye hce. Cc -cecI M. It ccc, eclci lle f te fic oe' l tht -c-I lic c c-Laen- c- ,ny a - i 'cc nc-cc-cc t Ný, ececcl ite tc --t ae'e c -ZeciteIl, i e' i t,1 ic'a., ',t l' 1,C l. ctIle'ct, nrel 11 et ele Iceceuc-te t fie cleeee c hec-tee tel-ciee ecet-bc m iit etd e ticet.ýý t P ee tc cl-folk eeec- T c ce t ebjel -elon- orib ce--t n" -,y , telac"'cmec'-un '-'- -.c- The ccc el etectebecliec-vc e E e.c-bce c-tie - tt caC h t- t ho rc ,e h-Ct aet- The cly ce liccct ec- Tbc, e eî i t1 e c'c c dei e tf cie c e-J, c.cjl týn t p taI ebc ccc cd ethe LIcc c cc dcceN l cc-cc c l tttlc depi.,ce cfie-cetcccc- d rC c c ct c 'c of b ,,, , c- te dice 'ec c-b - ccc Aed, le tul, cliec ttc ,,,chie ceCcc-c Mc-tîcc ne" inice" cc-l tele -odec MeeeIf. eieei Oiceeeeieccý- c-be - Tece ie ci tee lc c t. - ecce liet c-e clIle cdc-e ccetccletl cbcccceeccctlc'il t ,cethe te tcaecl dc, ola1the C,,.be ceiccede. -c e fc bc tc-e - e -te theeglc C'l] Tltccc lctsec th tabew l, 1c, adetc-b c-e preeeeclbi-eecec-cec-cclete, eue,, te î ,e tble.ctt-l g-- Te bg"Tc-mcled clhce tl -et and ,ac e -tee cee p00leC>-cd cce , h s dceef l,'clcc-te ilece t go -te ihe,"ecced -cd-ted" tccciecteeeieeceeeeeccd]te] cliedi ttec Ac-,ieccciegiett Se naii th ce cgc inDed'casex- wellecei, fNelef fSte WcOnethee ce- andicinl e cîgnificeet, Thedtcac yincizeim d ideccen eigurtce ceigectd, Fontche lcEgypil le1i0 , g p t etitile cc c e t-b lasseog.. Oc ccog tdctepi tiM em eeeofihe enh o olgca e lbciciof ewSut Wales.CThecab- I-c-----n irt e etl' Foe laFoun c i MILTON : FALL' : FAIR eiev ,c i.e.: ootCer MsS Fee I.FcndcE'"Sy SEPTi. 24 & 25, I1937 c-e1dthe lhciceeetc-- ,tl'-c-eeee- ccectleCe teeee.ccec-ic-ite. ee e , igttc -tie c-c cta c-eeabec part SPECIAL AIKACTIONS %?t- cicee cl't peeclth i- .ectc(cai lntc et l Thn.-ro th cceAel-p e_, e uciee-lttbcccctc bi eecMcccý.. 9hce - . c cc- c-c t c-cc'te tels t c c-ee cci TRIALS Or SPEED ee I -tc-cte eeheyId e et-cc cDlccThom..M. BCecine ci, goccc- 21.6TreIrce lceee -- ---Pirete S"175 -ect"Ie.ccc lecfctte -c1ce TIcdc: tec - chif fotee ehe ceett kCco lic-c-cc-c-cc.c 221 e'l'r hiorPace -l-te- -c-- c---it etc-cc- - etc- -c -e- lc cea c- el I - ic-cce, dcecc lWte tietecel'e t h Ce. l., c-Ilee-chcetle cccc--c lgiececece dccc ut o to caly ce iruc ef e -cc Live Stock lixhibits 1 15Iceep,ýCc cklanbiegs etc-e hLu -Cta1[ cecî Ne -h Abicc-eths ftc-c ,itc)e , -cc-cT cc c Specîc izoc es i \1 l (i-tee s Ireel ce ecc-ecc c- ecc-letc-cc c-tee cc-c cac- c ihec-c-cireclcl in tc-cebe ecccc as1 -dccctccct ec-cs cc I c-t of ]thtCeceteMtlceec-c-c-2,ttiIec Cie Boys' C-Ili Clubs ini Jersey, lltistejus andîi-'ct dil OPttc das(iCotilce cu-cefot -et--c ce e-ccc"cecee-c tetecec c-- cc~in tecee C-iecg hoecce er c-ce- cCe -c- e n. teeo. ecc ,shorrliorîîs, Bovs' ia-tilClub1. m* Thsý,,. e sl ipd1 'yb, hi S p e t'al teic-jliy Woiiiciîs tîlIt.iOLci Veork d ehe c teeeil Ch cedlcctecene -cctal, ce,,l -yeceec T heecet Bo -' aîîîlGrls'Exîtîbits. I .the- e l ime.cd attceeecee c-cc-tel te Cc-cc-tee c-be ce-c c ttc- ccc e , tu. e ue fc-i_ -t-te ccbcb c et Ladies' 'o-k, IoulîrvShow', Doteee cee c-cec eCe. ,ýdcccc- teýd fcc-the cb te clrnnt wetîl cee emd. to .gu cc-dThe l cee elct ee .e ta c- 111 Ore.-d. m et.] i tCdat-ttu ce Midway. Robinson's Special Draw -'unic et il'e.-t c--Tcî-cccceece-îdc J Te ttc- sodeccIlte dcecleced c-l'- - tccel thec ea tlcai.c- - f, o scnse e slis t l hu eet d edel t11-ec lectecc e .tCetc DANCE in Town Hall, Sat. Niglt, Sept. 25. Adm. 25c. dittiec-ed*ce nttionttltnd tct ccî- ci beece dteCcicccce u-c MEET VOUE FRIENDS AT MILTON FAtIR cectecece; îeeteeetteeîeee-utlecccte-eCcte lc the teicilite ged e- W ec tee Cege j . ,peless Organ at CN Ex. Bandshieli f eteececee cerets t Tf eActc tec II ecc ties ae i cce en th, esc-c e, 1 -c- dc-c.cl cint e eclcct htic-tcd e-ite th.t Sec eft Cuttc tlectc-I) C -jo c- - .teAmCn lgil , il., Pc InddtcfciaPcc-ete,-, 7 c~e ."' "'cc- t-Ilcto n ce 'Slta te eth'.d heceedtet. Nei ,,kur h ltcicleci-ei I 1tl.-ePeee...t ehcidepee -ccct-,cehatehae rcdc c e e tht ecc-e ta,-cc .'l n - Cc-le 5. c-e, c-cte ce--tetteeigec-efcdc-c la bcetîof dcel. ie d --ceteetechec 'Pticle, i C ou ti . a matecefteee cc-c-C. ,eeoe-t c-t eec-htci ditiate -uceetts eceici f"g..che-d c- -ed ciI of the Uited Sttes h.u tcde In tctee Id tccl f ted tc cc Tc t sccn ac-e tepccec eceedc Il ceteec e tced u tc ceeelett t the edce e Our te Heeo tc c-ea tc- ceu 'he t che tý ele dec ilct acci ttc ctteeetectetce hcdeteececheee fa tthte e t 1 s axic deeces etc2 i theeCutelmgthelee !tte e tt e sc A TITRIS ye' am inNational atcti ns nhe daily pblifecocecte - w " m the le adsellin le ce ntreecf the getctdc ehee the Nethe-Heetcced Organ, nectieciy le id oeturgent 40 uincelecttetcimicplsas ,ith ne pipes te rend, n. licted; tespeecitg tthe gle b, tanthee filds thon chrcei.antd auditriumso tic home. Tis e. Instrumenti ,che tn net nffecedhy hst, ccii ord..es.c, i. he laent pnitet of the Ntie Siectie Cmepny» p iot e Nc. s nare ay ad niht o eq e ecoltiet je elitd gecnîte thece le decceece. Ti ee e c Iicd the "Ecejeecte," cnd iedtcte tihe- gieccgtofccieg andetonna.The eciicde pit hnteethin lelit ecbit t$2) aew ra ic b.neg. c cccen ticcece am t* cei le-LOYD'a HT llned i gce test angle tceeced te MILATED CORiN SALVE fee ccp ceccerthe stac, arecthce e m.c.ccciic. TtEYecnancteceetov menet& wiec, recpeetiy, dcy oce euh thi.ec.edectl et.tecldifieme nigit beginc te et iloeger ceinc. tMecîeton, orCURES er CALte)UtiSS khcenc.ees J1"«. e îc ten i e olt-.cmit an cd ve.iic..cpain.ctch tici .uec orcewitc. iegica. e. irt lcio ccr«J l, c RERRI A M uî.ita.. TH esNAPIV2T GUILL tc-e ttiet e'petc-cee cf chltee et c-cee, e Bettcc cee-dec.g cc-e ndl c-c-c c- IdccI eUe1-7 c-cbec-c Ill c ii eccl -Irtecce cc "-t c cl -cc t- 'l 'c --"11 'c-l cced -ccc-c-c- -t,dIo-tccittcM " cc i c- - c--c.c '"'c'. ::1,.1.---Ih -c t, a ti fil'--~c t . - 1 ' i lc i cc-fi b"e l,,c ce ,h. l".i I _ tr I , ,l'ehi -c ' -c 'c' 'ce i cc cIý-tt-c c-I cet e-c-ce ci - lccIf clotti, I ec blcce, t cecc Ict M 1, e tc t il C I 't f>r"I..I'e[ c-bic-c-ce cc-i tee cecceIcc hec' hoo;, 'lette , te ll- e t'- ece c'~cetc ctci ec ceci ', ". fi pi""t""ec A cliîe eeee cc1. ccI-io lctttie'heti jtechldedc'ce Belý1o ýoool_ fte.t ice htt..Iv oie1etteel . c-ci cte; uetid ttc-citec et eenfil ef eh c le hecu -tee et ette ehicecce ,ci.ctte-ce Ilec-tarnet lic reet ie, a ce ef et et e h ttecth eetel c-c-e, c-el exempdcleo actordeetettctieeict-P a tecdietnp.deehteeeell lep ptIlc-coe iet es. l cee Lhet.the le.ec ]!,ee tcyctlu Ch ilt Ideiee, oreeid tient . Th etece ce forete oir lcttle ietfate ficy close ep, ececiy mceeaed ett cefesiltcl'e"roud- th..ce iceeetftcnt tichenmar.Ifn-. Y.e.itecavedtcerd ice enbo cara ePl'teeife"tîecc-.and cce'I tet dec etemilcetane six e ecct ecai tee out cf yture cpihta. roie s*,t,. potraite tetac ecet.0 te52 job. van (itetde SE CHAMPION TO DEC. 31, 1937, FOR 50 CENTS IILIICT BL4IiIILOCIt FOR UAL TON

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