Wh.u 7650swuIt tu 5My& CANDY yas. W"mdSu lth 1179 BARNARD0S -~Iit iulabiati CAN UY You Oas. dom 88085 Bay% ~h aîupiou M ILTON, TH U RSUAY. J ULY 22. î137, VOLUmE 78._________________ ()A&NDIÂN CHÂAMPIoN4 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Amphioxs Firat Know Frange. Schubert, Composer, Wlsen JAm Caught thse to, HaveHad a Bachbn Lonesome Stsoted Career When To, Fotal Fye (AlToi, s sOssO ToI Ab8ot40,000, or __moreoo S8FootbaAllis 881- ____ VE ir 0RI1G il 548 goNature 8reated th Amphioxus B 888OULS l W.borU Js88s88l 31, 1797,.VE avally 'RotOSOA. K.. jANADIAN F4101100 1<ÂLWAY -the fOst nmfit Je ks Oh O 888 U tRS O UGLS t iLohe.thaI, a village just north sy H.LOUIS RAYDOLS 1 G ooGBA - ha hood ase blah0808of a15888- of .......So.~,. sVienne. From, early hiIdhoodhli MISO. ti. .0.,,-00ySo. bUou. Naturse wUsU agond ca s8sls-I 0 a1 sphsUoenalintuitin for88 188 MAIN ST.. UO.O . .0ýLDày A. nin t8 h00 81888.for h ASphoxus playng Intrumets an for omp -0 ,0 38 - OhS 80088 Ut800, 8 81180tS 1HAT do yo. .UppU0that girl i llon1, buts i e, ls ho8, hU 008the D ONT he o ok 08 thrillhsgl" 5~. ,8Z 0 0 88 J 0 01. -si, T hes llo ns of0 0881p:8 in 8811 t w8 la00leasing soai? 008 q is shoo lmas8t er, h1d 8880n1e t hav D am :ad ifrihdap r C, .16 P II. 916. as 1 'U, 8UUtous 888training.8181 ,He dîd, h881888, gid rwnee "Oh, 1 £8048 l, 1180.5 o7.40&..,2.OI p.n., 9310I. Citist8U inOthe81New8U 8181818101 Fran8k l08110888U ooked et th 8U88pUsing s88848and11 8,81il"he lii?" Ad hi. t Jouai as a s,8 0080 w-rm- .888 AI-Uso the h88888 0905 blazed. 'WheonesU 1_88.080 j8h0 08P.80 1 patsh o csfilet888 hsO 1598,0808he his Sîo0 ho 818 185malle 0888588 18 5sopranob olth 0,81 ng- 00000 80 '~"'~ N% tire abJS out two inc088hes log, bt indie ,and th 8river8and elle 805 in h choir 80 Lisho,0hal Laî8UOd,81 s ho ,e01815 OA888A NATIONAL LAILAY Japanese aters il r.aces a lenhth. Â0,o0.0801880008î8808 s. ooo.. 718 n. 08 81IIo 08hl885580 h 8:p. 888101OU00h,,8s Viennehos ,d8s w her b u"yW . 0 8,00 Cîb 1 M e nuOO . h t u a u l L L O C Ith (s e t e r e tTe , h quadrupeds, tOOsnh -animaisthe 580 hoo8n-aso r 88,~ s48one M8.S0or ' s,8magie.1e 08e8h8rate h8football . :. r" ilanttiti.. Or faile, reRy'd Hhioss8n. ni18188cOhertttont snne h.0 8 8 5 0 0 8 0 8 0 .0 8 0 m u l e s a n d fi ..h , 8 8 1 f08 8 0 0 1 8 8 1 1l a rd. 8 8 1 0 8 . A to s îo 8 8 1 8 8 8 V o s î, 80. n.8010 O. 88.80808808 800 8)408 00,18 hsd110180805081 800 188880 he ny 8 s Lts080 aiht0188 Sdevra1mentheîe8 888 nar, "88 88Ksg ma- hsiP800050 cur0e80 Oxus ad' 8 a888 d Oi h od if I0W.; Litth ls ut a N0hareantst"88818110rs Ie-;i .,?T I MOLT. M E NT Q igh80 verhae8ee8uatd ut f -1B ai pr .wUsmae orV13 ________________ il_ s rmpothî8U8, 088 Saine, Old 8ýher1 n. sso h. W800508 oo 1888o b182588Jus0and 8lits 880011 800 800mode 8Thedsbet wans dopph o r the _________m________- p88001an8alignai08and,8et888800081a88in8hoo8o8it,8s angewere i8,88ime ein, bt Liabyaserio Ii I WHITE. aimal _ormmght today li reig81 1,wThoexresinasele0888488 Lurp.h .orfietJ801 hul le881.ocure MEDIAL 88088800 811 to 0808dsyo 408 88088501. he08008 l88. idir og l o t u I 4 8888T.P oa 2 O T maa lr s of 800p8te 80st0100li ie 8800 ront,1h084 0888810801. h ,,01011 10, 8888011 80800008008 808 8808 nd elle888h08-d Son, addit art. S~VENSM & IOHERTO C. R. TU R N E Amphioxus 0, 88800 488888hol g 080,0011 O. h 080808h8elle 8 8, 888e 08for8088p0000t 801888,0008 m8en811 ell0e884outiltand- c i position8 in the 00880 8,na0808roh1sh S ch ubert tat 81181 eSo 15 4 lpi s ten- 1 00t0b 8 8> 5888 ,0Bu deab 188h t 581 tomboI Dnobo 808 880 08881 0808 001100 ho Dnet 8 to lie senti. t ioO8hon e ra at u s i8c,1an084n818278 P8-Y0080ring 08800hOO O 4804,8s0 sci î.bsl.o.o terats nd te a008848 h, 81pîThe 180 girl.08811 o ti011, 8808 oh, 11088 , its8 prospects 88118811 0888lîsd 80 000 08080080, 0811hop ooben IRA! 808h18,ri OO0heay rso n O,00li0t00 foh 818 h 888 88 h088h81 î8 Mt81y 088 ,0 Co00I'08oU8hOY 8888 ~8or.o. I 44'~ £~ 01, FoooolOlg*. 88kh8888888881 0h0,b h. w11808808418880808 ile 88880,00 Il Ha 8008 088018.11 1880lasS 0880080808408, 88800illiam c 8888TU R N E R00080 880 18the wh088 I 80088of i w.a h 'o 188008810Il," er o mposit88880ions 118800,. 08110,1 ore 8001 808 00088h0marr-i i e 1h RAY801840Amphox888la 00888-, 00o0,o te bide heneed 8881108, 80011 FîsocisiLt.oisR. Ohor88d8 DR. 5th.vE Se rateINit basnCither the pa r on t e benc near t e BU8888481881d080. wor , 8d so 8le 8aw m 01ele en,' cou d h0 l 81 e,00 hofs. PHON E A ent for Ddd a _DM ___ 00008880 q800 rra 8888084r Lha sa0,i8h, Torontai . 088ked hid hy oi odoy tant lie 1out SCer 888011,1e8ins 8W0r h 08084 Ont..1188110s1, oh.;bony str0ct88es88r00ou08i8inthe80801180il] 8880.88yp hsld ev 0r 8880file 0 e hs hggelle hwrot 0 anà am 8'80 0.81FnLI. AIooit Souio, Dd otKw "A oi «"'I880 888 808he' onsome8 8 18 0 04, 80800y.1 8818888 ZS 80088880-O.n-8o 5..-O888080n. .es U0 I LTON. 8m00 adv n tps Sof nmlf HneK. hicue ios"INs 88'o,881,00018 80000080. 80 01es 8 088888 1808,' o .te bly ete h opot 8 N880 oo h 8,8818, 0800088880,h81880 00081."'S8088888 C. K. STU0S1.0N, I15.1 L.M.0.0- 008 0A8hioxus8lFas 8Oui a Cartilage MOH ty tebc l1OesokI,1 Vienne on Novembl , Ï9, l28. scriptllui. 0 Above al0 1e muht ao "A888880888,hdIU8kU S 088 Ohoooîîlu88888008850010h mo doo8Ooogy. JSssim l tooUSi c Car . . I eMtinoF.n . toit. CIEIlaLbu8a0ro ut i ne g8 steg OU oI o 8 88 8 0800800OS0880 888.-888088p8580 888008 o m11 0008. f888 e hos. Phsol 0a1M 0181. 8810o1s8G110thK8."a hebn tuIUHelnyo h ad O h eos.oossddaUsgeofthe118808....8111880g0810850ta18 1' PtS8SS UooHlItu '.o Il88 P8h8F00008108581801000008 88 80018 08088F80F0. Tun Sm e so8s "OSe 0hOOV8lNew1ork't" seakdta l880busnes e"erpis,8888088k cr- "Doh, 8u know, dea," ell d CEar ... C 880508880' 'I00 Aoo'l00y - yho408l085 ar0 0 I0 Ca1so ofo w88n408h y 8451husai1 pluiivly" l'msdsr,8UgI or -u Lit, lic A to.blO, ,O II a'ooo i 18 328 ,088811 08804O h, 0008foie . the1080ob(ko es the pa 088 588588881 80b800vacatin880081 UTIBIhUN n:M rta i sin oi e as 'U d 8 . ve th in. " one 0888 888 1l8e8mon s 1--o h e culivsm n f. ,. 4888or 1 of snevh r ad1 w udi physic" .and Sugeon He frian 1the lune in haGerman 'Perhas y8,"80 itrat1lm88O0 81 88 5U h8 8sO sssOs lOO,08y888u510 "unt0sh re. see nu - f ou d JOU. "I 0,.so»88Ooo8UO8*I pla, tiss, doldeut Iti music 880ok 808ough taOs c ntr0 bu,0081 lm810 "Wby o n88181 85 e8 08 ssk-,s 0The s 1808810888811881parîssvai,88e0 011 doail'O -2-1 h7o84188"051.g80588800880 188.8. J,18 - fali 10Ud -soldl d Office H.O. - 0,88188 's8 C.0 0808 P80818 and.T8o hat s 1 t otlil walkhoo wntuO h, 8800811880 L i8o80y O sd 880808-"cu rgade ie qi p818 trrci oer y tio tewowll a-48ve8t hut0fr8te00on010,caita8stck0f te omPIl.Ce08810880Wat ade 88ut 80041.a 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 . 8s o n , s 8 0 8 0s 1 8 8 0 '0 i n t h e 0 D 0 0rO i 8 01n y 8 8m 8 w e 0 11â v 8 8 88ac k h o m e 8i n t i 0 8ca t e s h8vi n g8n o0 f a c e v a l u edar eIgo dhg hn8wh o 8 O 8 - hyo~~~~tes Mho8hI88.n but]p asked3 Smith tol5 80008e01 880 4808810808 8880800ypar,,sd W.8l08080at88 0880 1145 1011 lne hi e 0 dte h, 88i-p"e818 ito - 88800 8'a eiso ntuetseiecn huh erasw' oaltl ul«.- ndspriedan le818ce ta0801 E _0erd ha yu er lok'e iitgrlUar h scha011; s Kil.. .tDEWal A R: 1 Septe88b1rO131and8I knw 1hen tha08ld "e1 8y a008ov8rnment or8OIPI Su'hhu000isMtUy lier18r880le00ex- GEO SE . E IN I I VmhoUOs 10h48 tw dr fe.r8o i is c0,ll;0888B 0' 88 'ountry.058888 08818 S8050iU0s 1108,81 y Th 08008's whe 8088 tlle B r sTer, olic tor, LÉ08. i8,8 , Fcb o n ri a e or m n ci a ,h s b oog J081and0 d eu1 0 st0O8 8 t -------------____ibis___ _____ ____ Hn. The End " 1,0888 8 OU s ec re b( l ien o r O o8,808 011 10 5 0010 J. R G DWELLO NA. ' ' ' rd 000400 liait88174050 000 s58l8te0ar8 îîitie .h1' o'o 0, h,- 588000 O 8180. Iv 8lle 58s 000c0Suc "ho rete OI with c l d Dvue 0011 M81110 080 080088," 088 oo9 51. Ir.G - AROAW lietOdte go ln d Liit 08h 1 1 88880 h o s1s tie O,'81'8 Ont 0 O8.rce 0U0.,. I810,8 nh d o r,' 88 011,0808îo'o08808. 00080 an J 8808sd 11008 wrs ndmsi i. bc eole !80g dssu'r IZ. t h8ureok hs08 lien.C.ManyLformeor k8'Yîlthos ELLIDIT ~~~~~~~~oof 8î8lier frms;aise088405818uli'i n1.er0180-h80d e Wen1 bnsaes01 et.vdsIic yTe.1oigmrig f - 8.0 ,,,î.,., 'y et d00 Il s t 088800 oi , dyoeUt108 the88008 Oai8501r00 bonds,0501S0'1000 m or81I5I . k 88 Willam hah 810"te 0~808 lutin u utiggetiD 1 i nDe mak n ohe cun0 0 0 8 J il oS. si.t lae-It" aim s-as'u' ad oi s bel oig8s bîy 0th S008088008le8, 00Sil letrbsPublie. 'au88088188 Tho 188u,0080801 sgage b188011080od 000,0 ,oT ge 00 ,85g 51841m 01800800y e11U TO R O NTri.d itL s o ur e hoannot be40008rm8' 888800 Os 08i 0ould amuseOS880 018 1881808805 0880888888888 "00. 0,8I' hosooo.I.h 8. OENTSTRYL580,80L8888080085 888088 8LO8180A80888M0..500 80808' 0011 80y8854188h08dh858000d8888088Base88,Conservsatihono elSn.n Helen auglid. "H seemste hae fe 0a8li 8 0.,,0880 88011dostd 808188880001088088.000s ud88800815080. hs nie, ,88 10 8015100801 o7 081, MOVINUand ARTAGE g8O othe88 .F88 1s11881 0881 8 88088 0_8i08 8Il0800William0J8100101 T, Cs.O II T R NT elN nnngD ysad lnts I i t, io-,srctc 0d118p8. cc, . t fer.", brkei DR.~*~'0KI0880.088 800 5800. 118n 08and 00000omance,8010880as8. 050808 888i1.11 va00 doî 811dlh of oold 18 ,O , '0,818008800080 08118 1re 5naol bnd, -en f ve58,nT kno U k8Un0D8.9W 808.8011 f 8N-0York,8les5t880850ou.808 fooOsrlokI800 B.DENT L URGEteON 8888880800e "ys an Ith . et rN8 808 op.0 H. pe084110000880- y800 in8 il,. Siui Otld 1 1 18 ove Jl8h ,0e." U0 08 'a ndoIo S-iu Pl TOONTO MILT is.800,8 h118 088 ore08 8011 88418 lie5ays0The808tawof1te S1tho Ji dHuieded greel0 al T r a n s p o rtSLildooOotie0 0, arcept d the0Roman The h0.18000880 outilil w888da,888488rn United1States all"lossdg000000iu81gh no0douta, ecedoyowoneTin t uin 7 8 40l0a nd1a s1 8 8 8 , r o seOt e0gU Sa it00 8 4 8 0 5 0 .0 1 1 1 8 0 t h e0 a n n o t a it 8o f 8g a n t e 1 h i 88011 0 8 0 000 0 4 8 80 0 8 o 0 . o h ..thrm e 0 8 8 0 1 4 0 8 0 8f or18 0 0 he4îs î o is 8 0 0 h . . 8 0t8h s r e a e r c m a o g r O g t e k li d h y e c f m l . 0 ai h r w a e u r et0i u l u DÀILY D RECT SE VICE f i, ys81 o18, t 40 0008veek 8 85, 80800.011 10t0he. 1.05 88 s08. t , a 08band 501800 78'o 8 8885a ler81001080o0iss8 85W RENosh..s 054880T O R O N T O and MILT O N one exception, directly de w 'd " Wei l îe el M o eo f T green aO 884 £ sOso r h . 0800108,808180000800100 08 18d0 00110 80h0 SF888008 8,'i0 h. Il8 fr m u S xo8a88880b. , es pi s, 8th r0088 a ga ou g Tu h ad l. ki "8.0580'd 'la - - 0 ,,O m ari1811 dop8 net80. 88s 07 5howIp. . ailo- s DR E . ISRBLCAC&DCONKDOTNCL 1htr n o nd1018h8F85tY1 888hoîdo 188540588801088 d01 1 lie m-e 0008 SdWIISSd0FI hoT FRE 'S 0800808, 080800 880840888 8080.4100108000 lîdîsîs.08I0801hîo. hisd S ue , 5010080 0 , .h Ir s 00088,0tre5088.a i je i possble0t do8 8.-Mhave0hall un88818 Oo 888 ood- or vry l ti 0080011088108 88011 bob,..Agn .oact Offi.s-0la Royal BuSlding. MiT IR E S 8s 6212 h18 0 Tdanslu05d 0h0' -8h noires lait ng vhtio i rin0i1 les is ' e0i0'10 e8 t, Il ,nel leI ILI go ai filet h..hIl. gel. T _____________ 001188588 8g w88 800 808880 .h , 81Y00'88888,O11088008015811. hhO8sOUJ S 8,"' N I E L S E N - p oba eoO,197g a -Otet' ho sIIseOp hy Ih,0ied hi. mathker, the - Use Ff8t th. rit,0 il e888illi1gain.h8a010100'O hU ..,hO O odhO O SO IU U IF 084téT W The Ch ropPO. tOP Co feOtiO 5& PY. oth , nom mer 8888 888008811 oo. York 01 811848d 88gt100 h ro08 00 0,0, a .i n t 011 pooohl ot 1and 8Wlihm,4 80 8 j8h.I..u r y t 20 0.8 .0 0 0 80 8o 00 8 8 m0on0h , enta m a mo s I I l h Y O U oîl 8 1110 7' T" ,818 0 o ighuple Ck oe ged "00800888 1 .888 11 li.î.h . .. . 81888881 a d w re af a re ta18" .« . O R . . E B A0 0 F R DC 8 8 0 8 c .S ,8 5 0 0 O h a a u h t r io i8 0 8 0 , i 0108 0888nt d Uct.0 8 a nd0n.a0fo r084t00ef 8 n o n e of h e 1b8a v 8 0 5 8 8 1 0 u p a h8011iJbl 81, oosoJ id riTh e frel at DENTL___________caile_______ d nd rie moentl eed ouriOhrsef tcke l80000e ontnuethes111.111n 28nt . 800.00.1111CE.88.fo00008100. Phoos 06, 88801081808 d80 08 0 00 58 jTe ma h e 811 800seul 81108588500lien- ta8000040 0008taise,0andîteOiehS 88O8 Millh , R oo,0000030851 i desnadbe$25,-dtruhplae uprs emd lasa t u i CL805 0880 To8oos0Y FtEDsoo.u,.,,os~o.. ~ U 1000018000811 Oot 781 50 88011 îII8slIî 01,088. d8has08Wi0.l00a"0 sos0800 800 o0 4084 Sth8 MAI, o 0 Cor.0 Main0.R00858 80I0. rhi 0 SU&,880 LiOU8 v8y 8,08488 re0ds0tI8i lier board- 00rk0 Pri.teUS Bouilli81.08880885'Ila Baie.______-l.____ -___________ 0488 008 I0.8 8 EstotO ' oOhIo teckU se m., bo tts 8111 00050 881.0 8,815-cn-isef i ay od f otbl.- t. Y NOT- IE -s 00108 S of the 00 land wihinth0 Ad0 is.Ïi088 58800 808 lelyItr oos pIp 10 118r, I btOh Sue01 s0ih8 0100 T81 e-888'Tri 888 808parti rgio'7bs al aY888 t y 0 indFa a i ft81me08out yp aeh o de800 ossOy , Ofls.,o 885080848 lle080410810, 0080 H "aooî 08 J. A. ELLIOTTf yObla.sd.ptl.,ossslid Hý0.n ..'a ce si8 8os08f8 theurhte the gain ibis afternoon. if you T1 LtssO s'tOfe I Je 110500808 UTOs088 tlSoo 100 ood 0110010880 5'Y"h8 18 SOsOO O 00 Soo 808 ll N 8,00,LSF . et ,.l0c8008ldo l 8.01.i88580 8h5 W4 N£8A8 NsI48sf 8 858tu oc-008 8 0 0 8 8 8 0 ,0.O l foho 08 1080 Ill e r0 Bl e u s Ow8 0r.,0 0080r0 8 0 8 810 008U O d T h e C I tNmU To L n e thr8ui h t a x s l e s , K 88l0 0 "T o n o rt o w nig h t n"0 1 0 ,8 8 ."p o i n c lu b al . "O h sO Jo so 24 1,l Ud0 N.rI 080080 TosodSinP the 85h0400 D s 18 1and 877. i y0,0"' ndso n asthegirl o 1 a.k sgo8ss tO m8,.111 1 01 Go88 ta5the88USS858110UO88008.Itu5 5 f :* t U W.1 m shPon016. an h o 808 s , orao of 4 2 5c' 01108 t788ed0 8. îo 8 T ,~omti Oed llsohogot8515 88 .. d08118 000 0 US888.O o'r o g o theof78,00, I l v a y T a i 4 . F R D E I C J.1 , 0 0 f r uyng l a n w s a d i 'O U Srv y o n u s t a s h e r O . d i t k m s I m d .8 5 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 8ý . l i r a il y 0 0 8 8 0 sor y 0 0 0 0 8ai C O U N 'Tom i n i o 'to r ,LGTO8 10o O19 () .7 8 8 8 1 ,0 0 0 8 11e, ,stO ,oht ebr yobr il l e r is Ua k h o m e I l han .o h,0,t e d , f lv i l c h s h o t 2 5 , 0 0 c 5 W i t 1 8 0 0 5 0 00t 0 'o u 'YI 0t e r h a houONge, the t0tebas888stnI l700080881188001te otic, bu He0n c800 , ave een delOifo0 andde- s OedJie t liethe imekep00 Itd *rusr]li hld00811l h th- a h osil Ersgd hee ar8,80008 aper gea .m, ue1K& Ti N O TIC E 1 - 1 4Ord0r80o p ll- 888080000compris0007, 008q8ml ., 10 "h.,i .uI h yo nt0,88,811 8,h lssî 088 '-et10 78 0.011 800 188 80-ooondCf8 8,8 810 * 197~LOALCORTSALEN.8180005d85800100Il00t J . A . 880000 lien T ue C HAPIO N,.o so- 1 ha ev r? o4aou ne ne e th Il t e oc s o he .river 0088088880 88088arin or O 0 1 0 S 1 5 8 5 8 0 1 8 0 1 0 1 5 i S 0 5 1 0 0 I 80.500881108048511011 8110000os8800.o1.copies008088 . 0Sonne0.14084884088800U.0mt 8'ik d 0,0807 n O O uls 10.. 0 ;8800. Os ott.' id 1100000880105054 limiter00n118080he course of conversation 030080 0ud 8 EDN FDAY tp IMke Miss Taylor ooball ... -e.t h001100000800 F 0 i, . 1 Hutu . 0 .. O O eItIt luLke tlt OtK. g ro r nd le NIORT,, t. 10 Ur O sOsdictiGf tu,0ohal w5t8888u_____"I________seulLaits.___________ pl" 14 " ae00.? -kd0e- Di1008,oge8o , t801hoe 84,, y588Pioope, 'ssh ies0i0tr ta ahg jn"r Smeps ynar0-igt H.oosdosao88obooiewntt Ahes Yudo' ri ie ld imOO W ."e.t.' eltla, fýwn nt xlan Yuse .88000080508 he f.0u0d he0bab:silver oo 8il1m re. He ues n8t800upola010,084088 Ji- I 8gel 1180re Ohe o Crete, wher78, wOnderofulI"8..S 00 8 pic e s . 8rred e-0hjhUJdyla8ke don LOCAL COURTS CAL88000sy 04R0 wS RM 050800 r-d shops d to hOll s o sI ho Ro....lie i8h8 lOtIp H OutilsW.in.h.iH, llito.,u88n01theLi0e14080804008 t20 tll letastli, hd ke0il baane.fe28008880a-nin h doueds ooo....80188080'-O Illc ot5 11 80881110, 40TORIS TS See How Others WiII FoIIow hsy- o r80080 U8 11, 01-01-00,'" If 1 8800 bol 808,8.Il -y" Io ,04,80hs 0.SSsO. te. h n00108"580'..0000800 r ttoos t01o o U80I'Ty,-l.,,o Os Io 8,8008,,,, 0.! 00 I h8. lot. . 'off, difIiIl.0he-SI, I r888808 ,u Ool' Il, IIIl t 111, 1 i -00h,"g, 088 o r, ,L s...I.0 11. . .d h. d..e.or .8108w8.- ill b, 8110 -.-.-8dh.os"80.loO.s"8001O'0 r o 1Wh Hu rcm t h ote jkqroý c-" 'fi" OFhoyoo8UO oT08U8o0881t 018008001 olOf si ,miloo o i's di008. -d &eî 001 Os. . KiogEds ed dIho8.18 880118Oî o, RATEosIolO.qoooS OO S $2-3o008.80O (ebtuarb ft TORONTO P 8. 8 HI.MANAGER go MOTIVES CIK or LOINS of eveoy Banko Credit granted du Bank there bas been au munal motive other thano that sable basaness. Ih is a sincere e w bring t. Our Clients the fciel kaowledge of a banking msa with a background of >an' experience co-operating Canadian business enterprise. ARKPTORO1ITO