DR.B DE N AnnouneestI «. office in 0h tiy Dr. BHI4 ,.' - SpOLIaI Ateto ka speLal tt iaê -wkin OuFICE FGURS t*.a.10 î1 &8o.*c* ,3 a Ties 0'-» Be't ,s<.~si hecke. ~,.,- C0.tumnloo lkechefk. -.RJRNAR'S .'a<auk ers ats jnde rweai. iton erate and Lfcstomer e servie. TIA 10, ibCristmas wthout -candie? t would be millher i-iss w ones eweet tooth works wib double nrgMI h ihtswby our Santa Clatus Mixture is 80 popular _______________-.~lI0t 's ;sty varety oif ewees-Fudge, Caramels, Che- h M *î iêwvàw k alinm, Creama and Jettes.. .25c. lbt. or 2 lits.for 45c. 'jlTh e et.tw.ti rush la on at b . ooituro w 'Special Chrstmas Chocolates290 lb. B. S. nt h ris »Mai.IIS queiî MIE (looates, cream andI bard centres. in a variety of lu Tr. C"àNON.=gw 111h; - x-ON 1 wb chocolate coating Reg. 40e lb. for . ...29c Ts iai l tthes I on a, -il «W d. labiai ' TMsr e AS. . oo gêodas e Fancy Box Chocolatea MsaY CI bL Ibsteak. ~ ~ MODE R N a v v acceptable gif t fr Chrism as. Neilsan'a reglar ln o jak ot X m macue . , , n l.. 2 Ib. for 81.20; aiea Hunt' anSI n lr 1'Li~ ~ ~ t~ ~a~ oseloa u I sbo lx ne np n a Cbritmaos rap ad nue i the crfluns .riait. tet Prnn ood ul le h FiLmyKflrald adWeelyltarTC E Caîex Cemnas Stockings andI Novelties also Sait- Ihana te teoCoh ie lua Irs. glu____lm 0.710wiouy àhae jum i fl eeed a big Briish Iva CtrucîrChiaÎLb. alliilait@ ecL.gL. PuZOntentlin juwheeh a Most Mr. and Mrs. OrvilleSZa~ta st h.t . b Ie.l. hlri u alfruO aCusiyh aui tatraoeesniet rpriseare ft.red f o Pxîe 4MIT N ily of Omagh. have Mo tere mi o nutf kWl1i liiinb 0eg i dtOa tm fw ,Cno r- enmie auelalug thetotal of Lhe figures piol IT N tan.- udhiuOuMi.li uècsftl i.t f Lteb eb dptwu f m lng a hune Liou. anaisU UF51 UBrnn< on the turksy. tro» andeà hidri. aitIlweaUl'b.e't bh eif it»tn ubiesuett.-W U0 tute a euost Ietereitiflg dock, w. il have aaseeh f4r fu Wesi IIiiOd bru fitl a cOdImt6 gobiI gn ~r.vr ueser of the iaiiy bl Orlu asêt A ai au Ui 0Lbha gaineron f et of A ~~fYTWWDdîai3aI~e iain 1llyWSUu by seaeh awardi Our raet4 ayrcae ___________________________ The Sunda chooi and inheel cou- yiar therni haa't beauuni Ptwanrafi MAu. id1! o~b .W" ouJales cf Lb.Lieu and fullf details11Y arte are poplar cseveulLb..aveu pinMlo framunanlable EI.. Lt _the_____Heaidan *~ d. K yl i '! l The Malten gutr alSooji t ilton te esrtainly a bh Bt u 1Ruuell. et Toron.10 0 b"a iu eel tr ïgrillterainreores Ters1 ymuni a ed1. ah w. dA~~ ~ ~ teaa g anted $200hbythC Milton tGwu lire utrin ag ae h ime orugaverioI.LbaubIceh-o Mor hIlr . .ig ad L e. n or osu iLechoal. DrlgLb vealul A Itt1e e ow and înwer temperiture eprao utraup10the m -dltwins A"deuni' cg yopro la aen Inn ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ maie<' t*o .ule@Mr.1R Iiel and lire. onardai *floni ________________________________ hawelcomed for the tChristmasa aèn SS)~ei fraâam ililiwL oqe.o eutlu ,SEASON'S (iREETINGS TO AL ei!Iàtv feese iive a anona n ietdil erclv etr BgnteNwYar13-gh ydeclined 25.000 botai . mii &d~taiadsesi. Ofam eiaeeamfrntliehts thr Vit cNo. 2 Poas,2 tins -- ---23c o brc rng for Tua CHAMPIaN-017 Net yerstieunril fer AetS willI whWuehiplcal a flue îhrth- %V ieF ney Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg ----25C Mn .T 0.Dates le vieitirg relativelor CowieJoue.Nicot and rble r. c gaeystw nsiln m tre e sdoYBo e. slig W tl ntaaat-a. Sé osdrt or Heinz Toinato uThey 3itinsa25etiser mata et the lu. year.eld colt rOOmu4.ý a I Ieho o H azTaualJ 3 in in5 oPerth Amisoy, New jerey. fer twb. eorgeWinrer.BevMar0uci OLCOuN?,rraefN ipaWh""adgorali XR sVLe t bCristmas.MONTRMonte adbige 4 pkg 25c mothi augurai meettIg. Whih wililish. eld WaY acodifL li.I a D~L fu og-orya eor aLl i tndat-dy. Sowcpurdrti ýViteJclly Powderg,4pq -----2Cil to aur .1M esg iese.ouit*idalog th.eGuelpish igh- KELLY & -IKEN foryu. ue haCraua ieMotoaadgv home haro for roteraI wee. is LÂAT C&al-Onl? 81VE5 More. Farbei drova &long tLeb.ilghW&Y te j' qalty éfiee < lb tii- ----- 23c ale ta ho otai. dys lat i Whlth ta hae yurhm h e batam blie. lu anme m100r ~No COLLECTION Na CeARan CliitnMxed and (<ut Rockslb--19C The store and dioplai idOIADA CAPIO. IN PULLad hehs i ORANGEVILLE JWLR Viuii.,Creans nd ellis, b ------ 2c hanra rnal (hristinaaeV appearance ta Deceraher 31.t. 1031. W. tharik teboe lt thOugh Lis. wind- WE RSM L O eCre a andI Jellie Il)--25c wi1h teir varons i dcplays. thosa whn have airsadY dans i0. sîild. Tise aulimale troat ai et h a iloev tieJohne Jones, ownercof no ni Mlteec ' . W. tman mnved i. hardware and the windPtoa aiJugeeular vsin ,,Ii,,,--l - - --20c lfurafeme , ceived anther shipineot &okrmhodln peraLb .eeadtîd 1.Ilrc ~ ti 'loplnx< lg 47c of liven nink l e t e. sPokblia hihrr tandh.%Caithen h oFrbua abpiare ha oPeles lagi@: k~;n~~Bi'otil Nuîs, Sseciaf, lb -- -19C Mn. F. Becby and daughterMar- Monday igt.,where ho IR ls o e tri f 1. ioî. hacitirgwthro- jadie. of Detroit, forineriy of Miltan, for busiessais au00ana a s the sto)Ck vieis drtttug. anA W58athePr 1,yr, lb --- -- ---- -1 wecre r nt vst ntW- arne ntenew .tore.-Dtioda charge iaiLnlfred ooLDaFr a i d Kthe CraTlxeies, lb Scedlces, - aod hoy lubsherseSar.engr in ee cargeWlfr3dmad-e. total-. ngFrrr rcrj1 USED CARS FOR SALE fui. iaihoTea 5 c ara preynn e fr frrezing wsather, as Rbert Kerr, R.R No2 etnait Aforntobeyng the Maigu Ktl Mar- fri iii eNvl, las'. e arge es, 5do' -- 392 C 1ey are anxiost et going bhnes inthreecla et the Wiotc tin and Main Btreets. whlle mOoridg l its(hitja ir1 12 lmuhSdn -99Fr oc -. Su ikst Navel s large ai ze, do z -- -29C thcaieo ao epiici L.Pair, fGuelph a nd and trtPitbnugh llo .o bhIier cetable M - 1-1929 CPlym o dt ean 2-19 39 Ford SCoa ns. Wa ea rîlnaairie idtwn d n lien laid thescharge. bornceiluharces. 152 beandBdove; 1,elld Eîîîperor, 2 lb - --------33C dnnpiterahoe rpairng service. andthicd on- sam in harnces 15.2 W r itiaoso hloadVco ais *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~K . '~~t olys 5 l.pc O ha aiKr of OakrlhIe, re- hande andever. -OWITUARY Wecryaflhuo!FetfeFreadlbe plh tton ere a i a nue oot XUXDD-W" m MiLS. W. R. BUME. and ar auto llob iaoeofrle tn ie n ue WE 03,inge men unmplayed r avil.Dnwnrr.5849 Main Street eauât. uffered adalattOieacsoiB __________________________ pr~ thalthern aa 113 mrcisd ad D I elaa-D Wiiauto- W ae detiboOraniPhlcoan Vîto Raoo PHOIESeR CttOrrw e i 3A i oN witram nO ta Incu rlis nultha etoi ar e A tr i inr%»and iuffecinS ie rvn R.t once.G HàHec-IVE t'anw.sheeudbrsa Have yourincolisanri putM bîn ehape now ufor' cuwîHav yur at Ut nIrip no fo g uIIty aIways hlgher thon the price>p IDEc.3lst1 L32. for euiy 12.00. Suh- ri e yHrMOIel f Kn leilat ur. agelrW. H.o Hum pit ed pearh.h "Quai ii b B AM ELVR- SeclALt on7. aPet tihin tnerisctiond-amilnHe for miita s'b»I t orltdaul rer- s er -r d, - tf cicken cti inetrevg noolaDer.lly W front h _ Ford dncSales and Service Mloi aient ie nome ni the Nao*gawri nlu.esn evon s aa 2atf ehU nlalerile ebh(ata Oneoar twn rithes nholar Cief Smith isin iretigang erP~ t aleivaihsn ndn \It111 C1ISTMS bS.TRS WEK îcvoloedtPcsen Inîhr end of teo lirlingtadh oysrteatts Were bh lev. J. W. Aiknet the home sud aflie 4iRaI.iwededonAa 8 var hiaîc8t..Pau D TH Surh sil iChurcis, Milton. et irbicis swindledmantahur$2seLbe la aenlire.uHume W"u of tlieligeaBe. ~~ig the uams niftedfrsl htesart.urith jt Ms ...,.....a.o.acc.cenaeOOAttI~1 IS~tEe harg bt they .. . pren' member. H elaYsi igihbe suad tw e th ei u paylug hi as 8256 iec ei roues poita fr ad ear-- aaeceh and that ha took the ue. ma u Lnred&ailde rm uprprWi dimppeard. ofiChritsfliietek toattendthe fuuer- pilepfpth Broue aisert,.tu psylet lt e 1theb.beauti- * .S IV E ~~ reih -e Csv5en t ohd Ire 1me t oiIle of ba ud & l Mb. l ier a oui ou I ~ 1 L < , f ~ N L I . J ~ ..publia et Lb.n orth100 pi ee n- 'ai t e exre sisecupalsy ter he h- Dgont daei a ind aI b.he . oordeu aid 8b.rwo9d, whu i r 1> ne ni ipre-icisol iâge ' » he -wng fshr __________________________ cislldra. Dr. Wl and the soo uedL.errwu abr u a.. r.l ai Jar IIIrLb.ud brother. Th-t ~ ,, I l l trat n ho3wecall re . th- ousrylhe dMa , Weho.&t lst.oo.atFr e 2e C R IS T P1 R E E MB R ~ N ES ! We wih or friende andi ptroucs mheclaacin S3&Paule Uburab I Yoeyer.-C. TOLETEKA. ,egi Wai EeauaMau.Watson, daugh. a e ,ire shlowinog a Nice Display of Xma ie ugstol, Dsptete Oppitioofa "P 0ws ubl.mo lb. hnlgho'rem mteaieiereets for.tWaiair ubel resra. 2 Tarsoil.anulde acîW-I eWs iture~pîiccd, anti appropriate tZrmebr ite e orWarbli 11îeîîd or members of the faMily. Mko uligasneaesse uadosl? Mdlca lu r h l-Worthwhile Gifts Yardley's Famjous Toilet Goo ! punmhdum.Theitst.acceptble o -AGiftsefor $200 2jc t b e fo ' a y M m e f f t e Ia ,eîxder C ase f or L ad e . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81.75 b el4 a t eb on i nMOhL w f Jesainie Pert anc and Pwder .....225 *DG f s o r 9M 0 fo a y, em e o t e olid Eglih Lavedr Soap, 3 cake.... 1.00 W5eue. _ 't'iflba ,WIW i KilfeShapeer Lavender Cane far Mon ......*2 grepr aigM& oltsanabnl itmu»-Y-i .11 MeiouaRoll, Kxf ibrexr Freeia Pawdor and Perfumo ;ý ....2- pk iM bubl h-hdb Cigar Case, Gitt Case f Ladies . ..h" d 1du Wea0% . . . . . . . . . . .... e" To those who have made their home far Mxaîjtgpot, rig Pail............ .............. m oflq- "fr m t ei 0i1 ok n t i g s q it e t \\,tkxS, Cga as, Lavender raV e Pack........."0 bt.i~ IIT uIIeta n ktttr, Brig crigef flouai1 S asenfuBOMen.................tr..Nlo Lt agdt e for adies............. t ujhlu \tluxtn,........Coa...alîgere Lavnder Cane faolLadie .h.............. - ' A t u u tu e t x e n ti S q e O o t B n d r e a " e o r d e s n t . . . . .l a c e taAe p e h a so f t h e î a o l d h o m e ' I neutre.CoPeu a e C s. GiZ er2fr6ad en80~-9 -l"- ' e t x " t e pdoing s ofKthe bs a d g r s t Supplies Toilet CI41M - - aused p k o ,ter h p ies oe n o- t Smoers ÂiticendeStCm forLudie \l lu oplr rnd i e o wdueera bai sads nAaI S anefeYhd Pe aukS 2.2 a me mo 'i- r- ga pl i e s & Tobae-Ss. O et , ro w s a s -te c t e ' ry w e e k in. th e n e w s of% exlinpa p u50aA a e .r n1 Fe cgi s a Pte,, Sol =Mofthe local newspape r.'t Wegaehave& aba nIe. ularmakslo - y = ,i9l wns, of,.-s ' epo;t ixn 10 sud 25 i>raO ubl n oes. - - - - tutasx uxes. "itl etars, 1qail Fi .bo»$§ siser5bro ,r bosom lit "'a" art'es pu ' in 0 - Dc I.avender an IIfl~~ fObaccas in lb IL~Dc lrpaE Xn- ew,..il nm r Pi pe andI Cigarette Holder.m Pwee Bt .*..-( - .t ib I t n r XmasaOffGtOY ~ e in thY t Speccal 10 CI lies; , ài , 1. 2 *né _-a ai, 3 I-,i eta sdeodl Soy du hi. . w e eea-