Thie Canadien Cbauiplon1 U MiLIsiN. Doc. 24. MUL COUNTY COUINOIL. altsorcouptir Cosl voguil O Cs affddlefr11ntthfor nalrs.therevU0(lwathe s;miar b-livh~hoopotd tO u p iS-Brlln Box.,il and .The meiornn-ieotaT y rtat >%dJm .2-UtsaOhil; tase I aste.'5005 of à idbCltoie toi ueli.onahBton lrice for eic e 1r aofl hm ad- MO jm jýllA&m Me pemiar h by-iaw sehupodt te olon ton a;ImZ Buigo *Ml and thae oftheesfor lîcesens: Hosaer rridav.Jan. 2' -Mpriton a Oak-e peddier witb a basket,.855per annulmiVille;Blo e t Besspton. euth a pack, 15 per armnuia; wth o pas't Moidày; 14h. î1-Oskellle t Bllon; cari, $.-,Per annum; wilh a onebors B r t M illon. wagon, $25 per annum; wlh a teoooe Furnud seond teaons ta liial Offn wagon, S-15 per nnum; itha motor onFebosaary Jed and th, golstoe suhîcie. Sss per annosi. ICaot.teal fliohing frsita hasel Anaiher by-law authorized the etc. 'choireont dates.0 catirOon ofas agreement bel coth C ut 1-t o lalion and 1Weiiîrtonr- tadn acounty rosd on the boondary JUNIOR GROUP btwlrothe iw coriies. o ic. 29-Beanmpton at; Genrgetao. CouNY Tuer ici u. Jan. 4-Genretown tKilton. COl TWN BII.ED ian. 5-Onikile et Bramopton. C i-ees e T .,;Ramshaw, of Miton, Jan. 7-Miltan atOakviIIe. iofhi a Iosie ight nainst a resotion ian . 1-Brmpton ai Milaon. 'pussored Sp ReeeW. N. Robinson. of Jan. 12usilee Gogeon itahvile. and Depuis Reeve E. W.Van- Ja. 1-Geora..v..leart oesilo. Scriver ofian.ing18, enrgthe twn 0a tOiie "ucver o i3cisgin. ua th tcs lJan. 21-Miltoo'5± Bampton. itotn b bitird for transienis setirred Jan. 2t-Brampton ai Osivilte. ithe coursty ait bp the on iMilton. Jan. 28-Miltan ai Georgetown. a ate of 75cents per persus pet day. Jas. 29-Oaksill aMilton. Oportion iheresi, frotanuary . t1931, fFb. 1 t5crgetown at Brampton. lu Itecemnber 31,Ii. ' nitpointet' and 2md trama pay off. Teoso outinthe dchussion outihe resoluiin ihing Ist bas choic of dats. finiit cltsotîter tole ihe cuusip Cat i o prusirle a tckoup uhrre ronsierlc, olee trîrd. Theionuf Milto lins HUMOR 0F THE PRESS.t ilouI.ip anditrassients are sleltererd un te i ott ril at thtes; uftihe couis.l Nrte iatr Irul t uttuc'tpaganss I Mr. Louislakeink Doif oWSeland,9 ile priupoa,t %iussurccssfillot iis nacrptinal editor nb.i han bero hain tr prhin rarettducîdlm 1 abeo rtieand deo is îtm u tu cnts. itary and otbee Ibiogs in wirlîha takes a pernona inLoeribas anad- totiti (iO5td terss on tbe abusietipe hiublie gave IiO i t. on tr inir ilied lur the lii lie St. Mary s Rotary Club te tirr antiî . .u u te Ire othair ut ther day. As seprtrd b! the Joursn a-i l police iartets O5icet alsrgus, tbefiet patothe ndtirenoL ]liriitrr iiia, tiichoui ilf the îecoa mý asdtettita ,ncooseiosonnb i s e inn i lie ci bilditngs com'fstitstinthebaneespapra. Tbust lui-i iot '1 -nocif torîth f ratttude' bn1py nlipns btrb deligbt riaderrnbit;c iii' c;ýuti ttMîitons stoild. peusîduestoise rtiîtosta grum prrmaiarriY ILleýi %I.geny,. rrrrirti soilîn attrtîoo.Soiiiu Aifi tht'cirgatiza.t theutouurt siipsa4cntte rrportisgsof acridrt s Ill nace hrugl areuittire uuor- 'ae8011 s Drl. Hitttis batifrit bis I mentsi itaiou gteeiutttit etiiee therpoiii h.opabe o p sitbuIr' Tbrý t.randil,,feiountvririnthelruîiOu iir, iif lt. Johb'.base rai; oif in(ifIl Arl ii rtitîîii for îulîch cetigs. Tbry mne bcilnrîsib e ril otur frohicli bsrîliirtfronii:3 to 6'ctueb Aus orie fît iuit.ib' prtromanearity paper. istouird I ip (tInfi c ~~ .rtîosut0 fthe pubi tbat tt is propoari tualse Mtltoiii fi c i if.rtiof i îaIItfatiou tbrdonations to urceoirces fur It1tqt1itlt hILI iiru dita1itairdcoditiuon." Ii asuibruriss abutttresaured setsrati" saer l.t-ciiiî p,,t oitliet ctiii.îu c usitiorne,thertiituuaputiigiiition mplaieti i eiexutisîliefor whatfiilid tave foir.ii tiiiuttheioiittul ataistri sTh,, peake, t.îiîiîiiiaîi' IL ' as tiettcffiitifrtuyraen Osrtiirduuittltriithe jm ý, rit-1 ), urng o ighittrii)ta e acusni ni i ts tîlitît' IIt, a I l îiy. liii ieOuno tiiatclv theitienti i, ýo,ý l , ,li ll(1 ,ýa I f(J > 0 Il t i 1 iiuo, i ul i t î;po nw ttb a rporut if -I i l ut i roe d . "h'ttu tit il-n 1 ira fo i but c or. tîutil Luifsiilaitue-'t r i il loi i t utu ta ,n s hIlt ui j ,; ! i,, ,, i t 'l :l t iii iui i l ii Otf the ltoti Ilaici il ttîîîîl'îs ý i l , tt e hti cliii -ii', il itli'iiuiis ritgtiiiuuitiiia t t i lii tt-' -t.'as e C un iau 5ii g' hi 0 t fi ,filfîuu t o theune-îoAoi II, It iat ur iiiiilbuit vat-uiottacobaritî "m, Il w'iant poîru ggs andsti an fi i f r theic i i. aitn d uei t,,i utc' i olîu t lIt.pubilictiansd uitn therscali.iii, ý,I t, I "1fIll us tni, al-irtit n t erru i t kvoi, Iii i fi i fi ifrîretiltioniii ailie losdutituiirttiitulp ifi ltttriî li anii i rt C t i nr - i i rit ( ti tan i rfi'a ii - f r f" -u, fe Ansîber Step Tociarils lfrlfr Seeof.1 i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n tof l i i i ltr î th i rtci tetior uitd i i Il Ftî , . te ' l I ut tri'; ru scît rîtple nufVotr c 0.C- il L tîtM rieii, ti timitr ssstakrituntii tierii110,litandi ",,i 1,i it u i tîr i( lý .thinltri itutt fi irperunirus orî i, b .1 l.I'i 1,', t i t d l ea n î i i ngtr plaon. iutin riutstrof h ircfi j% i nipu' 'e- Il t VWsternOnitariouuamecagrtbeu attre -titi k i (li h îî % ['ci,' o I uit ii)ttritn AgriultrtiUttrgsfor a ts aitiiLiIc Il Crii - iii(i M tay -uiiuofaiistruotionanid prscttuu j h> it t rît\'. cr, e( i inithelirn st tittttdat.rqiipisC. i - I r 1Lti ,t \t cu Iti i il ic te se tîtnrn erru ati unprrritur'î r tit î..î it Ilet andiuiieuilcleanersttey camttbu ltoîrihoo IMIii tliItu .f nri. istlisuupditidtas as tu chat ______________ itîuy ai tuti u ttd out, itsd tlîry ,e7 e ItItpirsuni ith abat tlîy WARDEN'S DINNER. a, andittrssedtitbforrtinperu liey passsuîta rsalîîtrit urgthai iili îrla sbsîld tne beld vi Raisian Pie Omly Thing New Yorker Can't Find Socs prople, It secrmi, are oner The New Torter, baving bea bl faws tsar mnntkn, bas atrrotiy hem guattOred by the ntglt o f a -runerobte gentleman citt ilts îc tilî,keus aght ini antsuaydar, butslkenayn hae roui'! rust anit tIlir surs a paoaroifru carry a bute o a! t u ita oaortftay Dru srsealrrusî erry attirceut urti-atutupactogu uni! btsdte, tiictadttig a duc muiig oiy liitfatlirnnshort- uu ttaiiia Great Catir, carridtIna bisittet. Jîsi itîr attir day lie cas one otif efiatiit hfuturttabouthî -i tuarer lnd engtics! linacrhitur îsîiltba iir t tt triiot1ci tuies saet itit as Airrîtîertrio.! Clii;s tîîtlreNue let, et itri stu 5ni sît u cicji pie. ltisttertr i iolss tîrit 33 uutioig les, ficuai c-t' trots titi titIre gas- trnmeseule rîtfsar-l t-iti' tic gels ci lien tcul ic lfo is, fîueite desseirtotiegutri ti und a sud ttil fiitilN ru- YorkSoni. Fanker nf Obsrrnat.ey Thre cuir, t uni tfoc tIr ietructttioi of Lik 1rrtii-itiiei tut;giscu b Jame nu aui5, ii. ins ieiai pil tlrupi. rî rio '. tîrcî t ticreicks- iirg, l'a., rtin 71W. 1-cetii cf pa rii'ici-c rt'iiirt ul'lrrincuens 'fet. 'tiltiirsrtuandt lir'utit't, tir int r lii nlifritrii I 17. iete.! Ici cal uirt'rtioitae aiifotiu. tri t".4 Olie pir ur pf rai in tbtIctirtid, reC sii it r ii tri ri f s t ' tr i t-td tri ccc Tafi i t- t iriflfeutt ctrittbe Amii unir"Iis tir fîrîlpol teti C rîfi eus ir rît tali- tiic'ii'rfie Il,- i-ce uintfiltifies toryiinul îrouirir-rtiir'i. sotie- f-ct-cii.. ii ljn -.uritýCiieiu frtmn fhih$,Chtsti si' Ho. tn Setter P.- rPastare piif ici-r' i> ltn a t jttuit ,rit tiîc I'. ltr lt l -Iitttu .'. P tli - lii ill Ii utit ' t i itt llt i , I i tii.. il .. t 'Yt ir loue spIisioit tu uI tilt ndi t tîsu k ien rit thotrie tr Il t frontp. f' ttu aii. To "ll ", . i.ii ii t ii iititteslui ihpogs ie iaarsgribpre Hose Herd for Coody ttii. d-u,-lt :titiiei t lii kl",Bratnchiusin Toontoandiiin.' Ttrp..î.teîîIdtriii.'i.s te, uIn, . 1, rur iiet. ui 1I tt, clulcitsoriue r'arllest atidrue s lic otrîrtlit tIlt,' . ' îeInduts- ai - t, I iit1t5. uîlîîidg ciull trl p rcureifumeandl tritî - rîs isin îîti tit I f tli , us' "ie n-" titir tuti tuiiI at. Itiete ttt'stlrtiu.taodsta sarbtnesnnc cut.r uparttiiuti.' iiir-11,1re ed. rut] i a-I ini~'illril utte ttutaiii fortctiii uitutn.'Thesniisrsesgnrures n(]rd.sos.solut l àt-c liuoeor ocaj t a ,--tttis.tI.t titt .otiut t i IiiitrthetCttd Husulasn' vBit itrg at ie ,0,O1ýt hnaeaec 1, ir f ruex-usntths e Co 0 lîulleg,wherurtberduffreeît krnsu it;hrfiner. 'ir,luirfruuatucingout dn r tî.t'îîpel. tStu, M.J. fimchuislilieensettipfor(tirer huuultstrtuttsl.tIst ylicostuised rI \tr.s.tttitii u li iiten. chliuthtiruttpet nit specs, _'uintiîue. acdutil Mbrkuets Bruicucanacul ouutts'teuus ftt-tr srg r h tsict.i.iitt'.ttIet, ,.i tri'it.iuiltttuut 'uirge arr e' t,,bueaotevrg tA uu itt tit'io -d lit t t i ) onii rnn e o trpati fo t enu-retf ther el ditts tf senrti i, t ,,rrt uI tt i-~titu urmnitlrhîpatrlturs eoscwciýh tir' stit tfarctooruutrcurauu f1tîîîîliiIe n theudaiufluerd ofthe lansd. 'i- -tirui.îg tni ii ,trie - cS. Hilrami Walace Cebraîrs lits l0fst tý i ru -li. y . ts-Algir. ut tti' guilui îîî-1tuust i b4i ui' sin cs f. l Oi lui l tu t it- lty. Iti- Itrut. SWas'aceu, sut eran ruseuru ! en f P itorns. uadnît uarîlr ter ul cutsas- hîîîîî uttte aFt tiridsptituiahnor, ss'brr iereM 'laspr Sutii't ' îuI.d l.l uB versttueetialuar ta!cpcreseanit!faniriiitis prose 'isala A 'ioiri utturstt ' , -odt f ntitie. Mr.Siairrinrrm,,k- verse;iundoud.iirsefilantuof tie h it.itt .iiii i a 'utlp guotibrsltb Tbheteebratian aI crasseiays setouil10ii.t trot su itiort I ut uni -IC oîîtîî-'t oittie the evest s squiert, compared cicb ntlthrcrucsruuur insthrheurrîaf C" C tuti (-rie ge I -unie. E-e etc fthe s pedi e.ssbhes Se thr tahyrisitu - nî]thtie "gist luggteti gud .1in Lî cti 'sPred îft Ohepurth .Mr mnrh coru derrptiurlvtpilnnit Jtggiing durula .î titistru utu brirnandtf ike tri0rcsJerry. Suce tufBrusign' red iles eltiuigelsbasteretn for runpliiedtdcuileuriaceepttrnDot tuaI, tI trîirurtl tttrrglY 1h"tu toittsafnrser hssingbnad a seriaon stlyIni tueu, but it puiatruarre- fuIýl --I Atheuruuuuîrrs a stUn Sit ,i ltitusDuesninthe Towshîip ofNases. spondesler. (i. K- lesteeln thIe Dat to itti. t ,iut u, iipttruirrt . - 'whe bs Parentas ettird 1511 tlaustraesttiLondoîn News. ri uarieu utitttt tlui ui atf r a.,M-.Wa ine sa yong _______ lus W' Ilittrtirs ordtmainerertisspprentiersbip nsa Gemnet.rgrulifius sboeiiakere.asti ater Cstttrwings m S&ing lIer romo Hsîlf irsde for sîasp yearsoin the Village o! Tbe loir Coivid Briastru. a stimo Muffat. moionte tCtarlisle, serer hc AÀIIABBIT TALE. erturet ;ie ngc sfi89. In 1911 l irmonce prstigoe wbu saoanDuncan setttaCarlpb. anti bas maie it ca9nirardilsei.,satiltoatNew York borne tbrre eser miscer. Mr. Wallacec art cretle t A I. lutrtclts a stu-ucge taie i gains is treatrit pleasrer ronothe Isatiora. udr sail grert artist a ti.usentIrrteoctr' clututitt rab radie and wblros s aagreat deaf of tInageneroas. liere enesiy opéi- litim. li litl suinuhea'ncr'iutandsitti erutens sngng snge e arned isn gal,reklesnaandiruiinons. 1think 1% iltreic!lieriirii uinitde r ciotabe it is boybsad.-Aton FreraPress. treno np ni a Seggar anti rllat t er tglutt . atis inîngutn' li, iir i. auc.aruir.rctlh, ti en'ststiiluI martmenl. anti ssbat t rolet may tnTrg lheunonn.]u a it5lianeties FACE ROBBERY CHARGE. kerp ber DII aOc geto anoîber engage. utustIn-ter unîrcunu Ites Sp thin __ ment."-Sprtstgfieîl Unon. trite.rAniutiitiiiet ttt aonu asoibre rabbi;-iee$atrd Barliigtrtn, De. 2.-Sesstenced te thue snrînîa. - h. seattbeating wsnrntwa mentheoeah in the csanty jasi by f H.lp.a thePaume - tbe ralîlur; uas lîuusg frusa a it lb anti Magiteate Baer bere Iitweeh. Ed- irbe Departetet- I.Agricuilture ba0 tr riler pars nf tbe bodyntisct iopen. mord and Regioalti Gray sud Walter is ortgto lu18(1, wheo the rommw, Tbe insrîural it suiàtte tiesdIti t ttbe Tîuseto arn wanied at Odessta alumer of patenta Segan the ditrlbu' hear niritretiirdlitinis aetcstcned tandtialan a charge ni breakissg tienof sleedflSeeds. Ilu fli4a worb fui-mrnse fec minute Daialk asti rnîretngaglsapline station there. tIeald. Cons, quetiîv. iheIMeee orlîl hataken totmologlith o5"pIDYO.'1f aiE tenOdema onscomplationofibeeier.n.(Y-erIa ebe-igtut a"d a Sa2t aa liiri Report of S. S. N. 10, Eoqusluag t od e 0 heaft. W usd-MWa Sr. Dretiga 79 j.,irans A eîiet Stted a lacomotive roeurce e McLoa 73. ngeloTanOlt 115 Statesors. On-..recentîp ami oed gs-i eto fIoe1sSci S. IiI-Melvitle o lan*7,. Ler&Isntlp ssoder the oheels oC therarjiiva" as Me 9a J. 111-6onChari i le6. AsIiTologhi onter. -The englseer aya I the âs o JI ijoL Wl73 m4 ue noise of thse trais felgbtesd aàeerey__ 11e. I-elnofeo75 ast iqualî the obaet mgU taklog. n Tonalli 73.:men Hydere70. Àýb gere t htIe lntulsq O. niu J. li- bt* Tonell lis, <lareac lsuPed effl tO b o ai . Bossas 2sd. tamey Bonnsi led. the face- etbe ydiim.e-sbnbbeas% sI 1I 2tftld, Bna l Z.8 3~ Tommy fBouam4lKrt tiank pur Patrens- wièh thern Christmas Greeting "mit Peace and -Plenty for the New Year WlHante Christmas approaohing w agîîî take tis opportuaity of ooniéy- inggrertings te our frtends. Aceepi, sacis tfoe of yoII, our sîncere wîohes for a Christmas S fîil of happînesand conttsntmsnt. May also S the Newe Yeur about te dasen bring you pros- peritti, good heaith and wealth in abundanca. SMILTON BAKERY SPiiono 67 T. C. B0NIEN. Pi-op. MILNO No SooT- NO ODOR _ No 5STOKINO . No SHAtiouNG 'I M&% ..Ade..ý-- tI No CoAL ScuTTn IJV32 NO DIRTY FLORS- Thats why 100000 wonen praise the Sient Giow Oil Borner, lu place ofnid fasioned dort, it brings cleanlines and heaith; instead of wcrry-bappiness and leisure. Iasist on thse genuine Sient Giow- IT LIGHTS QUICKER-GIVES MORE HEAT- BURNS LESS OIt. AND MORE AIR PER UNIT 0F HEAT GENERATED Read this letner from a well satisfied user of "Sient Glow": "During the winter I installed a 'SILENT GLOW' oil borner. oode W,in the ciclatiog furooce in my 6-oom house. 1Iucd the eo burners only wheo it wasvery raid. This wiioter 1bv sd$20 ot o i n ae 2.0o fuel with osacb mare satisfaction, and oith aivays an erra and heainhy lemnpransue.' (Noso6'opoocequest) "Silent GioW" wiIi fit yoer range or brater. Let us show you its simple, noiseiess operation. NT G 1i1ïuim etc. .c4 S&W *Glose Poser,' Baftn J emji omae homes, sloieueetJ6d oher large àM4e e -McFADDEN & McCARTNEY R91l.4 M 1ILTON USEFUL nP-RýESENT4_ A STORE =ULL~ Une of I10 SVien pelva$ee .owslip or thiM IN and tend -came ts Se cecfsgslzed. the goveenlng slnt-vllIae.tiIueor Ilte HuesiUISàjfo~ -found tilt Il bad tos tairenomne se- *XIA" lo tino when a man oed. leasIng eiko s M ec lîorn eety. If nothlng were done, 5070sfnite ,Mo~.ri Whbo bapsrendIoti Se or eor ateçuq= migt isee'the oonrrîrsoprolnerty, fWAWsltDel-AII ind& i Ova h" m even tisoogl be wrre a total seranger ani Frathera. %bshai e.",. tn or even an enemy of its former Jahn B""me. lilon. phoine 02, Stasn. Bosch. MaItom, phome 14L . omner. Tribal concepts otf far pay c ame loto operallon, and 1h wno rer -_____ sgnisod ObsI the dm4d mans faailly sorlti base first daIs on bIs.former Seisngis. Fron t 5k deteloprd the* w e wj h to t customs and! lacs.of isherisors whlch e ih o t base faim vnrertiant i10nies canes verp rompt ex forts, ln dferent.pate of tbresorlt.-Natlonal OrogrWhpbadlc Saciety Blictn. f1aidt At ............ I-95 Ladies' Handk'Ts Boied at............50C UP Choice Groceries Gentlemnens ti(' -Anîs "rirtabli ,IGentIideîîi'si-' r it sti ittîi trifi. f.l 'id Giovesi SWarm Mjli SWeater 'Co.,î Tu rn buli 'siI itititu ForsN tih Pyjafinii A Good Shlirl I Dre.ssing Saî1tîîî( Galbraith & Cotqpany of Mviliton For Sati*sfaclti. r%-ý -Send a Draft Remitting Mo. 'When you wish to send m - ... of town, you are invited, 'f ~ a Bank of Nova Scotia1 the required amount. Thse Draft will be preporet mi a few moments without f Thse scale of charges is mod, 2', you need not be--a regular, of the Bank to secure thes ^eBAýNKoý NOVA SC(Y AmàESTAJ3LISHED 1832 ~ CaPital $12.000 00 ienerve Fund $24,00,000; Total Ites>srtes n $2650000 Mlton Brandi W.B. Clemtents, Manager onl when ney... tetfc e ut LItr' [for ýd forr sou ifi, 111c CL[kAle Forr Customers and Friends SP&Wà-Aylm«ed POur Cherries 2 No-2 m tjrns t Cherry JamI 20o.' Mineemeat Jellies 0[ a-" styse(Perdee) 2 Pound 23 4 paekages Il)#' Christuas Christunas Candies New Nuts Ctudy CRABAPPLEs, lb. 20C AiL. NEW MI3CtJIElb. 20 CaBAIS s»d JELLIES, lb. 20e FANCY BRAZttS, L 20, Ifi NUT 1DON DONS,.IL . 25c SORI5ENTO V/ALNU'TS. lb. i20, i COCOANLIT DURRS, IL. 23e ITALIAN tFILBERTS,. 20 Fsaey Cm DOCM lb. 17e SPANISH ALMONOS. lb. -20c Psisy CHOCOAT, 3ilo. bsa 93e BDDD WAINUTS. IL. 37c IctçoehlDay cma fd an a /1' GMRGR ALE 6 -42c ICING SUGAR 3 23c- CORD 25c,- ý 2kWALNUTS ~49c Q&1V5 w a" Cod, 21' i -RES 21 - - 25e 'ON darba.A50 erbstapies' [n . AlsOs îoderateiv 1iu' 'il. iends or ntii î~n 'Worthwh'ile Gù ttable for any Filn ,lut Fan'iîty. unsehcsid HennI ~le WnrkCat.u - dY Memtntiig,f 'Cookst Cutiters gppisAthoutu mnAtotutteurý Xeasure, ekers Supplies theo popusx iar Innv çigarettes i.& put 1it11 fi i n Boxes tfin 1. liii d ugaruite 11,- 1, 8- Confectil .n as tr td ý 'S Xtnas o.'0 No isaet, browns'aslîl grey. Prode.............31 Lad'éti' SelLu Sik sud Gegegete",..50C up 5e* Dresses Satin sud ilk. Prtced ai $9-95 SiIk Uddies Htt5nat....$.39 and $1.95 Silk Pyjamas The Compliments of the Season.- SELRITE STORE 1 M. 0. SPROUL. I muuuumuuUUuuL1UuuU E lt Is le h )f 1 ,d ýg Is )t le NNOUNCE WASI AL SURGI the Openîflg of Office formeriý d. near cornet es, Milton. . #~On GÇiven to 1 Plate Work. mJEHOU RS: 9i son, 0I~l 05 mut tiiety va't n Bonie, Creams Ul c ial cbristmnas choco rtrd ChocOlatîru- ntsd rich chorolatl FanCY Box C i a vers acCi'fi l ý s o n a e îî11) i eBfied& hîo * Red &White No.r2e1', ,Crosse & 1Pluche ll' Ried Ç, White Jecil' Crabapple Jell' , 1i lied & White (joi'ý CadChrist!; M CadFrs;c' nA ents, Bulk MijX(îr WasI;erl LIt Figo. FaîncyI. ..«Cape Cod" ('tfl) Grapefruit,\I;iiî granges, Sinkv-t 'ýî0ranges, Stîjikist .Grapes, Red Emp,;1: Potatoes, No. 1i ifý 30 ,,QUaity always higher le READ T HE1"Iti MAC