VOGO72 AýNýj1)1ÂN CHÂMXPIOI*t ~~XT8URSDày 1MOI£Nlffe i . MILTON Our .h ..0 $8.00 a 1, RTiIING A, -rd. .1 le. IUM Or 1119-SMPUr a,.i.. mrd by 50996W0e i.1~i N2*8. th. ebj.* t W"2 85 drod .rti-M-t. Su*d .505. bitho*m.rris.850oobd dasib l7r »02. te. ,Ofor p0.80 Y. ndî*.OO.12 esSS*0Pm une t 1,,r ..i85*S JO'S'O. -rd 2 Or -sih mb»qi88 ILGIT & WHIT1?4 MEDICAL 1K. ANDERSON, N. D-, a . 0. P.gels. 1'120 itep.l 7320. orn. h-8r. 8* îiJ SNLLI, M D., L-M C.C. Ma..iiaîadS rgeons X RAY Il-h N., 22 DimS. McCOLL & SYER (Ph... No. 1 M..st .22-jVitiSill A- A s,ronor22.22 . 0B.>2 DR G D. DEN.TOU PiNiciaù >1*and SurgeOn 'ihretse. 17S2>>,>7 . i D.AG.BREMNER, P A LE R IM O LEGAL Se-as «5 4i« Pups prrpareti for Toronto Con- srvatery fMusic Es- srinisaoos.. Klntt St., Milton, ont, PHONE 24. I r.F. O.Rusl DiLiM DCK supenvicenol Pue1hlool Mofle 1. DICsad Piatto Classe. "'7Aiihe2CY Tgscligr sf Volîfý Pans and Thenry. 52.72'I.aio Ailcddts fee Torontc o enitt iliT CBINSUN & ELLIOTT on Wcýtsoua-nY- 2oiy E tS,.~ Trnto Addreu-218 voastxýoriaod Ar, i the SciecciOTe-O-i lssi. coules the ,oLC & IHf nd in thse 1932 ----------- IoCrdi ot DENTISTRYSersocCar&rt wrkof eLee DR. F. E. BABCOCK Deoigne os Requet. t1ie iew "247" DENTAL SURGEON' GALT. Phoee2048 ONT ~power outputI Cl 1 _- 7,2t Th..nle - new Majeeti-GAceTATIN u il-tube set i .r. T.I. 6 C. R. TU RNE R Dl . G. A. K IN G an FsEa lrmer Iel/loable UNTAL SURGEONR 1 mbue ~ee today TMppoOient.Dia un; s e The Chjropi'aCtoi' INSU RANGE' 1!M I ' ' 'wtWe Lite, FTie, Aulrobile, Brlary AN S 1 5» v.TUR' 20 plat Glass, Accident, lialti. 20@C il" fs >.o,, rttys and boumtr 6%ý Ist Morgage Gold Bonds. _____________2 " I ~2S'22 12.ir.t2c022TasN ~ Dtrjet Rrpresotativs SSUN LIFE INSURANCE 90. Phone mne for F.D- DEWAR Also for Sale :eChasni Ratradstel. T. G .RA S A Stee Plae, Ptipe, Shaftiet. Pslieys.àIU4 udAiiOS 885.27 s, and steel et ait kînda. vhluaiIomUý>, 7U i 10504 M. MICHNICK s4esd. Phoe 171 on 80w MILTON, Ose rista M I LOCAL COU&TSC444Ai . îa.~- 2. 0 M4505 roaMs and bsk es ho poli, "Sy te oprat-- tram. gé-thei 'Emupire' i' 110U i-1a0eS S boy.: Wltoâm Un9xslled ini 0.Ca 57oviMs. Pul n broti1 rom 11Is ada CRLICÂO17 -poug as op-btl-au PraniorCopiald ad Trns H. EWHLAent MLE, PAN , OuandtITl eao i ~e. ,K* 50 UP I ~do~i I o- eetiou 555008t-~-.05 -55 U~ut~I1orlu gKarS18 L ~s adUSit~S___________________________-7___ ~ Beter Be aeTha,- orry. br.ch ut": of mt7l ion T -els disi es u ito*it W cu*Jy »Bât, vo l bor. eus*d movd 10 tA àeWbW rlaOi.. j me e eigl a, eSi. St louis. t a" .. U552OMM k M uiWbII< azuom e t hatro 4 MTs-rn 1 to teiag t eoergmmd i.~oto p> s, 11* aî outda*. et n £ That - ohfor 1-0eha Mldiees"rn tetg 1818 ho staystd te t1*e ~L ~ wss~sl.ee t 8*0dem. bt .me back and ca ed r ftibse Les di=ut 11on2th UsT RA E BTir e R S tak n he o «tàd bll as forN et he rod tboug fr o . m 10*1 ocand t foll r hie F r .C e .a d L g tS is $ a hLittle York. OU.l repulsed 1the Amer- ..oBaa course with a cargo and passim- ssid. -but 1 d BUmaggm tDO- i a±etYork an seb0on ,, 1ger li4!.but poputar spinolo avOefiCAV L ' AT E Y 8 IV C 2e~s6bcare driven d sase"-e,9«to. ,bar. e was fldo br A E L A T R U V C Bm r ~ toit êvu.Bellef thal1the skulse are flot tiune L~Eu,~k _______ of Insdiaa in8*eZpresOed 1*7 cialo at PHONE '245 . . MIL>N. Md mmthe srchaeoloicatt.idepartment of *the Good.;ReoSaonFosmd for Modi.val D»she That Ontario Msuseulm1 AT!T The foundation for that botterfla Giviaglotl a Chsnc ium 1Wie aUd for Câandiments 1the tact that ne relira vere boünd It li.band for a.paret to coalise J. & A. MARCHAND hAimportsot reoa for the appar- In the uoeart1*ed graves. It wa0s Ot lit youth rac Boive nome of ita prc1*-_____________________________ JEWELE2S - - MiLTON et vent thiest cf 1the Engiihof tme- his'e ied. 1*8 ipes haud vear ien r- erneaed make aome cflils deciaicea William Edoard e wMead c~ piaced len1*18 grave te ar- witinout aduit lterference. The lu u an.aesa d S* vc exisiainitbs volume, "The EctiiSb rompany hlm on hie jeerney te -the ablity o adulte te give a, Yesth R D r n S laa d é v c Ifedieval Feast, is foud lnth*e dishes happy henting gi-oued. Noneofe chance tteassume rOlPOoaibi1tY la et commcn tc Ibeir tables. wherein coe- these vere tound at Uxbridge. eid standing. Most ot us are ucabie P lmbioe diments and spcen piayed a major tc uoe thie grevicg maturitY et a GENERAL REPAIR GARA9 0 part. oaded with pepper, cobebs. boy. We heep on coddliiigan thr iotW ermare, saffren, cleyes, ginger, eionc- .. ..1*ghia far beycnd the ipoint w'e Battery Sales and Service a Specialty. Ho Wnn leaing 'mcii, notrneg, galingair. cemmie. Il- , e can maire scme et bie derisions. crnce. ouiceed, and ther tart ingre-, Terbi ay, aend c fth-ei - God-hdi-e tnTî W rmAr eaig dienta. they vere prone tc Inspire the ti heay faed t fsame rcod- odrc Siv tnTre W r Ai etn concerer treset draetbts o--curnulatien etfvnlsdem galeed InbiW T inmiting the aie keg or beer mef. atudy ot manklid, wrete 2 Tnmtig itere agais the elemeet et necestY te We shoeld pay as mc reverencs JO H N$0N es G ARAG Ea MILTON enee.For, 1the auther peints cet, toyeeth dw is d oae hr E ave troughing its in nrealitY luttie te de with crepoints in w1*is 7yo oug fciks the extensive use cf thene eIrmente.> ae aitegether our seperiers; and I - Our acîestcMor5.1emids a ntce e bp censtiy cryle t ct 1 W ater Pressure yet beges te brrd b:asts and ppul- persoea cf .my ewn yes.rs. vient hecied Systems fo t be ue 10 t h e aeebout their Youeg peepie-lIeate them of th, c.ponblZeettbtedthem fermerduy.. Mette ar e be alose;dct be niwsys rneddling wlt1*hTO.. Il- ut o wa aptto b thi affairs, v1*tch, t1ey can manage Septic Tanks erny bre togh ; and mou made use, fer themselvee; donet be alwaya tIcSist cf ec f so aurces Ibel teda o vetS .ing epen managieg their beat, andS THE b veddwith a shedder. pttiet yeorslui the water vitit J. . rowIyC d te digestion, ias weii as te dlsgeIse nrheyRssa MAIN STREET, MILTON a1the ceuc, orked. Fer naturel, The 'National Archery aneeclatieni credenrrn crled nlond fer migatiee, . ;of thie Unied Sliese eys fit th1e best B _G TELPROIK 6. lt»D]ECX 5 venat heleats her kngsRte'ight tshoot rerordt made hyaitotlng an Gao OÙ Tires Grease ~~ crowsed and- biebepu dieed lucope erw itit o Ionghbow tcedee bew): aod miter, Is 424 yrds 2 coet 8 taches. Thia wae mede by L. t.. Delicy of Menmouth, Tuulu Aloe Preerve tic oue'~v sg RouSse n - e, etthe enealtoursaiset 7fthe Ore.,___a___the___________tourmentent_____of__the Ufe of ModeePm sereBOtheyonî Ntioeai Archery ecate idn H. HE LER olf bas crewded the caille ouî tf MOlOCCOS RULER , Cherego, a reportiguatin1914 te 5.198 H. WH ELER thise potures and the cow eft temOr- , Arrivbeg cI 1the Gare dcLyon, Paris, Simon made a fligit choot ln Engiand MILTON. ONT. ro u W o le clcy f abc everrgeto a,1the Sultan et Mero 0le pictured yads lutches, Ie makilg Ibis j~ lookS autlshigreen leids. Tise produ - ahoere ith hie yeuegscn. Thin ha of462 Uy2tAR7FRdAL Pian Tuingvoiinttien ot muii bas boon reduced te si11*e flost piteure evr made of the shot, hoeer. ha eeed a Turkish cin Pianot Tu and themouarch aod hie heir. They more posite bow iecieed of the iongbcr,' ActionRegultln 1 vry iaae1 ir g prtiof and thlegreeted et the station hY a diatili- and, se far as or 107w. Mr. Daiieys 1-1929 Plymouth Sedan- -12FodCch and Repaii'ing. vMOiteWliiCOus gc rm ighed party. lerludiat the Presl- 1001. as glveesaboer.la a wvend record -91Fr eas ree-'timea a dy frem ber stail te a dent cf France. The Young rnai-ch tee a woedee how.-Wsbigtoi Star. 1--1929 Cb*v. Roadster. 2191FdSea- BZ*etrbthat rear p50oa i sly O'b rvoiOieg iing plattorm and thon la quite enligisteneot'and ban minre- heoadVtrRdis stha osesyon gis. 1* .od .bcsil80bac, ts her stali. Tise animal i0 kepi dotae.aMny reforma lto bis couetrYe We are distributors ofPhcotiViorRdo Piooc: 24. P.O. BOX su o Immaceiateby rieao that lber as-Imo-eiowiet the deatit et hie father a L*e a B.a 5.81' tors ot he filds wculd nt be able te few years age. 1e inherited thee Rtyalih ecryafl ieo ietu ie n ue ________________________recsgoise her. Itleithie latent met1*ed harem sol0wa rustomary, but db-:. It vas my ttengagement. dTbs We oarry a tii linOG.ietn Frsm ue cf predacing mlir sd la based on isaed 11*e ulxty-eda- vmee w10 ho rond front the frotwas hcrrl1ly uer' sufl auo bieaeeres vas e tlti e gard e. wives or tb mer. ur assaliants, vhe estnen-ý T. 0. D 0 L SON 1th. cbervat..Onf a roep cf sis-cntbes.ddegoo isl ee e20t ,wr ei ie Have your car put in shape 011w for wiuter driving. BRAMPON, ier, tifle gentlemen vise bave given mecb scogamit.enoisdteraeutensed BRAMPWOt, ONT. tito 11and sehiect mudI11*0 sevme I euslimiheted.ctandthe tw1vas struci, sovecol limes. Licenned Auctioneeu' mto a enl oealf o uou IIKo A lycenpcny, whic1* hsd steod gs.uant- Ford Sales and Service Mllt"-. For the Coutiesof et atissd Peel. turne et 0o0eofth1e pisnts cf a -eli- Ya- knoov compaoy .pecislisiug osper- ý^UB"gd Olsuüdor Oniy nid Wisat tise]y tilt nov, teceed adflied. It vas FÂBI SALES PrnMPUiy ÂttUâOd tO. cloenmlii for baby'a use EI repre- .Gkoversnent DMn a Tbousaaadtoid. 'f1 more than flash* and bleod couid stand. WWIý 1 Phose 17-r-31 Brampton. snao upete ouutionOfth11e 88e 1Orval Neiiscfl, driver et an sit 1Te-" o le *150ansi cugttruckS vsa *eued eootuet bWa attie 414 you smy It re. - Iosef1ta te routine and are gn!4 to Magistrale C. -W. Eaviahaw at Lon-. ased theun'antnet tueim. lIke i. Tise cow 50 relea.aed fr-- ber 'don, O0t., cf uplitg oa the pave7 - WhO naid anythief about a btter" #aU Sdahe ' ksaic sttie-coted ment of a provincial hithwaY, ".-repl otied 1the iret speaker i asucprised I DEBTS COLLECTED _ @awflaog eilijrostutrs Owt .-.e.« a eciin Yfrta Milto yr-liri o liSO accuredt e 50 n amai s ise i&tiyOfO."Aea f n feuopearance e. Mamiet 8l5a namaer the, jioElCrO ~ nise If effecticeness mealis anything puagtor. revolvos th e Wmab in furalshed a_____________ sdWI rvligparn 1lhina1Ilrslip 0 pt UItriene " -exilgryfas p toyu hnyu.wih a hU«sller pt a trci8eand"Ecb.g. _____________ t2 0,to o iii send your rasbod and then dried I a corrntestrtsata sa _____ tel of noieseand acconnte 10 ot wrm air and given otisor atteu- ed,rwit8 gresî danage, m 1the0.uade zdentT Ru lHy r bs ies KELL & AUN ie.~ti totti~'~?~~ 'utt sald N. p. Newtocas e; tThe tvabiiiers est- doras sutide .siled y mebiOry SqthseUtio fr Nelsite"If Ye rnvrl MY client 11*he ld country In aed surveyed I o aefi uiig i~ os e u TH PUSSTNTODJUOB d Vntru~to5b es acompets Wf< ingrtireM.~5inisteîor o l1an Wl! or v re, riglit off tise price before going elaewhore, as vo koq an efficient ORANGEVILLE rviu.astseoertoubs *03 arvisoalili I, endredu nbten trace,." id oc.,"No aigu of taff of virers, sud vouid h0iesdt~gr nyu OaTL TEMTU cuubleted sud te818-is 71 Isal meS cfortai efry Yoa2" BYtaeo rfecneto. Wadmtr MONTHLY STATMEIM Caii7 reloisS,szd 5M«AO- '~1 eThse mauiîafadaitted h a au hlla eiro ta-aUr rouged t. rqiflns e Ur'e u No 1 iallsig ao 1811Poe e 10dsevJebanoscthse Inn deOr et thatmoefad for a period of one year, and your servie-* tae,,ar au i s sin aw so uieeenc.tixgobddliag n o W.& te ovenieard tee conversation- a-' 5 d55a s Mdt1 ei rtus 44 er ar li ~ b ~ah iind5.~uy o ro bsofce, su wouid solicit your ibk. «Oh ,sid visaI ras tlatr asSi- uimedGai MoI tu& mwt<Ib3 -4t onse 0-thbutera.__________ ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I rWUmlr Ie8 1Oitse"tvsbetreeS .14 Vsn>eVs vbeei- Ww- pcimeat-md he «MMrW tiClé saWe carrya fuit lino of EETRÇLGOD ahi r t Md ----- À -and ourpricoe compare witll anY otber., 11140 he liGIftsu