The Canadian Chamlpion 1ALTON CO<IN&T. L Sf?! no»«S. MîLuol. Oct. a. 1931. j haia) ,.l (Bari oyou Gaette SSe lKyi cVstat 6îfrousa IDJUiu. COUNTY.COUNCIIL te c foc n Bt P lhamo latter hy le »ovmaî'om, 7. ?bls1 h.d os the local campus on flday ruou.iela au*0acadeut lu Torinto. Shoetbread r#ing rs In orderetoasîcertain wht portion ltansd for the Ilth year Insuconte- gÂddhabsn .1 d Hothe d W rgBoy cf the ccit would ho spportioned tasitou the Burllngton hlzh nchool o okBadmeigadb Nelson township sud the county of the Llons club trophy. mlmtc fqel Hutou a commttee wmss ppaintedl at the obamplonuhlp lu the track and Alb nb hrho Wudy the regillar meeting of the county field events rmn off on thbs occaio* Buady visitea st the Wrigglenwartb u a s couiul.held in Mlton on Tued&Y. tu The our chocols linlOtltiofl were hom interview the bigbway deprtment re- Burllngton, Oshyllle, Mlton sand J A gardng he ropsei thrd ighay.terdowri. Rurington retalned the. e LANilatnd heMs The ecretary f the Educstional asu.cup wth s total o 0 fOponts, wth lmry odsng r»insy. alonF RT AN STV sociatio suked the ouonty co>uard te Oubvlle aecond, wflh 109; whlle Mil- Neit Sunday. Oct. Iltb the Unitfd appont a repreetatve te be ait the ton came thîrd wth 77. Waterdown Suudsy ffchoul l meet at 945 am. uct meeting of theassociation te tad oly 49% points, but in Polo ta enable any mha ihens t ttended * T I I[.'> AR 1L gisc inormatioabout tho cent o ed- euultlog tbey outubone the cothier Auhgeore United chorch Alnlversry 9 L NB ilcatici. Ieere IW. N . Robinso,of echuolo. Services. The ereoiogserviceein mith- hno7 T.ODOHPp Mtnn. faiol, wan uppointed. Thle day wau ldel for trucft and field dramu. S hn 7 T .BW N PP ilo-ot Ir a hue bruttated thut the cnt cfeetu .TIhe leogthy progrant 0f 44 The ladieu of the United C.turch M edouat 3n je Hatodrme the feot eveoto commeoced t 10.30 oclock met in the churcb Sundsy sfternooo. turccy yencn hallriseeufeon $750 tu inthe murulng, and iB wuo lmout 5 to pack abaie teoud te afsk. $61,lt0l0 fer annuO. oclock In the uternoon beturo thse Stusrt Robertson fot ton of hbis _____________________________________ Alettcr wasreCrived front Burgesosefinl was coopleted. A large crumd bet sheep last wek, whicb weremuor- compry, the soccessul bddere for cf enthuuiaetlc suodeete fronm the ried by doga. cocenty debrnuore. rfuistfte tuko 'arions choclu ccompuned thein- tbemo ugeorit obetec ho uwu ty niptitore, and ouch mIn mue thueelgnal Houeblderruare adiserd te corder H t Mil.tou uud let t c they. 0for o chool yell frua cno or the their urltere cospply f Antbracte, Mil n ad themounctcrbuucbu other. Membere ufthtIe Hamilton becuoe of a prospectivr udcuuce i at cAn ordcecr wacoul nfor tIe pcceuty Olympiec club, Bobby Kerroand Bob- price due tc the dcliar of the Cena- oidacofker osi , foraccu. ct. Mita. yRobinson, octed asu officIaIs oeth1e dise dollar. tclrreeay stocke ou haed Ifti ox cectrdthie mwill bu pid ie Cao. mccl, te omer au sturter und rut- aeblerpdydprr u h udoutuecy.cfto tetrackcevents ad thecuucent disounrt crthe Caadiau cealoiorr cf prcaiucfts clu cîoefr1e ll eu dollar meantbat UciterdStatru bard A Of lýTpreciatin of th lbuter scraltce foreth fiebdtvpuys «boerdot- mtccoctcotiotccrffctuSce oudlcaculdutu.tehg chcyadeeccm-utee briugf'.. l trl0uet. bcsereigntou poce Ole'oltlepc-cThc edbcscrandcfe ne m tinbng alet tth ___be_9______ d.gil ttcococticmct ets hdcdargd o rilmava demaed prpyaet ie Am- WEDDIhGS. ructtug business. mecnteefautbracite.mptc b-t» A en s S is WEDDINGS. Thec couette f the varionsenctu we ccas followls. Dealers for M, G 1 BBON ROBElOTSON. Ste uuDE A,îi~trcdieuru0ocmiuceo 100 carde. MacDonold, Waecdon Browe-At ttc boeîc, Lot 20, Fîlth ch iitwddn assl mni o iltol.Mlton; Elcout, Bocîitoîc, 1inc, Eqursrg Tnwntliip, on Fil- 1-c-t .111, aet' PO i-Ot th-OMans@,10 415sconcds. 220 yards, Meolon du. .Oct. 20d, 131, fiHa PaleturoT P T P A L ,vu, i-n t erieooiugto Metgarot Itavis. Octtile; 251-15 secconds. ert Levi Boro nber 72ed yco. jeand ' cc iThorielloo le loocltp c tning t lompre, Gilbert. Millto,;tloysdatc -At Torontoe, ce Tocetu. GALBRAITH & COMPANY ecd wsce dcc ert e otuf te y lier Clton. BulntolorDockor, Oatoîlc. Oct. (Lhit, 101.Hery Doydal,. o.f lDtrloglaee ltctcrleo.SIr i. R)ec toî a, Trfalgocr. tun tVItycoo. mSt,-11tl,lc.J,, otcd t tot man. Leiglton u relicelce, Eleaut. urdine- mt u t St. Sto1îteu (tuohucl, ('o, t T op Ilc Iv oc Kopo ticiated. lot;.Gilbert, Mlton; 1- I I,10% ilu trry Horety. ce Thoctday, et 2lt ______30______________________________ - S~~Miton;co JoteooWatocdoo ,ri;Elca. ___ îl.EMY 111110108113 rontioîc:38 fil 10 ie. Poleut 01 _____________________ 2ug It ~e 1ic lko. îlot. 3. A Botge canod Filmat, Watoodowie tîîccty t,,Ilt,g if1 oly aotîtme toelaod, Burlinglo; . lts otr ICONDENS EO ADVERTISEMEN [ too plue ci 1,1 Motte ,-Anglican I-ut. MMilie. Buleto,, Bocc o N ch,0 I t davtovi , e te e ct,,r. lIer. Watecdooo. OGilbert, Milton;e 38 ftî 7Foc ,SAhLL-A cclcu t- Mofot îl..,ttM. A., ntcdtin mur- 5 ttl.880 yard clo 8'aterdowno infol ,aile. Tctrpl,,nPl.56tr.B R A D à ,,, ecc « oýn- I.-iol. do,gtter 3t Oekcttc Buiitgon,1461-5. FouoSALo oi M eot. 5c -. inth l11sJonRde. oRgr lterruediate Boys IId. Alic Jo.. M Il tocttll, lnb. ,,,o40,*.O8fi*e*#,100101 lait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Yards, ,ctî .îc (I . II ou Aettoy, OctoiliolIed- Il 'ocoo itn h rdloeoî,,eîrlngoc. (tdtool.Miltce; Il F R.A. F Ttac anuoe d SA TLIRDA Y JREA T25c. et gco teicccog îy ,c oh uic île. Apcty Attolan ?ccdy w ,e tumrig l lir15 sc -10yarodt, Sargenît, Octk-abCara el2,3lor 4 fah,îI,o,kîol,-cîe,,ec te ina Frechho IýGibrMiloc e Froco. Bu PhFocu 2'.L -R.1 .adP pCrmlchocolate tend vanilla le r l'c tc 11-1 in- , oigc. îoutîoocd,,c tgtte 4 cc eeic Cit FeaSOlOngb.1 'iC. A p 001le illed wth fine cocoaînt, reg. 30c. S.turday Treat 25c lb [Icb,. " l- k tttîeohîOfl-îtîîOto lIlas (aloetat. Bîiltoltcî , lpoo lokccîetc .liou , lon,,-.îg pltleîc .iocl eocorod, 8,teroueî: Chtuhlnm. akil:r . WJ8V l21,t. lPhon,. ic_ _ __ _ __r_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ î,,,,,, oet îî,îeliu ,,,ceodîl llycI1otfc- ea.c-c,î,co',, ic WEKEND CIJOCOLA TIfS29c. lb. D,, l ,,. l rlo î. mhi,, asE lsa ot,î,too. 18 fi. lloteîeg 1111 CV.tAlta ,ot,, l ,tt.ilti liiti Y i Sl 1, tu îo îc t ,î îî , II a ro. ototîl yi tor *,I 11 000 MIcctoeking. tyd- fo. 0110t11001 tîlte te î ol et îî,,î,îî ,cin- , itl,,lghiî îîic t, t, I iî s i, op lllto n Iotie lIA oH NT - ll tý ,M -i pic b tfcqu ivi, h sn a hgkgad Ch e i n ,1, 11, i , gtl i-ll marediho lier 3~~ 100, t-tgtoîî tl, Po, n;atppoo îfi eiîu ll . lilîli olMî yul iul- VIl a it Oi'Oo 11an 1Rober tso, .&ot tot t o tt , tlO t il' Hta d otlete ýi1(oca it 1ls E 1 c.fr29C1, li- aîntd ti t -h - esrtoM I.If il Sht t îotIle dtîy. Brîiliotoii; ttair anîtîlWîîtgcr trustil litc IJet (îeam Specîtel, H ot Chocolîte Ftî dce, Sîîîuît . o. , o ilor..1. C I lîoilliccl il dooi: Maoe , k- yrce. AOltylin10Mes. N. A. Sinclair, 0 t g .i 0'ti oîlliy r , cli s i.t1 vili ý t il,, t SSii ard, cila, pîît 11.Mite,,,. For tht cool nights W0 11011 serve îlot Sotîp îs 1su t io , i îIl rt w l,îcg at ilîc ,-, Juiort 2B Wo it O it Fuistit,..ri1tor v ciîtod. Aippltt ri]-and Standwiches. 1'ry- OtitLii ic-ltcoltte Servilt- t.l ofî Rl A. ccied t i lol o irîî eO ,10 ror- l ttpecioîcgPM tuldooie oce Ocyu lx , , ,îî î,0,2t, i-Ilk - 1,lo, , alral)- 8V111101XWatt,. eî,kî-,15111 . ii lii sit tlilei l - Itoi l.7, Phonlte.2b 11 1 Phone 14. W. T BAR N ARD. Mitn tho bil 1 lic i i e l irioî1,,gina MI vl,, ( îî t icli. ti,,6,, -5 V..- o l I iilc- le lii loiWlttsi 0 aiii l Ieî,tc l1oo-,,, titoii; stock, ftîcotu io . ,li,,su It, l ong 11 il. iii 8!ittunlI n tiictoî, 171,4111 lIo 'distances. loouoinl,li lit-i toic îîy ocî) stl nitîip,85 bsec, Ilcod, lit ee2:, Mît t,,, 11111Il S PEtaL tultoeîî îî, \'a11e, OClti Kemp, top. olcat(CooIts o irge.100.A LAWN BOWLING llittc l Il2.% i,.shttput. LA, BOWLtî. 1-tI I NG.te (1'combeTu tOitt -i k ,1, Niî at.,- 13ll T Mi,"Iorhrnond îImeil l' vo cecyîcî81,liiY I1§týlclil's S to rel andîîîî Pack . NmtpPtëo il .ti cuit5<titi n THE POPULAR 4 0S b iith, an et tal, i ed Senio GirlsSHOE WORKS l aS t r I ,îlîîîoît Il r1lic lI te i . akii iitI. hO ir PRACTICAL SHOLSMAKRS LOWVI LLE t-t iil, itiIi t %insii-and a scoîr îîîeu î tori P" c iii g o ocý r pi wtest e.o ,o1f a- frt 110100 îCool -.cttieîlosrci lî .t, Smitht ri, tt g y I- P ofec ylîo I lt tuI aMilinîeict .hppo O iC ttt,()p.oc 5 a o etlc t R VI .>..b.y.>UaJ... p îî,,t.î2 IhîGeorge t icil4 f, 4 }in.ioWitiuo. 'MEL00OKE -iii~ju j) iN. i, lIe 5101 lt 1,ogc hu o o n ii i St1.îîiti 0lt o:1. t l heb S OLE3 Cakes Ps.Imcliii Siotep-- --- --- t, , l,i,titiBowingî,l-Il l î o rnk ru th p utiti. îîîîîîcIsg- --- --- ----23 1 i It"e entlllnlît hlBrampt o oiiri O Itic in. 1 alIt i l Jî brantc hts eoto, te lco.l eI l îters Castile Sot - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -25c titi0o i Il 1. t-teii ,I iiiîi nOiritgtuii - Wo ecel ic Colocîeg. Tîetiog ' o u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25C l"' 811 i iti* ei Iielitg 8 ikt NI, liiîi- 81 l1t,, _Rad e edlYicO 2 ifs. Soap Chips - -- -- - l in theiiiiiiii mort îijiitlit7S il 2 in.i esobl hoe QU iclu Service oiîh 1One Price tu îit Ouîr Own Baking Powder -, -t ii- --- - - -- - - _ 25 I,îîîî.- l- ,l:i,eîltopi , M .c 0bIto i ringiti:. o t iiti-, , Y,oo uî,îteq l erco. Iollî r -- -- ---2 i-n a-iiiiliti N - ,lî nMi ltonu R 11 8 , 00011 tOOtloi.iet,,î, 161 oad are bttcoohco rcpeicord vastry rînur,z24 lb. bac, SII -îi ut,- îîo, ,îîcîî23 . -id,i S 1-p. 31 " u ln t ,m l- - - - - -- - - - - - - - 49C ,,, 1 . t kipl t Io toitlobe IlPCtîîi. 81, hp i,. \IeLaren's Jellies, 4 hoxes - - - - - - - - - - - - -25e :, i nd10 - oiif; ,I. ,tp 8 Ofrter dtGi rls ucI- l 'ti Oer Shue Shino Pamîor- .NMcLean's C.sffee, l - -1h - - - -- - - - -- - - 50C 1 t,,,ili I-l,-. tîo lIt anlit,, 21e. 75 81 ucî7I.Smtht. 111,0 îtîîîî j. J C. DENINISON G n B 1 T a:1 0 t,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ý -c. l i t Xiii-l oiti. uttcCîork's Pork and Beatîs,, 3 pans25 S00,10 3ullîigtig i Rc. l, ie; Large Caris PmineSalmon2c SOFTBALL 1, \Vtot Oaie: 4R. omt.ioknto.Important Auction Sale------------ 5 SOFTALL-î Ocitît. O stok -2 Tino King Oscar Sardine25 Itc ,1i,,, to1 I)ill îte iiGi Etttld;t I ogue Tîe oeîctyeti, - IF:.EN 1s~ 4 Tins New Brunsw'Nick Sardines --- l c.9cicliicth , l'otiîli tea 81 IuM. iî t iltîlll> f. )ý l,. Pî1 c 31tu.oile tcititof i to, le i 4 ('ans Pets23 - It, - iiiîii fit tlte, î i lu, 11j,, 11 iîtti,1t pK ldl, itoe, I WI2 DNI2SDAY. OCT. 21.1î53i Lsrge Basket of (inions c ilp f,. tb i il e ft,, Onti t t litt 79 lii tit;in, R,iottt llto, tBulk Shorteîîing - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - IOC , i 'lii itititit titîi~It t iii i lt,il, Btico l,,, ii. 1OaIk- eetiiIgE. cl io ici olt lts tPure Il in.111'lii stthii 3c)(1 , rs cloy,. linttgtîu onz l Ii -stftt3li19t'alleiiei Boîling Beef - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9c 70 15C lh îî,\Iîtil e tueC. . 1101, tit;Mi M.i il ' -1 11t . îî iiu atti bl i ),lo ,loti Lieus 81Ieo4t 15Reut, îtù 8 et, . 8 :i , l, of Milîti o.îî75te, i 111 11. . c'aeronto î Mirl 081 111.,y31. liî2-1olC etlî )31;ouîc B coi- - -- - -- -- --e-g- -- - --o-- --o0c l II i It cod eiit on f lhl . iî- 3tchelltaoîietoouin; M e3h s,1 o ,i'tî,î KlC.îeîî NT.M 0 IE d' utý ii îtsl , y l , t 1ll. O 'Nu7 -tet ." 9iit4-5. secc.P ,otc tîor -.tu i E 1h!ln--- - - - - 9 and I,ic jlpI. tii ,O k îiiilaeîNi. secity Mo e4 , tectte.locu13J, __________________Stock__________________________________________ t Il t,,gitctiu îcîtt.îî MtIuui oy ntteu, O kile S oF .Caterg,c i l- C.-N Ego 13. e i e C os Kand- iutom , ,iîe t ~ ~ ~ on tit4cu ,tt,î llulîec.2 e n Stîco Steliltue teîuaeo IA VS i I f Ktt i 83 l îl oaic. .Il osi, , h ue,. J. 0000 . etr ii , ueNetII.At oitoIIcl < f t tIti. lic It 1,11 Iî(tî'îio Il l u Hiii ll,îî: M ltio Oet 35,1hblMikteVrn iltoercr o, 201t ,55C %d5 8 1. 1, are Ltîo mareî,, Siic I to 1yt 30 5oe co it ,N- 13.r tul ot elitl. to ire,~e tiltt of tîîîctîîevjl( Beti. ie . 434 Oa ce . JId aet . î e e pto îtKig,.C ampio tifael Mdltn Itrigo;7 r But TRo W el to R SMo e E Iîîî î,-l î,ostt. lîaterture-A. 1 Mauo. oc, co etd CATTLE toîtîti o L 0t roul jtiiirl l' ý andKoion ;lillon-liamlton Miton:M. Wite Oak 2ùLl Mse WssoonbrbeFehere.o al , tt, i, and.ii, lîee ittîe in-i Iliotte174itt. (3oe0oya r cr lîeo, r j Icî l,, Bob inec ouu t.g eil, Bot t. ts coll atIdîluici. 'tîî,Of Bitl- 8',,toO. MlMiuton; 224-5Spiral nîrlJutorChamiocoltent 53Bluear h aeiIlD y 1,,, 'Ilt ii0 ,cIMit. ooa.e O penioigtit iIcOtthele e OcnsRoa i t. 201h. 2 Biîe t roi bu _______________ et4)lyarseoe b oys CdbetMon:. eeero , euytieyule, ns 1i-l tp oy l'y-., te.5Io. 81 Ten.oal etoodu Gilet. Miltoc;lel OEin -A1'2y h e00ee Ocoette s Ri.bteouie f h ord cfc e e, 4)sec re mle by, 500 di AtLe celu. ow b dJoi 1e l oi ( i o y il BoîrCrer, 1 ISig n ope . rl oy gTto l A qh osein c eet. il ng w ,H "îii eiii iitietre e rad'o- u. 8 % EM ue~crtic~~r~ o't ru s n bth e reo lIuotJst . ceotto.- "-llemiug MIlce. .Mltn .ýý.3 Spir77 loti n eemn uier $ail 11, toa.1iietof itn ma grs ulntosg lMilton.tkOakWuecodcc - 4% due4t,. ALDRO. 2 Aolteiner. fr ih rse t lctt gi yur redîug Psp.dFnaadngbtaf lîlKlogg, cuamird dor iugh fnlthninuf hyeurs R IN A ou WbuGos W e - board of apases.l We have bangood t le legU,-, 3 ,aed fmatre, 4il OS oa unit fputy Midirmott teemanufacltura î o m S T 3uligon 8rE E7l 6' ER S 8 mni'rei npr .1.î",, lted tiI peuîte.t.ury- 7,.te Osetsri publie. igh as u 4sdsy Itiloaol Miltonansd district. 'Nearly $150 In prisesvms mon bY Pupîla tn the puhile. high sud Sunday chools inuths coutY lst pes. ______ Atition Sale ReffItPIi AnctuesamslIn nf fa=iMsock d 4 U. slementa of Kra. Ro9- dTa 114 h Gdcn.. 8Toale041 MKonday, Oc0 121h Good PfiZa rrMd e ý;;Oi .803bavery sterling emark ons lîrer.It entisse- fiei the fluour bard ceo aI ua s euir ee bor heceflue sher fuad. hOlue col' ije gedr tf he mine wilh a oarmess oîuoriflg ebse donotuaffect the ineuIllOesas. WlTe coa diE. Spneut--DunirN-. Mahma t. i "Snowballs" 15a MeCor.sulia Nnm "Tungeesar C-ras B ,, Sbecsl. 2Ui Lobster 2 ma m35e l.eiý Pau.inSpeitol4 3ada29. Spnuui Adals Fmd V.1ce soh&M Coomomai 'm4stn 29e R-teusmsOîd EnginisCnes. V-b.uti23 GRAPEFRUIT JIJICE.N. t BLUERRRfS4sN-22 PEANUr Butter, lW Z20 TOSO(JP. 3 t-. CORN SYRtJP, 2.&.. mi di..U.. - Bn 3 MAPI-E sygtjP. S-cebal. j IlE COO S PTEST ')A.Ii C-He'. Old-E.4zie Siir MINCEMEAT, 2 peaai 29c PUPKN,3 ..2 tn. 27c COFICE, Ih.5 BCN. 22c C 11', . e5 meeai 6 BRýEAD. 24-e..I1f 6 BUTTER,2 lb--47c SAGE - -. 1 l11kSAVORYe.î.lOo ONIONS u 5 1eDeming teou Brooms acii 25,e MosienosgRrunh-, 3 f- 1 Ou Suesbb g Boinb Si', -u lIc Sp--4Y- . Eas, Saur surprise 10 bars 45e F.W Sm TodesSuap. I f. 17ýe Buh Cb. Speesl. uh 3. Polnlr 1-1b.tin 39. 0tn.ei~C . Sa 2CM-OM 3. i 3 ROMAN MEAL. pkg- 9 CORNFI.AKES, 3 phg.. 25 MACROI,2 -0 pfý 17c Dé5. .Wma 19C ruMBANS. S3.Dm i Oc Bai.g Pf.dflk ad ~rL~E 60-pieces uin-&a ind, 2lb 8- - - - - - - - - - - Oi iOi ualt ed ullbc O 0 atNds Se lii E"-t' THE B LU E COLOR SAYS * *THIS COAL IS THE FINEST OF'ALL SCRANTON ANTHRACITE Til sutha superiaîieels g-od c ooi thot Wmetiède. Imdarkil tFopeugardaonte ansd protection went bapîsg . . . dyed t wih ahoumrioesa bise cde au îkiî YOD con ucognito il et à gionce. -bi alo ilas ot a wors Ol .. -if i. fhe lame fa- mous. D. L & W. Sémat-esAntihrascite flsu ha, boer, o faorite in Canada for mo- thon fifî> yeero. . the finesi cool euer bmaaglui olotue greecd. Witiu 'bise cool' ieiaing ckeeîriaiî in you lraite, pau nerr oeod î Foce tise Aue ta get thse degrt ofe iseât pou mont . . . iust cherckuthse droits, feed ueo cool aparingiyand enjoy perinot combfoot. And Vbueaocool'a is e cleanest cool pou erefs auu ligne in peuceibar, Jeinin n our Fuesiste, Ail uhe imparitiet se a aieed and acuoennd oan. So jutf'phonie youe deale foru blarcol' intfeieu yoaunqaue. Tise celet -11 tel pou tisai pou are getîtg thse geteit keatîng ralutr Cii mneoy cos b57. YO,1 ars 8 I poying fou tbiue ceoi' sur. Iiii~4i~iiAi>1 fort, toamlsp sot gel fl. Yior dealer la a blue cool' 0ION YOUR ORDER N0W. Deans -let3N.:tmu251, AytaserW.a B..42 a. 29e k. Cum. ae.s. i2s-o27e AYIna ChoSe Qudan jua m mm On.Da Ni moC"m (N"-)i c AWPyJIba 39 1 OUR basineu i trts e. e stao eruC ti u ci thehiIetre pathfinder;ti pponnure Tire; i. BlIori;and thels- pot th.. rigli o chnrge. Andel«te-1 bmUY-.fOr tire Ir.ou i'ti SCavell Batte PHI 1 put aneioi I Clo ver and Bougbt at Curre'- SEED FO No. 1Dx-usth u No. 1 Poritosy1 Phone 45. Mil camphell's 'Itîti t Raspberry -lutt -i -Kellogg's CoiiI St. Charles ?tlll Mixed Pýeel, lir 11 Cleaned Curiitctt 1,I i Seediesso 1-t eî-.îîî, Red & whte C t' Standardlltlt-1 Red & Whte- Red & White' IPL Crisco, i1h. tilt Hases' Lptîit Bentone'tt't. s Duffis l'iItre ti Singap)oru 11- î Patterson's I Serti--ts Brand3tl I1 Cranberrîeci, 1)iou HPIN . cGU N i"Quallty al"ays hlî Public and Higli Webave I1 School Stipi I,ý 'Rbought it l(-i t ý d Hîgh Sclht1 'ti -Supplies l'Oi-r îîî LOgLeut N, t' . n d N,,' Boks. l lb- B'sesfookettc,, sudositr e i hhered Nmi t, , let Bookst i-. ~ ~ ýp tOlt igt Gef eilu iit tnBamms r -hi epo itn Iitr - T]Nxt ooBO @ cpe etrv-.dit mulwIr- 1 1