TIE HALION COU#nTYýI'AR at MILTON, Sept. 26a & W6. TRIALS 0F SPEEID $525- PU)RSES-$525 2.17 Trot or Pace ......*200-00 2 24 Trot or Pace .......20000 2.28 Trot or Pacte ........~. 125-00 Te-> er more homrnmay sarnsIfrom e astable. l'ursee div'îoed-41, 30, 20 and 10 per cent. 2) per ceci. i, caler andl eothing off einrere. Fiî beo r ad i rt acb brI bet tbree in five heats. Race te Iteomicate at end of 3thi lico. Entiî cl'ogec Scpt. 251h ttî9oîs. J. F. ROBINSON, Secretory, tfooce 144er 1,Î1. The cimititlec tasecîca tle' rîght 10 declare cff or change thae rder if the lccireiiciof usy ecct ot 1, filiIîîg eatisfaclerily r in cae of wet weeller, ce fr cîîy th er cacec. Cccada Ilarîîcaa Associatioa raies t goveren. FLRE STABING AND tiTRA W. SPECIAL PRIZES Alil eahtalss e-taoiag iotise H&Hall apeciala muet ta. dlivrred talthe loscet HerSa locsitot ale and :3temaleo. toto'CLASS 41 1 "liT 'alton Cl'o .td,, .rorlaBscî'o alt, Dnry tvpe, river 6 scsthl tilisoocciavet.clLe e-sed.eoraýd and aaibtcdbyaoor girl rsverIi, ,.ae ad laer lmeicateo ge.living inthetmmsSiate ditiiet eovprsrt ly oure Socit. i'recoo' 'o ir) letofacT.'1Enaîtonc'a, priue I hla l else aootlis .piece S'loer Tco et- ie, loc $25 iM). 2 J.' Clg&'Co , miil'c King St. RosI.Hamilten-BraI bustaci tsson Apple.l vS" al- $3l 100 'cW raeV. Ilicel, fKing an I., iinNahb taal.. Hamilîca -et 10I.ho lîcsey Inocottolo Allesacii ct$25,unoFl o ta. 4 Hcaelil Ios., t30lKnghîSiro.HtIatsciîcs Tîoteprsesss'ssaiag thc noîprsoraol'I...'3, of aîi'.tcîloIlticicson eal leaveesor Persius tatcht'caloi$2i, )ic ýl.l,ý-,'taoî'cal,î--'sîchtaCorit ;-, 1 lC pce,Bniitl, niîo 1,01 b-quetoJt)DahliaDarwint'li, salose 1- I -'o rilO ocCî,MiItîon Il, ts a' il madeof cfactccy ot. lieriîy g.o . u,,,,, , 1-t, $1c 00 I I. 1 50 1' ,, i i,,t, S 0M; 2o ,,,, i i S110.1 tîîlandiats7 ètu b he ie u d r foi- ,î,'eIs 1 h 11l, L 1 i flc, ," e1.o 11 iC. 1 lo ll, i ci il Il ,11r. et, i$.- ù I L I, l0 ,,I ci,, k '0 011L , idlL11rso , I, ., I ýIl- . I Il ci1 'cl, iîîo-, Il'y llngt,îon Steel Co,, .Ltd_ Ha is,llo,. 11, ,,.1,liccv>,'lly i'c i Eî.îl.eýes('Co Ltd., Silcer Ciip. I I,,,îctdid IAa iýts, hly " SI.telcand W'îce Cc., cf Hnamiltoe, 1 -, Il, tiiof A,,", ,9' ,'tNle),uigall I-ido 'IXorsla sit, ,pump, vailoie I l, ocîl'll.Iof u.ly i Iuylatiriel'o., LIS., Torono,.Order, Ls il;lelio. ' let., -'t ot 0,hicliet It hy Bak et Torontoî $815,001'.;î2Ai l'E.I soî, ,', 11 3M y 1G.1C.lshso, î., tir ilcst'I'svcl.ccs,",llIi'îend,i-)e itit andonefricatheCleunst&C, r Hall gallîo.I tli,,' Oaci',,, '20 X'sW Ail . , h I..l Il I lotît xoEmer, .oeoeng t.eirmea berer oef«1ent alah.6Ameaieas j . &a. .fl-7 aL a wzp of mane and theges abive dalilmution. Coins are Impertatablé *sats ihannacrptu la mtai. sinfotding a co>, as"'la* cime utioy of tbe refinementsanad W. j.~~ hh~l Thyote petr o oey rOCI9ta Btut-'9 f Thy th e aploy f oey fradcltPii nt a wlti 5" y anirs taai-o a tttory 01 Mas-1 t-dmila £ m:d kind. * Wailgta mut a sein n Cotas ladîrate to what enlate 1ba0 deUlV"ai v e h tlà*h. -vms risea the art, archtetcturead matai- tudt aigbatme ss Ohéhbus lasgy of o people; sayttsology and ses clarla dock, *h1ea mIi.P'UUM Illto hese are gravea oinlpe-rittaatlel j onhatamund for a PP'6 * sas- record. Greece ilaail 1er gtary cl andig 31r.Rdgardm MM. «Bae Rlome betore the rail of thteamptre are boy" uand i hlm bis b«&u portroyed for al ta seceInthe bulsheIs Fiteriag litata thé im» nthe of colos aaceverrd ay imodern oxravu a- e*d Of many ImPariut nspMW tion. eaid nataag ita dlilsin bu amW The dteriaratloilaa'tch rollowed the empoyer, but pichal aUP tk* 9? gr unaverool tragedy or a ttead empira lasmeeily ad foiiau.d the.r.r.Bd geatltemoao to hi. s oom. * refirted In the harbaroustycrende Aad bal-lac arriwed, ha tooh the ratas of the îtiddle agea. ltoaey tetts praffared qaurter titi and put It ta .a tory of oaqaest ad siege, of vie- tis paniet, boievtug tint tae gend tory and deteat, of cultare ad lgao porter taesorttay of bis tire. Figared sance. Moaey recerd-dosbt raase,, atMr. Richardsotaaraguaslar 11. toila of the rite and rail af the affaire the ctergymaanItot a bargata. of otan;tIt aeggeaîo cîillzallons de' 1 troyed ad orgollea. - JEWELS IIELL GUAJtDED. Sfrea Scr'eaaa and matira lIn Action "Bitmng" Remarias Natural Wbeu oisit Tquohes Jewels. in Cntet OeirTeeh Te rte f tosewtao tampas wittt ensCotra Gai'Te thte rcowtajewes of Daamonb w aar "Your monry or yoar teetht" was ssetled tc0 a party of toselga touriste ttae detoadanSd Ilthappericd, aot tn tntanoasguat way. Ctatcago, bot la 'a litl111 fleaarian Wtiie lnspetlfrg tha coitertion la village. And the dcotiot voa tIse lId. tae Coatta of Roseetaorg abois gaide Up man. got too close ta te tseaasreand Ittseoce 1hl1it he îîutîî'01. eho hl aaCcldental aet off aa'iaactttalld sent tua 01.01ocili t t, ocîcat (lt for te orotect I. These woo a deatenlat polih!n lii rt pi] abil mh h auttaurat0oftaowlng srna anSdJa- bislther oct roritod I shrilts ei-g boits.T'he catinet saabtsogta taa oaclc as cat.,cdseec the floecanaoidooraooatootlY cco rcial.The S'chtist aîS ece closed hddlosli, and cl e'cîiusdtn A attendat drewtta.s volvr retac tnlaoî,', > l l linl bc lo oan&'oa.aneed eeec0e tastand paldhS oue,îocý letiti herc levao.o (,Ca îads ot police The tolthlea'. man eued oncatîle aIehait heco sammoed tstaataa- gseaaoiof "iaf.oo'cii O'ýi,ilc iof ocg. "euely cched up infst cars and sionl etics', ((,Itt niloocty oocceoded tie coolic. ~~~~~~~~alcoee 'l i, tnt EPaalnina aelly reaalted tln eeet'ed .l h' lîcot't hepoctl eogc.e leasesad the ttiaoucl iotieul,tît!,',c55.i fcient îystenof itcacdlsglthe oua- couldo 1t cal: e, l t i e) -I cth. î,_ 'o trc s rs The cor b', iito' 'o' marsohi, hîoottcc o the sitc001 LONDON STI'Ii.t LARGEST. Rasaurse l tYoath As n ce istorîc 0i'of ite' cl -'îiccctot- Bae '- 11 b1 cd, -, , aer talcin lIco, I v. hco, l theoco ,t,' o ), îî. î:î i olag thc e t 't leSýý uý on "thecl , ri, l cdrben wee is i e' lec. r "lu't,., îr - li , t h, , t ' :i v ,,iiis j'i e, j l o i vcl . ti,' I t' o I ta fci- ", ,. ,." ' 'Ioo arehuiitacth :1 - i, ol an cotasde t , , 'îon,ý In proliti 'I i c -1 , ";I Cace i'otle 'i - 1 l, l totoP aJ'toi, c f I, aocllicooti',î .1, j;,ilo 10se coco il i, ocrA oer ,dc,ou aiit , a ] i, ih b1hlgamp'leoeDItI'a- tIc,, Th '0ic lic hIy -Iroo a sdt rd en c indc'ittic' Pci-lo front Soîcas co ne cr, in IIi tý ltn.0 Oc 11:nu th, otr-'t t I tt ' leln s ohe c tr ofIt t, ,. , ijtLriig lasto o a lo'c Fih f- - Oy ltc t i 1 i t'clcr' ' i.J fi' i Mýn nbul.o iiii pose ' ,if v thrcitllI ;oc.ne relueS lo.to ic iMtO,' T i d r 1100c ot me il UrS"q :n the fOshicotiger ;i t;i ý] vencli , iiougli tno ,ncý !tl t la tle se va ci ic I11w l' o'rcf Ceat Ira aemctaaon OaDecseoaa Bat OuteRBing e Reopo (iratol. Londost i titoe,'clS's locgeat rity h0 a margusoie etoecetha a osail- Mi Ihhbleet ovece Nec oYrk, Metccpelit.atLondon, cealaiaing ta oloseoeo,-" ,hih coecpond9 1101001 ac nwavs oGcîolec Newt Yack. lia ceo punlahto "t,20)2,010 The pcpclalicnof cGlieolo c Newl Yock sin he lsL'antlaStateu cenou coa l.981,91 7. ce 1.220,901 lemo lhao its Breitisho rival iLosdo'cscreesue in thec cnt tctî yE11 - a 822,619,an .ocost Newa' 'l'oe t1I361.809.The CaoIT etofLodo, ubiceh bsan a cf appcoaimatoly il17 squarce alles eilhio c radius cf ice mlles of Choc Oc Cccac.shows-a o Sareascetf87,792 ieholitcaote The -"ueaarinUg"' asa rccrd îof rapiSdcnad aloetoalntv»aahe =.'ttt, cepotsat 3,803,997 an ,-uet2,995,678 la the preedîne N() NIBER ONE. XII 11 1 dous itghwac'Nu.1 Il Ontlre. 'TIche araer Iec la h0 Isrs i-'t.coccuch ruad.saescc asa- c tr itîc. ootply hecauoa ea 1hc" o -r coc îîîtceclgIpthe hlghe-aYo trniv c,, wn, tecac Sc0 onceNe. 1. At1a000rate.th, fillIcit utstotia Oti at'týiitc'tioi and-ur Ne t lh he, b, netco 01 c oc bacc omMont- -,il, -.10IA,0010 Thceumhorcd iîat rii i,n t 74. acool eiodeo lii.' he '01g cf th, t,1. Britde 001 loch tac No 1. The,col no cloanima, a tic tu-mec ocsaichen he Pae-a gicaffe ut i ccue-Feom tie Cieace T racc copt. EIXPERIMENTS ON IMSELF. Dre J.G. Fitzgerald, dicectar et tls Conagits Latoaes,e-hlnh otan- lîtaclceersaneUStandacdbnes large ciuniieor f sectot, hellevean uItk 1100 ltso otmodîcîne BeHe-ade- icmulcuaing le tas Roytub Society et I"asuaotîe Scbbelstest ceeS on 10- 10 toiodlante saaceptltt t tipOtOccio De. Fitzgerald 1001 off hi. ccai. clleS up hic ehîrt leea and rahihiled ua srcea cferahes on Cet .0cm The dmnotataln e-an ueed 10 icictatc a grscp ef raporta on Sphîhenla îotmualcnlioa. "Se pouuse t eco etc ownrabtait," ha tlihS bt g auCs t. MFCHAIiICAL MAN LECTIROS. muu ~~ia u~ parn aeca li uh.cnc, incrie ce A roebht, cWho oagive a lecttune on 1 ceeelng caor atc.',ii"t Ot i bii, t eof aoy eahîlhltl.basheu en Insaloled.Inluthe huoha mrc;yo'ao c t olriotcd Sauta Reninlgton Maaeum, Engi-nd. 2% prt'e"-Lonci l Oc, . Ylaltorosadsirig infnsmatlonoa 09 ______________________________________________________sabeat havec oslp ta prensa uhtan anS 110 mecanialallectures ciii dea- F,srd.y'. Dsnry lîver oaiscoct dsccriptivelant. Thit ~a.~~iss~'is Ut.,No the expuIcieunttenpOt dcc1 verp tianfusl asant e-as inventaS by aehece oa cc, c ciiiCiit ca 0e SicrHetrycp ta, sirector of tle Mu- scecela 1enn' -iltu I h saum ns llabaonatia elUsI be t roitpcOfsuuutolLtl"ÈtiofXIcucIe ILM.YV. Rssrts Depatreant et M I-,CIIIIAc c, , Faraday, cloute ovsr ci, . i ccoaCeibl yeM. HIGH -CLIII for theprdcion iocclie citcco.Th '9 I IàAJrnteanhal of boislochItiitolaouivlbrIda. -SCOTLAD'S CENUS FIGUES. autiigtle lccoo teialn nue- titan ah, balton peurs ago. of te noSuolF; hr1,î a a rce-' Han peuplse10e- total 4l,82 ,56, c- OP P R 1 I Nv I i N cg ik uidlary Ile oI icle,,.ihor fail lion corîlar ta figures gis-ma ta the irLtI .P e___________________ xpasimnetai bonl. îe oci ,2 eace tetu Houe oftCommuna. fatiad mosttrea does't sexa o arri. Thore are M ________________________________ tala Oarp ia Ocecin cdi lsuceol miltionsut Sotamen and cuottinta de- ii esala th,'Bli istitubhaa, atandantsanai cver the ccii. They .Pk e-blet rs o clueSto pbo I l it n havs lattanteS the traditions, the PI) ~fuit. Scice cf ili o r ciit b aci- a.ar nila atuniy qualties of I SW"c cati give you prompt and satis- *1oe -Ittncci .lîo enccy1herrc -hrertcybv aa factory service in pirîting An ý GIRLS PARIADISE. 'Rtetvta8fOa Ounvlago lu EnglaS, Ilobat In, The Invention of an unsa"bilr e-h pua Itioci cf uabI t0, btas nIli aaiedby ep angliI er-ta 0s '91 Letter [eadsgirls of marrylug ace, anSdotan'. Be tans made aasi ,mdcl y vateejtacay mdestares fetitonag we-b utsw.er c ada ingathse nent turgeat tee-au ta dot Ot 5S paundsansd e-tub botes bocal aP)Note HeIIt.is 1thear courtiaig.The upiaion lnra rd 1ithie aides, rannat bcsouklIft puai- t r, sZSta ta15 ii.ti of girls le ahat I t i:edi uader mater the veasel rism« la theo '1Etîvelories, al. size' 1tie village's favec The rud s urftace again sud vatar tours osai'a 1 3là ta fthara e eemore girls _______ '1 Statemnents, Bill Heads Iii aye-aul eaustroubla and that tcut t8bli qt tiay voselrather go mile, ot i PACC IIVFLE '1 Circulars, Tags, Cards tain roarting thon Invita trouble. À Apaychotesgiat hbu!ood tbat weba a uuent e-ho ta ieuain 't. 'PAuction Sale Bis ~SCOGOL FAOR DATES. Iplay golf r t botamne-akcaItgost 0" P ~ Ticet, eatt--la tangit ta Prartie. iltaneldai.hoa D~iodgers, Tckts ooklets Th.eisltuiar iesalist ai Haîtonan oh"dthefeeling o thimavk Business and 'Visiting (3ards k Oously chatl'Fair datas', Eiesly eïwop& Wedding S.tktionery PlrnOcolFie aebe '1Receipt Books bt.Neee.......EWpt. 141h. or any other kind of worý you May requîtes .eL~m aaa .93in$ The Canadian Champion. ~istawell equipped to hurn out @a dmué inetoîaI Printing. Pnea p9" ike ica rntU"-platar4000M. trtsu rly o-09 BmIIwoo& .iiOd o01 5C aSIS Pacfe lilmer 'ioatSaiii" ri to at i.pictaresitarigiant a" British colnabls w4tars ttail clieon 87, 0,0 Owe 'mrI tisai 216,000O00' e Niubet 0f fiab wu. 9,0000 mre thliua l the bigeat previoeas saaaarcatch yeur of 1926. 'TheaNew Brunswiek <tovernnesit ta prepariai ta face ithe probias af unempl'ymnet on a pructlcal baris tala vîntes and bas instituted a ragiatratiali apatens throueab tt and tava clren, wtao viii galber tait data as ta nt-at-vorka and thietsfamitile& Sir Lionel tF'etctaer, captain of the Britishariftaetans, wottalotarnpeteai agoloat Canadiaa aotsaiotToronto adOttawa, tottowingthtIsahistarie Bisiap meeting, wa wasm la promoe 0f Connactat Rangea, on tals retarn te Englanai. Il la bapeal Usotan- ottaar Old Coauntry teom ii comn- pote ln Canada naogt feas. Qoea Heene cof Roamanloa asd taaraiter, Prineoo trena at Greeco. gavae lîiatarailrood offiiaislaa ahocta seceatty, ho traavelling ftcam tondons taooSotland. third dos. Ttae Qacea amlingly deelaceai that otae ma 'ecy coaîotable and did net waat people teahaosahowaa trai>lling. Ttaemame of Admirai 6if the Fleet Ers Jellicoe ago een addcd te the louig tist of drttintoistaed teneeliers over Conadian Pacifie teamotip and rail lUnes. "Heull-ire Jack,." os bc ilafateîtioally called, Oc- rlocd ila titarcal on Aaguat 22, est, ttae liaer 'DachessofetYen.L", te open tIse Canadia National Exhihi- t ion, ai Tareonto. ttecter lMacdonaaldoet loteaa, oaoewinecofte pcieoercd hy E. W. llattv,.chairnaanad pcci-e dent ortehc e aoloosaPasceRi- eoy,jothelo cooîciioo hclo c piccoccrpcccelî 0,7 thec17 Settish ce lta niso'foiCanaOdaaet h" Hig~hland O.olcîe'- cccetic hîld ic hegccîidýofdL tihicBanff Scings Ibide, 1Banff. llta. D.0001andewark.elle 10 oitliit e cc 1o thecoentiooo of 'itheSN- chrelb licihtedw'h ho loooloe ttct, itBanff Springs , 0el, ior os thiii e ut cif(otîtnieor 0car i Paocifeoolcc s.lîoc hlo aI hie 10011 tococI' 11,101 plOuc Darni ad aOeceouIcOi hcsite.lbls l',iooioo hr. etr lf.ut Ile 'if u i7pi Slooot as leti a tooebercf the Tcail idersoru tloe (Coadoas Rochîce. tciloe ig a puektrIcin capedition, anu cisc ci- teaSeS a rudeo ctuged 1foi hoooaI 7iî's."Bil" ' Eea leca S ud ecaachI, ail Kaanachis, Alla. lîle 'Ma0- lî'îo has ut c deucted ol riudcnslle titresc tephcooccpîîy. coltfaSt, is- oce. (773) P%ýYOfteannBt tsoian ,XI,îo cf int oaoireIcly frs ontth prss Oieof them'l-e helle fci Oe ShooîocTuesdcy-to cciithe peole 10 tluchiEgoccosirc. AI flin fist clmeu ofet boeil floniookPna cf locncakes iOua Ilîciae îcials. Thes, aftociifficieot lion forceooi.icg tIse Sitin huasI-cee ullce, o big hou l tisUsaignali lu eût Iheai. Ismedinlel gicla nanhti 1 lion clionh ollh fepitig ratrsla their boands and the paaueaocieiez oitg ulîhIa. &Tlhe rmaos fao' the rcco la 10 Ihave theî Ictseso? hctag the l-al tc serve pacakcu te the riogens. Wh-a.s.et Wtat., Tan A wint e r toto amtS tIse saoe-u lu poc- SiOic for ail]lIse toaclalatsiwo clou Aaatele hetees Deceiaher and 9tanc TubistaSdcf t'oaitalos. laisesandS wceda, Pce'idci scacsoftatioshlonbl reot fotoc 2 wnIsles teaceine, feon the ski lireaSd toboggan cccia cf Brn- genu oa Lake Coisstuete the so Iralis laInlte VleaataInta pîte of lue- tempecature, lIs enlimute la dry si tüthe mcalS t oias peactcniisg as le more loumiS lansa. Itla squlte commcn ta une people outI n the 550e- Is Ilghi flnusy Sreuaeo, e-Ita lace neclaanS arma covereai avthth tn e-lI hla tIse gilto! Use worm e-Inter aun af Austia, Oidest Moncy Alttougb varions aoveretga uftates I have beaU ininging Ont coinstocrttaei pat 2,5000 yoes Or ne coiage avec bae aajoyed the, raatlaalty gicea ta' raainns iip the pope. Tbe firet papît eons are maIl ta bava beenI utrnck darteg thé relieof PapaHad- ein about 791 A. D., ieielting natý aatp In the papai atatea bui beyand glnae hea t eaporailpver by the papes fram tan. ot Haîrluse lavato th. enl ai their tempcral paver, for longer than tae ecluage né any otier 'alite aationtty. Fur -Vadd Datvsla TieFrgc -uU t a baser c examrton y ah »MI14*,Save De»- toll: un Jfomeli! m u .~ s iwu nUa. a Ri, rec,0~ mout s4pt*iU5 aitbb0b.tî PILP moqs M amat u wmila uchusettb a alm5for a u pmmw oa innduag a. ut@'u q-U0 a t t Cantimentai&r. The ot vas hachaiup ttby bUl- tien, sM ut the Premeat iMe botby eftnte Iseaanras i agising COMMOdi' tiee. Th"nsit carri.0 tta isnscription:t "paSy 800 andse onthe. Orst d&Y f Mardi bath principal and tatereut ta ha pull la the tien, centflMOayOf the addsat.te na egreater ar tesunm acrordlnt ta 5 insiels Of cors.68 and 4-7tba pndà OfILs Part Of beat 10) ponds ofai beets woansd 16 poa sletetber saa t ien eat mare or tees tin1W0 poands carrent moaey et the tien carrant prires Of salai articles, tha sanie ieiag 32 tlaop and % we-at the adamequaatittes et the nomearetiçies woatd cos t ethue presa aiaed ta thea te e iaw'of this atate ta tbe yens af anc Lard 1777." P'ross ibis otd aote Il appears tint ttae Idea af a staailized i rrnry ta not Good fllusti'Ition of "'Hone of a Dilemma" A "tensmu" ta a thlog talea for, granted (train the Greel word "la- taaao," ta tale). A "'dîlensmo" ta a donhle temma, e two-estged emord wllc stalIkes lot a oys, or e hait wchetwaIlI tos ou whlrtaeîer har yon graop. A rînaulo Illunsation of a ailemma la gîsen tn the follae-lag ncleat atry: A pouaf rtartorlcn soid to an eld aophlnt. "Teoch mesata, plsad and tIe-ill poy yau othen 1 gain acause." Ttaomateraued for pafaseat and thoe cholar pleadei, *"If 1 gato the couse, t ahail 01 ot pan o, taecaoae thoe judge ailmsy i dm aot ta poy; and Ift I osa top caset UI ail not ho soqaîret ta pay. arrosdlng ta the tecraof et0r atreement." To thist.hIs coaire r rlilied, 'Notla; If pou gala yoer caueepoamustpaymeacorsd- a Vi~tte terras etofoa greement, and If 2005 ]ose 2'O0 cause, the jadge wll coadîlea 200 tii5py un, HAUNeTED HOUSES IIHOSTLanO. i.1~41. Sec.6 enti 7, Milten Fair Prize u MILTON BAKERY jT. C.- BOWEN, Prop. 1< IBPuild Sturdîily M- Little foilk in yourfainily startittg1) I-They'i nee-d nnlk for breakifast, Imii, achool to keep their liftie bodies briwrnîo, IEvery mother knosis the tiesaendous bec t-i and every wise mother buys it fresh eacI I MILTON DAIRV Phone 312 W. gSmalI Car Owners v We can offer you three or four types of tires for your email car-nil Long Sarb for Gts en te ufitfniul" Godyer b jitand "d -Renard Qesoan egeg.Go yar ura ted Hausited houaes-Ita 's'lI-autaen-Goyergarned icaîco ehamsnareata a preansumnst WIseatIse Magleas' Cluba offared $15,000 faor a hcoze complate wita The new tira ie o gheat, hosînesa pontant tp. bat H.or. hp RoiS, a collecter et haunteat boases, pricea are Is atll idsconaalate. Fo peara Raid lau heen uttig lbear. Coma apooko, hua ham hasi aoluth. Stitt be a eue continuas tis cloue. 1 inhaand Iaarn pie fe Reidsnali lbc sad ta creeep ast or bedai aInîttt ta praol for gloesi-, heiaraduction gracIer vaut "t'e alepatantomne afleheat stiicicet bioon hauntesi hous.sla Sugina On 3'4 OUr BIZO. k eoe praviesi thale bails and corridors ut -hfoe aIt heure a? the nigt, hut have ne"-e aeena a duel. l'oeslsept tanbain a? people e-ho vossa ourdasai and niat- buod cnoortavan hd itt, No tires cau offar you n grentar snsving than SRAIS FOR iINTDtANSOS Y thaca. Save on a Goodyear tuba toti! Ve Uadre the Palagin Seallng T'eaty bave aone big savinga for aumal car osoncro noebut Indions ay np stacurseata ln Bl-itiuh Cluothia vatera, ansi no erof t eseept Insitan cana.. s ay bo uaad la tle tauntlag. Rina bInian caýcanot tace very 16117 ceatI- CA E AT [ Y S RVICE es, the buntlng aperations are noce.n- C V L A T srfllilmtesi hp veathes canidlis, anS the siansîneo! skias longeai ln British Clumbia connut bta lobasn anya7ecrat Indicatonaf the sutd fS.of C245 M11ton), li the Real herds e-hbch paoe tia ceanai eft île province on their vap ta the __________________________________ Priblsr tsanass. The prIces raelrsd tap the tasibas toc Ibelr saals e- conl pearsaoveraged $6 a skbBt, ansi the catch rages troot 2,300 tn 3.500 "Heli-Fire Jack" Visits Canada WON BIG PRIZE FOR STORY. Viaiting Canada for the porpose Albert Lehlanc, e-ho lise nana af officialîng ai lIa openotg- Eupaaolu, Ont, eas the we-ofu a o! île Canadien Natioali Exhsbi- $5,000 prîzo aIorp contest of the tinadpedngorth h Trua Story magasine. This ta lie ~- loaadpaiugoe I I rands aory Mr. Lablanc ba o enTai h. bienniai cunfarenra of the Briih r c iraI hae-wrate taree yaars ortiar, Empire Service Leagaa, Admirai of wea ace-waa unlp 16, tanre-bittah e lie Fleal Rani Jellicoe, hesu of Jut- e-an avardeasipîza utf3$1505. lnfre oenrG lo Tho prîse-viaing slury, ennUi-i ln, omrGoenrGeea "Loneîp Boy," la inaedun expert- New Zeaiaad and friand oa ex-sec- ancea la hi- 0e-a lirae-talle av taxi vices otn tise e-aid aven, asriedea drlver la Sudbuary. Ha nue- e-ria au , Qaetaec an Salarday, Auguet lInS, a teaister.an bard the Canadien Pacifiet linsr T00 aAtaiTDRAGES INe aOB". "uchesa of York." The accreo- Baseat, Enitansi, ta tryiaig tae "d pausyung pinlure ehoe-s the famoaa a metoîbusoadIffecentiaig bae-eau Britial enilar an îhe ship's fîying a 19-gunsaienster r ' 0XaS otembers ut the Dragfe ta-liy. Tien. biga eto hesit fhnro anda ý,1!* n ara naariy t00 Draes intah~"e vi bill sl toataaaaoa nsa agedoc' . i atse vitta lu Population oai mai Ov te-o arehipe ini Quaecase, ped Ibrouogh thc m ,000, iurnamea bave ntasa'ip M we-bld "drenaad ehip" and ahererSsent arme," auslic it 1 eîl exhanleai no tbat expatedl 11121. their former chia!r u te adeco. Dsoiîion'asoeil, Il-t1 'U niaf necg s yoha aetcna i unr th. Thua, et Canada'. greal gaiecey, viabt, punctualed i oo iîa Oa'1 Wbere tas Dreges aiinatal la a "Hait-fies Jack" faund the padite publtic appearaacc ,. ccOi' nsygler, for tiea tenu mastiOn ar a!,ln 0e-a beiaved 01aIaddI l iaed vitl tle gcecc t 1tnu0 thae ln the al Eut.lab r«rda, thse of tle public af' Cunada, ohll 19veleansandcî , ithe Pe~ BRITAUP. B a'fiMO Ue U hila_ shoee ttery baomed ast 1pia as ae-haie. 771 lIna of17090 tous ing apctL'l baig ut aut W. _ -. - cal. atnimail, fur the WOellina (NovwalanI> RHarbar Boardi.th saut sarton hae-Iig iia lanihod Theck wheiuh la 584 font long Md AJR 117% faste-Id., viii ha taauhai lnaAL tirea aqattoand oltov.i ta New - s laid iompOtet-a distance O!f 1,000> itas, ta. longeât tee- ou raséri. Oniy Btlul matenimi am n ula ts li thaeconstruictionof.stheisdciL to A atreu train weok is yeussai la betiormi ta ha nempausilia fer , anc. tath ta. Mauimnsmer vnIW e Carban, MniSo. Of & 01-et aifaa- dieu eam B 4it U "Trael eLae l Rut toer 15b md t e PM1 hase tC. v teCl Linle Cl0evelandt miis~ ansoealpUamu.poe" West and Ssthwes 0 àoqS*kb Now Lia ranyd Ave. pomma- -'o-- s, vh~ ~ Btmmaa tameMa~ mefrunisen 900 p m., au o md at-i. e ~ ah gEls. t o- ~g5a~ut~srA~w5Y. CAXI )N E emmm, ýým!5M=M= i ~ ~ ~ r e r, .ti05O -T aa e natie07,, aiiiaoinartoti S. ANDERSON, M I. SlrEVEiNSON, Mil,1) l i 'hibian andSu ScIltr 'a X RAY DRs. McCOLI. & Si îii Ptaa.a N- "0B5.-M*anOSt adsîc D)R. G. D. DENTON phyetctle and Surgeoni 0,ecx-NrsI to 1' iOco- peinmeat. Pa 17, DR. A. G. BREMNLR, -d sensa.s ,, Sosco1 " LEGAL WILLIAM i. LIICK OUTCHISON IhOMM A. . Ouiaes Il 'May astt dNO, 13t, > 73u a. i. S.T. round tnc Lfean-Y eusi lpain ,"d CLEVEt.AND, V et 4:30 po. B-les Mond trip sasscmel cIaplY ïOstesane ae LUIST CO- &ELIllTT DE NTI STR Y DIR. F. E. BABCýocK DENTAL SURGEON ibIappaintenae aa bý f DRt. G. A. KING DENTAL SRON TbeChlropracto' 110e- inn 'alsl U CKING of AlKn Ai80 for Sale Olaunel iroo. Atlci Ic .Pipe taftiso it. " unI esel ofcIil icol-. M. ICHNICK ,CAL COU maoe. Ba ci 1 Samys usoy 72 blILTON ONT