t"it, ,uick cooking, large pkg------22c ( orned Beef, 12 Oz. tin------------1se 1, lLstiy Flour, 24 lb. bau ------------- 49 i. ue Cake Flour. per pkg ------------- 25 r j 0q,3 ,bars ----------------------------13e sSajp, 3 cakes - --------2 slBtfolisb, tmn ---------------------12, PoId NLlk, tin --- - - - - - - - - - -19C \i \ te'ea, 1I b. pkg - ------- 27e i lid lea, ilb. yellow bag -- ---- 39e \\ iî'.d Pickîmog Spice,lb.----------- -25c I , ttbett -------------------------- 29 1 11b. pkg, 12 for------------------- 25C I i ted l'ea nuts, 2 lbs -- - - - - - - 23 i ltte(kwell's Cooked SpagLetti, 2 tins- 23c ,,!iig <)nions, 3 Ibs -- -- -1-- -- - l i ls o s,5 lbs - - - - - - --- 21c rim, large fruit, dozs-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -25 30 . D PI H M DEUIVER JQ uallty always hlgher thafi the price" MAC KENZIV-S Ký Puiblic and High, 5chool Openiqg b ' [ ave a large stock of MADE IN CANADA 4c l , es Same price or cheaper than-can hýjiJt ioï ty or mail order bouses. Also Public : i ji 'bcool Text Books. iil),Iyes i ~rPublie and lligh School1 i 1I ýw N o t e Otionarisa Lpnd P nlsO Pu and P.encils Wtrr Llor*Palota I. N, oe 0unid'atches rawnflOPeneis t:SeboniBags Peint Brushs .0 ýks, ine rt On. mathematicai Mts 1 r.ers Pencii Sharpenof 1 ,ossth or Transparent Tape Foontain Perml25 h Siateq. piaih an d $750 t i t sndPhot Pnt t tBoostL.ad Relis Pen Hoiders, 't Sias Penctýia Pen Nibs Iil'.,,'Lfatta Coitred ChAZ 1>&a I tcPts Dr&wnawïglo SoiOil t' eIitck Ener m. up. OibyOlO~O Cileredord Nis =&mnael Dsv paper SfkttpsdO LoaLear Ri5 nta. lgt, Schooi Public SdanoI Sbu oiA Teit Boots Toit Bouma 1gy Readnr a.l2 a-*. - iiograpby Um=! Reaitis 901, h i ,tirammar Ai n SSUPPLEMENTA SPhione 40. té W dagia ls l I~od7l5 asun....... ~lO in Town Hall Sa rday Ev'g tro~oi's~Wlthl of 5. BOCK, libBUN5 j r - GOOD ORCHESTRA.LE0. windnw. W55 ADMISSION 3We AND) 15c. Milon musicl Soclel -litl-t& ut athe. çsansgt'O.lnè soêU tha Milton. Inn naî t usadaY asaaoi$.wili unPI i ke .. A.dilsuiOaB sept. 2 arlt 8 (dISo ' *Ftinck. R nPr- "fias** t b i o CA, PT. E. A. M ORDEN, A L M c A B Tait your friands to usai pantai T 1. toao sud.-0MocrebWd il lil c*o~~ Buitas Coui.7'Big pair t Milton. ,imiuap Ld . plosnlenhtiai4ri -F' Webave a Dw rafge Preien. For seài gond shon pa iu4mi tisa bans %a*iOSa ofilmOiRaI Pumpaoakrîut; Popsir Sho Wora flui and eps.tisa1>u..-n--t Thus i5brit.p~~t~ Oantae.whkb sa** bai5i5ldT." F .Disse. o0 rhomas arg. Rbr t dwith aa.eu à»mt Ofrds as to bas bailoil.ule. insufle.. Taeaw -Olao'W ,Ralso hay flua dirastns,'msemtauIlof- rthé ni tisa - Scbool Shoes CAED o,?TnÂssgas.-Mr. Neal luRnter oprativa and IOa rou Clomnuntyin wMs Placae ttS niie atsn iriands and negh- Tish r ies ais suca tisas S70.allO.000. Col. i Dnaaoniailsnrad f uie.lW = M = pr- THÂT ARE STURDY.CaYe MaeaKtIn bora for h lp rno d t thea Ira An intnreatsd isitr at M anu S esal andina is uas. Ar which detroyed bhlwharn. 8...l chral, un SsndéYl i«t 1W14Praotnd he ise nalansHasAs-r EBrdHo T. D. Huma basing -aold hia housBarclay Adamni nf Wssisuntunl. D. nolatia. GsargoibnWO (itiisnaBanudEIVT OU NPCIN onvictoria Avenus la offsrlng for grandion ofthtie lata Squire Appelui "esnbau inpremsalabin U IPIIN epnriva »jentlnnfttn ied nlaflg,h isMotr. (atOe a A loga litheanadinNtoa bb- et. Fr ffitmntPon 16 lve it heintUe(ote heA la wsusiag cia- . "ýofstihaod See Cias. 41, Sec. 6 and 7, Mitt Pair Prize List Tisa tsorgton Womeni Institutsiebisfather) at tisa homa of i. Ilwl tn ordaàlunch- Ra-n, ytU nl bold a dedieation sarniony ot ia aate.tisa pried. bt U an n Onwn hall tisuru Tsissda aplendid 00w ee.ateo'7 gatsI l ost ffice,005. 5no ociiadh .1us completed by isoety on Sept. 20. lny. M. Adama lasanexpert npgrav- nî911. sSmith.GiMILTON -BA er and nan coniaisnad 'hy theisaFumn 2aS OA» i-.I uts ______ML O ol.taHon.1 T. IU KennedylMin- Unttad Sse ata aintaengrava tisa ronciein tisa Quelna iol B. HonigB.5J.1 1î R1Di5USlD-T .Msa oss 67Wn"0is -n_ jmpmiioo iur.'iemrat abNIISUIHue ST.C. hWN rp HN 7 itr n  rc5lto55, ha s don ted a irophy nhlch nW" pssaaat d ta o -l , Won. n s naiili 21adumt a N b ' h i u . C O E . P o H N 7 isOa.ii nr, a ilsr taropisy t- o Lndbrgi.-Oa*ksila Star. hy Egisteas ase il Briing ,ando..- 2snu b. ples.didaiSOIgulta OC TisaHoue oni(fond Sisoa th. PeiRoyAnlutrlScnY. «i.îon p$iM BÂs.-Feaak Lew l houtEspil li.pupi-Mi bau t d obrick houas on Vctoria HaunIh&os. arasiad on S~ly toi a ni tisa islaI B. lua. Avenus0 ta . PtolsnSY. Thia la loingahtgh«ay accident rOsask.i ns fni t oireidancas la Milton. villa in whchllfred Maci Téooto. COthisa Trt Lissa. Traalgar Towsehip, Tisa corte Worin il C. (Go rga-mtrylt'gu- aalylejamadleu t ti cneunlthe nid ceusiscy bore town , rogsd for tisa pat six *.yeaes. Iout ono$3000bail pnndlng m alqambaot 2b. m nSn y ieN wii ,bot onunder nsnwnao ntohacrut Tisa Hamaitoni&"0* laM.nu l binjugnd as aresit ors 1sili shrlyr-o' tora off this orel t.lag ilu tisa;udSu qilisauoenearadiash tace e.ad niieipny &Iusx rshMr. Colline, Who 1teaiisastlsbagGeorga C«ofl îilftosu ad C. Meett tan isapdu. manager ni tisa Canadian Canaea. i 09 ioo.Min AieTucklr.dangs- Ws ara unrroT tareport tiese nrinU is ilton. nili &ppear bâturasioa tr ot Wilim Tickesu mtainies!a galni ilinse ofnidrie. Aiea. hDuS. nli2 bats ei.siotrate Meir, .een aOlil lao n baiereud. ulukirequiresd il bln coninai] to e b c d ra s atneday. "iiil tchi5O n d wu554 sas ii n- days;. leruasy friendu hope sa ulAdrai erics ulbahid n dwbe M Gs IA [tW" 80013 rscsSr Nanaganeysa.Praib 55ch mb iiije ate d. Th55 (tours<.- P. Luise. O)ptoun- on Soudas. Sept. 20thi. Mria tlcr eaiau'wet triat. 167 Ynnge St.. Torona %able ryn- a. za. and 7.30 p.m.. nunimctaAni P-av. 'riiicsihaicmi besl ied ogtspclaist fo 1 eaat ,mise A. L. Haward. PhD.. oS afI. ae tMtaslvsu-IiEEFilE'FOSC '3etadipp. cieilhgrah Mut- Spaclal mulae isy tisa c lr. 7àslMc ton. Tueaday Sept. 22d. 2t Mre. (Rai.) Howard. r l" Wu.REGULA.R VALUES FRTEK» Non O' t tae CN. E., Toronto, lus teanieeting,*,Il at ellaseàasuioma puraluane ai I ilsuAM oser, tise set ai esit t; oftsa thea D5iS ases' A higis3-g prae ofri ins e t 1 el, ty's Big FPairt A toa(o atel u sl P> on i.0 P, e 2 nui eC= ted nîli b biait Selo. od __ - TUtS@P...3 19 titld labHilton usrtrste Oabud Saint- ex55iM dey. Sept 2Hth sud lt2.»i-sU amltoi - Churcll bl NI >, wuI F.TL ~ ' _oegle rs.Âcton. non seoun auneoi. - 'V~...7 ~jne 23 Toronto ExhIit MmffiiudGs missin ~ .huir. lu BARARS ATURDAY TRÊAT tcnn 7prisai at-iSa alsSiato.le palshu~bTu l~i l.Li -,Ndpititan FIt Jallis, tun s wu.on204 for Wbalk 2 same, kgIn 25c' ikL c.les.oit. ab« b-Tiend6 subadfert uio ilun- _ on«ba berd npOd tiaOuIs aSsatuou andqu 1 -lNt oa dalcaWmn isa.Zbacts . .e. .s. oîtaer.ofMn. MV. restos. o mta - Ils u~~u'b ai tol it a uenireyb ,noter. 5lteL-MMW< t sa =*men riait a %bêt L94m Ol leis nDolIea tuld buiuau,ý =54 bad ~IGE T. h- t,->e bh .. . U,.shs lscssY du. i. ynn f c sd CKJARJAR Eorn Flkcî5,25C ricsles , 3 Ioihgg Ri. scia <rispis pkg. lic et Flakes P21.25C P EACHSt~:15 EARS 2 i ~ Eorsypis 2 'L 27C tttbri, 2 '.. 25 DINKS n25Cl LE 309~ jIC 3 L25C JUCE 3 ~.27 iK 21 -lb'su 2 .- ,,i'. 0-.. imd COFFEE Du.L A Ponud TODDY I-lb. 5s -11% Sclt-ncSu Itsiý , insus B UTTER i~.e aNil riMS lebag or f cial, 6 il ge, 6 lar1 LT