They G for the sau This 18 why we. GOODYEAR f yL ~ HE TREAD give. yen ,,..tI_ ong unar ma= The thick, sharp-eut iW nn ds8(lu ail we"enh.> d ig for a footiug-ghe É,sure rond grlp n safe traction t the lussE mile 1000DYEÂRS COST NO 3. THE CArCeASSf There'o moreife in Goodyesr Super twist carcase than la sny otuer. The elastie Sa, perlwîst wihotande ehocke that wssuld break ordinary cord. 1frfore buying est fIiese rs.Ci50ns for yourelj cornein and ceelus.' Cavell Battery Service t m 1 1,TON ONT. PHONE 245. THE RED& HITESOE Pis i iI Fper pçg ----------------- loc irageXli iia ls (old Medal, 40 oz. jar ----- 23C Pl Whitî N ilthtu Soap, 5 bars.------------- 17c HP y XX ite i, ieidii Bauntilm Coru, oew pack, 2 tins 2lc pprles l'a ut loîr, 24 lb. bag - - ----- - -----53C t .jtu VIîîaIlitiis Powder, 16 oz. tin---25C îiiff- Pu im-e 2 1m -- -- -- -- -- -- - --21c chii " ----lu- --- - --, - - - - - -- - -- -2 1c ,ix lia, tiI îký,for -----------------25c t 3ril iil \IilF, per tin - -- - - - - - -- - 9 Fln [,i i ' , 0/ - o . bottle - - - - -- - - -45c Ha11' Snfi\ii t('hC icken, per tin -- - -- - --1 C ULil aji XX Pisp.îred Mistard, 9 oz., 2 for -25c el ami XX it, Pelîut Butter, 16 oz. seul er 25c ro -.iiue 1, ,'per bottle ----------------29c Fi ti Lt a r r liugsW, 2 do zen--------15C Pw aeMie iuîg Spice, lb --- -- - --- 25c Cook iii i No. I ooality, 3--bs---------- OC R.CN0 ~IHMDELIVER i Quatity always hlgher thon lte prIie" Spublic and High 5chool Oponiqg f Wý :L 1hrt qt tck of MADE IN CANADA ~ "~Ptt Ciiîî i me5 price or cheaper than can be FoiiitIIcl! ', ,r mail order bouses. Also Public àand Hh SniîtiI est Books. SSUPPies lfor Public and High School L'ýb Lf ý , , htLeasi Pencils. i ,k 'i nitutan d Patchea Danier olPans k. G- a d Pe:eis ranilsî b b,,,ce 15 k. . iltiii, Maî he ia s WS tot d Un ui'eisPancil Sbaepenesea "I'tbbies t,,1,Tt i aituparet Tape Fosntain Pana25c to 10~ ae, plais a s d 870 te 5< tii. t p tireu hik1 E55Oitiope'I iiu)asiglstn Dswtng Be,, itro le. cp. Biik Cetd',,.. (empasea Books cPeu oimi i.eafaRinqs ite. i eeting Pencîls ltl îol Public Sîhool 10Test Boots Test Books Botan ieauiees, itl.2. 3&4. S pettusg Boot PhGei ~ <eegraphy I Oi,aî iei,i i (eMPeSitien ansi e4i B" lenth Boot 'iBsb r. Hisy et Englaul k"Igih Garn , Artbmatic elgi8h..ü-ii l Iiso etofCanada Pen ode Pan Nihs lttsng Paper Blackboatd Eaera scbool Obaît crayole Crayons Daisg Faper - Feunlaiui Pen Iok.- Scbool Boad We suppi>' Sahool Bourde yuth anDy esude tiat ate neesos- tomor hem 5o bur- Sahooi Cheik à Blackboid lir--or Kludogamo S5p~ plies. _ _ S5knfLEMN1TARY BO OKS-Buoks i nglWmý.uai. bos n ii1MACKENZIFl,PW« IPOe40. The Rexali $o~ N4ptuinI. kun LAOK CÂiIUL ItecalNews i Labur .aay on Monday. sept. 7hb. John Irvng vuatesi triends in Seuthi. ampton Ila esek. G. A. Reuetet. tovu clerk. lu en. joing ie isannuel vacation. Mise lia w ota rd. nf Beashyile, liotitlgre.John Iàddle. ::EL WhSee l v resume teachlng on Sept. jot. Violin andi piano. 21 Mise LillianWhite viitol Mis erat garetaReid., Toronto thie neek. Muse Morel Harrison. uf Toronto. is viiiug Mr@. Aiea. Armstrong. ise Jean Boyd, et Toronto,.a isviit. log ber saler. lira. E. Randail. Mater HardI R y 0r, et Ramilles. bas hotu vliiug relativea iu tenu. Misses Mta andi Velma Bsffnas.' ut HoRrnby, are vliting Mrs. HA. Cav'ell. niMr. and lir@. H. Becbtel, st. Cather- ine. vii e<Mr. Van leeten Sunday. II Mm. W. A. Kelgea>, ut Barrie. ia vl isi tisg hbatftriessi, Miss Violet (Cooper. Sîresteville, tisilasi trienda bere lasI Nana whicb nas crwendsoual et Ibis n"eets Champion nilI appear neal nrak. Sherman@ Sabool Suppliesx SatisI- thar ara the muaIfotebamoe>- Shermans. Milleon igb Scbeol null raspen tue tbs talans i nter Ierm su Tuesday. Sapleuiber il. Mes. lie. Clark. ef Cleveland. Ohio, bas haen viiting ber moîber, Mm. Esi. Houston. B. Heffssan, Weil Driller, Humbar Bsay P.O. phons Tronto, Latesida 622 . St. M. andl Mes. Sidney Page, et Sud- buery, ara visitine bar parente, Me. asdi1 Mes. (laa. Hilyer. Wm. Berne, Martin St., is, na are pleaestesar. rerrverisgtfrosnis rea cent savere illnest. Mes. Thos. Teltar bas resumesi -e crllisg at bar bore nao Main Stret. Milton. Pboela 27. * Malle County'Fair in Milton on Frida>' asidSaturda>'. Sept. 25 ansi 26. GaI yeue exhibite reasi>. Tha Milton Puhble Sabool nilI open on Srplernhar laI. 1031, b>' order et the Miltan Publie Sabeel Board. Dan Toealka i. spendung bis Ino neetsvacatien nilb trieuss t Shal- b,îe xansi WaSaga Beach. Misses Nllia ansi Margaral Brootar, et Beachvulle. ara visitise. thair grand. rntber. Mr@. Jobs Lisiie. Miss Ruth Goebam. et Philadatphia. Pa., is vsitine ber mthaer. lirs. Ouer- oam. at the MilIeu Ius. Mes. James Kesues s. ne arae orry leagay,.serssmsly ill. Siran'tisi hopa ba nlaconerecever. PLAIN SEesco Dose. Price reason- able. Cal andsseMr@. RohI. Ceeier. cerner Lydia ansi Sydiney' Avr. Wr are glasi ta repart tbat; Kesnelb Spence. et Lentille. 10 recsvering trucs asacere atteet ofblerd poiseslng. Me. ansi Mes. J. Beaney ansi daugb. tee. Orace. ot Wlerville. ciisie e nieca. Mes. E. Randail, un Satsrday. lira.Helmes, Victoria Ave., vbo ra- cenîl>' undrnenl a serieus eperation. la, ne are pleasasi tu Bay,. ding nicel>'. lira. j. m. Bestede. et Terente.tsesS- anet MutesdlL, bas heen visîhise cala- rives ansi trisusisin tewnudni icinily. R. Syer ansi Mr. andsilr. R. Wilk- insee rtuenel borne lait veat teem a trip le Lhicage ansi otbsr Arnerican The pica utLne cent a dexen tue oru n ha Hamilton markt la nul vsry encouraging etlhe aveage tillar oftIhesoil. so ofw tevl. F. Barîle>' ansise,et elell, Penn., nbs a"avissing relatives here, avo'ed The Champion nilh a sali Ibis mornSing. mise Wluniteed Parteisige. sioco Of Mr,. M. E._(oovinuibac enteresi lhe H amiltoun General RHopital as nurae- iut."ninf, Mr. and Mrs. Freit Cusinore. ut Te* c ylet ofer tMilton, were raceni viaitrs aI tic lhume ut Ht. anssi lr@. Robt. MJannet. AilnneuxpluYed l ilutun should rea eitor on or beoe Monay, Ang. 3lâ1 ' e that . propes' liaI eau bh oruvaded to the goqneftt. Mm. Wns Raai andi danghterm (Jasse. arire4 oelu aud ster pàmdi svýja~:i I uay a& BWMU &aacs j». anlitsr. Obetor -alDr. anW lies. SbeaWOOd- v»»e aent v *1os lie housse tMri. Md Mlr». Ciarl k mahON Of M i. Du.-it, ehi avs.fl1 lo .5 w'~~-~ ~I*wmêsa~.*pip~. I - oeIs~ ~ 4.w I~ 98. Boys' Broc.. SPfCIAL 5 ONLY oyas te -an ety , y sit ted ribotu , guatntoed " es. m Ail Seee «Ows i 19C eGrs 7 - DED. Solesoits Gs'ound. i emet-In Milles, su Wednsday. Augunt 261h, 1931. Haner>' Williamn Cleunent, su bis Sth year. aNabb's Shoe Home Fanerai trorn Qtaee nlcnCus a on Satanda>. Aug. 291b. . 1.90 P. in-. Tlh". Re u Oueod Shoe Intermeut i s ergesen (teretar>', pO 4MLO Milton. oa 4 , Lxt PARENTS! A rare opportunity to discover if yollr children have talent 8 LUSONS 1W MUSIC VIOIJN lOR'PIANO àk madue- Special Blond COFFEE; 290M. Baran Flakes 10 CHÇESE 29 e M. Toilet Soap Naphtha SA 3ck0170 10@&WB3 on ycns'Ps'rosugDieIt m Rloyal Lys at New Store Hamilton Stores 37c 230 1 ,g. 27c pkr. 25C cami. box AOc IL. 25e -o.Llolf 6c ILTON ined on te undeeld DanM*U ilntuL. Mesu De Sons. viDe esoii W Mig s Ors 6E=no p uebl .-A.bon Ml unhgpltyed nierdngn4aWîb asbse aens.lot 1..' m mi irlii',Colore"eies, love- ,~ d5~W Uliii7 m rie e r qu edslte vogitr on O Gd, a~ td palm .D irls T w eed 1>' qialit Jea, clore cadet Th 1 Wàsf aes ou or -beLote Aug. 8lal, 1W, asi t- 350 pah blue, red. green, khaki, alo lb wtem aide c.i WbP0040614013 turne zonaI bc sent in Sep. 1, 1931.! heing ve. a m " 4d by t b adafrp4 bv tonteS. ineld f ro he hie. Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14. an ies lint ela I.doe the ad tnh oIGolf llose </Reg. 81.50. eaeasWs. falel ot hie vonk- Mayor, which muet ho properly cTWw...,I.,, Thi. budI7.brôken cenent ik in J. M. MACKENZIE, ad art ailh, Lancy patternr PIat Sir frot ofithe peuno vslbu ~1be rMyor. brown mixtures in the lot, alPee Sit oneilt, a n ew "k_________Bab-_Mayor. izes. Reg. Up tb 49c. Lined îbroughout Girls' Ali-wool 14cated Skirte, feedP.sreooferetwlknSEED FOR SALE liolgSellac Sizes 12 to 14, bric top. Sizes 6 to 16. Reg. l'h. GakalUe bandI wl pay l in he _ _ _ countton atthe Tooto exhibition No. 1 Dawon'a Golden Chafi Wheât. Boys' Knickers ol ThrdrSp.3dThbey l'or. uingIjegllar$1- pos gling the publie .n opp;:iYirtr; No. 'Iiinothy. Seed. Boys' Straght Tweed Knick- SchooaOlunini .71. tesnpelin MILTON SEED MTLLS. Àrhayult wedr REMINDER-Ali to see aur Mleto b -letr gre and brown. Sizes 22 t peia $ 95 ,eples of Boy' Suite. We aMr. is.mM. B. lidWeld. of 28 . Reg. 81.25, le he wtl iu$6.9s5d their eldeet daughter, ianm Barbera. A CS and Save Money M School«Openlng Speclal 98c "Windsor Suite for Boys", t lir. Nelson Turner, sonuof1fr. an __________*_____ à[ra T. Turner, Halifax. England, the Ro0und Steak .......23e lb malr.getu takLe place quietly su Sep- Sirlion Steak ........ 2&e lb toer.Chuck Reset ............. 1clb' Oharles P. Rop7eson of Mr. and Rib Roaet ................ 20e lb S HO U L E lire. J.P tpr. u ilton. bas bren Veal Chope ......... 1..... 25e lb Loose Leaf Note Books-----9 tsan f= troz o bat -br--e---ot the BankoftToronto to the brancb aI Front Veal Chope ....18c Ilbi Loose Leaf Refis ----------1C Bradftord, where hiesjemanager. Hie Front Lamb .............20e lb rwnBokN.1------S Speci l1 ie ietbis new berne Lamb Chope ........... Oe lb Drwn BokN.i-8 LegLab ............ ,0clb Drawing Booke, No. 2 ------ tOc S rblr liI The niembeen et the ehoir and 5 UCLxcer amn:àatlon 25001<, rulcO ----t1C O IUUU5or rled 2 for 5 auxiliar of tGracs Cbureb tendared a S UK uce. Pencil Boxes. ------------1C ah. wathsn oewu o f M raaindhouer Peottils, Puritan (H. B.) 2, for ---Sc Limited quantiîy aethIis prie of tboir dasghter Owendiuene whose a sL~___________________________________ uarelage lu lMr. . Tyler out Actes, Fruit 5fl@e takea place un Salurslay. UMIilonU8 lit.and Md.m. W.0. Simpson and Mr. King, ut Mulons, asd Mr. andi Bananne. large ise. dec........... 20c W li _ to es______M ito Mrs. Fleming. ut Hamilles, metored Basanas, medium sizee dec lac...........________ to, Gravenhurst un Sunday teoses Mr. Oranges .........20c, 30c, 45,e50c. doz andi lmir.îsher, termerly ef Milton, Lemens.............. ........27 des here leaviag fer their eew berne in 5'eacbes 50ce baket Kearney. -Pears .30c basket Anniveeary serviceraii ehdi Pluma .............. ........3cbasket KNOX cil IRCH. Knex Cburcb. Sisteen, Dndl ha d eCalifeesia (rapes . 20e lb -sda ig.Nan Petatees ... ........ . 20c basket The usuel Sunday services will he con- a way. se Sunday, Aug. aetb, as 1l a. abbage .. ........ e > .....5 eaeb ducted injeKnox Presbyteriafl Church and 7 p.m.. standardlima. Mac. 9Mr, .Toma 1,snd25o basket et Saedey. Mrsise e',oship is et W E - N TE T L Shaver, ef Dundae, nl bave cbarge Ceoking Osiens __30c emalbasket enees o o veninse aorship ie at E K E D PIA et the sertiras. Tbaebehir nl ha as- Clr ere.. îehshsvesîhissk de. e.JN colhve Bstasi hy Frank Sullivan, et Merles. calere. ce eas .. ...o.. 5 eh rgeen tohirt evi .N c,. avn TALL CoRN.-This week Dr. T. tD. J. Piekliug t)eioesi.10elb Farreugbt le The FreraPress Grapefruit..., ..... tee25ec T ALSCUCI Officaa stockeofcre from theb a rzlac e.. ttoca ...... . ....2 buncbee15e T A L' H R weli farm.nenar Ospringe, nosonedPeasute...2 .haftee25e REV. J. W. AIKNti . Minister' byMr. Malcom SiA.lH.rAhLIACc.r. .ulO eacers Choco a e J ly R l lanl setsaarecordteor latgb t L .RESTIVO. . WLAE - -- gns masrerdaneefteea e et trrn- reosau, tassai. and tht rese eaServices nl ha held ncrtutdya t nail trimmesi oit-Actes Free Frets. Peuls Cberch et 11la. S Dlamond Jnbileo of Christ Church, T ED P A ST.) we e e. J. W. Aiins wili Omagb. nl hac balsiou Saturday.Sept. MILTONe ui BLiensu D evenise. auppar sarvasi, programme. PRACTICAL SHOEMAKERS wec geîsg te put a baceonesh..~ting E C BOWEN. Prop. PHONE 67. etc. Sunday. Sp.6t, sericeat10.30 We repair wtbeare. duek thistfall and i nter Jase,,î,es an. tnadlme. Confirmation Repaire etrh cen' Description. nie et Burlingtec baso as i,ai andi dedicatien et test. Service hy taLds s h leibeceived a sepply et gue licesse blueka, Lent Biabop et Niagara. Evaryhody Ldes M tefel- Oe witb pener t10issue tbemuatesnce walcoma. ESOE 1Wbitae peratisg a ieder and trac- Ot'tehSOLaEiluSediI tar is blitsuersefelRad.Monday foeea. Ol tebehtr iaused ne_________________________________________ neen. Fred MeCarrn aS thes mistor- rnhso u ok lace te bava bia right arm saughl sn SVc axeel is Cotorîcg. Tistise tbe eeg el the indar. Wîtb sisd Dyise nesderlul courage bae toea imnelt Qnîck Service withb One Price 1e ail away rothe e dange nil a bedly yor ocbobettlrte tr arm andmadi waytolthe aOur hes kbe rr eeaired * hessa Dr. Smithwas qsickly re . De w enNrpiSO. d~ isuerd asd reebesi hie, te, Peel Me. y s meniaI baspi al.-Sreetille Raiew. MViil fOur Shoe Shine Parier. PlcMaitaeJhR.ElliolI_______&_____J.______C.________________________________ Milles brld bis irai court lselFrîdey ie Georgeown. There were lhreecacese Mercin Hopkins et Torento, chsrgrd, 1wilh tetlt e a gerarye ije orageownnS oe urpleadesi guilly andi wasesentesces le .Oscar Hasile>', chargesi wilb assaull, ABimni toeFr s csing hodul>' haras.p] lmdrd guilîr Wr Isave a ne" range oet O" ii B é e I Nul 1Tin .and was enleuced le x siaxînha cinc__________the_____________________ 1 5________ Gxelph Retermalerti, witb x recen nM SýSraS :mexdsto lieniebe hoexamisesi Whie lm s taS Ihere as te is mantal condiion. Erie Hxgill et Westen, cbarged wilb thefl tA iio .elecied trial hy a bighar court. Oag School M MOr< argeJr BORN. M r aa e LreJr2 Sctt-In Miltons. os Tuassiar, Aug. THAT ARE STURDY. r201h, 1031, le M. and Mra. W. hi.Do ioQae LScott, a son. nilhuorn.Do ioQae r Cairns--ACamphoiitilt, un Frida>', WE INVITE YOUII INSPECTION.Te½ b.9Po tsC a k1 Aug. 14, 1931 tuStr. and lira.Archia e /-il 9 r ek l 1..(WiAm naeorge). Repalson lg. Dyeln 1 -z- lýý