Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 1931, p. 2

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eïsrÉi- e.g op. e, Esg. L Ordkm&-Hug. Ut. c. r Fraak-Eng. Coup. c, 1Wg. IA4 a -'e i. Pure Peurnsy1vaiila Oil 25c-. quart. soc 1gal V N ýRADIO Best Quality Tractor 011 in 5 gai. aa, ONLY -$4-25- nount b. isionbattes.. Twelve ogerdaeiu, pea-Eg. Coup. C, Eue. oft iene fanned. About bit of the Lit.M ' etrikea wee allad, fot on swringe.. aslle., pe-1o1Q&HULtc, AIR. 2. Mîlton DBoteuy CI bo1. ILtAthore , A.ABER OA Letuouep ., r. Anlhorr, Fr. W Clement rf .... ...... ôi 1 4 1 fi O COS5P. & Houston. 5 1.-... 2 2 0oO Gadla. WjlRlm-MIod. Hit c. IlA" Anderson, ôf.....0.. 8 0O O3 1Oi uth. 3. LainiCamp. ZPr.Aut. c 14 ettec, c .. .... 3 1 O 10 1i(0 Gowla.Grdo-Eog. Lit, c, Modem A.Claeet. b....5 Il 3 1 1 0 Î=t.cPbysl2, Fr. Camp.ce. Pryde. If .- ....5 t0 0 O0 0O0Oowland, lm M -re it. 3 Oeom. 1, K. Wilson,lb.....,5 1 2 7 1il,0,1rl.Pl ylc=,Lat Autsorsc, Telfer.p . ............4 2 1 0 3 0 al.Ca nsr ue- . cmp. c, EE. Leivsise .... .......4 11 3 21 Lt.t1. ---- - - Hsiday, Iya-Mod. Hit. 1, Agebra 1. 41 8 13327 8 2 Oeou. 3. Trlg.l1. Peyi. C, Clem.l1, Nawmarket. Lai. Anti. , Lai. Coup. 1, Fr. Autb. Z r oP. 1. AB R B a A E Lawrenca e, re-Mg.bta 2, Trie. Z BTrey. If ..........2. O1 0 Pbyaioe 1. Lai. Aut. c, Lat. Coup. c. Cainre, rf..... ........8 O0 2 0O0 0LuuMagrt Eng Lt. eC. Can, f....... .i .... 0 o00LJn'Bernlce-Ale. 3, Trlg. 2. Markis, se............ 3 1 O 2 1 2 McKeozie, M" Coup. c.l Maineaoo,2b. 00 () O cCallum, AIa-AIg. c, Fr.Autb. 2, Tivett Sb . ............-4 0 12 21 Fr.Coun3 B. Wilsoo. lb M........ A cCaneowaý;rd-Eng. Comp. 2, Enz. Hîckeon, lb. u ..... fi O 13 0 Lt.cTrigcFr. Camp. c. Vai,p...... ....... 3 01 03 0 MeDutfee. MCIr7-Eng.Cmp. 1, Eng. - - - - - - Lit 1, Lat. Mtb. c, Lit. Comp. 3. 32 2 à 27 12 3 McNbcboI Alexandra-Eog. Lit. 2. R H B Malbon, Marion-Eng. Lit. 2. Modern Blon ...... ...300 101 3e0-8 13 2 Hist c, Aig. c, Lem. c, Botony c, Newemarket. 00 000- 2 5 3 Zoology 1, Lat. Autb. c. Lat. Coup. Rone batted in. W. tlenent 2. Houe- c, Fr. Anîbors , Fr. Coup. 3. ton, A. Clement 2, K. Wilson. Leisu Mark, Harold-Eng. Lit. 3, Mod. Hist. Hicbson 2. Two.-base ita, Houton, 3. A. Clement. Val. Sacrifice i&.Lewle. Mark, Muriel-Eng. Cmp. c, Englieb Evsos. Stoten bases, W. Classent. Lit. 3. Lewis. $truck sut, by Telter 10. b Martin, MaLrion-AIf. 2Z leom. 1, Bot. Vail 12. Bases on balle, off TelferZ e, Zoology 3 Lat. Autb. c, Lat. Coup. off Vail 3. Wild ptebes. Veil 2. efI 2Z Fr. Autb. 2Z Fr. Coup. 2. on bases, Milton 12, Nswuarket f. Martin. Robert-Eng. Lit. c, AlgZ. 3. Umpares, Nicholson asd Brown, bath My Edss-Mod. ist. 2, Alczebra 3, of Toronto. Liou, , Botsny C, ZamlogyeC. Latin Miltoaaa co,, oes delleal e aso 15 Autbors c, Latin Coup. c, Fr. Autb. to 3 ]ast Saturdsy b y Hamilton and 3 , Fr. Cup. 3. ohiiaued lsom tbeO. B.A.A. champion_ Neill Elsie M.-Moden Historis c, Aie. sip layoffa. Tbey gaI gond piteis 3,(]cin.C, otany 3, Zool. c, Latin but gave il osslcbed support. Hsd il ,FAt.,F.Cu.C nel bees otcIis the vsiloes wold bave Neillt, Jobs W.-Eng. Coup. 2, Esllnbh imade osy en its, andlbey galasn ResLi , ou.c..s easseal sues. Is the sîi t ratbey RnbaHester-Esg.Cap1,Eg scr sixrnsead bad only one bit. Lit. i. Theaclocals lad teOars all obie lb sescones ay~es, Cares-Aîgebio c, Geni. c, ava oolallass bd ooîbr aly oc sd ..esistry , French Coup. c. boasniag. Moore, tbe visiter'@ port- Sergest,LieesEst. Coup. c, Esg. ide tihager, yelded oly 0sve bil, bal Lit. 3. isoed cix passes anal bit a bttas Hal Syuons, Kathleen-Esay. Coup. 2, Ese. t vol becs for the ocal' essors thegare Lit. 2. wouald have bess close. Tbey oaplay Toleloka, Dosald-Eng. Coup. 3, Esg. aaoch boterhlles bail bstey id. bey Lit c. were plaaly neevouseona soaunt ai tbe Turner.,Llenna -Eng. Coup. 1, Mod. aopotaaceolIbe gosse and tbrongb lck Hiniory c. Algebra c, (coine, c, Latin of espssaeace. L.ook oautlforIbsu n azi Coup. c, Fr. Autbors 3, Fr. Coup. 3. seaBon. Tomner, Myrte-Moders Hist. 1,. Mg. Hamilton.1.(Icame. 1, Trig. 1, Pbysics 3, Cbem. Enuailon. 2 Latin Asîbors 3, Latis Coup. 2, AB B5 H 0 A R Fr. Autbors 2, Fr. Coup. 2. Waton,If . 4 2 1 2 00 ____ ______ Woodcoc,irf 1 I1 0100 i 7Valden,c . 5 2 1 ô 2 0 Boins, 3b l2 311 e,2 ... .... 5 111 i2 , 1ICONDENSED ADVERTISEMETI Smtlb .......... O 0 0 7 10 Mo88,île f..........h5 2 12 00 FOR SALE-Chioe Canning Tom&- S]L arsa@...i 2 3 o toes.Phn21r-. Hall, If............ 1 Il b 2 1 0 BouoacTo RENT-Oo Court Street; Wilson,. If.- ...... 4 i 2 1 0I lal modemn conveniences. Phone 2K4 Mooe.p .5 1 120 0 - -- -- - Sais> WoIAÀT "a B S*o-Dawtnae 48 15 Il 27 10 o Golden Cbaff. Appiy tlen, Agnse, Miltas phone 300-.4' 2t AB B H 0 A R Foin SAL-Touatce. potatosaand Brshs, c...... . 4 0 1 7 2 3 oieken fecd. Apply Allan McCready, Cronin,Sb -.......... 410011 îpone 203r-4. Pryale. p, 2b . 2.Il.. ........... on0 0 3Brick Houes toalient. Clcet, 2b, p .... ... 3 1 03851 1eaaonable. Apply D. I. Hitebeon, Gilîbert, If ........ 4 1 1 1I() ( Flour and Feed Store, Mlton. Lraai,lu . 4 O0 10 O 2 L.ondon, cf ... ..... 3 0 1 2 O O WANTED.SeCnd band Wa sin g Beallîs, esa... .. 2 0Of0 0 2 Machisln lu ond repair. Apply at Buadyse..o....... 2 11o0î1 3tChampion Office. Anderson, f .. 2 9) t O O O RFanSALE-4 repoaseeslbicycles. - - a--inigoodrepair. AppyO.t.Pettigrew, 30 3 5 27 Il 14 Milton. Haalo, . 120 0113 20-15il Il O OR 00SALRE;sen@lboeuct in Miltons..... (M O1110- 3 5 14 1 ft. lengtbe, 3.00 a 1usd. Apply ta Tao lase bit, Moore; Ibseebase bitaTo.Cx hn 1J i Moore, Oilbet ;dRoles busesWatson, TossAToxe FRs SALE. 40e a buabel. Wocdcocb, Idarne 3, balîmara2 Hall, Bring your own containers. Apply J. l'sydc, Avnderson, Baady; etrack out Holingsworth. Milton Heigbta. by Moore, 6; by Pryde, 1, by Clessonîs :i bases on balle,.f oonOof rle SERD WHBAT casa SABi.n prosed 2: oIf Clenerls 20;'aMoobe pi;ofefl rî,Dawson'e Golden tibaf; free troun a'il Moore, Anadeson a owlla pilceu. weeds ns emut. 7c. bus. Apply J. B. Moorve, pcode ;let on bases, BHaltons . otpbone RI-r.l. 2t 8, Mailonal. STRAYED frOsa the pramsies ofJ. Il. Millon weon tbefiret game in the Campbell, SLb lins, Trafalgar, a Boa- second roundl for the O.1.A.A. Inter, ton bulldog. brindle, on Tueeday. ÂAy- mediale B ebanapionsnip yestarday t ans knowing ot ita wb.rsabouto pleaee Elora ram Fergas, 5 t0 3. Tbe Wel- pbone f93-r22. lngtonians otlaal the Miltonlans, but ATeTilasa. - Toa eil meen of neat tbves of Ibeir tfour erors were costIy apeaneboaastowrkad anal Ibeir ateras pitober isssied tour wiîngo utrneot ofbosr ady pasesanal bit a btter. Telter puaed ar,,,,,'pw n rih4toheurea&dey. ulose baller. iltoonusb y ers-ou eau eanfen$ta$a ywh eau and fautoleicding, isluding tour chn«fr promution. metsahave car. double pays exprisno..nuL necsssaey. aud ILsmat@ S Yeuunobhtng ta taci.youhave nath- Milton .... ..... 0311 00-5 ng 0 asande avscythlngaiguos Fergug - 010 2Wf003 1334 comonapllyounmen Who are ccingt Telfe andFettr ;about bard thues. Apply any 5050- Teler nd ettr;Sargeant sud ing except Saturday. ta roou t50, 28 Bradley. Uapires, Aimas. of Preston Jame.sB.. Haulton. Ont.. bt we and Himas, otLaIt. 7.30 and 9. IWe I-Known Eyesight Specialist Com ing Ito Marchand's Jewelry Store IVRY Kaleicooc Action, Colôr Grandeur' Progress 1 Prom thse moment thse impftsuive Openi- ing Day Ceremonies inaugurate diii year's Canadian National Exhibition, ta thse dosing ceremonies on the evening of September 12th, every houx will be arowded wîch coundleu feaura aof temendous importance and i »rct Sc. Hilda's.. Band of Englsnd, cadi member a brOnze, ilver and god medallist; Kyet Don, hokier af recaidu on lanid and waxer wifh bis renuble speedbarMiss Engl*nd 1JIthe crsh la wbich Sir Henc Seagna a wuu kiled- costly exhiits fiom- o 5xe countrie tihe pxodiicts neyer beca cisplayed bere before; sportsa acucticas ai lM-er- national proinnce ca4ed oiily At th warrants a vint fom &aàlCamatlla this yeax. &-Ecuxsion rmmesapply où M&uXlo~ MemhPtand b"-e Sa! is wh, AD goves long weaj ihick, oh a jdf for a foot~ the last1 3. THE CA in Goodyea any other. Smpertwi*t withi diat would break Bn/are buyini renions for Corne in an 4avel1 Batte MILTON PH Oil 1 N COME IN! SEE AND HEAR'IT! You'1L be amazed how littie it costs to put this mtarvelous new radio $147LO in your home on time payment plan CAVELL BATTERY SERVICE PHONE 245 CAMPBELLVILLE. The utre brlgbt weitber lu halpisg lb. fermer@ ta §inh up tbe barvesttand ibresbteeg bn Lb. order of the day, The pulpit in t. David@ Oburcb mai occupit by 1ev,. Mr.uiasof . iVictoria Mc. Bkin a aialrwill addces the W. N.B. and MB. on Tbucndy sitar. Doon, Ang. 27t1. We weraearey ta beir Ber. Mc, Hrand balaàweak Il wbiaastbbes esrvicein st. Gerge'. Tbnrcb laut Souday. W. trustetwil bahai ànpa.dy reeovery. Jobs astarbrnok. oni Seatsou, ie VWitlug fiaond@ and relatives int tisco. Mr. sud Rarm Kelly Sbacp. ara violl- M luAi.gsew. of Toronto, la tlb.fguent ut bar nimbe. Km aW.. EIbjoti aush Laula. of Vancouver. I0Mes. Craigsutnddaugbtar.l0f Winnipeg, are g 0inimu.A. Bel. Mr. and Mma i.Mabon sud Ianily sen holtday ta adLake Mm . L . ri andlsully araevit- hm r bal IMM p aye àtriendly gIpne ba.witls Milton Torii. I.... Thése c litfWseRiz Iofas bu tavo oîthebhome Ur.. à" Mca. bbeols sud aimiiy are on tbir vosation. sud Mr. Msesb bas ss i0 tise Bsk 0f Noma Sti.. Mr. suntEtMm Loyd Crawford witb M. soit Mms.J& Moulun. ut Stlasa, are eOBJeyl n tor trip snrth 1 a, n Priait. Moter., ost ni set Dale agwbbc s Mt l elae tir»maseothé'. elusP. warefedwom .W"tihie main ItM a ent o lsiUted il wItb «.a slilos sud uaiusuuqua aiWeitai lier fetb4l.gs. 3«uwind 14w-Radion nu~ bue New Store Ont. Weck -113- MWILTON. -WIsembuys 36-«.a jar at News StoreO Hamilton Ont Tlà Weetk -113- 379 Viny ~ U.E. Os. Js OcLIbkl. *D.llP1CKlES, g. , 9 -Cu 3b. 23 rt- M'MXMt , p1. 2't Chro.e'.TEA DISCUITS, c1o 27o 9"«se CR.ACKW.S, 2 5pag $~4s97c $11Z$~37 'i i~sg ~37 ii. Lm 19c srnI boxt10 IeLt Dcpr Orange Marinalade, (ili Pearl White Naptha 7aoip B.d &Wbite Golden Biîîtî Peerlesa Pastry Fioîr, 24 Red & White Bakin,- Poît Doff'a Pure Lard, 2 11), Clhilpo. large pk ---g '^Lxi FIake.,alltpk, f ý7BagIe Brand Milk, per tia. c.hiz FIy Fume, s oz. bol -Ball'o Sandwich Chicenî, WB.d dWhite Prepared -) B1d and White Peaîout Bi Certo "Sure J101," per bol Fruit Jar Rubber ings, d Whole Mixed Picklinii Sî Oookîng Onons, No. i111 ¶IE R. CU HM 'Quaity always hi IA cKt 'Public and High r- W. have a large staîcL f£10aolSupplies. rSaine 01 bought in aity or Inai1 IMd High Sehool Text Bc jUpplies for Pubi aPiianas, ý-fdNote Galcaal R fiedNoSI-Compae 015 St or Loaons Le T4attoek Bofil@ lliyns Butra hà oue tCy Story ot PublicO layresis ACK .The 1 eh recenu Institut il. Toon SEI I Clements & Ço* PHONE 43 MILTON m bo did. bt r=u;iasog waa ezcumble. 110 "esOt in Lbe second. WMfiktveu on 1 B Wlsodrova batboue iK WilsonWho st d éWl the put-ont, but m il. OOEIUcue w&AI in Lbrayof bleumn, eshis was badilu tisabottes, sOyames C second. Tbougb VaIRforc Newmark. et. was bit Mone bion,?.. haffa -4 A

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