Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1931, p. 3

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car an ~ d ar Havygo t il- ffccI c roi, 00 as! esloh oflh ueaady e neflih ys Dol' W(atrTre. rvas t rey-a t iao juston ofyour earu i, (a toprove wJsaiteaude fi'h cc. booioxk ihisvoch. Dl .,eixe ow? Cavell Batte.ry Service m i i.ro ONT. îiiiNE 215. Pu i cu .,derTube ii nec,' summ sw (Kl'a tý - 1 - ,I I S'cvil), 3 tins- ua, l ( i . 1 ' . I :; p kgs -- - Rd l Oi ti j r ------ --- - -- - -2 5 ji l, le, 1iced o*r crtshed, tin.-26e WaX V~Iiilopes, 45 sheet, 3for25e M~ La 1i y A \,-rted Biscuits, 1 lb.pkg29 'I',i - , Il t1 - b25c Lu lis - s,;j kes . ... .. ... . 3e Red \ý Vhj 400'S :3 boxes .. ... ...25C Cmmot % -' - - - - -bag-_- - - - - - 2 e-1 9 ', i -f1huverage, emali tin --- -- S t! l'ik and Ilans--------25 W lHditY 10s. .........---- 5e IlL I. ël/l, lo/ . .. . .. . .39< ~RY king 22c 35c 45c lOc 24c 5C 1 3c. 18C 25c 25c 21c asket - - 23c 10 Ibs 17C Ions, 2 Ibs-33e 0ON eislty-tbrOc linse Or sni tisa soutis@"tu i iren Mile creeOSl IF lamit oi the Wis jhery aiong tise màis! et tise mis! rilait, wenty.niiiS leStk4 lise sortis eser' Sreet ; iheece and îhisiry mina.un .1 inty inke te tisa. rosteining bys. crre, bu tise slisa erecled ',pn b rieS miss etnoro." aie voilt st outIn5 . l'bis prert lab .il] buofferedilot rrsd bas! andl ta COD" viii ersas! ni tise be F-urcisa muret 'ensioru Saliettsssl the baance vitisie w vtisot intOc5t ar a nd coditiM andorseatin5m in liai day of .luly. à ELi.iOTT. Milton, OntailO, tor for Mntil5*' flacre m e ycr. ycISe Mtme. sut- 'i PIIIGNHMÀU M WE UUIUJIJUUIKUUUDELIVER aia}s hlgher ihan the price"__ M~A C KEINZIIfS1 1- 1Soda Pountainj I - 1 i 1uk and bricks, kept ooIn-systei f S'loas made Wth pure - j liii h t Fîî îh j I i1, ind Slit D.riinks kept cool with I -kio Pies. and Bricks, al IFor qui 'onld gond work, bring Otlr iiL xcellent enlargementi 11Zis tiE inI il-anid 'Vericr orne Films tio jM.MACKENZIEJTj 40 Th ~ lie Rexali S oe, Make your reservai0 Dance every Fridaye Mis fuba leinoss.et Hamilton. basisevstu f inL ove. lira Zea Ivsus 01etPoctagu 14 Pri, l ilsg ueiou nMilce. 2 Rvo'L nnut~ a Ruai Tisa Hilton Dary ans!Tise iton Beisarys sPontai adl. on lsd Page. B. Ho"sauWeil Driller. Remise Day P.Oýt..OisaToronto. L.&kcals! W22. lit. Mr.eus!lHre. . lierreisi, et Peter- bore. visites! chir parents bore lest veek. Itemu0f neya ar alaaye velcosea. Phsone tismais eS08-Tum aunn-oss numbar. lire.D. ià. IRobertson ans! tesiiy ae sesmaing uttchir cottage aiBie musakia. liraW. . fSimson. Peal St.. is viligfinla iToronto, Oshava.1 Iltn igsSeool vilireupeis for tisa taeus ultber ternieonsTaus!ay. Septembcr lai. Psople@honp visses teey ara invites! béaase teey knnv tisabeut raines are1 in tee ailrsrisesinte. lira W. A. Lavrence. oe NorYac City, formsriy of Hilton, hmbasea ris. ltisg trieniLslto. Dr. H. A. icei loletton iuonday te is bis famly. viahar islideine et PeuqutIale. oua"tirigiten. The Hilton Publie Seoolviii open1 on September lai. 1981. by erder sf tise Milton Publie "cosi Boars!. Mme..8. LBeys ans! Misa F. Id.i Hrmisen arsens!ingga roupie et veeissai tPrt t 9.ne iakia Par ruensondiOma rspalring the Pnpuier BssUnewriss rsi ans!ays. Comsplets aises eepailugservices. Hre. tibariau Bill. of Paru, le spens!. îng a tav vusa v ith b UR dnitr. Hr@. At lianila a t lon urveiL J. P. RBais attendes! tisefuserai of bis braiser, tisaliste Chiariot Ruaok, la Wut Haven, V.. on Woilness!ey et lut vrais. Hilton publie scho isoliireoapes On sept. l8i vbieis seaso ny eleres moreldpa ioidaps for tise Lteera HiesEdue Scears!. of thee "Y ans Venge Ste. brauciofethte Banis ut To. recto, Toronte. sputtise veek-ens!ILt liser haine bore. Mr. eus!lHre. Devuri Lindsay. et Daniles, ere receot vistOferaitise@ bosse of ier parenta.. lr. ans! lra. JOB. Boys!. HartinS Steus. The kisidiesviliiho tuckidis nkpai vison tbeoyher tee 90g O nyectb tee publie seboni viii re-open on Tues- day.SEWpt.lut. Nov pou lt uoe. jobseosvay and!bise es. HM MugaetAnderss».»Penit SundAy ai tebossecdfMranlI.. W. T. Pein- ber. Toronto. 1000bleuis hase tram .-theeOntario Gjovement is.tsberlsu vers depoai.- il 1 ite pond nit e pover sam ths veeis -firtasillsRelev. Ws ibayou"& aotess! -yboys or plU iel&lar Yjubilan" over chu tisai tiseseboisi iosbars 007yloyai Moredays te rus. The jMutes Tennis Club iseis!a -on caOLsai dns!melntees! et amnile's poS!. Obesetiacon lioeday elgisi.Ans an enjoyelile sse vasboisy a&l J Thr ee arris e iaHaguoravilla braiaisfut tise Banksoft Osmisereale ruiei mansela5 fothebrauehs Dr. WIII DaWvr. amlst. of Tom-] te. WhoeeeaeMU Fgrnul tram e trip ta ly suaa ut ucd lady B"aisues ber tembiy. zje vistlm.. reateivesel lbie..dahlia bloessas onW Msies, vOilaw viiio - lm w e SiOceqf~eesgardlab a ,tsegs as sm -tise Chisspon oes y*utwT "aad Mm ws. 1liaaeUM4 aet in tst tra ie amm wu»INUO Mrn7.L Plumer. btut. eev.M vie aàrr etdo moult ans!was m for elgist daregu . atady. Pou» 800AI» Cems-In Polie ~tIIaeliliraen's court berson lu. radeoricis Vivian. or Kil. -brida, vu as tns! uiy of a breacisof tisa LO.A.. ailgip Sseson 0frilqiae ans!Wvas fines! 8100 es!enste. v'sC% se pais!. ProvincialiCaot" isGeorge Oookman. of Hilton. laid tisa charge. (JonstaisieK. J. RuUtedgusttstThisa Revisv.OCI.e tis.v:ek.alk orl vils! ris. grovn tlise seas!li nvres! along tisa Crudit BRiveatb Sireutahiie pover dais. It insurés, 8j test long. Tisa risse la grave te feus! tise pieals DUand atise air ls tisat troquant tesrivrr.--8treataviiie Tiscougis tiseefferte of -B. A. Race. silitor ut tise Rurlingion Gazette. chu Borliagion firemen'a drll team recel,- cd an invitation on Satorday te p ut sn thair fancy drill for tise grans!atauid @vounig peeformaiie at tiseCanadian National RîbibliUon, Tocante. tas AuX. bus O n tsai ayAdmirai Jellicoe IiiU hopeet oinvitation bas iseen acccpted. lm »BilaPeaeci. eldeat dasogiter of Hr. suans! i. Oea. Peacocis. Hilton. bas heen averdcil tishesoiareiip. ranes! at $100, donateal by the T. Raton On.. tevarde a 2 pour course et MacDonald Institut.s(Guelph. Tis vas bases!i nan examination set by T. Raton Ou. as!d open to vioncrusof te Royal 200 Party lest yeac. Cou- gratuietions. REAUTOPUL MaLTai-Hilton vas ocrer more entitiailtate eDame "Beautitai Hilton" tsan cias easun. Tise fisc rains ans! tis a varseialar isavs prodasos! au nsaiiy lunuriant eff o ertbeyadlera. gorgeous ln their briliaont bus. Tise floyer plots. and. vlndov boxrese ails!mucis te teattractive- no uthtie tovn ans! are caiiing forth mainy favorable commenta. Dr. tien. D., Deoton, M. D., O. H.. Lý H. O. O.. a graduate in meilicine et Qucens Univrrnty. iîngston. tint.. ban oponeil an office udxt door teatisa Prinece&Tiscatre. Boisas bail a two- year poatgr&duite course btistudy ft discuaca of tise nrrouausyntem. ans! tue Lise pant pear atsbas! practicai ex- perine iu tise gencrai practice e1 1eilcine at Bt. Joseph'@ hospitai. Hamilton. Thia test yack mcn bave iscen husy tsarlng davu tise former separiate fsebuol building, le te ais structure v ers ensebeavy timbers ans! rufian. nat a tev helng beve or squares! vitis tise broas! axr, an important impie. ment seventy-fire peare aga. Tise re. moral efthe fermer scbooias!s!sgroat, teO theapp orn fttise nev tve- rea .1ehofoLihrick coneirue tion.-Oa.iviiis Star.1 lus.' Oasisc. c= % Lus atin-s.Lti utsr 2, Fr. suorou.!.Fr. Campsa. Fr lieodidnn.ieor-g-Ee. ii. c.A.t&ai. Zt c MgeeutH or3. Azbr, Kwlisln"eRsol-Cn. Hia. e. Eeg. Lii.. Aiil,.l ati.nse. er LaaCmp. eZ Pr. Autsors t, Fr. KiCoup. e. nu om. .En LottKencle, MarjorCe-FZ.Eue.t.sZae Fr. Cnsep. c. HcDuttee, Hr- au. tiht.1 i lGase 1, Chame. 2,Fr.Aalis nFi. Coep. 2. lieNicisol, Aiuxeosrt-Pbpslc. Cisese , Latin Ateors c, Fr. Authors . Hark, ilarid-Cbemintey C. Mark inurisi--Can Hist e, Ouoseetrp c. Ltin atutbora c. Lais Comp. e, NF4011, Jh-aainHitary 2, Gae. 1. Chsmitry 3, Latis Auchoca e, Pr. Authers 2. F r. Comp. 2 Readicas!. Hestr-Can. Blet. 2, Gea.. 2, Cisese.3 Ltis Auchois c, Frenchs Camp. -1. Frenchs Authara 2. Reis, lAura-OuoMetry e Physies c. Richsardson. Olive-EnilssCamp. c, Engilai Lit. , Ancleni Bust, c, Aigo. Sayers, Charle-Ascient itor c. Sergeas int lea-Ceasdiao iaoryt Ocomoetry e, Phynico 2 Chçisatrp 3. latin Autior 3. Latin Camp. 3, Fr. Auteora 3, Fr. Camp. 2. Shoray. .lobo-Eugiiis op.3 E Lit. , Algebrue, Goa..c, Pycms3 Svltzer, Jean-Algeisai 2. Symona. Kathl een--Cao. Blet.2.Gae. , Che. 2Z Latin Authors 3 Latin Cnnp. 2, Fr. Autisors2. Fr. Cons. 2. Tighit. Ciroce-Ene. Camnp. Z 9n. it. 3, Anceet Hlt, c, Ai.g.eGae. 1.oloais e, Latin Cm ane TltaDonaid-Can.% - .G. Vansoskie. Oser-Ese. Camp. e, Eue. Lit. 2. Anent Hist. 1, Oaometry 1, Pbyaica 2Z Latin Camp. 1. Wiso,Morton-Enu. Camp. e, Enc. Lit. e, Anclent History 3. The certfleetes of ail candidates have been maies! 1 tee addrema giren an tisir reitration carda. REPEATED BT REQUEST Don% uIWIte Attendthee Tise papera norte af Guelpis bave XIW W- beau quite emuseds by tisa Guelphs Mercury fleoding tiseconuntrp aidae sund re e cameie@ asipcise ma do and __ean vite froe copies sOeilpts Dlailer O N I ey. ans!in tis @e ameissfeaturiog tiader auspiceseof itepbo'lsy Bes atise eading editorlel *,Buy et 0-Roroby, t teahome nf Rome." Apparestiy jissi enniber ni tense occaions visere the.editoriat de. F. 13. SHIPP isrisent vasa'i lutep vihte saas!- loi 10, "tri te, Treteler, On .ertislng depaciseent. i creaissil quit. e amile lu ibese part., Loo. But cht 'Ia le st unitoa.-Actois Pre.Prom. d~IyE',U5 it DI.uY SESTSCieD FoFOR AC.- Whit.e e.st. Tomseh.ad.Tsie. W. P. Dsxlay, Tneoûte peoduces san. FruitSa le erssismt BOOtis visn vas eppreisaudes!' amChathame Ooeneuî'Sbîe. sud cuie emuseent ans! brougis o itelutoni hy Pravincial isouahu va l haopun et a p.ss Constble Cnokisan. appearmi iefre t.iari tUse. Policesligistratu Melivesas la Milie es! Acton on Priday lut eus!pleedus! Pdinves!et 8by Mie gsorgsquuiseissat guiky te savan is aug et oaiing .CJpIl ý CLIbeyDa.e"*» cua reditelutis O tae m '5 19m ye dalta o la Irez»&A b Tur. î&y.ag-iis smuet ~gat~e la. je" - giWsul An ije »ir ern"a s vssuolu lubteda.t.star. jq RWO1OIIHSTRA h Atisadass. - aa vOil.sà" etsi nu T . vetolg tb.lise5lOie dhi~s*or.si 'às e _ _ tsiseases.is a e McAOII nu.-Udà N. iua s KNOVA s cc câlueu OUMM; Reso. rond loe$SW; Tëwais) eurs $286 bâh nide= bw. I t eM!M, 3s!AWN BOWLING. al,.alaha trow th isa Hsele lAv &gi Mg0b m'otorci ta Mluton on *a" d~erufl fora triendly ganse ~e As! misiovon ont iy a score lie M 0& rabueus eresoerreil ~ Vs~u~j7a i. tns as bas! hy AU: J anda nbeiaif af tise 12lhWi0 cluistisao he M ilton Club1 $em tiseè& ss= & vening. ans! inrited Uiau te imba for a rturu ga me. INOX CRUSICI. Ohoreis servie«svilii b sndncted 1. Rni Preusitarian Churcis on snday sausua i onisg vnrtbip at eicvsn 0,6100: Md ansetln onl t savon. thicty. B.. .3. MnOacinumen Ut. Paaai'aUnitcd Cburch cengrera. tine voahip vitis Knox congregation dneing thea montis of Augunt. Biasptue Faut Circui flots. Race. adien Hares at Brampton on Weid- nasdy. Aug. 2ftb. at 2.30 p.m. Bs iser. Admission M5e.. antosan d graundanDd 250, Davinabilcrcy Hosiitai. Toronto, lbn Monday. Augut l7th. 1931, Wil- lesAlfrued Darlea, et Milton, in bis UdYmir. Dursan--In Milton. on Tburailay, Aug. 20ti. B lisahetis Bumphrirn, vidov of the laie Wm. Durnan, in ismr Bte ysar. Theetoiserai viii taise place tram ber, lata rusldene. Pearl St.. on daturday. AugaaSt 22nd. at 2 p.m. Internent i Eveegru O Cmotery, Milton. PAT CASH and Save Money Round Steak ............. 23e lb Sirlion Steak ............. 28c lb Chuck Raut ............. 15e ]b Rib Roast ................ 20e lb Veai Chopa .............. 25e lb Front Veaut-Chopa .... 1se lb Front Lamb............. 20e lb Lamb Chopa ............. 30e lb Leg Lamb............... 30e lb S. BUCK, Butcher. PRUNES "f SALMO N IMilton Hydro-Electric Con*h"Iio ISPEGIA"! Ia So that the people may beconie better acquairitedI with the advantages of a If ectrlc Time Pièce' We are ofleriog for a imîted time on HA.MMOND ELECTIRJC KIIOHEN CLUUKS jSPECIAL -$2.OO Allowance for Ysur 01J1 Clock. By fer the greater number of motor mînhape occurwihere car@aors drives THE POPULAR by competunt drivera. vhere theroadl sbath goodand vide. in broas! day- SHOE W ORKS li ght. uhere opportunity for seeng i abondant and the ar@ are in gond I"RACTICAL SIIOEMAI<ERS seecisanical condition. wisrre luckis s We repair vith case. not a factor and visere no reasonable Repaire of Erery Deacription). excuse can hie feund fer the catautro- Ladies, une the flexible phe. MEL-O-OKE Aneouncement in mails tbrogh 611r ta preideot, Mr. Thoeron Iliboon' tisi Oi teba etra xe!j i the Uppor Canada Bibis Society haso brnheshît aet nusen a beco honoures! by Bis Eîceliency, the brnhst uwok Eari et Beeeborough, vise bas grec- Wo excel in Coioeîng, Tinting iouslv eonaented ta become its patron . aod Dyeing. The Upper Canada Bibis Society, an QoîCis Service witis Due Price teinsil Aaxiiary etf the British ans! Foreign Vour soslo otr olbte Bible Sqcsety. complisea tise centrail bo osietr eibte narthwebern portions of the province and are btter vison repained of Ontai. and saonos t he iargest hy u& auniliarlen et tie p aient organization. OU-Ylelt Onr Shos Shilo Parler. it ba njoyed Vice. itegai patronage J. c.. DENNISON. cvrc ince Contederaticn. ýUst 20, 21 ée2 21, p4m- OORO, 6Uu'ABfU'M fllPAlWaecIuiAT 24-OZ. MayFlowersu p4AItff25e SEIX Ti a s!BIG.25,0 CRISC2O 24. PouaTROUxWHcO AI NO. 1 RY "Quai/t y

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