Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jul 1931, p. 4

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OFFICIAL PROGRAMME Orange Celebraliai AT MILTON SATURDAY, JULY 11,l 193 1 t -a t)I (f t,., 1, . . il, i I. f.. t - , t t la 1 1, ,. Mp j3 .1 i, 3M Ma' k.ýl,. Valu3tble Pnize.s wiII be given for the following 3,., ' i. ,i t t L . . .*.. .. .. .t..... ..t..t 33 ,1. .. ..t . ".. . . k . A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I, dIlele ll ooailnby o fen eme et tf re mieut Pth % (,o un h Pd. DaneorgTown vs.lilteon.in. ORACESA 9.,t; .2 1 4t .3l #1 I l Y v Ft cany csles of cacs J. VV. HIGGINS Filtto'(.t 71 M Il ton USED CAR$c* II Il'ordeda i 11,30Plymouth Sedan, tU, 1,. u>, .3 ,ai1t\ -Igt, as ,î,,,u âtob s. t J:t) Ii i d(, r. Q If"> Tîtdors. 1 il.gitt Itiîv.< Truck. I11,27 Fordson Tractor, in AI shape. EVERYTHING PRICED 10 CLEAR. Ford Sales and Service Miltou landThere tr,'g anwBetrei Ripn wettb rugb by tut'..'. Duominion Atlato ic,, 13e 3, uy tîcos 1tubYaroîuuth, bo.cg l,,py..lthe,.ot tufBoton. Lutere of "ott.t 3i,0 .1333 e gtcd lu b,,u te 33, . b t h , ooof s cclar o lu buf f Jdn i, 31 O t - Lbe otuled et Blod 1lt,ou hort, by dubn lb. h gg.31t, o f hdgo- becn, Novuh.a o IL utt ho 8- oalod in th, 3r,t o, f th,. be'o tîtut Ani...u. h i,. The ffiroo.3,., o,.u.t,in t isoyuof.,uo 3ot,~ ti ruc, sa îou,,, i, i utl, 0,n.0 X_ oera n'Ic,î.o.f ( -,olduoad crod throt,.,. too tir Ecpressof Bro 30 ,%l, ... o ur th,.St. ,iv000000(,i li r w i 33 vo yago f,ouclh,,ohou,.,.J.,., t. r3ot t .o~ lieoî,33, , (s o f 3 33,1.,0 Ou ,50 Al , flg.t, n !,t l'e fn fa. bot nIf ,,b , 33L- il h, butm u,.I 1 ,il lai,0. ha,, a, C ' 'i nien1t o 't', n Ho,,. ' t l P " r anud ua,, a iho .3.,r ndinPo , iat,og 1t3lu3 I-.t. Et , \%' cht,3 charb'.,. iny,. the a, o i s, ,r, -nt , t lb Bth ', . ti.i. litt ,lb,. . Cat aiA .1-, an. the -wpalI. ' th Ep.'. 330 of I,. ,'.l .o' ou', nill', ý,aI. ", t , Si. 3,. cln,.,3 t . ,1tuu.,t, ooa itoh th, Inn ha- ,ou. bIt ', t - Il , , "m ,.heabou'o ,if, în juint t II3 t ri and po u rn 1 Ictut -ý eofte Cu.tu3' il M il Aso,,t h C.1.u,b th(Iu'anuab o o i bie, Ii3MPEandIOI EfT, n, O 3' tri' 't a d 1,1t' ('11 and rovicial Il 33, i - t. éà io. t- (t7. 44.. 3 ) Il ~ ii Ilttt 3 I' 1- 3,',3 if , o T 1, W Il l and i.o mares .1.3,3,.g the. ses ..,of IP31 uî f..ttue: do Mocoay, cîlI lc,. bts ttntll,1,to 10,. hh ltue, E.q..ue- .,î..."d preecd tu XX. H. Att,,,,Pe,,t.f., coîtht, Tuedoy 3,.tto.1,tu,.33, b oille .o,îgbiztý WXedîo'c.dup, ttîîite1. ....', ,t, 'l' TIî..odny, dJohn Gt,,I',., hdi> ,,,, "d] tr"I hytruck taut partieset ua distance. Hotu, SoýT,,. aO el,,otfl dat b gc',y, >' atuocthbloack, s.0 sstb g..u.t h'cand frel He 9 cn,,.ctd,33iu heogo,, UstîtIA.030 as sî,ed hy Hidalgo. 7724j,1.'-t6]5,;dam. Wîloe Hall dopa- sltc319933). TERMS To caIce e afont, 513383 $1.00 dusscot tmef et iceI. .haace payable lt Feh., 1932. Miaces must ho s'tocaed ogularltpLü thehocaie or bey stt h. obtargeotas eon mrs Pactiesadimponia of thbcc mares be. fsre costtetiag tLime citt ho hetd Bpoaeibls for inaacnaece hattin c ifaatacaat. Att accntstaatowner'a j risti. WM BRÊNNAN. Pcsp.. 9a0-rQ'-21. S. ,% Georgtown. ONLY ONE IN CANADA HfOSPITAL SI3PPOIITIIJI"TIRI- USE ,LY BY CHINJIl lastitalss, fiNon44estasdass. But fà AccllEc>-ft i4 Uf Ciefiy Mquippo0t tus, CareforCb(ti- AND NIPECTED STALES neee. Whoiie o sstuss SINufthe saticl, as Oums Hiddenaa aa,,, ,t!,ýe hop@ad cales ur Motreestu ( iJ.,towa te a soodeat ttoklag, threo ,.iýyed bontd- Ing whtch houssa the oaly boapiWtri l Caaada BUported .atirely by chlsese listoc' the case of their cocxtrymest. srita leonard LUttaott tn the TO- Til, iIi1l11rout te, arWeskty. I. .,, p..,. ecs ailthtae reaoureles of Modoe aadlctse and aurgec'y are avallable Itist (.,tells ils quai- for 1he relief of euatrittatcd Chlt,.e In1 c , e astern Canaida. Fur the hoat3tltn ity.Ricl wit crem at112 IlagaohetleceaStreet le usied onY but by tbo ftotoron uto a tttd .ts f viig in Ht'tu ci aus, bnfx .and t'iav (r. 1 t Th, .to,tulluion compi, p'lt,,o is tj,, th tilit fot îour lr 5Iailt n iu mlto lwr 1teb,, 3n.î.nocup-îtll OPct'Otfog tctetcanod ati, Peu diopootol, DoilN ste - ctt bt'fou, lc'.duubt,i't, s'udtd,,.,l ~~k& ~~ 3,0I te ursinog lu do,,,. bu, .30I31co chairoalisers wou algo,.ude 1 b, tooi o 'ofttiltTlu83- u tr e,,3 C lt ., t ,c scte', ebi, uuuht ,'l1 malttio ,uo ,, uec,.l,,h u.ut'tllu3,'t i, klldJ GAS COMPANY RIGHTS. eole, u 'if lChIrI louulid .uub,., Ii ,u.Ltlie h l'.3,,tg touuub to , t fr,,3,, Of A 030. t.iJ sPh , totf,ýt,, , . .In 3.,e tet ien.3 t s u,,uid tud .3,1ad youog(,i ,,,'llo- ,, tp',dontuanud dlo,0509" I? W.- , 33j3înuurseoo 3h wyout, 3 nlc.ul "" l uirlduul ba,,. bc,.u 3 ouI,, foi01t3homeliteau, the .l 3res3 'l u lIjpi,, fi--t'oublî,uo',îg tbeir "Ils i3l (oud. n . 3,,î,te , and o driltlîgbucut gay 1I3, ultb tbueçoeteol'îof, tOrientâutuIt,u c- ri, , ad li Au utl ,'tîîeo ,sitb doue,, a,1 3 3< ,il.. 1,.,,,litsd touî, u"" Te t,.t t,,'-cnurseotpsofiullyit,, isuid,, uail 3.3.3 il19,1,ull300 rtb,.,psioî'gn TyO l.tu,.,t3lie The',, tL3ot. db3op,3l3uî Tuuail, n .01 I'11 lou offelî if quiet aud, ,d .,,,.fu t u-l 33, n 1 , 3 oo3- b3,ho,,. thial o u,,d,.d lu lit, 3fuitbleo it 3h,. touing atto, 33,o r:11 I, N , , l'l 0 u3.hl l' i pom.es,.3,s u ,,,fa ti lbles , u Il lt ' ,,, u Ï, lTltoh.spita0ltru,,ueut. ,t Çjj. I$1, Ouui) a 33O1, 03,,, , J, ,1 b, o I f b,ob'.,33lituuuld4 E Il(t,111L Ku,,î lIeu , 3j,e ,hlcu,, 03,3I 3 33, 3., . 'IlI ittýiwi promireutt 'luOfIit 3ivin0 iu fi,,, opdt utlto,. ueute ib,. end t 1"T'1 Il tup eic ouh.edw ,d Ibu, ut and .Lfere S bus. n ,ud doutt,,,tý ,luy ur s. Fou uthl,. Cu,,330, Fedg tubuco uuîutep isthe1Paes puu tlhfor cu,.lesceunce., latust dv.uu lu hecuk b t,.,.l undltheoeuou ag3,al.tt fufferu paiL . The tubuuuu te gi100 300 uand buduhp 3In the ur, ulu.u, utlundsu atbotu eofîucuuo .3.laiui u le,.u3iuu,lut oullulu1- uu,ba.u icfoo. houo,.. , 0u uiif,.oou. A fLu11Lit , 3 i 0t1 o uo u,ured, Laust aua:.ob3oo....tiiitspluae uf,,., , man)uuas l.','ubleofuthe., 103.3.3, 1 ,-.t resuuîuuuet224,- f<lub,.ofîChines , reluinîuud i:,il.si , uuoubutcutuo tanding ,u, o,13 But h.,lfl, cIeo0nu,îi i..,'upabl, f yied3g 424,6317 3,0tutes ufor 3,,-,,aud tïInuudutf 1-.,,. tot u,'d ceuuuuof ut . ,luu t .pl-c.,, flfus,,luou sau,,. umtur and ,121.993 tbun- b,ofut be C.'b3,,o..o Fouuo3ot As- ouu.tu,,,1 uf pulpuudtico, puiet lio n inufuutOMuutr.oupeu,.d tbhe aund ,,b ,u sinalluofuaetutts. ,ooult bopita W,. ,ol,""Zd _3,1MuCbi. Kun Western.,.Cbuoduuo 0areubuc'îeg h3us', 'bat uilts l'afsuobicu luude re.luti.uî,,oupd duh ahigb ltuuubl b thb eouuagementlund degee of indury astheboin-co-pertiouu ofthe ch.u,0hes and tbe nientolmade.lobrntHall, vice- pl<oOoouOlfuuOdevusofupomlurent plesident, Ca,.dauPacifie Rail 0luebusouthebuulunit3,v1, F.,b i.y, un his tuunfououaoeot '-ar tholb avbautou in..3luSo or uonds1 lu. t he, Oopuoy't 3wes.tern'0 olu0uibolo tfeou Ountl3ymeun Tbtbuplor o000 0003lu inu Trait rid<ctg jin bth e Cadia lis,.ul3y a publie instiutionuu Eu,,. tluub3ot bacstmade aso c'tg 0ppea0l t.ooo ,uld go tu t tifbIylelot,,.d, t.u3,3,33Dune,.o,on of.,. u Rtc tîbugb ti oe obtot> equîpp.d te, b.o,ellnt, thel,. cuoo3.uo <3,.u,,l, are .fouotheIb otof tCh'inse,. ee ý,h.bw,, thbcHuon.Arthur. Pue ,iutul'a0e0diffeeluoad wbueIl s,ru<y aud MajoDutuc bave mûruai omebu inoauplacetely cari cati ibeen ,,tlyfug autheb,.BanfoSintogs Ihelo. i lulot. Onutheboplu. too ufth,. buuplîo le tbh' cfautiebr of<Ithe,, s..ot yuclamert 1 Itensive00 ucapafgnl agoîccut ereothe ratrsut tb outuy meet grao..poo., ofc',.ouoou, oboat in so..uconclaoe tu Mcubn ueo Steinusoufty, cutwo'uO, p0utin uf,3,.areuoaluu03, tt.ugb it e bec, fcobbuge butteofty, I0o1t Ivb<,,iuo' Ho,.e siloib h ula o rtuggot tu 00 bcbg ,.o,1uul,.d .oueilotf ,3blo,,uog,.uc.uuvl,.nt So fb...ugbouu3tbe uotibisuSommer ltofoMuntl0u3llu3luo. a a ou urt and Outt uith oa,,pecialot tgua - i .1 ti-tîlimica, oharter î,ec00030,1d tunt he.o, flb,. . 1 thIbomIl1ion G03000 lutit, eI- puOuO 333,, ltt,,L lookLffte, thbcottu,. "lluyerc" Wc.c," wcibabu e te b,,t ,îlb. 030u3,313 Anycly 0301.aud a groot uuo,.ess n e, bpull, sui l dis.putes o ,olb e l,,ucoulîtyar b.bc,.td frte b. turlb 33330in brouugbl bo,.,.the ldeco 3In ibis Muntra ooutcuuîg Augutt10 ro, l,bfalthe.Ouuu9lutuo N., coul At the lastoneuinuFebeour r s aie spiei0dlutu3,o ,'cuoote upunodu ut 1,100 huycc't ocae t th 3,0 twun..t ilot,', utand purchused in runtd Tho e pu.î la blIbhtIs ,.uri,. 3 figurot $950,000 cortb ut Cana- 3,. heldle an uauun lcdgouenothel, duo cude gods. ul,1 putubul coude ut China based on a.usu,.oOuuc, ftur.paret and Acmancutuing atîisttlaett uuoufo,.aud aluveuofamllîtrudi- nesunteus lb,, fjtb ls unountsze, tio but a fish catohîng a muan rates 1dut'ofu,. lbe, outînoutthe ,.hu.ob,. a big type boud. This buppeeed ure î,.uîu tooc lb,, blet anud philot- ut Lob,, M jcneooue,u, tf00Banfft, ,phijof ut he ltbthlad. Tb,,ou re rece.tty 'uben uan ungtee' cao hcuutifilts'mils3duli n te ho b bue putted off lbhe pi,,, nbto elabo boy ',.,u1u 3îî,g u uo u counTeu ut tbecsuddeî tib,,ufacobller 1Im arctholbporotuuutOobutofLI trout. Cucnstable Jaces ut Cal-. Nuu..('bunguand TsuehbGat Cboug, gay puttfin aboat atdlaudod -oop,,id,ent fChiena bbhfisband tieberteact. Fittogf,. poesldtcg ,g 00tlb,.puts ___lebelhutherinîb e uopottrat fDrý Sx duye. mne hbuns and elevnS un Yul Soufaible,. o.1tlb,,Chiceno minutes cas tbe tice outheIbe cortd eput,3,u and Cuutu,.,uu laîbe,. nf ruc uf tbe 'Ecpece utJatoas,' blues,, pbîlouopby 26,000 1033 Oagsbtp ut tbe Cana- diaucP,îiftfeel, 3on hec laalt t'ip froc Yubuaca 10 Honouluo. ebe A atIHOLAR DOG. aouuble eordwasstmade wbco tbe sune aip coupleted tbevouy- UadestàWda ('oliaso (mes ILt --- fe-- osttut 30Vîtoria eesainaaa FIRSI AID TRAINING PROVES IN G.t... e . , P'ALE W0OMA- t,.EtsA I Il Il Il 13t I TiI n 1,> , 1 idhs1 "'o.,t, Lot,. t Q.,u,,n9 I ., . ,~ .o, , ,. -lî.u !, - t - .io ud T- nu1 , 11,i 13! .. D Es'IN i DR. F. E.- BAB(3". DRf. G. A. K 1.1 NEILSEN '. The t hisce' suc,t 3, Margot Ferguson Taiks to Father on "Majestic" 3 t't-. FRN P 'ETC 1 Phone me' foi' ITRUCKING of Ailu inîIs I Several bondeed Britshbhoysexeperie c.oth,, OheslofthOeir flues ah tbe St3hoalboycca Eohîhit DI sLondon, eben thy ooob partt in a tfeteh o,.eocoversation clOit-hthe eorlds lsrgsattine io uid OAtlutic- The mocat ettvid in tbe exhibition eu te lu c ycr old Margot Feogîoo, daogbger of the Assistant ,'h.et Eaglasar of tba Majestic. Wbit,, doeene ot ho v cgszcd tn eide.-eyed csadecaaant, Margot, wiîb l othe oOl Possession la thae wcld ohatted o,.oc the telep'boaneCs or father. 'lt cas wondsrfa1u. -abs confeused uf 301' Varda,'ad I coutd hoar Daddy vecy cloarty. He said hlieh as ey csll1ý Sbip ts asoe, alcpla t and, aoviag train bu telephans ti, home ci>office and trans-AtIauni telaphoasseurviete al ttompsratieely lacent stops in the ultimata atmo-.kqJephsQe as stleets'i flhsiIY, «Usalversal Servic.'!,~' AIso for Sale P01clt,t.,3, M. MICHNtCK LOCAL COUF Pille ocMitti. Moly , ica5Ac.aa t ',su An. 's c ontc haith. p 'j I <I Rocky Mountains Are Ideal Holiday Land 6

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