boad onreord aalabl. 1<1 l'a 0e Otlig ead st l" MM o) sIbae Ti. ha. s tethe sre tesu o! tasudli'momuatn- Ialasdo sdS......h.. ........ nhe Istitut. raisd a th ie cour ridama Kbmi-td Ilen t due e sst th t-: b: ý&": lés& a I*8 »O handlio te ccomchlag clisses bmtd Aia a O A a prier 10 the oanletttoln vnAgr points througlaoat thas conty; and Bud. 2b........ ô o o 2 2 8 betb the boys' snd girls' couatettOus A McNiven. Sb .___. 4 0 0 O 2 1 reated very favolbly tothe PublieO fed..........4 32800 0 npiited attitude of localI menfland<1Cairns., . .5 2 1 1 0 3 business organisatIons whlch ca-cIter- Watson, f,.......4 O 1 3 O O ,ted with the local buaucof the d& BMeNvn. b, p...3 0 0 5 1 2 partment oet agriculture l14 furnishlna Waeri. p, lb -....... .._4 O 0 2 1 O Ie rophies and worklag sp entbsal- Nicholson. rt ........ 2 0 0 52 0 sain. Pelle!f_... .. .....0 O O O O O Fr thetiret tie the hgbboy and t.urts ..l....... . . 1 0 0 000 high girl ln thet tuo conapetitiOns are------ heing ivet cheqiues orrpayment os 37 O O 24 8 9 their expense n ethte organlurd ltrip Milton ta Chicago witic tht par trou the AB a a o A 3 pcovince et Otario Thia ose ira- BClaenet, ret..........6 4 3 1 O 1 tare cetrluted to thesccns otthe Hoston.rf1..0...0..l 0OO 0OO0 cerpetitinaanmuch as anytiiit A ilensent, 2b. ô022 8112 ein, andnetfar asthte Yung woOen Ietter c..............4 20 71 0 arevcenctrned. tht rounty Womens Toletzka. Sb ........ - 51 1I320 nite. deserves eongratulationa and Wilson, Ilb ..... .. 4 2 8 1 I appreciatien ter ibeir Indivdueliand telfer. p ........3 11 t0 1t() collective efforts frr llnanclng the Mar. P.......... . 2 2 1 OO0 0 girin'expenses. Inorderie ases that Lewisa. .....s..... . 41 1 620 theboy wre not bhild theirls, Kennedy. cf..........2 00 00 0 the PatemoJunior Farmers are ce.And1erson,c ........ 41 2 00 0 eperatîng witb the depentmnt et Knight. If........ 2 0(i0O0 0O agricleairin§Dancingte expennen Pryde, It........ 4 1 1 2 2 I of the boy. In addition 'Mr. John------9 Athin, owner and operator et the 47 20 14 27 Il 56 (takile Record and manager et the Bt innig-1 Agrleulleural Prets associatien, made It BNa5 aespeealaward oa cb et e r llt Kîbridt ... .. 200020206 609 tac bth tht hîgh bey and tht hlgh Milton . 102.. ... 102 B la-20 14 b giel tourds ihele expennes, wth the Tathanse bits. Crawford. B. CIe- tîpulian that et teo the retuct ment 2, Toetzka. A. Gisaient. iSacri- of the parî muent prepare tee puhl-Ofct bit, Watson. Double pîsys, WiI. cainan article et ':My Impressions non te Lewie. Pr de tei A. Cament.1 ot the ChicagoeTTnp. helen bines, B. CMtient. A. tileaitti îo addition. the folleming public Fetter, Wilson. P yde. Struck tut h lpielleti gentlemet placcd permanent Warser 5. by Mesvn 1, by Toelfe, l Icophiet. edoed wiih miniatares by Marah 2. Bases os balla, of War- éaont yeac. cn cempetitiot et tollont uer 5. off MeNven t. off Telter 1, off cia-cet, the lace Donald Robertuon, Marsh 2. Bit by pitcbed haill. byt Mîilon; hcct caille. Dancan Camp:-utarsb. Pere. Wild pitrbes. Waeser 2. bel. aley caIlle. Col. D. H. Mar8h 1. Passedl balla. Aiger 3. Win- C, Maoan. Georgeton; oheep, Amot ning pitoher. Telier. Loeing pteher. ntason. waedenof u toefor 1931, Warner. Lfti on bases. Kil bride 7,t Acto;and ocinie, Thon. Blakeloch, Mt 7. Umpire. Bickey, of Hamil- M. n.. A, oavillo, anti each et thene ton. _______ pcerteet heir irophîta ln peceon cor ea SmosadCoayCnt hy proyuytaithe bacnquet whlch cou-n nrlSsin adCut or.d latied tht competition. le adiditio, Tht OrneraI Sessions and County the local hcanch eft he Bock et To- Court et the Ceutl olBallon opened cano piaced le ctmptitioe a pecman in Miltes on tans bob and ronrlodedt cn iophy endowed wth ihete yeeiy on Friday hast. Judge JustinsfetltI mintiatures tac lcler-lowneiiilcomtOtCoanty preaiding. There beitg n it i he dometic science iadgiee criminai cases Bis Honer wao penent.a coipeliioe, and chic teophy mat pret Pd witb a pair et white kdbld Iets hy oetd utthehbanqaethy Mr H. Mc-Sheriff Browen. Nichol, manaetcoftheMiltaohcbacch. Tht3rtatrettuejurytaseos nttdown Ttc Bank of Nota Scella piaced e in thetieutty Court. Thesea&roeoutÀ pemnenct icopte luit apctition foe ut an acte collision rn the Centre ittnceiip eamoclitloa. endooct Red intPeel Coanty. Loui F.HReyd, lit. ttcec nearin miniauares n l th arrinter, et Toronto, W&@ ret.oîtisg Ilirscnaceopetillot. Thistrtophy homne on astormy nighit in Janîîsry wapaeroaly preenteti hy Mir. W. leandbisncarecollid a w ith that et B. Cleon, mangecot tht Milon Bary R.Mimm and Mra.Militaieof hatce. tGeorgito.Each party iâsutd a Ttedgil,'atigieg cotnpetllion ecas wOt, anti Judgo Justin iried thetatwo heldin atceccitooi caota of Knox ntions togetiare. The jury iuundt l'svteiitecharcch. Millto, ondeboth partie. ttfanit. and sssesed the a thedircection of Mine Belly Wulace, proportions as Btyd, 75 per cent, sud azîinteti hi MisesEnadit, Home, Grey, Mimme 25 per cent., sd found the toi.' Wiscotd Mtic hocey. Thelc comn-lowingtdamags enstained : By Harry petitioo an aiocgt1ekv atal fines ot R. Mbrirs. $172.24, Mec. Mmas,10M, cil,*iffiîicltceopcIiont, natition, and teuis F. Bepd, 8225. hanse lacnlnhtnca anti ciolhîeg. Tht nent action oaa for ansmsnas- Te ite tetacia uiang competîllan ment et damagesnin an actions thaLt motac ntive iectiocln ot tht agel grewoculaif asther auto collision on t ltiral capcc.9ncallcc. A. G.Kie- Dundas Street in tht Tuwaship ni Tes- stilot, asatateti hy Mes.nvn R. j. algar. Judgmrnt mas gleen te the Rager.. L. Kert, R. C. Baîaitay, BR plaintiff, btaett tarprntsr, et Testai. Stcwact attdiM. C.McPiteil, The grTowtunip,t- M 85 toih ost.el t itîtigcmu donc at a nuobeot the action, wbieh m&s set daiendedby t pcnmiocîîttnointhe acil y.Th, t he detendant, Herbert Grusa. Detrnit. boy lvistdTvoii Fact." oa'atthy Tetscnd nonjury action wasC.e llvovcal tlleenly. uti Paivcma, foe W.Martin va. Ton et Mlon.The Flîetacticralle, tan Hoaact', Pu- action mas recgbt for damagesanad foreo, lare listinta, Jot tVililact's fer an injuttiou te sestris tht de. Mtl.aa la ohepant Ih îam fendant frm depositng surface mater te laie Danalti Roherton foaclye ino tht Sixtees.miie Ceekut asy dalehorss ad Yokshie yio p oit ithin the townlimusite. An in.8 leaesocteallanti olnhe ohaltt. anlýton mas granteid only with ret Rcaltaa.vmccg e aicenon.t A pall, specIta oMiii Street. The toas i. te. f tillal laig lie atlvccofthA puen.trainetiftram depoitint surface mater. italaci pearcg eatte I tt cu hirb drains on Miii Street (romi meat pcltîtitn asthc Icircent Ihaitt h byt etJames Street, inIe tht Sixtees-mule c ttot gicls taah ln their worh anti ta Cerh at the Martin Street bridge. Nor tarcao litetais' camptilîon oaa co-damages mere aiiawed. The jidgm.ntc c leteti lie oatclaly bren Iclecest resds as talamu t tai rt talitn olt nOv dincansion "I direct that ludgmeat be esteredV nffi,,vaoscattes hy the latices tue tht plaintif. erestrinisg tht dé- - we itca venîtee c cmpileti .This tendant Corporation tros o rostrurt-1 etiatialci eatacc ci the compvîitlan n îg uether. niarta stmers on Miii rls ar oaclaavii'ctces.edeti teteagrl Street stof JamsStreet esstptiln cultual rieptegeniative. notfr asulîmayhsenecessary lo nerv Ttchanate. otie ca heti a aneru et proerîy situats asn Itill licu(,te coancvtiaon oIn x tretrai t amea Street. Plinti t c i. at Lcoti t-tom, Mit, wcol t-nIt e ane thait cf bis conta ni tht se. teneatabyt.aec 12, ndotictetia lt- tianl.obctnnrd. ltohtlaoe tttcttte ltiuainor B. F. Justin." t1 ltita itantt ttttJoi iors taithetitJde tttîîîttî lta everepevteoeai Duc cigJde tac t fltt etenina 'Me. ti.C. MePtail anti tlitan Fatie bot garce atitievsses HORNBY. tat i ttve tttlttîtecaiîîg ant ilu __ hictîte loryflite eteitarandt tiane Fermers are iaosy preparing for bey. ý%l Fe t oaî a tiltately ocquaatt tat, homesart cttitg &]ait&. whicb lis (dtiitaen-och Athobnutia very gcod crop,on[y the aveageis ttc cîtte anti resut e eeail on- amallcoaipared mitba06ftoyearsa&go. iici andttielîvgicl' laie, con- Tht ocdry easonas illoti eut much -,itn ,îta a ailcven e nsevcte, nlvee tis e etding. roa e atle, nleer sanditeitnaya, The igh sehati tudeneoare huap oece lareletihby Misc Ratitea iih theur enamu. Nitr-Walace annoocedt he ceaulle Tht parscnagn bas beo treaieni te 51r Cartwriht, puol oesient ofai t cOOtat et palot. te caoti Wamen's Institut@, vrceSevra Young met repreeentingtht aptrraeaecly pevuecleti thte ggi Chaeeb Artar beld a meetIng 10 St. o it lac exvpenne cheque lac thetriep Stphn's Churvh os Tbursday sveua- ta Chitiua ing. chitb mas oeil attended and Tht e rzwinervfotacthtetiamenle getly appreciateic 17 mai wbo attend- neciencee îating copetiilccaoctan cd. raoo Nent Sunday. Ion. 21aL the Unitedl Tip ta Chicago - Maclait Hue Charcb Sutday Sehool wiii meet at houtle. tii t.Nema 1h sm.. rburcb sarvcest il. la the Fit e tips e lte Royal Wittr talc evening the Rec. Mr. Neill ouI preacl -1iv iepciSecaBea the ansuaî sermon for Stewaettoon logile, lOamptellville. Aice Hume, .LOL. in Asbgeove Obreb ut 7180 Mlton: Laure. Pruahaca. Campbell- P- . ville, Lole Rutideli, Georgetowni. eerai froua the Hornby United TtcRak ot Toronto tropby toc Church attendeal ths anulSduclayV nter-tomnship compeillot Woc hp chuol convention at Weley Cbureb Nelson tawnehip,. 0110 Marerle Hae ai repot an excellînt meeting blotle. Fila Harrin ant d ahel Shel- Tb. Hrnby L. . L, .111 attenad perdcticmpaeIcg the leaco. ervie la St. Sephsn's Anglican Nutlellon-Rco Chlnhelm, Miltn-hurcb os Sunday, July 14., t1215 OUp EENS. CIE3AM HIGHEBT PRICES paid for Cburning Cream. Our Truck nallea at yonr door L twioe a week. a Pur partsculaca arîte MaUFEETTER'S CIEAMERY 52 JARVIS ST. t WRONMT. MORTGAGE SALE. Usaler sud hy virîse ai certain mort. oges. ahicb miii hepro.Incea athehime ut sale. here mii be citered for mie bp publie asctios nt the Quee 'aHulel. it the Toan nI Murliaglos. by J. M. A ider. son. Aseioseer, an Feus7. Jnily 3t, 1031,.51 the bane ni3l oce in the aite, sues. tht lalleaini sroperty. masely lthssti.J -lsi" t ashro.utmr b nf ina anaiýbsi eawmeerdi. toa s bdiuiuin cstbn~ca.toas tou-a Nfeaa;bya denp t.sfiigt h arsd Md fltar.al0stait and comIs svnhî d tua.s enhdsars abot TERNIt. -1. eaIlstb.unn.rc teeseor ta a; .td . areain nn biiman uetts a chu - hal ota oii l f M ni.. as u On Oc it. d.à elveeiccsc at t faniiend e th ail nc st ith.lf-' c»thras NRI&MORRISNatî, 21a Lite r Ittt Haniton, Octetio. lit ficlituh. Nachtaus.. A.tsd etH»Osmiliton t 9t min neof Mme, MORTCAGE SALLE. Uoder and by victue ni tht payer of naît cotaiceti in acertlain martgage uhiet xiii ho epracoced ttimtotî salei there mi heo feetforllcsoe y publiic auotion i the Mitchell Inn, Milaon, o THURSDAY, JULY 9mb. 1931, et 2 'ciemk (standurti ime) le tho &ller. neon, the icliaming fbru psepeely t Ailuandisitguins thn certaiu pncelaor tracto ansdsantipremtinroessttt l.ingi anti being in tht Townhip oaITrafulgar In tht Cacnly ou Hataa, ant ineîtcam poseti aiL ot Ntmer Tocîce n tht Seven Coession, New Survey, out ho said Township au Traflgaer, containe tot hcntired acres, mare or lou, avor that prtian thereal suit] anti ovnepea le ta tht Credit mValey Railay Comany. Onlthe Bid item there is said tueho rume itchen, celar uctitc main part nI bouse. three soomu dowettairs and boa reems npelaiic ie main part and thteeroaeisnbotthitchtn. Bore L.ubsp ed916 nnd Ox2ti, cmeàýt tocdtitin. Stncebiasefoteewentp bestial catIle. Six bors stale.a, 1 large box stule. Alec iame bien 20x24. 160 actes are tillobie, about 100 acres dlay loai. blancesaindy loa. Brutch ai listent Mile Cremk dams bul mai-accoue re part ni tht frrarn d aisoecule an- oiber corner. Another Fonîl oseel hy baen. Sohool witîn menîp mnutes oalh. Cburchesuîtca.toeîatesît ittanes. Telfarm laces ttc C. P. R. station nI Bettby. Tht prapmsmy ai A M betIdeasbject ta putas moriggî e emcnc tiiocti can- ditions nIfs. Tunman OrSAmLu-10 per cent tion ut tiiIpunrchase acdthIbmbalance mitb neeiat opetlcent mthin tbirtydtis thorealter.Friarlhec particolares pply tai sliciler. Daleal at Milton, 151h Janie, 1931. T. F. Caitool.., W. I. DîcK. Auetienoer. Milton. Ontario. 3t Solicitor fcr Meeleoge. *THE PERCHERON STÂLLION BRILlANT No. 1275 Wii stand for mars.ds",g115a son .f îlOt s f. l wona y alIsesbism tbeIs 1. lins, uamoinge a& noon andl proceed te W. . Allen%, Para, toc nigît. T'ueadiy, Ilo. Ilenniseo Caaipbellcllle, far nous ; Win. Blicblock's, BrouIs- ville, for nîgIse. Wednmday rnie Robinaose, lot 21, en. 8. Namaagaaya, ton ona;.Oea,, Wallaes's. Cmwe'a sOnenece aifb. tIsseadaJO"a ars. lm o u . . S Brio Tap.nm; .John Oaoa's. Ba. rrdapmanOvas iss amfor, noon ; ommeafe pUsa is 5d m ...tuk o lb..,.......... W.~~ . . . .N . .. . . . 4 W. l K.gI is.... l .......t..a.a . .... LeAM YEMIa TREta R. J. Buwaem.....MLigll...... . aasune...... 2l"4plu 2-l"41Nit. EdailaHaerp.......Uta ....... pagim .......8.10j G. H. Swaluer.......Acta...... .Tùgp .......2e4 Ilau.1dea"eof0<thesDdvmiatem0<49C.»IM Msd -pour Acoimtal Represesistsye. ah. auied in th. lbct%" 0<1 . ess , hat yiu VM oe or Ume 01tussetests dawlsatb1e ssahsass$I sud M d ty for YeaUMlr reu b arent Isape telias au sdu&dma Fmuras a raIs e.fttbar hatltabava bosa gd&-so tientmâcd m yo.1vanme berre estkaely bons es blamineaffect 0< ahI an et r. Tb@ rsentatlve et 1. Dsg.htmmtt pe caoutlb.elesta. applies tIbMItetuloand pis ra.on the @lIeu £bs sutand e.alyau of lertlll saed. Haaoaay vsitit osam âiler an lb. jacta ceslély. S9h. dents asahui of tbeO.A.C. .011w upacI ly fatseat.d ta bs.. demna- atration tests l'armera in I .l Mand abat a visat tleas aaaa ofthe tests as thay ea reach wiâ e oplrat vaine. Final resait. .111 b pub- lsabed as son, siter berveal as possible. TaIs an bout or tac le viait tbe plots ia yoist Oaa county. A. G. K1RSTINE. Deffrtinent of Agriculture. Milton. Ont.. Hiton County. 1 PLiEASIfNOTE-- As this is the last tnonth of the business year of TEE CÂNADIAN CHAmPION we would aak that &HI owing us in any way-whetbsr for subsoription, advertising, or job printing-make a special effort to send aloniz "the neodfal" right away. Tbank I GLASSGO'9s Your FURS should be in PrclalunGSeco'.Bia. FRuelgt wheete. STORGE Rght ow. ceive the best protectin possible, and are insured against Iose by *Let us Remodel or Repair Your Ceai NOW -ai Our Specal Summer Prces. oeb reeyr I We pay express charges on ro s comirug ie fr etorage.O i G. F. GLASSCO CO., Lmtd I28 KING ST. EAST HAMILTON, ONT. ~Opposite Gore Park. Establushed 1840. 600B VALUES IN USED CARS Mée au »Mow sn pmn*. [TIECAI. W. bave manu Woodvaianes a ~ke SM gradei. Wide**aoien in moas tupe.s ad prie.a R@W TUE FORD POLICY PEEITECTS YOU 11a Ford desier vugiv en0 god vsla ln à 3usd Car juil os . « syeu ood «Lalleaa mew. Mie Ford poll.y la etof filadaalag lau eve rlrauam. l'1Usd Cam s retd fersal hy Ford dseL orsm hame..tesharaiM for uneForé. Ueeasethms.aa.areleae alLahuIg, ilar. ma a 1evoreina h.IL.pIme. y..puy. V Car. Itlina seeed m.n dm - L. -bu"s, tYpes - affl d -damai.Soman ni - -Wv -*me Ln~ssus.a ~a amE d iwee llmwe i a 'vide uie d p àa, is~ lb. * a.d uuidsa b. u. *sMu '4w %,&bh~ fui snmeof. - esi sý 1e.- lsa DavldTuerpsMd wa lei, M[In U iL renceR heed Hamilten Summer Races. Rael Dg nathte juruadietion of tht Caasds** BgsAsociations alîl "- Lures (o bis district altI the npen log ni tbe Hamiîlton Jockey Clubs fient sommer mpeeitng. Wedatsday. tsar 24th. TIse meeting lul end os the tnigowing Weduesit.y. Jli>lot.Do- minion bts>. AlreadY a large ssmber ut horse- mienbave arrierd t Hamilton and ae reatUnu op their horurs for tht roming meeting. Stables trons varins ponts in tise Unitedl States base- appleal lol stallnsdmai l epremnisnt ones now raclng la CanaaMillI &1so ho ret present.d. That the meeting«Ili he anueemf ronsa raclsg atandpoi lei sss'od ase tIers ailIleona drartb ci gond materlal andl ths tracl is in rx- celient condition. baving recoivedal rieur top dressing this spring. Thero olli lae saven races each day begminning at 2,80, daylight savingr tise. with nu puaras les. thas 111,(M.. Tht testue ifor the openlat isolude tht Moun t Hope Purse for th-eespearsilda asnd up- wsard. foinalalin Canada, ovor a dis- six and hait turiosiga. Thin is a nom distanice tor Hamilton and aIl races ni this Ieagth ouIlho oui ut a clute la mhlel atarting niaile tact besa luiît. The Mountals Valuey plaie for tmn.year.olds atet 1efurieegs and Ths Salisbury Puren ta a mile anda siateentl journey. Tht lset race erah day wiii hsdecitied oacrthie geacu course. Tht gentrai admisisonte tîla yese mgii ho$2 00, includngtnx. ICONDENSEO ADVERTISEÏENIS l'on SALE- 14amrers locerce hny. Appir A. A. Boch. phoe 159 r 31, 2 HOUSEna o ReNnTo Couri St. aIl modern conyenîrnttru. Phone 204. Poua SAL.-A few hatu ot Petateer. trial Cobbiern ; Tamnaoplanta, lBacny Best. andl Cabbage plainta. Appiy ta Harty Henderton, Kihride. FotanS&aa.-Aquaniity fo atirer hulldhuckobtoat, 0e. buan,, cash. Appîy C. B. Cut.. lai 24, con. 3, Es- qumsing. Phono Actan III c2. BOtnuFOnR S.aLC.-S.roed brick bounse. eleetrie Il l is, fcuit irecoettin gond gardes. .Tretaarrangral. Ap- pi> Andrea Wilson, Pearl Si.. Miltoc. PFaSAu..-Fraine bouse, et Main Streebard and seftoterltgoti gev. den ; aiso a trame morkbhp in god e. Apyto R. Mande, Milton, FORu SALa e .ReeT-Sixrcom hrick, bouse, alil cnvenientes. in gond cotdi- tion ; price 84500. 8500 domo paymeol, balance 833.10 pot manth, incladen intereat, principal andl taxes. Appit D. B. Hutebaus. Floue andl Ford Ilote, Milton. 'Flies and mogquitomes arry .diease germe. 'Sruwl Le ow 0.W r hI8fevetor l'flu" w in t aîaly, vn if tlhe doet more that it iakes t,, ,reen the wbolbnd.Wets mesure your windowH, d, c nd porches and quickly fürnish you with thae crec îsctt t epd Cornein-and give us your order. Our prices n, ail na] square. 0ur Hardware GLEMENTS & CO. -È, BI< OFF for L CA] Y OIJcan bu~ prîco you h 00i get the beal mnney-right replace your i0 tires .1 lescool nuyOfe lc. see Ouer ompît yesr built tires PROORESSBIG( CAVE3LL BAT] PHOMý, -,1ý * - *1 ~GC Quality Bread 7c. a Ion f. Cash-and Carry. MILTON BAKERY T.C. BOWEN, Proprtetor- Phono 67 LAS PIOI 7CES b uupsa.-b Isan% m s usaI %pMWJ-3se " Vais.&e bomd SOAP 10.33C - =Il- Sean - ~ ahslsRey19C -.0- .C SER ssm44 tIns13C Wàx tn43c l§ Obs 1,C OP 19C #&ph&- 22c .3 Ibs. 1991 2for 5 ---- --41 Ri TC Gas Ci- st. Charles illt),t)i Quaker t 'tarî«11 ol e Tiger Catsnîp, itîti lhi .Red PIum Jîanj, -Il Pes, Falecon li 1>,, Crouen Tes, 1 lt1l) Red &\tite ('Aue, LuinchiPape , ii aPl Tomatoe. , qtîtîtii111 Red and NWlaîtît ilittî Red and \Viite \ViltBeusoîn's ('()ad tr Criscuî, t lb. îîîî Luîx Toîlet 'Smip, i ati Bordeo's M It 'd alk) Domeatic Sllîtcti it Banarias, iriî ripe fruý PHONE f5 c '-QuaIIije always ~MACK Soda1 right wthh i d fruit. Ice Creai 'e id Dry Gir Ale ai the Frigidairee oûln Ii70 Creoniri flavors. K SUMMË ICitrate Magnesia, Einos Fruit Saito, %,Reaon Frutta .XkOvah HeaIlh Satt, àbbey'B Salts, ,]eve 1opinl sFor qoîck Bervuà to us to be devel Border Prînta. tintîng. Kodak~ 4 fKodaks and MACý 40. The lai