Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1931, p. 4

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Whefe the Skyln. Moeti thSk7 Out ithe country where the air la pure and the grssis Rreen Park Farm Jersey milk is produced for your benefit and you really ought to or- der it. MP1K AN" SPAN. Oaa. LInlrsA"e Saved sMd 0< h Hlave a Wash and Brush4fp fi may noood abaurd te opeak O sblavlog a ship. Bot vben a b filcerla Iaid ap for her annual over haff ri dring the tinter, toblie trad< lm sc-one of th1e frat job, altt, dry-docking ber la te saae ber hull The renson for tbis ta chat tbe bul bias a thich coatlnofetmongls wtobi ban te bie secaped off. The abellfth cllog, layer lapon layer. te theestee plates, ne tbat as mucb as a ceuplE oC baodred cons are removed fref the sabip aides. Wben a venool gels "ol" ln 313: tony, sbe begîne te 100e epeed, and mnay drop trou bier twenty-hnet aver age doton f0 fiCleen. Sblpping ceur parole, epend millions et meneya year In rfelng their vessels r03 these psoaoeth11e oea. Aller the eraping comfrestbe painting. nte c ase et one et tbe six riant, tbateail frem Seuthamp- to ta New York, about tee ton, 01 palt are equired or the bail. More tbann atbeuaed gallon, of palont arce ued on ihe lInertor deco,- atien,, taoc. wiic a tee or se et pol- âla s eeded for tife motel fttfngs that sparbile nton tbeunand parts ef thc ohlp. Tferef a bcndced fConces inlea bg lner, ced eccifmust 1e tbor- oghiy cerchauicd and eleaeed. In fhf ffffiffffff fffff aref750,00bla.dc: whohb eqffi'fe eamining and owrap- lîg. Tettfg and potlog 200 ons oC anchors and chalos lmenoc logt teck. to ecy ntbieg oC tbfe0i0.1f mfife of fiffrit. lgifi wlleg anf wtOlfOpîping. Talkieg ofeaobleg. theo lacedry cf a gloot linefr lmbit saclsl Itern W hen sife ieaves port Cor New York,, 0f cardies 100,000 rosh. y iafcdeed pife, es nhec lofbfcO. hiafh fioffshe 001cm, 1tiffth ffffme pfffthefife fff fmber et pfees are f'ffiffi-fod 00son fffthe laundcy- 8.777 dooco ied-shcofo, piiicw-slfps, ltow.oo nplffff ond cs e .Imaineo thf' hll ,ff haitf-acconoadcsen! Siiffffftff.h and brush -cpcraiy fOOrt theîfofffftfffanyflffng rom $400 (f00 f0 $500.000, and etil 0pro fifde effployaietOftoc a ihcoand peoc Ieforffsevfeff tocks-From Pear 0000 sW'feiiy. Juffgcn IhBfackf ('p. 'fie t. flîffoci ff iugf defofef O bl If ,. , ali f'flifofftpifeo 0f fIac'k if' . O l'If 'cit.0a pris- if ifo fis a if , of f i leff.' fff f ffwhir fff . - ithe oca sa offoffeurolef Tifo' lfdgf, fiffre f,. inçffifff f0,rithfeiblack ap, f fs.. ffff fl no f010 t.O inf. f0 f f10 th ie fci that fit-f.. abou o f.Pf for O t e 0top0f'f tife Oiaiey. , t am- cii,, .o fiC ootrt of tceth fa- f I ifffýlndfold't ni 'ft fffi00 ifuff a.i wr i;finthef0 llff tfffThe fiole.. are thec pifol etf011 fffes. No Mofnderr! A fiiirt of M fiecca Wetct told faIffoodfory the. chier dny about ffi ikoffîfo fefOOt, scolta or f yfclein Tit-i ft.When ln Ne c y..t.h 'riinfflit 00f th oue ofa ari Il th( f'ffffif ef off o . affo ,,te in,o h, th ooe t e gel f0 f f iff fff fiI f0' o0f .&d if o t.e Iiffo tifft 'Otfffffl ek "'Yco k!(f .0.f in if n thefrqfft't mcl te il"c-tffithff'iffk "Do't yeu f i M'. Wpe f i .10 lor" - flfl te Ilicüuocerting t.ofe tNallos 'or. Ae-.ffffffiff uoct.ssmhicd hy a Pr'cchf i ýmfof.ffhec ai Itoiiooe- fie 0,fi ffgifshh body, 0, S. tiret.o fndofifhof-parfsfe coo the rmol ef.ilyfct of varionsotchercfars made tiffffghfot iff worcd. Shfiso Tbregb Foîg. A bhcftiact ced ace ifeht tht omobt. usecoft thcerre fOiOpherct.s ouo and ifat f"ari ehfneethcough h icfo t lifas bcro f effnted.S Ilig Beryl Crystal. p A 5f fat cytlioCf ecyl. wtighinge t 000 paacdf. and -f,und cI a quarry a Mne.huo if noddsd te hoeFeld RENEW 1. A large number of subocrptsons to thie palier nre due ait this timeof o r tbe yrur. If youra 1.8 &nong ri number, the publiahers wnuld ho iS pleaeed il you wold attend to the si natter a1. as early date as puesible. Tsken ne individsal anouffnla, eacb one is of course a enail item, but a large number of them ontetandng d et one tine makes it quit. a mnons i natter. We bave ta miset our abi- vJýspronspqy and it hinpmins = rt u niof et a.......v.. ...... Who vas a.» f tun Party. a" 4 mua& naif nettué lnie« the 11b. Th to tu MyOmltbm - Cd5vamt, ououi U Promettait lnvosbe.is0f $54011 .0-- Shippint of a&l bIsésentOrlg f» og a ]SM cls leaviog Canasnporta hmtsnre- = n __n ei 60 Per counta mIn te tuitesyu". moeu tims tbatms os e Total mt tonnage, exclusive ofi I5un tenais ué ta b.eeummd.1ed coestlng. for yuor te Mrh I.I8g1tmm.t15,bcep ae t-~ti eesp vas 89,438,789 tons. To tht, mnst fo= 3. mber of a slil eMouisi be add dnet tonnage Of 87734,773 club Who pDm a smapua eOf Oy - tous for cessls .entered sud char- 810 or $15 s yen sd akSm oe 0< cosstwtse. racket1ai a vhole mme. But vb y00 rach the.st tuae Wlubledou en Àgold'huded Caraflupr«emted star, tisen thoe ep.... ef tennis ho' 137 the Montroal Harbor Commis- comes a very differeun mter Sisn la Captan A. P'reo. matr of On, of theme stars toaie.ae re- or Canadien PafcifeStoamshlp Dnch- Cetly teat be u" po 9 wer tban g nosEof tbchmond. on the occasion of a score Of raekets, comtiat aboot $10 r- tise tiret arrivai of the mamon nt apees, In Oue soson. IRackets do flot le Montreal et a tans-Alantle lier. lust long wltis the bard httlng of r The Dueem of Rchmond roehod to-day- l. port April 19. l Travelling oisonss are 13gb. sud lil tnthese munt h. added botel kle. h Increaned tesrlst tratti, te Csn. Player, vho, lits, MIS. Wllls-ondy. eh "da fromt31e LUnted States 12 fore- camte 7,000 mile, te VWimbledon. a1 nbadowed 137 reports trou Canadian moat speud yerplarge snoila om- e Pacîtle passenger agente lu ta.eiU. plg orebiponsbips. n S., wblch show a mnch larger nom- Thon, tennis courts, visnthor ibard ber ef enquîries tram vould-be ira- or grags, recuire an Inmmense amunut le vellers than in fermer puars. C. E. et rare and money- te keep tbem ln id Fenter. passenger tratffc manator propar condtio. The covers ueed te c- eof the railway, stated recentlp luansu eep th3e Wmbledon corts dry dur- n- interview ai Saint Jobn. lng a maIn etorm cost boîvean $1.600 a ansd $t,000 Cecil. n Canada saad as reveir bul sot Lot un ur to0 golf. If pon helong te geed-bye te TheIr Maesties th1;ea country club and Uiv, wtbte valh- le King and Queen of Sim at tise ltgdistance ot your course, yosnmy le border stion et Portai. Sashat- get posr golf for $50 a year-$26 - cbewan, toblîbe t ey liadt travelled fer aubseription sud ooker rent; $12 iC by Canadien Pacitie on tbelr joor- t57'balsa; $1 tor an ocnsîsnasl lesson noy te New Tort. They vers pas- tram tas pro, and th1e resi for repaîr r songera by lise Emprems of Japon or reneval et cluband Samait extra r- on Ibat nblp's recrd-brehiag Poss- e«pennes. 1- ate fronm Yokohsma 30 Vsucouver. Bot once rea emerge trom the a aa tuaof et rabblt" sud 130gi t, laits tf 'tanet ne mark 11e caltain as part leaaaymatches, up goesa the th3e eblet engîneer wtoemallea speed 1bill. a recor-ds possiblt Iss" Captaîn For the gond plnyer wo belongs r- Samuel Robinonnofeth11e Canndien te a goed Lodon club and poya golf n Pacifiecliner Empreos et Japan. toit os an average, two dny, a week, en- i be Vancouvefr Board ot Trade re- p1es are ai Cantc$50 a year, and feetifi. aI a iunfbeon an1bis bonor. SOnoy mon apend s great dm1t more s aller is oblp bad clipped aneiber titan ibis eam. ýt nenen bouc, trout ler pvoeon Beeldes ailtIa, Ibere le altonys o opeed record acres, te Pacifie. thie rai t o damaglng noue casuas i Ste bnd aeeraged 2227 hnots ocer stre.eger wbe la waihing serons the t1e 4800-mil e courstrou Yoho. cure. Net long ago a meubler of n t aon te victoria, a apeed blîberte 8South London 0clu3b ad te psy $261 t toobeard oet damages 10 a veriuan wbeu 13e ne- r rldentaiiy ht iwtb a pliled bal. Largeat and meet peerertai lace- Racquele la an «Piensive gains, moiveofet Is ind in1the wvend sud cbletly owlng te lb, nomber et bale e unquee o Ibl continent. Canadieno uaed up. A recqoot bail bas a Ilte p Pacfieît.Railvay "0000" type 0engIn, cthat may lbe comberd lo minutes, product cf Canadien trafl ad and I'at.fete are foofir Ibinge The oili and ccmpoaed iargely of Cons- ex-champion, J. C. Simpýocn. cofesses 3 die amuecilai. baolaalbisonfurn- teoOlntffpoono fwr tfoeCccly n ed out byteAlign Opo 0f h, rcqueto lanasseaaen. Tbey foot $12 r copany 0ft'flontreal, or ose cn1the eacb. and eau e Ofdoni lete slrung. 1 railtouy'e RofOl 'fîoncaîn îerrlîcrp. Tbe court IrtB le taexpenslve 10 - Engioe and tfeder welgb together buld and heep Op. ln rocqaela, as 392 tcos andit basatractive ef- lntennis, the centlofleusns rom a tort cf 90.00" ho , safficient la Pull profsenonal rocsnIe oa great deal. a mile-llfte.fgbt train of 150 Cricket le lîneIt la net su expen- focly-ton trcksbl weigbleg 3,000 sive game. A gond bat wiii tet aev- teo. on a levet trach. 737) eraiBosasos, and fannela areonet costiy. Nut,.aaoln tennis,.travelling sud betel billsnrcon ay vitb 313e aosney. NIISLEADING NAMES. Tbe tact la Ibat. vitb 113e posible ______exception et curling and bowi,. tere IrishPotatee Origtusoed lu a and arene ceep come let.-Aoawer,. C'hue. "Irish potate, a nem distln- Two AInalosaoficel Mser. ar] gnlaifing wtelpttûe mse, ,lng aS3e om, Offilsthere atrl- potatoee. le a gengrapblcai errer. The ,n bv egn. n11eSi ls potete origlnated lan1the muliutains of vltb an Aiatian deg. toben an nvs- Peru sud ('bile. A famine w vbl ilnche t on and burled tbem. ioved tbe Cilore et a ptite fe5p In One -et meen unnaged 30 cet hI. fcelued led 10 tudy et varleti,, hond abeve 1the cocu and struggied tobicifwold rosiat diseuse, and ta ftroc. Ho teund chat tifet.deg]bad dag tbe productiono e bobaler grades@31epnolotandtou le ioeoi.tae13 cf ptate ineon to-day." say 13a1but- ted 301edbd ll eh3 iftl l seed by the National Oso- ache man. graphie Nociety, Waahington. 1 rao 30 and t re ever the snav Punaa haa ae ne mod Infor a whbite. Semetobere a cemrsde Paama F re nertodne ln0 va bîried, and every moment vas tifnama. b wary- e Panama balgt preclosbut11e ua did flot hnow bthemodest y wlbofnm agers f vhere te dig. Seon 11e dog nbowed btsmdeloby the nsIblidren, rsudf blu. I atred te dlg at a place 100 eailed tbem Panama bat@. Mont of yard, deeen the lope. Man and dsg thfcec ocalod Pannama bats of th, bt-iltesOdtcc gt.e ad f er mantotIn tcc grades are tîli made lu Ecuader. Ietbylt13otresut Anolhe,- mliediogptarenme l tifat cf the Cacary Islands. Aun i - Temuple on Temple. iuutlve correspondent tellilng eft tise Robe tbe great temple vbic.h Ne- arcivai et the 'IbO-X' cher, reeently bachsdnessar hnlit at Klsh 113e 12 descrifed fief 130oetyeliov canary foot thlch valla of suother buge cou- bifrds, "or vich 11e Ilanadsaxae mes- pe bas heen discovered. ed.' rling te greet their meebasîcaish.tab. vhl la .ld te bie the oidest elter efth11e air. The CanaryIs- City in the venld, la ln Irak, et#bt lands, bewever, recelved thelr nams mile ssI ct f Balsylon, and the Ox- trou lbhe Latin word Calas or dog. tord University Pield Mseus exple- Tbe caoLary birds of the ibiond are dîtion bas been werkiog on the site green; tbf peIleovarlety comes fromfor neyerai ,eacon. 113f ifreedlng cage, et Geruan pea>- Sir Charles Marsteu sated thal the &lt. mauth of a huge temple bad been rleared vbleb toso hut onderneatha Susard et WilliamWalliace. the eceat Nen-Nabylon temple. It A ,c'erd once thea propryo îrbahly 3the Temple eot Arum,. l Au Walicoce tne ,eid 13 succil - an d musc have been n mule long 1e- £280elulasugowo recentiy. Itwonfe nNecschadnezasr vas king. bougift hy Morbead Moltt.of Glas- - Slav Trae ______m goto There la geaeral satinfaction St.Trd ouls. Ibat th3e averd viii ast go out of A (lerman nevnpapem States that Scotiand. The vespen, tobicis la Justt flt'113tdag ailtae effort. oCfthe. uzder five test lsng, han heenlath@~ Longue of Nations, hudroda of posseson efth31e Loudoos family fam IC,.., eepoclaly slave girls , are- centurie," Sir Witt"assWsUaSo'a tmmpoi$ad suuoally &Cros$ the Straît usîber, Mdargaret, vas a direct 'do- ~ .db Arabie. t as- scendont cf James do Loudoun, te ' »Mý 0ft ee '#uds" a"e wbou vas granted the charter etOh e. aî de om tise souuhaèmaa" bonds and barany lu 1189. èOu»,qtbv rn05fldlstric89 0of 4bpmdsI6 framntht"frfltortem'Of 0 su dcet B&aanasfor Evmsbaê 5tShàànMiâr "dhat1 t'aie Few peope ln Canada relise tue rapid incresse whieb han piscean. on the importation et traes the BritishI West lndies. the Be a imposition of a duty on al henanas, trou 31e United States and teec, ns ry tram Jamalca and Otuer 3BrfiS Ilandsa there ha heurt.&,-a thlttiug of tradte. Tihe duty pen isip-' monts trirn>the Uniied .4,p#mb se.. cents a bosch. Only Ona Persan w"0 i dh l $Cb% m . 1 rsro, - GOVERNIINT.0F THE DOMINION 0F CANADA 1931 CONVERSION LOAN TM MI.J*or al F/mna4ef tht Dmi.. of Cnaeda effm e bMns of theadee'sted D am/a Meth tersmfand ader tbeo/olkug coud/i/sus: This offe f adoré 0holders.of bonde elWgble for converIn tJL 1hemme Intoreepayment end tan-tom pclviegoo,ftchitA eofmasooneainedbla te.promeut honds, and the npportunty'f of, «f tondbMe thn e es of the investm9ot ut 4q% peassise,. i WAN LOAN 3 % BONDS MA7TUPNG lat OCTO- BFE,, 1931-Holdem of thase bonds have tht pdivilepe of eChanging inco bonds maturing lst Noveamber, 1956, bearlng interest fromt 1K April, 19314 The fint coupon wilI h. for six maudis' t«x-Psw. nterest aI the rate ai' 5% per annuso psy- abltlactober, 1931; the second coupon wifl b. for &maa monchs* iticcrcst at thse rate of 4 34 % per asom payable lut May, 1932;, thcrcafter to matutlyiy nterest vili b. payable hslf-yearly sî 4%pet an im IRNEWAL LOAN 3)4% BONDS MATURING lit NOVEMBE, 1932-Holdtss of thse bonds have the prlvllege of excbanging inco bonds na- Muilt November, 195 7, beaing 434 %interesc payable half-yearly from mc May, 1931 Tiser, vill also b. attaciscd ho chese bonds three adjusmnent-coopons payable respectdvtly on i November. 1931, and tut May sud Novcmber, 1932, for aslditionali nteresi ai the rate of 1% put -m VICTORY LOO4N 5 34 % BONDS Mi4TURING lot NOVEMBEE. 1933-Holdcrs of chese bonds have tise privilege of txchanging into - bonds naturing lut Novotnbcr, 1958, bearing 434% intereot payable half-yearly £romn t May, 1931; Tise hrst fiet intercàt coupoqs, being chou gto sud including lut November, 1933, will bc tax.fmoa There will also be attached to tisese bonds five tex-/e sdjustmenr-coupons psyable resp"evly on 1 s Novenhor, 193 1, sud lust Msy sud Noveni- ber, 1932 and 1933, for additional interest sc ch. rate of 1 % per annon. V/CTORY LOAN 5 Y4% BONDS MATE/RING li NO VEMBER, 5934-Holders of tise bonds have tIht privilege of exchanging int bonds mnaniriug lust November, 1959, besring 4 34%1,,inceicut psy. sabeeisalf-yearlyf£rom lac May, 1931. There wilialo bc attachtd to these bonds seven adjontment-cou. pons payable respectivcîy on 1lst November, 193 1, sud lot Msyand Novenhor, 1932, 1933 and 1934, for sdditional intertut at thh ratt of 1% pera«unusj Ceeoirosa app//c4anoiost/the terssof the feqaua ere las/ted te e total cf $250,000,000. The M/s/otar of F/suce rostrvts, howeverthe r/gb: to /ocree.se or decreae rt/e/s emeat et bis dicret/ou. Sahcmi*Aiossm/iiho reste/yod and eceipts immed by eny brenclan Caada ofay Che rotred Besh and by r.sogsuxod Casada Bond Dealers and Stock Brohers, front wbom me,' be obtainrd epp//stna&n lrus and scop/es- of tbe officiel prospecbus csta/o- camp/rte drtails of thre/isa. App//- ca&-;Pmse"I ,sot be os/id ona forais soer 1a theaseao prioîed by ther K/ag'i Pr/enter. Tht ssbor#ps/ listos theo ge/,sg si/ optn on f 11h Mey, 1931, end wil closeonuer beore 23rd May, 1931, aithMe d/araetoe, o/the Mieniter of Finanace. DUMUMMT co»urJBhPhG OeeSWm5 lIé May. 19313 A 'i .You'JI îL.foe -oùr Way- DUm E1s~ os. 8h ui qàlly ud in.,*0 1 ODITUART. A. HENDERSON.' hvtmJehn A~itean4~n to Nov.1. Sip wCO. IN M,. b gays nos pÂ&CHJAMPIO-N agir.- r u RD Y MORNING Bs MILTON ONT 1& "0 ff SI ..S P TIVSTIIN ATES ise.m beOfIl" ...ped blrb . hee5t4m the-b-Y . BLIO I--.f'it I' MR. K . DESb , ..l t f iffm 11f ff RK. ALVNDESN,NIl.I'iCc 'ffio 2 Offw 1,àft.- K.0f STVESNY 'fS gO I.& Sf13 A. MCfff.Coroner DR. A GÀ- EINS P ALERF O LEGAL WILLIAM 1. IlCK' IIITCIIINSON & ILi1lTI' DENTISTrRy DR. F. E. BABCOCI< DENTAL SURGEOGN 00f.rf. 9-5f. r DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGONI Offife tRoyal t .If0 M FRANK PEICI- LICLNSED AUCTIONO 101 PffffffpfnLi. If 11,1f f LI (Iccteifr iff o261ot,1 ..., i Phone me toi, TRUCKING of AUilId Also-for Sali' Second lfanfd If,. steel Plate, Pqff, slffftt.fI . y Rangers, and seeaIf Iil kfi, I M. MICHNICK Phone 171 or O8ff, %IllI- CLUBBINi FAA [E.S. Toronto Daily Globe .'HS. Mail and Empire.... 5fJ . Toronto Daily Star.. .(wMU i.

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