35db Dancersi., V A Ton of Tap, Toean 5 at l f Late ciptP3I5D54' MR. CHAS. OQBR Female ILmpersonatOf - M1 Opo > o MISS NELLI#E 8122K Engliah 1'ap Dancersèe SPECIAL SCENERY AND LIGHT EFFEOTS. ADULTS 35C. CHILOREN lic. Under auSpIC«O f 1Milton Fi» DOPtUt IATLAS TR B 9AT NEW LOW PRICES rul. Guaranteed hy Imperial 011 Go. for one year. m"ed la neganlena a bortelubl mW NCW ON SALE AT ,lwmrba L L. H. RITCHUESWihaat é 1pnlabm Service Station ulmup Corner Main and Bronte Streets, MILTON 4' hm elIlook ucomdrna s0nyS. lImd. gSm. "âlte my A4dO' o-. The danger nif.0.11v gmng ribelbis b hm bmen maloelally remtoudby them wo rual as ncelawhlob the r ý O «ýyiaf now hambeodlmapan. Bss log. AbonV ___I1.)2. -Regnuar meeting o he0MMT0a IE & H T i _March 27th. eBIS pin. , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tiive ________________________ SRi Mm1-A apccial meeting iour hi Pueof ail service inen nl hli held in Ibe and ai PueLard, Duffs. 2 Ibis. 29c. Mmh3 dB. t 8occk Ai à cocdlJy lnvted. ldl Ail roade lead to The Popular Shoe theIi Tiger Catstup, large bottes----------------- 17e Woris. Bjoyld oh0oe cnomft wllconoa Post's Bran Flakes, 2 pkjs ----------------- 21c new shoa appeac-aoce.1Wme oal0Y Ried amd White Tea, j lb. pkg -27c o seAI la anbser au (el otfee, Red &dWhite, 4 lb.Lin -49C aI)d ou ever bre abou the huinai ruina. JeIv owder--ed---i-,--pgs --- 25C larmn dock wblch goma off wllhout I ii Clur's orkandBeas, argetin------------Ise wndiag? Well, h'. cosnlng ta Law. 0ie Ulak'sPor an Bans lage in---------~c vlleon April lot0 and uhea ho gisbeborais P. & G. Soap, 5 cakes---------------------I loo a tow0aveuth comnl wes ' aou Custard.Powder, Gold Medal, 16 oz. tin ---- Nwmm N-In p o miNy Ad Beets, 'Aylrner' Sliced, No. 2 size tiLinrdu li e 0fmnowln bmm 'alinon, Tiger Brand, 1 lb, tin--------5 bnrhoof Hai 0nUtya mon~l Bordens Eagle MiIk, per tin ------ 9 mon the @ide rôaid. the Mit OxoCues s a tn -----------A contract for coamrunix seo lupi. OxoCuesemîl-in -- ---- biles of new conmete mroai btwemL.9.1 Weston's Creamy Cracker Sodas, 15 Oz. pkg ---17c Barre andi Wausg Beach bas lcma plihw tGoId Medal Kippered Snacks, 2 tins--------Sc ard,îîthebmKing Consmtrcton ICo.. o a l ----- 15c Okvile. b te Ililghway LLeee C lub.01 AýyImer Tid Bid Pineapple, buffet' siza uni---- ment.Afn Oranges, 'Sunkist', good sizeper doz---------- 25 A **oatburglàer"lusbmf oper&nttlmg Cabbage, new green headi, 2 lbs --- ----------5e gcaceatr h naagck bi roner ____________________________________op? Noi-Jaba Io& hbmsbeaop - ~ a ar amammam eonld oficaidcg catcher for Bor-.ne 1 PH iEumi*-NElingtan. United 3 . DEUIVER BARNAiDS W.ckî.Ed pmcl inldaMi "Quait.v always hlgher duon the prlce" mmo hooomrmn*anil l and 50c. Ilb. Week H .Ed Sgsla 5 __________Aboaed thIbm 0P. limer Meism1.bnde whlch Webb un la Ibm ireh r:eVit ;un $$M sm llx-- 1FUuffm lyde on Satur dervfibm 4the A.m iawaHugb S. mn Okyi" ~ - n:eglwk"o.,Iw10 of cei bcou0hi BmBuom BauAnu.-On Wmiae eme M A C . E N5 dey menlng of lam, *cek. w utla th.Orommnndc. Mk-'~ ielfrom a goy wllmir boeb Cough, CoId and Flu REMEDIES Rexali Cold Tablets -----------25o liexail Vapure for inhaling ---------5o Boots Iodized Tbroat Tablets -----------Ma- Rexal Mustard Ointmeat----------5c, Rexail1 Syrup White Piuê sand Tar------25~ Ricer's Syrup Tsr and --C âo im011----50c. Boot's Menthol CooJonsa .'kl-- - Rexail Baby Coug.By 8 --- Rexail Cod Liver 011 wîth Creasolé- RexalCod iver 0OÙ Emulsion Rexall Catarrh Jrnly - -------me in Rexali Bronohial Sa - - Bucle'a Bronchitàa Mixture---- Wanm.ple's Cod iv«l¶eComsimdo MRIE, 8 s With tbefollowi - -. ~ nuseilcisein iu, be onihnbi orii » diay 70011 mie hmmdllnmela tâbm btasToy emrimma fusaIl ad beco living l Im Imm r nbimmaitb there wooidn'Iv Mr tmetm "a gril. .alite etown ;w ýlau"abe iine la Lowrille. AprniBL t Wxzas-AI* anttarmcmntir, min obeee'(ABahofnitiemAu> la City afteli b mn.itrm lon Pama Ohmcbmwila Of 0 la 5segamm pa"e&.AL léc Ibm'r vîmcwm neau- lac-dy lam. Se1 o'mihçe id Tbron>. eteallbe Ftl e Clu hhy 14= cmolt tbm un"la Ibm une AIp ~ Ibm aginaClub b uiay aaL. Ladies Aud soelîy norSM. Ibid. bddayatc, i iemhe Bylué, ju'ma' buI Winl b. at Dc.m welmalScMO&ic evMery*cih. fitin 1ie.. T. FnCI4isI4OiL. ILl.nad Auýttonb Oau tSioa PeompbAttention pliOMU W442 ILTON. The POMIMPs' Ppl, LIMta OSHJAWA -. ONT. 1 =8 =-ngl New a b. of huniPE»LAZI. Use Spela Sea.te c-e.rmccved now. 't m.1E illon. ga a L118- OFFER! îng 2 Ranges -e lectrio Refingerator WB WILL GI One Elec trio Iron and Orne Ail White ItcClary9 Orne Ail White Hotpoint1 IN MILK , Park' Farci Jersey Alan Tbree Rangettes foi Milk is'an ideal win ______ ter food. It bas the necessary calories to You ean't affoad le miss thî keep -your body in _____ natural heat through- out the winter month. M1to Ilydre-Eloot FSAL-Teavîi.h:era pron A: 'I barmn. eilimatcheti, alan set doubl e" haruemi. Apply R. J. Wbalcy. Rt. 2. e '-j 1S FORCES m "-bm Daunnfi VlolnO.' wll hm0 * oB" Ual,ý'ii_ «NIERAI.SPUINO HNOUSICLEANING MUS 1AiTAClKINQ AU. ALONG LIN Arci wlth 5mmai. Meandi de1r. ihsmmas et viffl pffl te ltla b mant I bmemm-ma cucu Ai l.p forthe om mmmyMig vSbe greally cmm mmSA ye Deinlm Surf eba bse cofselinile ThOle tua-t 'liesel in laU rm ci bar àicAt IL alu a e-lectrio Toaster ,#met Range $113.50 Range 113.50 ýr tefrigeratorI tedpWondeapfu1v*4luj KI -ndm ai Trucking Done-ive mdfmtore, etc. short or long lt= eanouabic pricco -Staniey cj.c 273 .Milton. Foull norm 33e NIA eER Tin 17c Vel cana" Dr. lld pur oit0L t q mmd 1?l~ Siclird p.~j 331 g1~N.i 25. N.i 12e 'SI ý23o -25,3 -22c M 1 LTOI mitvfor the ad Ilope Lbd É thi loney LOUR' th for her MîiStrel lape Onomy. b no fai r modo I foriM ISMU FORCES w