Harm BOLOGN Pound 214 CroiC' Reuey-Cut arcrnid3lb. liP 34h.s. *254 de, l'- Cio d 4lo. e, 4S,,. ad 18 23'. I 2l. ,f- Mon 1LI 8N Cr- fit Podo34 eangd28 Tee .3c.l PDWAR[ 1 i, r,icl gRY I I1 F '. an . ,sin- ahies ound -Phono- i' ,u This 11'g, ui.ah i .,swhai d a briglt i .cklang pi-ec.'ouusduntil ai ,, the utalk- sous the., lu i i, itor, T. A. o .and paetnd [i1o-. luri. suns ag - Pili, ndo. Paper. I, aLd 28 mate p Painting .tenuos notablc !bMsg rsuc ed by mi Phone 87 Llead LIgh5- Are YoursRgh We have irnstalled the latesi model lght tester aalable. Let us check yaur lîghts and be sate. 390 moorir.ts with defective lights wore summoc- uin (one night this week in Toronto. o GOODYEAR TIRES 0 ilmr 4ýéýl hI e Iropped in price treiO6ta 20%. Mr.1mina Stosot. late RADIO. Cavell Battery Service ô P 11<)I.1 -1MILTON 81UI~' gELt ia a iés lvr 3uato titi.. mrit _________ CiizCiéi-lb Va.H. Bava i.; h _______________________________ Ur. Nmou. irbo Vono ral prima for th o n Pcb. tii. a j 411i jUIhI stioa chn MdmmAhmoha canivai-orsB Aima. a:r jlng apteaatifr w ion l iin . RssoBnie fBi ('lover 1,e f Sockeye Salmnon, l1b. tin ----- AI'thaY rdÂonECÂL 1k uro,, Valcan yvay, >tins - 25e Bon Doase md Nut Oeamin laaoted .A (lau' ats, large package -------- C BavoRmuARDS.40. for Wte.thb.etah -----'e- ----- 8J Puttimi pour nainotu a document (Slp pekae ou don't undsrotand lu a hmaoue F riait. any a man Isou hbreicîns a P1îî1îin 1&'d alnid White, A>izsustir),2 for ---23e because bo .tgud on thehdohhud one. r llaui.lrý, Au.tralian Sultanas 2 lbs ---2c Balle Win. War rct B aLi kspurgiis 'e and Whiute, piCeI/e ----23C the Jeismhitoyï'fariet Georgetown. Arli ii>.tai .aiuiBeautyBrand, tin - -----23C AsignintOLwODmade sointinmego.y ('reîmy ('rat ler Sodas, la5 oz.pkg.,2 for ----33e MLt.Union W. I. reslai ineeting nt si y the homo of liru. W. B. (tîcinta.k So rthe Su ishinie Ceteal pli, -------- 23e Mltoon nWedneuday, Pcb. l1Mb, ah i Pcaîuît Botter, lied and WVhite, 1 6oz. sealer --25C 2 pin. Rol cati-Mytiret photo. Ail l,'v Sy 1Ialenn il l pgs - 7e ThFis of the od ong. wTwinkle, I 'tlee. lRedand White,1lb. tin27e.;i1lb. tiu....53c Twjke Ltt4e Sta."'ionoV oboleti '0Piic locey, ;-)lb. p i ------- ---- î Astrooms nhava dituoverd that the PtifsPae ar, 2lb ..... stars nither "Vick nni buh. mand I t----Pu--La-d--- 9c hby mas not lîti.", Sjnjol Oion, 3Ib - --25e Ulr. N. A. Bincilair Mms NaShel Andà (Jran-"s, Sui-kust iSeedjses, 3 do 49e IL 8,cr are isegato ho the Ontario Bo Hrttcîhunaiconvontion betsg bholiti ' i hLb.cl -- - - - - - - -- - - - - O t0 g dwmri Ilte],i Toronho. to- ru>hSunact, lbdey aid to-ntorrow. R.-GEtrant@ ho thhbii schoco àt R.ONE mlii il l WUEby the unty oUaal werolffi) euh 3 oDRIVER Mlton.s.d ami te Acthon ot 'Quality alwa.Vs hlgher thon the priCe" ion shool.j a. OMM ULIam HeBcomfiu.-E. Soer hmasoldi thcstock ôOSthem Balai s=hIl.oihors a Si B..re., otTr. _____________________________________ ho.wbo *111 cSoteI.buslaoo< mn- dei the simnomrn.The ietes tors. Wben tihief Kerr guis hMegilp on malyofo IL. ail off wthhe alia pio. but cake caLi ho ahécki I f.-Ohll MA C KENZIE9sStar. ý ý V/EUConstable Tapais,. i emba. bha. a r allesn tw«n0 ri pant svsat homes Rupplm tla the canal for thes body et Mllme Boms ! Thu drndatemaomcs re temoa SFARMERS9_ATTENTION l h aea ,elfrUne evigb.l5the=Zstoi..i5'5ý 1mb. 411 ie 1h. u iump Jaw and Gland Trouble gives the stock- ua&ssbsi -t eiaodar. e ii ,ge.t deal of trouble and reduces the value 5 BFI. bOmrdactlim but; UMMlie *& P I. 1 i îst 'uicia 30 Days' Special Price O>n Canada Sç-tock Condition Powder lodine and lodide ot Potassum Mr two of thO l est kîîown drags ta prevent Lump Jaw an 'd Gland Trouble. This Condition Powd er conllats ]bdit sîad Iodide of Potassum, alto other drugst tbmAaie best for animais. This- Conditioner wil kee#. YOur stock healtby and yon iil get -beut remt frovi, your teediug. Useliifor <Cattle, HOrseS BQIuql.; t'îgu. The doseý is sumall muid if fed rogult1 give excellent restilte. Iý"Come in'and aak us about ut. t Canada PeuItyÇ test resuits. If yoU* 1- WALKER Roberhatsusng ana rmus. sun s. w» = = iia5ydassagsi. itaiton (lmise mmidPic PeitdMivi soclation holà ils ai - if~ A. Thc0 Brotaimth e a officaim for theieRca. Prionti1 F' Rog rancA..Pm Brmon I. C. Itibion. .1. A. e(Jrffitho.EM rance. W. R. tUrner. -J. Vin&*~ B. Breskén. John Belyeuanamià Canmpbell. 5PBCIAL OPTICAL NOTICE- ycur oyes ecamieubiuaiia reità and patostaking LU Me. 119 foiinloi pticai c er foi Kam iut ophical arék ta he oitalmoi nodaae ot.W* fmenleh mBthe atytes of monuhlthe Lbembax tb. beet aakêiom idcr *peus Mt ssily-B.L. Sheirmn, Oema'el N ttn. Tic sequelte heo s,*abruts.l upon Actén hockeyome1.sp by mpoctatars mt a a= =hhaaa and Gm«osoWn et alo a Georgotoware ica o lm 1l5. casa yscdsy ba . Neuve«, o.f'Osku411 a RE. imited ~ ST PAJUSCIIIRCU (jerieshd an rgumenlt inLendon ut s - d 0,cr the shateicsct thatmoer mont ths Me 1 "J'omiuti .- le . . n!ibetwee two and four billion yeeou M-r . G Wabas il WALLACE -.-Or.m!3h aid. But eurely the oIt lady hem - - ~ .reaebed an age wbere seue .not agi- lmePmLinh. Iher. Dr. 'Solanit. cf Toronho 4 t Laed by tice difterece Of a cuIll'O 4g ,pe5m5Vi awglv!U. pied thol pulpIt lash Sunday oo~ycsri ens 6. amWlhoWtM. net .L &moiavanig a i sled LVO Amn b me 1iLea «Mwdorifondbulaist a- fuil isourem« AmnWosi.a iteea la by tg. tclpmg uoimoamichiues. ter Dr.BaddV. f Toan5~ nt ILoff in a vey littie tinîr, and if lu te hdrnfPi- Revarb.uL Sodyf ah batoei? uS.W a prudent man, aili ;mhereuuo a for mg a ho vstb- .air-ms ______________ man, mico, by teeg ecgligece, so- a 89 ahu ucftoa , . on ic saf c L. NOinURU. greahdeal. despaireof ever being able i las Gme o Ds On thaisé fateanKNOX.crist. Le psy, and therereseer looks uit àm g..jiudoSiegvn by Lb. Otihviii heeccnisal utc aoir oUL Llera aWha rsjayvi by the The Y. P. S. meeting cn Mendiy c%*n- iig tank the Crnof an oddresi ecumu- cictid ortheo fOlIOwiog penîrd by tanlerns sidrusbehwing vvýf -p va. pd.rt. ilm K_ Mer- phiae lc e rS efthLe Presbl eray5 ci s = . hMm~o is.. isT. C. Caareh in Canada, as mli ia ebuar 5Peca déad.IJau.Milt«m;Ul fm.i . Aleno. Bai- cf the esrty and the modern cbutmbMn te recodins 6555'7.Mes. A.- Pl". ruminent n hurChhistcry. Mis. Me- pW W1 O P lia.bst aimsy.Ms 8.Iatvr bgave the addrese moan brGoloshes, tisafiihtapllàTii ane Burflouton ;tiet.. Miss Vafpa y. P. S. is greatty indebîrd to ber file ber ie;,--» blettonviasLtendiomg.excellent w rb. M is jean Alle n ghtvcun H ea v y W o rk R u b b e rs, MMrThe ladies Cn'<iltn ttndninstrumnstal. y b W S M'fS aboIs. sea : lis. BerAikîns. 'dre. Bine. The moetbly meetingofteWM.S Miia uli~ amuïb haieiaMis.. Dolel. isiralitb.lire batib, was teld nbe ci olroen suTeity and Rubber Boots nuea. J1cathsshoos.. Mes. Denyrs, Mre sîternoce. Gum '.-GoSi.WrighLt ia- NaoNàkbli4Ma Batedi. Miss ittdey. The Ladies' Ad is m0 n pouatOiAl i t GREATLY REDUCEt) PRîCES fae.b M dma -Mi a oienmto. W. lasBaL. ia tareo oi W. fcr the Annuel St. PaticS Buzaar.______ WkaansA itchie ami Cha .B. CBunmth-Coin. Bun mL egUu &riéaW. ltu=.r-No niatter hum deuieed, se iiiicii EXRASPCIL *» ma 19--» abimMRonanftlt n taxes un the cnd Celles pcn the ETASEIL 10*0b-«6» "Çey s eoe. To- lei Md va am 31 icentre. Buh ; Comuho(race Chureb Sebealieonmoerai rnrs '@L homnssoMa amelsnti subi.,Priday. Pub. lsth. ta ses the play. Milns FeuL Liiucd Ruiluers. 285 LoutaaaiTmmm.,. The Strike ef thse Y.deîs'Aid." The Pediar People, Limed bci Mo an u xflor,1, uo ca. 2 8o Ad mission 25c. aoi 15e. CIORA SOCETY'S.CONERT. An cagle large enougbh o carry cff EeALsS18. - ., a twcntypoùnni 1mb. aras kittet un OSIbAWA ONTr. Repairing. Priay ty Pied Hieka, cf Inglndabin letdl Sliegle. Mcicu Leul.. T'he coeci t van ..lyrthe Million Ratibuehon connty. 1h oesred i egbt fetl Ci (ciiegs, biici Siding. Skates ant Scissure (ireund. * h giorlUcli«y la tha preiesTheatre feot front aing tip houaing ip. mac Metcl Gcrages, Metni Onivecta. ______ o s Thu 'àdtil g l ust. Pcb. 51, broara la cler &am i noL cf tics batSl c dli sa s o ED'L . tc ras Idriy *'ttten d. buh lis quai. hod spcies. ncw Storm Pros1 RooI. MacNabb's Shoe Home * tty of thec amimment ccrianly do- 4ssrvdciaeachy audiecei. The warek MoL&.e.BlL Lwrencie biad. pire Sycciel terme tu ordcco recivet ihow. b.ofth ibo Chn'momdci th. leaiership of cane. hîgh grade feeding rodantes fe. Frlnc eciscescThe [Home of i.ood Choc' IMr. .léamillâtely, shoarsdevtdence of par gel. Termecash-G. A. Kennedy., For urth.n. Puooe 4 MILTi, euisOi55d eflafent UUitb . thesv- iBornby. MILTON'____________ s«ars naubme i halg vM wyn rnderec. - Th~dotII5RU1U m inàadmai I qusat S~shTObiurm" of To- of renie Who u »9" soc aectoni ta a igyle tbat ihori i L.prfriciS r'ab aaris sclhen.t tbility. lie. a'b-min - ariette worr. 1r. ILn5Ju 1ILE bd Mm i In i go wus lunable ïla thepré- iislm or tara - Mes Nti - a.Mo g tmach redit IM cha bm-I WONDERFUL VALUES I[NPROVISIONS Eor the1im W th h.t lnmcia- B A C O N lnCanai ao.5 Mmorose" wu d eletm Sde --- lb. Pâuma Quaity Peamealed Daek lb. 29e 'I CT EA ....3 $1-00 SCd RUP ..... _ sOtgESOUOADiuuu j Au~~ii SPICES . - iiaaLaia iIF.IND 5LB 1Wnrý T: one 3ef LOR KP23 CHUIe PUETONIATe 9 ANPDOPANc âffl (oral" m SOA'-ý à-oz. n&mp 15 "Oe Uk.ABM%--la OUM Shkm ýý SPICES ............ loc