TVeT am. ccio cfW.1 U b .amlé Mecccet := m Md eweb. sode" 2" deme ioncedl cly. -r.umc, ed Sa $mmIfeé b mqum BLIGHT & WRH, MEDICAL R, K. ANDERSON, M. D., L. &B. P . SciU t hyclcaa .4 . ot. 1 t 2 pm 5iaopal ad 7 OlcP. Drs, GOWLAND & STEVENSON Physcicîs an d Sergeons X Ray DR~S. McCOLL & SYER (Phone No.] ) Ou -11 a inS. and Viciris Av* o ' nitieheut- .cm-1 t . ..7b. .80am. H. A. MeCucaCroerc. t.Eic i i ueir uiel hip; onse mpio n p-t-n ie iyfr î e1 1 ; 1 ; i lu e s t u ia v a n h'e ý-m N, fum pfin nuehe. hos e i k atirn fni wot nitheia ill arm n tne npy uie at the Rltuuul OuusuShow, et uhuh fiti aieemade nntf -i Finýsu. twety ad eloci- iharnploashipâ ~AD=- inf dlu x u gnndn es yeatî andful it. Brcad- wto-day. IRY p. MILTOXV DR. A. 6. BREMNER, physalan and surgci PALCMMO onea ocas. iu uaa8-2. LEGAL WILLIAM . DICK (usan-teova .Aiiueaat uerrilale. Slleondo Omsnarnoes unes-tons uaa Miltoan. Ou. HIJTCIIINSON & ELLIOTT canies s.Oitilr., cneyaocoe*. Mt-. Ii. o ileaciMias Talepisuca54 Tb----c A. HuuAhi-lii Osrte9.E. ue DENTISTRY DR. F. EL BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON ffonc e r icaea Tisore.. ilil taplnisetm-yac lu m*c X RAY SRVICEI. OAa EXTBACTION. DE. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Offce ini Royal Building, Milise. X RiAY ui ier. Sesiigbcc PPal5et.t 1&20 Uaaacelled DinhU cr services. Paleoar e tomme ay frMds Polilutrsuile teia il aisadis District Pasesugn Agsut, Teroe- te, t. E.BELL, Agent. ila0tn- J. M. MOLlES -FUR-- Fpesh, Cookeli and Cux'd MKEATÉ Fich and POUiPV ln SoadOn Ouhocco: "IQUALITY AND SERVICE' Pu3Nia 42..w. - MILTON H. WHEELER Tecoecof PIANO and VIOLIN Papils praparad tac Tarante Cee- cenvatan>' et MaclaEx- amiaatleac. Kinwr St., Milton, Ont PHONE 24. Mrs. F. O. Russell aid Plana Clacac. Teamiser ef Vaice, Pisa aud Tbcony. and cbacr mssalll O5ia fai(l Mtas Piulu 5sbasl TuruauoAiîeoc-Iic yceamriand Ans. POLLOCK & INGIIAI Sscceorncte Caler & Worths MONUMENT S alsigneaquenet GA LT. Phase M08 ONT.. DR. STANLEY BRAUND DENTAL SURGEON C. R. T UR NE R (I. Ait ilehn.CioeS. FuseraI Direcien Vuis Sa S tn.ilt~ ic piaoicaSi and Embaîmer X-IAY. ph.0 09Agent ton Dalc'c Fun"ralDesigas. Phone me for TRUCKING of Ail Kindd s i U Aiso for Sale LINSUFRea ANoiCEsnln -Beamu. Cisanel Irai. Angle Ires, PaeGaAcdn lÉh Steel Plute, Pipe, Siatting. Palicys, 6% laI mrt" Gc .d Bonds. Iteugers, and teel ut al isînda. District Bepresetatlve M. MICHNICK Phoneia 171 un 80« hILTON, Oui. SUN LIFE INSURAMCE CO. _________ F. 0- DEWAR iîiftoe . aOfflus 0r ale iiW-~ CLlJBBINýýa RATES. Z ZZ «rI. G. RAMSIAWl Toronto Dily Globe 85.0086.86 Mail and Empie.... 6.00 6.85 velum a" cu.essîwi Torinto Daily Star.. 5.00 6.865lMIes1eesd duiým i0ý MontreaulFam.HoWad snd Weckiv Star.. 1.00 2.8e COUJNr( 0F T LOCALC0 $ AV R A isea o..i.a JE M' moto*X agd id sanga. tthiae oyet teu sou; LU ,awa&M - aIltht trudi- "l ljI O I~AKN.hilrious comedy, scg oise me" asl cci -ef a ke.CANADIAN CMIATAUQUA FESTIVAL =01101115itCU5 na lI ses Elkay. Lewls and ItICI JLTS I~aa cliv soutis tta.t, tht Mm. Ken- cdn reàs peli a rida -hurveakt Of Do not :Miss seeing "Turn to the Right" and 'The t la Etf flvilh lli4re ne-utelicira. t muat lie WoeTw' akîg raw sce sses bargain pro- -fssalôaý t that In the early daya hl onsTlig"Boda u t" tflaiu.te tmht bn grais. The indîvîdual pi*ce of programs on a season ticket 8117Lttu mdAI.40tamtlcmeter' .1111 lrs cely in sch out-ef-the- îs ffloents. Save $2.50a seasonn - ti * ena voît the tis He- $250 ily uuyrngticket for the ATTAI axe mb.leng pltura was 1 mr8e~ es Ar àý myt efthèwti a te e MARCHAND but vhare and beyb8l; be saui t tàbpl: blîa prvoide»srldaics, and nertis of ScotItnd, Chautauqua. J.& A. 19HHA vlged. Neltiser bas tc casoat ô0! wlçrequIn mue ,mI.Ideccv ,thec rork neauniderYaken by thbistf- EWELHH8 - - . ILTON mciley Ws by lthe GoveluuqMt aet lOts h 1114 hte girls sdveeutottlansd publlcher, waa the upecial =tSetvice, WbIch s Ip eru- uwlo tIlr afd ae tuIl thtie Itîeant minutent.___ menta ln tminu he -mmmiso t-flo utoisecMtM el theetales ut tiseclan lie- he t vaelu"é pbam5f ecetu .ciadb aeI ant no Isethat sème o e snus arelni -Plme .the aatonal. fflieT tsIw b-vafl dn gia. II tl.yak. jai epIca m, et lu atiser vords. tise lluec *Pu big Iyck'c "Jean AmoaniSd bIli,, 'cp iutHb isa Mne de ÀÔI rhfflcsas they du ln lynle U4~. <bias isu c lutreilue ils ter oaulu*t ecrlôu i ter. se*.but lire vàry graphiec lu de- Water eatîn~ tatiselitaoit.L ln thc esr itil-ar g noma e p eeàbuet eUicIti ssetigutise heroic eveets outhtie ear- t 10 82 pa atcterl wccpuited-lt us 0f a'ati ar o.e. iencce ac r 7dM5. snd the molodllei pussuesthat It Payst e la a s arm Ai Hetig i tse ecescealuatthePeIUOfMII f le-AU& mvucdcd bybordera ef rkls IUoe: i ncIhucboly,, eird Waltisat j uin O Delat Da s W r Ai laig tria, tlm h tpassit ta 5but desigas.the %Utlking f tblecture bsuictthicetfCeitie ____music.___________________ bey lau nkeevu) a barber-sungeu tise brllisist r<4 uscd vils touchsce TYe sangc lit thesesac, tise devton Tinmithinoe st Bruges. bloc. "émàoetthalc <eac h eucder. of tbe "folk Inttathelr bea. tiselE pSt esad an s cccl. Dy himlit va.dlplmaitily po- cd se beautg tit t b u Il au cotl- jey a0acllugtottaetse e ed ad r ented ta Mary, Itegent efthtie Nts- lcttc tram tise pessantuspd places fassis, centala magy beautiful tacts- E iie S o e nR n e Eavetoughnl Cade ai ster et tise Umperer la umam is ere ceceedlig een diseuthat caevcr die. Thîe pirate à E avtroghig CAMceV.vise grttctully grance! tin s e.Mayeu.oILt cso etoflangag an d tise terurile For Better Cooking, Bakigz and Iieatrng. tise ducra pensien. la tUtU aI The dcslgniofs e ptey r lce vara, visicisdraiued tis a tnd u oryeocfitt rî a Water Pressure uppoaci ta bave tube: Il vitehber bld ed ccoloftOl.auy tmmsa brWI ouag mon are tul ut trcgedy ad EmreRaloBrgtcDyu iithiilid Syste ms neeer ceea ut heurd ef setil aimant U ud a tcciofetblatis. WislIc rttcn aents anc btcntist nlndly lie-~ wr.Ts Empire Rural orBihe aedin Y, tiiiir itc l. î 1 doriîl a tisreecentuties latet. - bcililat, tscîr eler steluca art aoreuadt ed icluit lung ps s w.TeEpeutRra ta mrgl Dat In tise ycat 1i1i 1t appearad on ugml bameuieac. heu ui, eetuletuste.~ eady gruiwîh ie populaety an(1 'iii ,due'ti in iiturim1v la S eptic Tanks ties iene again. Int iat yean a Bit Sc'ecst- Ncyman, proalîrtise hg rie ueirt i tlipit fIi telmaJur-geflenal wswud v H MEIN KU gets msclcii ft-dy ec ipiiyand beatiful i ul.igii. --1 vri i dl r T EWaterloced ramuvcd teaiiPartaeeucsoa: " Tieseonugé thIveshane ain CfC> TH a rscl.stcvelt adaiiitnaaelic oi ~ etPdA Single strage luauty. tisat gruva un u the She hue one. WimC.oa auat lu. hc ecîled on tsvi, Wll Specmn eofevuccilSeal. botter ve isnav tisec. Tiey liave a ohi omth is mcelg pîcturs. ced, miJe F. Crswley C11. Ito.saine hmadecs vi TeIsad fGudluelafmoser elatsu' the eult ofau ~Phone28 C. T. DAY & SON, Milton 19 bargin nd rouht he ietre s ce astreugeaftserelébantve .iatmed tise npeople ut u- MAIN STREET, MILTON isume vils hii. la 1842 h. ald It Ba.adfrsmyusteehv sltdfo h eea ieo u te tise truetee etf tise Natieual <Gal- beaue'vague ramera eofviite cealu n lasep. Tisee lladi liane prudurd TzLEemotaR 26. - Raesiceetue205 lery tan tise p ya. i gi-tise Wavell tisatbreak oa i s rcnosmsegnlrters ta wisuu it la ieut eue; but visa vere thee avera et it taa.t. aetail xtravaganaut triit en tiue 16 aaiSisneyrAepdtlan ~eetî edie geulus. Tisere arc etueldien ascertalaci. A merend iclcei n- eut ta lookisotaé Uicamant ertinet atmaugst tise sangst, tisut arc ut TuiAeePreservas the Tcmli' der tise isond af"abacureibsad" Io Tovnaduli r ccd. bu ot ta cingle puteiy periect ce uny meludy conid tis eist suatalp.spcmena l c uat he hr-b., Schubrt wved aveisne act aid Thr aumng-cll. oreturesuth ib.tuai. Tiseoftise- bki tise banda of tise ueisecena- Tier vanegrairpatron etftthe ian. tueuc4 su te vIte a .1ev et sec H. WHEE~.LE R crtsinluiseday tisnCearescLcI.. cU w viether t u vs cey taenia-ceeltiu.crierbauteti- march ho v rltteu te proveo toetisfe h ae nayatu. about reation. 1inelnbtise SalI ot thse i MILTON. ONT. cet-isceliart racelveul iy bis anisappy thebwviteacatu. Tise launtis lcee. Doutel. seme at tisnc aetiea are I end.ta tise Amirscan LIàbaary at1ad outil It vas vlthliuuasort île- vitbQut asu lenlut, visetiser lun Piano Tuning, Voiing IMilan, tut Instaura. tisero are a telCee ontiet joict, viscu lis eacu- folis sent. ar art coca. Schsubecrtatm- iI Action Reguiating prnlelciamanucerlpte sy SLoo u. vers auddeniy trueis i h isclneer vrete a oute pcx-tetly liai- an eap . tise effet that luince3"a ngofQueli tetiet an tise vlcacla tlofS et Satull ot the land aider I th" ruer ucîr cm tuciEnglasi ulteted 1t000 gulueasécs aelpisnc beve tee beilile sucrfi veoneevve," or 'Tise laid turenes- yeant" as the carc s n s.. aciasd o l b. tuorttm. autacris cue-viite seuls, cse lurge and luviicietc veili rerapituto lle test isoci i I.cci un a ymr. Aid bl ieb ai lis vay *"heu itpri lwh ite ttat tsey mgist banc yeute, and tise veaty iert .1 PHONEx 24. P. .Box 384. Usa" voudhbn bé,ashia t luoibeau misauien tor Peoer acs. ssalace tor ail lis soursws."ýiIfn reeutded ht thse Duse a uisn-It la supposed tt teeil 1cleThon ara tieseounaCa iils bsamininecrtîna Heacrt ttu Marie une impiy aiso t tic alierludvitsecitnest em, i tu Ectlaci. trici isard te ebtalu for non-liebat et cours te> utre brng sceistise peet ta the ehildecu î<bis ruyal mater tee aimble Xc.- sut tIIho b. actituO po . I ratuebon. T14E populsi cîî-yean pîcyprocd, Tr. F. CH ISHO LM ..,ado hlchrisehoacsv et p'etciuhleaulin Worth Peluttet 9Out teat Dne01et itslîltcis cpartclaty attrattive in but ln tisa ttc as unucteeàftî. tecce hadl.tiehe nieontiehe ai. ORGTANIANS. Wee.Alyc iieswi tpat Lioensed AuctioneoP Tiesaleoa!Charles' voaderfel cel- Wvicis la one f te mrks fet ful. Wtuîî j p*eleg e ea itke tsitsooi aeas lertlosaiter is deate, hoevecr, grEoyat maie thte Clfeio lnlUIa Socley iClebratec «lmll t Elaisir. dhess c Uteaia ctidigice NO ecl Pance Sales lnePrompt Attention-' rici cneery national gaiieny l a u 1lice. Thirci acnlncniary. âÏlPllietrtela oluauaoae Northai 11HONE iie-21 - hLTN.Irope, aid aul y a iey cpétimen. sav Guadalue. ievte ic tv e eghbb.r- Tise Britisis Vegetanlan Society lias I wa esnsdc'aan cuvett-n ctit M' rCturnsci bm . Of th ree ci~~es- a-Ilg ilt, hle miaeed et volcaî atcibuc iscait-iliaa ______________________triast portrais etChlîes y Vaudytisréeels. Mud at ths e tiru uins ven at haicheoter. It vas ln I clls. Golf idiag i iing, badminton aie vas recaveaci, onlyte pels 4.600t eout ai tise sel- Betyea lt1847 abat tise-stauetti vas tarun uaeode auIapime w liaK E CHhwveinhe tise Osat Wîisanin ansd thse *atlla*depUtis et avec tva isiUneteen iti4headquarerilhiave «r lndaigetpue rpsie wt 167. Theae ecraletfuBo- mles bave beau Sêeadd. lbc=u iuManciserc. nugne LICNSE ACTINUZR aaele. rdenci tee dsalen Iocia tartingas «, national ortanisa- ki thélccacocsis O For tise ootias af Peel ced Italtea. put te retunl to Windsor the ee<am <i ie.i hay uerasnlh tp Proptîervce. £2 b.eadportic oodaiu lln mIs 1111 " U"Mrn abiliare tise Vegetalai Socieît- ~ ~ ~ Promp Serice, mISS.aid an uisis e va uaiisg ~ ha~>-h Of tO Omiimavas teri tete meauere ut a certain W T.' m J X I Tcîeise1st ilS. A tis-.oeclu isu Celieai hr isarci eoreqirit h- 1 Ciseltensame 25--23. Georeownuexiun. futteai tem lu a spatillPanla t lh Iptre.iin a tesdai uProf. G. as te ais.decis. aed tavi. T- Pont Olc-isteiu. meiteny vote oet2il?600 18#8-Iét -lm ht mlEbt um»unater' lisu day theC Scventh DaY Ainoîntiata visai t vas hougst tracetishe Mari tiscouLceegglè bcI «Wma pntabstinene q rom tise ctisa ut idreugis tratsec«. b .4e ýtic tact the c ticufdfl c tise Ecmn Cateallc arien T. 0a D O L SON Das bcee isctamflilgusneIggthS'tlf*yth caunverse dce.tfTrapplail ara tIded ttea amilat _______________________ tRMTN 05T réât Johna ChurclIIl. DuiseetfMac-pcdfI pi Spvc tsttisedeatis deta.Tise Svatiai Army alau BRAMPTO ONT. israug, is.pcisel tels up luaMaunich, and nesutecletoftise -lo irttisev 0teeoyte tis.uuedinet- but a. te hav It gett Ïere hhtery.k '00luiel1,s bmth# cca of aItie, hcialUueu autatib clen. eelo botab.maehanlute." utecepatble vitIl egetarteLnteli. Liceed AuctionOOr alant.tmntiun souti camade2' aa tise-ra r Fin thse Coliutien of altoeand Peel. éanoae ieatUl moUsureeable cqi - neesar- ]PAUNSALESSPramply Attuded ia. tee naten ln ie çpu Jnr e~~ 1tis teegta Ag Mi ilto n C h autau qu a Phone. 17r«31 tfltc i. cdaSI flblàaetb1c» a scls. qgcarie.den't rude timn bq<Or*tise l*ueea. lulaiyà" sud e alzp irodatai ategt,but________ ___________________ iiisprlibts rlc afl b1,fpquM Wul n*"isMWcasmils, age ,aid SA M EN Q ?Ono iiM.. utatb<ettsetcold Four Big Day& Six Fine Programs. »q 9i e heu. Çe asplan- M,$04018 rua 1;7? 18e 19 & 20. nom W*" hiedb.fto$ci sconcu - t~*1atation sud ldvcpf ucato. pctc 5iiaipr o-- - ticket lfort he r-