(,ANADIANÇÂPO~ rwI~4 ýTfiOKSD&T wOILKIN40 U44p. ÂWOAI "AIN ST.. ILTON ONT sLUc.ý,t 7M 96M.(- IL R-). 'A7 P.o -"-'îlot il i lic O e ln i 'r ' - -j1~5atÔ St' r' c,7 ' iî.'idir.c1M smtI ILc, of Beê- thsth,ec c' . pe etiOU ne lu, i-c hocflWvil hus. oîî'aîn Olywv» efipdoi dl.ci i Qîbec an# hhot Pllotili h sow@v tt. (oor A cîie erosp ovz eurtacdi peel-ePr - 6oIegW eeI-IZ 48 a.TatI & 6411, Q uapanted . a .t BagtaI..26 LM.,IL21 p ILA4 ..-..-Eve f0,l g0. ra'Seat-i i- a elt si.0 iff lad in ladnfeail *MrÂIO  BJL Â- CANADIAN NeT.O14AL BI LA' r frisai ton 1oAmPAI AuVIRTfIINO RoTis. moile cOVrEL elu Sw giVRE. ."éM fasr koig ieàdaklt R U ! M _ a i. l s. .2 3 a m . . . o f . dv à ta mbt e x p e r t e l ihe m l a M e n ' a  1 - R e d R u l 4 W O o t s , r'i hr ip Prad- '~"'d by ÉtLtb* 1 a maeitdw or izes 6-11 -------------S45 ...f0 c.tIIII fII . a Ca cifaet thé cneidIegI 7a.4.5 A hIr-, ay motety= a E et i Iwnfl ta .T- ma» . Ing adth - ,a t o id ca . rfe.eilh efeIl- bc o eI eiY do o ' m plefraapeerm n. M e ule Black R ubber Boots with 7:f~:~bf0h.~~ .dé N~) __ ~ of0 biemo e W au' lakovu exmples boel-yred sole and he 39 .idr. c ~O .0 l. aod h~ adMONTREÂT a mji rol pfor îrtitlc eulrte"o p re d syrup bt W atteinsi acer 4 ' I- la k R b e o t aitambe OBONT ire o axe n theAitmcir es. n t ctIn IImonhIeteOCY. 3 tBoot . , l h h .r TRu l _ _ _ _ _ pee.r - i_ _bidb onf t a t P e f l i JOWfu .r o m i t r e , o r " m a g m a ." t h u g'i vit h h ' v y b l k r o l l e d t l e . $ 3 2 5 h-ecildOig î oeca',upewlSd h t i KgIb ê 0 se B.vr-f lent tg &tifboltta e pccd by docte loto ma- Men's Heavy Rubbeft. Prîced -lalI WtTE - ut 0IOc7e 1' kc t E~t~ world. But 1h18 isaée Ir vleed "Wlainl 10 whlch contein tuf-ehapi UneoIl iedrcnaigCarboueiceà Leocvl .l f rte man ýIKtic lteokjais i as cfew cae d e-oîtc or eero ticeOed otel. P v Lh t tSe p n g c r n i b i n t » a n d B o f i f W t g y Se i n c l a t r e h t t bc N a d yttW i Y . t i c U I M Mc c i 3 fe l l o w e - d r e d c r e z C f f O u t ie s h a c la t l o a r y c a s i n . T i f sy A l w o l L i b r m r i s S Agn, oo- dd wliagehccvsei -lit mm s ctubhvCoccauO In icmakhcgjsolutilltter ckstdrierc. 98cri MEDICAL Ditrict Paseer i ths"of .A.ga wudWMttd bToron-ethaleiot plot b puiverlifuaioeslpaif aides ef tife ban- Mens Work SOX, all-wool, four piair for ----98c ANEISOM.D. . . EL.Agn, lo. os 1-1101er a.theD iRe. a ry.c'iuicTh h lm l tae m a~~téris and alie akdlts.fur slat it r le dteify ee R. K. PANcf ten 1 55erpied. lit0balsst ud th eIf, peitobrushe oate. E.BELLedAgmt, Milto.trpafercbeae.I i gmt toraticth.nimal______OrFor_____mintesthebsketsar ahuiuebpccte e inm eau - nithse ou aiaifoc ifat. Thi For crne mlotee te ifanete or if SON, M.I DO... ilb lW itprbfy cazs.i haaco a lsipan roi efatiferu or &ni revolitsd et higpIe ed, and thfce yroP k tsH 1W Goul 1' fI.îl cd efcse____________ bc ftca eeeru'fa aehl.eius . ielli e, ic r htr wfief eoaddedtute fcral ars GO.LPD&gSroinSON - A TOU7. oIthe oilga ha. b:iornr inter-e oS tif e rave ifecame fcs Wait u n u u ~ ~~ a J~~~H it W ~that. U file 5 5t7oW t er a l mCh e ith anim ai fat Ici w ief oRt s c gar. t ogetifer w î tif if c l c T- dfR p r n W l Y u a t 'iccei ccei ncc. O ce 00 f.. si V ~h ' (1811 11011 15< 10 Phiietc' ~ u lai«S vIol. for ligift tc sece t cy ad iferi t t hei r cr ta . iico- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * c IYofn - .c c .B tc f r-d m -ci e t y din ta 0 0 * w «' o r a c th i s 1 18 p e in t b y . T ifr o fif If o it ld c c tîî t t t f e g f tcAa k t p f O R i i P . - ce. nd 7.80Il c . ... *nie uiiveW Wi l 111Pas rel octhelr paietin nthe Il tiirroi te a treugif, acid tfeet tr - il.M. DOM ýe henM.tuFaAtoS K 1,11,itl plt-t tm eaepartallir tac l a ctu seprayed erf the PhOsicAciiD &SEEONcFO-e flJEWEILI'8 iruptsd or charagcd, ibishan-- ae ateranitelueinte lbeur, ifut, aithofif 50w fec otRcsAK E rem aiseet a Chitian cfurrh c e 110 A iso.ef r a ea i de 1 i i da k yr ufi, hIlelatili fa r focn. wite, phvicals ndSugens Fresit.CookOd andi Cured J. <& A.MARCHAND ri cosecratolou oti te-daY. cieprto-fer tif ee Atamiraf mceuSndcoctahnsie rities Rayced.eilO. ee c E T EW L IS - - M L O i hhe Nativlty itersai- hfUcitd te weciiy ricio ces a Te cext eperatios [se10 eceit i by PHONE 287 IIITON . pouli'v n saconiy uomsr t chrebe.adumenas-palotst tr pîcioreseai a time wne! team jete. Tifnfei le[0troated with c _______________________trte ocder oesreo.Vreo sl-tifs Aretîr came dowo ceer imcet cl dIterlog medium, pimped throcgha Flsh and p utvinS agnloungste versii iti tflen- iat le 00W Eirep-tf cutrnce <i1' cher-premand en cresas as o igihl lDRS. MeCOLL & SYER Plumbing make édificdfce, adj ie Il h e f cave crumifrd Ici, Il i l OS mber-relcned fluid. Theonlciii'ic- i'oeciiOURe MoTs>tasîr churhrh cifapet Tm from arand thee cîtelde worid. cl un i rtisremaheîeg arcsoubleesalils Ph.., M e0 . dV1 rRA .OU LT N EVC' 1 0ly et HallisetoSthe cf urchin letue-lt vae acrîdectalrSuiSfm U anS cngancecolorieS matter. TiiesE ___ i »dic S..... <O PccîiTYADSRIE lotWater Heating Gratte or Manger. itlea emsoli ne- ymare&go. TMasf-eclusilei ccd tiil are remoled iy animal charccl -1 i-7 if 8.3 .-.dergreod efamber rsaefsd fromntushépartial fc.ilmlq Ice cn f tife pit'trc.. male tramn pecialiy- electcd bells. t PaoNief.42 w. - - MILTON W rmAralctng ' Iftour hY a tairsa. Tfhil tecoecfdsred hoaccouait for thehr e Tif sunoar lUquen larue ce i0 thetotc ______________________staifle vifers the avor foraitr. Thfe cave was ouccd feaune c oui at hetis ottofl a white, ctnsorI lhisa a hecotiful aitar, a fcvs palot- ifuner's dog gcnt jammed is a 1*o 1 SoiS. DE. A. G. BRENNER, , H WHEELER Tinsmithing loge, anS macorîese of brailea lampe creelce. Removiel ihouilers tuo Tl'ife oeI cpération leho Niits. M i-r e H . Wf E E L ea d a ct r e. F er »o e sral fu n dre lJa s e hic eifc cave oc i ih e l as n , E iors o ua e v ac u m ra se are iiocd , Te c e fE v to g ig have ccnticiuallill hlîuilittsd thifoie t rethatonne eestiatorsi >e- on uc tst u.Rc a c PIANO anddVlO LIN WateI-île capel. tfe anlecit pictunale. Aid tif e a Pf i loheinhostifowas ne c Jutinhifront cf tifs etart laa iverl me tancifer lifi etr aselb gl& Ph-BI-t-8-l- IAN a d V OLI W terPr ssu e etar, l ont hete i mrile fBcursaiS fore rosi 11Ilnihue reearcifco 00 watcifthe progne cf frhe oiiet. _____________tc mark the exact spot cf 1fr Natte- made. Mclitcfttthe impcftaOtrworif 'Te misîcre for tcsesucar. ai Pupite prepared for Toronto Ccci- Iy Teetsalu abemagrbsseudntwte onyas emsruar mci. LEGAL Jcouy. thse hoase a marfiea ie e fc usvi itinfantf0 tacsrua, utc in utabfr mchou icehtony cf MusicEx-e' etala it ifs pa. wmy fasiifct ies it eSo ici a-Scs CIL eu hifci 0 m1f hme. TflBRN laKthermes, ecveirt forNodit. t ILIMIDCEaminatiion. Spt-Tak Net fair fremtfe iecf etcTIuE IORTEI UK .ehnlg WILLI5"OAM tuîf9K1.UElirf Eh Oete r cccChra.htfeci vased with a prepacoci ,yros, PHONE n,4 Ontool sifeteo r IcitifenaCave aSif eu, u .vm t uhy, vei tfe l tai c e fin -i -eciA tt-.Ac"ffO f t. O tTH E l lu id îlot tife Hehy Famth" oe a[c ls ic. Pcturs f Birdihe IeO1- vfIN a-m ve te attac f i fl i f ecursihg lier cihiS. ddrap- fahaIc S-yteg ovec 10 hcd VeF r w e o e ingie, tali o BhlOcuirw.c Thes tifey goto a osoving tahle whîch J. F. Crow?1y jmpanted ote fcfaiîy rock of wvicif PencheS lu a lécsiése male a et 1jautouecticali! sarcisleta0cm 10 hiiet the_______________c dalie lforccitheurviu fif faBubi il aasit-ry1wiltfrtct Msss ao&Ll UUTCIIINSON & ELLIOTT . MAIN STREET, MILTON tf asc îfre rs, înir f Stelcaiotet m 5.1lmaltre v'ncubtest- UT i 1NON ELsTTRb loE 05Icreesief moth ife zli. T iper- faes, e ci mcapéae te tmastf- o lil,te syblo. i rTtcle sIu lvi cU fl SS TicLxPmOOfE26. Rst)il 0 tii blleo fief le loired ify Cfrletiam mîciotos yet vf apofee te tr sot-f-te vBank cecnccY tifsarticl o dot Mrs F 9.Rusel Lttl rundIn inth imedatevi -thaey "ci Tx __________ __________ __..._5__ cahe s are m ode, mIseS vitif thea peU- tuctc . At rs i gl cer bch o ok s gace-tctliffluCtrS. c iter. c d Oc as ii~.i dtitt't'ît< Soterifrnit Puhlie Scioot - ecMusic asthe e ..n.s 5pioure of i. . -'ocnebu -fr oi ',0 ud fout-O.O f Utm r qil T AandPino lases deda toneandvill a home b c. IL amore lhncgtify ervey dîficcYrrole -ofci veeh!. Approimatety 1501 coi Pino Cl.AimnesPreerveseths Ton' hcm cosite olci rahc.d porintîean id eS i ehircit attitod wonisvutd he 2800million tamps Pet Teacef i uce Placeo ' Thu e.o ansharwhic itaffods popl aIoerroie, otif idllre laoi eSfe CoiertOeeo anS vigîhase f. Oso aci o cI.Who can cal! in person. DENTISTRY and Thgory. H. WAH-EELER facshty ise' i thfe relaeportioci.etitfhsdécisif est uNe bIrnd ErugI DR. F. E.BABCOCK or Tceooo Cocecuclunti ML ONT. towi as tife upper rc, and the foond te pooneaa billhlekeSalS CnfaTiog n hno E.Al CafdMILTONchie*" N T. dcsthc siaieasof ti cever are hawklike, Rays an artileritetife Boe- C.aci li aada ccvrc aaded. If you have mail service you can have D R. F. BABfOheu0 ostredif Pl' Cheoshace y Canada bninpeviearietotenero DENTAL SUGEON ndteic-o5ry c bus PlaNlcsec Piano Tuning, Vol sc qaere e owis. CruSe tepe ive ton T,'annîript.adbnigsrce ittthnaet DENTAL iURGEOnac ces s tepatro. i f ihef e e Tifre hr e ca di sgins hia acthOus Canada fruits aa d a grdoc1ain. Tiihocecce.tNfROn OCW.dfceeOl-Action Regulating S it lcifen, tivig-room, aid sleeping fi e Itveîes ia ery u oCcaapouî c'Ccobac o opeeifrain Toccito Addff..,-218 Weu rainIII l 0. aparîmeet. a huer. Mansc e bed I osînnCanada vori e O Cancada ecti, rnl o o p eifr ain pp,)t' .ntn mrîf 'O! ifrraiOc1 and Repalluing. Tifh ae l elcw. lcicwe ex1frguinhed mark. Nut cil te hirivc Cneda produor tO Cucoda*fifes, SKIc (K A .c V' AS EXTRACTIOM. Recsucht yi ifi OiJeolail - god owyrif la eetrtly devoeS to t1fýrlarrhauntici theifotiicketsocf fielS Canada mseey iti Canada cpect. TnI.OS65nuhofîcare y.. gicehonidilehea[d ha rattte. Thfe shrep acidgoals are pe- martin. the ifrivi tuifife. tht' gras- Canada people oc CaiocdaS sc. -belT W~IIK & NG-IM tonei.ott .. a e rai r. seS i usden the archesrueainigif th1fr y hummeclos. Schoieintsferr 0005 Canada y-hchse to, Cecedco elleTH POLLOCKI IGA HNxI 4 . .Box 384. dolesand mules, ocfailelallie fsiraccf.a roblic-nimed birS vifs Canada prebletes oAitCanaSda fooi. C N DANB N DR G.A KI Guceef o c e r Wortccacoi.lig tabted hintthe othef par- reeealcsetil o f sa ifravery.of c CanadafBret aid CantadaicflsAI DENAet'RGONtie, vifere ataleifs v ale ,arc nsellenesafhet cf ofIhe CiararteninticEfCanada futurs is Csoada carl OF C M E C DENTL SGEOS M ON UM E NT Screde matgers. Mancy ihevetait ci fuabtclier wvil ovesn b epl biseS -C'adadwt vihi mugmt Il-c, R.,c1Biling, MilIce. Desigoseci Requeosi. .lJf nmuthavelisiften the rovyeh e R aro anS tifere amcn e suerte]d HARt-H. aalam i;i vnIgO1PP'n- .ýBfl oesoaSein ta cr n e-eoicl n ece ae at- c OIRISIAOSTHE STANDA.D) BANK 0F CANADA H c.~ ' etCtSOOfiti GA LT. Pifone EN4SONT -F epif. aSter feig tîrard away fr0,0 acd amaracitifacid tibre ara a t- tOcOc0~it' Lcensed Auctloneer tite nairrady fSuieS vitifguete sered vldely a Bick of sperrnve. Itsos-ivons of Marif Are Nom Fris Ini ______________________teunuSrefuge. Eves to-dey vfre h lamted empento' i atsfraternal -Nonir. PfartieSaes glvee Prompt Attention. frIeedn come and thene la no ncemj cPhnli previa.s and tifs ifrdc appoar uthcc e Sfl ye siie D R. STANLEY BRAUND VHiONE 99-r-21 - MILTON. fer tifem ce the upper fleuor. thf a- f e catf calyupc f oelard Roeets' great marcS fecci Ka-________________________ _______________.__lie tcarc emoerd, aid ihey lhec lanS oln ta tifs geucid. Big epanecva1 Iruh te Kandahar, and flslodaaglitt'C DENTAL SURGEON C. R. TUR N E R sloopeithie taiflos. aed utile are led lgise n le 1 shcga 1s a Si.Fumrai Direler As le 1hr day, cf Cfriet, Blif la-secramifle. nov reciig lent if a îîandsr cf Lady lcSocietc At Ch.,).. FR A K P T C hifem tili posesfe a isguest rhant- tifergroucid, unisfltierlegto1 a ulover thf e reaSSagronpOct Onccb n er.Ihottifhe scial estre for ail fend. tmrneeih sate n bthaf1e crinnri i. rceo'," X ciA. Sf0and0iEmbamst LICEh4SED A VCTIO ILER 1tas vîiae mes, if eretifs peoneS lÀe an ogce picîiltaf sia vhieilif ' A W oalH pi t. N I P a ' to D a a t a y . X RAY.cct.for209For the Ccuntiec cf Peel anS Heloc. tifsernlng chattng sabout tife local anS vraitiel tiferproper mometto ssc - vra repretet Sfocnsi I t a s t ea t D y ' Agncoia unriDsge evo and sippincltese. Chnltmee ýattaci. th if e c e rlmly valcife ifv ersec lNo arh ad "eI'0 ora Dsgi. Prompt Service. ile hseptlity prevallo tifreugfouS eente. Ho lahInoehurny; h oN iae e S f ithe 15 icis ______________and____________ POE63 MIILTON.Invuthey ilaitremefo _______________________the____long__ Tééhones the e6 -Tlehneoyean. net reveal aciy nr s r d; e gs rtaahcvel ore onrywe h Chsleeifam 26-r-28. tGeorgetovn Itri.1 Tie ilhagerrntair l in tarn e n ime vîtu brin e =suoscî mot IsIccrret coîr' Nn lote m e f o rte h A . c i if 1 fr o ff re . n s l aI I eo if s S e I> h e S u l aho o n cd g ét a tv e n of.iv 1 3da i s m x î t cu vt es u gaiferinfu. Tife hootac ltetufscetovard the mapir. Birda maii icie nr aîsingle lEie tove T U KN ofAiKnste nepply food acid feSSlig fou anIls bccuutlcd the lient fiture agails A [me a aue1a."ei gus omay hiappefoto coin Idthalabyrintif fofre inwvert A Bbotac iaine anH" a Fr eterCooking, Bakîng and Heatîflg. 1 TRCiNGo forileKiti1 1,SU RA0 C T.O.D O L SONthe'rlhlage and stay ccer-îiiît. Thfe tvlge, but ningInflis 10appearccfra nodoal ibtasnitsfcd 4lo frS l LeFgAutooiehî, Bergiery h aBoRhewhtAoreMtte oned0Nry tina lmsorONT.gwth:1 LitalecaeStori. Plate ale offereS intilcase depeadse n peaksofetdanger. ism ior e lyaiashn teNo if, 95 otnd1 or e seiiii co I1 So- ad a[od te.troryuPOn thc ranI of 1freIndivit "Teep! Tne lf" tciciah lh ' _ Em Ir I i i. Il( lot 1 1 ia hanned n AgeIo , PaeGlus, Acident, italth. Lic.naed Au tfone SueI. if an ordinary manlci.tfrerr Tife hochet fil l lgbtiy aporead Sidoft e ainacfS l lth and mie urloBihtr yi Bondit.e, hhts. ie ,Fou the ote o eln n e pet vIlI constat et a couple cf trie- frescIthidraps tfr falot cal-sotos. .4 enCoopcf tai e . 'W iScilSwo . The Empire Rdral andi lige lol c l av i ,i rI a lIn 0% icIan Mmnldsof al ikBne.Cunis IRatn e.o .î ie r~d and olves, whilo c. ciomp, rsddhoh, fex cparniU ansvero tflied, Kaot" t' eroall owîh in populerit ans a cles,(le' i lîi n I E soid steci cfiatt boiS.lDbotricin -aepCas h__ h ora ui or Bnighl o Day n pinsoeoi FARE SALES FrcmiotlAtteudeS le. lsoigl i hîcr ylf i--ccp the n i heDc ele.Th( lhalt our lit I au, or cd. uotnîy gr DititReprecttiveff tas guet esfh iut ppe ici i cly ngoagentioae mo earese a I 'nedfa fou es lgta w olt M. MICHNICK s' CEC. Phone 17--3t Bramptoni. oIfthe gufes fer f18 spper. htals i ahi-ger tee bi afr moware. a-Thfe a u iscarneS oncmules, enoy, oumpiiity an bnttu dcgc (h ci iI l' 71'- ut SOn MtLTON,. ONTf ' SUN LIFE INSURAC CtIf helif cf a nstabering village %fileir vitif. Tvolorandfrer ct eîc. vincdesignsI. ced * She bas anc ______ ______ ______ _ Offl.' D E W A R A M H E N 8 0 N .alamif or k 1 . h llin h-1 1ifrda isave tif Buck ta ouleNcpp ni as i as e b out Oci e ben~~~~~hor, vfile tIfs o iaehage ofhi d ilttlag tovard teif crehfery un.O hemachine vf itna u e S h n 2 . "~ ~ ( K ____________m.__ciOfic e o. Mate à auOt BI, WILDER adCONTRACTUR ]hrse anreeieelhew itah arlsy, lac taa map it. lataha hrs thatIl Mhi , IcJaurd hoe2 . TY &SO ,Mlo - B I G A E . eere s.ThescUPPhins g olos .more expert- *hrevd, ysl diaholW laod irely ne- Cool, ef tife OaferlNn. Nas a elîo i __________ ugàmmo' ».' Oe me esla 1applcoiaeo 1enorlable le tts asurate ImitationomeaenSiarhergbyri vuof muAA~L8A w Aeieofs lbChcmbmi5 MsaiWo&5 Isf rle o y ceghi11eamul r ifshenils. et o%Ifd re st o'ale, ain as scacrl el Uc c whiuIcfalut I dticy pomie. -close. almuë. et hehvdose tile ros-.ent oas'Undfaere ieslyaSc t _:_z ------ ~a ftc hi Eositinadteeo4 aal ufrd erby adw e M.iiiodEciprn- 6.12 6.8 I cvephngdo~ zt 10 piat ea-ing garneu Woutdsehfr Vauallol lycic tui1. mowued a wu MI&M pruetguse pelof a L a Il ncry Ilks childreci becaoenIl Wall Maian E pir... .0o6.5griing 'o cocoo Mt e ant»mco lve a 9 ueceudee. io r«foù a Ud Corpl. Perera, et the Kietu itoyal Tîrocti Daly Star. .50 63g i 0 e0 ~ ~ ~ a~ cel t~0lh. upftey adcpnhalng 0 1h d. or" mtramn tae coutiescaUited huil dy i amui 6 .tcoum 34,thausbilav i u nid tt rieohdoint vas tiehis ie adSeS. "furI and Weeklv Str.. 1.00 2.85 sae sdnea aiila.to e~r,taiy selsiaci tare vwu no read ai aIl. HaIS the SttsWmigàlidmr. mtro a ig 4hs w rTiers hla o néedcf punsuit. Thic vaysearsfaedunaSt toua laCacda rI5~li fniiOl mii vct iE hogt! 1e EItaecIID0 iè ro trck a big fox sporrov a' et adecjoclanduatoe.Ocrie 1-IALTON t J'dM-osc@ e&Umci stat ion *lfootost"te msseur ho utirrsd f18 cry. ur.ner v i ver- hm IBSF cebvw uer. lc tifs cigi*fl he ire. .lascy i lesli, vad.lng valet deep t bB eSi~vin fl I ImpleSupa OMcie.rp o iceoe-o LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR ~~a"' etwute c IteidmIte gdadbdn o ie ori im@plâehfm t osý ucne drosetrom or u gahvaeau.e"aed viura or vin au vtecothti toi = hoploi e1f Ii.Yeefu1 lie. Ma.M.ySi . Il",aje=iS"heWbi Ailyee ticets lhThueOpOVO Plac o iu u0f6 maltofoles .3.1r.1h.wva0, uni1,outes iclini te Nortis Ousi s c i.T. Ire .uoths 1t. uess of ohVancove-ViC5od - 1 l - 1gahae' yort tii.<ioe oI esas Sale,&«» * E O m m_____or tacIV . en eu G olf cidhng ik ns, bad m inton a. m. Th 46 opulr pames wai