laya "nds kles. ivotsla orn0ffont%ý a,0o Teleione urnilate*sa ýav.tà eope wiftsaim«ac-10sas. Tto. pin agmsel i.Iyaueeptble te ellmatld esetigie. teO pstot o thse auaeulgtgeeod bave tisir pria.eeotis e alr- is." zanglng trou iJ1 oremie te- vie" te a seriet ofaImm iseeltet roOm oma IselY eqiPpet 1i tise pur- pose. An 0501.1 et th*IVer»poC verbe o Attomte Telepladte Mas- tcttring Co., Lt. tie largetaase- Mette telephone umasttcturtog or- g&satlaa n hithe flttiqis Empre, re- vekie tot me -aome of tiseir weather secrets irite a TI-Bita man. YWe bave nearly seven million tiat tlphooes iue Ilover 1the vont an inaiU imau," bce sit. ObviouBiY, mater"misant nibes that viii .tant upinDIdeflntely ln Iis countrY vii l ot neessarily endure the prolonged expossare 10 hat ant molalure of tountrisa near the equa- tor. Onr gletet toeea-the moistore In the atilapiere. "Mont people do not unterstand that l tantbe mousture content uf air that makea an atnscaPhere bearable or unbearable. For instance. 90 de- gres P. maY 1e cul" pleneant for human binga. or itnzeiy uncom- lortabie; ibis ta besasse in different parla0f 1the vorlt. athough 11e 1cm- peratore o the air inth1esanme, the &Mount of molturs ln Il variesecoCu- mousiy. The himber ths temperature. tbe !mors molture Il la able to abaorb. "Wban air ta dlarged vith lis maximum amooni of mottre Rad tisere ta a tat in iteaperature. some of the Mottre ta 'squeexed out' tu 11e lorca ot dev. Imagine a full spoote geniiy auueeed. and you have a gout idea 0of vhat happons to the air ln 1the early ioure ofth11e Mora- tus when tise temperanre fauta. and. dev sttl&sP To observe boy telephone appar- aus renois te extrema conditions. tis is ru bas but a serles ut tropi- cal a-oma Thren are oce for <co- tiiuous experimenia. The fira-ai io are mainy uoed for waichingth11e effeet ot a humid atmo- aphere on inoiniion. One roons main- tan& a higb humidty ai a bigb tem- pratre. and the other a 11g buh- uidiiy ai a loir lemperature. The temperature ia automaticaily couirul- led au ihat vheo il ranches a ied ievei 11heai ta ai atonce aviiched off; imilarir vheu l has fatien a quarter o a degre . Ftheasheaintaappie &gain. Dry air ta passed Into these chambers. and a tises gien t1eae- quired ansouni of moture. The third moontansachambef ot everiastins log! This ta protuest by aiiovlng a saairated atmoaphere 10 flov lno I, i a aigh lemperalure. las rons isit beint ai a rensîder- ably lovrer temperalure no tiai s con- sani ratai, or 4ev depooit a formet. In Iis Turiss bath aimosphere the fia-mu painis.,eleareplating. and oth- et finiabes are sevsreiy iesied. An artiicle iepi la ibis room for a fev montha endures 1the equlvaleni ut mauy yeare ot tamp cimatse. Ifa plaeroft eean ron painte it vtEo conteofutgood paint vers placet lu 1the a-um. il vould ruai lnl tuahan a mnih! Saybrtghi steetlun11e pl- tahed eondiion, on 1the ther haud. remaloo unafrectet.. 'Why ta ihere nu Artic rooca?' iaoked. 'Or don t the Eskimos use bthetephune T' 'Wu couit eailty pruduce front. en0W. and Intense col,' bu epile. "bot1thefat ila atinluaoy Artiic regtuu vhcre the teiephuuuin ta al- led nouse ua-m ut aritetiat huai la et- scutial iu isuman existence. su ibai the acisai apparalus la neyer expus- cd lu the nalurai eleinents."l Talkissg for Mlesi.. A German engineering fra hao devetopet a ioud-apeaiset ut intense pnerailg ot era. Many of un bave beard puble addrese 1ud- speakers vhtch roar Usae Zoo lions ai feeding- tlmu. »ut 1the uneinstrumentita oct like thonse.-fot lis voire la stagularir etear. Though It la not overpoering ai close quariare. Ilhbas such carry- lug powere ihati h eau maise ttae beard tuor mites above lae souas t a great ity. ib a itlàtasuggesd t ib tis nuvIn strument May 1e used for advettlang purposes. A aingle shiaane or a et- tiiuary baloono ouit forces lis mes- sanges upon tise attention of everyone lvingi an aen nany square miles lu eiÏnt-n t oubilul bon ta tbia Age of Dn. A supe-Ospians. A aupar-saptafe ta bains plannat Capable cf carryluf 120 psuengmrala couparimênte late eings. fi vii bave a nod-top riisin rangs of 6,000 miles. ers n whesenes, se eu te vortisme" ta.150l a seh ei 1928. Vacum tubes v~ saiens in four tgeWrtle; tise ausri being 2924270 andthtie Vanlue- 100.118. Batretouts Mat4 celle. Mid te 1be manstasltm t ol ratio purpoeea. veau potittêt le X* establtashments, anth11e vlus e tài led $1.791449Ba uist*1»,46e0I Ad 128. Battent mlnhW.r*Qt, ne poriet Iffitrea 'esemftrie4 ihl output amoutedt o $74 verts 722. Ober lins 0f prôtustielu euted trnptitea. itransformeg5. iost speakes. pattaI. outeosa anS Other ntisellasow a rts. Tise total importae o rati tuise4 ands radio ant virelees piascatos' 1M4 to the Dominion Ina1the c1&rY 1929, necordisg te thlas -# trade retarna. vas 80.?8511f.l lisa.ail but na :i aMeset ieg trou1the Uimted ttIa informsation sepigt b thse i7 States 'i rte (»mouuimâesr -peAOi Tlacsteviee 17141 portsvau ratievtdtg ni .dfiMO. wvm xt"I*ai -9es compouneamanistd le,02.81t.*W. ta addition.tieeom nlm u111000~ les. M7278,000. The ]Argent goup frein -tise Cgaeialadatiy vswu [- pite reetattest. veint 4Vide. 986,000. Veéu lobes caesesat. i $3.100.000; tntd'ratio isneIs liird. ai $1791.000. Itaddsmila.te lise total.protuoltiasiet .l6SA4.M given for se radio lgdtstsai. thse fer- uitre isdustry lu Canada la 19»1 protucet 87,200 ratio cabtinu-Wtii n vaine ot $1,279,500. Adin Pake bu q Tise .001b asgiTeeesqOf the vas clebet raoenly -helise fiisop of Coeairy »emhabaSpe- Tise ckab. zisiule tconsothte sidet la Oti oealskv s*s-Om thua Mane fooulations o n seaonebrci viteis s buli la $30 A.D. Beau- titui santi e ls ies vians teanrals tise esst viii. A PesI 09 I8v ba",a.dailg-lrm 1360. sailtîe&Wtiis vflagers to evJ. Vies books,. issçlsninga ns eNseBoo Of Maryrs'" are amon thelas chls treasuet poseos. Tva of lise more recent Mutlas atYra, 1R~.5 lbyer snd km-a. "pce Lewis vr- ahippdet at11e shtine. Gloer vas burned t aithe stakre ai CovontaY la 11555,atd Mrs. L.ewis aqt a imgglr taie ni Làielaitwio yeia'a tr. The oit cissrch in la a wonderful sattstof protseraton caitsrinp ibs« ten centuries o lits. To Adysie 5Mtua". lintebe bllet that1the Quit COana (West Aira). andth11e Dominion o Canada gabuaitexieutier COMer- ci dealinga htissîer muloat bas0it, Miss D. B. Evans, organiser of le- maie andtInatlEtuetilon et Cape Coamai.Central lbtvinSc. liiOWCai Colony, hbasegnhuitbeShiAfttetOt nmil las Dominion" te ber Peoule. Betore ber tepaxtore. aaragsuessl vueemadt viltlasCanatitE Ps&- gila'sEgIisiaBraseis andthlasDeett- met f D«elopmS8L te forvard te 1the Quit OmaetsMiiS cOf evecYtising type.ity Canadinel. faen a 9-s= -jel of minesils te spsctiMno f N antdaanla. vbi at9-0.. docte. etc.-m«Il ut viek vWi b. ls et on exbbii0la ,arioue gaU Ofe ths rotaIT. Gra ea = l chôisoa x-iseuusand cisidrW», Ant ama-mnitai t cf ont ,ovf. produ9ftlof eftettlaa iiy xiii. 'à l tts la iieasd O ~Lt~spesor At nla on iivo theuPesini conomie Comtreoco. 1Be ntieet. lfiexp. aor tbis- yIsv. t4 Itact at, le tisýmil t ftisecsnpin tgemats vbeataeresgla tisa Unitdat Bies a dueugisi lsd osourret visicis bad reinoa thla tota yield of ceuni sus-e iy mrs tisahie avergu vissaicmto f ise tountrya-y 1%u ties econtiure ln ivo yTass tise mtistginésay 8111., embieniali et tis et iriAit chamnponsbp o potin farses la Western Casad. saz Coms te lest la. Vancouver.fI vas von by thse Cansdia n ole Eatvar police tmaiof tisai "ity tnter las leader-sipxaotContaii W. I. Darisuit Rmporta tram Gloucester tecent1j satin at las schoonr e satbte ]L Tiseianat'footat niant reniark. aily fasi ndsr hll ani. St il Glocestersbutas of re-estaislising tise nitng snpremacy ut the Mua-t Atantic tnt tauwedsuled ta me the "Bniue»'of Lonautaarg.'te ç serin cft thrmeraces opening o' Glouceser Ociober i. for a cup of. ferat b-1 Sir Thoa List WORLD SulimKiNG IANDS ywu-rV Sobol alatavn Taungsîte Be tvioeda BIeven lim sciool girl reeuta- Ir eDoyethtie hospitaliY o! tngiish acisaoi ihiltren t-'ylteahiY unter a seiseme naganiiet by laseliernima ,roes eSoiety. lAndln aetumn lalrtten tlsiltrus trous Tyitesley bave iseen ettea-linetby Gea-man children lu Etinlaint t' nt thlasneigbboaing tl of Bergeteuf. Tise Grmen Pance oueiy bas been a-maging auch .55~gu vils ebltren of otisea-nations -pr smvral ysara paut, parlicuisar l a Deasaaris.,But las teslre t ecoma 10O Englant 10 vsry sirefif. nse asnU- bar of beys att"Isulvantint -l' »"t tis iit ta very 'gaa.- Englili ie 4taniil ibm'the rnntmI7 scioi t Saisirg. Breuffs.,ant -thse net berbsod *cm tisemm tac upwa=S Tise grenat vOs r lu Ode ber lmat by liera- Tari truve.,et tisa peauOe odie, vho viliet Lontian ant confrred *vilaitise Board of Mu- cate.. Be vms able lu arrange fbr si, e ~~ Tbtaty-ine boye trou Niaaburig Mdt isegetù k«5 a mml hs ý taloIehdad t sato nppi isoa 0 tie tsat" in t b osa aeea n-tbeu tne averag ite u r i ma-leiv mouted Tise cg4weter théie ksie bastols tb ait «î~nst, ves rois- abty a nv exie#&1n06 fr the an&- ais. a *4it -Irie0JtY upanteaiw = sdi01ecarq ant 9"ow sota-t & IVen .sr oya.Oten, Juag »in lea 0, tdorue., tmuit v»Te ustret, eI etoû etoh la tn- forlontie ssae boums ad rbé. 'ls a vIaio tecnafor tise isot*w a nn.btand e -lien~e 0val- au vers part cf 14mW o b. t lise War tnt Nae uil 11i%,Wais lige a asothbinoetalot,tdi "a wibsurte theOaa .au si hoo-oa sr$ng aaaa-y i60000- vhlis ae bths ie A.M.P. blish grant va-, OU1TWiTMMI A4AaE BOQS. Pltretueuiy pacta Oumant tise grounda cf n a iné subttry làI Pasadea .ca, fla thselily pociea-a au-aqerub larg, teas4bsert bat- fuoga. picturemisO enougis byr day but, a luaring auliance ai nighi vItb ibeiu tout convesstief.. .Dock. vere iniroluset - boet' la a-v tiey made vbon ;11Ze'Scaula trot toc bt tuait t taiSt nies lu let go provstvod hu8 tia b0; ukbm v. 1 mes eLs.t>I autlal&t.lisei gge e ao lies frg eetnsiilabIOey att ma.t wei5 pwm le tos og Aý i 1 q 1" 1 và i se neh"i4 e"- mrii0~*vÈieep or2S. w vo-o noaranow0. May, a tnt 1110 ' sry ulfut ,u.ts ibe»foici er afection of e.ven colos. Anot or cause of rminbow Supr, teailon ta ibatosoon i,tise blue ssII 0f tise spetuai requsnilyar toui tahbv, D, otisuât. eorti onp'ee isý hesIbIalttelir or ta h lia pstb ltùé isu1 Idio eu a'aibo* immastis è'ôoftisa or- tin iltbs rv r , con ttin einrt. s et x neS i sulis grainl. au" lu k.G. a.5 PiËot Tis lce einasalnt ta visisi sted tg being oet'n a buiigift J tentsaila CMeaing lae quesilua fte. ty ta b.eset dlauntr-e isOn tise uemer y be virY hot. Duutl e*ent 0*4 veiithiei Uniied-5lntes.n, tambeel.. aima, i rail. *p"stet atdisuebecasi of tis esat, A" it etY v t e- 00 a etcarerul atmt loif têe cf aeeabuomiascule butldin* i vasuttes UVtte tiset Urnmeetof vaitin;otubint ibu~' tount amus. .;, I1, "dels "ýth cais tise ovieu ofM.Gl. .ister, e euisa- tiasfsuivcoumilot tieAmt nttuaet -iet loatteIu. 00le atsi tbrsi u asqI onteet.,s*& tpa-enle v0w tiisfi I b lied oe Iirvolved la ul torvhi 3S11~rfiuI* Ô of aa ~sud il iDle ~R~52t~ .spedmaé dollr, gâtI11i~mmof@< fieiùa rapn-roace~~ i. OId wih th Rcg~trarcf Mlnr o youmay . reqfre proe u Th~ HO. GEO S. HERY, eairma Wnt-Mt.o VhicesBrnch Prlimeît uidinsTo oo eil r ~~ip. i n tise to cthé-.tovsý'. ont 0f1eta-e vi-fli UeWuaqft vn ' » bta-'ats r 1s. b Nhéi et linvt 49Lfr sin ha sura ie **avmcd 10. if '10 bm nea 4jeohaergl BalIsab.a-n1mai 7eurlaBas 11â1-I et Siates vers «Wu<3 t.v a la nt mâerMM" vila b at ICHAMPIO PAT !tORNIN( MILTON O *paper vl b.%si M l u ts.r S bu -t- cf- h *.LIGBT & \lE JEBDICAL I. ANDERSON. M. i OWLAND .1STEVF.NS~ Pbyii afl ad Sutgeolis X Ray D)R5. NeCOLL & S) ER DR. A. G. BIEMNER. PIALERMO Phtu. B-t'tt LEGAL WILLIAM i. PICK oc B... t1u. DUTCHINSON & FLLIOTT DENTISTRY DR. F. JE. B3ABCOCI DENTAL SURGEON 1IRA SgHlttl, FStiACAKTHAUT. DII.G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON officet ,v Mitt ,tt 100 BSTAN LEY BRA' DENTAL SURGCEON MAceSurgery. or Oste SN" The Chirtttict -Dy ATTENDA'NT t iy Glbe8 GE mpirett . - - 5-9 Daîly Star.l. ) Fam.Heeal'î m eklv Star.. COU15 CAL 1-l'. ta h