ase vos 4heO .0LA-4k. lml , -4 audeit ,dealli gme 1»» ti4Ur. u one of the Misent b& e X mc ier la ma Yomea. A dor seeciy 1000 pesilewtneeeed tbe. Prom the.atar tleb01110,va. ne 11110011 lu iosbit. laehértise u i nu.matonie 'S11- .u chiaked p toar ruas,,twê aftlliem a-w- 11, revultlsg mes Toletata latted fer vi tatu cenr fiel for a fousa ler. He ree±eéd hie beavy bttiug la te secosnd ead drove la one more rua ej la the. seventis lmilug A. Clement aad Pride eteis cloute thse PM itae ee#i 14,lit ~ ah imi rossidte circuit anti bring la rusýa. >rgos an Coattows lose llly cae ta thIse eoulu 1 7'i~.-t e secsnd wbea BraY tiled ta ceaIre Cup vu e luon n ae eul~ field and cored atBaie'. iecirlc. vue won by D. lahdajJI AUr ~ 81 l u Tbree arthers lurera mre ret- cd la the, fret tma tnIsas alter Mil- toa hallt piledtosp tea rua.eansix bile. -IIW Simmm e. aspulled eter Tolet3eêArmstogIe alutôs 0u ese of < su. n bi lnt ute..Sv madle thes ecoad crauit drive, eandady. Oct. 9t:, IM B ehrd-Wblewta »Joue on arcaeit ue e befare tleisetnins vie avec Dieciser fieldArmeutraà g d 76 jee. f odybail fauve, uMd oe» and L. Cresell lotheoitsr asen.5 ott-Ia N taeuélip. ont liel veet Mreh alluoe., au tise eaaass, while, wit a asot, Ml- Wedseeiay, M t. D- .,for the loc».e Beelie bljou_" tas e foi sur rsi. O a ie D. Scott la hie 78th ear odskstibo.eaatmoa irn llalag dlirf e Colsionmes Tise fanerai mli taise place tram hie u, a trpte andsinglsle la five lteW Auetiouee. 91l. U came ta te plate, whle ln the 1îec- lae reideuce. loti1. cou. 7. on Baler- ait and 'hesiiecSed à i feelang eeaoeleo ndl tise ente Milescerai ,batted, de . Itis lit.. ant2 pm. Intermenti hluevlisut as errer. MoCa"bl- c iîb e. aie of10 bnd a histe twa player hldas extr. . uin verasees Cemlery, Milo. erty le ilMtos vlth four bite for e.,pecu.rJ. asi a tie svests trce ameUp fr iq M UMau-i. five tniee ta bat. and BIakse for Coua- aowK le.. T-cuteier. n secod bet. ltn ihtresnlsfrfu )tgt,.a àéeML i limes TeCnae ostatterrn rp;WA am. y a Mile2 hle tealn oaleretasetiesme buebai asd felher. Jemee ervIle. f.ilihun oiliatainu bY ad lelr o ao.;aA.Iuee1,Ag 9»ueI sue6"tl detata. oa eprtmes~ ~ DISPERfAL 5ALU. i. Lesoseeeeuie te isais by wIsaing aI Copper clitr iopese ma c.lOi. lImspreisihre. 'MM edf 6tle 3 as SalrdaY. Teame T-day v cs leMa" mt oCnsTOf-f A îiisrsaîsale ci46 Bpzwerwm e a94Ue tes e m et th.1 ee Catîstos-Kirvas, 3b; Fitcgerald, Who5 1w1.5 kln aidtes. rrcyCtII I flyai cl jefb i.f.; tainvilie, . s-p.; J. Creea- .. -at-I. 05 dcL .st a y.lia SRI redied. os Tueeday. Oct. li2e â-i >p aels. es bSnet tehalefer, the mia-f;L. Cresmwel, pib.; lit r. Kervis, . 4 0 01 0 BnnieBrie Jersey carm. lot iera, oeray ora liasu pa.s Iliiciser. p.-lb.-2b.; Bray c.; Biakse, yen ht emycs seutoelivr Fitzgeald, If . 4 e i 1 e t 23 cas 9. Ecquffltag. faimr Qaarge. = lb etmliv l r.f.: Simma. p.-lb. uoaalietsn -erstas atville. sac 6 - 1 3 0 t t .I ut ý Ialr.Prop.. FranksPetii aeli.Ilaifflllcah d"&y ietlepimsr MilsW lment, rf. ss nsîsila. .C.sei .l A. Cie- SuE-- byi rstr i!. J. Crmelleti c --4 I0Ot61(0 Auctioneer. À .. .D1». ment, 2b.; Taietisa, 3.; Marsh, .* . p;eip b3 Ftter, c.; McCaseitery, c.f - Lewis Jarvie-In laviat memory ot aur lisaitDis-ber, lb, p - .-4 0 t 4 t 0 WOODsFRaSAa.-Hardweo Isas, St Hilton. Ontario. a.s.; Fride. if.; Wlas, Ibl. fatiser. James Jervie, oho passeed Bray, a- - -4 0 1 t1 o0 tandasmiaise. Applyphsone MW. eallaasceforathe AdeidameaS. RH.E. away.Ot. itth. lm. Blake rf - 4 1 3110 0 ____________ Cetiatas te.t.oî oeeeelea bloc, Simule, bs-p ..3I0 0 4 i i Milt. -. 460030181 X-22l213 I Mal t uminsMlemsmry 36 2 724611 Umpiri-Brt and raiam,Toraata. Ad - i C.t at t .O D ug ut uO r Kin MILTON iS PROUD M0týA R Ho0 AHBwt ae itdovrt iej h i'raaîîcaîîy evary mans woaesasd I e 5 e B.*lamant, r- -. I 2 1 0 0O1i PLMP aid risldy irowsadmueearitaivrteie itis cOuld le lna lrard out l a lgol nrn ne A. Cie mas, lb ..6 12Z12 1 rîghialoIoke and tanle f soinea- eleice memthe Miltonlbase- -* u aattal .4 1 2 020 bail taam, wich -euethe OB.A.A. -Mars, p -b. I .. I 2 Oe b O Tise liai tht i ldres lave ta dhccovar l in crlîi-ss latermediale B. cbampieeebip et Under estdisy virtue et tise Pmai e tr c 4 I0I62 1 'lisetisiai tilssee rvas aa ie egs a Barrie la tise aterseas iy dfetiag a aecsxse limKaevsrA.Andersona,If -.. or mO0 scmelsmcii Cesaleiales Il n1a0 1tgae w- hJ 'Anderaen, f 1 0i i ô 0 t Tise kintd tisaigo iii mcl ith syoar morsisg calIe o ms vottn2 e1 iii lie pradcd iltbchelimacf saile. -»oo mioleiome-eeumoisudeeert- On arrivai outhce championsaebOe- tsr iileaf~fral s eeMcCagberly, cf -5-01i4100 treae waiebariatas Mie ici. ftoa r Acîasae ib eo eLewisas ce -... 4 O 0 2 4 I0 Brea asd Rale aotalalag tise tuai balance of food-valusi vi lihes lame bi bell Mainrîntiat, Ced t uien asa pblcac-Wilsn, lb- . . 4 0 0 tt 0 0 plenty o fet tracsVe a ecompletsertriltionc. afttarthe lent preceen ion of cars, lcidiagthlbe carryigthebeierces MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1930. 39 11 17 17 10 A GOOD BAKERY efth1e herladt paaaed treagth1e t thaeoraof tvo clack inisheifter- R H E cbaarieg c-uwd et 1500 ciieceaOf om e, et thse fîrmetf Thoama Miche, Ceielen - 000i0000- 2 7 1 PHONE J01. T. PARK, PrOP. MILTON. Milonended ,istrict, 10e piaars we,-e R .RNa. 5 Miltan, Ontario. tise f,llev- Miton..a lllitIs l 17 3 ______________________________________ labea tc, tle iemn bal mich waa ig rapeî, samely :,P-acs balled le. Fitalid, Biakse, _________________________________ icebd le the dooece - Ail aad alaguar tisat crteis parcel a.Clmant, Toetulia, Marab 3, A. Speeches wera deiverad by D.ortac f- ad n-peiss ttat.Andrs 2, J. Anderson, MîCastO- R. K, Andersen, MP., JaCta Muna iyn and bang intheTowsiplttoA ty f alonan ety2. Tma-baeabisle.Bainvile. Par re Mbet ayo le Oc an re ep Tlis Preesglu f tris nt a cr-Clamant, Ptter. Tbree-bafflbile, MftayerSyeraeoe MndaTttPeovnacenfanaitandisio cina- Mrb orietTitia II r n J r e Vi Oc cd tO plaerr lot namiser tiirteas inth Ie fortS, Mars, M-caCaaterty- Home ras. kaenmd tiPlYr o bmin g aaOen yimrnaeca nsalt raml.Pter.r ar er e M tact bautl e 1e Mihamnsmaaitva undred aes, t tieseaim mr Duble pay, J. Creasel t Kerin. t_________ sea baanqudtan te wMiclt o anhlea enStr cal.utby Simulis 4, by Moisis 8. aneit ate oce whOchaaaad - At tise maimetiestdplace sader Baasson balle, aff Cresmeti 1, off Have you trîed the Jersey Mi? î eth invitatons wold be ssued. tise gutisrity et a Landllrd'. DissircmS imilis3. aff MarcohI3. Base bite, off chldrntemkta M eShmgowsogj nd Warrant. tSars vilI ta affereel fersaile Crammali 5, aff Dieisar 2, att Simula cîden emîkttmaeshe gow ton au HALTON COUNTY COUNCIL tisa felamwint aiattlit 1o,. Loatng pitcbar, Cresamel. Pea- -healthy. - i grar mare (May) il yrs. 1 bey lisea. d balla, Bray 2. LefI as bases, Con- Wises Ibe cont y causa il mat is (Prince). mitestrspintacacsnd tva jeton 10, Milten S. Umpires, NIisail- The ouiy înilk fromn accredited herd and insest Miton on u ceda a eporitcrl ace-viitaelnsd fqrt. 7 yer. l 1 bey ssonaItisaeplate, Oîmin en basees. ed stables- ceiva-d la regarde toilhe proposad scb- re (Paggy). 15 yrs ; i biecksand CONIiTON 6; MILTON 3 cf abita. TO iepctraPrt- istespts Oes 1 ya îriet ,asiay.Ot. l-CbaisetîredAbsolteIy safe for children- cd ot thte ulmcy and in tue reprt vwhitaeisifara, 1 yr ; 2 red calvai it1e tables en Milles asdwteseac- i cccmeadcd lis cnstructien itb rea a eu, aipign il menthea aId. 9 g;e end caain fet tiselOsaiuriaerUa8QatTces for aolar tOc ceets taOc eapportluaad a -a n sd 100 aiciesn, i lumbea mages est chasplonsip oethUe intermedtale B PHN9-r4 A R P iem-il1c cet. c a fol'-îy rak, 1 Deerînt bledeat6 tt. est, 1IDeer- aerieniofet taOB...breIi f- POE99r4 3.lA R the ailay gadecrosingfu-d 30isg mavar 5it0. cot. 1 dise 12 place. 1 terae au aarefet6-I. Ceistas lIarciec grde raciig fnd st steel arreot C secton$. 1 MaSay- as defeatrd by Millesnllnte tnt pr cant. Or tOc railway cempier, Harris seeetdrilli4 Su. 1Naioisifiu-_________________________________ and tle ramaliag 30 pr ceat. ta - in il, i buggy. 1 cutter, t steel c diariluied autautit the mulai- 5itiif 1 stwig e le2000Io., 15 patiea et thecocaatY ail0 Oukvleitiaaida bay, I2C acres et aute. Il acres et payint 10 par cccl. addilioaati t ta ariey and bucismsaît (iied). obece ot theact'e ceaI. Tit taIt On tiesa natt arsetiserei ai itetube 20 pr cent. Iciobe rnea OrtOc tbar racîrd adwtlisig liasse vils iuitable tcuclcipeltte, hait f wiab le paid tarse butildings. Oy tOc pcvinclai gavreient. The Tise lands yl tba saIt aubjalt lai tapart eciaiiadl a len-tiOr discussion, rsrva bl. whihlaOlliyedad n a recetuttea TEsaOr SAEnteor LeND-Tan lpart Tfl Oet gpaîseieth1e affect tuaI&ttOeaeutuofthe purcisase maayîta epait couuiy causit b eartita ecdurucd tOc dams aI ltha ime o! eale and tisabal- building f asucba ai tOc seavcuibanas vitbint isrty days. lice et Ockiciti, but did el t approeauc Tnaasa OFSAtE nF CHAlrrsLS--C&aSh. of tOc apparliissuest cf tOec cat. TOc reetlutiot racasiairtdeel thcetoi er turtiser particustîre ast can- loin aprtonietothîe I0 par ditins et tala ~piy ta tabrne Or tle ceunIr: HiARRY W. PAGon. O IZ A S A .RS E L Traftlgar and thc lame ut Oakrlia; Toronto, Ontario, the ramaictue 20 pr cccl. îaOc e Selictor ta tisa Mrt"gge. sacead eqcaitp un thir aquaaiied lau. Dateel at Taranto tise7tisday cf aeusmaul, aller hait f tOc 2l Pr Octeber. 101. 3 cect. lau ee paid Or tOc prvin- PH ci gaceesmant. Os a di-visien te d isS l Tacite teners marc apaaed forAd i sta onS l s68,5o00 Ica pr ccct..auctî road ________ ateleeiaruedaituer ac t 1e endersiturd auctioeaca las re- - ogce cc. C. H. Buccale ced cicca instructions framntOch administre- N sé ec (,ac wemre tle secaeeefîît iddare ut trie cf lice stc at e tlesJon Arcisi- 101.120. bld CampOeil and Paterecameras A. irs-eit, acicitruaeia e"-Camupbell. ta eii y publiescioun t tallver, ddreacd tOeccuntati aub119theclite aihaloltt5f. cncession 7, Town-Yo Ca for a traul of S100 le aid tanHetîcia aip aI Nassagameya us junior judgicg -e-rb, and caaailcte priaca ta ecourage tOc bayes. Il FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24tli, 1930l. fed t 6 9 masaiseiadeaideel ta continue tOc $10 et theheubasafai i cloiersistis alaersaais cuitatiph, prcilet tsa0 liC..te al iccimiit ayuni Parsoaltyt ('ulOaa ,apetvitera eeas mrae is tcsi n ztexsa Reutise business oacupied tOc ra- ]BOSE8-1teesauldml.iscu es W nite yourmre matader cf, tOeaseasion, and couasail gecI. adjaurnai lu met Wdasdîy il CATTLE-4 rcnmo4 trafi sl- Inspectioni of tis Brampton. lst.i en. 2-i e-t 1 As Sw. 1 ev. _________________________a ioc--- Y r iers 2 r. l iasprg clSI. peddR do I CONDENSEO A DVERTISEMEN-11S 'ssontht nid,1bsuer .JI5iPL5HV*ýT-t Hssss-EarIsbinera. 1I i - tWlWildm To sar-Nv sesa.I rom con-MsseyInriirans. s 1,m.r ld.1 vilS fsîrseouet6 ai. Appi MccyElrrts s-.P.. 1 bIaruee.1 "M ts 12sin plate ~ Y oras rala. i spraSW aaieian Chiampion Obece. suaret. t tesghaisf. iinbtiàc Fuit tais-fiYork neya, brui taoneadsatldril.i i taalari'l. ap.l vbwsreem of Brehbaur bhoqss, Appiy J. E. Me- iraies. 1dia.l ..rslimve. 2 uscos. luTe mi" l e en Yinnos.5-phone 158-r-Il,. t iM. bu-.-.ailtea. abiai.Mdilai. Posa SaLis- . H.C. riting piov. 0b. u".B3 tolu y- ologie,.1scîriy sav, $38.00. AppIy Cccii TRX&g--$10iIai»(ifundtu. ccitt 6 K. Jirvie, phoae 78-r12. acmat lt metha'citstira a.-a 5uSd 6 ., tpiumt discot s FuRsa tx,-A yosee Ycrkia- to 10 vils ndgai, as. u so i0 pge. pure-lrai, ies a tam pige ready I temeais. Appit Ueo. . - as us.i-Te sma iai a!lWSsasn Boucx avuLuar. - on Commercial ancess .» . ýMavetor sfNc"3"9 1 St; Il modemn coavcnisscei. Appiy ttoide 10ioeâis or loge, Woors rosa SiA&-Dri liardvi. On mltpirec.Iuea M te b eut ie -fl. lengtiu.Appiy M.Job, t lait mie1 FosSin, u.-Ici Lier 011 fo poul. ý;BUYER. bustoruers landise Swhich SpillttesUtu acustamere'lic- iahdual reqairemeatLe Becone aie!f sr sitaited coi- tomera. Th o pqaar Sboa Woris Plumbing Flot Water Heating Warm Air Heating -Tinsnîithing Eavetroùghing Water Pressure Systeins Septie Tanks THE JF. Crowley Co. MAIN STREET, MILTON Sà aeb, half fid2â#iug miod corne ooor1.95 3.95,4.95~ ~~12.9, , edspgeads, striped cotton, large sise--------- 1.95 eoyasa 81118,iaolnding bine serge, f rom:-----3.95 if e>s Sejt*,iflgreat V&iSîy, from --------------995 Men's Work Pantia, Haif Prias, from ------ 1.39 Galbralth &- Co.), Milton SATtJRDAYTREAT! TOFFEE-Freah criîspy, crunohy Toffee, de licions with cocoanut and roasted peanute. Re.,.îie -------------Saturday 'ireat Frice 25c lb. WEEK-END CIIOCOLA TES 35C. lb. Specially made froni seiected ingredients, in znany t-ni1, centres as Bordeaux, Titbits, Peppermnt, ButtersecM: and Nut Top, Creamn Caramels, etc. Reg. 40e n 0c ... ... .. 1 ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... ..SPECIAL 35c Patterkrisp-C:rlspy Peanut Triangles, with adel tlitiiýi colate c.,ating. Week-End Speciai 39c. lb.i King Toasties, Floffy Vanlla Marshmnallews, rut nsi and rolILdin toaeted cocoanut. Speccai 25c lb. W. T. BARNARD PHONE 14 - -MlLTOsi yjI .When Mother 1 vent Shopping -- s Years Ago -Carrail's vsanegsmi rac storeais tise Cornersm s huadl of-ocisars. Assaiooa t us tasOr!D- velopedl stseSno otiser esaaetr iS sisal of appreccetvea. cutomne-ilo -tise bigget individala grocary busince ta Caaie-perbeps ia Amerite. 0cr quality eaidpries teliltisetale. ~~ Canned Fjsh Sale! B ri1nswick Brand SARDINES 4 tins 2V< Sea King Brand LOBSTE19 2 susail 374 Palm Brand Falsej S I* SUR1M p peru'9, Faa" ancit Crab Meat ~33< Red CroseFm"cy RadSelisu ema ipeenh .......... j 7e, 27c M oie.. ......... , (- .O.17c F&M aeey hitTirieh«eUn .t... 33c . ....W................ 3 14e2,5c DseoeCMi. 14,is l...21 1 . . . ............. ........ spee2 têm223t' - - 19< nis <I T IES echicis d mileage. tire of le tien usil Tise lai Canada v alue tu Bat Chain REfD& feerCess Patry Quaker Pl0ifÎTc- i 1-, C tteli - i t N- lc. Singapore -lit t I I - Ii c- Mac's (P( tRi- Soda \Vafar Il Ud '1Vl Lifebîîoy -iMtii :; ( 111 Shaker iRt, ili \ i I R Jed tnd Vulite c. i Red and Vi i S e r v u n C lh i , ,1 t Ct Chipso. la--t i c Snap 1-Hîti Doriesti Oitittî-iI E ag e lB ra nid \i1 t ti Potatoe Olr îiîî-î c . I PHONE R.CUN~ 30 t "Quallty always hi -Mack< INSECT DESTROYERi Fly Toe cci el Kratieg i Wilson" c U Ply Kilt Lu n Ssalpbcr ac i- tlrudaC,î . Cblarida ltîc t Pssreltirtccl b- c -Fast Service onur ocri)ceiccpui and Priitil FI Wa giee - - iour taet c-1 teng utpcoc. -Na abarg,ý- der PiiL, 1E n l acr u tcc - -lolrel W)tk.c We ic a lit, -Stalî aytc ii c:: -Sehool supplies, chrassa Bn-k, IcI tt l e le 0. -c ru-à 1 1 RxslDENCE 2051 TELEPHONE 26-