EXTRA OEOD: - PLOWING ubintthftgbt lt 1 menrasa tiey tpeom casily ad aesiy~~ trifp f rose Ciad"ate aM vl WUIi mhen tsey hve a rse=fWhoni mnies m trou rs whe teyhae L f=th gamsiailp, l a a"at i gfer djm*..edl hom dsey s1iP and siifthThyTtaBiia. auns eerleaee vhfb Wi have noelloin iocea ae nuiioealya aa l liseuaie priseepie appliste a ree%,and whess t»e aMU geai fae odotr c tracto. 'lise more traction it boa, paaeigece of wkvIdt"w priwelaest pened miea I' IV« la a ts tise sasser ands teadiliropls et~ rgered l toutitig fiait0 U= fri sitiag pulls--seof wr. to re-a&a±oe -eer thessg etiser Ir-d'a B.d. aie J1et anas 'et les sippng4enww of et prpoe y t-cooongtheocm V bralle and mw« beun ebe. ae ilsat cao sew e one =g- net otenUs bard. ireaed fo IL leuan d waterlogged. nearer »Cid moescss ak fesse eveey sorts of eventîsalltles. The nert 48 searer thselilvd treat, of fusy that c gallon of fsel-elssepee ploming, touts tangtt u a lot. marked tise dreaded Donon Bar. chs-pet clivating, esc It tssigtt un that dlyeg the Atlan- it waas my Ot voyage. and tisel Losok as sthe long, ide tracha et tic le n laitp tas tees madIe fat' fnar of desth tay heavy uoseMe.n tise!'Caterpllar" - comepare tes confortable. Exceseave eonsfort. 0ur skipper liai gene overboard, and t ..C a eL .ratonmichia ef parti ularly mises ysu have prepred the chief mate worktag like a Tro-p £D = ac-r---unetybou iH forail sorts oflsardai sltsm breeds an maa s vrywliei'5 t Once, enter-b sec mhy 'Caepitiar'omeers save toredom, and paengems..MtIhe diig- inetetncer n ua s sa, mcison shele fuel bitls. iis mre stterîy toresi long teore ing, etreatn ieenotnics-m e the stores of Britain ers algited. tf B on ret oIem W"ii ocfî.î UGi5ait5 teitelo f na.rsl ht en bgglng the maieimat andi drenehed g Write op fti ;Wora moT elInte ttatof anasp laTher are >tise skin. Keep yor coursage 01,d muchlikethatof shi. Thre ae kd, jtii meet VOSahore" hoabaiout- - Toronto Tractor a comortatle dlnlng saloon and tmoedetIt toid tise 1 eosld nest swlm a aI promenade decti f ram whlsrh ose can sBsa &Equipment Co. 1-w.te, ee-clsaeedee panorama. Seeing t mas unprovided mitt heaties are set ian thcee tiers adlftî eisse sm onn Lleslf OB tepothole looen to the pom'- litis. teever saw omacaîn. Iteal 510 isg Si. W. Torosto, Ostario nade deet.iThis la dons le order net îwslue iesî ett îca _______________________ ta distucrb tte tronm-limieg so ttfth e intems to e is en e oold not shiP. Ttc descners tad net even for- ae a gotîe to provide a tac, 0,cr mhich, smlm. HALTON COUNTY FAIR PRIZE LIST pccsidcd a stewacdrado' to attend te mu ants at ano' tîse--tece are nu A STRANGE JOB. a (croded ut lst wek) llcensing restrictiosoilathe air!-9 crmddottstee) ith refrethment "accocding 1e ce- Ftahernma i elpe Young ERda Oves t GRAIN spetive tastes." Waterfaiis- Bus. cala, H. J. Lsaidlam, F. R. tris trac that me wre net ailoweti There are maey tcangc john in theP Fede, Landsdel Bros. Bas.te smoke, tut this ocdec a is ii te 0 rld. tot It wsld lte dîBescit to 0usda Fcodloyha, c ladRbt i emoved lu ttc sear future. ose more extraordinary than hatP Tenta see, RMca. Hneod. Bustt, Ut e tse tr passengers. t tai pefscmed ty Mc. J. MuctaaReen. a Thopts, R. t.Hoter B-.expeetedthet, dirigib.tie toJump and reifislde tishecman, remare Tt-Bîts. waltier toheat, ThotOsono, Laidiase.H. homp and lsdulgo in ail forme of Hie tst cosstatsln eliisiyoungt Nesteil. Bos. hulty, 6 rowcal, Laid- acrotaties, particlarîr over tecela Ove, atectaloS.c la', Landuaicll îrtat , M Closoccit. dreadcd Atantic. Bt e mccc qiet- Tte cela tcccd in ttc tac - amn Bliai, tuas wheta, iHurter, Feodico', îy isilluioccd. dcptts of ttc Atlantic. Dccctlo' theyb Neacil. Bos.fild ucat tHunterI Weacttln comrcîatîcchtarceonsare isîctrd tce yaaag cels tegin ,al.dtell lia t'., Fendînt' Sus. the pt'oaode dect. and othe ftrat thcir joucne et't Britule. At terst ttey 1 .1ns . C. (Cunningham, C. Pend-; dot oep c ohtac placrd a glass orloat lite emal tat flot, tut gradun-i hum, lGeta lluthand. Boa. autke. ater on a thrce-iset thtat rail seit aliy thmy tecame more and moret Karl Wd.a, 11H J. Laidlat', Cuintitill lefIt itherer fo Icîelv tours. longatcd--Oc itould anc say ecion-v liar. Bos. ced laver. Wilson, Netw_ Nu ttst l1e drop teas spittes. Just gateti?r ,11, (,uooi, gam. u.a, alaia, l'c tc tr veperitsrt on a iner as bte Bo'ttc lime that ttcy rcach ttc iiitgliauto. aldlatv, Thompot. Tac t isplogttsg hec athrttccu thttcmouths of the rivera theyaretsuown otlho, Ncstcll, Lacalodell Brut , Me, "cas. or on youc favorite erass as as elvera-l'ilal floesrterlt i1, Adle, licoltcoca, Bonte. Fend-afi ilapitita oup apace. Rcmemter, tits of tootlace. t'y. t'ltttttolt Fliht cornlitace. tua, that totesthe caperimeet ma Dorito May' and Jouemlliansofa ilettnolo Potatuet,. cucl Neu'tadefhi' R- 100 mas fec a whle thcuu cter tIc Teii and ail goes mel Yocker, c. ie l"aec. Irioh Coitîct. ,aclic u tsrr mls sforttchestritevea milet. Thea ttey Mcu Naa'l-cdt Jat ill 1. 0thcli ttt rcoaniter the big 10110 ut Ccatt, shcalteheat, E. Wion, Miss 1 W lat'di telapaof loary. Att Mr. Bees elpo teinoser ho' wa- t'ack, L'. tfial. Shtf oatt. (7 upicue cuttldno tod faultmwttt og longcroc o grassesuand rerds Pcudh, at-E.Wilon, Il. Rcid Shtaý Ittesmeau. Pa.0etgcio, tired of laot- mtîh ctt teauc oveathettc alle, iccrP- tuat', Ltdodcll trot ,.E ttilto ltt. doec ut tht'watIres, rat tact le îcg thym la positon wtt lages Shst îula t.Bod M (Icoul tarccs (-haes adtell aslecit. Atltostuc. Up 'heoccobtcs fitht er E. ilsu. .Ililae crn,1,-M',.-that cteuld lic ltaad aathemosia.d îwacmlntch maos.sestat e reoesc Arhu. l W'iltuu. F.ttildct , dcuvt aIthe O'sciota, whit are lusit apitoIete ta ailes. Acîht',il. estîlF. Fcdl'o' usdocc,'uthla Ii stel of ths stp, ___________ This, th" uOrly ooucd teat remindedV us wetaere ontgiorced formsrdhy A LAND THAT SHRANK, OBITLlARY. motiva r woas fîco drsmsed hy lais tram a potahle gramophone. On Ssetaacind ia Becs Faldeti Ovet îccasdd ottlast week) teasconsd itht of thectrip apase- Many Tims.y gartundvautuedluarrasge aconcert. gisraas octtaprerd 7NlRh JAMES JAHX'lh. Ttce e at uson'talent us hard, tut long pectil uofterrcice atto'. F'orr Ilalîto lîtudeticl, i', atc[l Jamaet Jurats, 1tise oaaîassi'a amire t100harcd ta morts tarretatiai ait" tOi pt uver ttc Mltn ded eallathaatda aithe s- ooutyoaaasg tcem"sdiaaatdamage readatacttuf toc daughtcc. Mes. llaeland 1 Peihupsa ta uu gucvcwtoo te and tavoc. talmsanad t'tv,'ea tluoded Metoy ltaadathStreet, Oakvull,aller a a'adlttaiclli ttttlcut etfoc, hsd ty ttecorutuos dateclaat. ad litoging a loss. Met Jaruttuwat flîc o me'tocrasl a'ttat a tew rie- torar ltatitanhi, soee litecallo',t daucterc uf M. and Mrs. Gege Brod- utia lfr , hete ttipal t Si.Hutert trshcd autaofteirbtusaes. Ara eretît, trutc Aller tersmarntage '26 te turricdiy ueii,,aled out his mili, laces ofmtdand tooe errang- ycaragustctcc isWosicgate whathcusdil ,apcsasittn- d ho te heat'y culus acd mas> rtutnnlt siHall us cous l, stherc hhc sîrutonsothat iti' aiud te deive rst oada mere bt ocke totrd tossdamt tas ulocc rcidrd. atouser teo sttahuit'y. twitnsased aced ho' theso lacdalldet.t h ututa îtgarc hc r tushsnd. fuur daagh' ttc milîs MuutaosunOatry o! flitctypt, tero Mc.Iliarland McccyMec RRichard Ose slghtt teht up ma tattliig for etat exista ta dwtteocacd io oaturai. Furth, ittatredo;o'Mrion atd Doothy. ti tacts agaaoo, a terrfie stri'st b' fiable tu o oviodamtagi' trata ettuhoedtertonl,Jacki, athomettu Baistuciltrres andilscto.sdh ais.mtith iaa eaaltuit loadt , tratera, Abert Broderitt. (Guelph, andedrtaeitdcd ttc pred ta atout fif aaanets, Ttc Alpa artcceally at Gourdo rliccceh.Ham iton; and ttrct tees stilcs. Conditians more a) tad toîd in thc surface of ttc oath, an41 ettero MsM'ms. Cricer, Met E.A. that tht' titotia, neattae wl prteci tey have teco ouled ap mt tce catt 13achle, f.akvile, and Mr. ldclup, e a te abns ws ratIa t as grawn ider and colder, Bcuttc. Ttc iasrral tout placefontumthet toucdett uutho' alot thatt tai torcecti Maso' aurago Swlduriand mst! iamly residrscr, Miltas, os Musalay, thrrutut the fatrie. have tees a largo countcry, tut as mt îtrsetoIno tergrrco cemnetoc', ÂAnd >'ttthat amalitend o! pas-teetis ite colder inside, asds biltllo. ocsgei-t aep osstatidly tisai they graduaîîo' stratat, thc surface oftae had e bcawaenedfor reafais. ertt taitate ,rcadjaotedtaete 1Wtentheo'were tod what hdhep- nomsite. Sasc at utstooansd ttesed thcy slared ait act other ad uivrd, adpaiaaoftbet'oraco SL Desh.,t palea saist of thos tucst ino latactter. wrcc uvcclaad and plcd up-asti litas France, esPooatit durtng thse cctut' iftiySisgthettcAtantic 1a ns salie, mattsc a rcktinla a ti hot la ta le Ortt cimaaxcto,ieatkomttin speed, and cusfortetle,mcell msy t tig. Sileaaud lia toto fidesi bisoty au tiaosiusta, cirt Biatao tbe ased henibs for oftravel leaerr musestaoy ims tihu itla 50w;- ot parLqinthe ytsar 270 ho and hît coing to bi' popularlard. lhad la a nali ceuutr>. andith"a'a'at acsa lit sotupaioasaîffoocid matycdast The very diffttai' question. Ttc R-l00 ..ce tad care un' te taasuceti le istaosaodo' as turied ai a ePt ma tuit furthe tBritish Ga'ersmcst tail a 0lsutttosttmile, ortt OfParia. at a cuotof naio'tbf5famllion hih ody Sornemist tatere. etapel ma tsaR poisttt fur tsprrimratai purofsnIl R1O(loy avr tcg0t a4it a a place furIn liter pesct Ote te b mere uttlined PItElFRMNOOi piigrlstagtt daclgse ittc httaed itt for pasinger trafiettc faces foc ttcr ha DagahetitUtas àbaothere,sd tmctty-tvc passangers ste ceud cae *is Psfer hs sCie iatcr huldusgs os! lite tted ou1 safrit' carty mouid te abutti£3001 uer MstnottosO ari stn nhee Oe lIsorepied btpa persue. lt mstoie rcmemtrd tiat jtsisonttta atftaame P>i>t schol frtar to tierus!fmemeeeof te siip bh areton asapetrosiatpreeer tttl ciw ostso thet.agiO f Hosr, att0detby Na- botan.sd aorclaofttirt bastte mrk-tte saste ttlicu vcrandaoe poesacarcaod. Testaorttc msts cenat a iLain, uoskaarticein Anomerg, knw hDas tamsu S. Denst. Onceaniad their maintenance, tagetlier mith Sosse people cas thikot tisgs it as tcid tu ho the militaro'set utfteccutI ot a large groond staff, almiile thele flingees arr at ort. Ttc paris. To-day t'taosan isdtotritti telp tu sttffen-tise faces. Tites teccenrter oacer raiv a ttîosmater fred- 'picemiita tplais a 7,00. imtsunteo. lng lhec mahise asd readlef a book -plce ____appultioof76,00. Sceccl miliIons ofo!poonsis uld a t aesm.Ste lîlseti troba. p-"vobc sEsBLOlAst behont'eresary tetatart as Sot Of air- Maso' a mrkerr îIlsay,"t1ise a tIihpe Tte Britishs (luvrnment tan ai' lat that t amn used te, mtecce ntodo' A. goldeno iscOpoen eveeydosr e cady pent morc msney on irshtp tatthors se." Henry' Fard foussdtat soie thasi of traira, deluprutet ttao aoc oteer country tîs mut teco dtd sat lite te te ctasg- laue-ysur nelgttoe, tut dont pulldev liatheariad, astd mt sioonol oneun d atout. He o tusitthat Borne mes dsir thn' fence. itinEs s ttrey'nro t la extrernelY us- masîti soaser have msOtotsos t WraBItta otest awte mates t-liely tisaI the isc lml idp lto te cf- thse te tocemoit tab imtafls o es à t- frt agols for a sumbrof s!ecars. As Engita tifrairne tMidlands ctht-ati cointent ite'lspoverrty Oth er coustries tave sei bake upeti sffcrd te traie ils morters toc tlght la mOederfully rcetairsisetaa tacorahir lnthe tcpast. r lo. Very 1cm applicti. Tisco' re- tlad ucodus ottise tnt mtau bultthttcperftrmaccteu of te R-100fefrrd mosatiuusuJoto tu esponsu' te horau. nase cauaeo tetachange hirrai-d' titto' If yau.are as assiq, te patient; ~Io de tfif md. oomeosc sýookthtt troutle te astr ysuaaco'a.ntamr. strlke isrd. laItasyody golsg ta maire tee 2,100 osali toleri miat t tisotuftt liethato'iO tiusSy la t-te55idd'bot te neleme a lisanial soccRas? Or la air- atout mhist ttc ere ai mort. Ttcrs credrvil-,hote in idlc, ty a ble-Ons ,tp tcsvrb developrunft tse rais secce 000 mios ad tteo' ttougtt ataut youanoseteis ver g naptiethe tacgsnsani t e oS 8 uethem teesa-teir mrt, 700 mta sald tisey' tastaf; eosignett eoac o couutisised? Ater my o'm ercful ex- tisugtt about cter thingu, and 900 J..bbefoO-aih'Lperlesce t moulti sao' tatthat msutd vto aaid ttey ttoughtiatout eottteg. ti o nttisc uhort Of a teagesi>' Tise mriter v«alsisay that tise 500 whs tsugkt about tteic mrt mere Toralof f rtiainte ta Ber. Cosemerclal Fruit Production. orte> of Promotionl. Ttc otters Frenismit rr akiig ta satit laiocretl Coîtproic i&stat ere not, They worted lIte auto- anti dristiot boer istrad of wmîs; y ear i Canada tbailavalue o! $19- mata. aisud fo netadts no lasi yar titet' censoomcd 1,000,- 591s,240, o! mhiet Ontario acSesntedti !tisis *ork. 000 quarats, af mirtolo' 3,600,000 for $8,656,097; Brtish Coumbia, quaste oe impoteti, 1,000,000$6,766,550; Noues Sctia. $2830,- eloNdilGBET. q'ats ct.potes ttom EDiOtoi. 088; Qurte, $1,145.944, a"si14o11- ________ BrunaIot. $192,659. - We Lnge egedgosia aTrmgody ty the Nadore Wssam t'LOAct RoMT-Ait parties swing WATCII THE OPtDBB. -Snver tecadasnsone tise galsi' Tue, CHAMPION are asteti te remit et - are ne lnsgr regardi"s asa t"?'e!i1 isWBU - nu& *M oi ariaE novtisnila rbme *1. iaelnosegta t»4e ubal he Desw tb dnthe taties'Iiaien ta eMatod pi the.BnailanDouait- Tbuves s liftstgla fitIt 1*lu- mentoa!Poilsanad Teiegrebanmdi tsi vanter.misoihan aireo4y bient l tise Dipartseont of Mdsustnm The prison fer fteon yeea bu lve pregiàýs.eare. theréfore. edota"isal *eeau rpa = nt a t essukera. but flt ieavly ane',bel; glargel>' gov- Be amintise idea OassISbtln a erned uptee reuesate of tise Itten- dreanH e ta' olait- ers. Thensael eventitg pesernehe- luteferator iilvanitis, sindimye gins t mila Veiock 'miti thee 'olee- tisaIthie freadom la tee ely prici he dar" in theeUstek tangunte, trots-mUt acept. 'mttttsg thse date, the tour. the mon-j ther andi rereet nova ta viltagesa eWMJA-&kI misietsconaîtt e reachesi t>' iems- eWnsJyWlo. ppesafor muno' daya er aeuan. eehe. Begardîng 'the automnobilceersas Tte mîretesu raches places wmiiet teemtersenai, t French Insiessiar have noeloche or enly unrelatto ha n tbnd thet eescles of thr sons and 'Ia thse trssiucet imse ta .laud-aiseakcr anti the tors and ban Cetral A.îs. Tise ptsranm continu«s developeit a spesting signai for ma- mlt prcta oanlele lit torcsacsJut in frontof tisetrier "Travei Lnte cSoviet Beputlisa" ta ta a micophone. As a pedestrian sequals; ,ttc liainsnmîusthte eo-Mittoacesia bis path, the driver. grapty of their ema countryt. Thent mîisut raisng tis vaie. ays to there in a taif ibeur rancart s!riUn- the Instrumntt "Look out, pînase, tek malc-Ttat of the West dis- yeutt getruD nier.-' Hfa voire mag- Plaea Centrai Astans; ttey write nlOefd alate timet. esmes tratm us' many tettera pratestissg agansat ihe dec theeboond ansitise fclghand jao" programa et Essespeas music, "tihee aîker leaps tackt t hs crc. strango nounda that huit sur srs,"ý- When the driver turna ttise net, Alter this rames te 'ralentiar" ls or ieft. te telle cvcryose os!bissle- te Khirgt language andt hen an- tentions. St te iates ta pesa ttc Otter concert to' artista f rarnttc as- c a teat, is lumagniltsd voles an casus. On ottlr evenings tisece maya dromis téentat o thtisec drîler. te a tat se "Eoonomlc Devriurmennto of Central Asis" or se tlsiory, pty- THE DJVKAS. sies orceesisir>'. Mont of the popu-___ lation asecvery nager for knsmiede-Uv th .t9netai sge an Ttc native pna£aastry teglns ts go eIso Am o Jnl taoe i iîgîsi 'ciok in tte iitnt Bdgeof Wetern <italitenoot villageosind the beusr arrives for ttc Ttc Dictas art a strange anti ras- Cential siamaren. cte e ras. issîlsg peuple livisg tn primitive CenraiAna ae onoo'groupe 5a culture in tiseiSou;t Arerics juta' Bassinso, Peasett esbonits, octers ges os ttc cdgcetfWesternicivîlta- on ttc cailbwsyâand on tise ige Irseration. Ttcetilotas, oc BushtNegra.s of tise Cottoe Trust ast inluEs sceet- arc inisatitaeta oa! tato Guataa fil ttioes, frantier oBeiiabs osntessci ttco' acuete draccnttate of baordera of tifganistss antiChisna, slaves mIte wos ticr îutependesoe and tOasailiseePioneers teirieso 200 ycrs ago troso teir Du-ch peoeldas tte usique finisit mîiscee- masters, zrai auttori. In thcbr praceful villagcsaoftateis- "Tise mîire ntation lale cabg ,ad tuts le juncgleus.tesc pebso tailre 1 te rieuPl," said ttc man- Itlvecpeiople lies a cotteteid ite, ad- ager s! ttc traadcnsttstg station as erleg ta cuetomas cenLuries titi Oitiî Tasistent. "Oftes va are te ont' s fem mWite mnohavc pntristd th, Sossoctoîse ils te central etlm and country, anti frycc stîll i tvo oev gsercsmeei. A youn.g radis amateur oti losriy tte custioms andthtt craftî- mcies 'St hl permitteti under Soviet massibo o!te medcluteel cigiona tam tor a mas ta tare tms vives' and tise !orm ot goveremestothtiu Yrt tise ocesitiest ofousr village So- People. Ttetilutas do sot mcie-amr viet tas reccuibo' token a second whteIrntrusion snd keco tremacirc yaaeg mfc, asti it las atd aeragave "0isobaiti f rn ttc sffaisi of th(tt tslym (trldr-soesy) for ber.. Plear outtide mscid that tthey tini trrd asnoucetisa village neatisaI sur porO!f tise Grisat War tram a teicotîtta pic mao' te shasrd into actiotn.' i,i ixpedtlos mict vintedt iem. ataiaacsemrt mas made. Tmo tercictWrarisg onlo'reehelots anad bter mord rame that tiseviltiage ted osmitiunliatingmih rach niser lna teensaostertîidto' avleg te tact- isoguate tisai ia amixture tif Atri tnardtuoot cipoeedtatait Cetral Asatan, Dutet, Frenct asid Ensitia, triy that teo'teltian e riantnce electio o aisout ftndusgteir otan living. mting'lscandsi crte thtc cresdeot.' (ame, flot, oiltrarlig noti anti a lit- Anttor latter tasse tram a peas- tic fruit are tarnistei o' yte ulane. an' mnusn Wbo eould sot reati or Theclanti 1a fertIle, asti, aiteougt a write tersolli. but misa ad teggrd s terniie tatie muet te constaatly travelling represeototive o! the Wo- msged tota so tpact te cuvre mens Mavemeot ta write foc hec, ecroacting juaglc anti tht Lsoc tatd -Sirice 1 unveelei, my issatonti iteati rd pesta, osot village tisa lis lutile me meclelrsab."shesutad, "lesse provision grood. TItis cultîvateti annuceihe factmlJthtisnmimeanid pot ursliscs cessava, yams, peaetts tise naceof 5 sacvilage,statte asti oceastliallo' sacar-este anti may te etamrd teforo the mesotero peopero. ln our village scsub mteres mchave a Ptlogamy lb stibi pracîlcet ty tise baud speaker." tiJuaa. Noc have tco' tans agals "These distant piaes, nid ttc the starrlage tif a widtia ier drati masageec, "taie their village Sovivet tuotastin tratIer. Sîrongty sagges presidrot, bti e ta otten iliterate or tiveeot tha cultureofo the Africss tilutuncat. Ttsy appeai pectapo ta Jungles lu the hisltydevelapoti so'o use coanty adi nd It coceupt. Sorne- ieraiof tiruso tcegrapto' whict la mtceetger UP the' eleve thercr auod amang certain Irites of ttc mao' be justice. Satey riit ttcelilatas, radiostatiosi, thee sey place ttc>' tttamln ttc big toms.' Ttc tisern- LIKE FABMINO. menot reailses missi a valuauhe coie neto it l imttdistant people. TtrY FarmlstgandiContry Terrais sEter a have, iscerased lise budgrt overe o'rar. o, ooSBr osuay A rase citedtateshow the oppsrisnlto' o no HrsVoauay of wrem ms as that o! a viage tigh "Evero aaitor iastersallter a jot ap la the Patise eyoed mouetalei shoro," raid thc PritnceofutWales 1n passes mtlisrcats te rossed oniy fat a speech ta tise Maoicr Maroes ttc a fem morts caeisnoummerr.Ail te aolireday. cesi of ttccear te vllasges ane otut This ta a truc saise, emartu An- trais teveei entirly. racrpt' smero. But tise petince cou id havtatl ~trugt an oeeaninl imsunininecr enfitturitceradsaid tat mosOses- mo riathisdlitetaocrss the blgt ,tenisankerratte, aohjoictublly*'n snoute pas. Hec ceres taTastteoi telasd." Ttetuoctît otfte saibor antirings a mssage t ttetrati'ai sas semta d wti,.Aidecutby a cating station, "On surlitont urt te joys of agriculture. a day ln sur village,' te tells as. "mc Asy numtoî of rettrecd ailormen arerta -upen ourclub hàaew fond tatreup facmiitg. Rcird captalnsof speater. We moutd aIl appreclate ut linecrsboo' a fem aces in ttc countro', veto' mucis If cou mouid serst us est- far tram ttc ors, and isrced catte. gratutallonz neer tise ai." H lsaCticf stemacrds anti otters rus pou!- te arilvmensoflhe! toDw club tro'fatas. Or rboctey. lite lots of aed lis prattestun; anti on tise ap- matou asti oBiceri. tuty s tonne mitis pointeti day tai! t e etcratios ta a lacge gardes and stan itu gram le tis exrcîtesiont oftrarlng about coaes anti otec tomera, temocîves tram 'ho distant clty, Nettlonf ago,toc insutance anenid etporiftte ara alter fty-ttro Bas"PNo BacîUasi. o'ara, "man asti toy." Wtaitii te Long Beach, Cat., altesugt tamise do' Wtc.rtire ta tii fruit tarm, a popnlation of more tisas 100,000 Of course! tas no passenger trinsorvcestise But yo00 i i tatitamaont o! Unies Pacific recentiy atantoin s tese soiloc - turard -farmers stili service mttle the Sautters Patcifie"va ta srtnombedgc the pull o! tise stoppait paseseer service Oive years sa. Loto o! tiair gardons set formes ago. Paengans are nom transport- sre soar Il. and ttre ta almays a et to and front Les Augoles hy mens teiescopr or pale of tinocutars s! tnter-us'tan aMneand btans. tandyl oe!te od n The naiors'loeothladun Sbeev nsue -& derstandatle enougt afier ynars e! A Bok; o étoahffp WMreee t necttng about tee savu nmi, jn et' A set s oste hs mue stfronti resgos inta a eus bld maa aying, deive aîag te biavagaDosedelivered it biti ttesr Iray Ostarsy, Aborde«n, Seottadéd. te Byde Part. sigis or la tropical prs mton Londion, a dItafeeof fmearl>'6008 tansiosi vttout imish 'ýoeey-l sales. 'Wto vouldnt MUaltafaimtansi go te seal"- Aà uta 'O "Thare là. aU tee bastiag mter - ~thee metiesi«ama nd feesmesndi of a (Miss pemts (lrWblk Wilt gàmijobt "dpsmtson te Sâm" lantULM 1 eaOlMdB'pt1evIlêI IC31ito. _zttW toi i t a 'f 40 ~ 1ie fOnce, t1 ise fseng - lsomasi of BEen Tum" went Sist m" psiitei Sir Aurel Stein, the fain'usi Bus garlan travîllîr, nonbite tttttYear. teasersesmore mrttsg la tee renste and tfascina..se but toULssas t.op Des- srt 0f Chinste Turkestan. Sic Auret bas tong tees a faitut. tiarlng and liarned servant of Britih tedis. s! civiliusatien anti of knsmi- sage, on anti beyondth te bordera tsf tatila, This Urneitt ta tee Arnerien Htarard Ulntvensity and tise British Musecum teat ane JOLatlrpaytsattes eant o! Mas eapedtio. They du go bW~ause the sanda o! tisaCentrai Admudeneci bide rauci o! tise nariy ttatery of mantisti. Osces ttie timetmas au Inlanti ma le the mitiet o! a prasperana eountry tat ho' ite tradolilnted China vith East- crauIEurope. Iti là uroundeti to' ofty moue- taius. The Karakorum, Kmsn-Lo5. asti Attl-Tagt ýmeuuatatnaseonthee nortt îesti domstelr atreama miet tisis vtde interventsg plain mtore fem peopue simeit. The people are fem tecatise tise rnsustaIna are telsg faut disatecarat- ed ty vlnd and veatisel; their mands, tivon on thee msa. arm avertng up S tise plats, and have neari>' aanded; over tte mtale 0f theehasi.ts tIs! an a ses. The sivère ane lotin lathesana tisat armtise rinaof thesbitte, and mtat as the e. ansi JaSer thes ateý Lot Nor, ta nom osio' a sat-cruitoti stretot of mas'hy tond, toto-ite mo' yIn tte mettieat season. iii thisn' and ttec segttoctsg anda o! Cee-j tral 4ia mre osce thes rnartg- grsund s! races ttat ment forte ana! peputaities cuntrlan nom net asti PoPuui, wblie tteir couiiti-iand Isý crîrbntsg anti littsg-up Isto rutnsi asti desolatise. Sic Auret Stesnisas tees there ho- fore asti tas matir vere Isirrestise, tilseuverina. Bueisas cearie praveti tat trughis tapais thore pasacti 2,000 year aîao tradineg caravanW crcccnf weetmardthett praduets o! Ctina ta tise markets ofthtie Orceko aed tise Romans in Europe, anti. re- turaingeseatmard to OChin, trught tee produots o! Europe ttee; anti me tnev that sto and a tait con- turies ago thes Ventian travelior, Marcu Poo, ioiuomcd this ruute te- tmees Pernsa anti China anti tincrit- eti t fathtuly. But theetistructive pomera of nature, more es tan tte diestrutive pavera 01 Mas, have hee at mortliera, anti uh resiov an thes mttlntng asetent ana mai bave ed lanIttselli iirintlag oit ofexist- encs e. Ste Acretlantolling agais ever ttcernsuntatns andsintto thee tirraro pain to Oindtasomîssgea! thee past mtiet, If it l ta s seon round, mac bu oliterated. Heie t Juit theesan fer theevert, for te tas an extensive tsovlede of Eatera ianguagmi. a great expert- 55cr o! att formm of travel, a remark- ablee mr t01 otesmatten anti a casre teomietige Of anoient historo' and arctaeelogy. ]Vi expotittion la erosaslg the great mountatas barrierasertis e! Itila, ta tms Parties, ttrsstgt peasenteat le tetmeen tee lsty rans&noet Mmdu KushanadtKarakoeum.sse, eParty wmli ttlrt Afgisaniataa terossgstee State of Smat andtb ie Otier wMlftartfrom Masismir ansimettem btondth ie mont sortiseriy Point la the course af ttc River indusa. Than theoy viiite- getter ce ate* ioity Pamnlrapla- tnau, mters thei Bamilanaare te pos- session, ta, Katin aCisinese Turt- estan, and from tisera tee anctesi caravan racle vili leadt iem lais the' ilenrtictlfa far more or a damert tisan f5 vas 2;040 ise go. St la a jours.>' tisai mOItate years , andsi al *hso teint It la voit teat tte istory' 'tftiese mclent mirtq ta-Id te litke4i ep mith tee story Of thee rodetn ýùerlut itfoitnv Se Aure's snfro tevitetes.iaeeto, ans i vii vus tisaIlfi May eromo tià 1012g rareer vitl$ a tsotable triumph, BeH e ts a OMs eMataemos halt BATES jY oSitim Ia~sti M~Oetm4 Cmipiasite shallwcose? We say positively that Colored Rib-Rofl represents the greatest z advancemrent in the roofing in- dury in 25 years. A critical examontron of Colored Rjb-Roll wsll convmncc yau that it iu rte logical rofng to e on your home. Keara elise Unique Advanfages of Coleed Rib-llsli P-aeca mtel roftf h aglvaraad ron ase. CGoaut,, p, sheint, pi=l, crack, ci or bulge. Fireproof-Sparks notignite Clcsred Rib-ReiI'âa raii Beay-colses to match brick, stucco, wooden stractureston " y Lighmng Potectios Properly guasdd acrding tthe r,. I-tuehac Rod Act, Colored Rit-Roil 5cves coesplete ighi-i protection., Write isday for hec sample of Coloresl Bib-Bell, togeti -1 descriptive hooklet. Put If Oni With Wi:) Aise Make PRESTON LED-HED NAIU Sthe faous Preston StM rrl tc Noe the generous orerlap wch Biarns, Barn Dom' ifardmar, masa perfect joit. Note hon Cslesnized Tanks, Bars h va the saeon , th ead of theLed- tilasss,', "Canri Standard- lied NailsitaIs 'the nal-hole. Rit-RoIl for bar- -Jaid Pressssn Led-Hed Nails are b.ildiags an.d oh h.tdý f 'h enlored tssmast. metauildingssaerials. COLVOREDw and ise -Green Tornto&as s fmucù te Gulh tetPrestn, Ontario ]Douglinuts=Our Kind PLUMP and s'lchly brswned wit saugar sifted over to iitL riglit look and tasta of gosdness-- Thea kînd tlsat eilîdren lsve ts discsver in their Itiînetl,) 'liekitd tisat maires grows.sp haunt tise dough uut j beftweenmeain- Tise klnd tisat go o el with yosr morsiog coftee oar tii( wisolao.W notritisus lemeet- Breadl and l iae ouaning tisa idesi talasce of fooad i(ýi? pienty of fresis Yeaat to complete tim nutrition. . A GOOD BAKERY PHONE 101. T. PARK, Ps'op. MI rFariesyMiIki ~Ui I get our Jer9ey .*o1k and take à7the cheapest wsy to b iy ý~oehan. ha1ff tnt tof creatn i o il hord aind in- utely Bafe for OP. lep"afo DAT MORNINai MIsrsLTON ' Na Bs am " ~a .d.sOa' t. id.a.»dsu. R. K. ANDIERSON, 'l 'a Âoeppet. p-' L (T oWLANSI ?kDRIS. MCl.Oi LL ' DR. A.f G, 1 I' P ALEPM A IDail Ï DR.AF. Meicine iIJTCBN',t' a I th. thT DR. 5-7 Lt h as a ILu a sto Dtiiv ( and Estir site Daîly ' .teal Funa. l1a dWecklv t" a tCH 01CAL GC. ..f......... An. on........ t s.... .......... Niettîas sonaSOas t.t-V Dsonior .Aa,.t.u