hrneu LtaehaAo seau.~l Mushok. matOlitaegt. n Ni. inlre ýasl ate partmee * ~i oly osewed hadepîz 20reg 21 0 Fac.vChI Tn. eSECd -W sCsmaeo st nd C eta e cour a e u d a la I ee t I g u 0 " dtt l . ,i i . i o l a w .e b zg 1 8 r e g u la r -2-.>0 t2 e l . . r ~eueal uppot. j Real BeDgAudsen. ' $M13.50 Cu $21.5N and41 m et o Mes W . . day. Sept. lOr d.l £ viiid s - e, s ze 2 , re .an L 2 » . I a 25c.M r. us M rm.Bnà-M e h. - o w e s,2 0 0 yars, , tas. oSemp uMlir.ea etng lou v u ,m.4i ur I g m a" e. bo~ î m ry mxediuo ly FMRoo hd uz 6 rgda 2 5 ein witao tic Dth oe ai or c, a nda oriflg on A rtluM ea en t ag es ph on lion. H a rd a e .e - 1 i , n.a y h a e u fu u e he IS rM e 8 l d d f o r i ls -u - b o s 'n stppre. Th lre nho u ulose. 'o 'el efuede heamets =eueey fu d ESc lit.O ao ieWW .Sanrtlito ei<ionly F Navy hade, sîze 18, regular $2550 S2apie D. Tnesdy efternoou f or nty nd.M"& Muhee Tw ed AgenNe cirlog hoime e nt «dayet ir. W J FOR The coichrraY. awwv l bu p oubim u, f FORa$136 .55 N0 yr n ltre, ut aeramit nwl d et in Deeld Wilon.m»-K.adM t*» aa ge itrs. 1ol otu od Doe t eth e.ho ne fWamerDomf frmeb 0 rtl W"sou fr tee Gcnc uelp.ah eun Snd as. eveit & ed rîue e y t eeln f utd e ad u psali 111mn lud fo by Thnl e slar eurugof N e. Yark. %Otonire la d rieepondedW ta te. salIr.gprie:d ueiF ro ý---2 hLfa ttoreuraaynthautney or he"au.ahut weothe forireme.29arrivai sadtote h aee nt e ek rre i hehise aehesu cota in in templsoy ofhe Srncdieyr k u it.Tn mpaon'tMr.ailte e asit sors aIel lrve iisnT. a ad ont bilî c air. 9 mas N vyshaeeiz m0ed.guaThe5.0Ime taD pt .hnad a a e an for l mov lu he hoelld onetele JO , aii theylanAMm.J.s. ranthorna anl BÂuvmsHortDuscuA haivee ante.lla liahe-ltetoto . hmehenNenell o el Wd cisens, tCaW..F hn h eeoIl.n F date, elng.Sep.-Amt 811) Inbnelu the Mgw. oq 1 .2 hi ar o isckGZ re d anrlare h freifonte I l .o hiuo . W.Ielheea sadwihese oth. retur earv homelhy Dens-eqoîn.uluemilu fro Oakllle mtro au e. on he hin eo te r fro4as the.1 Y Mrs.. . kr uG hîh er Br m a vidT Wira n.DalyStr lireho present. mas et esk ofuai 1100 o B.C.Alyoess em- lhockgiva th for h mo has otW Min Isit 10 o n a elcha 11&ge. ada loiu soire no the Sont. iiri linf. i semaBe. iv h en v a u of , e bonnepe er wul te Toonp. Star If Mlto reuirà y Mgith e a e efrhmen u wthe d1a pîea o roheeta S9 U vote by arlamalt t tale, av militeu la»waymnest m"elaAli Boue cllelmpove«it nu oonel chir.wu omàuts O..Theletus Mi li aire Hary mueilliutha meu ses . 8,0 pri marrie. nilt iro nlB. c e orma y n 11 1oan ager d boirla n ten. M maelHwre. hoos nm.S.-dahe vr epteu WBilen t r a tram forcal,Wocauvey DanmesIt cnn W! Soltu thf big i n r e d u r esloanh i es re f ord g h eq g s onr W .l W .te ihn t o m h eid s ra v e .t i e m sle k . f r l a u o A o it ~ l re p~. o term rn t . t e thhe famn amnelianedo le me r umu in s mItea hile au s on the on' line Wl ihyuafinoeetcharge. and aliii 0coulilas tlunuler. limtusaA Bufaloa a s xthe u elg lnd:etea, the Tn o t ar. ad tkche b aort e WLERreu a i lie Il'@ rvee orchltre nu1 i ae ho meso r nulga laîne fr.mioandIenid- Éinit et Bamuhp td ae Gom .antseeI5Ia lad i Be Sthor. of ilston g ho we-1Pay ne maman S auyihe p ne ally of the l einfor Hlu. to*eeluDU. ae e7Set. -. Rer ladmiseas maSon ity . or Std 5 pei t o et t eN T u ati l r e er a I l Close Mriesn 'aoi o.!I Mt wt ~ o th,, ea.soaeuMr I2 a . lM s 344M week forLU. UAO d0ol, ira leg, Gelh, asgivn suprse l Uti 1»4 uvo62. 10.ilrrasbeau