The Canadien Champion 4dd&u t-t. ilu Wak ult ie.'I Mnnoee, Sept. 18. 19M. 2 BASEBALL. S- 20. mt Par orDemmmiCh"e- ens. by Laurie Bmhth.Baflto. #&(»,i Luot Saturday'o second gaine. Rod. cash- ney va. Milton, in the third round of'Sec. 21-Seat l're-brdRfil" ol the O.B.A.A. inteensediate '*"'o~s-horthorn (laIf. by IH A-. le 1. ftPiee. vin le, as tu have begun base et 3 p... mas. 85.00 cash. thmesIbiýat Z but a thunderstorm. with a heavy 100 Ibe. Buga.h Dorl, tr. i downpour ot rais, aet in at 2.20 and Ltd. (T. Molaunett. ÉI«r nle'a wLo cotinueid for hait an hour, leavisg o Soietys 2d prise in lam 6, ec.Kj2. or d l teaelo bms< poolaotatr on the diamond and ath dnirlrofhe f 'a sali pond in rgbt field. An bout DONATIONS. J"Aci. mas spent in gettisg the grounds isto E. B. Osier. Bronte. M2.00; IEf. " r f eI ari1losjeursenage dmia shape for play. wth a grousd roisJObnstone. Pallermn. 810.00; H. 8. the505e5 0*5,.aoeiuyitr. t 1 th. doS7 rsi t. isra=de tcaboutid the bail land in the rigbt Wilson, Oakville, $15.pc ula.duitho4d.sbc4li field ater the bit should go s a _____________acosehm- sU single. Play begao wtb a record. M -mcclrrcitte itb breakiog rowd ut spertators. The DIED. Ilis-cte es rOd onY, th. 0tim ervthlo havsahOusOeecotbanssd w . grandstand mas croded and many ut Sargat-Ât ber home. BrostenssoS liablefete , ssdOrm t , the tans bcd onily standing room. Tburedcy. Set 1l,119M, Alice Joyce,. "Y P-oaliof ut ehil hall ra~ss ' froboss risd lie ai thOrse 0, There wcu a goodly contingent tro ite ut W. uH. Sargant, in ber Oth esh dsrbto ttodoey. Deupit. thc mort, lhcgaene yecr. Doatd et Miltnt 105 lih dy.'f Opomas wa eil playcd. It was c ptutor' Gre-At bis home, Toronto, Sept. W. .ce.K battie, io objet Marut bcdt a otade 1litS,19W0. Andrew Wbeseler Green,W..DO, the btter ut Miller and fut the bttèr buobcnd ot Phuehe Mct.eod, former. Milton. Ontariou' suppot. Faut had twelve trike nuits y ut Milton.Solicefor thettAdolnistrtrtu tu bis credot. Marub iuetd two pauses Co Millers one asd beldi tbe visitors tu IN MEMORIAM. rightthit, twof t temdue te infleld- MuCanu b loiog9mmjor f utour NOTICE 1O CREDITOR. ers slipping onte m'id aud thlas fait- motter. Rebecca Elles cMon. aso, mu_ icg tu tamdie eauy grounders. wtolo a passed cawsy Sept. Jth, 192. In tirc Mtter uftIhe Eslute of WILLIAM Cbîrd camne trom te bail droppieg -of ttos th.r ,e. s eronIs JOHN PROUI.>, faie oftitre Townsht ouî,u therirght field wator bole. Otter. Yuurr eaortaceod -iIr. uise t sould bacc becs iiaugbt. Mil Pur doth caou ouc tiesay of Tratalgur th e cCouuty ut Hatton g socs, ue, ose coior. of0. Former, otrucamed. ter allowed nine bits. He tad puzzlbngOtccdrcoi. utc shc.yecuoctttcO curveomoithgod cutrul, bot the e- - ve150c latutoou91-P tebheR.o rosbrhiad im mre rutly. tudney Sel.uc 51, that .11 pcroo. hl.seiog uiann acord thtiret run inte suod lunT. F. CHISHOLVI .. luu ued -P Iial.1Jo uîog. oten Miller tanord, Mitelo dros- MccY,00 bu th.Tuiruhp cftTraOar1. th, a pasc, Stermaon buired for asoacrifice. Licensed Auctionez 0CubtyuHct.e rcurllico dbrp- bt ot ta single, tte ielder lppiof in rd000cr teutheuzidcseo,ojsiOirothe t -uccuet-l ufth.itc of thtecmid WillOs ttc sond,. ouetnd bit tu Marst. wobuFarno Sales gros Prompt Attention. Jubo.Pruad, 000.. oturo 1000. dey o S teaded uff Mitete t ttord. tut Tlel.,. 0,50001193J. th- oair 000.uilddro-s., tul bu drouerd thc bail sud tCebases mere PHONE 99-r-21 . MILTiON. partic-ou tOtur cisOu. c.cilth. rucioreo ail nhabted. Niarh pichedhimslf htoerity. it îiy. 00110 by the. .11 dol aIl ubuited Muet ptcbd toîrl ceiOidhy B ntoury dcluestior :Atier t otutfa hod stutation ty faoning Id dat theo. rooîil, 1,p.u t. di Campell ad cooiollig Crawfod to WANTED. trihb. iheno._,ooofc-d rauuth. raise a ontboit toli tter captored, Parie. .ledost.hhhc Olord ho, mailig a geat catch afteroc lo ito BY the <Exceir Lite InuoranessCo. notice, sud leohb ol ie aho .0 flito he the ccomd. toi eut tilt atter filitelu utf Cianoda, alocal rerpcsntativo. atcOs.ý.o --Y Prt tthucoceo ay e- of -cuoeuo ,ic ,11 oir hou- u1-a c baid ueoced oa paced bhail. Miton e irrul cootact offercd. Apply, gtr ccîud y hcraýtIîcIouu..h totio io,, iccurd ttecotre ounteuoone iucîuf. iocfull partiulars ofyoursclf, toP.O. Dtoitlouuii.17th day AtAu_ lili. Maruli faicned, Ftter mouascule ou Diir- 418, Guelpho, Ont. HUTCHINOON &0 ELI.iOTT, tondu ceror. Moter ttrem ouît Auder- lit MiltoOntario, ,loe. Mct'oogtrty reoi'trd irt oc oiir orteKurx Steotoiuooo0errer. aud Fetteroroseil FARMS WANTED. uelrtithEecce tiretplate. Lemîu drm oa pu.ocnd Wilseon ic gtrd tu igit (field, liit, Wr hvaonoomber ut clients an t. a ttîCaosi t 100townmconottif. cf gtaons in o Hroty.Milton or 1,woI ttitirte oplate', tryln oore GeOfiorgetome distric ts. fpour tarm in . ortgage Sale trooeu id.mitoicorvid uoîiî Il]iforisae tettîoo have partiusar asuecrty ththtîolfiatit.te culy earcercin asîîOc oîiule Q01 Proprîy in the Townsnhip of Nelson iithe inuoe, wto.A. Lteupit trile(] t0 licio. & MNTout, _ tii riglt andtrIethio uiigleiO.usiidit2 184 Iiodas Street, îuiîerant1ittîouthe poecoo orhbut wu ellrît 0100.0Miiiertliroc lPbone Ju. 4713. West Toronto. ltai. 000n aîert'i'no iorifofO o lieu i ontli.tte, and iAuclnfui d. Mil-i, oi rel ttebileo sa , ee L.i gfutoII ale w ut hNOl c ffrcilforcsaoliy publicieoooi-iiu Il td Puititii i uuol oo o [U LIy J. M. Aloilrmrii Aiucrrr,it îlhe LeiP fcânloeiieýilsitcuiiicoi.OlanduMc-1 ViloIiî iuiiilion a itd it pih lPi rHlinitouthelrlovioulefuSeutiuone SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th, A. .1930 oeil onuei î IL. t1eii0ohct tftelu i iiuliuCouirt Art,enotice is stthiii iftwlveo lcknoo i h toi iglit. île- etot ilil t) p hp oa ci. ii uiio ti loruieri g ri(itie ioî flu iifiîîî liglit cIiv(ric o the hilti hal souu iiîi i t Bi iHirîl îil lie hel riuotir lloig properiirimlu riui tue ifiiiiiiii g 'ti' Oii utui llil lO ut '.eiieiiler, 1930.inu thie tracetflan ullui reiiiiui'r rliîiOie, ii îg îîeîl bu tith i ctîîc îl Letet ti o liir liein. tihe Tow of itlto nuc ai ulieigî ci-TtîliiitN'uii flcou itiot, o0000iiig Chat tti-gliiii othe lc.iI1itgi-Clihambr, PL 11 leti-,ek so l, e îuîîîyin t o Il.iiof iiiiI waeioiioî- . Tbey iiiiiiidCojetuiitliio t.iiito ideaon thile uuieruof t, ie gauleiit.oc a l lIIjlîi ll e itiu îiCuu'tcfiler îîuurlîî ltlu rv Sr liic iii gs utot i rueîîîîîOpteteîl. ou litif iiilolon etiCaipbelleili,uet ri. ioiiii i- boliLwtiiitttt ii tttliateiieees,, t, I Ol iiilileierriioryi.ompiig Chic i rprý wlb fe( (rsl 1 oa iist tho ec u hit l îîîîîî'1% îîîî toi,î tl ivs o orof th cuîijectoa isrebd thri tii cier tOoou th t ciiio fiithc i iiii ,t fHltlio eilnd tue dlioîivision TERMS OFt S i lAi i tci Jlier (-clio gciiiiuîiaouiiiteeioipii01 0.ri(td eiti Courtii. tiei lilritut ne i tii I .li- poil lite pics. Play Ocac re-iio cii tici o it h.iatd A git 2t1h,14:10.huein c u le aoui thie blanclMiiiio iî il-i cf i ier iiiOictialiiiiiie o ....tiitito - Jidge , W. N MUNuî eîîlo t ant A.i-î (Ulot ot ieu t tii lot roi ,0. BROWNu loi frhiler o.rifiýI. n,] cnditiot ii iii oiOcili'u., oli Oiiliieiori t W. H.u MiORur', iofPleai.ii.y il,...A. Mu ,loi l got'i ti tuiiibith o t, e Oi l iii t igi c I toIscuoc, XW . XW, ELIH. îiiliig, .ilt.I ii ii ic i i r lIii iiîi ce ni l oti ci i lwf i tl' glie.. uc. i( i ti leuowIIIîiîiiii AL.C1-IoN I SALE ~ hclirl uu ecil. Fti 'ic'oiiel îîeîtîîot i Of JERSEY CATTLE. dool ic.I ', i l îii OI' t iew îlit a i il.8rce( i i o t l Ran. the Mortg ge 5aI tiiîulivil]i n gIihI.iiit ii îî cîi V ueig,uicr i ' liIiOiiiri ac er-itoi iici fi l(i RtlitNtUITiI ORSDAY. SEPT. Ot, 1930, twti M ho i u thile iliue iflcut Ailfi l lo it2 ' -k, hfoiow ng w le li c ffreil tor cule btic iii u(io ilcf.i .. i'l, i ioteg. col Ou SATIJRDAY, OCT. 4îh,19:30, )Il, ,iii i I'01 l l îi . c(), eg. cou 10 yrse d Oîce t heii li î ofî C lor ti i ki it e i ftr Stiicli ,i, Ifi I 21th, reg. ('i' 3tNrs,£a uolu It ethei. iii1.1î iciir. ,lcll i,,ig proi fluoloct 10 ,illr,, cýfnt fou. re. cu, :j peu.'. Si0nanî,lîl i oll.iifiioo'ibord Jne ticomO 6iAiruand irilli.thoeceticirl Do. niioii, 11' . Il i i Y l Ii l ic.(lot îrei liloe' tih. coîe- Il l f ofîîl lardiif Iii ii tiîie H i tto iîîî 3b 1 2 Iili li o ie 2liiyi, îow 4 ylire. tful il 'tCuiti f ip. lt-t icî,oîî.lîeîîgîcoin- t'ecciilil2ii .40000 10liii lrel Julîthll. brifer 2 yrs,due pîiurifltitiiiîliecciicoil Set11 t- iif cl.hic21 yr. dtue ov. 10thlthe NorthlWeslOi-c iille ci a trieet And NI1 TON lod lu .Illcîit brdtI yrs.iieiler lotsuîîîîîlîerc t'igltiand 1Noue onîthî loti t'l\ Oi i oil ii tiiy, lîrîler 1 yr, tier 8 SouthiEast idoe ILpil'ce Street.c i 10 B.Aîoe.. o oit Ioi-A1 rehll2 rbedb %adBlork nîuolbee Fi:'l' -Matlîi 'Tcetuei'i A. ii.21 ... - 1 - , ' :1 1 0 it h l ibuigH, 1ltigceaiî, Ipnte'illili Beetdafan T tiiliiu i i t- ....1 i )Il 1 > t o l, î Hoî ,iiuc re 'Ivcit'll reil tîouîe, stiaI. i onîî andîîolaii0000 ler of Ftteroc.î......ii 00 p20 l1'tu iioîlce'crdittn p cieell,îcu heico' i. . 4 t 1. t l 10 ci oiiioîie. 6% off for cuti. Irti ,ii, t iiil ic iiilii otoolote Atiiu'i,.iiii ,..liii0 0000 iioîo loit,tt. Auctioneser. prcel.. i toliloFae l hil lb eu a t XViIiiii. i oONTARIO llimeiîîliofeceil i li 13" nilig- FRým -T 0lie0ce tl oC th e ofcali île iii.t. hCL B paier .].n,i t ucf r l .utîî........ 1 il 00 o 1 -anuif e larnuicue o ilhou hirte 0100Cers .. ...iî .. ..11120000-iic, JOCKEY CL U BI"Onerihiîiir, RIto , i, tt ii, i'iiool , i .iil ] or u etucl 'priîcil.irc aîioconitiions i leich, tu iiglicii Ait 011011 iHtiitcti lo&tiliot tcilio l'a Iii \1. Il iii. suuoou WOODBINE PARK Mo'lou',, Iiîîiuîîî,soi lioco ffutfle icoirl hiOtîL oub le lvocil A . TR NT lie ntMiifiîiilis luth ilut.ufSep lite filgOt2. St-i iifAll'y TO ONO ecîhr, 1ti34). if ofMille,, 1, lot M -ei , 1. il dpot(aIl Ail,.l'a-ed il, ol:, Meltiii , u L ýU TUMN MEETING Mortgage 5aIe o, i Opt,.N rolo 'h pae Oîiliiiiii.SEPT. 2Ouh to 274th sl otare nacrai nrgg OBITLARY. otoic ill lie proooloecofnOClicîlîne o sato. lucre cill lie ulfered o rlHtoc b Xiii'i lMARYlE. NE14 Nl4f' . 7l' *publie oîciooo ai Milon101 fî. Miltlon, on fllcu XMacy i iîalîtîî Nifciiu, ciif SATIJRDAY, OCT. 41, 1930, ai St. lotoccu huepitof. Gafethir e Orr t elehsng ot oto rinopeCo. no, h flo týiuilecgieggocccioiîiupertiuc NIc,, c-epehaig in amroet Neiftuc mecasamenbofcthe icct ALloan. eo.guur thatcetaitpurcecuîr Prectytrcîoe Chooret iii Moncmuot Frst Race each day at 2.30 tract o fond and pcier cote, . 000 and w8oneeof the frtenoiecof and- oinithe Tuîeuhipu.1-Netl...iu ttc MIoniiouiîtb Wiie'o Club. Mc.B. p m .r.aylght Saving te Cuoty ofHitoo. hiooocumporr Neîteoî. oo, hetcrtleroiarriago,eae Time. ofttire muth east hiulcfl,otNnooter Twu Mocv Elzabeto.h rcueeh, oau toct n the Secod CocessionuoNrtutDit ai (lOen Suncd, Ot. Canada, Joeii. A msin dosStreeCut, te so oTwnship oINf acy 11, Pc70. Hec toobaod dîrd fin, General Ad is 8 1.76 on , eontaieoog tpdmrasuceîune yeacu ago. Steieurociverd tv troc and Goesmont Tax. bundeed acee, boîeo 00e cic sos n eoe daigiiec. îDr.1G, h. Noît coco mad except. towecer, ttc outtcrt soi),of col i li le, b. . Npifuuc ut, A.l". DNa'Et'tT. uoo.0oî005 00017 fivee screet oul toithalut.cOOty- GaI ubicg ti.ccer A Niifaciouf Peoooo. and ,. lHo.4H. BHuseCr, .of Heudie't Orieioufy Recuco, Mo-. muhIll. Aouc.g toermtoattend- ro i tOe bf-t a i re lir tenuoitec,, loa. h Blout ood Cire. Ruuetta Heo- nettouf Torco to, and Me. and lire. tinu. t). Peronenoei J. Neisoun. Mlto. I CONOENSEO AOVERTISEMENI WANoToou XX%'eib diting. Apptp R. Htifoson. iBomber Rap, phono Lako- si e 5222w. W.ArTEDeî 1.01 tSo als or mineS geais.-Haery Honderoun, Miton Cea- trai. Kiibrido PO. DRY MucuS cOR SAO.-$2.00 acoued at Mill, stovu bngth. Appby . A. Tarnimobi, Lowvibiu. 3t Fosa SLC-Yoog tDurham bull 20 mocîbeolod, sotrgis.ered, miikisg sîrais. Appby W. Mark, Milton. OsAVX'L DICEICEIso. Our trucks are ccl buip. Speciai 1cm prices on &Il orders recived in Septembe.-A. W. (touter, phose 217--i3. To LIzT.-West Mary treet, sen roamed. eletrWIâgbted bouse.; tema wate and god cuis insousde. Apply et base cf Mi. Badri c leMma.Pea.- «bait. 1 SpaisasAve.. Toronto. P~ALMER W'RIGHT, Fraek Pcfîrtteriou ty0indenttcrce iot dte ttc 29t day o Mseet, 1927. Actinog Sccretory. Ocntesabot ar.o teeho sai lu ho _____________ereetd a one acd one-ha@orOecy-notio brick toise. 8 cumorn ef p decorated. tgond oeiar. istocu sud mcli. Ao S C H O O Ltank bora 5at78, doubleaisde delco;tgoad SCHOOL ooad bay ose trnck ; boieot ___stable tue 6 boemoand 2400e, su uaobo II pen and root bouge. corent fese. Wetb S H O ES anade mîndmilt et stable door. Deiig sedesi 8s2t t becp pen mitt boy toit Must ho strong and durable. 2x5O' tybn, i ckhe ligbtty rmlisg and igbiy prodsctive, We have a large asscrtment. ih masO of ttc acecage seedsidoms tu clovemu. Fescisg cosseofuire and rails. and bole inguos ccadtioo. Thoca A caîl will convince you. see.of cchard, apple, peum m ispime. Parla in ituata soi0a8aise mil"s » ie e M(2..E.uligS il. 1te tas Scholi's Foot ComfbPt abS. . Repaioint io mjoriffl reurve bld »d unis. MacNabbes Sbp mm b lo ~~~~ aime--ea haai5 mba ~~~M,-U . iilas0lnBeO.Xs oMLa 31 M& IakFarm Jersey Mi REVN .1.1 IL! no o sea frbusinras M Head fully accredited, which means thiot the cowe have beon tested by the Vet erinary Inspector s.n of the Federal Governrnert and been found to ho free R- of tuhoerolosis. ma Weirivite yo ur inspection of our herd and dairy u.f at amy ime. t The only milk from acorediteol hèréd heing solol t. in Milton. Ahsolutely safe for chiîdren. 8 quarts for $1.00, winter price. E -ARP PIî2Pud-i'ottoiurtoitoogroledsE.HRtooejett Ttc kiand rttatgosu eti eott pugrmlooneiifo e ust e pteotyuifokun t oftuuîse)tetbiîuotofu Th kiHIl Cha til. T R K, Petodscvrin te fitncho- l'ie kof Cte ae rcst airsint h onotaro Bra"nmptonFai The UE ta sDAY and w ED ou onESDAYfeortuk Bd anng in ontnngthe eouiesbalaneso daluEesnin Mlnyo fehYany Scol Ate ntrations re .111.-t-t1r T.ecPtîcot. T. . T MIOScrLONi. SATURDAY TREAT! CUT JELLIES, n four lavors, lemon, oraolnge, raspberry and X hflla.' Re- 30c'l b -------h ---- --- - -- --- ---Saturday 'ireat Price 25c lb. WEEK-END CHOCOLA TES 35c. lM. Spcalvldefo slciitel i igreio-it. utuinua y fecuîlioîg leot a (, deux aitu lPeppuermuintoui ttfeoscotu t, lobple and utTo, reniCouc'oneloo, etc. Reg. 40ce a'd 150e 1. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .... .SPECIAL 35c. Patekiskop-Cr py Pcomut Triangles, witto o. oelighthful chos' colate ýating Wee i ti peciot 39c. lb. S King Toastis, Flucy Vanitta Marsbmaiios, ett in esquares an oid i osei coooouut, Stieciot 25c lb. W. T. BARNARD PHONIE 14 . . - MILTON la the. BalIse Farem' Buildng. Milton. Qsoalhoy usatalasand masders machlnery Bvis a&Smog aed vaclesi expielceame are in a position Ou satlsfy your needs. Reasosable Pricea. Qulck Service aMd Flac Wark.aubhip. d00rd altetoto bcuotomers' n ciidal requiremente. Beccie ne eof or natîsfiesi cue- tomers. The Popular Sbos Works Plumbing Hot Water Heating Warm Air Heating Tinsnithing Eavetroughing Water Pressure Systems Septie Tanks THE Je F. Crowley Ce. MAIN STREET, MILTON TotrEPooca26. RESuîEoCEe21u2ý BowLiNo. -Fred Rothso's rnet mue lit prize ai tbc fruit oureumeot field ot Gromoby ou. Saiurdu1'. Ttere mccc cocon pricos gicco, uttoot oonistcd of seoialip psctrd containes oe lcdis- trlols eoioesbtfruis, tre bbeig penctes, poes, plume. grspos aod opplco Ladies of Milton7 and surrounding districts. These dresses are beautifufly made of reliable Tub- wash Materiais and are fashioneol in the latost uty les. They corne in Sleeve]ess, Half Sleeves aud i opug Bleeve Modols, andl we stock them in ail SI'ZoS, fruti 14 to 52. Our Popuar Pr/ces are-- $1.00, $1J.95, $2.95 Galbraith & Cols, Milon E ChiIdren Often i Have an Instinct for itealtit Their hodolo. needs are transl.otetl itto termos of appetite and taste. Which he11u0 , to explaino why Boweu's Bread, which os 110 S wonderft Illy healthfuil receives an enthustosttic uelcoine. It's the Faînt ]y Bread- Our Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pastry are growing steadiiy in popular favor. THE MILTON BAKERY Phose 67. MLO Table Given Free -TO CALL ATTENTION TO THE BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE FINISH SECURED WITH UTILACJ The Quick-Drying Enamel We sre giving away FREE the table on display in our vindow. Corne in and get your number. NO NEED TO'BUY One week ouly, commencing S$ýptO ,2Oth, we are -giving FRBR 39 .fj*ý. de ýrfh km O us about P1l iii,1 1-t bton to the îobol I)i- t hý, pla .Here's mclii1 - oaigued tread slbItii jng; a stanidardl et osa' priaIte îon î et al!aY. Cavell Battu - PHONl'F 2,1 p ain REfD <S: 1 UGAR, t nick Quaooker 1) ti brulatil No. 1 >dan Wito 'Iravafl Pittc I10 jcero, per butti', Sed&White PIu'1' uRool &WhiteI -B1andy Amnoîiot. 2i Lux Toilet So-ip. -Uhatean (ihee t', .Fruit Jars. sou'1l Red and W-I-' Catel' 2ý;:t Red ad ' Chipsoo NE RC U Ni '0QUelty 5114 (3,C Mack en 5coi Opening ~ Htgt'o'ttu li ' ,-upplies. Qui cîty sto res oru :iý Publieinulpi- For 111gb h i Ascient Hieluc 'liaina Hitý,., Atin rtc Frect Goacum Btanp Zouulogo elercise Boo, o lilntur Lcoct tkEndot eK ls froar1 fui o ing Pope.oh noreuicu Chadgt.i. loi ile eA4. Tiiihe du Ihocan- , t a artie or 'e .1 y ýg n 'd 0