Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 4

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MARKET GROSSI *ÎAN BEAUTIFIIL EX.AMPLI» SCOTLAND. Origin et Standing Sionse Prom Prinive Prai sof Mark places and LvensIe hGreat S8h or Piliers. The ttnc when an ran brîdlei attached ta the market cross ln o ta deal aith i aruly canen cîtil wu.s one or theiInnumerable Interq fng recollr-'tiona cutled ln a1 tUrc on "The Market Crosses cf S land ; their Octale and Histac," lii ared by Mr. G. M. Fra"er. ta airabara cf the AberdaeI Nat Hltary and Antlquaran Society the Mrlschal Cllege, w hit'hN founded ln Aberdeen rarly ln thea eclh cetucy by Earl Marilchal,. ln aider iu pprecaerthe cîig cac f car Mcarket Crassese,0f cri th ccc ocra siîl mueo1 Ocalîfal apilesln Sctald, anc the lcala Eald Ca hcd la ga Ourk ta piacýlit tite, and roasîder far a few t ianaslthe rachie and uaeacf1 Eltndla0 aolc. Thce 8ucdtag set iýi,- if, ,at algelllcant ourai, Mte abit l aild as the ltstory af n cie 1 i atoy 1ILIIlr h h teq et of cittici otwceîi otiltclit facat ita lig t' ci-aaaad cclshoin1cr etiu lid I t:iitiIe )a tc fia oitîtatliicit u iifi ii. Iiltic itt t tît lhi t"1tes ciI ctl ilet . 1h citti ii ctig w . ofith-, ,nil Ihii tig' I iait iu (I r1i g so il J Il itII, "f t i li puli a i ,,~ gi:I lii Ur iii,ü'fitcu- 'ti CI i. ii . i i l i , liili tl tI, of i hîît ilii liii liedit of Ii-, as 1Il .(, v;49,iId Ititcti i iti. ilt'titîl oc thttl cfliifý,t Ult"ii, ciilf i t iii Il t l I ii iil,ftlil iii t,' t h. II i - , t (Iti hi, i'.i i l ' lIl * 'iii t,. 'd ik.î i , li Il, tit-,Ili .i i i "il hut Ilit li i. ti. te ip ]l-'Lt i Ii t t'Ilt, [Ili i 'l i t f i t - l i lt . t . sa, ic i l i il! I , Pii l 1, 1111 teh li 0l1ii,,i, fltttttîu a.' U, l' it.1 ii Uir., Itii ltl. I., as ,,,tilt ii i'ril a' t 't, .t lI 1 t Il' , IýIII L. il t i i l t, titi, Iti lit1 t i tti t. Il 'ii il titi . t 1t,, fi, iIi Ah id Il "' c . I i iIt,tii, l itt lii, Ilf ili .îîe Ilîîîdic l .1. 'i .t.tt.tc cec lic iI ..h . t 1 h 1t11 . o h A h . i ' i i tIl il titi d, a i. A tu i.ili ,IIi't Il't I ll. 1,gl ' o d Ii d h. jIc- u'1lu,,ikteuîd 1 u il Iil,I~Li ab"', [litn PIIitIf ai s. , - y Li eiit paIltîrd au1t0ftc A.t'e thrhcc, 1Grrntaey Id aitcf utctea c--Lad aI-1 -a1cttiilid1740 t 1810.bal 1Ii tc 1111ii a taa Ila scf lFrcAci Icctcdc. i, leaaccutcld thut os tctaieot in talion dî'eg Odl, Attrarof Liciialowhr ilebî lie l ac aar t fe cr, utcer l n urd b theraienly Soins outhtb treléssres fousd by Prof. S iruders Pstrls la Botb- j the palet, "une of tbe attemmont cdUes oftF king Judab." whlch have been luat for otb2,000 yuars. vers soov by Use Brit-A >005 l obSbol ut Arcbaeology at Unleer- Cab si tp College. London, reeenuy. 00" eBIe wan WII h Infinite patience Use lprofes- ni luf lu r asdl bis felluw vorkers have been *el 9rs.J--lsCi cdrtreng out th5e lest cItles ut Pales ue , leBI sns tIno Tiscy slarhed excavations lest Associationl al Oxford, L. great rest- tercaetGerar. Ti M Wb or # tesn m seff wsaIlotvo8111( ecba enaTelFara, a groat mousaI esc.L daciarsi Usactue itiult o hav ;oriBeenty nmles frein Jersusalom. It ln (ON DUNDAS aGH WAY) sde1l rec t e o hla hoer 5 i de- 1500etot 0gb and lolated by ravines sau rce te 'ni eslli. ait Uste 1League oet lons alI ..ciy lc nl s iteuc Every Tuesday, Friday and Satuirday.Evemimgu. Why a Ivta Elosein s:ssirentat y in ty tbatsctpe, Hindi ocleneilut cas wios arefuge front desert contdi- Dancing 80 tort12.30. , il la because be ail ers11 Wtira , anudIltcommandeS 1tcre nly iht lite la etaus ie bactuaf ce se-0Puw tr ream on te ccc te htallf air.B cule nil fiyt. A misinasraient leho.asebee.Ith.tsteelan l'e i lnes ere odn d iso ech r dnc uther neetala ran tari. chut p,,. i e-Chrictîcreprruetatlae as taIS, haa bave enuotionIen ai n unpua ur1tau, cI accilutseracl of chresatciltles MUSIC BY (2APT'S SYNCOPATORS. ihat cveryîbleg orenerd live a i a rîct bt t'tecerrtllry-His dîscuverie ' ara e 'arfhtlu. ol, gtacaticding tle 1CBfible, and EVERYBO DYWECOELCOMEUaI, i llc L't b-iv île icuef arae tîll antraced. Ita hyucdScî aOiec tie Accrdleg ta his resarhlaf- Iw ritea T. C. Bridges, ic Aiisiaei- uerailitos cere le Egypc cie Ra- Thep seund fut noce ltba' laid hrait hab nace Il.rIc î(.C 30) n hae records of cal ecîfie lcci, Listert e nthe eildereesse 100 praru latra et le whaf lic lace hincalît t "limarne tfRanren sIII. A ceta " Hilt cl i ie have eI'ai ded le"c Lio ic ,rcame tCr periaS cf 1thr judgsr and plalo i ei i au act ulthe Daid ule 100 BC.,#Mthcp ere i t iîi'tlra if the carIS ai liSa-Amne as oe 1Cr Ecyptianebt wI wye htt r o0. ti it)e.sensible creca.crasn le hutthr r(aulîl ilIl ThîPwer of Sclimn neronhz 4 IE f A ieixrist anS cee unse iyoac qîreiî llie rd wiiith1eridinini oEgypi cf Shce DDDUJDUUGH -CLA SSWheu il rccclvesa c C bth( lnh ti" berc I., adit is filîle pertad IBC iI.Ibtls mmosa drape, and we hae la, tii q0001I li a aeociaird 'sililiauy if 0 aventeS ce aplcai'at y mnusnti:c th Il di.,aeies. ~ hlch Ibis uai' ci caanb uii ice tc lit a gae c ccaiaiiu116 bodi e çu a ii a a ~ à haîlo ntelligilecip hit. e ctttcrllca ereraofced. t E fil- 0 là g ~ Wcbecaît Cc el achilîatOc dirop aiudi a Portable calrndradecf -- * leraiafo In'. ier eaig tact- ai, iNiitplaqute tere OlcO werre Ihîit C he î'ccccîîacacîceulaycrIltte nput ItII tir In,alithrrctiau'aoftremarbk- pe, oaiilte hi li 1a Ilulcîy-day mietirofah 1oveac ipe r ac te,>u race.scut auc iait. wouset orttailbratoai uae tticl o- lione r luauî'aortie Qaeetof l ilmsca scond atd aîmicialcait, Huava, kucklbone forplayandcas aaoded. Nota accid tttccUIk ~c~yce~ ~~ "We eau give you pronpt anîd satis- i%à the affect an trlt Icîci la Ia I cilS, ty orecca d aricn thc-i-asand.part of ahcaýelli.î cil accc.ofaiîc. wcthcd i he actory se viuYe in 131ifting Oct tuarcîcane ci iu'ugh ali a- Wtttec'alit't ld Or Iicreciste 01sk fe-ca tOan lucr taviesa, hut cuti llcOc'ult fctlnoclastsiîchi thraagh cly oe aclacei "rai dth Ced ilti cpualnteSrhafIOg distilce. OP L ter ladslîcOt.Aoc lOlat Ouisdcc t cci ci bath rone wbere the traveller ney enjeybb i Alitcui th- ai ndscnre a camineibetwen lccd ced violei' ut hsce. Yct ireltpleantaitall et ,lyra'ofiathort. wrîî c-c sum ha e Clitaid otIcarY, a preta itt iue e' Note tleads u ltra ivi t ad cîcue thace iii' Le ieay wurk oui "the k.lnk " whtteîeay haec e id ' -er-Ig o odbed.Th - nelps - ie caîcies heci l, itttglasc ciIi causeS by a day'e trarcl;e acharer chap wltlc alf cf iA(itoi icolS O diT caocon a -' the leteet eppleeces and appeliotietfth o uSa jacItirs uat act decacd cace nelpsuarsieufalcît tIa era beauty parlir, anS valet servicertoi ensure tOut ~ t[,, l-te cxP.na cf tire bouse of S Setateineîts, Bill H caî]s Jdi fi), h, lpur oseoulatu',tu theraveler y leave the raie fît aed rrady for Tlreipraofaich, ids0Cireulars, Tags, Card-5 mocuCcîccd eilIt Tii m, t tc'etib erteiprnir lautid, u dcci hîlcai'l- cerla' tf g. o. ofî îaI eplantai-,aac cacîct Iea t ., hI y the innovation of new heth-on eandt barbe hi l'heft liA ccc'ti hc-bcd > ,iiIofl Sale Bills ile luggaluC uctaic ofaciiîuet1-i t chop leunge cari ee The Canfederation oetihe Iiitic cidc tlc ~ V ikt c î Atbaaaaod tîcei sfec u htt hu u CenadianeNational Bala yc. iii isiý( i, crlttelcftdian woOUUIDOrkScrcocfccai h ucci"t Inle eeping wih is poficy of pceviding "firsti" ti, hli1, c,drutiaetd itit iCallwIcaf l D. ."-i hih hle unitiuihi.uil t ecI iinel ei.fer the use cf lics petrons, the Caeadîae Natuial cutta cf lii tu aa hh 0 >îîsinesand Visiting Uard's Z tccecctnd. ]Raifwayi have intreduced macy neciafeoiceaesi i , Ilheclhttatlnti.tc-lctouWedding Stationery Callud ta 10ta1adeiicitlecuddiniservice ontiîî..tlise ecer louege cees, et aihiclibaillfez ciri mcthit,),cIfuautî li"Id.1 trae frtheeomet fbareea berhrrtp wîth npplîanacs0cr pdcc if cuilcaad t ic a a. r ta tricit,, osc acci ctetaaRc"ptBoksacdis auili:,. 'i t l.'d taeingorthecomd le se rvic e ticciwtuIaupekrndbeei; allcpoOiactct. a st-I, Le'r p'villsly !%niniacurooksboth mtand wcaie patrons,acded ouacinleCanada. Ti, it 'ta lb tis ll lu of ifui tinentel tourists. The mnatr ireentîce laangc osectin fitced ai tC atilta cpectcllc cci, tOthi Ita eac -Lu hît.îc, dae abot &wacd ai the.ti cra t uit aut uoo, saymmasium, with litu S'a'dich .oa-Vita-Glass wiedaiic te pruî Se tOe clce ac eiocd, ' e i "tu l I 'tciid ' a ozc itcd li orii îtlîer kind of tei'--sou cadi eaueîî,- saai.ge ced niher efectrirol ecercioerci, pacicltgcc.. li h ther Oreafîuviolealt seate if soîtd la.tli iac 1 oaif coue.., 'J'"î" ii iPlantc," si irA tJ't'.,du it, i l ishe firet oe t iiiinS placed an re-rg aaie'hîlr thep are travellinug.The hJpperfeft, IhIhcîI eiand iltu Wi.itLt'e 1'Hj5s flOP.Hheurts.bcclcLongîu t,,Ii ci itit' tri, ulae service bp cep caifoap. fn uddi- Conedcîaîicîu oprîcaesbalaicao Tr-' cunoarimnt clii.c- ut-Ce> occsaacr'POEaXCANE."""Pli f a - it,it tutut tien Sie cee One n buffet fronie'liclt iben a n uconuver, oaid chce casI ra, thrue a C f Dne> as O Th aIiaUian ha pi n I otdl laciuclleii ~ led drinksandesodasemay beocrrd; ore bciîug paucrd ii scrviccas qcîch Iccai ilct, 1Crheîhaht 5rp intl tuu reIlautlc eelc I.I e asoaadJ's.aai. c iyhe hinaiiàcmiainrdoadgampoel ste i eevd arcrnwluiecr ieut.d it t 'ta hcccacthe Iirphcnea - i' ail e quîpped te, turn out ail classes of Com- whir> uInc hi ulcicuthahhe rt uutu oaiainrdnaSgauhn pn hyheraue1Me a e caecp request ~ 4p as no-tcontat, ti cuci,,'ic hut 1_lcitafu l lî't Ia c llag-dIa tîîier îîil rrfintiig*rrGssent on rch. ".TOe a îtcauph tit ,flli i-____ I t ' Phoe Th cciy tr in audltic isLet us serve you dwPrcaatleirucace aui turrtot iciph cc ccutacliai cp itunlPrThe faliaacl caecf thc pciectiitu Iltit hcai-îEnanaicdwe5ari' suelnaa cyclamenc îceed la ha iha, iP kIl Okahcaiccc hceleaic tacrnes '"paleationecf ap Iiuaa ey,'aiuu ,uuîu'î Opera Season at Baniff eI , ilh ltand t iha hc io frIohaIu cahauadtîitcudt Id cîcuI cNo e îi Fcethonalccauptiof a ii picrcc' cid. l'ut wc Ihh catuitutîcc t a,r .taa >____________._________ t_ hhlafia piatcd (tu ti C.ca i ut d tu talulh, btitnExchutega c louriotheSiitudtt theoti-s tuait iliCht et, aicandia il Ineth, aacaad 'tutti Cao I, luthIId pasucd cci r e Show Them A Montan And They'IIDo TeRet Tire Baser la,' lerLi nai( ', 1tutut Ilu i t, la s detntion.caia a lci a' trc u hItI cilta Iarenr m cic)eand iabocati,îî uiO dul hI In 1tr 'litIlt hu uî,,ke of ,icid .i,1auuan alcc h-au dut d t h, gali , i iteu i t, tut Octl.cuitc stur-aaet- qcacici's ,if FcuîcrmnaindIl4 dJVI iule ',ein ,raCioc hoitlciuc iaia tdanie Nul îcaîîuucCh a -111ttitile 'ouiadctt aea, otisnSaorth ihulteaealuoctti fial £6;'luAuaialuaducu eu ad c11Thretis lituyt mnti, al l'lutii' t, £0,;C(Wtnnipgc, t£10aaesccd hoach Sie Jaccdlc Cas lu caCI d ltc £le 16uuu utt ,W ic at. ii4' abaut parcet lOie cs f litsiuN ici e ss I'itd £; Ag-hocbat doci'echuaiy tîtu c W 1iiraie,, ulcatc.Oaotcc Iula ailue Cue mode ca aefoi ,1t1ii'cîî htct bSe uaLue- Occlarge maIitOr lIc d S ( uu i'tct ýaal O, ac1 l8s.; 7 b.; h raouuic o facî'tirait Oc la.îi (ndo i ir ( uxc liaitu tulcul. -';as Ihac. celîca n ,ato"ihiIv ýl cf tIite tlt i9d 5ccaaanmud gicc mYac"y laitait loinak'te't, f 'cIlbc Idfiel.ian marecociii atui Loing inual HE 4%NtlIAý INDAN.fiant ait patte cf ltaeccolul 'H',' ain l'>uofttlAN, Sapcan i ic eur O fircui cad ir di eapu clatn it iih îal, a ieS liat iutt'ruItýIur Licli', -Doatî c Tess a' io eIn ta naSah rla ltIacctiia siii iîu a fPtn h Mcrkrdsurc'r in- puise-c' cla r10'uciat fi 11 > eII , tut iii , u t Ia lO alar ,] ee. the flte i ii if livinig cceait'ce NI.I I i, ci'artaic d ofth i-ttrcgcliiua fia lit,, s' lt 'tti, CIlacti ci tfîc1763cSir Jauadsltias altt Ilî i , -L ',ce fcî t llaiea fdiae ccald cia tce lIsuif e ii, 'titia Ilud il hi ou ee'id tf utta lande aiîLhcai Swenlaaî,'lesl and a th , la. p î,Il11 iue a. cd lOi' cnenoafcithe deetlicaaîa..Ins tnIii, hbcaiceî 'uî -d t tutu.. >P' ,~~ "sivecii' AnS Plantsc cil-,u _i mrAFo~UETt t I, lani'd gabbct.anuîd na eniivoha iate1e iuc itte .îuc h 'iituayl'cticd Il On tuae atOac Ooad, tplatsare low- bienlie1-rurin dic- a d 5 z I (i1eflii olSs that "the dlihiag urge" la abeitags of ail a stimutliteIntimarir ural (IIbu t- aý 'etseioml.sra E h e acsbcthojchdtive hîgb lurnituresfor an bO15,lt; a res-top ml heel unapprcalhite bha il th -nitjn.of he ndins ota uchalitay; craC the naclencisucess oetheas.rnnutof a nuuntain tlerauthe opar and tnavemnt Tllti lit1 ceronttloCcdalic, edleqctîeearfeb aasbsIvig sama nusinj hvbch answere raab If yan pelub Tii Ituieu., i cte lc cc letguida te the het aI the ftoua Ceana an ky Mouantains. e-ltb cosr fiaitelth aneredia thebaesae tIl llei' iicct'tli, ticeI etqatese h aada aii RiwyshtbtBnfad ot Pale Cas te Cc flcchuad frinait1C b'ut .h tha îitit caca. Tuait LLaieiuis.ad bas moeifir8t;ascenta"uta hiecrlth"aoy othsr fotae te beuiaeaud hach by maca bclîCa buoacc lal nle1776 'ien in the country. ita heoiher Ernst <igbt) l ima mma9tsexprisacsd ut cchain cfnecrveafn a frac fille tul istaicc ccii' cca len FIca guaidae a acritIl re ehreals tInterlaken, Se-issueadand interval lu about oe hanedtboif a .,eceuct c 'eIa CrOcutt ac eGr al nesthe litile Se-cs gWuOe ViRflsofuEdsviu n the second, but in a pluc, hilje nu> ta Oh e morce ha4,.000 Canudfce f0 ColumaiValley. TCcy ere shown eanting the penba adjolllg 5the acent> Oive lirmes ue lina, anS tter d'ais cuuletîd, a'tlîCaahC hey cee anfueSpriegs Hotel. inters-ailu9longer tlu colS ieat cr cufelccexemiapt lacai conscriton. a evesItl lo caher BEN OMON FORSAILby fatigue. liEN LOMOND ~~~~~ ~ fn siher vords, If ypus Iepthe am i,1~.a suO lae onraithe Bffl-Kuocn Meslinlaina s e'P xperlnisflt severel tinisu on tbhnese L" "." lac the id, .w ,a x .usa a."ws~mrw latent psrlod" -as itîsje leS- '"t5.57 Ei, £IN G Oaa il theba brclnave aicantates grue-s longer and foncer. Sir Jagadls in the cacld le ta bcasalS"-Ben ,,i' ensaderastiret the lhec ut cells leeg C'ires a wssk durlug .lUIy a"eSAlugnât, the Lgta BnftAia rIgt baiioeiireli e- nani, iha sasbaca cupuofet tc 't'te"uuuuiu"ic e-icb 11cr Impulseaerainaplot Opera COMIIsspaY ut Alfrsd Beather bas bsItente Aseicn pea omane;Britut i Scttih Hghlaads. resembiesathe hamne Orves end ied tS, plaY at the Bar&Sf prings lotel. A vey conntralts, ebu tnera wtb TbeBratel' 055 This i themm.uGulbeet anS ed.obtured w th B bggar cigb an balathpsasplaCntnhn es a li hi redsshowt JnratecBstiert "lacPi% neaeLcandalu Ln, ufeh. eMb-4- _uk. tu 15e bas Sicbccredda lt geT.-mpoa.,*un Ca.adan subiscl - egtoothgasys 't 1.1hasys 1DS 71 MILTON 0Cal «111 b. eVî 55 %b.ope s 4t1C R5~4 ATEMsst"1 sasubfS>Ios. cM.ci., .îel..d bS-gc9e.. i BS5 5b ebb& i e c t biribciansa aenu.5t w1,1.i 5u S Suc--d DU . DRSN M.[ phsaSan * -d Physiciens d... lil-gat' Ph... lccdBîcis 'c1ut LEGAL WiLLIAM I. DI.lt RUTH 1INSON F1 1 1 1I DENT ISTR Y -OR. F. B. BABCO( h DENTAL SURGEON oes es O ieseselu tute il A i. I 'i lui DR. G. A. KING; DENTAL SURGEONi 0" inRoyal Builudingt Mi, 1I*SFANLEY BIiAIiNIt DENTAL SURGEI'ON I~ u. feseteJs lui, k X t Ri eAY sie. Snrgery, etr lîiopii N" The Chi eupaetiu Y ATTENDANI 7 tnO 9 P ltbscd ti i toss~. i0Y ýe 11-hi 14i-1uuHu.. Bet -UBBING RATES. Daily Star,. i Pâa. Heratd WeklbyS. . 1. (Ki I COLJNTt .CAL COURT! e-sd.ssd.e c' ds sIe .r P; SMss .S t.1 Y,.1A th. ans i W t ' 5 j ...e a' 56 h* ina se i ieu 1

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