Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1930, p. 2

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The CanadiaChampiOf UNION SUNDAT SCUOOL 01,FIC111111 ay. The SeodaY lnehont plante ofet. Peurs United ehareb and Exoxiprs-i byterias cleiccli beld at Eldorado Park tl, d on fridaY lat wai a granid nseei5 t.add h til%$ X " t . Evercourtesy 4and facilltY fer a Ple In til té i fema ir uais ni a reety eçrovlded.9nàb ýb b The afternnsO ton was sports a o i ntsnb ~bUltsls~ an e oacicanad eaca erent was keenl i flý tram.Ins Lt in as.and phlfly efvote», Mr t408 cooieteid asder Splendid management asc nnte rig t.aspornay weeann lns.eAt the suglatýIvne e- ad eith pertect gond viii. Thegec- g.The homenlirnbit bud. !bny tÙM.. Ontdisii ad m an nckers arrlaed bigrse about nIas knnebed 10.11 ot.of thn bu*la tne be g a- .bilt _ lo aiclot, Ia ylng tiat il was thge mot fsnstbtramne.Blaakbunla th- . ,pmre nnthvin vtlii ejyable setisg they ever hal. est&& - &â is artnUie la tlhàusu "Y- i'l - Iai mla sapper wet preeidedbiy the sebeelsilegistis Ail, the plit.,.. on bath th, esgos The foltowtttg are the prise Vieadsrae- qsai g"aupr cac eeot- ~ 51Bachvotie =. ,,er mli Il Gils, 6years and sader-tit, Kath. ARBTOn eA a»a feursnm te Ivt 'er U*n Mtab nMargaret Ritchie. ted. ,a eA imaO h iItrIi Fltra'Iihb: 2adCarmlebael. et, 2b»..% 4 OIl 8 1 O palla it tllnsan4Who le resteu0 Bociaa.6 yeur.s ad osder ltiHar. Weed n .n.......4 11o02 8 O theela .Rasanremnt le ma"e tiss ve iioh,2Lad, t said Wisen;, ted Blackbrn. 2b. p .... 4 O 2 1BaOnueh voarblig voter shailtaire aipre- SleadsWalten.rif.. . 4 0 1 t O O nerbed ath eonFr as, and .5 ;l, 8yearseadander-lot Mar.Be lei.f 4005esba lsSanbs qtred gaît iieaa;Lsd, Yotou Faaiien,3rd, t.tel.3b, p...... 4 0 0 o0S31ttaeaita renetedsto " n S St,fla Wale. MeNalya.......4 1 14 2 1 salietwheh wlllbialie, lte by lî,oia, 8 peare ad nder-lat. Don- Hall- -C .....p.et . I0O1t4 1 Othse Depaty Bsternling Olfeer. 1 ilSi %IcNalt);Lsd, Howerd Cea; 3rd, Tuek, cf......2 O0t0 2 0 0 Tais exlatnatlon la given la vison Jlik liggelea Benbim. t lb ... 3 0 1 7 O O et tbe erroneeni Impression galusd 10 ear an uner-stAMeCileal ......1 0O00O0O I o mme qiartere. that a voter eau. î;îcia 1kyars-as-o-derlut.not Poilihis vote uintees hie nia cWaie.; Lsd, Margaret Mer- 3as1i8s4 19 acseuilly sppears on theeliait. sa e; il .icean McNabh. Ify. ,Iocacarli aed ander 1t, Fred &ataitsdfer Teirinthe îlgbtb. Laxýi, Id. liosces McArtaar; 3rd , MILTON4 ST. PAUL'S CHIJRCU lair, 12 h aead asder-lt, B. Clament t, f.... A e. 342100 S.sI grgatien ahI morip îiak Hecadeoas, Lsd. Rutk dem- A. olîment. 2b ... 5 t t t 4 1 i wtb ne genptlo gregatlen i> 3cd,1-ocI (tempbeii. MeOîeîbîrty, et... ô 0O31 I0O05durinq the montb et Jslp. c2 ear and ander-lai. Marb. p..... 4 01 02 0 iiCooaak. Led, Bruce McNabte; Toletska, 3b...h. O 0 2 11 ic:i dcl orhr eîrot r Towmship of Trafalgar. iii i«],ad uedert, Jaet LotLP'ittir, c....... 412 7 21 lýa.ihieial.dos, Led, MaIY Wilson tb ... . 411 1l0 OOm.0 orO Leia .......3111 we o crqats eit Lnd. i-, Il a eu dec Itl, Neigs- - - - - - ,ot> Cachie MoArhr, 3rd, i8 Il 14 27 12 3 Tati netice that under provsiosnor, AI,.Ma Id).i By moînge- thes Noaosms Wesai Ast ail avinera or ;,ci 17 ycr anad aedee lt, la 13B ocupants ofa" land within ehp. CNIig ai i Fi kia, Lsd, Jasai Lt.i. Georgetowe ....o010000o00- 1 s t limite efthte Townsbip of Tratoiper e ý 1 aisaddeac tl, Mil-Mitens........1022012-Ill 14 3 arn required toi bave et dows or Led Aia MNab. Rieebatsd nRebia BOemît..destroyed on or biloe the lU)th day et cti adt, ape-'lst, Mer- A. Cemet 2. McCaugberty 3, Fett' er e sarpsgo igteu eeor dc c.ii i-sk-n, d, Janet Lelt. Wilson. Lewis. Twobasi bite B:.cadceeeoigteen lixs oiyards, ape-s te. Harold Clement, Meaugberty, Andersen. SAM'L McLEAN; CIIik- a lil k M ilton Clemeele TIres-bans bita, A. Olement 2. Fetter, 2t Inepestor Noxins Weed Act. uos,22)yards, Opece tl Harold Wilson. Stoen bases, lMNalIy. Ben- Mi cLrhI "l 1,I Saody Fecîes. bain, B. Clement, Anderson. Bases Po, >, la cards,, apas -It, C1e au balla, off Hall 1. Blackburn 2Mars b 2i ILIcd SadyFerrie 1. Struck set by Hall 2 Blackburn 1. 10 I ai aiîeikarrw aace. 10 c ara Cle 1, Marnb 6. Wild itcb. Marsh h o ua r,,îiHecoLodon and Bae bits, off Hall 6 i -3 inninge ms ci il. o ff Blakbur 7in 4 2 . ofolei2 la1 iîc.ciheelaawcace, 10 yeaee innîng. Leton bases. iieorgitewn s, SHOE. WORKS Io inccccelais clGodon hall asd Milles . Umpire, Nicholson, of l'o- liih E..îs 2i1. John Piattersoe rote. Ba nowopenedrfor busines ', icîI ccNabb> Os Satucday lat Oakville doenit, in tbe Balten Farmîri' Building. ;r] ( îgced race, 1L aeîd sader- ed Burliseten at Oakville by 23tu , Miltos. Quality mateiale and ettad Main Rsh;eid, d.and Actoesdsfeated Broti at Acten modrn maeinery Havine alarge ILîilleîîcie biote4and varied experiecee meare lin 11 ggcd racl. iL ced Lider- HOWTHicY STANDL. positonsLotatsfy yeerscedi. 1[,%dicil and111 MiilthWo t.t P . Reamnsble Prîtes, Qalck Service 41a-I, Lid arsalil Gi a n îd AIý, \I ( il MIalLTON . O 0 1000 snd Fine Workmanship. 1 1 ýd lo ieelerce,-.alie-Mac- Oercetews ....... 7 2 .777 peial etten tias te csomers' is- l ic cîîîIen e ellilillJanet eîi Ata s ile_.... . .......5 .5 dividuiarcquireaenta. lo-i itiI,., un ili, opn- ctol - - .. 3 6 ..113 Bîcome oncet ofo r satiefird ee ii,,i Ctîk l.iLlc, i, lton Brosto _.......2 7 -"- 2 temers. Briigtas . t....... ..1 8 .111 i c îc. iîîcîiiiaioelle Nent Saterday'e Halnles igue Thie Popular Shos Works k O.i ii cgaiessvill te piaprd as folloma :Bîîi--__________________ lliesto at Braster, Oakvîlie ai George- cici oenîc ti toms. Mlton at Artan. cti* caliî, oce,, itFURTHER IHORTAGE ISCOVERIEO MiItoq"s Fruit Store I Clicha IN SURLINGTON TREASURY aIl-, o . il ai. i -icoladccîî Buriigias. Jaly tt --t we.as a-Specials for Fri. & Saturday i 1: la.cîicî-eapee ici,.nacdeaiaspecil meetigof the i . i Iik,, !îd, almiMiiiq, 1tees coasicil lsoi sighltanbt a frther hol ýtp a([ ump bo.ishartage in tihe trsasery et $584.9 mote 5aos ...1 s 9 i i l ciMark. [hadl bers diaeevered. This Informa- Homer Growi o Tmalca . .2 Iho 35c i . c ci-ii t i ie liarld tion gave racbr ea reliiag lterestete Greenhanse Toratîe.2lits45e i lii iiiiî iiidi O'eis, as aîkcrmiee colarlesmeeting. Te i..tiis e dded roCher greater Import- Bananas.... 25e dIýz 2 for 45e c i cciiiiîî lae ai.ace mbes Reece George R. Herris Sunkiet Oreangas 45c., 5ic.,L Oc doz. . cc N -i c.loi ileicii l.aîiiiîî mode the oîaîemeeît tat tae fermer W'ater Melons .......55e i -(-c, ,i, N. e ileo, treasurer and lama cleet mes "out"Lemone ...... ....... 30edoz. i. Cl Agiio l .yeserday. i Il c II- heieiiclicea si. c Whogelîee mes aut?- mee Black Eeîgith Cherrie, 6tILii. basket iiluiiriiKnoxiiieialbaaitoaeeeftbe questians estedeat tbe ..........7cetd $100 m- i ciiiS* ailla iniOiiig hî ccocîl board, anîd the aoower îo taie Hante grow o Paaiicc, 6 (Iiibaskeet -'o Hi.o1Il1 îmasltatIfei cameatder thearole ............... 35 c board.P ah s. . . . . ... .3 ed z Opes Banc inMilow oniaellae Dingl. salid thet the Peochee................30 dot.5 ityct Branh lu ules aaditaee bad bers carelees, mOlcO lm ........Ldz .h calîrd brtO a remerb frrm tlleascliior Home Growo Cucuinbera .2 for t5e li-iicroliey Ctîiepar ,vioae- Tacbthai ther bed bics more thon Cahbaga ................3 for 25c ILl1 ýieodaaneîcb enMtonso iteela. kdclrd ln sieNew Potataes 6 lias.25e., $1.75 bus. Ma" Stî ,cle liidiibiîaathelirmerdrdo- cbarge abaaid be laid agelosit theCanlelape. ....... 0 ai .i ai, iiiidiri ias he eabîog ed a,,îditaae. Beena ........... 6 lt. basetel35e. ;- 1 k ii..iliiia witb the srw Depaiy Reeve VanScirer wasofe A. RESTIVO. -(ci, ih cl.- erd île the Toronto & 0eopinion ibet urther eharge iiîî tgilîtsey sese AdirCbot. fehondtd 0e made agansit nemeese. _________________ Tiii. piln, aniid ,)iii&tians eere' 1>1 db i 1-.. .iEane, et Hamiltosn.IHamilton Jockey Cîsha Second Ssm- ~a' Ilo), îîfacehîleee, tor the trus- mer Seat. cciii l ciiof et Plinisg United lhe ota vos isstimtedPlumbing ciiTes@eedeummer meeting oftbe NI, a- obia, ail chii tlton boy. taiHamlton Jockey Club will hi bîld o Hcuslr iii.iie(eit uTe Headît Ode, sd rsa Wedsesday, July tOto Aug. e, Ho ae H atn Min c ilai .-iî.iii->e Iîîeoated at Ditsdicj, asd racegeers tromn Milles and vicin- (1111. i~~tîy may lok orwiird toanotbermseve W r Ai Hetn .1 I i.1 'ey.Aitî. tO', egesersi dayn ofgond sport. At the iraiasent,. WamAr[etn i..îcflic coempsey st Dasdae. ime of the Bamilton Club, wbieb last MliI .î in.î,additiona ta canduat- eteeed a few weeke ago, tbe racisg waa Tinsrnîtrnng iiaii..i lIue ci the cempasy. aiea mtncababestbeaverage, In tait It wale 'id [o Liceta.,sePresidrot af thge thetisnt eienofar thîs year ons tbshetruh Plîîî.1 cî i ed. iCisadiasecircueit, and tbe second meet, aeruh. liiiiiey ieeceptinally buey at isg wiii nudoubt prov sagod ifsot Poislit lie prgeot Lime and the butter, as practically ail the Bamn Water Pressure M l11ioBiiaaik reperts a gond valume stables iii again b on band. Alrsad y i caî,îeed mia prospets forîalarge nmber are os tee grounds, S stems ici iotu, îce cedîseir brîgiat haeing ibippid diret te Hamiltonsta tbeclosoi theFort Eriesmeeting and av isit tathe tract any morsing nom Septic Tanks KNOX CHURCII. revente a lot of activity. The p lasnt mme nevîr in btter sh"n. Botb tbeTH c. c iiroatdser-ces il KnoxandeSi. dirt asd turf tracta arn ligtsingItatTH l'il c i..igriOatioeolomI edse n emiver). good wort.otsbhae c i cia oa rb l eiasbesreported. Au.nmuai tbe fia-t racelm L Iiii iaccd Ru.J. N. Ncbal wil bcacia day milI start at 2.3U, dayli [lit J. F. Crowley Co. îîcîaî1-î, kak scviea Te aisarÎngtime. The lat rase eaeb a ga iiic il cafcbteserlie.Preebytets ill bu decîded oersetheegrau coussge. MAN TR T, ILN a i îict. II cntiue the esi ail Juîy. hi *iia very populartnature at Ham- ANSREMLO L:!urIIdLirig fic onh of uly ito:Ijt wth ra of hetrackTEEi.RmOioa 26, RagîDNuCa 205 and borsemes. 1lnmilto in tbe oniy Thlic lcdien Pacifia Railway ia te patîsn Amerîcan now witb a turf vi o ideits oiliiz sock ih s..h.jtrack. KM V Mm' .i- iîteýa Lieie-elcunijsaters. This c1 i iiiicçciaairecte;bt las,.cnseeu Il ieaiaar saaesev ernr temp- î1icik e iac electescampaien. BORN Hîcnee la Neon township, os July Illi. licPai, ia iNr. and Mmre W. R. Hilni,ea ci, Geore herwood. to - Ii Trafalgar Tomnship, os NftiI caaY,.1Iiilvii4. 1020, teMr. snd a-re . .IR.Ford, asuo, JiesaAt- DIED. Cccii e ta Actes os Friday. JuIy 1IL Jiee-n ahe, ite of Accbie C. ('l!icin aber .50tbycar. t.iiiyaaep-InGuelph OrneraI Bos- pitl. es Maaday. Joly ldtb. 1930, Naesiseî Liiiyerep. of Nasoagawiya., inbusis th yesr. Syniiîes Gn Mosday. JuIy l4tb. 19W0, et Guerlpha Oreral Hospital, Charlin Standes Symenss.igediltyeacs and L mostbs. H. clii athir,'He n ath er. aigRemsg for Hian tiesdes A]ia Houces ese. s nu h s s BIiaed sd i cv'in Free Flowing Fertilizers- .LIg~feribor alvèefylFoi pos Feu lWbnatm fflCa - . 1- Mmxd n *0 *wLu mm*iïmLS bc.. to $1.00 Variety Gooda MAIN STR~T mi MTON SATURDAYTREAT 1 TURKI3II DELIOJIT, as smooth as velvet; strawberry and vanilla flavor. Reg. 30c. lb _ ----------- Saturday ii.tPie 25C lb WEEK-END CIIOCOLA TES 35c. Mb. Specîs.lly madle f rom selecled ingredie nta, in ma îy tempting centres am Brdeaux, Titbits, Peppermint, Butterscntch, Maple and Nut Top, Creani Caramels, etc. Reg. 40e and 50e IL .... ... ... ... . . ... ...SPECIAL 35c. Pallerkslsp.Crlspy Peassi Triangles, with a delightful cho- colite c, ating. Week-End Special 39c. lb. Ring Teastles, FIffy Vanlla Uarshmallsn cut in squares and rolled iu toasted cocoanut. Special 25c lb. W. T. BARNARD PHONIE 14 MILTO Look now for the Harveetiig Hardware you will need so as not to stop harvest work. One day's delay during tsrvest time costa a whole lot. t cos much more than havieg an hand ihings that are apt to break. We have everything you need in Hardware bers. We oeil it for ià fair and square price. See us for Binder Twioe, Pulleyo, Rope, Forks, Machine Oil, &c. Oup, Hardware Weara CLEMENTS & CO. PHONE 43 MILTON Owing to Popular Demand Capî"s Inn PA LE RMO wishes to announce that an Open Air Dhace Pavillon is being erected. LET'S GO!1 -TO- Q~ni*n'g, Dance,, £"uoù* 880 tas 12J. AdinI~IOn - - , 4, Deorated DINNERi lokghmTpt..............ceC ES.L.h.a. . . . . .e.r . .et. . i la .ge .appy . .i4s5ciiil(f le e n nua e ... a. er............. Po -~ VsilISIrUE Cinaui . .......................... GIs ........ihe .....................i eci 5. S NO 11 ICLDEPl . ...J...,.arg.................. 15Qech ar çIt J.IV4&eTle on.l e 1 a Be .r ..o... .. ........... Flin Bai Robert .. .... ........a.... ).5 ta- 6. MO J . 1 , fi-A Im a Ww W a e J g e ar e .. .. . .. . .. .. . lt e inm E. jen U8en71. Drwee Barete Olt 49. Bd" ea 23. rcocO Coul nom. luisset.i DOFoe aad lrce De"yer recossae.ded. Ur. I te Jr.pni-Alae DPerest IC A G Verse jn ebrt, GeorgeTunH.ru so. ihete r.bI.-itlMbdLClyrecep Se. Pr.to r. --Kenot Roer so. fleM ]es=ysany dreY Bt F R 4 C A C Oermnedrrs M IE ytn Sr. P o r. m r.P.-uMnriel De- F0 Osbrthnes Barrise. my ete soce i ay ude aat erlt ,. Baker, Teasher..IlW a dh o JUNE REPORT 0F 8. S. NO. 1, j . W l b o k Sr. IV-Mervin Hearne. Douglas Irving, Majore MeKerr. Marias Ped- dir.h) IV.-alathPedde). Zea adProgressive Candidate. Sr. III.-Telfer Peddîibi Mr SceMCee.dy. Aira EîOtAl"a Eeililt. Br, Bl.-Eimer Peul. Jr. Il.-Doria Pell. Earl Carton. Jr. - Doris May, Jean May, Las- resets Hearse - Jr. Pr.-,Mary May, Isabulle Ped- di.,Ris-a Hearne, MiasonMayard - (h)-eonouce - A, M.- Pell, Teacher. WHOLE DOMiNION TO HEJOR PREMIER The Imot ehotiln theeelection a- palan wli bu firsd by Premier King on tee nigbt e1 Saturday, Jstr t26, ln as addrins that wilI be brsadcset trom aet St 10 eoas lu tee naihn-mIde bot up the Paime mîniater miileatend bis final meBagag ase Clanadla.-He wilil sPeais befoe itee microphone le big home at Ottawa trea 9 to Il p. standard tIme, 10. te 12 m, derllgbi sarIng time ln Ontario. Faitens BSuamer Bals sf Sboes la now ie tull swing. tdmsuins bargains gaiori-dotet mise thew. Do You Treat OId Friend Appetite the Very Beest You Can? A loI of min witlg a barrel ot coin packed oroc , ii theco box wonld part wlth a great deal for a gooua ppelia aiý keeý on thinking youre a whole lot better off wiih oin appaicil hi the fellow who has money ta um he bt gant getai ahi ikou[ ot hie meale. If your eppetite le gondl ta you do 31er pari -bac BulEN' Bread and Pastry aud keep it good. Dalîclena, Temptaf, FraiS Assorlment il Cakes THE MILTON BAKERY Phone 67. T. C. BOWEN, Pp.l M 'Ports of Pleasure! Faee ai the. hght btrd 'e wtng chey float. Over the dancing waters... friended ley summer sale& Ever t@ward tlsedistant camping spot... îîh il WdlOme bSean d ls store of choice gatables frite C A R R0L L 'S . SPECIAL-AibLn.esor7Ckrk 'à Aasotes SOUPS 3tnm 25e TêA~Ii~3 pkg. 23", piNIC.-APPLE 219-'t2Ve Ê TJIImr1-21-4 BUTTER r~~31c nss-rAL àzTUs~ 5 SUCE» 5BACON ctO36c C@*NPLOR *~Me »IWR0PPED BREAD-9 se--2 lr pu hl ~DY - ~ Super Tire for T IHI.S great Gt)ei, .deelguetl foeg huai ,jg peede, lieua 1j , i nïght servieS.Il'Lt- ou.r'prices. Cavell's Brtt PHIýl\* iN 1 THIE ltejlilg a preniterOfi l' -Cakes atndiP î c Feathcîirligliî' Ci nutritioti faoilli J ci Plenty of ferai ' À. GOOD1 PHONE 101. T. PAIl'Kl ChanRIfD& Tîger Brantdti Raspberry Jan,. I Aylmer Flicoi(-N I'i Grimsby Fichub- Eagle Brand\cl -Oxydol, largo lai.ý --Lux, emali pkg Chateaci Chepe., Crown Branit (ccci .Prepared Mite Olives, GGId Mci ' - iRed and Wfi i te 1 Serv-us Bretad, sil - Hlawes' Leîîioîi i ) Clark's PGrk an(1 P30N R. CU N 1 Quallty ûIvK U s t/q r Mache 24 HÀî,,i- fer DeveIoipimo ocharge for pwI IfNLAR<G Mickly mialle eras a aiIrns to li it ~MACK] 040. The Il

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