Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1930, p. 1

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CANDY ynr 0sd0"l B3AR NARD~ rUJOLISOKO raLURSDAY M)NNQ.l reiN MLTNs1I ST., ~ P CeO.1st. 0 3.9US0 a oi<1 Th, ,fi e. , 15.04 As Od di e5r4by a»ofelOI_ _ 00, h.Iued CARAI th bjio5ef ahicis The t. d .h.'o ..d dalb. dli&WHITE, n i'LJLISIOORS. Sies mEDICAL x b ANDIERSON, M. D. t. r ,rero ,tte oui.Oi liebIIN>&STE.VENSON rand surgeons X Ray liRS. McCOLI. &SUJTHERLAND Iil, . . 6.BREMNER. PAL E R M O liii liu. I. --j. r ,rorneY) fe Pupilshsrepared for Toronto Con- servaiory ot Munie Ex. amsinations. Klnie St., Milton, Ont PHONE 24. Mrs. F. O. Russel TEACHER 0F Piano, Voicesmnd Theory Lu- es nessiollrbdsnlly rier aii Tiiriy-one Successi L andidates je Mideumer Enaminstiina ~Toronto Conaervtory of Music. 8 Firt clsee Honore. Eigt Hoosr. Oiodlo-S0oetny as Milieu Pablie eeOeel. Tees. o Ad ui vo8 Wstm.rlastuAm Andrew K. Flem ing ~~ Fsesh, Cooked and Cuped DENTISTRY MEATS -Fleh moi poultpv lu Season DR. F. E. BABCOCK OURmOTtorro IrENrAl, SURGEON .'QUALITY AND SERVICE" r ,rerrsySu nrngat. PHoNic 42 ti. MIL TON. LiA K, r XTRACTION. Tel- 65 POLLOCK-& INGIIAM DP.G. A. KING iucceuort atelr & Worths r I,'TSU RGEON MONUMEN TSI Otil, Lr iil riiro, itoo. Deelguiso on Reqssii t ri. Tereh..o,97 GA LT. phoe 2MlSONT. N UA rrr r'y epp.ian5 ________________ DR. SUANLEV BItAUND t ,', FAL UREON rnrC. R. T U RNE R tac îy sccuetoe sumaiEmbaluef UllýAgent ter Daim's PuneraI DOmigni. o-, 1 x H11 Plinee N209 oso53 MILTO>N. No Sedir. îrie rgcry. ur OsicoPalhY. ili1Li N i 'lhe CireprIclu, IïNSURANCE h. ., re UVIE Lite. Fire, AqiolmoblI, BarglmlY LAI) rATTENDANT plte li, Agelda, Ilii. b -., rree 50 rlndtueffiee 6% ItiMorgIif GoId Bomds* uST rý rr ,,bsr o. &Satu OSUfN LIFE IMBIIRAMCE O C-LI13BING RATES. cbm rT G. RAMSI4AW Torcimr DaIlrry Globe 35.00 $6.35 Viit dAeî<n Mai and Ermpire.... 5.00 &635 s edtc Tororrîr Daily Star.. 5.00 68 nei MonhruilF.m.Heraldî pfosils aurd Weeklv Star.. 1.00 2.8à Omnose OnarON ri, . f itin hoi. ias1 t .foui U . h od rem i m"a ria. ibm thg cSslldutd fer 8bm fatlittsaie.h rotmmii oO 13 ~ ~ IB eacefnly croaing these typeTa.. .. forim B I111W. <iad 0ew dle@- proof breeds or putt hf uieil ala n POIrO~i4êS4kMd ~ M Wbeâand iailother inds, of cor. rO"hcthemôm a 1e nui t . rare beneflalg fronm tbe attentionfl O ou aekn" mpy the blo st tbe bacteriologle dt. m ied thete Omish u»,&« elmi the otb- tbe pegtaolglai. We nov hnov vilci or one out; àmmrodtostli bat h ai aitrain of any particular corn viil h b bMysi thepups £rom i ther em- haift sultiliby the &eUhof any iocality, nel a waa i0 tva iy-afix ps'. and the roait le healtier, trunger, 1 tool ithelra ot.usesami gave ibecefll III Recenily a turther advince of eor- peace lu the cau» once more. mous Importance has been madie by The yuasgpapa born ln the Ami- tbe combinsi forces of biotogy anti scite ma re vs »aef-rellaniUtle rmilêlgy. Tise rapi and healtby thiusI. Whou very young ibey uaei grovth 01 young human beolu»an t u Imm from iheir &boiter. run out YQn nmals depends very largeiy in tise e and mobiarh lu dianece o U0~fh 0 UIFE uPon, tv eft tise.mysericua suis- avuting. They got ibeir drinhini i U fEL stances knoaveas vitamine. The vains for a long tir.. lu the ffa t5 Ipresence of vitamnloA in suitablo snow moi when aummer came moandn nh qun otes nur, tisat the rght inti vater vu gbren t. User.. ibey dii not U RýlVA I A L CA N A D A ofbody-uUiug coe one. ViairluD now vbai lu mait. of Il ai fi. C R E V le the unseen heiper whse preoence Tbey soon learuei tu appreclate ht YmEA R issevenin the occurrence of rickein andt 1 conlder h mes-tise monau - moiand kindleeti ueaea. aRue 0f ail ibings. for ot fodoi erealt During the lmt week ilu Asuut and Vtamin D le present ln al faiiy van KAva s uPes'-bn»ee. ft ais Candidate for Haio the firsi wcck lu Septeceber, the animal bote auch an nilib, anti w- aunumer, visen ibe auow hdnai! lergeet annual exposton m intwrd tileslarly cot-lver ohl. Ilbas10ong0.11 dlempisarsi and Lb.ele by be wilb npors.beauen soiro iat ultra-violet raya of bosnea vas frussen.thora came a sort___ WIi b luPrp.lîshi arn favorable to lia production. o! vater famine. We bai on time Features, diepimys, buildings. atizc- On a Hertfordahire farm nome lu brea.k the esMdmi gve tbam valte tions,esu ue,sngsificenaddiveroi- anionleing reaulia are bolus obtain- More tham once a day. Tbey goi fiedtha tw milio peplefrot a byMr.J. 0. ilckman by tbe nuepretiy tirsir lu the m@u, aannme byaMr.ste arc lamp vbicb le ricb 0f tbem abovoti a guai deal of in- M . E W*~ alrncat every country will vieil dhisionb bese raye. Litters of young pigo talligence ln anhlng for and dealfu T enie unique and colossal enterprise. ireaici yul ultra-violet raa rgev vib vains'. Tiie 1930 Canadian National no rapldly tbat ai one periodtier One teY, on Soins oui ofLise but. 1 weigbt Increaaed by ibres pounis a boari a dog barlungfurioasly. Re Exhibition poaln tus. t"OlPmail iday. Ih van round possible ta cet van ied aome distance tronu Use InJures prcvioua vears. Usem reaiy for market ihree or four house, and, for ve e i1 pait i n "LES VOYAGEURS,* a britnteeka arler tison VIcs boro t eai tentuion tutheibmbgrhing.Whonu acai. pageant reviewing Caneda'e develofs- n iSe s cdid not receive rey lat lic he pbr vat ie-ctiona u ec men~t frOmifl s erluet duys wifl b. Mr. itichuan tount that ireatint vavi t rmtlcaliy over her bondi. sisged each evening by 1500 per- cava vutiste ultra-violet raya jui Onof theo oh doge vu 5no convie' formrs o th word's argst sageboieremilking bod a vonderbol eireci eti of the value of vater ibai vbcn a fortymr7an de rds upa sae on tibmtmllit, îrenîly reduiof tise bowiful v2. given to hlm be dii not Tise n tIOY 511 m e , i u d ing enumber of microbes to ho foundin10fh. drink h miiai once. but tito lukeels AL-CANADA PERMANENT FORCE1 Encouraget by til, ho carriedth ie a rooervm for future unse. Me tied Lu tuci Da--)' -ce.qsoleWssc-"'d cpa =Zvsruiover an ordlnary cooler and too& - E O R mi m«v.le islleismecsb.5 kn uexposed duriug tise praceas to î.ise humCndeitssasMieer Esalilsese.raya of a apecal lamis. Here tise re-I M" eu fr Degreea. lasanuie.aly basas2.000VOin. EIM* nuits vere aven more remarkbbîr.for! ireucismen bave a mania for de- and ge TION CHORUS lanli.eo..,ws-Aut. 23la big locrmaoe tokesacin t h ie green, titi«,, anti niber excuses for scel 28, Sopm 2 and & amount or vîtamîn D, tisootistise ex- puiling letters outhtis alphabet afier Traemnua Ageculual dipiays and owa- pooure lents ooiy for ffeen seconds. lisir »mame. A&ariea dmbanher re- ntitime inlaMsbraces.Traulis ancd Pclsg trrmtiluted mlkii ow belot eopplied celved a iotni cti trou a sentie- hainn g l sOll M8500Fuessina.. by Mr.itiehoxn o te Hospial for ma, raqamting an interirew wvus Fât polinsl Mrato Swin W ineld ChIliren la Great Ormond sreet, sor.eting ithe ts. cter tise namer caoiabe-a i= emueuneorble London, vbera itlais isvinc mont iember outhtie unttute. Ton oun- .,stssenmms. benefirlal efferto ilion tise patiente, cIller etftisa Somme, Nimbai ut tise r. - scelea. eioedunebc.av5lIO55~lI Perisapa tise most omoing effeci of Anioclation for Municipal Retorm. md yobs od sh.rtl59~~o viai rradiated miii rao do, aerote Contribuior to tise "Journal te Go- mesgtise ohd, le te lu foood 10 Mr. Hi"b- nove." etc.. tliRxLJâ3 CAFMÈM~iA Ccedia Nonn. Mao, b. lavens mna WU iMage of Micklefield TahIng une of bis pvn carde tise Grnan elti 0100 0ofelcity-ivo waB banker vraie, unies VIS plain mme: Patrone att ma Revoîrluf Round lerpsA.se.anlcelsiIulsI.a chrent suffer fron bronriitis. "Member of tise Ticais Uning Puis- Th15ubiyaaseu Exhlled5LA-coule.isichs made blo thisieand ailiof Af- lie, Contibuior to thse Pariesoie Ce., Tebie. l-,am t bei to n ~l ctise opeellmlS fer Martyr efitisa Parle Tel. pboom ser- Th,, trayioesacafeteria h"o mode ItS a montushi re oe pictore Of vice, etc., le tocouccuplo thus bicdébot oui on tise Pacifie toast. te SAM HARRIS' healti-buitise 00w refooseete con- ewn busineus tu receive vlltore lu- Oiufrnia vsea elf-sereice restau- pr". tinue tisteat efrihes oyaIe la day." rante bave been giorifiedto the ex- a. - H W. WATERS. growloc ent of bis rietheo ond con- tn fofrn ui ihmas GeadMaxage. not offord a new oil! Origim of ltse Kilt, ibis nev type, kneonoostise rouet- ___________________A Scoieman vriie lntise London table esfe, ls provIng popuior, saya BRMIIING THE CENTUIicES. Daliy Telegrapis: Rnevisu rede bibtheNev York Times, LW-WBibe wll indtha th kit wz oig- Patronsa it ai a revolingio rouod _______________________ Blteen Cemeteries Foundsin thUe mtet1intise Hoiy I-uni. Th iseli- table. oup. ment ont fis rcourses, F R A N K P E TC H ermn NubIen Deseri, tory Sgonuevr. iy ibm soldtra of bot vegetablea, Ina &nd tcf e ors LICKNLD AUTIONER i-mt f'oember tise Ecyptian G0e- tise psastmist glia David wvio formed paanee over tise courtier by cafeteria LICESIC AUTIOICIR o tent a mission te tise Nu- île pereonai, bodyguarti ver.eout attendansts; malate, desserte. breat For the Gountilesof Peel andi itlin. bianmD)emerite rncrry out rcisaeoIogi-sonrte otise boue, tisson vlg aiemmo butter, and voter are trovu Sevccal worn a nticipation of tise raie- grenier freetonu lu tise deteneteheot from revolving clous sectio s ir Prompt Seric. gofthtie Aunuan Damt, wviîrisould Jérusalem ani ln attanh againet tortise movint part e! tise table. It Telepbuo: flout on area of about ninety square tsi nceu. Tci.uera ow mlte f0oneentite boy c ta or Chieohamu25-r-28. Gorgetown t. It, m .tissprecluiof excavation Britishis treel. an important modmrn bylli s Oots nc ets Potesi Offl eltLhasO. verIL.religios imovement. conaldera tieseaume. Theo mission nov reports isavtng Scots te be tise cisen. îeaiing moi Tise mosagemenj reportea ta ______________________round ln tis le y of this lons, mestiImportant yace of people on tisera lu a profit in It, for ihs tise ir.0. DO L O N .-A--.a, gVey cemeteries '.,Goda arUs. moderniset form oef cafeteria serice tana ng20 telnwia tes 1*tiseralis fles. vante of fod, fyer ýRXTN N. mtal' 20 oma10 isîci 1 avtie Te neeaepa. attentant&,anti tise preporations of BRAUTON ON. mieriia isobaiti hs br.~l bve ise Ofeers5 Psg. suppuie lealmpiifi et. tIsoppearînt beau tound intact. One cemetes7 Tisetfret 'Ras etthebmCOnt0des.tm gloseWindows tisai guard tise foot Lioeni" AUtiOneeP datais ac; tu the elgiteen tynasir States et Ar.I" a. huovo as ibmfromt sutaide contact are one o! tise For tise Couonlici01 eton aidP-1u. manob.br tiseO Reo-Rman. Thse Stares * iare. vaurim iri .tae !ts aovo oe a ISSJOrLiSeim~ cnlan morir6. at sneveu stars rapreniing île; tiser may lu loyere t ni lii. iFAUX BALBO PsmfI307 iiinidd t.-portant objectea i dand precisus South <haollaa. ililuilppln ornda. Space beiveen Use vlodow frame anti Phone 7r 1Brmt atoe. Thee lghtecntis CgyttanlAiss , s.-Gbra. LoufllaMdm itieseies permIts tise Insertion o! a Si Brr.iacm' ynaeiy iatoi rou about th isecedilo eeà,boud is proea tovo tiseparttesn. Tise ______________of___ thes! bm lxients to tise midle 0f tise m ý si t alieés bha kinto place auto- B U RN turteenib ceninry B.O.it reinei dalal dsol.Ts al m trouais Use gromieut peri o!oftise vuioa ardie uTra e t blectrid C K o-calmi "Nev Empire,,andilieWidwar pat yanecri hings inluie theLb gre conqueror Sriebsc elie.minp ceA Ô K T.O «IL. the religious reformer bierviceisoodbm eler rolaed p lt Akhnation. moi Tut-ankh-Amen. Io kraamnmitht iervai olpisiee Greco-Rtoimu perliodlu Earisi rune arelvirng ametouIner.__ _to te e tront thebaoquat bW Aexander thei _____siens ______r Great lu 331 B.O. lu ibat by Code- t roses. ing ot Pernia, in A.68 AliiSpui. K GT A Dfurlug ibis ime Ngypt wv u rai men ea un=,vlUs CiOutr)andm ?tfer te lantOn of watva Abory SQ N Thorotela aSundi eai tou . hb eeq vo bIe maiready made iPolcy closes factories, Agriculture and has d UnemploymenLt CHANGE 0F GOVERN MENT gt our Spinning Milis j Opened again. Saving- Money/ From a business standpoint you are really flot making any money unless you are saving some. Money you gave is profit--the balance remaining after expenses have been paid. 'the habit of saving regularly EACH WEEK is certain to show you a profit nis Ba nlhi nvites YouiSavingsAcm.unt THE BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA

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