The Canadian Champion BOSTON C1IUICH 110 YEARS OLD f 5ism ch t Mansewood celebrated itsIlîth l 'aaciflgOe n o ,bsoldit.. &MQabMb 0 anniversary Sundap mtir a speciat service M=o 1s.wbl asbdte lbt.5f1m.Ult u cooducted bp Rev. T. Eakmn. principal of ko hns avid li stoitbe Sdum J. LM kud ýBe.mt4ç arlw Knox Cettege. Toronto. The abors and ehestee ouedup lavndhalbbon dlmqw"w, hardships 0ot he early tounders o tis Georgetownuscore.. Gemotownavm ss dstrb.donoftheou. muý listorc church and te great respos- 1 tbree piticrs. but none.of tIbmns emint sîblty te nphold its traditions were 1stop u.sbstea u acdeees rW" (Je tO «Ilfon !o MI, d&7B st ressed by Mr. Eakn. ,orld inbitUma w1111014th@e ~Mqeig.Tmna »~m Eariy meetings oftihe ehureti ere held diinid biow.. "Bah.' demussir. - 155 MiiON 7055 omyder 11 . e in he open hp ishat %as koown asthsedinutbise posond-amfctlledb " i drfe dotxateAY-enod upa libor Scotch btock, sho settted in the district tasg bi polbite, p.rf ctl. e bilmei,,d b, los. mdem Pioed»uptn on- n the early Yeats of the 1ttti entary. Aten.aiitbiataou bcsvu20.foemsnpioegsnom- saiteavebessdtra gond for tva base. W. Ciemnt m-colnetion vitb the BaumMns dait- ptulp n ihidte pincer ayu stiegs or aletei tiresbile, o single, doubie £and1 assstctlau on JuIlet1. tu las mcmi. pulitin hoe ionerday, it los ortriple. The Milton bttery bOlped den party lu tbe rvening.-H. .L(L'or. leý Ahr teb toenostutreihe eshîp ntirowu cause uaterially. Fetter gt- Secetaay. bths loi-in eins onthtosipedfdtin, a triple and double, and Macob Atma largely atteuded aeetingaof 1h. hi iiueingpreuent nusinrotrn e but St gettisg tirroe bita, W. Clemeut mode menubers of Pot 135, Miltons Brucb Aý tepsent pre r uturengabouti186S, the bet play of the day vbeu. fer uf the lioaodlan Legilon, beld lu the ciiejririt dihoir as arrenged]mih Stuart Beaumsso'@a e diatco lis e hulllo lub roansMouday ulgbt. A. B. Foi- t tati I ', mCiiercb et the Epîphany, Z.t Wilson beiore W a 1 e r u cold tisry. of Tarants, explaiued tbe pro- tiironeieaitîrg asetoliiit. The oldet somrabnrsu .pce f tbe 55Gw ot ce pensions ta mereofethtie coengregation, scdouble opeiltedsbdwrvtrn. tilae tt(iietig. etîi ood the lchuArh ouleply.MILTON Jas. Landsorougb. editae uft1he bainVooing win joned he hurc 55Star and Vidette. bis if. and chilti- itairi7ij.ttiitiyeShechobslrCasABtOOcB.f . Bt P o Eren. rf -rad Volley, Mr. sud Mes. lfato o buittii he Psalms usd . Clementr... 2 . t5 3 4 1 4 0 lreor. af Sbelirnre. aud 1ev. S. W. tlisenimito t ti ribencPasesand McCaoIemetyef..... 610141 40 and Mc.m Huu sud cildren. af hyn ýetdfrth cainad1MeCub, p .f....5 2 1 o 0 0 Kitceneer,ospeut Susday atteruuauaet the tventttraînnil choir. Tutetoir a. 2. l2. 2oMs-udM .R...ars At tiiheîortingserrvie, Wlittare Anderson,If .. . 6 12 2 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. JohnuW. aa ti.tith at.ndit'Nearer MYt.od! Wilson, H..... 61 1 1l00 aOssus.tirs engagement oft teir tIi tue,' î,îru tiataitîftiitY renilerrdAt'FtIer, e ...**.. 5 1 2 8O0O1t edet dasghtar, Clara Ioabel, ta theii>iîre. ue, -ing oftKtngs" by Lwis, se...... 311 2 0 1Frederiek JamesaAucklsand onof Mr. Catih imerir ae.oel Saieethy Chîldeen - - - - - suad M-s. J50455Auckland. of Luv. p rîvth cl n'iir ai uts bs. Me. 47 12 10 27 10 2 ville, tire sarriacre t? taire plae et 5 Itatiîitirii'Xiîît ont e so ol IEORGETOWN. 'clack Jaly 6t, ta St. Gerges t' hii ctiîice.neut iienils metAiB B>H PO A a B rc wvle an c n(dtlvpiene ti an- ni the îBîoeirhurn.3,hos .... 1I1I322 3 -Read tire WÂr.KEa5irou's ad. ,i. tiiît~cliateainceeer toeryshs . 223200 -uaItins page. Sbp were you are il] rsuie 'in a ters cfp ....4 12 4 3 1isîsited Inahop-atilton'saBig Boy ]oiliiiiiiiandtiat te.iiorclio'itt 'arnaiihersntf,2hb ... 4 0()11 (OOStore. Prices rigbt. PaytCahansd aae.uii,tiileiiitritîual ..... 4 1 2 il O OBuy forLsa.Molare opesevery Sat- th iliii i elchit tiîld tefortiariy ote, petc ... 2 O t)1 Il O srdaat9 &.mansdetlosessat 1.30p.m. Ctiti 'elfiilsare, mrititn, MeNatly, ,e.. 4 0 1 10 1 Il dayigt saving time. Rti i tte ki. ain, 'e'i. Etlterser , Behoa, 1lb. ...4 0O( 5 O O ciii, ,Ilimiia, Michie.Georerv tinlg, Titertf........ 1 0 1 0 Il0 Not long &goEd. Duncan, edîtar ut Rot iuidm Veiss. t Il i.j 10 0tre Wiartn Eeio.ird atrip tu 'o- Hal, p....... 2 1o0t 3 (Jr"'t.ast atalrnstnof sppuosimaal îlv $ 1.47. t.sst week birenetdownagaeia MT.IUNIOIN WOMiNS INSTITIJTE.- 5 ilt27 o 4 "idgoteaugbt for abarber'@ bahlof 11.25. Torontto itiget yoa ta tire end. 'lIiiulnetitiiotutthe Nîortai t uu loutuul, itîlutcnas lelat ithr %luuîiNr ulitt)nriiiîuets oire Oei iii' a la.'Ij ut-, t ý t, i aniiC xcec Ient re- ttIl(ýIi. huai'tutue. ca presecriei te tutti'tu-Ia- a irniershup et uýi%ý\ tliutotat rcceupi amuroiter ii ai i-i Iiittiri l lari. tîrer l'ut giitciii' iisttaudm inopro Lirui mu usi%ih pries l'er t t utition intue meuic anti O Itt-, Cîîîît'(1-r iîu ýiî r girs was tirid utl 'ut t-tu ja nit - l ui. cti ur'senite0 'be ritiiCi' rte ni l i ti nMNai Our lîLiîtu itt.% h ,ttaiuiii tiie oitn a te t1 orntî t ai t n tic riauittase p1ledi tuti ,t mie ic -l'Ir I lu. t it i ý rc mii 1i i )i li a Ilt l. iu icAti (],mohnu ici t,' il i 1i ti I ltu Ir' m"as c o cteil i i - u Iti, rand t iî'c uat tii. in i th tl, Il "titi- h jlt tIL t iiii . l tuna Mîiltons..........lLltO l 1912 Gteorgetomwn ......2.10111O1J70- h Il 4 Twon shuebl, Toetzatau.A. Cament 2, Fetter, W. Clemeut, Tunir. Tbreee basso ta. IV. Clemeut. Tanir. Sacet. lice flic. MCaugherty. StOtleshae, L.ewis 2. Anîderson, Blackrburn. Greg- env. Doubte ptaya. . Cleent Su Wilson, Waltter@ta Gregory ta Blueir. lun. Numsber o n is piteheti hy Watters Lt tIi, Colo 252 3,Hatt 2 Bame bitsoffl Cule , Wlterra10. Batea en Inutîs, uIf Mrsir1, Colu 3 trueir est. he- Mursir O, Hutl , Cote 3. Wlters . tuuipire. Nirhotson,ufToronto. rOnuSatundsp aist Oubvitte deteateti Hurlogtuîî u nrigtau Or 15 te 2, an(]l HontetieteatdAt na t Brouto y ;,tio ri Iriasings. Nmt Stuietiopu Hatteu t.ague gulu- ico itt te piapeti a futtum u:Gair- r lle at rerte, Gergeton t Ateu, luîrlurîgtuust Mitton. CasipbelIoitle L. 0. L,- No. 1184. are holdig tieir auuoai riarcirsersice iu St. John'a Angticas Cburrb, Campbsell- usleonSuday siternooa seat. Jue IStir. Brettres are requnstati tu meet t 2 30 pua., standard lime. Viitiug hettires are crtiîatly invited. Tire auainersary servicecseuftire Ladicu Aid Suity of tasmeitle CUted Cbîrrhmwittbe hettionsSudsy, Juac iStir, s11Si i. ansd 7 30 p.m., standard time. Res. J. A, Neitl. t Bornhpt mittbhe tire apecial prearirer. At th* csesîsuersicectire chiriofulCarlisle Ijsitnu Crurnh ir ttifueniair tbe muaie. Att are eteume.t About tmesty tiee Sieutia, intudiug l tire Belt Tlephuse staff iere, gatirered t tire hume ut lisuo 5ltiouhtbSturey onaTueadapcrýesiug ainrof utMisa Gtadyu Gidingo, a member efthtie B. T. staff, ho iii ire marriud tuas mccli, andti sedreti hec a kiLcircu uhumer. A pteasast timomwasspetin s lntcId iry Mis-sion -Wa-k-r". ---u t.utoouc50Orei.- t t. i t îe lt ilatitedmuuy prtttp ati uîefat gifttu. IL L.kiici uî c'ru tonds, ruaeriluane 7.-The sectuesat 'oirn ramptnHuaer saysu: Fiee ri t îîtuuuuuticrOut rati ofth'omensMssieuanp ccietp eotiraeeiglBriusofthereCityeru ,àt u "iuit t-I, at1 i) ],catuourkt fHaltonpresyter wà fed introui- rountitown brs eerytiay - ut~l i .o UteCited ehuecti Thuneday, jouneteu taci twoet rut pruceu. This sortp t t if(i' îu % ar , ueiitittes ias7ýte ladite, Inem Waerdees aexuluanp ofetet-rpiale. uuie sheh h bttr i i aiîîî tla-rîî' i iil1tnd;id cu usre 'peedilp epresested. set higiresys. malles t ratirer ibardv ,lil atitIiu'rit At tbe morningsession Mrs. E.Hard- for therlcteuterusere tamaire aliving.T tir ut .î1 i utt tua trufitmoLCownuIltedunteepenieg exer- Tireceseems tauliesno ay ut îaubiuga tuttir i) aîauh ,,.cuis Ie wC. ePeer etfCueite iras these truikmeppualumn etr do- irainu , tti eected sereiarp ton the meeting and iigbusinesstiere.' t lL i h ,it , î1'i routinebusnes %us tinaued. Mn. Tîe Stinturre Fiee Prses ad Ecun- 1ItIL ýr ie ne teteola i, inrs aont Cetrsîuog mist ap :-"Mr. asti Mci. J. M. ut.. onî.u egh, u mot ineriii Moe andtitiughter,of Georgetown, " e ii Iii ýte' 'e -th a pcauee. tenten mrssg atidrecu nie euse iia aeutt ushea ou the tnp ta .,llIu.u....itfitaiiemut gaeiablkoiuthencountrypaud tetdmasy Kimberleyon u Tesday. *lue" flie is ti-u i.t..iiciIld trtercýiug tiues about te people re etitr ofthe Georgetown Herald wben Mi t uit Nli\"11.t gaeduig nlucatuoneand custmin tirat hnis homeis auutieruof irusnets- t u 'ut t i. i.and. paper gupa miro ires Su go lttirig. 1 tt, , Ii i I Nies.. hirk otreelieu ctesed the marin-aund ehuia storyttaelof ahig lai 1 cu i,t.' t !l MA i.I, ) iug session. tie deeettosat esereisns introat ire tautieti sin Mukosin >,,1a -Ia, iii 'u-itlu '. iii uicatterroons vere 1led by Mc. Rubo Ma." A- t riauir -i Pth iuLai twitittioif laiedoiru. tenter aterseon atitres Iii't " 'i tuu NI . tiiL-i, Nts. Smuietti mure outhIte evusgeturat Attire Hamiton andti@itriet Seheol flu1.. i, ý- lu ttu3111,t ' l wîtî.oeebamoeg tire peuple of lodua. Mes. Boys' Atiletic ee ccL iat crîlon 'ut h i . î Nu t î'ut tarît. lieatihead gave a report uftihe recect Toue- yof tlentwe, il.lVtiam Gualle. 'ut'utM.iprenlîteriat meeinsg iettins Brantfoîti, sonut M. asti Mes. Qeu. E Gustte, of tut Si lu iuittu Mrîl.teMNiaulni r es reutMuiltonreporteti torthe Nelson, wonural sib e renicr pute Il ...u'tionrdmeetiung. Pteasisg sumbera ocre vsuutssg cnteal. Heigirt, 10OtI. ô6au. Mr i P u lla'.-au'it,] 1 netsols sugby Musc Leanore Guubp ut Rbert Beiui,unoR. BrughabSr., of t~. anducl utMs. CtemnusuofMiltun. Mitn, llshedtseuond iu tbe toartir t n Ilu~i i u C il N~ utt NIe laey utfbraterdos reporlet tor ibeaul nf tbe 10yti.race for junio r irb tit ,ui t t ihîttua 'urilns flc coeteny cemmitee. The meeting ueirultudntel,nd casethirdin tire I 'ta utI .aiiGuiiil tseib sigugBtetehe Telhat seondibeaulofthe22flpi. race for juis lu t ntu luil.'and prayen Atthne on huena 1uurbuh ciruirululadeuta. Tha:CHoAM- pccu lunch wue eeîeped. POiN cteutis congratulutions. WEDDINGS. GRA00UATEe ATiiT. JOEPH S -laa TWO 11101 SCiIOOL GIRLS KILLED etusg mutin bruutuuîtipmasea of ClI.. -tiL Il ruceat linters astihuopeti op hp intakcitl, ine e lTire tiiei gh rcurites rîd ies. Miss Maries C i' iiil'i.iî riimiIitumuet ioul scueenets aeuead oeoeu is Sinlair.tiauighter et Mr. anti Mrs. N. ltl ' ...-'Il îtiiti ulciti th le IHamiltoneCernaI hecpiatin aA. Sinclair,uofMitlon. andsevcsstirer _ 11, I.l I Ntirtv.1 (1 119lihtglieriuuncedition us the reiait ut beusg mesabers cf cratiutiuc rlasof St. tri ift titi.triMt \\C ttuuuin seuutsroukhoa CP.R filer on the Suuth lne Joseph@ Hospital, Guelpir. pletiget i-t iCi tri. miiitit iii rtuinietu evet rosngieestirtlphbelre 9a. m. legiauce ta hle servicecof nuungin -iit i 'l'u.--i tf Mr.eani tooucasniben drene he kvle ihtire auditorti utofGuelphr Cllegiste 1'lI'n, f ililn It. an rte I tiethugirInstlitutscona Weduesday cveuisg af Ci tt '.u . Atittr te. coluinaightitrse cr eiriel hei st ocis Ansescellent muaical pro. t ti. li iitî'uîîuu Aic sti'm-ui-ommer departmeestat exmusatiues tl.a îiuut îelli it i l'tlie deai ue'tiarganet McKap. 17' gram led up utire preseutaliusn of mun Ci. ut '-'-- tiiuu tcklea oIddaughter of W. C. Mclhay, ipna rdsa Dl ît cI K t,oat ailete. andl Eca Booth, 18, daogti er girl arepuse a boge armtsl of Talis- il anditm tCu t.--. ter et Mrn anti Nis. Gerge Booth, Mile maruses. A recerltionuvrmuagluer- ro atiQai le, aIne a cteernstuetis, asti tardas.beiti tue gratisatetsud their tltt\t-tl\ "iilt. anoîbtheefrieuda, tltumeti hi-a huffettluncua .... I,.an Ni,.l'al. flant Booith, S, asti George Bouthtiltitiane ohini brougirt a mout en- t m-' ICi itNi. ,uc16, sse nileelthtetieodtgiltare jupahie erecise Suanclose. Actonsg iC.'i.i0iit 'i. 'uceuiie.sortucuîîp inuînetitheforer sufaernugtirfuîsts preseaîmwere : Mrand th, îrmma'lractur..tlpelvis, arteasti îeg.Mca N. A.Sinlair, Miss Syil Sis- mog ii 2tu 'i-. t..l. . ue 'lIi, [o ratinplvs r ad l lirof MultIns hilea te ltter un heluevedti luhave a - -Hg icar i il ttgite, Vu-uit tactureti chuit andsti cri roiues tis, Phiudlphia, Pa,- Mayor aud Mca. ciir.Im ...ut.t ttumr ige Il iiiheta ela ucnîes sibuie. Syeasti tossypuasg people froua Ivi.'ri If .i ut,' Iertdus uetiu tcCP. nhcas thuersgandeouise spol.troan. o uee lu u aundl\Ir, i .ue't.uutî.rt utCtii,,u T hestident________autheCP.R._ ic ,lier CV"'Ot Cii 'h st. rftut .' neesung audt ialti luerthe regutar C. N.1 .tîîtt ouri hîte. lui itir .Tmt cIiR. uethousd trais tegZo hi. Whes tisbis milton Jockey Clbs Sammer Me.t m iîr nuuie II.ui' tîtueni, li,,hrai poseud tiey starteil aruss the tracti lu ou , u lt îîsîruî Thtinntu le etiîcîng the speedp C.P.R. train tri1 i. -i l utr gurlie-lier-hîte, ten amoent. the ar as demutsheti sud ita lrat smmer meeting for Jutue 2[h I , d-lufciuimustune h oudî the occupants hurd luose sie bp the ta Jolyi st. Preparatiaus for tire IWO il ifqtlriuui,1,u.,,.uimpadt - inuguralsare Weiluder Wily and by adi'iimit theiiiiii..iss dSottire tise opeig -uai rolhs amrit of i...iii l NcY.ulte e Clucu EnnuI CetîtS, everyti-iis aili ho atteadotito. A large i ,u utS euuiu Nt -uer atin uof KO CfoiL trces atmessaesvackiug dsily aihe ut-t. ti ith nteu goubut pasb palatiug asti trlsmiug up. A Oterucl utt. u et hiuuteiug tntLastliunstap Rev. Me. EIder, a visitr susvteadsadjudgoestasd.twhieh and-herSlieivou , a cragetien- leont tire Strttord Preshyterp. eonucted isuat unDder castruciton. tavlihoucasa- ,iicttu i ubi nituura t uop et i hserines morsusig undieveiaf ii su ans the ut ofnet vsek. Th"e , eInt 'f'cW.M . ili..ainspovement thst tiliau dnabt sit,,acabisetrofii cuîcr- ibe helti attireVîhoeaIMes, D.S. Robse-fl udgret [uevthr patrnus Iflis. te u etLiu iii, .ala l e i sus. Martns'Sreet, sent Tueadap atter- Hsamilton teacl. as theolad stand ob. tol biirssi.ue pi set t itiseit3'coci.Tiaslbeieu etesctedth ie viet ot tho streta frlm'i t i' ie -teus, ctsn Htpns'metin, oas ntitress iii c hoersclub Roume Lotssand paddock rosit5' tir ,tte t-ietmas, a i-ns givna hpMms. MerGaegul. snclosure. Already mny taisesase. tutti ti-m-utit .u .tuuloiuiug trerre- Misses Lauta Wisn astiAteline ou tie rsoeudosnd wsnkiug ot aval mur eutattutY tinuitlieon s a rren, 1 Fraser are beisg sent asrerpresetalivea moaiug. The racies taspi i lgat- te duusuug reelut lieuutc a'tively ofluar Y. W. A. ltaSommer Scroul etiagtfas&thalleand anumsbeof gond thner appy ili ieutsipLlut. Later Luire Courhiciriig tuis ear.tiae bat, boouxreporntd. At Ibm gai-s lue lusiti psr ltebtielS nsavsetue tc!P Preprtionsaare beisg made for the lusian ut tise LangDoognllasnd Ol4&ti tc NreluBey.sue imid 'raliugnuAnnuai Ssadai- Sciool Piesie. mtinaga tise mountty ae tIbos tablec a grenugruirgsietie remtitihbat. ________ intenti sblpping deect la MfaflUtmi. rhues antiblt at chtii, ud mores Isus oginig char sle sest1 ei ok%#"Li eoat ofiuas btocund uatrnufox fue. ST. PAIJL'S CHURCM. AÂeg tbe l.I«Moot »"OnthballisO Oir tirurrettru they mili residu t msuint aopplcatomli octul -ee; Morsie. Rus. J. W. Alios, - - inuster Ss-mtstsiug. - JOHN P. KuaL.t<D, ---Ogsit ci Si" .TH Ai h1 site et ielg oftîhe Peel CoultyOfteeg= th il CousiculJ. J. Jamîrso, Tecuarer of SPECIAL ANNIVERtSARYS ERVICES the e ounty, %vs appointer] Secreiacp il sans -Matmung vms-tnp etlDi. Tresurer tu the Htu siPi-el Otti J.RWsatt fQsaoenoUmi'erity. Kms-lq.e0I Perpes Home. s nacas y eaoaed hylast mswllhoethe m cul lir etalofu Robert Crawford.*Tire Atthons "Gtcat Mx.,me peur-aid grîirtusce of lie CaunuleCaai r ors eil lraI lic Cirldresa Aid Siseer a. pyns - É vmnsngaveip. Rns. Dr. locatdinîaMltan, lire constof wticir s NB atts .il prescis siared equaly iy Peel sud Hutas. asý Antbol -ilnasi elmxmsai D sot drectly uotrlled iy tliens ma setieti hy a by-iam IIini passaitiv tuf Haltonands iPeeL = represeutalan. Tise Chirldre' Qsâ Society, by thse eti de have tirir repe d« M tireaswsxeen 1to = W Pq (ou~Ib avnli .=W r'n~ VThr - amas ye eïr .7 .sraessg R swamp wbom thbbmw ayunlb ierad it ma phausi 10 mékaaasgort lais.Oiso. The CaaiasSemasobhu.deohdot Oume &"in M& it ieh"aiMt baospul- aoey tefor vopapecat l l 11 is osss uftbr Iolenveno. W doat cure.ofa coarse. bua te se boSmng cus-ious os toavisslps-pers vaut tiser secrets kept. Ssci s delighiful combinlng of aId. tassioued aongs, cusulcal favoiteseasnd modern readings s os ivon last v- enlntantise City HOBaly tise Four Fav- f c f yr d 'ltg E e tg p ri VI Seutluol-Reviev. Soir thomnt thlie big -Gardon Porty ot A. E.Waodley'o Yrudoy eveuing, Jaue 2f1h. Soldontsaine boutasqa s oed te, make les yemrly vieil bas Listaol bail aacb a musical tretat ou sprovlded by "Tise Favorite For" of Londau. Tits taleuted quartette reuderod o deligbt- fol. varied progrom. sning attractive changesut costaume-Liotaol Staudard. Soc lbem ai tire big.Gardeu Party eI A. E. Waadley'a, Jane 2Oth. Credit District Na. à2,2. 100F., coin- prising Georgetowu. Milton, Actas sud Goldenu Star, Brampto, eleclod Wilbar Castes, Broan. District Dcp. Grand Master, asud Wi. Hoines Distc Secre- tary, st tireanuaI meeting hcld in Georgetowen. Tire nasuis district picaic witt ire held Ibis year ai Hattassitte Park os Jolp 2ti. Tire myulcry about lire akooliug aIf Vitori Pain,one ofr te memers of lire Ilatîsu cotas y uf tire Milton Brick Co.s a rd ai Streelaville, hasbecs cleared ap. Il appearu tirtai s uant mas of tire sillage by lirenaune of Oco. Buitey bas udmitled lirat ire taairoot- ing nt croath ie lime. ssd.±lse irllel micirsîruci tire Itulisu may havecome fria iris gos. We ircliese liraIlire yoasg masn or iris fumily, feeling purly reaposible, have offered 10 conîribole lamarda bis expenses.-Review. Tire Hulas Preuiryteriat acelionut rut- py of lire W.M.S. mas hetd in Beliret Cirurcir, 7th tise, Trotalaar, latuaI ecir Mes. Aiîkes. Balliuafad, laI 'vice-preni- dent, presided. Asooelsed mitir ber mere tire Preaident, Misa MMan, Bran - le, and tire 2sd siee-preaidesl, Mca. Dates, Milton. Reporta fromo lie differ- est auxiliaries were very sulisfactory, ail but ose ouI of les b usîsg reacired lhircr allocatios. Rerits of lire yesras warir ocre rend iry tire varioassacere- laries, Mro. Catdwetl, Georgetown, e poetisg for 1cm peruse sud Miss Jeff. ries, Oskilîte, on Chirstian aleward- Dleseendants of A. C. HaIt sud Marie Niehets, eorlp pioseers of lire Churrh- vitle district, aaemirted aitirhe home oI J. W. Hatt for lireir 201ir unnuat re- union. Tirere wcre oser 40 preseot asd a progrsm of sportslaebchttasd q ooits pîtritng oecupied tire aflersoon. n Ihe evesisg uaddreasea ocre givns hy George Halt aud Miss Versa Hotl, Portland, Ore.; Res. C. A. Simpson, Brompton; Rev. H. E. Payse, Huoo- vittet Vietor Hotl und Stastey HaIt, Trafatgar, olficers of the associotion. sud the iront, J. W. Hall. Officera eteeled mcre: Preoideol, Mrs. Ailes Hoodes, West Toronto; sîee-presideîîr, Mrs. Bert Howe, Losdons sc etary Ireasurer MmssM. Wison, Chureirs ttc AstySetm.Vui.h P51~lnnsilnqsiubr st mi FUX N 0HTFE R tha5 ereryne CAPTi PALI LRefreshments, Cabins,1 OPEN-7 a.m. to 1a.m. F L-Clostng aut midnil )lui >méflS (Coats, Dress GloYes and Hosiery SPECIAL! SooMIse. boeili oilisl ed at Somnt Mosqssers ooay5 r 1ed sPoe. JUne 141h. tr= 1110 4<1 R. U G(UILD, HolftlesuUedgisnlà" d _________________ J. sosclVa"glIs . I 1 Bien TENDERS-Coucrete Bridge __ __Htudm£~sI~ Tendens aili ho ceclved by tis a4esafy$1 lO aitlbeucis su' andes-igneti fiscthe coustaaeia - is.Sactios uetr concetsbridge betaveen Ilal 3snd4. cas.-ppît Ibhis uSfe.. con. 7.' NaasseYs. aiste uaoiss lO A Stm-Baby cascie. i ls.Bridge Fo MONAY f UN 16. osau".n e c onu emditin- arsgalu t a i Ps-L ho a eO baby vaiker.Ileb0.ejap. sud s large1 at M. Gerge oad upt. orrug. sitablO foc oummer cati at Engiseer Raoy iSith'«.o.Okwille. Apply Mms D. Thosna. West N 3 jOHN MABLSEALIs St, MilIsia. Phone 18seiay lima i Township Olerk.________ 2t Oampbeiville. OsI. NAN.ATEBf LU OAPTIVITI iNOTICE TO CREDITORS Sbaaks Ars. Nov ta BesSu la1 r ma"Aquartaau. Ait peesonsu airutg claisus agaimst tire Priabably tire Seat Insu-a Eale aI Msry Jase Armstrong. tlceoft arks ever ta bu kept alise la rire Towvnship uf Trafalgar, in the Cosuytvtly are nsutlue sea a10th of Battus. n dem. decesod.tira died souda Aquariumo. Tirey are of at tire Cty aI Homiton os th iItir dsy apecîesa soetlmea mnoto popol uf June. 1930. Are required ta seud luitasztthe tiubpy uhark. bot setý f prliestasats uehIir es ltotir adee- kuosa iem as Carclîarhlaaa lit f ignedonsorbielore tie2lsloljsue. WUtus, sud deacribea Ibesa as havI. caller thiuhtidue ay uaitaile onaeys rauge froua Brail aga-ti to FIat itilt be distrihstcd aouest tio roIaThre ta a; uofthtrse opeelmeai tiro t ilotica hs har ceofised. Bermuda waters shows theas 10 c t)td tMilstu 21 ayo ase t teut a fose hudred miles far t W. I. DICK. uuth. Miton., Out.,Tvoaspeclmeua oft arriare o 2t Soticitorfte E nt ais. suas lnaqaqriums-oeukuoti Stire sud ark ar Glaglymoat cratons. and tirs other Carcirariae MORTGAGE SALE tarails. Il lbas geaeratly brea fi lmpoaslle ta keeplaul capttvlty i f of tirs speclstirat have becamef OfFARM PROPEIRTY. illan ta tisa gaeral Pubiîe tramm Inan b vtte fth pwe o- slelsa of accidens t t iatiers int ra ontoîsdic erta inetîsmorîgagea. muir wtires aae. ftre Or aitI lis peoede t the time ef sate,. h uao fteBr there tilt tir nffered for Bate hy publicrAquariaum ud formerly raratoi arttuou several aquariums tan tire Us Staton, Iscladnthat tOtNet Y SATURDAY, JUNE 141h. 1930 sapa ire ias trled t0 kesp alsv t the heur et 21m) orîo neirsthe ulter- Iust a kusdred stmrlmteaa of sa suas. tiy P. D.SOutrer. Auctioseert tire and Oaa tallai berause ut tire precîisca. therr lttnig ratoatite foa]iu ety of gttlag tiresita a tank aý prepeety ;Tire assistant curatar Oaa laa Att that certain prceet ur tract ut ad orer tira reefs tisat surrouud t1h and peeiiacusitoate. tpiog and beiog inIlands ut Bermu.da, Whso oiregt tbe Towashiîp of Eeqae"ag. an the tine betag rarted sar h y a po, Countp et Hatts. asnd beiag eompoeed fuilflais. Ita maovemauta aeemaed tI et Po rt of the oir aest halbiorLut ausa very diltfereut frsnt tirsas af tire i ber ose ini the cirti cusceeioti of tie aary f5>0 obes raoksd. asdtit aiii Tewnetiip of Eauiueioc. ad eus- murmr ase sp~ totomuf hp adaesuaemert lortyfire & hmr *ae"H l dt acres,. be tire sme more or icm. along Ums, sud tissuhise si The atie lesi are os the 7th ise. exarasted maaagsd ta get t to Eequesing. etap joa. sAnduit l eetisurface '*played out" attea g Tire larîsin dest fur geais or aiset ilgirt. Thon ho suwthIat l wé laîmiaf. Tire buildings eoosit of s umaît miarkar.ubout three feet tus, ecs rouard crment tbtockrboouseelp The sisarli as nsiaed hy tho item, sud s harn 24 leet hp 42 leet. Tisere asd droppcd lmmodlutety to ingeuil ml mater audia speing ceeebon tauliInlire Wei ut tire bout. the peepeetp. boatu sad by lire Bermuda Aqua' The niipreperty il1 be oulered fue for flaig expedttouala equtl saie satjeet tu a reeved titi asd ta ucos.-wth a tank eoualderaisly aboe ditions oulsale, thieti tilt be rendstttire avecage 9scue, hicti orotèd partie' time nu @Ale. lp usetul lua1hcasa. TERMO Teu pereeest.ulthe puecirase_____________ mosep ie tu be poitd cots at thietime ut saIe aoi the Obtane mihint Iiity - Poni e o days thereutter mthout tatereot. - P oem o PForlurtrer partîrotaro and eonditiuus TR C NG e AiKi HUTCHINSOPi & ELLIOTT, Meîiton, teearigue, P. D. SoaLTz, Autineer. Secoud baud Ftailrosd 81 Dated at Miltonu, thia 201h iiap ni May, tena iaslIroa. Angis tr 10.00 SteledPlate, PipeL Sirstiug.Pulli Baugera. asd steel of aIl kmds. Mf. MICHNICK s U R P R 1 S E I Pbone 171 an 80w MsrT,'v 0. huve Table Service thut LV DIFFERENT" Mabe hUra LACE toi talkîng about. 'S INN ,ERMO Fruits and Service Station.I, V Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ight balance etofek.I tI 13 9"4 Ami" ba lin l ab.Ro st ln, uuu@mmmm Ujmm m lmýPEi~ae-e ISpice Cake THE MILTON BAKERY Sm Pboae 67. lte Tire "THE CHILDREN'S PARADISE- ,u..-Sanley Park ---- ERIN - ads lu Now Open for Picnics and Camping Besof etAeenm aodatios Resonule RittiesCl',,i, etl. Mlake yeur retervutin earl ,'. Ne pi.ii rou, or tee esnsitl cpys, Good Dancing Every Fridat Ni-îi Dsssuuisaiue inss..tssake the ealed ins Fii d tIse l tir hie lucdieateeb.ssd iras-eirlds lisee have eeiosoctiaIl yaa. Tam of bigir pscuesSAcRIPICF-D . rgsdaeprcren.s mnammt UINLMIY? .tise slytusn ls &»«e %bs dodst g« o aCascais bem is ndat iïiI:sL va" Who& 5a S17C i ........ .. LUX ::s àu tw TOILIET maël ire 13C gpecmai! 13e &0 . ,- 2 ph.. e.nd .30 C12pitai L2 - 1 c TH:RSc Q " NcH 1 e bmsdsiesmî gmm of -r u -mot idBU TTE râe2 Ibs. 65' ILTON e fo L.aadies' VilDresses 1. Organdie and lace trîînme Il suly e'P$3 95 For Linoleums, Wall Papet Wlo ating Curtains, &c. set dr Galbraith &Company aiba- IrIda. coudW E -ND SEIL T. C. BOWEN, Prop. 1 teiw 9to3District 11Ilt. S t ite hi ii tf 0on FRIDO4Y. JL gyOýufbasot an.iifîe wj$h g6od coLt P fl3ý F BIRD, Pres f 911NS HOME Our ntany patoilt 1 boflugînde Bit i1 flîgileOt Qu iltyî T.PAK Itti SATURDA-Y Stigared Peantt- 30 b- WEEKf -END (Il()( 01 , 1ent es s ' and Net '1. hosete tc h il, k1 Ktrting foatiui lu ff i l n tndo nt- 1 Wh.t T.iii.licnI Fic Nopit14 l Pt ries i ' 'tui i Il,, Couer.i il , lii Jael Wtttrr, ut Kipper Stîtc'îs t. P. & d.W lt :ýl Se v- S pn 11 SevtsS lioi CUNNIN( i Mackei lth and Insect BtIoyerst X MPe Noth C ik, ýPýrc nseet Powî c tr white Hettebore, RiSckLIeuî 40 i î la, Krenîî N $am lBCainphnr , i i - Jomldehydetiti .sOSpongea ton Wat 1 - %Maaing Yousr car