Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1930, p. 4

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have e ovtr t tuhéiI tr omfrta 5 Ubr~** qalt0»oteonl TM.A . 11,frtiear e ve gla lit.obedatli ie as~ ee~ lis Ode. ecn rtilule n ta ket on1* Jsoaepb Zalvanetathe Lgion. h0,1 va aI,"ueaMabt00tl libatevt ust vhch l e rdentlfo dIt m eI oo a tma SUInt by.11"enchituten Ln uc teAe h llettegodhab. ieNa fothe hgleot.&Is oleshon- Steakn f a- av at>eDr or vhlfor ther nictr beeovi n tand liaren fnr ly e, e- UmeTh tIenGrn Oler o mmanerOf- ithe vIler onha. the 09o the Whrand hevaoier.hThelevîl onctlfr aet mla tae trm liseaho ofamheiblalenGMrendthantesofitoe at cf a C1ninlar rot. ahe hi mThe Frisety-busree yan ei uec aodler oilmb, a ieelca aUmm.dt1 ord onphblewnaUve olI.th1e ego- Thpi1 as od k. ahbt fti crnd novlnadeood fr olereofand lot- mrcla riest tlen ipoudet ntoec vor thela lb Ii vflledhc ribotu- dabu Bt y ondeasampy ulet rbl theieneb p hhl anoen. llk.e teI n eliM h a& Méiev proOdI rh.gi-at-eapne llt e, ta a rle, atheot ke&non sdsformuet hig f hlm! malbIn-ve ale. bt tananyoe xpin vhy.tro oent hen the Dcvcamtr est tevoDtslad am0eolate Il vnod he a tissasofeano. _ the lnteron persce elr no ùù- hAVt baRJseh AN ldon tltie fo tovla caen le the oo.bel «r ______ muor tanmot tentedoge like ailreprt. efTeti. woas M hestMater otlpu he SoetgahvoIe ucr tety esryandepaie n.at eteho Ibl otcd ledn rihreatîvo o ert rog ftondIo othr ndmoe-ic ete r, eudono ucdgarden tueng the adaIHela 10oaloi-y vhîehatnepul rhe osonerrlee ete camas frosthe. Oier Franc ient-uIset eet tuhos. Bbc hie hefn ica *re Thuaenof lm! alc t isrecaitl s do btio, 00 ente but atimon.y vlAsrof iclomni lranz . t ecite-r tethc Cook aanet, ey Bua mn i n e. m ser mentr, H dlaia acfedugi chmolt. I yehanis aturylu tl!. M reltes lot ie areouepeit, asto are a great fathraanu e l AN othRSle lontsaoncte l teslnheh Zool. Bt 1111,md 10k hl 10 erie t mhntuneole klie t he reeofmake en hiMan iees Mocar ut ae. Hie tathr ahri ole dallaroaive teqe ditnutyter iearlai, ast ho bt hee tou a Ihavea tieeof mstert h. fctneandlie ren-they rier bnnango. T heanagrov etin tu I'ence, filmnla aarpwl a id pltlete ant erocte S Teelie in aale aia uiireh in- ano hi toncnie elte l anytUe- Aogthe eldeiy omi a pun.uetiee.rou nd.eCo Ilns n h ot woan tAeminer eases.nlHetbasehPacife, Ilis mc lte omu ut île.à Ilea vomanel.sepet e sawieusbavnea n uriil muandie atrorChIl elleent ast tneelarsetthat lnic vasihavece t.lectoe, rue titt. The veut @&meoillae ao'uaveho.netIniuee are exaor igtnarlytnd wut 18handaseoon.vl owmela heo cilslaonuî e raosiumaiheavery fieu sholrycaltrebsago. ndharuttei dogarthaeatasoo teula waâ doped b Poes, ho ad ardlî min e i pelh o al hoin rele ileerhtis eigeneec u c rthuin-t Bol oe t ho a he wnehet Ihes eduasinrancuet ruunghinoa-îyte-teeelbelote Ihendstlenditheteomont Baule*aut pecetngis la lngminepîatht ecIetuito aropiaelpaltde anai t h inerhy fic snset vogewili their toreteetlanhen tamp oiton lai e matn Jliai hein egmilee-ai n re cnt ili eoiete rnelCvile glaemnehythd ecstriglit Hocknns have ite teoe. nwfi.Th vhiehhunoloelice frelca, hange onkutaree areuily veefron.of uht he waetrg tone ver ws tîmi thotseno o, a t a rs e- hronte vîlli 40.haieeuoed1 trm tteielorre ltof their heatsul iqoar tram tue he fne. ne entitmune osibefenh o alrse rutoff ter hir Itn thina. btht nmcrack n fhuei.y01 ant h sulete s0,fcr e tlo girl tor neo bashatete lt cae dreinge ütetie ite ogielithaue-tesootet.o h itl esswr ttresucitreoet mula bge l ChnoTh ovont Ioa ulmeble foritn ofnatie unuai, litout mehfemlee orloul tsl ptla Eeantd anter ilange bare ceui 10lr, anst hoato t eiglite rmteleal e uthuli rlabl0Wtiv ie br emlers-mure lnareimot uton-ch e TWN COLL, Q(ýUi. bEll AND CII nocco THAN EVR o' She almost trembled Erfeseg raies on "Ai-- tue sOieion-lo-sla- lien) ratide eew egi ai 7 pw. Ni#&s rasi hogea ai 830 Pan. fait Sire "Lai Distante" #bc mnau« yew ante -i s>0.1* o>tâtc sr- &kt. Il yii dui't Aà~ il. distant oubor. «Informatone" gWin ianéit ope> fr pe. at the thought Mos, Kone vas a timit seul- se doubt atout it! Medern fficiecy cater tcerfied her. Shc wanted un much to talk ce ber itter in a love 80 milcs evay becases a friend had toit hcr hov she enjoyed veely long distance chats vidi ber home. But ete didn't keiot bowt go about iL "Therets nothiog to it,"» ber triensi îeld ber. ")sist asIc the operator for 'Long Distance'and, vhcn she inivers teil hecrltse nunuber you vant. If yen don't knov your siasr nurnber, asIc 'lnformdo'd-its se vey "iPL--," Mn. Risse frit cncosaaged. Sh. ttled it out one recelsg; touad the operato hclpful; and in two iuis vustalk. mng nilber ulter andI cjoying hneii ilioroughly. AM Ithie taffceai. er oup 40 cna- te. vcnins aoistoaaion m acef ter The Fhidi7nighe3-elleca tkou li« aih= i o m Mxkulo& M A* yoIr s nier t for ui! ufornlauon one Gyproc Wallboard« or uend for ints fre. book, "Building and PS- modeUing wîth Gyproc"- GYPSUM, 11MB ANAM ALABASTINE, CANADA, LJMTED -FOR SALE BY- Clements & Co., A. W. Merkley - Chas. T. Day & Son Do vldson' Fruit and Orr Home Grotte Sirubs Roses for Sr Wr ii h l e 1asedtote alia Phone Il Milton, Milton, Milton, Ont. Ont. Ont. namental Trees and Plonts tee the Gurete ,prîcg Plunting. Burlington M~mfrn,,f ùà',Alwayson the i IU'a, uJuI Garage MI LTON ONT. We ilave Something to Suit Your Every Need - Tractora Livr 13Buiclgtoohh Grain epaalor, Itulebor Pichins Grain tirinders Minord8 premieai tOm anBgine@ Wagson Belting Bléd ,b Wuadent 1 Cathare won 8osupp aantojeijn Craie Separalcni i. -. Muons. EayZou~ ~oe ~ -t id tul-ho, arecord emp demaidi o egpelli a prasotce c hppn1 l.l5 , liee andfriena blac 0W*Csm andthîe vont o!Cieda.,- Close on silsmilloni dollars vUre- aiset se Mv &New vlcsroends terln.- 1929,.bali; rremiten etIO oft21ti mles of main trou kbleu-, waye and 1138 imli et ofccnendayý rente. Thise Io reardéd ai lies mst extennive programme osf blgh-, viiicotrluctilon, lmprssvemeeit ont rintieance eer underlakIr lu the Provkinte, Saapped le Hy-de Park, t«oo. Esgand. retentI-. Hue. Bareshi- Howord, 11111e sue ut tord, Stralle- cons andttescendanet etthe ereat Contdion shoees one ef tbe fooodere ut the Canadian. Paciit Rallteni, tees pletetapleet kils- leg hie tousin, the amatI doogliter ot ile Hon. Mes, Arthuor Heord. Bull h itren arc UrvIne fik lassvti the great past eec one el thi major esente In îles lestory of Cane- adnates ln the sakleg, Orgnized nate ye.rs-sage hi- a group ut tormero tweue ille Mes. Berta Hlmes, ut Asquith, Saab., as presideut, the Saskatcewaevn Puultry Pool leamiles about 76 per tent. efthte entiru ogg production ufthteopi-ovince, Lest i-onthte Pool lurnet uvor 26,840,184 eges, valuet at $540,000; 823,743 peunts et troosed pouitri- vluet at $184,- 000, ont 39,561 pIsofetlite pool- try ai $6,000. or a total turnove etf1$U0,000 fte cyuur. After 15 teeu ou ed planteg, thie ouierfimentoi vote ut the Cao- otian Goverument Doportmeel et Agriculture has tecelopet sieeu vurielis tofliplo irees outedtot the tilmaile tonditions et the priorle provinese. Of theut varie- ties two haivelites graetot et- guet,' ont toue "goot.' The fîrsti Improtet Sire Ari-to lu Maunioba honslicouestuhlehet lu the munieipaiiiy utfIRoland. ne, coi-ding lu aonoueent matoelii Albert Pretuetalue. lilelter ut Agriltueofutihe provine.e Un- tee ihis scethmo 011buel, houri an autrmo mutlie epelet ont approvet lietoreownuvoure n-opur- mititdlueretato (hum ftu erivite le the Ares. Ovece$82,000,000 love heen in- vestot le maneoloetieg coter- prises le the provinceofotAllierta 000 yenely l niarles ont votes 50 over 11,000 empioyoos. A sm- hue rapit tovelopsent lu Indus- trloliîm len the isior provinces et Manitoba ont Saskatchevan la ts lie tot, CombineO, thc tIras pro- vinces have tiot a -ortIY Otpotut Mnnufettureetgootte le Uic neIgh- obou ot Of$325.000.000. "ISTAMBOUL" Eseacnorlog te Reasuve (irek ast Arîiîeslau Orîghisu lu cioec~tti teit Cosiautl nopls'es ers noire hIle tatsO iliol te Ksmaliit Guveesinisent ofochre> i- adoping Iseltambol" ne n sulititoto tee Constautinople tasnotnul needet lui erodietiet the eooeetiolii- ireel si>rmoioggy outihe Word. lu tht Tuele lush eroosutis tte titi- utthe Con- olootities lu oumet lutaniheul, feus te Greerh Rs foin 1cI<dtsv hich, tee- dcet loto Engliel. meanue"iu the capital," o in thîe city, as Con- sattnople la termet hy Orsi-bs est Turbs alille trouglieut tei-dune East. Ttc Turhluli Ntilonallissunee- teavotingtale emuve the Gi-tek or Arenioe originseotMot tovre.s or cilevituai eoceetieg le fietief appropriais auhetitutes otonîem. Ttc cuequerue ut Cosantinople. Sultan Mehimet Il., vas prout, howes'er, ut uppeopritleg the titleofut"Sultan et île Romans"' as tle aotcseor ofthîe Coeeiaetee, bt the preiet TurC- lot Natlonallets t11mb that 17 a strohe outhîe pen tlcy tan upi-oui lîstunic nommsonf Helesîte rîgie, tehicl e nt even the fssnters oet"il- lutious" Turkthe dynasties have evar ttemptedte 0diepeeee wltle, Norse ClIp Remamed, The titi- ut Nîtarua, teîch has bat lie emme thasged liy loy no maey urnes thal historanit annel kccp t-Ode of It. teil 808e resrnle ls fer- mer namne et Trueslljes. If the law- makters ocfiîe NorvegUhmeBtrtle*eg can reach an agreemuet. Trofitlejes become Nîdaou agaln oen.tanoary 1, 1930, 17 Paollasataiy dccree. Ie Fobruan-, hevever, a leli vai letro- tuced ta Chanit thie uasýbakth t TronthJes. anIdii"Pite a be. dvi-. ilon ef opInIon, tac meanera seon llkely 80 50i5, Trondles. or 161a*- ras, vas Sued tlà toi by Klng 01af and Je -ta. clty referred t blas Longfilov'a "Waga ot King 04p, es- dee tac Germas ipiIlsg asi "Dno- thelS.." Thn ve nBermoadaey, Loa. 98is- grj 5 U~UDt fl Dincat, agita .ati i I âmssma* e m<lv Vhs, Sfipmewo.i"oM Gonaple5 M04 Pron~ie. Faesecland EOfe i Tarent. m ad bmanoei syn say, D'S DAY MORNIN<i - IiILTON ONT cbl, ete rais Mo0tln . liD 0. Ps~~a. ie i - Ad 5i à o- 8 P tiîi Dr$,., * g.ANDERON& . . Physicinn nt brgu -i Tires ahnost worn out are dangerous..a DRIVE IN SAFETY ONV DOMINION ROVALS Look te your tires carti -.,,n Have them inspected by ar Dr.min- ion Tire Depot expert. Your old tit-es may te nor tu th, dansger point. R;,eplac- îhcm wîsli Dominion Royalu, taedaiJ iqop- menit on many et Canada',lîse5s cars. Dominion R E foi- the car nervîccd t> orgatuzation Depot Syst unit doetingi orne colsi Reyalu-tte tic- of rodav rof ieday-. eseild anrd r Canada's gtasrse nm, the DoinrionrTire temu, eachio dependet iuistcd ty ils bleand [or acheme, >EPOTS New Nova Scotian Hotel, Halifax IlS. McCOLL & SiJTIILLANil ('ph... N.. Slt5I5i 5t. dVin iii oA Onu HI DR. A. fG' H2EMNEWI 'y.Iol.S5 ..d Su19-1 LEGAL WILLIAM I. [)ICK Cioee r- uAtiiie ii1i ie.soiitioranedi.î- . Moee..iy t in m.stOe.e. t TCIIINSON I111 F DENTISTRY DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON office o--ePrh-... Tt,.,: CutSappoinissetomav 11,Il Xtk'l SERVICE, (JAS 05000 DR. G. A. KINC, DENTAL SURGEON Offies ieRoyal Builing, NIl DR. SrANLEY BRAUND DENTAL SURGEON * 5'5At hi. eiet,(ni. tant 11011e eser \,rS <h neeln X RAY NUtdici0e, Surgcry, or UuieIiilli NELE"Tht Cbiropraulor, - >, ý~Oeepuee SERVICE LADY ATTENDANI lOZ ily in teî 211", aorOWN Wttcc., lra.a bE-i k - BING RATFiS. h. goor, vB1 ite te ttsee ivoIee la tles natiO51iii-W 01 tles Cantoin Nt su thie OPO0 ge-isg the t! !Empir.... ,5o or Diily/Stae Nl>i I~iLCeOUNd ...Wed ... d. i i'. 1 wf n; 4.a He r '. i ii . Pm.andsC-t ep.nleg dace si i O. vlhnolJun'y. 1et A fol, mthetiht- Bp OUT C)F 1

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