years hosaus. W» io stand up under vaUdfoa -giving our euso«Wft m for thefr mon"y. Drop sn tomorrow. * ar big line of Good ié dalfl> and High Preeuirotk« .atMey- eral pristea.Ounr' wilIIfiithe rght ulmeOy<M-ear iithout extra charp,!t improvec Mm , Davidas Ca.vels Battery Service a:1 MILTON, ONT. Baturda, al.ProV ________________________and A.À in town (;OHAmo Let the Cook Have a Holiday. cookling foi the family go to mighty h.t omes. So why not relieve 1ligery cf doing alot of cooking at ber iiy letting us supply part of Gi ic.Buns. Cakes and Pastry are po iil,, oteadily ln populap favopl. THE MILTON BAKERY T C. BOWEN, Prop. SATU RDAYTREAT!1 r hîl trtmels, iti vanilla and chocolate ils lied in coccanut, peanuts and H) lb Sa t urdaycirea t Frce 2 5clb M1 1NtI) CIIOCOLATES 35c. Mb. ii tcted1 ingredfients, in mny tempting J ita, Pepperminot, Butterscutch, Maple c mtetc. Reg. 40e and 50c lb. ............. SPECIAL 35c. ,p Penu Triangle.%,with a del ghtiul Cho V jdSI,,al 39c. lb. 1 sif ailla Marshmallaws, ut in sq uares -a j, Speciai 25c lb. W. T.BARNARD Pli0ý. 14MILTON M'ackenzieeS "MIý) et Dislfi ttflctat Ira5 iand Deodornmts Isal Kreoo Dip, Crude Carbolle Acid, Pure Carbolir Acid, Mlii, Chorido Lime, ix, Formaldehyde , I Mi k Ilgo Cupporas, Creliln, I -tilie Zenoleum, IBlack Lestf 40, i."ilîu.~ Iz-al Powder. Lrge 'p' . îî Wates' Glu.UB DiO-hliDyca ij ai t utPreserving Eggi. Diamaisé Dyas. Gas SmokLO putuma Das, j i l'ceseroing Meate. -tejion wDYas (.iricen and Flowor Banisi ia . a Seeda. coora, 25C. HsUSec 1 a niîn g KODAK T1198 Needis EVERiy DAY NOW 1 i.ll tt's bye 1,i.Brax at .hgICaU . ... a, CAMBRAS .OZ q i i lte Soap O A B--~ Oit Cedar lroXabm Ol oth Bsgs, i,1,r, Machitns Oit ji .MAC ~phone 40. be A i ai-uit-. 1à. et tu y n P. D.-- ibo Eceds edm b. w L.Y.P.A. Ilral pasPeel*ba . viiiujbrsIe i ' day. Jane 101k *Juan sui. SfletI B"D~ bhm aruma* m ib m«. elea tilck, thé lent iaeaWlug ts, -oua by 2 ft.4 ima. ibheaou sdMr*. Max Nervi. ami abl- 10t1k @ntthewmtd a Ni"m Do'i forge ather j D., J-D Ni. Mn Ra . W h uiaaa. iStL . Buy Dm8 a Tie. Ail reinîmi ork it U. o . EhU . mk .reducad, 5&., 2 f or 81.00Md' lin. bivei Mltoanmd An. 69c., 2 for 8I.25.-4rt WmieO' e ish Use tracior mmd moad leaul- p ry hop. edway hum alremdybeua Y m FMYR-r- Il red.nion ofrltae CoMgIhiMainily viii ha Thon. Wllman. mandber mm o i bmhonaofMr. mnd Mr@. and William. aitaudmdé mfun. Go'. OnIlng. Ban., ai OoMlng. Milsh.. kber Mrm. RobE. cm a.iacda. lune 2119t lb. 0f» ai tNiagara Falle, N. T.. On 1o veam « PrientILM-. Ra&dbead. lay laut, Milton; vie- 4id. Dlmr00 Waldhaook. ef Trafalgar. iAber. le«. Oa»hml 1 ».îa 0an aiOre iramve candidaefor imilsn r. r. . W.amuhg. ililoti A.galhidUlsof Palans» van Amytukoleai o. nu yaaterday Mmd favored TIR ~ 0h0 PION vith a aul. In» and tired? R-t int»0" lta Milto on EJaly lit. Ih viiiwhite parlar, enjoy 'pmo P.M.C. higget dayasfun lu tibm ismorY Ice CroMansd a - ol ad drink.- iown. Wateh for pragram of Sherman'a Ice Ores»> Parior. Tou dana l jê tut o BatA PalOaui1 ;Vmt» choomofrai -j 36" wsdj Feltol R g Mmxy beantiful cloa4ud pst- in lmarg of patterns andF toen thiis 36" widb 42m .ia bJS75111,SU;219, *. Bg Days M ýyd It wilt pay yoU welI to shop heft! During our 3 BIG DAYS--JUNE 5, 6, 78- umflry An unusual sffering lu dainiy voiles for cool au mmer frocks. 3 Big Days 55C yd DO irTs' Tise Qabvilia Star maya:--The A (UARDEN T Y, - a er n- -- ~.bL~A Wissdina races clomaed on gaturday. plieai Boaion Chureh. wiliieha hld ead R. B.eNovilaseradliaonvus via OvOusa Maihia LpvononiTi32adaieavin aiS6and.H Nwif tha d wtac wal a- iiiJn u 1515. progralmme by Ua Falà,P t1,32 îds dîin ta Oftise ace g ne. Ilnva- follssvlag acilis' Olive H. S"eeai.S- thegsaison' s uewest patternssand ning vo aesfor tha meet." EmoAcenmasait -HaryBnntt,. des* e Guaranteed fast colora. uamaeIas mt flivanaa. Violînlai oigc Sunraim adda nusch bta elasra imaaOin.Daueeraud Cthld mi- if home flic. We vould ha plasad ta . ator . scomauaichi, Gildo fon avor ysur home and auhimt p1 %I~Vasi.Ad ilnon - Adlt 95c., 3 BigPays55 c yd and ossI of iuilding ana. .J. B. %ACciildcan 15. ]LENtIE & SONs, Gorgtwn. '_WON________________.__._Pan Trse ssinofaitiesamiannual tonof Tont -MeJ.or. Po- he meetag ai tiseceouneil ai tise Ontaito tn1iTrat.ir9ai, fs~~~ andkerchif Cîlirgeo f l.hrmacy vas isld Mon- deaitht matisa ca nte aw tsa tr day la tisaesc"rdlraaumToronto. TJ d' a gTouttheO, l aidaiteSitroeet themna, ai lEitan prd tain immé.harapy. wvici vas ield t Divan- i~ tis meohrs isageisaad ro a iiir Bath Mms Ptan and parts aifis, province for tisameatinag. bar viltir ara mach lntreeetd in acea- Meu's ultra fite qualîty baud- CouNso-Dr. P. B. Laka, tiptoma- patianal ihîrapi, and tis aistr if tisa kerchief s, baud stîtehed wth triat. 167 Ysaga St.. Tirontos aeprlaa.vnner leauait seupatiana.l ther- eysgst seiIllt. ;Vii hbeatmi» aaapi, aida ai Westoa Sanatorium,. colored woven horders. Grae.Reia. sita. ppetito United c Cisurcis. on Tueqday. Juni l7th. 2t "MY VALET," clanerriand 19c aaah or $2.04. doz. "Tisa Gype Rover.' tisa opretia Dyers. We operate a new, up-ta- presented bhe-tiachair aiof rmes Agli. data plant, ta give you btter work eau Cisorcis, Milton. ia tise ArmanT and service. Mens colits dry dlean- Hall on Monsdey ight, provod ta hae a ed and valitor preased, $t.50. fond Ms eni ctui odcti oa fll viscsaer ho W miat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~thr deiniipadeiniî i oo unov for Shuins convention abot t e hauntisg sweotnenm.-Elora -Art Wales, Mitn dGer Tisererguier meeting tIi Pont No. 186,. GARiNr PART-À arsien Prty OP W L.TH Casadien Legion. yl eh hoiinlatisiranstar tise capices aof 1.Ldis i clbai onosMondai, naît. Jana 9thf zimamrmen United Chancis. wul ha t 8 Mr. Padisari,. aiToronto. hîld at tisa home aiElgin Cartwrighst wiilise-ttso speaker ai Use ayaning. an Wadnaday, Jane 2th. A firtelea William Agnew. of Brandon.M, o..ngcam vili hae giron b he tiafolla- viso ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h atodn i.iarlil as g atias, iRoute Trio, Banilton er. Rtobsertiere May, 23cd, retarnid <omiwcCtapais PalaenM. home os Mondai n, ast ccomaUtantod hiJohn Dailer. radio aaiertAilnarn, Pri sT flqueise. hs viila lo riit lher MrJmae5l5 JamesB11 ada foniemi 4 irothor Jamesnlt Champion. Ai&. Trno.Admis- PCTR PR RAM OoL.-Ladies of tise Mitoan Golf aid Conatry, Club hisla their tiret, field Atout 1 &m. TaesdeLYwitel Alhart Fia n audy ui day on Ttsday aternciin. Goid ctaipera little ecisidres vice playiag RîdsmdStiaJn scores vere taraed la and tise Iigîrnear a vood pile, close ta tisa harna an ai 8.45 p.m. daylightl aviaf ime. cou tratva. off ta a god tart. air. hlm tarm. tirt lino. Trafalgar. tise, P. W. Coolie aad Mima C.tiamohail madie a honfire visici net ira ta tise "Wonder of Woman" ied for tiese ai alsile. MM P. W. vomi pila. Aiter Mr. C:,or mnd hie Cooo ieainiag ott. Noa.playiag mima- nalgihaorehiait uamsccemafaili, icagisi est ardi g Lov Stose, Peggy Wood@ haers joyed ibridge ta tise iais bauge. Usa lievisicis isrnid tisa vOasIPile andHrr.My in an epic oi Tee vas erved on Lis. veranda. Lad- and tisnatened ta detrol tisa barns. e married rlue. irpictisi ies, day vili beh sld ovary rsi and 'cmli vasemnt lota tisa Mitan lirslira- oidtimo conventions. tird Taoadei, oftise montis. Milton gada visici suaaeaded ian aviag tisa Comedy-Lasroi Hardy ia ladies ara aaieriaiaiag tise George- harnm. town lediea an Thurndav,, fane 12. Tisa Garden Party, ta haeield at A. . nsugar Daddies', SPECIAL OiTICAL NOTICE-Bava Waodlaym ferm. a. in te. Trafagar. Sptlgit-Gittiai Tgatiir." yooc oyoa enainad by car wel.kaiten on Fridev. Juna Sitis. Pramome ta heaa - aad aiaataiIi ilt. Mr. Hsçhaan. grad fair. Tisera vili heae soitisail WEDNESDAY, Jug imit1h *lacmerty optical expert for Keats. Ta-gaahienKlsdanMaiim rsondhisyMrga & Ca..Mont- Union st 7 p.m. The pragrama vil ha Lon Chaaey in real. 3ii)yare' espertence. 19 yeisscom- auppliid hy ba Favtourit o rEtr tiîî to Milton. y On &Tn ammsrd oatisa Lnadon. furaitis amfant "THUNDER" bet cptirsi vont ta acoitined and et lady iotarianaca an Use rond., malted a tateof aitsîîofamdaring railroasi modonite cet We flanimis ci tislent byhiThi Doaneavanonsri (Jet.,oaims. atlao ntIthe tis itimaka ai Toranto. Tise Mlton Biais Scisses stilseo hast tr a n n 1c sa rimtaviih rmn . W. S. Comnesy-Cisarîie Chas in n~oU.Oe day onu'rHýURSDATY. Macéan. Waden ai tisae ahnT 84(E 1)h. P rm0"an. a4 .a. gaats imrea.Kaibtis date fiea. lhnT is E L. Shn, k9a m a4p.I ntmWhar lteis for bille. Srial-"Tbe Black Book," by Jou. LShraShoraaSao.Mlî. a a, aa3U.AthoajlBoscis. toatsriag Aleso $ ___________________________________ Rmy and Water Miller. Epieode 6. GCent raliWML T Market.a The f t atiyaara Onrt grs n ~canifera 2in Ralion htiacoanti, vaine'a naiita vas rspaaiad viîn mani, ni thm branchs mutmcrepreena SEE O R COU TERSFOR SI>ECIALS tirme ta the ivo.asamaaa canfareace SEE OUR COUNTER halnl Miltn lamiBint inda. Mr@. Cactirrlgisi.assi nam i, tpraided, ...CIIOICE QUALlTY-.... a.pmt i"t VrG 00C. ti of ElÉonte gave an mdrena. Fresh and Cured Meats Courteont Service and Prompt DeIivery. Phone 943 E. B. VANATTER MIE~NS WE R 11ftwear W E A R liisin iur tk rfoer , $L75 to $350 -skâ e AuKl.os, W. mS 4agaptan~ # m~r1efl Children's Ohildren's Boys' Pantie Dresses Cotton Box Wash Suits 2 te 6 yeas. Made irom Vat Children'i Sox in plain calots, 2-piere waeh oits (blouse aint Prints, guaranierd fast colore, mmd, peach, yellow, bine and short pauts), butioned at ivait with short siseves and oleovelessa white, J lsngths. Chambrays snd print conît j, 3 Big Days aS9ý 3 Big Pays 29c pr "tieion a great vsriety aot ____________ 3 Big Days 59e ea Rayon Rayondren's Bloomers Pantie DressesRao Vet -Fine kuit Rayon Btooniers Faut colore. Rade irom fiast A splendid quialîtywcec rut full and ruomny. Cotors of, colors print with short ileeves fine kuit sommer weight llit.i ' fiesh, peach, mails, ortbid, rose, sud pantico te, match,. esh, perastmlte, ocln sud green, in standard, medimo fehpe , aie ochd ad large sires. 3 Bigg Paye5C 34Bi 3Bg ay 5c1Bathing Caps ýStraw Rats 19- lna44 vmC fl1if. p Early Su omet Sale of Ladies'1 Peantît Straw Hats, witth blli bathing suits, in a niee fine woot E in the new iorm fittîng styles. 3 Bi Days Bi-fl y Speciai prices. 29c 3B D 1s 9 C ea JER STORES, Limited UJS. MILTON SAVE MONEY Tha adoa bamavfe iderdemanda ait oily tise higisc Eeea am y qualWy lna toshati et lime loveit possible price. ianditea ina schai.u ll"ary mmmgac hi, ekliled tersa, but shc iuniser deamaudasi t ari. a res onetltts caird in PlWe r~h astre estaroduse cener tram yos Caryni I SUvgb iSfl Spor iaa49tmOji et iprldie ai ranaareal valse. enibi i. ysuaa iiap btS acoakiU&Wy »à esoomallay. S.O.S. e-23,@ EEADY casR TETABLE NO.2 TI Grapefruit 250 a OELSUHTFVJL ELEN TEAmuehno.K c.a6&e Cof tee 27o JAN 2,A -350 0000 QUALTY-VA5IIY PNK saionz ..35o rerscv QuAtUrc-GOLDoSI ,;L a 2250 4t. TIN v a NT M IIn a O O T Grapeuice330 LCebumeait #33o Table Fig8 Tin 25c UATVIU.0 SEAU» mina BACON ltcE apcaLC ausm3ra CeaimAI taPefeel 7h.S "DwtkwCnd TheRI#N tlncagi MKR INAFS lb. loc Iak.m 3 minas. vuaxu eWAN TOtrET Ttemue 3 ROLLîS 29C pUTTSIr. lb.ti e e e e G e 'e> 'r e e e' e e e e s s s s s s s s e e e i e e e 1~ li@ k: Isses t'- t' fil fit fi fi fi g' fi fi fi fi fi. fi fi fi fi fil fi fi fi i -r wi MOI D 1 MILTON - . ti