»Ur tfl)s toe.it, c e m o c rl riding ,tn,- as tes,d ,, stake wmii auppl DENTI to- 1 RY DR, . F. - ,iIýCOCK LNli - UlN D R. G.O.1RN G 1R3IR t-RAUJND CAN DV SIAPNARDS ilLi lSORNIIdO mtlTON ONT rb. .-ac. li iii b. SOPPed 'tth. uPt- t'à O. 000 as8'iP., t 1 t .tth. th.t rieO tiEflItAL 11 Vtt stLINSON LE"..AI PALt ti t t t. HKILTON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1930. (S tandarslTi me) SIANÂDIAN I0AOtpio iIILWÂY 500150 wMr, IN 12.45 a.sn. n ai.0as&..5.f5am 1.40 p.m. IS&at. y) 10.62 &.ms. 3-53P-- 3.21 p.m. ata-5Pm, tex- Bit, & Sun.) 7.47 p.m. oing W.t ,12.45 a.mns. 153p.ns Going RauaI5.34 a.m., 1.21 pns.,5.44 pmn. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY G0011NRTH0 ONOIIB, S10 OUTH., 8.8 . . 7.35 s. DANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS The Double Traok ]Route belues MONTEAI, TORONTO DETROIT asti l8eeping cara on Oîgbht trinse and ParIse Car on principal Dur Trains. Full information Irons ail Casadisu National Ticket Agents or H.V. Titiy. Distict Paosenger Agent: Torsn- to.- J. E. BELL. Agesi, Milton, TRiEt5rONE 17. H. WHEELER Teachet' of PIANO and VIOLIN Psopisopceparet for TorotoConLu aervaîsry of Musis Ex- amsna tisons Kîner St., Miltion, Ont PHONE 24. Mrs. F. O. Russeill TEACIIER OF Piano, Voice andi Theory L-. n.outisusndsiOtsaiputsCt., lhiurtvu-nRarreestful Casndidates us Mitierser Exaoutsstioota Toirosto Cuuoeenstosy of Mussuo. 8 l'issu els Hons. Eiglît Honore. aStitu-toutis i Miltoun Paun enkhoul Fleming& Armstrong -FOR- Fresh, Cooked anti Cureti MEATS FIah andi PoultrV Ini Season 0OUR Mot-eu -'QUALITY AND SERVICE" t't-e42 m. MILTON. POLLOCK( &INGIIAM ',;itseeoore ta, Cster A&'Wortht MONUMENTSI Dessgn on Eeise@t. GA LT. Phone i0048 ONT. C. R. TURNER' Fanerai Direcler anti E mer Agent toc Dale'@ Fuoccal Designn- PROosa f3 MILTON. lu llctthy. bY ~ . un u s 3Lice Fine, Atomobile, Burglary t t-~~'t5~ô Plaie Glass, Atcident, Heaîtb. to 6% o t Morgage Goîti Bonds. i 0C itriet Represcstative - toeJSUN LIFE INSIIRANCE CO- 71,a i dfies Cee MsaIrs.e5 t - t W1111 T. G.RAMSHAWI )1) S6 (. 35 VaIaior andi Antialeer I Ri. 35 .leec etsc B~atiîiaction g to -asteeti.MITN i.8 Pssoas 108 - MILTONJ )ViNT'. 0FInsAL.TrON LODCAL COURTS CALENDAR aio. rî s .htgu. A10 ; a 1 ittrstiy - tiolen es ealo ttirdy i.Ua,. U &M4 Be OMM I F R A N K P E TCH s i~ iïi is~ COUNTY COUNCIL. IMN AGE CARV1WOIL LlCtjsSltD AUCTiroNEER- o Bl onlhe aceofsea Rk.o Par the coer,t et Peel and Haltaoa. BeeaiSal sya ore eye la auie hated.îCeuoty Couril met here an Taeadaya ProptSeric."genl t age-Haa Mleazo- jCammunticatians were read tramn the oa a blll near Alliage, la Boa- Telephaneat Soprano Voire. Goeldma>C. re esettlemtents fo Daumark. Clrgt!ok f Phltnae 241Cffle e oge town O,1, laima for accidenta on coualty rSds*aton aae nshi e rado h Chell fà-;hlenhani2mrt.Oogionc. Wkes a seer lto Sosed flahc ia t Township Cîerk af Easng fb fthcarocks bas b fiea to anta ticar seliona l cstar s Inta hd ange.,ad Milton Bsai 1s e.. hebro.ew14,c . T e hagkt ascendant, asnd uSensohi te s oed Associatioanre si Bunngpolinrs Mea balaois a ad h, loate a. Th a for a third cassera tese raaa ,he Park. ad pt ps f ont Mlto a ite- vloe e ate3 w lt t aa akwta T. 0. D O L S ON narr ongetrasrecach, Sier Il, ftr lit payera opposing prapoeed swimmisg pool as1miller one ahoce IL The daislai BRAMIPTON, ONr baustecuairtattosiars; se asd theoin Vctoia Park. 9" spoedtelbe tram 1000 ta 500 BO.'i star are ose. This ta truc of Leasca Mr. T. Leslie. Warden tor 1929. pre- hspr fteIln fBr- Leasnsed Auctioneer IverbarTrona giol o ta Daeeeaurîtot thaad tiseith rocratstarasm For the Coatije, ai HaitunanaaiPeel. Mua osît redlylSe adued ta thsefltioutber§ ot cuoscil ofthîlt year.borin eatflnd he oc cfl grand opera siseera. for tuos year maa Mc. Smith, Secd-tiusector adrcosedI the eauon aauuay otolse.Therermlii FARK SALEB Pcoopiy teaded t e ler uhrd seasn cthth 5e fLosAu- tbe oaocîl. iskoog ils cooperation. ho dtffirutty ta reosorts the toas,ý Phoîs lC-e31 Bcîuittot. etes andStian Franciaco Opera Coms- Messrs. Maoon. Bock. Robimsonias ilie grauad la t lreseos Oa uacry,, Phon 17-31 rampon.ay. Thiu ta ose outhlit hree per- Vassccoeer mccc ietpointetl a committee but 1i lu peopoacdtie10dîir t i ftot saent opera csopastes sn Amoi'lrata osqure miothIe necesaîl> otatipoiatmg parts aad removefi tet the Boaqe Mu.! B U R N4the o rts g tueChcirago and rthe a Depty-Treasarereand report tooncît securasgactica. Rocks ut the froc agei Metopoitn. hestas re argly Thechirmn f e aiance comsittee., bave been tsuad lan ur tDa Mrtu rot theu. Thopta inaethe l icocmmîttce asti apeciai rom. *mark, but ibis la the largeot s e1.J 11 ___ d~~~Yrks.to 5eMruolîo oNVmunicalio., ere ippoisted o committee touati ut thc broaze uge, ls ilet OaaSer oruisai ooa- ute rise anti cunsolilete the bislwoJsor. ru ae aa cu PEA5 K isOettasSbei Ol princptocmthcrorascpountvr.u sTn ai stipauri iVîteLs nýe ndtecuttucoadtare, os the secnd liei aautchicoiGre aveHarisue. asti aeaoo Incttirt liarsot od Gr te as aethsaine agnaoiretoud.Thearcosuai u Sn aci scotitu,osîrtir iC omptA sehera I cprt loi VCI oSgpsne, wttinrkr sar ianostoet 0 ionora a -sîrtid stt .rs taRe Itnîecm îîe cepetdati e CaaarsS1îetspot tat rssider ou asiotcedt e mhote ý a e. i skeu Te cisaure anoti espetiattusttîttfto Hec îotn rrgara te1tee re0s0rerrsmiesaand orezcdota psy FOR SA IS ACTON Hoe e, touiot tWroociuSe t, ihathedtsiaaisofaraaite aadorerO Rigsoatittis srtius o s mak andLursi 0,0 tupi, Bori.tte LoirlauFMrîns mt' ar sn he secndlieo ntd e te r e atHani rioantr and! sr-So inei5t, g orliesclandtr teure as 51v Battdsh230 I tlrtu the olTise are AiaO S A H E N O N uancln cit tti, aoihtî nekastiStiAeotieiC o reporCstos fo vro25saoa. frieth t ttutesi u Eti ti, DIIIfED ho ireou i it-tii trtit oo s ly Rng oat esrrs t antifCasu, o H acuir et o n tiAsstiwaotd L Canada caric lie jTRACT Rtly prenHo:ofan otre eRu.e îiaomtts as ther- 2- It onesoucie bet itt ifvîan. Iesi ailyttu t. e itutetiui;n 'rîTeîng . . . ..asauhoiz t- yi l t i S-toarr 2he4aomSofLe usn sd 33r FO.R SATI~ IbaSFCTION donsaaa, atre tiitt ic raSec u a tetueirÙtdAPgs...ouais:iaiteRoskiesctewcrebsontOrtielt 85rp D rerai, i lo .r,-ttî toieu o Id32()00aieto he aoîd eo hainhet to h Stoo J sn fninpioite. li o iF O ittt nOd e att o dsîs a cir tiO o h ai btr 5 n lAinasti P ANO TUN N ntttcti Oiid , Iiteligne a acoslotSd.t2'W15 TI BAofthoins.ar S A N [ - tiot,scte, yg a u-of lu ii wo.000 utSpatt o mnctin7..1d2 aotui h ii o te sh t ,an ai i i lilia tist Hi . v i M Cou H. adsser1a593psi ilCrsCao Te aold Mis fotles l ndcltia PA I INei, s iccrli tli-t tv cne tilwys Lgiore ndAgi EBaha IVN i r itios, i iimousc li i ii ,. rnT ati gar r..at.....et tic aîi iro th.(ýh b.ýi. .t. W. t i 1ral, iioi. ttaingt,,it>,i,,- i,,, ias li Ae Pmlen sons uy.. a... tit2t71 tlt ucoin s 1t ue a aoaîîaîî D cf i ttriitî,titoltttiiiioeocooOioestititia-t-eses-csoAAtiotu sDiisieto.osttotstiia SEN TOR Bt DOp . roîhe t i, oi titi i a a t, îi -i s Asiosog ustutogt $1~ 3,Se CJthe o o s ndae thYu k, noaitarohi~ _______ mustetans are otîtti i-tiigreatiti ito biha T h eci tputs oftg the rouest sesîteea ia seo lceu nofa usc yage oo key o Tuok p Plitîu ou Bob3, B tiîoeî s o î,ot inth(, i o f ai arduu asti o ri tO estie siol anW. rrhlf o baS so te p oueasiku- RSOlyaltcSehsgosbicliti aJonotiti. ia -i ito t iiiSo îAa5tNo I c uts llsusosgradrt i sbtsamtahevrsrdayuupboo glu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a to oi oSttoetc pcî-utit icmi Id t ua s, iii canituf csie ako ft iohea reptt of uceaey aramtsielSshos itortuotri Or , tr t t lîh d nîta ai.aoîb t, t ýjino ttiosn lite. CoHTurer wu s atiara t r orn e . Tou o ,u- iqi es 1 nt e Ii e lrate Hi u e PAîItit, Iia N Ge bo t, su A a stit~ i iiiau o lirilltB ottansee o r s hn, asa a eHus.oritalaiiatu Huriti o 5erid n ti tîtt24 ot tua ien iu iiî t - i a iti li o israrctiatteroBooty otuatoIglia oîism ee uoatti ttl Oicatgtclut to Uhea.l aett il m e ,t eSsaci i-itil a, toftetni o radotdyiiaotuig oar euts caiaccraeleos Tai sieuer S Canda ati i ue s otibu e tt ustio s t tti ti it- tt oui-sl' lti o ast usonc t y lu dinesti lt ittorist S nte sea wrho gtDtr proctr pras. S t sati u e -OC rus uri- ýobeRha-dC-linet. i- l a ih eis otme. Wc ut t fi c ueeneuti .ilia ymeo.ndlriOerierhln uti tof, O0o- h,.- Run htientai Ireti an i d io ari tti d, ,i a i l. u dotArnirstrong.sîtou sting teug SOs rosi, ut tth Zooi nto tew ot a l argo riitel ele tR.Hn W iciot i m un re oiivt. o ition a el ced oasitingstthepupiles rs cbsd tteea sn atsavaetti o iior ToingpPrie itte r ut aîbyBtad eýa. 00 Oteiîtheîo - -i o it ' r n su SCte edrofA .Meke o i -a n ti wite uaîîs tick.,eta ciub tii t I i0 t itid. wita t o n e o.iuub iii ii îî -e t t . aO rotifiean alwyflo t n drt srlîîoo offensv aie, r happs. ', ita t S1 , - to, ort he, o NoP1.îre lSCooC rigad tt( iFan i asRI . lritvri nuPitot otîi Si,,tsi t, t A uirew Hadn loo protiooa aSanloiFr a tnc iisc 'oIa.îcîlî rtsidiod Otuttbt ii, .r actentsioiet utputtioi sue atittitti A tti tiiiti ,tLep ltî.ts pen-is os- unt ing t-e 0941 n i, o-ti ut-tbis istut.tltCi s ti ngrr u'to o th p 1i.,t îî an Fritîti iml'1 as.plo-dit. a s bSote li aird -hi i-t t'pu raîîeîîl o S i i lthectioury ffaiisgve in i t ond na îtu tz, .' q, t ii-ta lon.T hetOO o- n dcain eo ted a og teoceitl utotaideathe ttîtî Hiaer a bitiustSli a s S r Oa , Lntî.Pet îottiottu z" llsýui ( H easOotir u t oosti 5 ta' mateyBtoitiuse ,iD bOits Se atitim maeuCansad oobit eso uttoti )ild l i rooaIs i t Tha fic GuephColeit cto ai agues eooaroY Ttilieuraid morld inthe fuid dara d amp-iýýi I ior),itîii Int t ti..idisttiriattiticty iaioitir et babuinscdrotere u itiootiOi HnenoalS oitoisr iuedi ialt IL la i th, OIcoot tli thatt MiCs ta orte O. Ot.r tfoie tlit , o sti nimai soot hllus cih ta btough trenSahi theiioscriauoOof a Otidbs ui- t'uJIli\ irîD ci' aaa o n al asobiso i ts lues ipnl et m ntismetatiiuuiad itReudian apuaitute postiorofandtotii tut f- titit ie t ,it ,oitoti aafo 130andrerite ~the le priths utonelu roandb staeitor. tR.he c SoRa oPrtyo'a Mi se l-tas o t ti o ut i t 5h - -irp iotd yt i. o u Odi o ae DIt hR A. G.DOt (The, -r. Caad oantea ue anil but e-,str sii on asîaniîîiilt i t o f iodb tht-t 19t29, ttran d ..not itic i tt tte ad In ledeHt sitor tcrasug teh prcsIv hrgase s ai t o ie 'heCOr Oldu Ï Sr i'. tît t i nttt. W ol eo m n hlbri eieaefsinad wt Lio te cntnintil ried nd ad- t tar d ia(h i - i gaiat oîîn t he qiitio n, tt. C. \Sin teit Otca td t foana lres i c ce KinglîPrimte Mcobtgs o Can iti mr ,ro t iit i i i t i il.- -t po-ted r o---n, , ar Cu5.Oriar Mi a dc A. G Dsigr for,,tu piso Of cus- hs ddlu l us, i ie l as a b cila ti-ainr 11 ou- iduoîtîcu Cltasta b h civsei o u s .atd i ttte br CtAiut rew H y o ise lpnanilg houSu tgS to on -liF tis , î ta i eg ii. î re oe s î tots otl r otr rosadera iuitoidof i ,ri-a ard en sueiofdnia itiial utt. piS iS an Atiith, ii s )i a uaPT ouitFnd C -cbhoeu labg elo 'ao and ogidatto tiliie Ctbiof iitan e tiil i) l 2utizd ,W w iuae tt i. ,cllntucd a in tuaiclasu ue n, , de t ttrîîi:i Internatio algetiirroacdctiv)un Set has t ital w tera sy Lelui ofristuaitadii i.tî Aii petît t. ia litstoi civa itt OOe O iapl so l s ltg slhr ectuhspng i i .i re las ti t ber î a t l- ptuu ut Itodlas tghse I ei t tt ui ah& tc i lea ett aoLnsig t i to titgeiî o bbnd n.Pars nteeon SeCO îîî I 1 25a a îîîret uîî Iso-t Sesi.1mis Ct sadTsaniltie ioroso memrît o f id tIis 500 lii, r oa î i- t i ti itt1 ii.tito litofth, ti, f 0e huii bu ofm l fcstn g h isl a uJu, niant. l i po rtn uu.rSdarduhlu O cfurt oi , i ri f tl - rkHetoesntucilautontitilitoo-tti.ipo He. iritt-i îtt'iciatots but tt 1 i utiilou airîcîtl'iror, lffoir t iStur, o dy, c ant t a i stocho tputît mchagtsuunt.,taushorOt itnceî!oa bh atti cuill h -lotIiIs buCol li'tI otta ýrowXi.0itt Oftauutt t i pîra1t un dIti butte andii 50 iptîcte theîtti t iant caporital, atn aslugsti-a eguo g t 1 o t t ui.u tt 1 I t a i t il apt t in t tsdr.t o gSof t os i t Ta i ut, t -t Wiioî s isl tu ans H 186Oc 7.rte i asu rhaie Srisa i Meut untisita Ai fncis f th , S itOttt h ie ttti net.t sr Ssttiur ia Wtien cntiîitu da eerc ti r c ath iao natiseto Snnier us d' wlee i mailroHnisR.l.on.ilsu s malis l ioI onhmu ainntioho u iest vl-inatciat titstti dpni. os S'saa n tu cee to p p rraeiuel llOiintbo usrsuot iisbos (ici l 1ot iof S t ptiliedi Id î:Ù Iu l 1Ads Aent e,,eaustootthl rua-icut DO , as ne aiuniiv ids tr y ui atS clin i htSO iataaSiaotaoug.tPi.omii.- 0 fdru sronc çui se ote an eaîîrtofafa i yo iveh s culritat'tilS'lW .ul't ti t1 i- multi s itim ita n tî-uddpîyillhc parents.wtieif1dadtitiC t ittlttto nd hsrisit-r- uiyearu-uuoDositntistt Hod in iseung bro itot i t S ic o pe a ultiti atitis ih ,.tlotdlisc u arohvitr Dt. DateOfic oSuia r-gh ot o u eu hsttns rm tien lea t si ou-e(!lpins n l n o grt he eeneoSus,-rte d ut ri gonoitthall Or se itbi Irdo pd lsn tthe iatibi- t-t tstOr-___,Ie__ truseraLi i elan adatica hu a ies alliitu Oisb atito tngAs monteSis h dtd.at aThstaireunt Atutunocthiu titi t, POa s Cees es sarloh e A to îas , niet o-Seil nue ailto er ltuetati an onrt-Iles C it h a toodbo oi n t ltit npsil-t oiecit ai c neo sto i ctieon adtio,- iwspziei Sa-o ~ ~ . tiiSO ter git setai. tu anti ous tOe oi - ft trurmihs, rote flhes buit tf to i o lheau ea Ib.Ouer tii. T i aOarsi- et s hoII i lapsa shl fttDg oast sala ed iorsan tlipirontn clti Sooo hnitih Sttu-y asif, tonas, oroa iarSxpentdu s e o a godeili tarune f Sehtui.I pat Inat sri uce T hiute m lu 18 5.l uLon ou .tI Luse iIstuc t soilti ofOtheaOrnapper,0e att wo.tHe Hall it ie ntscIonstirs feta tio 1bw I s aiti.a oRa us iýsn pingi u Bdulto s i te ete Ar altdao mareui arnintuie na in u t tiu Bas. WBiIrrs w ie-tPoe: lh ia l[IN lklww a l 's! J , pieeeuothol le d t ri t titet-si uten d tetWatiearsItbheasSKin sto- ugAll.tiitiOIOCRais t n ctMien. Dr.tshîsughlatreti resFuel tsDtlti-5,nti lt tes Jatrti ledecuGlas-LIiclneuttcousioaieabaîtiiusoads HstOli e vtdai l sstie'es WuY ast mastse an- tSo p ogL , , ea utp uln ihuismern Os prot S h le iiiiiitaier, B al rtrcu. muepa ry. helicep i.Aiorai .'it dterIlo 1) ie su f ee , ie nt an oru 01 r tt-ra tsntus t oehut the Otadas h, at e l P ic ta ectti i Ofit Yackl ilhat" a teaiq eI nEag,ý u ierltai. Hia dutei lu behariteutthe LISeraI pachy, Mset. o-, ide utheonr lu t iLý _ vubl h god ieUeIfos elea b ra e bAuer tr, o lt fo eo te frsero x- A ta l istuis sestitafi , Bls r -, h-' " o it f a p af e t fIo er Rucla o-eit e rrI-a mosadfarlasis hclwl [i , 1 10dta mieteraii.tO -u ali. tr ieod matvil co a llantot1e mooi.5-krr.tbeO) dbla. Isoetitutfoertt-lueis Hews o rtrleParut te p reute B e hcl, opceeti plc ,w .t tahet',t ýIys'ad"c "L F oiL ns Ix 1070,aiDi nionue ilotoc Icw llcmrnet o Laurier ieu s ais- tuepron rurr a sud ca n fotr seJitpasivst- Dr.0eSougty liuat oc ni eti asf slitscodiation r eic eti tsu reda xihav arm tseatetimatca o S hltal'e tr e riur ies.rC na a ndJs.ucs fln ofns hets. T i iltaSrsetieau aut.Adp ip -.ie, ý 0"'bas en emaka len. A Ll puot s a ne r h the osg, m attlu seant.use the b effoy gu ntie a -'ai a o nd or b uilae ing sl) abues Ll~:ao~;tuffce or înscit breadlvas tc octbunsegroundti, bt l tteapuklbc mîse a s ltbtroree iti 0ies ui bvebti ap f150b 0etbretaadielieot ua -suteaia, Ottt l Wsd dt awa.e Ino b ista ldings inee ne offhere guIs ai tocr ngis Mît tr ut t icre is ase ailt 0,1 arunof theac sibels~sad wotiacb D sto t ue gabeceidbu be iticlascec.Ti a 19. ipolItice tu OIe haes a trome.exava- t oumltaoiveradf. t gethr o l tvahy.alx cpe bc ost- A yar lme i rat h o u -s cuttngaccori,.et an'pla nsTheba9aii.otlakc sso enHalthep. at sihol fOnai a d te ot phur »oevce, idej otesbdyva rpet atb e tario and asOfficero the1ar. H a an t i; tho mîlte oti- __________ aite mcv Pr oecon.e $20i liai lforerlaitie Prnes.Dfkl Hîe oeneCoa la aOfriean th ae ilac neeret omtt thhm ciamlmd poig a om f her rvaegldIbm legsa potaner 0 n hr i ead rom Depatu et tas prer dptiaconofs a unfea ha tit Oaa ra rese htl ~, chh et ru. bas le wet aoAliinud saeBm Proetion Or- b oai, 1e nps bIl; nisea ep etothero.nth teOtawindin194 oneute teyo.GasowTh eo aig msad Oa .aaeeiI a[ atOy te fi da rmç elraof la le, ro f civ-a&Had o etrs i, un le t aag eachoolir TSjcsk mm.aI lt ro'aas el'a bas andaite uad Og -hcih asilam nbr hr and mk a I1te crlesutofl tria - cgmmcemunjaacep o baOrtl tesiee oc Ii H. M G Ir, as ca, A T ecoreer sofOtei by se WIn -ý ilta nint.ha nov al te i sueelio l0 lits lltU5mAlitiali tOc act tht - I sen.tM... f1.LIII. u bi m othe cot3ig n fth taagei nPak bs reodd vst o Sxy i orEn_ _ _ _Teocmnt_ I- beaf fth ierlpat, r - Y ,k ; f bird t t e a adtwn-;ud lterJrite y Prsdet dons SratgY Lrt bcam reogilz tysixk dais es hr atyar oi tlo heNrh tTri NEW Life and Happiness «'airait yen here. The ARCHGRIP models nowin stock wil diiepel weariness . . e giving you toot.freedom and foot smartness. A pleasing variety of ÀRCHGRIP shbes is ready for your aeIectiom. Our knowledge and ex- perience of seienîific shoar filing is uat your service. R. M.FASKEN PHONE 28, MILTON. i. 'I SAV y Save fu Lwcuries 8mai1 sums saved regu- larly will provide for maany of the luxuries of lufe. Plan ta start a Savings Account with this Banik. 'RSJI(oFTORONTO MILTON BRAN(CH M .Pas s ,Manager The BANK tôT SAVINOS 9 Carriage Rubber Tires Put On. Rubber Tire, Wîre or W ood Spoke %X broie Repaired. Automobile Painting. Automobile Tope itioewed. W e have a tew Netw Ruhber Top Buggie8, tt.o a te wt Rutbe'r and Steel Tired iduggieH, ai rery reaqonaotie price e One 3" Tire Farm Wagon (leur, oten bee Wagonit for hardware or insmith, They are both good as oew. Th i seti theop. J. N. O'NEILL & SON (Dlta O'NeliI's.) Geovgetown, Ont. U'S VE D0CA RS! Wr have on hand a numbere utceai good uped cars, inctuîting 1928 Cher. Sedan. 1926 Cher. Coach. 1928 Whippit Coach. 1926 Cher. Touriag. 1926 Cher. Ton Truck. 1927 Ford Tudor. 3 Ford coupe. WVe aiso have a nunuher ot cuatomere asho wiah t* trade ini cars, an we wouid he gtad to have you cati and let us know whtto kind o a car yofl wotiid like, &a we may have sommae wihing Wbalahst CAi Yoar w1a4M BARNl vS i F 8511til r , 5-t t t - tr iwi l - laf .!îtti mleit-- -- NAL 5adcin jasper n Cadq arbrci. te .sil, snen, .ill. tip ftonm Mouent Enlises ~sFrae Rives ta sera thill r beaultYh ALASàA ue. WU E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t, t, t, &o.2ý AC-28 1