Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 1930, p. 2

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The Canadian ChusupIoB xmoa. Mar 2. Inu TERPERANCE CONTET PRIME ARE AWARDED. 'lie elocutio contest fer the. uiver modal ivns = iaW.C.T.U. eu gd ain St. Pauls stdchurcli .cbnnl-rni bore at Wednenday night and theii.n- nerof te srentific teanperanoe .ys an bth igh and public asnial- 'lsvin- noms ina fhe temperance content intthe Sanday chooals roeiodtheir peison. Mm R. B. Gabraith preided. Theocontetants in elorutmon ocre: Maron.Dma Cathriso Robertaon, Alsne aNbb. Robert Con snd Charles Whte, the ilver moedal bemng aoarded to Marjorie Dawson. In the scientifir temperance esayo the follomîng oe the. prise inierso Public acio. senior fourtb, Marion Ruait;juioer fourtir. Jota Gahrnith. Upper sehOat r Frst. tva Hallday; second, Rdna Mat. Looer shoolr Fiet. Rusenol enon; second, Chraulo Turner. Wrnners as the. temnperance content la tire sonday nehoots eror Seniorgrlta: Frt. Lauresie Galbraith; second. DorothP Crawford. Intermiediate girls: Firat, Joy Galbrath; second. Jean Arthur. Junior girls: Marion Foi. junior baya; Ken- netir Marsirall. Tire judgea oece Rev. Canent Naltel. Mru. R. M. Clemnents and Miss Cleaver. Me. R. . Galbraatth preecr iresl medal and Mrs. R. E. Hrrison prrsentrd the praze money. Dorine tire vening tire follooirn ms cal numbers oere gratly enjoyed: Pano soo Sp Mrs. Chrirnlmn, vocal solo hy Moss Rita Coulton and a pano dart hp Mass Edth Doar and Mc. R. Anderson. OLEl ÂGE PENSIONS. Tnenly-loor appications oece acled opon last Tirrsday hy the old age pen- sons board, oircb met aI Miton. Twenty-tirree oece panurd and one refosed. Tire one reiused oaa aloquala- ficd onder tire provision of lire act.ail iaving been fouird liaI a sufficent n- crnme oaa erag ecerord Sp tieapplrcast. Amnong troue ohir ocere paturd van ose roos ulinglon. The total n thc cootp noua druisa pensons s 219, includang tire 23 addcd ast Tbornday. Prevrous 10 that Ibere hart ieen 198, but twoodeathubuait oc- curared, makong tire total tiren 1 ire 10Cr. Local News. John Charlton bas aerepted s junior crens position sn ho Bank of Toronto brrr, A. . Dons, toler in Banrk of Nova Scotiairere. asd R. L. Prcnett, of the Sarnria branch, hanse changediplsces. The Bowing Club oill hstd a jilsota hers tomrrrowevntg. 5and mIl i tart tbeir regular esme nehealale Monday. Mes. A. Aîdrns of Wyoming. Who iras eon vsiof b er brother. Mayor Sper. toc twoo oeha, retoened homre on Monday. Tire dance gvesn ir e toms hall oaa Sstoeday sigbt iry tire Milton Basebili Clubrosasa grand suecesa. Tire music ura spplird by Ted Fulford and ban Harmoey Boys. Tire teacire andsehoîorn rf tire pub]r e cioola of Ballon and Peel coontes are pannig tu enoy apicnie et Erdorado Park os the Kngi iirtir. day, Jouse Jd. gE- Resd tireXVALKR cO RES ar. n5 thir page. Sirop whece you are nited to siop-at Mltoso Big Busy Store. Peiceae ight. Pay Cash anal Ru or beLEoo. Tire Ouville iStarsyn o it tpcc. dirtcd trt rire general elctios ouIie itireos .Ioy 28tiror Arîgoatiltir, tt os ir'pcd tome persona au discoere aey easos for holding tire electio." tiee tirat frame ioose a eovr coul foc sexe intee. Waterpcoof Stoeoo witircolor aenepait. Send in easurmets d we iil quote prce rsrapletcd.-J. B. MACrKENZIE & SON, tasorgetown. Maiasinuirel Anderson, of tirs tearir. ieg staff of tiraird Valley Cotinua- tio Scirool. frrmely ofMiltoan, pasîed witir frstclaua ionore ierieret ex- amiasîon iitory &I Quenu Uni- veeiy, Kinrgton. Mr.sand Men.Simie, of Toronto, ln. and Mr. Fed bureows of Bramp- ton, Met. Banna and Mr. and Mes. Hastings, of Gouepir. spel tireiroli. days at the home o r M. anrd Mes. F.C. Simkatsa, Commercial Street. Worir Shirt Speciais, 98c. ad $i.25. Linrted iuppiy.-Wouen* Toggery Sirop. DANCE.-Tirere maIlire anotirebig dance et Stanley Pari. Erns tomer. rom Fridatai evenief from 9 por. 10 1 aun ,standardlt'me. With a nee ig 8 arece orochesra. Admaaios. gents 75c,, inelodrarg tas ;25c. 51 fate. Amoog tireirondredu of yoong ladien otacceotcd" aob rircMay court of King George ad Qaeco Mary wan Mrss Bei- ty Csmpirell, oWnipeg, onfy daogir- ter oft Ms.CoinoHB Compireland gacndeogitrbecof!hle eD r. Anaun Back of Poiermo. Mr. Maria tevinencebrrted ber birtdayonOSonduy mies hot lhrrty relatives on ber nde Lgtired t hec home. Tirey come from Toronto, Mll ton, Boroiry, Nocel and cther paces. Sire as mode tiereceaipient of many iroautigilts y tire fceedsmiro len- deced ier cogrtatios on tire even t and msired ber meny irsppy returos of irer birrthdy.-Streetsvrlle Rentesu. A Lihecol meeiriy. 10 h. inouan as -Grap'mil uss nmalieIts ppeorsnoe n Toronto, Thos. Bengouil imlîhbej the rdalor-rn-chief, and Jobs Robert Long, ex old Burlrsgton hoy, milb tOc asocole edtor. Mr. Lng oaa focmerly owner f the Burfnglon COsotte, sert the presei omner pur. chard lire husinenu ram hmm In 189. The second annual gle o nfereoce unoethc e auspices of the Hatos Wemeo'o Institut. milI ha hoid in St. Pau's Cirureir. Milton, on Saturday. May 31ot, et19.30 &.m., standard im. Miss Wise. Miss Eadio, Aset.fSupt. of Womens Institutes, and Dr. Margaret Patterson. cf Toronto, .ouIlho the speakern. Demsn2st-a4tian a andi- craft mili he givos by a numbon of ginsi. DEBATE.-Ai n caiiy of yauatg peope deson ram nincîcn es sioten in the Ballon Proabyiery af theUnied Ciiuroh, held in St. PalIe United Churela, Mil- tan, tuaI Thursday ovonisg. ai dobate waa stagod btweos the Georgetown and Applebyta bnches. Tho ubjot mas, Rculvei. liat the progres ofn mimi ons has becs retarisi mre hy ig norance soi indifferenco aI haone han i y mpemtitos or iielatary ilathe for- elufefS., "mili Applcny, vbo tbah the aegattvo. bihg deelarm i wtsaea Mia. Mai01 Shapper ami MimLa is Macekit a .a efr thse viens.-. mule Mia. ).Frsantoe al Ibn M. A. Pi. muesaai M M" IL vih the hum dootfal M ste-Uns. svotls frala..vhs PeuIt&ve&.e UnUI tii.,h aboo hall i. ove vltb fiest fraisa.. but la the aevcmlh hiebi.v np.e 1be lacala benched i~lvetta for tie runa. and tbay kuo&et hlmont af the oxheu hen lluay benab four mare. with tva errera,.fer fou.rria. and bie succàoar. Gilbort5 va. sleh. cd for a single. woible aceSuntl fr another. Marri iad tvo ail.d isinga. lu th tizud fraine. the. fi.tthe .mca up singlal and alithe bas.....iii not walked. forcing ln a rua. A. Oteaent and Wilson aved thse situe- tion hy a faut doublaela, utru va scored on the. play. Maeub fan"ned the. neat anan. Mamrb va. in teuil. again in the final innlng. viien the. fiet tva men opsnged. bt lamant and Wilson again caemata the remous mith adouble pay and thero vas no scr.They mad pullod off finotffer doubla kiling in thefth. lu eat5h af the three. there va..aeunoner on first hae,1 the batter sent a elier te Olemant min touched the pasing runner and threcosut the batter. Tii.. vas 50- anariabte. as thopiay is net euo of the. met common. Toletzaia's catch of ai foui flitafater a long run mas a star play. BRONTE Osbornae, 2b..... 3221 1 2 t Pollock ...... 31 1 1 2 3 Codmore, lb ...... 0 0 10 O 0 B. DorlandIf.... 2 00 20 0 Pell p .... 4 0 2 o 2 0 Gilbret, p.......f.. 00 0 O 0 M. Dorlaid,cf .... 401 10 0 Maybney..... 4 0 1 9.0 0 Wrightb ....... 31)10 0 t 0 Resiop,cf .......4 0 000 0 3-2 -3 -8 24 -7 -41 MILTON B. Cucment.crf .... 4 3 1 o o A Clement. 2bh... 5 t 3 6 4 M.C. Caugerty, cf.. 5 32 00 0 TIet.ka,' t:irb..*.....5 2 2 t 1 0 Anderson, If ...O t 512 0 O00 Wiluos, 3 ...h... O t 1t3 0 0 Fetter........ 5If t O t 0 Lewis, s ......... t 1 O02 1 44 13 15 27 t3 t Ry innrags- Broste ...... 02000004 8 4 Milton ...... 400tL«35-i 15 1 Twoobase bits, Caogirty, Toltska. Lewis, Marsh. Sacrifice bit. Pollock. Stoîrs hase, Obrorne. Doubile plays. A. Clemest to Wilson, 3, Rases on Ws409m MSh vU b. pu w te,~ Uls hMldsy vllh thaïe paren in Tb@e Y.P.L. .nteetained fila.1U nt Aabgravo in the Unsidci ham hors on Msadap .slsg. - bs pros. Me a i M..BtÎLe 0dim Etirei. a.snompanmi y Addanand Biais Noll. n8tored ta Choar4. aon Bnnday end enjayal lscaring v0NT. Kttebingend runiovll friandushi. TheafIionda af Me. Jas hMeDelil vill regret ta leaui tiat h.ha.u ison an the slck litt The. trose ofntise publie oshnai put on.a ruesentertainsoont an Empire Day, whieh vw. attendcd by a fese parents. Um Armstrang bas ot hoen mak- lsg the recovery tu heatt that it bai becs haped mii. vauli mako witb lthe return of botter veatiior. WANTBD. Working farso Ioremao. whn eao handls traar and meni;gondhbouse, eicctricity ; muat furnish refereneo as te farm capertenre and reliability. Mail application and partieulirs Or this offio. Do vosliuke gond oreasPGive us a ecIl and we wiitdeliver you anyquan- tity froan hall-plat op. 30/ ereaso. froso govornanent aeeredlted cattle. 4 pint 20c.. pint 35c., quart f65c. Do- livered Tuesday and Satuday motolng. A. STARK & SON. Phono 190-r-21. Phome me for TRUCKING of Ail Kinds i Also for Sale Second hand Railraaad Steel. IBeamns, Channel Ires. Angle Ires, Steel Plate, Pipe. Shaftise. Palirys, Raire, and steel uf ail kînda, M. MICHNICK Pitone 171 or 80w MILTeON, ONT. iatir. off biarsirall 3. off Pel . Struck ___________ ____ out, 4 Pel17, by Marsir7. y Gilbert 1. .VId piteir. Gilbrte. Mite off Peli irat 7M2y3 eey. LotI4 osGibaest Bnosten- eqeral_5essioqs ning. Loisg patcer e r1. Pasned il, Mltons f. Umpire. Nicholson, f ONT op ceHALr-a Toronto. r TO WIT I ST. PALILS CIIURCLI Notice isihreey gavectttat the Court ___ of Geseral Sessonof tire Pecansd Roc J . W. AiKNrtr, - Miistee aso tire Ccaîty Court cf tire aid JOHNa P. KIRosrAcs, -- OrganiSt COUNTY OF MALTON milho ild ta thre Coorrt Hous Neot irooday iii ire Bamilton Confer- an lire ence iroday and rire everaaeg choach er- Town of Milton vote milho malird raro Tire Hamiltun Conlereoce meels or (,ali Map 28t oiir 10 fore '2nd. T E D Y U E1t,13 il a.m.-Mornig Worsiip. Rev.T. UE D Y JU E Oha13 B. oe.RA.. ofThoroid, a former pas- -t thheur otf nos'ciork p.m.. of or of S. Pui's Cirorcir, Il preach. mhieh a1Il Jsatern ofthte Pence. Cee. Atiem-'irend Oui Tirt Lifir."- ones, Constable@,. Osolerandsrtal Gocunod. trrucencersertare reqoested to tkc 8 p..-Srvie wihdrwn. notice sort attend. o da andilperfors 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l pr-ovcembrem t ities miich appertain tritireur. KNOX CatURcl. GORDON 0. BROWN, ____ Sireriff, Co. Haltos. Oir Commonion service il ho held Sheeifs Officec, Milton, May. 2int, oxti iranday mcrnaog t tire usual iourof 1920. worsip. and Sunday Scirool wicir fol oms cmmedaaeiv aller tire cirrch service RALTON LIRERAL-CONSERVA- mil ho at a quater aller Imelve. Preparsiory service mIlho ield in the TIVE ASSOCIATION cirurcir on Friday rvesing.' and the com- monioe table donatrd hy the Y.P.S w il ho peses ted 10 the ceegergatros utt1his C0 M n T1 Th ly Dodgasg AnsHeiress."obichCNENIN as presentad iry tire Y.PS. in tire Tire Liheraf -Conserntivr Associationr icirool-roosu oo Tuesday enening. as s of thoeCr.anty of Bsftee milI hoid a marired soccess aod thone taking part sre Conventionsin thre to e commended for the splendrd wmn mhicir ibey prtraprd thecharacters mincir Town Hall, Milton lirey repreented. The Y.P.S. s grestlp anebied tra M. Golios for hi n excellent FRIDAY, MAY 3th, 1930 solo, and toMiss Dewar and Mes. Ander- son for lhier pano duels ohicir oece so at 7 30 pan., tandard time. mach uppceciaued by tire audience. to seect a candidate lue the coming Ferteral Eleetaus. OBITUARY. The fanral t the late Robert Ag- A P bi e tn nemw, df West EdmnontosA7t.,miro osa Lhtllo ln an automobrile aecident n that >y on May 16, teok plaee bore on Fnity alternean lait Ironi tho ersidonce ô,fis sinter. Men. Bessi. Lsmb,. tE Reegreent7emetery and mas largoita attendri. Tho serviesamore cosdseted bp Han. J. N. MeFal,pastor of Rnoa Prenhyterian Church, The. fsaeralmwascosrdutedasrter the sus- picesofe St. Clair Lodgo. No. 189. A F. & A. M., Miltoo. Milton Ladge. No. 92, 1.0.0F.. cf mhich Me. Agsom hart bren a membr 25 yeraao, also attendri. Floral trihutes menu sont by the loi- lominga: Brothers and sisters ;I.O.D. E. and Ladies' Aid Socety ofKRox Churcb. Milton -, frean Rdmannton West Edmonton todgo, Na. lt,1.F". & A.M. ; Edmoanton Eaoampmont. No. 2. 1,.0 OF. ; BeayeRebokai Laiýge, No. 5, ,..1.; Court CJaldor, No. 1524. Canadien Order of itaresteen ; Juhilrc Chapter. No. 67, ORHS. ; Run- niaf Yard staff anofi nns of Calice Yards; Alias Ridgeen employee ;Mes. P. Shearor and family; Mn. and Mes. C. W. Johsnanadi1. aaterbcook. Win. MarRonzie. Seretany of West Edmonton Laitre. No. 101, A.F.&A M.. of mhach Mn. Agnom va.asàmombor, aceempaniod thelbady t Miltaos. DIED Jackson-ta Tarante, an May 25. IWO. Chaules Jaehson formerly of Mdiltan. ta hi 0th yoar. JayAt the reuiianoe af hie sais. ltv. C harles A. JaF. 2U RKoslveta Av.. South, Bartassvlle, on Tumulay. 211h May, 1980. Joephs Jay. la hie 10h yoar. Intaranent takes pla n 1.1ev ville 'tomotcry "tht. afono et 3 p.m.- Welglmomsti-ln uqsseslg. eOum" 27. aIWO. Mary Rail. vllevoniJob. Wrlghuvnth. l arelt an maso.) in.,sle I peu'». Wu4t 1%sM 1sa.e limai tg AnbmaWa 55 - - mililsltow. tu ho adrlressdby GENERAL ROSS, M.P.,.Kingston, MES. FALLIS. Peterborough. THE CANDIDATE, sart otheen. A cordiali sniation la extesird te ail te attend tho pabileeting. Ladies epeciaiiy inited, W. MOORE. fG. . RLLIOTT, President. Seceotary. MORTGAGE SALE Of FARM PROPERTY. ta anad hy vittue of tha paor ol sats contailminasertain mortgaso. mhie mîli beo ped et tire ime oa ielo thore ouIire offereal for sale by publie asetlsn on SATURDAY, JtINE 14h, 1930 ai theo hor et 2.30 ao'lork la the aller- nosn. by P. D. Saltor. Autiosor, t tii premises, the fslsming naloablo lassa proretyr: Ait hatoctais parelor tenct of laad and mmoaimii situite, lyisg amidbong in theo ammip ai aqnein heb Couatyoi aiBatan. Mad biag oSpeso af prt nitise uut-vomtbal of Lotuso- ben nhe tsoelgit cancesuonaftbs mi TavsaIlî i 8.quesg.ami cm- bos.i .L m oeoeIL lady-fins Theo a à"e anaS the M Une.. Eu em :. y oIqmi.sa. l Ielaul al e d I forgnaiss-or s R.l. TH1MOmsN & COi. PALERMOr EX[END A CORDIAL INVITATION, TO VISIT CAP'TS INN WHICH OPEN FRIDAY EV'G, 'MAY 3Oth. "4DELIOIITFULLY DIFFER-ENT" Refr eshme.ats, Cabins, Fruits and Service Station. IIIST WATOB FOR THE LIGHTHOUSE. BETTER BREAD! -Rich in Flavorl -Extraordinary Keeping Qualities -Smoother Texturefi -Greater Nutritive V ainef TRY A LOAF' YOU'LL LIKE IT. i Healthful - BOWEN'S BREAD - Nourishing Economical. THE MILTON BAKERY Phone 67. T C. BOWEN, Prop. Wben moking a selectic oi ofor WVATI PAPERS let ras crul yoorr attention ltooe oupera h1aut are roarkeol riaaaworLlas.l'e pupero are pranted mta iiglagrade couacs unîicla roui relaira lir freoirresu and ilooro atrer rtre exaeiog conditions. 'Tlae 'atas- faction yovr will derave frorro tirerae of rirese paper vil foiiy e- puy you, erom if thre cool an siilotlin a exceos of rirat of olirer pupero 'Tîreir ieaty lst." "Tirry are Seino-ri o oed I Aok or oend for or Free Sampie Book CLEMENTS & CO. PHONE 43 HARDWARE MILTON McDuffe's Alwaysonthe»" Garage MI LTON ONT. cj J We Rave Somethirîg to Suit Your Every Need Gr"* samtars Graie Beledors Guto Bot.m MflaeNlsjme Lover Spelngtaatla Mnlcher Packere Ifasure Spreaieas Wagons aln j I 4or joIta n ull ldaIier mili doiee"taito eldîli.t l* are "aa anly. ilive a qaatltay of vitest and bLrloy meal aIfanDuris gelodibg. Oeal. ,Dig at $w per tan-G. A. Kennedy. Fos ...oarPVTBêstflsix- rouai brick bunsgaow v eey canr- inpin firet-am condition;t garage and ben bosse Immeigltepoa@81nnin A ppiy D. R. Hutebeanl. Phono 48, Mli- tona. Piigaaants Net To.nRuineonsi. Last meek tiiere appegred in Toronto acospapero as item that pheaants vefe bccoming as numerousothat theta ocre destructrive ta ferm ra rpu. Il mas marte lu appear t a a the case is Nelsroa township. rThit oag raiher tarîliof information. Feo people bore roald imagine soda lu ho thc case, as onit a iat inier farmers afI Traifalgar appeaiod letheu goveroimeat foc D6ats, Dress Mnd Hosieiry PCIL! ELRIT] Ladies' Voile Drýesses 5ECA 3 OAYE Organdie and lice trimfnet ThursdaY, F May 29 M FEA4TIRLI VALUI For Linoleums, Wall Papei w'i MIN SREE Curtains, &c., sec Galbraith &Company SATU RDA' Tistu Cararam I assstnc o prv iirds thtarvants . t fo oPros nt te ggrs. sta Patter son. of Bronte, and Warden Hare, of Port "THE CHILDREN'S PARADISE" Credit, have -ireetigated the story and are foroarding a repart in the game de- pacîYment, etting forth that pheanants ar yet qut. few in Heiton; taItbey rerisice protection. and tirat tbey are flot S a l y P r At threanme time. týýe ght of a be..ti. fui pheassol or toO 1 quite pirasing to residents and visitors. Osie may motor E R IN for houro and sot sce anot. These gentle- men are anniaun too sec the number of N "nfrPcis n8< these birda increnne. Titeir ansietta s l N W O enfr ini an.dsCamping shared by nearlp ail realdents.-Star. Best of Accomm-odation-Reasnabie Rotes-Cii l fj1 May Be a Regimtntal Band. Make your resers airons eoric. No picro There is a prospect that Qakivltro ex or too s'.maii celient band nray berume the regiment band ot the Ballon Rifges and mear High- D n E ey Fi1î land uniforms Good Da cing E er- iayNght. The band s now pfaying remarkahiy oeil and mtir rnlorms tirey woold make_________________________________ a m ghty smart appearance. Such an arrange ment oould ire favorable hoth for the regameot and our band. Victoria Diay ass sot qiiar..iy rIe-» Andl nom tF- ,jj, aire Col. Brock Chisholm, who commands hrated heaansfr ais csi tarrelue ne, Theymr liere cefment. and Coun Epers are oaloftehrafireoerso trahaonoOprII negolating,nd ithe course of afew unia &eo.ahorirecraerslaedcth i l orrks somne annouscement may ire made trwrsrudlelpr nalscin Tire Shrin-r 111 l: r -Star. of thre ton. 'tirar rrnrar, ,,,, Ic A foreigner hadthe misfortunetcopesnaei have s fon o arrlrly crruhed ai Sireetanilie JartiarrnonosSatarrtay iry Roc Copperlioojý , i 3 i j115d. Streets,i lieReviean. Judge Muoro li,, .0 a iOntario Reforaro, i 1r ors Athlatrovioeia l eteton snomi. larzanLa.r owie i o.rr r e alop e ae s e re 0crieforerisroro .orr'îfai o thelist mere prrmitteid to note a.ntob ireak ir .h.> ob a tr tra.ioe tiraoath cf a sponsor foi ueo, wmi rvo bra i mon*& m esa. Tihe nor Franrchise Act can. were sawed off MW The; m *.&a5i *'hsPo& Th reIlstins pranilego sortia frture ail oser was acrloitl, .aanflm.satnao irho vote mnrot have their namnes on It youasre paors> ,'oîoî(r 99"t" ite li4tr-Another chanrge :inthe &cr rese. gel, a larc o--1i ii. r e entendo the lie rf thre Ontario Paela-tell taxa enerytlrloor _1 oc ra rettotrive yoars. eseept oow to fiddi 'i B alnus.n SE Pattekrip-CiP -11 .'T. Taa Chain REDO POSU ~FLA],1 2skg ServutRe ServousChoc Comfo t Sa ,Gi Ca foniaSlfu' RDiif P r, ar13 Red& Vht( ,1,, S i s So(;,J jý(jý Crose& 3a ý%t PHONE ~ C U NI Pop miakes a Homer to the Plato! Round the Hlock-to C arrofli * Qaiy la',h homeinajiffy. Pop's pinch-hitting for Madur*g oseci.ailg* and he'll unload a harvest o f good things-of as-,tircd ,G quality and freshness-with lowest prices to boot. R A- Speefsi-Thîadle Bransd PEAS No. 4 Sises. Na. 2 oas 2 * 12Ic à CueeoWs Wmead BREAD Xsop h. fins, f"nshae Mi "amues lmnr. TEAS l Ib Ir39çp 49c, 55c, 70c N.. 1ev- PilosaCa -~4 545-5463c Special-Si. Charles Specda-Aorhor's Whist. Fr"si&M; k fiapereesi Panssi Pro, Cicoi to the C*ndtey of C.mNorPi Un *. lC 49C TODDY: 1.1b. tirs SPecal-Harry Horne's CUSTÂR D 1..ti Hesa TableViauumen bai........... Raimu PuesOle011 M -......... Spoeial-McL.arens Invincible, -JELLY 5 pkgg. t s rn Lhssjules, bai............ Wdés Ge uj lsbeL............. Sýptoed-Vfciory Coho So~MON lmsssP, fb. .gatlor S(f ta ................ ... 1 ...................... Pire ........ . ............ ........ . .............. Il i I I 4f bdo, 2«,A 22e lat 2 5c 29e 5cr i4 ' 2is.2 3io ~19, TON Math and IflsecC Destosoyera Motir Cunopîoc rrr 8P ex Mot h Crikrco o Pore Insect Powecr f Wiite Ueiror- l Black Leapf 40~ i ,Oum Camphor ir Sulipiror Fnoiigaorr FOrmslcjehyde 10'. té*e Spogs for Wttt' '"eCais Gros Sn OilIS.ap, Palieli, Ga *eleantng Brunahes, fillIri 011 scop, 1.Io s" Id Ammona a eiove@, Cuir le Soda, IV W.> Soap, OCl d lChanoisr s Mahile Il Clean r, > Stîner 1.! ,1I 'MACKE SThe Rex SHUME' ulany patrons, ro ieipnade Breadoiandr a g*gest Qualty. Always Fresh P ?ARKS, Profu Il e fi

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