Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 4

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OHUF 0-F_"iM0ItTfESý- WOENED 1' l DES F TiE PLAINt] Côommlanloer Starnea Has Seea Set- ,in,. o. Ail Fat fwd Pr.eln 'Frmat" etCanada-TnkPart 1Ma Ih. Beill Baaillon. Yeu wiul fiud the Rayal Cantdcap Mound Poticer lhcugh flicriength aud brondth af Canada, tram lice wind-ewepî prairies ai the West ta Icenoud Acil regione vithin a ew hceadred mile ai tht North Prit. write, James Mnta net ia Tii neco. The mou van heads iaisargunia- atina ha seaunservice an ail acfia pat andpescrit "frant." Rtuc't, oud-ready Dawson City cw' r; is heat- quartera durtug the hetir days oilice goid rush, aud mare rerentli> heasu ptoyrd a maon pat in eendinte actvtitetoA irerrgiaos. He' o Cacetioinee Cartiand St.te'. Bornanad rdurated ut MantreaL his aitruppia g rrad etetaccdee d yauîh tnft ceeh thtetth Mantreai Itegmaut la pnc dacea the Netît ca-e Itetilan ai 1805.He oasarateadju- t&nt, drapite ics twret cette 7aca. and Sa Set ceait te haipuyct dowt eO riaing oa irtec-Indians atcd hcu-it ech lid kv ItaisRila Riel Sud Outi rer-ýtll ic citI frant Morntaca, wnie eIt(e-t,,d Ocl ci 1 ittg ht-t frat fialarsao. a et tiauhttIta1t870. Nom, S p retc sparute satu t te . t f.ttc octe-a attanaSLelnetmtade Oy Font ta Ca ado.ttc' udt ccated boiedcdec IliarI ha. An tcecctutttcdraiceet taticci the CanacicactrilceceKttcttl Mccc c ceai uand Qat Oe,.Theorattwaet i rotcc etct 5 acctvcc'ctitoptort ce LIr Oaccrt-rO a t..ittt siect A.ai arnerd tee ce, tctI, c, il.e t , te e i nakr ccc' c(iiicc t 1cctted Silttc scial c adsc-r e c ai l m -ec t If cc i ti, ua aitt-t un io teccecet tac cý,il etcca attncitiled alcct, ,c r t foc> a 1t, ui ceryt r' marksttcur eccndtht-r,-at- Pc cccIv AISioct tc-tho.cccc a whtet ettnect it mastaeict ait% ttc cci,; ttc ttc.' cuecIt. cth e l ilacr .0ll,ý t CccIin te etf, tcandtcccNth-cti.oiltItttctrr' lrtceTtOai ecce tOc t,mic.and c ttc.i itcct gi l, e'.ett 't a it-icteOaci Oc-tte tccecc,cccc.c i c-I h llcc o te e a tcc eo i. Ilfciti nieety acceticccec. ii. cil i. et teocetifaale tret ,,id. tic. tee oc c eetttie.dallcti Zttc-cth rIta itti ttllatbeur, ctet ti- ih Neettieeur rlti'ciIcecceetei eetI e-si er.ittcand ce cias c.c cette 'ý( 13ti cloroc tarI t ccc tiret. cette Il c.hý ol ttirt c-acetma- .tte titre- c et-e t ta Ilancd ciIcit it e ci ci TrO . 'c' fte cacc,,, i c ce i e . t trlc, cciucc tifiiri,,ct0 t t 'O Mr,,e --cettedlu,2 or Ion, Mui ill .i' -'ettt I te no ri . cc- ettl- illd. Il, t t. , alotet e i c ite .t t , onc ti. Ilcl..leIl T!, ettcle wl li-ite kp.tt- ci; c St ln i, k l- il dl 1 IL.it t Dtee.t (ttc ci T - a i icette da , i -Ut I i ttc-t Il k At - ,c i tal f, f, it-cacit c tic ilI f tr ' , " t . u c tt ctll di , .l Il N ,Ct ',!,iil R i it te tette ce ce. -, c- rittc.-ca.'e ,ceto ,,l -i h' t . t ' - cII i . p ttl, J kecacîeeti iit'ILt,t.Il- th c ,e-t :.'-ett it , c .e l e Cite\eteictte i te. tic u0eticee -itt tacet.1 Cc tic . cc poic - 1 t'I. l Ai -ecl -t" tît t o Ii" ticetet et .I rtlI letteet t.. t b t e bac ta Ili Ind TOc ccitedaeocte, cdc L, tkc-- wci,lccraoo oi' iar t,ý A Ticr c e ei icIlcce. te cif in ictîce w o ace- tteetalrti h ittOrica to Youa !o" Swith G;"rS - i youligstecs in dhe bmenmout An xtabedrootu or teo.n the.AMtw. ibose ame Sw PouiWie Myour home at ii. eSw mrycoelonsced Gyproc Wsiuboard chat does nos barn and ueeds no decor- ation (whcu panclled) wnul gie you sdditioutls aecinl y-or escat home.J 4esiy snd quickly spplied, stcucturally tcoug, ijr pro. vides fire-safe wais, cilcugs aud partition&. Youc dealer's osme as listed beiow. Coosut li hm today sud ask for fuail infor- mation regacding Gyproc Wauboacd or Write foc lu- tecesting free book "Build- ing sun Remodeling wids Gyproc." GYPSUM, ulIMEAND ALABASTI1'.ECANADA, LIMITED paris . Otai __FOR SALE BY- Clements& Co., - - Milton, Ont. A. W. Merkley - - - Milton, Ont. Chas. T. Day & Son - Milton, Ont. Carriage Rubber Tires Put On. lI bl) ett Wire or Wood Spk, \I'ieelqRlep'ie i .Attirraolce paineting. Aeocc aT o ps Recceee. \I'e have a It'wv Ne%%, Rublcer Top Buggies, t set a lew cedt good Iltlberaecet Steel Tire-d Btgges aut ver v reao )eutet pe i ico e ()itpe I 'lire Farea e'Wagon erl'ar, mt' ie-Itot îe' t cta-cite fiIl'11a' ortnua bh. Tbevr e btiegnas n et ib'ev wll Zm1hep J.N. O'N E1L L & SON Deal ait îNeil's.) Georgetown, Ont. ieutito. Appecuconcea aone hm o ait ih-Rau rofna to toandof foarer. . .hbuît i eacemrteeprotctonnand permanenae thai fee. t naid. Whereecyau go in Ontaot hce hancloome cool, are tacetkan tond-machos.. -. peaîeoîtngmilions ofdollar, woth oft-topa , stocknd properiy. RIB- ROLL's at-ee,, o3 asascdit rta he ocdeir imtad-haî t bRaione Oao tOc ctntdtr. eeoftf ececon, d u rahcit, lotacon and ahoiac ice prceto hich malte itihe faeemost confia1 value tn Canaida Ioder. An Unbsafabls Combinafion RIB-ROLL Rooting ondPresnton LED-HND niatta male a caafing aomhintion tipossil ho eat. Tae.canu oflyoag RIB-ROLEL a lower tan neryother types of rofing. When you seLE-HOD nai, ana ge à igid, handme tghtoited rcaf ilat de- ieu tfiee ad ecatker.The nai, ,am spccl alr desgaet i eth tead heada ahicia ena- pieoety s.althdo. aad hale. Theresamnon auhteoedwasheea a..otheeodingacpanh. cng. Wite focroaapte. of RIBROLL aad Prestn aLRD-HRD n"ki. Prestfon Moel CeNlIa The endurngqu&Uiniand heauy ofPeston metai acclinfa have made dosai neof th motpapuane ypen etf eiiga foe atones, ~,anad offices. Peenon METAL CRIL. NOjS nae.pemasent. They ntain niiele Suet lookiideffiaiteiy. coomey Motei Lai& y lH rt .hu M-1ae.. ' a. 1«httad-.I- a. 0 appitd. -aad&Md Ptaon.d - b-.ply ia N..1 Wuud L,l. 1,h ste.i-10 ea% pd.k" - .gai 5%I'acd w-od lth ..it.iua £g .aa.h.. oEda L 0 Mg pl-aa...d e,Witageon fe.pemaiffas PEBSTON SdgE'T!Ros BAin a. g-.ab-n. d.. eaa. tend !o0yru 1 w. biane just appetite. Barns Mt la le'w ffl xi s> cplui YOGi PATRtONAGE -WOU)LD .ORTAITlI JJNalm Sret e st u teMd U»ls u. hllO Daividson's Nursery Fruit and Ornamental Trees Home Grown Shrube anti Plante for the Garden Roses for Spring "lentiag. We willi be pieaaed to cati and tati one what yeu need. 1:1Burlington Skull on Side of Rock Commemorates 'Soapy' Smith S AY SMITH naa o agh goy~T.Be shot mou toc, the ut ofIt and rbca hhnitOui haau her, wunonthing better to de. Be had a tritck et sppealug te ncap a çakeoet scap lu a 1v, dallar,.-#11 and of aelinltut toaa gaîliebie anstemer toc a fen tenta. Beeaaa. of hat tisey eaiied hlm "lSoaur" op ta Skagway lu h, golfi rush ittys of '98. Bnt "ISoapy" V"a toactous ind tan sllppocy eveu for thé rongh frontier of h aarth.. Ou dayc haowns, bit slow on the dran. Be nu. eio$ ndk a ntiileisd huried wit is antaganlet. nhom h. hait npçhaly nouaded. lu h. lttie oeontery madnsg tise. Whau neya « bis a uidm ausi isq ose '&'* ,th maeff tise ma u t p~~as Otid B onse tsalatod a sisai on a cilsfansd lotý teced fioapy's nameoen IL Today touriste te, Skagnay stand and photagraps' tissrelie of a day Chat le no more. Alaska ,sodith.Toison ame snnny- places cf green bill1 aides sud Iloners, ot plaald taes aid roaing rivers,.of glOat peakmansd deep valleys nhen h, hastsccoise ap her, lu tise entmer tim.. This Ysearthe service la to ha snarsasted isy h. EL 8 PtIce Heacm-oathChjasd" SWOulaM Steamosis. The 05<8. "Prince Rupeet' and tise "Prtnce George," at tise auMlineare aatdy ison toc heir comtoa0t snd oaanrtby qalties ta tise tiosnanda af touriste-cW" am* M yw't- *Wk tise voyftàê thé, tat Psae tq çhN o n ~ t- c O sujeeted to nUl ae~' ted stan ing oUi f cduro, tin wohho fr anyyua. pait ma wIl keep ouir otbIldlgheyoraldy Zcoet. Pâot ,»,b erotoe.iou Mdeofteint oettainly payin sci0nMutin Sepr Rod 'd fnolygHond he mn Pait. Maniopoeicjetei o 'and fine cele eey asrfoelàarin Chas. T. Day & Son MILTON. ONT. bei *1 j;; tooth neya DY toah saico -i -f; uLISO t TIERSDAY MOONNie MILTON tic-f N pC5dsoac cet: ar »of lint -I omspi»d. -,.dCi- oec. » or .Iot .1BLeGTOS aeut R K. ANDERSON, M. D0. ptyiîol.,and Surieut GjOWLAND & SI 5-tieN Phynicions andSe ta AND M ad2cir iUTBUIDIN~j DRS, McCOLL & SLTtEIi.l O i tph.. O- o sica c t. -cetettet'Il j L.e~amt tc c t DR. A. Gi. BREMNERLI LEGAL WILLIAM 1. DICK uata CeeaN & aAA LePrince of Wales to Launich Empress o'f Britain, DR F. E.BABC -OCw Dý i ENTAL SURGEON . 1ik1 npercnîaceaî, ceuv1--, t c 1-&81,0 aaue--n AS -Ttc - A rayal complient te Canada an machas te tife The cenemenial launeir-, Canadian Pacifie", was the epinion of E. W. ef Waie wili bie the rentralig Beatty, chairman and p eident of the Canadien the Clydenide yardsofn Joh n 1 " Pacifie ttaiiway and cairman of the Canadien budera, en Jane il, chir, e Pacifie Steamahipe, Ltd., when anneuncing that Bis fient annivecsacy oI the opetr Rayai Highnena the Prince et Wales had censenntnd la the British Empire, the Rtc te aet as sponeer oet he new giant liner oetChe the Geverner-Genecal et Caral. Canedian Pacifie fient, the "Empeenet Britain." The "Emprees of Beitac t ' cWn are grnatiy gcatified", naid Mr. Beatty, te greetest liner enteeiug a Car ti leara hat Hia Royal Bighnnaa has premsend te find mont pelatial and up-to-date ,c time te ge ap te the Clyde te apenser nec new nhip. lhec apeeni, nilI make 1),e. Thn Prince et Wales te ene of the huaient aien in craaeing ot Ire daye ne tes,' Eurepe, and I Cake it hat hie has heen led te do an Great Britein, and wili greratl oet et hie leve for thia ceuntry and hie keen internat bntwnnn Earnpe and Canada ln al'thinga Canadien".t Western States. The racut The "Emprena et Britain" wil iebath. iacgest ahip servicenneut aumaie, r ce Lhafilt ln Great Dritain sine n 11. ~ betwnen Southamipton, CherI, The Rockies Are Calling You mm ad ai witla afüll ellan i il ýT WUsay i plînrOc ( -)as daute e~ franc te't ,stur osso tntug '0 or airif aOot i t sat ttJiil- ChateOULI DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office cin Rt-tai Ccte t- c R. ST'ANLEY BRAUND DENTAL SURGEON aacctectlivieer t i.rc - ih - IMedcine, Surgery, or Ostetcpa:l NEILSEN'. The Chiroprctcr. e LADY A'ÂTTENDANI' "I YintaOnto, c.c Ar«RGTWN etcct w o M t... iia..cn Ot,.. BBING RATES. Rnec T aily Globe 85.01ci Pt einpire.5.-oi Lly Star.. 5. oxi t ilnstar.. (1 tt -CQUNT' cLý- CA.COURTS .i Wlettn, c eO .aaa.-t e uW Aooaasaa.dt-'etdunof t-By or 1 . Phone Il Ph! om- BU'

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