Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 3

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econom jfor grain&~1S* CROSSFIEIMhu~cd.fs mîghty .ury~'4e10 îîsimend Goye.i hiy Ceoolyearse aremdewl ug1 icist Cors-'whc xuae4 e nlrue ýlu .derti. irclS nok üÇ sr' rO ervce to give ferona ar y'.i l%; re'ael îlotgripe deep for umcUon i uiîîilition-the fameiga Goasclra ti.Ceti Our prices on ibsPeat iie.. !". >Otl~ .îr ize in toc.-I CaAsBattery-Service i;MILTON, ONT. 3ELRITE3TR ýýEîL-3DY SALE--PECIAL' liuscw.Friday, Saturday M~ i May 30 Ma 31 ,~; aVALVEIS EVEUY DA Y. IMAlN STREET MILTONI il JR DAY TR EAT I irncIes, matde from pure sweet cream, t, iiiiy butter, vanilla a.nd choco- .ii<lb IL Saturday ¶ireat Price25cIb ND) CIIOCOLA ILS 35c. Mb. -btiti ingrediento, in many tempiio t Peppei1irmint, Butterscotch, MoPie etc.Re'g.40e snd. 50cIL ... ... ... .. ... ... ..SPECIAL 3U . Ip canul Triangles, wîlh s delghttul chu- IA pcil39C.lb. Iii Vaslia Marshmiiava, lut in squares T. ANAD - ILTON dckenzie'S_ mot 1. I ýt Disinfecitants and Doodorants Isl eo Dn i (i \tjlj ln Il -i.leg Crude ijarbolir Aoîd, pore arbojic Aid, Chioride Lime, Formaldehyde, = 'pe .,Creliiu, Black L eaf 40, t liîr. j b ai ord er. d Y toi at~, Water Glass DuaodDe vori.iCi t Preserving Eggs. Diae.eed Dr-.. v, r P reoervioag Meat$ -Malbov DY-,. ;ýardeu and Flocrer Si at M. y NeedoeVE Y 250. lo. Borax 580 LDakim g ý t ii-.ile Soap AK I iiCedor~ U j M Nachine Ou - ,-jiver Poiah t rOeI41 boir5h ~e. [49 ~ ~ me. ea«hm o4gi" &o~. hbmbo Tiiie r-î oIabg,.gîim. are b. flaý«tin COle be mig1wla View ce tlia o"ene, aIvd g elect4.. 'l'h O.ant Wea.maoimathute vil Mr. and mme. i lmull. eofBt. f~d~ fl Me la-g1-B ' ?rd. lait ee'*Th- Blhh esHaIMia t ar u A autba h m" u e 01 e itu e.viiba th. e r 0f thea ai- ,ile' nw Prk tbokoym08-»1. tea~ Hm wdré illho, .Wba% ,le' Huvpaw Sbêuvua .50 - aaate bo.Cao""ia." no..a O. OJoue% .. ..B .D.. viin Dariiab1rUV h m U. eut lie éet- puaeh lu Demie. pceabyiaian <ihorci let lS =oraoau matewOy 1la etfla . mal Mli. at Il aloi.sud May 17tb. at ldiIslgt. ai Ouah U a m e. ere Judge sdfa Uo.ê iIeu oe- 0. Th., iieuutl.i~la *i~~ta f5 OeuPateu.Wojk Shirt Epeciale, 98c. and U.<. Boyau bamoveal lnto thse S1.26. Amitied. eupply.-Watee' reside.oce eart&h gh shObol. M-9tisToWe4yShop. treovued by R. Ptolemy. MBOTZDALL-TIsa Mt, Union Sotibil The country looRu beautIfes at piesU- Club hmi beau rooWEBIiîzêI with the unt andt the maina have aideet mater- tollovlug eoilloac: Procldeut. Petaf eialy te, the pgrowth of everytihlng. Hume; aetry-traaurer, M. Gi. Beudies of Wall Piper. bugan otae" -.,qlime.. mâ' oge.a rwn. umraih àComany .4.0e nU TIsa club ie Oc.a roiu-tilk'itbh Ompay. Dow iMen tu receIve challenges.-for  large umber of our sports veut gamafru City or tovu Lcaessa ithin to the Woedbine ou Satuuitay tu vit- a radiaif 0 al )mle. as Lb. ruuuiag of thsé Kings plate. TheY. P. ut St. lGeorge's Oburch Coing ta the premisel hortage lu Guild. Loivlle. viii Pre@eflt the elover boyltIse fermer@ luIis disatrict eumedy lu tbree actae etitled. '*Ns wili eow au iucreaied ocreage ot corn. Trespasiu" by Eyeiyu Gray Wbit- Build a subatantlal Double Garage Zey.lu L. iommuity Hall. XIl- ritIs etidiug doors. Boud for free brdeau Friday. May lOts. at 0.1 p. îlans.-J. B. MACKENZIE & So.tieurge m* Âdgniaslou-Adulta 95c.. ebldren town.20C.2t. Mr. aud Mre. Robert Reid aud gr- Te tIWatou Preab teriau Obercb Weeke. of Toronto. nen ut ay t vîlicebrate lia iltb ocuversory b.e home ot Mm-eR&ed'a pareuta. Mir. ou Siuday. Joue tb. Servicese t Il md Mr. Tbmai cjanett &.m. and 7 sm.tandard tise. The and re.Thoms Mc sontt. Bev. T. Eakiun.'Pb.D.. D.D.. Principal If you are planing au auto trip tbis Knox ijureb. Toronto. viii couduet year. geL a large rond map. It wiULb.theservices. The auuuai gardou porty tell you everytbîsg yuvaut tu kuow. wii hb beld ou Tueeday ,veuisg. JUDO except how ta blid it Op &gaiu. loLb. Ueo. Wade aud hie "Coru Huakere'Mle'.outtou PeuLe. îtrosig and dur- aesplayisgaet thebig Opeuing dance etable, eahi.95 o pair.--Galbraith & Co. Stanley Part. Eriu, Friday evauiug. Bey, Dr. coliu Young, ufthLIe Mie. May 23rd. Dontrnmi. L. t sionu Boma uttbe TTited Ohurcb iu Scores ofour reeldeota vere Dut ou Cauada, Torouto. viii b. Lb. speaker Siouda gatheriug viid ilowera. and ou Suuday oeiL. May 25tb. ot Loy- come bome loden vitIs trilliumaud ville United Ourcb et il &.m., stond- aili buucbee of beauLitul violeta. ard ime. aud at Zlmmermau chureb byeyaVoung PropiesAsociation Ziaere viii beunder lbeauspice. e wiii be field is St. Paulo United ChnrerhZmeouLau.Alreivtd bece this eveuiugetL8 o'cluet. doylight DoN'T MISe lT -DOn'tMi» Boe.isg saviug ime. Lb. phLy.estitîrd "Diidgisg au Heir- Mc~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~oe udM.EmeDoe.eMI- e.or HiUscie's Cboicc.' a comedy- Mr.andMrs HierDows. f Ml-drsomoîintwo acts. Bp the termeeta tou, speet Suoday with Mr. and Mc..u. Bd. Phellion muet marry a r. PiLPoeviie. M. PoLwbubaigirl h. bai neyer ceeu, or torteit Lb. be ii for two veeko. le suw able tLOi iheritauce. PleuLp ut action and ou b. up agaîo.-Oakrille Star. iutercatisg p lot. Qîber romances New Suito for the 24th May. Try ceps uaIl eude veli. S.e thi. pyluKuox Ohurcb echool room ou Wales, Toggery Sbop. 10 week-end Tu eday gMy 7h epeciolo. BASBBALL.-Doflt torget Tbo second annuel girlo'cootereuce Lb. opeuiug gamne ef Lb. oeaiou lu Ei- uder theoaspices outhLb. Botas bi bitiou Park bers ou Saturdoy aftr' Women's isititute nuihohelinluSI.. o tS3o'clock. doyligbtsaviug time. Poules Chierch. Milton, uoS&turdoY. Brouta va. Miltou. Admisionu26c. and Mayot' S t a9 30 a.m , standard ime. l5c. The boys are off vith a flyiug Mies Wise. Miee BaileAst. Sîîpt. oft@,-. tOBep teke.p them oet Lb. top Womeu'o lsstitu bes. aud Dr. Margaret ofthLb.leagu.Ther.e wh b.ho adouce Pottarsoo. ut Toronto, vii b. Lb. lu Lb. tovu balloet uîght at 9 o*clsck. speakers. DemoseLrations lu bondi- D.S.T. Music hy Ted Fultord and bis 2rot viii b. gives t>' o oumber Ot Harmouy BoTs. Admistiou 50c.. $1 a girls, couple. Don t torget tbe dote, Satur- Special Englioh Serge snd 40 dy ay oi.May 24th. Fancy Worsteds, baud-made Lu BOqgTON Onouen ONCEReT-The your meneure, $39.50. These ase choir et HoauPresbyteriou (Muireb exceptionai value.-WALLIS' Tog- M.g irgacther2t i.,iet 7.46 p. gcry Shup. mu.. etandard ime. M Margarel "Rer' Ptles>'. Senior Pilot ofthLIe Gev. eiecutiuuiat. etfLGuelpch le Lbe Ostoio ruvonil Ar Fir.baigua.t artiat for Lb. eveuiug. and this b.ro appoiieted 8uperiutasdeiit of ool eie trelu c Lb. Westeru Diyieiou. Forestry Mrausb nombera are tull of dynomie powerad ofthLb Deicrtmeut e ofadeanod captivâtes ber audience@. lu addition poestaL.RH. iii b. lu charge uf to10tels thoera vii bha everai vocand elght otations and teurteeu macbines, ipair »On Bandsomrue tagetherchoir. vltb Sioux L.ookout. sabeodquacters. eatfeaicoueab h hi Tbe trip trosn Soult Ste Marie ta undu le eadership etf(C. Stuart Sienx Luokout *aà made i lu o 0ev atai>'. If pou viab taspeud o pise-i Hamilto. ail pistai. cablu machiue, ont eveumsa de sot tail ta keep this "ud Lb5Waace V Omile,. vFa. evont in mid. Bemember thse dota. covored ln tour boucs. Mna' a'21.Aebo e -Cetral MIfA1 Market. SEE OUR COUNTERS FOR SPECIALS Choice Quality Freèh à Oured Keats Courteous Service andI Prompt Delivery Phonle 43 E. B. VANATTrER 14ILTON YV; -, ahne -W~ i WE qibScidrou'a Smdtettoe -M in Sl1/i,. % itd % loflgths. lis ad*- . 0. sefreinthe dîffer- atùWforthisa saisOf5soling wohi laad this epo'ciai event, Myd nw coul. a a pict IiIIa'Sibeeni o ttzactiv udoerbeoetave we boan able to off« quite amb h ep euildvles.It vii h. Worth your wbile th visit thaestor thie week andnake your eeiectiom inov ~ atocke are coin- MILTON'S -HOME MADE AKERT! VcoiYa pca Our many patrons prove to us that our pure homem ode Bread and Cakes must be of the Hihet uait .. ..CHERRY AIways Fresh and Appetizing.le T. PARKS, Prop. Phone 101 t 1 5 THE MILTON BAKERY W-J __________ CREAM 1 Phoe67. T.C. BOWEN, Prop. Princess Tbeatre Do you iitegond oream ?Gieu. ooiiand we ilideliiieyou ny qu __________________________ PICTURE ffl^fAflE frum gororumeut aoooeitoîed o'i. " Read the Wo.LR MrTue d Fou SALE-White LeghitoilL è pint 20c.. piet 35c, quart 65c.. De.on ou isi page. Stop wbecr pou are App' W. R. Alian. pbone 4- liiered Tuesday and SoLildaymoif. invitedLu stop-at Muitonsi Big Bue>' To REN-T 5.roomed hou- - g,,,o ometyan Salua-day. May 23 & 24 hn 90r2.A.' S ARK & SiON. Store. Primoa rigbt. Pop Coot and oge. Appi>' A. Hopkins. Bi t iti s t 8.46 p.dsyighti moief lime. u foLE .Mitn leniorief Eveipe Breut sud Jack Otie, A rmedy dramea. Comedy-Lopino Lace io iiBattling Sistors" ".KraupKat" "RHire s Bal" , WEDNESDAY. Ms>' 28tb 1h fuetira of Sbortook IOlmS' tory'. Couedy-Bit Boy in "lHlter Skelter" sorial-",Tbe Black Bout.' hy Joe. Anthou>' Beach. icatariog Aliese Bs&y and Waltar Miller. Epieude 4. tc. SAL.-Fair Sex: jouet Soop. cake. for efti.. a cake. for Se-Bal- brith & Com.pany. paouuIONAL Num.-COiriO M. Walkoe. PB., Fei St.. Miltn-O()DL Phone SO. 48-8m. Sommer Ponte,' oU ro00, mode lu meseort, 150 samupie, 5. 95. WhY boy tuck pente at tIses.Pricec? -WaIese<Toggry SIsop. A gardoen pry *i là.bheld tthe hune ot John MM halil.tavu lise. ou Jui>' OU7. m udrsapise. of .A ut St. Pouhi rs btrien Church. Nau.Duesu BR ovoan ada'. er entat in v t; bthere. TIii- CAKxES TEN .P Whstyor thlnk ol fooivea,1 dui dour etoc i f« ont I I 1 I I I I b ~ Phone 40. of thelatest:tyles for helat iee, ýUW!Bables, Girl & BOYS. the valuee. im 0 Pwiod35C $1,00 -ýll ý lý 1 lu or 3 Pa*vs for PER PAIR storm9w ýWgAker SAlI1 lji O 114 t w r i 5.2.. - Iba. 49c, -- - -- - - 23C ee) 5 for 25C 11). pkg senior 1 9c 23c - - - - - - - 29c 20c 19e 14 OAla25c the prlcer" FTER 3 th. 25c lie, 2ic f5- 450 2W KES zic 21C 25c 24C ..ip..... -F 4- 4. S AIMCAT4 BEAUTT »BEDALE COICE QUALTI CORED B MEMMgyclNDD RT OgARTY gKwOM F r6R HE 950 1

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