The Canadian Champion NOKY cf îttn fr mny ear, ded t te ed o st e PaNo= 01 asî lianerat Hosptal, Guelph. on Sunday mont excitlng game ctathe rai& e.. niorninl ast in-bis 500h ycai-. Decealt- but the arasonsa record crowd va on 46 . .h.l . .a.I ----- ý wsa member of St. Pail's Unit- hans!. Acton brongt down 400 cot .atu n i i-il Clioeeband i srivi b an rsmda bandon aseuaIîran.whle won t-b. Le ti caîdîîn four son@anad see daîightéiti,1 Paris bas! tally »0 supporters. and the Moro AiDOTU ies ter, oft8 teenettovwe ;Frederialk li alry ws keea It wasaclaue, bard- -( oueon eliis il, ga ac ir( lrenre. of Huttonaîtîs ;BErnest fougbnt gaine, and in defeat the Acton bing withiJit lhîîsîe ;Mr. Sidney Moîîtain. fb omrbrews won a lot of admirera., enetknag.-pi Ei;-.sing ; Mrs. Ronald Mountain, cf eafecially san aince it ia tbeir lBent year vorkmng eémlin.,t l Mo nît F orest; Ma-e. Jamesa Tbomison.inthe OEHA. icrie. neler the skn-elhtWb sjokt,ce. Sak. :Mi. E. Moriett, of Nassageenrya Mat-Y. .Lavina an1d OAKVILLE ELIMINATED. musclsam inIiu"anduis nîi t hume. l'bofeeei-altocais abaa, Fcb. ID.-The Oaa a i-a e frtyo rciezsd9011 plae o Tisay ftenoo fom is flawrnt intue the second rosus! of théec _ et dac.Jer teta Ever- 0OH.A playoffa hnte lmintd U. glo U eetry, hansteraet. biniOakvillr by a 4-0 score bere to-nigist m oîî'lI aké ap ile Méiora l'dîcc y R. J. W.Aikîca Tise score on tbr rosand vaa8-2. Tbï vithaalhtck e.. tro ain rié. pin, juniorsaaew anret Weat Toi-ontobe stiffilesa and minery-nd youtili o to lii NAN RBjRTON hst gaine bing je Toronto Friday wsek vîtis a gratétul brat tioi DI GA RBERSO, c ngist. youe teirndn about tihé mlgity ift Jlîîiccî Rîbeitooe agd SIpren.acting paver nf Joint-Base. Dîcl i îcîe e tonaget-61Rcears, 100 ele- ncly Joint-Ear isinmade rlgbt ber. in vli1- ccnin Heatal Trcesie: Adop llVeîitcîcn-rndaentaaCanada ands! joulit as Ëgoasfor Juin- Fb.17t. Whle ireIZusiai Goerntentbasbago tes--a generenu tubé for 00 cents He ,loJb thHowae e-l bcr en tr,î o eaboliehSuSedoy, the a ail sragginti raerywbéieé-Guaran. bllteoîet tad wette Tereti-n e TLirkchIli Goeiîntise Just edept- tees!. J-I -Otlie malin tiscpietiegde. ,il tic Weste I1Cetom of obsca-a-lg paitecili toi tbc . Raton Ce. Ha had G,,I--fI ,dtc 1ewe J î Thé mevira ara nw 22yaren.and t to lc tîo-yrare. H Ims c iit;ii Ket(ie t't-bytcrian Cburcb, tc Mtciriiday) as a day o, nofetthé ladies vhs "inbabit" tbrnu Alpbit A.b-. aodilA.M. 381J ;Aire 'pýt- cIL ls omi t ed ne wkaat-4 te di ta he a rileme 1q Ily hatiel R. A. M ,91 ;Zoitb te,,,- te-î ue', daysuPublic offices intime mben thero vrren't any moviée Clit1ii- citdcîof icbe -aen tar and Toîke3 cluîodý n eetidoy; bochouasd i (-tit Gli,îtî. ecîcgebî Oc-t tikiettf bttintîes cerd ontONTARIO ELECTIONACT. )%v, Ie-J .l-.A fciDcLroit ,etttittSuoit wacsneibly dcceed 'J il J,, i an îttetedugcttel. tuat le lalai 0,ith, etofetEu- Belsie mill bé found antatément of -IIl, il 't clcîîeî ,JToronto, acctp, IIJt tbi Id k- clccdtcnt ougît rpendituira inesrers!ans!pais! for by Ui lil, II lui îc. it - ( Clitetto. titlethir te ass myneif ou bebalf of Tbnli. A.Blake- cf ice PulillitlnIvOil II eieî-thaîr teck. wbe mas théesecernatalcandi- liNil lttic)\. l~liii t licf 14Ftildai Oas e tecp date jenthec Ceuty et Halton in thé .1fIIIN E.WIBSON. Sidti it ui 11 i ht-t e ,ýii It iJe Et.ectioneof amember for the Provin- il a ciîîl-. utif i"t oiît R]LItiPit f L- ailtte ilmiaIcic, . itl net rial Parliamentt: I i ' u te i Il!,l V d e t c1ofI.lest 'I - c- e itîday ti. As!aerttaîng. Printing. etc. Ikrtrii l Of t oî tc ii îtly a tea ______ t -k lîoin beu, lu,-,e cntMilton Reformer ...$ 49 50) 1) i -- .- "'iie I.iit l t., TXioon. O______________________ Jakaîtte Stai-......- 18 28 1 1,vi un Il'it- 1awI c Bîîrington Gaette i-, Deesewh ENSEU AVERTISEMENTS1 Milton Cbampione..-I3 25 v, ii - ,,Il'et le at, ecoiofte Jvit-eoe...12 (JO I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1 titt lict lttliîîdIActeîî Free Pi-es- bt..5168 1- -1, an oný aultterGeorgetown Herats!-..20 48 A:li Nu ,t? t ii- tcîttivillct n t R Aii Tiîîbcy gî.btar.ta-caca. Jakvie News....-.271 84 N u lt 'ii. tisiîuy. PJoe15J r il. Eelîterîng bandbiJs.. 8 25 -ut il ii- t.I ttei teAni-_îaaa.$04423 -An Jîlîut,.-alii .-A-Hr f Coniuîîttec Roouea, WEDlhuleDI)NG l. Trtephoea, StemsopeStation- Jît t-ii Yeî ronzJetîcagîbber, ery and Claricat. Appuv i JedtJJiîct, JIornby, boîte Mle - -2 J ai.111 tetttl? iiiOf'tacnceoiltJlit, a.hibng fi, dol. Applp Aca.,-- --.. 00 i fli ii l i t flie hou l ituîliJitîttOfic-e. toiJe - --. ......75 Lt H il, iii tl. luig rittîStu'% bbalanîc -, IiîF-ox1 J t %, - i il i kiloStceet, tct. I îîîoîdiatii 'tie-AppJp lire cf HllsîJufoc Meetiags. iI rý (,I fi i pim e Icti .i.......... ..... $11) 0 il, iN. le li i 't i i,irgatclne - ii........ 10K L 11k .î C ', e1ttii, Ftii Oit t lî-îI tiClo er -ecit. lii iît litrlitgton ...... ti.12(y - i iiotN,) fi t t I 't I lpr ti-i iiceJ; lseîpbrililie - 't.... Ii riL - - - lîtti tl- Iil oi- . AppuiytJi, Br1los., roobe-iJle - --....... . )O r L, 'Ir Ii ur 111 1 id, ai - nd I li i! c;2r 3ýMIl Ntîoti.ilbrtile - - - ,, 00 i It I)l iit li %11,,ii l i t I îîi fo iti-Jtellinag Breete - - --....... t.. i8ti - i i % tltcfi a î'it'uieiîit LILI I re llyOge iled, J 1' i i iutidate traellJJng and tîn- - - îli'tît ~ ~ I W11'g îîoctieIL)oJidasat $5. n)0110 - -M ik ti e Atii20, tA, a],, a 1u,1e -- i , Ttalt- - -..$50 23 - ~ Ir - i 1 - îiîîî- -i l i 7JGO MARI2H, 1't, -li1 billv-1i1 f, J oui-b3p . :1;l ' ]OB Oficial Agent, i 1 1:)aihi gud îl - e -îetii-tlctictartJREsquire, fi Nl I . 1 ieo -Ir o uîîîJ JîciJeîTî lettilneing Otitcer for tbe I 1,, ,i ictyiîilt-tîi22 Jiiloitîîyttooaty ofHalton. - ii, t Iti ,tiP)7 St.joili it.,i Fo l e -;tuhit tiii,Joîîioc tiiil 1,i - lit- IlIti 2a 1 .\t 2 I hl, tut-l el l 11 Il Iii~l l,IlItiltilit I ,I dh I IdIv 1 bi t I.y tOitiiitiiig -ni-t iii t N 11 1 1 i - i, m GO OVERNIGHTI DJîaJ Porpose Shortisoces, <Il ,t, o1d ihg BABY CHICKS '.l,,Ilciq Il ttl tti luit LAYtinti Lt .îîî,- K- I N M i, t i i î 21pi ltîlý $22- 0Il N I . $'1-e 0 1 t1... i a4g J i II - t itof k - I l it 11:0 , m g tIi tc lmy etof EIRNEST L WALTON -:V .. Iî u- 21 t - teipiueliiti M c Duffe' s Always on the rage IILTO N NI. Wuhl ILve Sonething to Suit Youî- Lvery Nced I'. t laiter Spricgteeeh iii.ý-iiocrteostiiîlhee Pacera ilici uiii-s acoîe preadere lui Jiie,-îiiWagon. Btiî,g Sleigbî tiit i I lu Cutt e \\t'iIl'Supiplies triseam Sepalatoin tii tec ipteues Hîndere StabeitqI i pîîet Mowei-s Ruo.fng May Leader, Fiecnîg Rakea isîe lIai-noms Ieapers Pione Potate Machine. Grain DrilIsGichars! Machines WE GIVE ~ER v 1 C ARIr WALIEST WvaiI" Papm! g -I CLEMENTS & CO. PIIONE 43 HARDWARE MILTON SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA A TOWER 0F STRENGTH 1929 Nuý t-c sX tralces Paid for - \oe i leta f- i 1J3,20-,0(1 > A-îraîîi ' in force (net) -- titi1loitca-,e-of 504,32200- To etal Iîîoite (net)- - - ft i cm iS28,1 10,00 -iîeit- arnecidtîriîîg the '(car....... .. Plntit-JibtiC lolicyholders a.nd I3eneficiaries - - andt Co-ti-genc ti lolea of i$5,e8,90 000 liienîg Paîd cp Captal) a\tIii L ecember 3i1cs, 1929 AniiI ilee- cf $79239,000 F654,451,000 $2,401,237,000 172,857,000 42,863,000 69,174,000 72,807,000 495,390,000 568,197,000 Rate of Interest earned on mean investeci asscts 7.02%7 T he litigh role of divide'nds alloiled le Pariiciaing Policyholdeýs is ceniinued snd the speciaîl dtttidend on moineg polecieo cxiendcd and incpesed. EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT N'ec huliescePaliiornumteec161b,391 fer asnet ailluoltii)fi$654,451,1432anadvcetof $213206, 7-2b6 o oicr es anfocef aigtiper cent., cear tbe peeucoyeac Thieiebed itcresod thecîaet tb aitue acage poliîy, foc the fiet lime, eccredril $4,000, afforcîl ltpcecciee evidecce of thba at-n gcotttog pcpulacity cf the Couepany. Aie deîlecîîeg aotceassuroes!, tise tetal tsurn es i orenaueuoct te$2,401,237,036.94, se iuîeaoco$O,321i102.37 This dvance icnotable nou iîeely tocris magnitcude, but because misco ta occe s ade foc emnteioeu by deatis ans! taatccie1-, ta rpieseotsa aremataby iigis rate of toottocaceilndeidracegreat atisisct;,noOcotise part cfOr poiîyhuideca. Tbheace-it peis! ne policybotiles iser organsa- euh - ,togeeber sîtb thce aonecatsapiruent beld for thercuroicy cr beait,eceedu tise notal amouat rLeit cd fi- eueabsin prenuiaby $139,290,474.03. Tti a rte cf iteect carnes! ruatise mmcn inventés! ametsheaiinto7.02 percen. Thiafiguceiscelsé o cataienamouna froue bonuae. adstock priinsile. Occuiet on uanof ehaie Compacys holdiag%- bat if ebese mare entirelY elinonatril liserata mouasliii hébe 6.6 perti-ot. A net profit cf $13,077,204.62 vas réeral td ram lise icilcuption orsalnoe oh séciies. The surplus cornes! daisg the yea, asard on tise value ectereil in Ithr accoatse, amoueeai 10S42,- 863,578.59, but freuesis saamsabmtantialégpprupi- ionbut-e asusal bei-a madie ta futr eatrenglisco the position ofthtie Company. An édditional 810,000,000.00 bas hein dédantes! frntuetlie moi-hit value. of 0cr secuities as a pen- visioin againit posilel market fluctations, esase thie amousaItissa net "ade for ttis puqas.e in tisé accoans to 3,000,000.00. A turtiser $1,000,000.00 hhbein eitt off<4tisé Compay@iiigs. *931.000.00 has n a g-pltebrau.tise annabyeereeatleuaet-. f The upeeiel asute cni-il as a iaiility 55 pro- cude foc oofonri- esee otongaeiries hsbei-smaie- taiued ot $12,50000000. After uakisig oli hse-deiluesiono ans! sllocations, $5,868,89996bhs beie adi-s! te tise ndividednisur-- Plus, brngiag ahi-ttasl oc-a iabiltiii-, caslisgasey rpital stock, ls*60,307,76244. In sceni-dance mitis ner uaal conerevoivepractice tiese cesiities, osai-i by tise Comepany have agais bre a oies! atfilgursmucis belsi tise mai-kel quota- lios u canent se lise clone cf tise 3 er. This unsd,- valuation rePrenente an imporatot rirnt of tcenglis 10 lie Csompany adsitionai ollaelse pensbcc Pnovwiioas in tise stmloeets. Yoai- Directers are pes! èsu anssance tisa tise iigi saler f of te aI piruant allIstIrd t- ingpolicyholul. wilRisconeduiass!s!e.nituig ye,viil theSpeciaI Divis!end on matoeisg policies, inteaduced last ycoi-, bas bran extendeal f in ceiodé POlicie. msîurng aflti- having been in forceé Ar. yeacu ne loager ans! tisé*cole 0f berAfitbas bren incread. - ~ - ÂRTîîî i Peraldeat Sua lité of-Canada. Vicéiprénîs! lit c "Tus, local î&u.e~s t ilinipli C Body ni AgCII MatFouad luaDur Gurliph. Pél. 13.-Provincial Police veré rndeavorlng to day tu idéntify the body of an agr4 man foruit! ln a haro on a dean-tes! tarin le Nasaaga- wrya townshilp, about tsar mile. troin th iselîlagé ot Maffat. Diseneris y Pète Magna, a rabit hanter. Satueday. thé body vas troar, ans! offirera visa viultes!thé tarinto-dày vére unabîr tu faci anythîng on thé manns person whlch would lrad te bie identification. Residenla ot thé districet are unabîr te throw any ligisI on thé myntery. bot bols! W thé belirt that lise vîctiai, Wo apprara Lo hé betveen 70 ans! 80 yéara ot age, vas a stranger Whs vas brg- ging at cortain farina early in thé vinter. Thé ronditionaot thé body visen toues! indicales! tîat thé man bas! probably bren das threé moatha. Coroner Dr. MeColi, of Mloa, waé ncltitled, andl an inquest mill likely be '1/ / I/j' -te 4,Glbraith & company, A&CINTS tonl Corne in and look thlemi over. Couacii met Tucnday nigisl Tise foîsing secoontuwecre passies! ses!an Walks You are welcorne whether Milton Brick Lis!- - -......S 3 60 J. Petter . .. .. .. .. .. t... .. 10 70 1114230you buy or not. Towe Hall L. Maus!------... 4.0 Hyalro-Elec. Cern- ---7 32 Geoi-getown Lum ber C e..ý... 28 40 Satin Finîis Haralmoos! Ce. -....2S2 83 Hain- - - -78 $42-ê5 Galbraith & (C ompany W I.D ch .. .. . .. .. . . .. $ 100 Caa. N. Epres- - --..... 60 MILTO N Brll Triephene - - --...... 825 $19 85 Finance itreets ans! Waike -.......S 25 0 N TC -e fîîr i tee e ii i ai t Town Hall......- ....4012 65 O IK I fuue a ie s ofd fech -k Centingencîes ..-....... i-lt.j!) havaw MUST rpach tîtisotffice nîlJatît litît permit lc is 1 Public Schl ............ 00 110Co tisse 'EINESI)AV otteenoîîîî iiciîtduighteacn ttii agbt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oelPue- -0 8ice-ih antatruutîî as me hani Lih ndPlce....... _75____ ià i HE H II lO, iiltbn-e yeara. W, 1 $22M500 mil now go topr-esearieî- ceThîîe- kindJy beari-aintîi.- MJ 'le lu l J-AU lied ad isbtenslui un ti Iunswick Sardî-iesI1t in BLWaz U e IASMOH AS P1CE8 AmLOWI Rled and Wnîte B tOi. I v Stuart's Black Cuiriiii .i Rovat'asSweetdse« ?~- W'hite Beau0 (iaiii 20-C argsleySpoil Laundry S.ap Sev- us Plunpkiîi n - r 20-om. ja, ly peIil0 iofl, iarg --i i i 37, as- ylnse Brand 10 bars New Texuas (itrts;iui 291 Tonatoes 49 Indiv, Tin No. 2 TinsHNNE l CU 5C I 0I. UN Speaal-sat5Braand Ligisé 'QUaIItj'always i hl TUNA MEAT 2tis29 Spécial-hwepp'a Sveeseed COCOANUT2lb.2ClMace Itoi tie sole man S SUNJ)AYo Ilatm to 12 iioon E, KEEP A I\îG Prompt Delivery HUTCHEOb lour, Feed, Coal, Etc. IIOMEM-ADE CAF jusa and chocolicte 0aii lîr WEIEK-ENVD CHO cent res os l14,11111 iix t I i- olit Net 'fîp. ii BING BANG ' icli t nîîîtîble for lBridigePJtîi-5o Ncilson's Chocolale Bars, ciii Jersey Nul 'il k W. T. B PHIONE 14 Chain REfD & Oranges, Suijnk I llt el iJo's Mac a lO Ili,- 1 Qtuick QuakerI a- t- ~I Eagle Branîd '(ifle , aéa Redl and WhIite lT-iaN Red and WhiOGte-rO, iii il: f Farmners an( Do 0ou want JN\j. frorn yotîr Lt() i\ 1 Canada Stock Pow It COhtainslet l i troublsiceand ur.ît yiti - Tis cnjt0,jtuîi" t"lt ingredients juit li i beut known btoich 1i lisIfeet conditi)e iii I i1 - do the work ciaiteel i i VltTEINARY SERI't lii héaliy e , tî! t Comme in and eok utc i,-i -- Posver- You do îcoî , i lIiIîg his ondition-t- Caa&POUlîryCond itia C~~OnMe 30ore o ttc a up, digestioc flaproducu cl y to ftd 0i [ féw eltan iiC ~ACKE -The Rex iii: H ifs r-t r~ M ~3 o o-I r-c Lii SARDINES 2a tins 25C Specip-HarryHomes CUSTARD I-lb. tin 22v DATES :2 pounis 9 Rosééugraé'a Eng liulty Aradia Boueleu COCOA, Y2-lb. tin-...24c CODFISH, 1-lb. pkg. .17c Lyle'.Golden maconodîic' SYRUP, 2-lb. fi ... -. 25c IERRING, in Tonssung Ouc1em cSmnyrne Sauce, 1-lb. lin ý...20C FIGS--------.. .....2 le. 23c lFor w75l,,Wh.,Porridge Chie Asiab"ie WHEATENA, pkg. 29 AMÇIOTS, lb. ....-29c, 33c Béaai, Speeialig Pr-eiee Large ealmi PALMOLIVII, per cakegé LÇ4MMONSý par douea -...25c Eddy>& Braqui 11 1 beld. ûai"