RILTON TRVEEDAT, OCTODER ae 1929. Tlîs .rtttlttY MORNING HT ILTON ONT 018 ~ riS m ine <. oo S.- b. -k-- t.,.aa ee eitof, Sh t i t,.1to Il I It . MEICL t-'-, , t n t . - n ' . c tyt... . r lit SOLSONt& STL.YONtI DRn. McF. t. ITIIi.lLAN - , et. t - t. rptat, v~ ~ ~~I w t,.tC Travellers' Guide. ,iANADIAN l'ACIFiO 1<ILWAY OHINGWBT. GOiNG BASf 12.48 a. 8.6 a.rm. 65f6 a3 2 35 p.rn. (Sat.. anly) 10.52 a.rn. 4 35 p. m. 8.02 p.rn 7.OU p. m. (ex. Sat. & Sua.) 7.47 p.r. (iîg Wet-12.48 ar.m.; 4.2 p.m.. G oing East-7.25 arnm., 9.02 pr..S.44 pu.. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 0o NO BouTa. 500<0 NORTH. il.48... ; 7.35p.n. I18.28 a... 4.Zip.rn. H. WHEELER Teacher of PIANO and VIOLIN Ptial prepared for Toront Con- be atryf Music Fr Kinz St., Milton, Ont, ['11ONE 24. Mrs. F. G. Russeill TEACHEIt 0F Piano, Volce and Theory 'It, "irttte Ctt-tcemfi 6Candidat"e m-cItltimmrntEytrrtittt- s ttttt -ta"oa iti. -t:git H.tttce. stul,ctt -, dat atiltta sttt b a.tcb - Fleming & Armstrong t'FtR- Fre8h, Cooked and Cured MEATS FIsh andi Pouitry ln Season t)îaa tîttl-oo --QUALITY AND SERVICE' 4ttt 2vw. MILTON. POLLOCK &INGRAM ým,- t , I loter & Warth MONUMENTS Ite gttat1Reqneat. GA LT. ittoti tus ONT. C. R. TURNER Foacrai Ilîrector and Eashalmcr Agrmt fotrDaiee lttaorat Oestgiao. PauONEOW HILTON. DR. G. A.KING NSR CE 0tr,! t. t W il , N 1to ri. Lle, iire, Automobile,' Burglary H,- , Tain b a 197 Plate Gla3ss Accident, lleaith. il!t , t, ... O SýI Mrtgagc Gold '.Bonds. DR. STAN LEY BRAUND R t,,eopre.entative 1,F-4 AL SURGEON SUN LIFE INSIJRANCE CO. 1,-(l1 '- FD-DEWAR Ph... 20)to T. G. RAMSHAW Valualur and Aucionletr iý Sei. ai, 'rgeryor Osteopatlty. a attion emtlttv atteaded t. 'l'li LONIIcChiroiractiûr, l i1,ý1l SERVICE* P111:ý ao1 tt!-! MLTON -\'t ]I kNOANT t.t CLIJBBING RATES. ctct,,tToro-nto Daly Glotte $5.00 86.35 r M l t- Mal ad E pir. . 5.0 6.55 Toroit DailyStar. 5.00 6.35 lluthmrltl-ý yu Montreal Fam. Herld t,,u t .ttt ilt&o &ti. at nd Weeklv Star.. 1.00 2.85 Gor Ht)O R NT 150 N tw 14t heCokaRgltn op fl ,tilt . d. t xt-C. .,ttd, Ti CHAM.lie2,13; N. & 88p- brn dit of i.. K t)tt t tttka ttttd er a .0prtcec, p.rneiict. Adcu.a', t1 n etc., a r a n xTECOOK MEDICINEMt COUNT"( OF HALTON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR P.f.sttiit Da or Ni'our o a.1. r. M.7 J... s.eî. No,Ja 10.00.....l18 t0a2 65s719 .. . td.a lOBa... 8ta b t, t a ai t . S.a .d tseiy ie i2 ii9 g.c1ih1 r 29 sei7 r .1I nan t na<. Do& J.r . AdAl. 7 4 I aO. 24.. l 9... 1aoS 6 Ca.. as rnmr b. .q.ia..l i eh. ip.iah ai bauma rt-i,5.; ais.. ÂAcoe. Oi.. C A Z..asy,511.Apri. i4h eidy. CiA o Ai. leB I By ordoe W. 1. DICE, Mâtsa, SECURE WRYRLEETDIAW OILCAG tel he Tm"ikAbc"« lrrflt Aolo M W11 A. 1 Li lo 1-À. Do«- 7"' or AWIW mivo 5Fer- Bading ecfL toc Alam. kJoavata maont as, O ma AUCTIONBER ftat the vorid là near a rnOieefr Aiasarias the greatest cliebtage ont dlacovery la tisa trtmut U4CF that Britain hai oser soeea. Abem.d, For Yor er it Amcidon Sae, care af cancer tvas tiha vlev eproeM~sdfo a bad am aefel Il amneeprieace inau i utl i y Prof. Claude Rlaad tvissa heo 46 MJ , oab > îa ii ei eotg Sae. eed i Cavendisis lecture Ln LOB. ME. thadoiecceata isabin iiaitlmtCi t0arm ~ daoreotenUy.. e aolecnte g afta. aays a vrl Just phone 2063 j, Oaât, ar write Nov. as ever> dartar ilavetav e rrea LOada affetenyéa. r 28 isiapetoa St., GaILu Vractica k.aave tiiere la a videspracevx h ar-viinciondont la rai- feur ai cancer arnu&Bitcases of m&E... i ai ta thedaomad ii,0 , I0 va co.- Teuatse aachance wilb hLiaa. patients preeetng ihemaelves for cAE I l J al atedmilela000,00aatrbades exiarnatlan, vrllaa douter t in II as <01mare ta tisa influenzaaopi- ______________________Bite. Thia applies eipectate t tsa dernle tiat flaved It, as veil as 5t0 visa sufer tram troublas caaectad tt A U ft 01cfaur.teabieaagrt R. J. K ER R villathtanguethea troat. t tain- fatrs, mauunabs baauaiax t acor nmre ther ttareai orga* ta'oeig oIn' tae uberi our yeaca f Auctionor and Real Estats whoseStainadOntosa e % E Cmn n nBian ory& 23 yers expérenece os an Aatioaeer. tamlilar ta thse manle thse etreet. a a e or o.miuai eoer h Arrangements Ion sales eaunise made ai Signia and î>.rnttoima vilehare aioa a fl th a ieauwr e na mll>io ls hr this office. siauilY aia~ted vitb Innocen m d "thre veor iefeetbar ad lC PHONE 36 - . ACTON eseryda>. alinat aa t once attribut- St tisea te dere he ac .ae0 ad ta mallgnanat Siseaca ,b>.hevie-tiseeUL iUI1 I î th tis eeurbofZ1n0.000 a yar tomsaouthtesacancor obsessiona. .11îYetsi tiseisea fait0,a0tisa eau- ,HJ evoruafheuas anand ear- 7ber of ciilrea tiser, h au sena gréat LICENSIED AUCTIONEER ltain leourcae of115el stmressacdois NO ALU M lacreare la tise numier of tvlaa and etrlit mourcailo-ieal aidraeAd £ T C.LT tripletas bra. Titila averyaar s a For the oLtuatieo of Prel andfialtonatsriapayla rreli ia. W IL.T C T. multiple liirtiis v re curîaaîîy local- PrmtService. thie plty of it Je tisat s mac> of Lhote TOBO.CASC. leod. A certain treet lanraettford um- vs wOiso atalitY bis.a murei ste~o acat ieaitnciau e Teehaat cotinue ta Iaduigo thalr dismal fora-ýdt li h dsicino en Chrltenisar 26-cr-2. Grorgetowen OinS. hudtagu evaa alter tise muet ecieeu&. tise quarter In wvici st tvlaî voe PostCffce-Celtnhum haro. and not long ageatisare vara ln Poo CHr haleasar. catir aarching ezamlsatilu ais,40- ii.CicrraOrve. oa tise oaiaklrta of mroasraei istthîrfa.m i Lincoln, a patr of tvias tu every tiird T. O. D o L s o N gread. la w eti underaood liant soa epciart xoddl BRAMPTON,ONT. tiésaueintiosn, vurry. anaiaty, Istaraitioa.sLinpcuiirlexe redtao and tiseir apposttea. eaert a powerful Cotie Lncpashireameg istafrt Licenaed Auctioneer actonfoc gaod or eiu on tise various ctwitiveol aad in ftheav ie For the Cantlieé ut Haiton and Peel. fantttionoad Stractare et tise body.1 dontiti o, adstre a oor tisLon. Tise Sca. ,the nero oa ystorn, t dnBawthYarks ise atOya rî hrnai FARX SALES Premptiy Attended ta. istood,. toe digestion..ilau otu, .ailtîp le ite atierenad eveui- Poe1r31Bapo. camoeander tise inflaence of tiose.po- I s isere. eeave cte viea via- Phon 17r3iOrapton tet aerot seretanavisetiareuaed toise rare. At ooverai Londoa npecifica.tty etmlated lay tise eo1hsiastenme ftiab P.D. sA LTEI-? tions ta aisrt, depr::ulng tisough' ý aiO tai as ti naser o tituea ID. s hemental 'recor-d. Auctioneer and Dealer in Seei]axhilaratlton indaceai ty etuan.imity Tilteeaytmatleaitah gaad isBtilt n Sl feeli lannot coafiaed to Brtata. It exstetini FamSalsc. Sed oacted uit Tie acarnc ftis -ara ad TUE TELFOGRAIsa all parte of tise ctiiiaed wocid,ad aut. on odceri n Tierme e att airaton! metotisdaemptoyed as aida - tise ecteallots are anaiste to accauatl an! a odraTe tt. 0diagneostu nowad&a tu la cisthtIsl raa T-umftco aieevrfrtiapsnmaa Phione, Mlton 152-1. HORNBY, 0cr. maY Se conidentiy aErmed Ht S £sa rnmttro eevrfrtihe. a amaent outstatevt isaauld cancer lSe Présent Ia n >. rgeai for Wrtlra Mestages. aSti, adaitnafeci t.. isisvii elat- aerttie.Sody itreofttheiidJ alsct Morse and the aeed foi* a diplo- lade a greot. if 116t atarmlax, de- corala Wisa deadut isadlaa5~matie code a;m a eaSotta ed îty an crease Iantise namiser of reeraiti ft B U R N atone prompts anyneete canuIsai tautasotaerreett tseasrmika.vt a 1neef medicai Oatisat la ail1ltiste goed# 1 SlitICtty la tise kOt tao of the 5v an increase ta tisa narnier ut eid- O K Prosldad tise roodtag and verrylag apparatua.s iici siti otnf a setait ertr people. P E A C O K frae 0f rind has ne t bisa ràt- Instrument n fow incises tiuare. This Mast elderly Pteople ver, Sera ai a gralnad. Fac the makine ef au aarly mao &et as a traasltttteora reoetter limae isen tise irtis rats vas ging dtagaaata la (or sanld lha) ofthe Sfor vriiten megaïdes. tise cunnectiag Up Sy leaps and haundsandaaifor yemr 0greateet Possible advausgta 0bath madum. Seing ttiser a tleepistne aire tisastandard of isealtis han iseaJin-i Patient and doctnr. oe vireiesa. Prasing. viti a consaquant radactiax, Cniortanatelytt.Jetatisa bamaOai Tise taveatore aiaim tisatIt cn e la thtsadeatisrata. Su tise Proportion Aictmof parety araganAry disaae5.put uae smaaarkt forleas tisan acces of parsona visa reacis aceat>. in visce .,forvard as Pre.e4x or prea-idoilara. Tise Telfograps, lits saggti aitadilt r aeala. Peelter vittims af tise *cour&@. TAq ime.caatd lha aaed isy evory te Wisen vilI It cemaia coatlr cames long tefora tis e>.ft il-if anar pisone saiseriser fac recelcîne andi aaarly so? corig acA rtaia tisay do. Hovever. aven tnat la mail traaamitttlng vrlttes messages. Any made Sy tise Governmeat aadltfr far seefnslethona eomintocaulong aftta. meaaage telaptoned isy tisiaetisod old-aga peasian paritooei, tisa nom FOR SATISFACTION tisa defitite evtdiences af cacer have vsatd lSe reeardrd lt tise machinte Ln ber of personea vec ssant>. viii ta-1 iecoma manîfast. Tise hait tbat caa the recipeta tame osn atengis ofecreaseasa followa: 1981, 1904,Q00; hi aioafuttisem e tbietter liet6tisa ape tar iter readflat 1941. 2,436,000; 19t1, Saf3(A000.ý S AMI H EN S O N neer.' Wanders of iealni iave Oaa vira ai this trument ta excaÂppareatiy, tierefare, tise Larn> of] bea acheisred of tata bymodîcinaand Pied forcocaseeAios atistis eisli People over îeventy vîli grav forý I UIIDER and CONTRACTOR aargecy comttsed. ea laincae.s ire af tise ttettisone. te tte appara 0an 'near1 sarîr. iîcis.avery fen- yeara tack. vaald tsia a ta it typeeritcee o ty ro-nt aIl avents, great cisagscinta iel e.-c....,... en<. havo gano fro.. Aai ta varaa. key, andi a revotlv itn e umoa hteh poplatioa are closeai aI ad. fa Iti Agm ro te CýbrIi MtalW«h taIntisotdaya maci s on etetd leltere ofte alphsabet att- atiged yoath .111 Sutis tesanai age more.' AriarOS Csatrll Mia rnisfrom te applic-ationef tise tisen ta oatatîe formalion. A p-tsot-attnad Sic Raisect Blair tae estimateai. strIa. anovei cemenlteradum,.aad tise dia- tapiot thttcreqalrcd let ta ih tbin tisaI sy 1932 tisera vîli ha tva mit- ttOMMxaIALaSRET. IiLTOtN appoîstan alitareprat)ed ai iures drum, and tise aarc tappttt attaaati- loa fewer eocisers tisastiser, woald1 vaa correapondlagly geai. Tisat vas ca.llY On tape aI eltior t-dofethttc ave tee, aadcr tisa aId canditions. _________________________ ieauaa odctora dli net kaav tise Set tetapisana. Wti lita tie easaer ocrisarder for y te apply tisat patent remedy. By asita a drunet nl a crtainît, mai5 ov seul tisa isigear propar- P IA NO TU N ING I 'Wtow w v aaetaaged ail tiat, and bhaaadtag lIne, anid by tttaagtagitlon of tise aged naindan-pcadactlvaý AN O I tiere fn a great dral 0ai jausitcatton iprda troin day le day it it neotareai riemeat oatisaPopuaion affectl lisel for eaimse tttot maay fome of rat- tisat theisatrament seuaid te cotte oto arceisginnngtise Sattia af lite? REPAI RING it,-aî aiaradeaetacure. Toc PrOOf, as It l ud atm do aaay wnt ls AT1O fi cn noloner b Mantiinedtisat tisa neesitY uf emitiOytttg Mnoe. PTI ICSN . cancrele aSso .atety Incurale. or tisat _________- I____ H. hele, h.,,24 ilona lanoisof cacer là iecessactty a OAS FOR STOWAWAYS. ýTumes of Weil Keaon Soage Haveý praneancemeat of doom. Oten, In- i Haal Cirla Origina. daed.It la tisa pclltmlnaey stage a inNuseiMethsealUseai ta (ler -Out Ua- Glolaeaza," tisa Faselet Bang, CAADANNAIOALRAILWAYS tise lmprovementoatliedttad vans- selauaed Ouests. sotiehSihgner Massolini tas orderedt CANAIAN ATIOALlng eapaclty 'taIt accoua sa heqaaat Nameroaaanove-i etlod avtae Seta etallinlafatuac e hapayed att>. ou The Double Track ]Route ta tise remnocal of a nae trovtis. trieai iy !silst caitaîna 10 clear oat caremenal occasions. se a race in-ý meteen Tisece nreatly ronauaaaf or alarme tise aavaeome sttttsas a efote aance ef a tarty" 0006 heamtng a' aithlisetoted tnereuaa of cancer- thloî sseta set satt. tat prohatty natioaal anlisem. nrttît.esoiser-an- MONTREAI. Tise trry reversa la tise case. tise moateffectr ve as tiat palut into isn eLondon Oally Ciranlcec. DTOITO operatiot a few crara aeo Sy tisa rap-, Bat theo tanesaiattost of sesrai andRI rMONKEY BUSINESS, tala of tise îteamaip Providence, o e knii satapatrlatlc aonge"taalied! CIA O tise TaisesLise e ucrtoae artgiae. Egypte natonal an-ý CHIAGOSa Oaing That Tisey Play thie Part of Wha isea hplaispctI Harsotîtes on tiem le aimpty Vrdie earrangement Uneacetledi Diatag Car Servicges. igswatmes. liso er yto Naples, te waa tntormed of a poPalar Engtiis comtc sang, _____ epredatlans et moakeits aui bo tiat tseunty towaasa ild ddea"Tise Oid Oisadtai andi tisaYoung Seepng cars os smehit trains and hilisita titnaoo Matiscran, seur Bom- aboard.1Re sentolit offivers and sait- Oiadiat.' Parler Caron priciope, Oay Tratns. bay, tadia. ac- eaaaiag aaaoyanoo and0ct tisroagla theisannp, camlniae att "Yanke ocedle" vas ficet aung Fall information from aIt Canadiat aaalety. Cases have tees reportai.pocisets "daicrevlooo tat seouid tac taantlngty isy Brillis tooopa Ia theo Nationat Ticket Agents or H. V. T;ily, viscre varicas article, a,! food tavejSerlasd JOvýawua. btItte earchtce- War ot tadepeadetce, bat Ameriraý District Passeeger Agent, Toron- iseasatcisrd asay tram wamra andi eaad nolalx.Btoretchttc aip got stotaritI to. chistdren. andaInlaoie lIntance a ,1tI.. ta NapesilSe tisoogit of a ciseee "Ca 1ra," wite souads even more'- i. E. BELL, Agent, Mitton. octanlaed raisas arried ont on a getttng rut of tisetiaides tond aon-; rcvoiatloaary tisaa tise Mareei- meut sfe fuît of frait. i payta Itravelieca, teerteiai id net want laiesc- la rcatly a carillon air of TELPOrNEa 17. Mosteyî aanda al ov0r eoutisecîlto take tiscat titS timo ta tteCUntrai Royat tat tiirs. _______________________Iodla, St t la axocual tar Item ta Stataa. Ater aaetortnig off Napties, "Role Brtasola' wstaorîgitalir iecome ao daotne as f0 paa>te l o falan sont tta mcanttoughet tttt ly part of a log comnposition isy TO DRAIN a,offl,000 AcflU. of tîisseaymen. Inîany erparter oftaa ocesseof tttte ottp. attttottctae Dc. Arnc."Tise MasqaeofatAlfredi." ______ i aia moakays. aîel sa peacoctsin aFrenchs andi Ialias tisat tise stt;t ýPoputar favoc made tt a aetarata ipa- Soulhs Australi. a wConearpasing area ecuaorageai iy Hlndar t sata sen s labout te Se famîcateai. atta tt.t t rltte aoae. Tracts Into Smclî Faciaa. tisa temple preciacts. aud otten rieuralpraslatbte oO nd Byrasnga pcll o n o- tise Idot laammn, 'tae monka>. totore tiseiatce e ce tattent ai CANADIAN AMUsER. Byeailg itctt aolaLa-got --Ttc siloro ala isesoattdai wsarnlne ___ doa, and cacrylng tegilatiloa ta coin e alayiata î A t iat tisa deadty gaSs ata ta generattad i 5.05Depeaita LieMAlothie SisocS afi pet owerstea- asaailida thior large orOneraiwaisolainin vealinlit ratîy In thisa iedof o! akeya visu la theisa hl wou kilt ev-r- etateî. tise Goseromoat isopea ta Peomamatoa erer-na pa- lcag thîng on thesc ip. Ttc rate Cedar Lakne, MasIta)ba pie tisa aaoaed. ibt veadetallty fer- aangera are ceguatra mer! va a la ioo' vasan "ainlate laceoss. Elertttody wor islaei ah uaa i ile, tende Ilte s aatisaatera portion ts v1 aî ttiecaraea me ap an dans. tnctadlog tiese aose- vOOOtea<est depaalts of aabor li of ties tata. v ritesa a rreipondent are w10 ohaer e i.araLag es.Fit-'Arad ittsatoasaumittneiassraotCarLk.M- o! tisa Cistatan SenceaMonitor ftotm r o ee hswrln eytawlyJad hutecui amae129hehrsofCa LkM - Adetldo Satis aetatl - Tse ranaisrcesatto inthetiset ffooddand fthuetsapaseenasera,Jit vas teaad tisat Itaisa. ocatot abaat twentifmita AdealeSothAutrli. hetrummatt articles fro anae. thisrtat.Ssa tovaavbilemoogeai. aOatiseast of Tise Pas ast clase ta là satject toaiearr rataé and, Salngincrags Lake Wlntipegoste. For gioeratloec tov-lylng, bacoma. ea wterIoggad 1in ' tise Indiana gatisered amiser tisera. th isaslter tisat ctatlvatton la Impos- Reporte on tisea amisar depasita silse. Effrts ta adrain thse laad hitis _______________________________ ere made ta thie Gaseramant avec erto have aot Seat mccesatai Sut atoer Sfty neari aga.,isut exploitation vaa tisa vansla ta hae piacea In tise bande reetctcted on aceaunt of tisa Impos- of a iody o! engineering experts. andi s abilty oft irngiag machislery 1,000 aextensive and properoas commua- rmilesoavrtant f rom Eastern Canada. ty totît rcoaltt 1Ti situation 1e aov enttrely chang-l At praseat tise Ooveamcnt Saa . ss~, ed, four tise Hadsoa Bayrialitay la andarr srytna oiier parts of Southioss . hrtmie ...wt cn Autratta 370.000 acreasist ties talo netion at Tise Paosaististe Cat- du« et euîontala a very large ares,- adian National Rallays' d.Irctin@ts oultaisle forclcoser etheinflt. Tise ta Winnipeg. aotieasi offert a apteadiai opportun- -________ ltt ta lacraasa Souths Aatralta'a 20,- --OriAmt.l ,(.Mna 00 prtrnary pradaccareod liser pop- rmAtet nI .Mnw alation af esarir 600,000. Roat Lieut.-Governor Blrueeof BrHtis crp go uxrat ntuis lve-Coumbia praticto great activîl>. le e airvctaabu t>t a hcutor- Ifmining vorki isayear vL;istlie air- ieid fac purel>. grecig purpae. Tise Pao tn onleal ot Goeerenaî ipes le brek ap tifseerThe country. la full af eagtaeeri, pros.- large ihoinlga. iaseieaichno, and i tva.tlgaluca of variant Theannueea wviicis leay in markadtisaheGoeraments afoceta- te meieme ta praut f aet the mal of ties mtbteat can do. ExKtouse P04u gcuite. lantînz la anir a nder agremeonà Tise anclent coranatioa it>. 0f No- SHOES- - The Final c4ccount of Smartness ... TH many of the brigbt-hued frock of fait, W'brown shoes are oflien amarte Bt. Weith others black shoes are effective. Likew ias with fait suits and coats-the seleotion of correct shoes determines the Bmartness of ensemble. Our October showing of fait styles provides for every occasion and fashion trend of the seasoi. SYRAP SLIPPER. A mosteffective she fq oe in Tobacco Brown, rmnie \~I'..I----'..witb a two-tone ov'eýa, asdaere tond;of r1' e ha enlte uho ek ni n -~ GORE PUMPS tAbîishitou t o t a 11- Aflnshn to o vo iay sýemble, ns tis Bak Patent The tongue im fback suete wth gun metal underlay, combined wtb an attratctiv e cnt t-u: tside- TIfS ~ ~ A smart 4-6yelet tic, intate ni ~~~ ~ the newest to bacotrou ilt . The two-tone teatuIitr ttigut il lu very much to lte apeanu of tbis uboe. be ave a complote range of shoes to fit ail foot. WeSizes3to9. WidthAAtoEEE R. fN. FASKEN PHON E 287 MIILTOIN. INCORPO&ATED 1855 -BN K«TORGNTO Headt Offioe TORONTO, CANADA Braceie Tbcoughaut Canada Money conserved in savings accounîs has been thc tred of many snug fortunes. Do not merrly start an accounir wiîh Ile Bank of Toronto. Consuir our nearear manager as to the possibilities that corne to thotc -oho taise Sstematically. St us tstayiog power in saving that Irada to financial power. Thc Bank fur Savtags. HILTON OJOANCUH. F. Pata,.Mantager Wh.n yotuwishl1 to @end money awa.- -to pay an out-of-town account, -to a rotative or friend, -to pay fo r goods from an outsido point, -for any purpose, call at any Brandi of ibis Bank and secure a Draftfor the amount. Sotd"oerrthe counter," wih no detay or formaliiy, Bank of Nova Scoti.a draha ceni a ae and êamvenient method of ma dngomy away. MHE BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA ESTABLISIIWD 1832 capital 810,000,000 R«Prve $20,000,000 Total Austa over s"c00,000 J. A. mu»l esel a, tarnte. &1Is No. 19 t4 c c t c c E t t