Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 1929, p. 2

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The Canadian Champion MILTON<. as-ps'. Ù,5. RA2157i _ cUZK I__E___AVE 1hMks.ln Wet H.s'a illob 0 BoARiDitia 9WÀ'TEs A FRANK KIONG KILLED IN AUTO Fot' mouuwn W 8itt ueb piatnoffice. lu ~plag the Isssasilsst'. TaBa-r b-ik a ACCIDENT NEAR GEORGETOWN s'a.asuditts-5, zsthe asau"yssaaayâTuET-brc . - ihs (&.ad,"a Buresass afNatus I Re- BLs Appîs- S. H Sus, A fata auto aciden acur-sd on bc"saust be aaluranllas's,1 F,,ssSa,L2'sa'l-, -eathli- Ebqusiag. ,a Strat-sas wllII . -i bsk aaaaf Wit- ia.,dOus'. AppiîlG. W.Bu l1-t about -,p..a, w en a cards- a-s-s'a Carada, s.has-a leaasîsas'as-y 76 r5. bus-Fs-ad Kingaiof Georgtown, ssas'hed 15'a55 155s5hiiss tau çsaks, I .00 fei ss- la is, 'a-d ucatt-asatthafssasaf thea aauhak. 5or ah-aoesaIs, ei tsa', s alad USs.uas' filio , ouis-d. nt s' ppasite Mr-. F. Ruddell',hab sa. fersag l'a saba, h5 sh s'asia, hasasssss i-sssk sgsasisasm,,'îp,îî-d,,u uhus ased la i hes-i us' a'iy mlo ff nssi, ah-s-a ha s as -siag ayinD e 1cus itr ssare ag su all 1 HaFouali-. lsss l w&4 1 L'she t ulha G -,î,-r u SHI - 1s u xe t frltçs sd asosas-as troeas- la V.rd iff ss' na I 6« s aada adsupts-d abrdia.Lpnsa- - B. Chamion Om u Cho-f N'sas siali, of ."s, st. sI sdIIIsystensa <If %%uluasssisbu usas-y-i Ps, .s ab . a sis- csskuun ,aasf SAIsI 51o Phr.ln ,k . --a a'- bssss 51musats,- Applyi ss H A M-iAssssssas Ai5sssA-,. 1. s-fs,. - s- P saIo 1,- ssl - - a llss,5- s. as '- , " u sai ' As, s,5-s . bs, I, wd,-s , l ,-,sa ,shii , u. a tL-~~5~ ,s' 5 ' ir - -5I j-, s, f - as.d[sJ. - s'hl l, od th,0ai 5 A'i~a 'In- 1ssa a s--ss ilasast. s-asn ni '5 -us -tis,5s1, tLai-fg s-ssJ *l-IIIssla. ,J' asI , .5-a ,r J.i 5515 " a deis 'sss I IIs- toys-slIsha.ay aaspasas,idt .susisjjj t),-s-s- As5a5 BASEBALL. i "haiUs sdaoasssf st 1, cl fss,iss-as i I--(ai su Ha-ju\aI, asslîslss'si'sisVo 5155s-- , -- sa-sa lasaass Iis,-, asd 5u- Is- f 1s-l. s s, .- 55 t l,,sLa, î i , sssaIiust-s-sti- ass-1ss s s stu 1- u, fîss s'i lui 's I1,-O 1-1 Pl-"s .ais-fiassgu5s lsuus -y P-k (0. "flilasga.asi, V.,l i- si',11- l iasl, îs i a ,-, i 55,A. , a -,luIl,,a5fous.,.a s ass sali,,-t. s-s fissu , issais th, The Coal Ia aife c. T -s- il ss'i'sssfies ,ss,-s(las,-isi5as s,, t 55 PARIfLIfSAIVO 6,HINLtS WI[tI iA T A/ sas-,,Il-s-as lssiud- JI. RTdvi',QL/AII it[S.J iua Voit asa I ah-, Il 1 - aests-alI susIIlian et ui-îsente i Jet il e e u I il f (.1! I ilste (ils s- s-.e H UTCHEON & ELLIOTT Flour, Feed, Coal, Etc. Milton, 01 lPays to Deal at DAY'S" l'et Ille 1.-suds'i laeî ina 'l i - os-I )U osll oi 1,s 'J 1o ) 1,,sîdaîs îiliy C r la ii o r ku 'dii -s I ilJey ,s-t l' l, 551 s-t I aluil',a "'s ilisI SidtI r ii. i Fo l l ak li1sllil'1tl}()lIi 'o1ti liüsýais- ul C. T. DAY & SON, Hardware Mîlto iA',N IBOWLING, 4 %,as,,s-aa I r .,-s. aI 37s, litsSi s s5ss, ' i lalI ,a, be lsda 0,a ILLuss, s 5 alri- Ss l. C 'a i a.i ysii t, -aas rBs i1 l. I ipet-Il. uss-i ssi-, 5 -lsau' 'a s is s il . 4 5s5 is 'S'uSst 55 s u i' 5 a5s-s5,,5 u A- s s A -Nis St , 'i1 laa s asI i a l 5 ' "5s 'Sii '55 ý, lasm i L, loii lss i' Y & -s ai a J,,, is- sass tl'ss-il an is. s . k, Oiss,,t - Itil 15 55 I- - s-u s,,. il r- 5 -I ' a u 5 il , 5 s 5u i. usu ius Io . ts s a i a 55 ,.., i u 5 5 s ri s t u 155 t i t i, s. o-s s i d a. , ls- a s, sl Suit, 1. . aussa5u, aius5s is - a'Iussl IiMe,-li a ' s-s Sc , 1 is '.l'y s-s-s, , . t isa d 5 555 5s-sElnabetl, us-yd5 -as-su as--SF, t55 liteNi I, i sIlle sii,. aM s s. s-sl, II -, - IL5 - - , M sg i.sar 5 i f s a. ipt, l, inhie 1e s,.let V1s e fTh r i - h r -,L s - 5 5il"sAt, ilSassaosFrdas i s , .ta:1', 1WscJ, ,rI , a ret . M. cK , . s 5 s . i d'Ii "fs 5 5 as, - - .James A-ie.. L drsin e ss5,ri 5 aea Turer- In sus,,rs Hosit,s Guelph. ons- unsdaSep.I u as10:asJohnu SHa sur s'rb-sovedsi uels- 5, oaf a bud s-S s, sn hi e sa-assauts uSxi In Tune with Nature Nat'ure bas dictated the colour ls-erne ftir Nien's Clothes tbis FaIl. Wujîh alloitheartistryfor which they are famous, Fashion-Crafi have translated Nataure's bid- ding in line and drape thatwaili delight college "'grad." and bus- iness dad alike. Smart individualiay aud com- mon sense bave been happily biendeJ in the new Fail suias. Remas-kable value -fs-cm $29.50 up Art Wales TOUR TAILOR MILTON, - - ONT. s-pis- Clsam.l 's,'uscourt! y a- Iasah, p[l 1F' Na' -aIi i,5 l'-5 !H ais At ALR AIH &CO'S Business Adjustment Sale now in f it swing. 'undreds of satisfied customcî for miles arouîid have taken avuti~eo f the oîits'tanditig values offered at tliss>e-i ssîa bargain carnival. ht will psy you well i. sd Jars saves! I97 piece Dinner Sets IReg. $45 value 43-unsîslsl ë,ss'd.-asgaaiafias A s-a bass. lias' $27 Men's Overa!ls, Khaki Pants, ldssss ls'-a tasl' -îs ss sH tss Al s f f WALL PAPERS Bssst lus-, I 0 lssla assnd lssl-s- 5-s ssas'sls Ali ha d.aigssa l asa N!f Wompn's Wash Dresses s'as, shssa', bons)ts Ali $ fl Women's Reg. $1.00 Silk Hose 59C Glass and Chinaware Cssta, 'ls I , 4,îlsa n Po- 1sa 3 sslsgt-, l Dmaas1 ad SssssssPla-aI: I CUPS and, SAIJCERS PRNE VOILES fýý o ý9c 1- at P- 2- 39c Galbraith & Company A MIITr- k 1 11L.1%J1 ADMISSION 50c and 75e plustax. Seats onis3aIo zil i C M LcD ffe'sAlways on the tanton Serni-Ti-iinîried it paecononiilly, îji sh ~ Garae a îaIyRoom in your lonie S MILTON nt.NI.andwith a tliiinift f 51 I. -m or dîsorder, to - HEADQUARTERS FOR N Our new stock incitd-es t1i, Ilatest styles of Aa1lpaper. Youî SFai rbank - M0ose Eloctric e ought to examine thbe sofs-toned SWatr ysem -"brti-îshed" papers. You'll be de- ux ,()il resuïeai)] oen.lighted with these popular pai ternis.LDrop in first tîme youî'1 H Evei'Y ,,Ize G s EEN-'IEpassîng. Better stili, corne (JA(>LNItoday or tomorrow. M d 'lIbJIe l'if is's Il- t tiil liîliis lm R oom L o ts 89 t . iaeis a ictail fss in . tsjlljeîs-, l'us-J , I ?l(,bile (i, 1Nu </t/i1 N S I RI 5-il (JET OUR I-RIcES. d5. UALITY Canrnng S$ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ The Botter Part Supp1îe'1i SH. J. PICARD & COO.,L[td.th h Stock Brokers Ssaph.aa Ceio erbol 1Ol~ 'NI i (Pl OR-d B..-. 2. riD12 2 24 Sst Cash 1rNze $10 S LARD B21a3ca1aI,.(,,s,,ds lasa îý std Cash Prize $1000 ---aa---- Saa.dost!:111419 i49fortheule res c rretMass-ofaaadqu rtzaha Ssia- r -9 disuJ i u ps-d - Saa M.d Qa i - r R 4 Is'5isa,,,1s uss-s-t uu's's I s-ss-ul i a lSs-l, tis-s 'ua d ars t ret Ws uaul--da lýIds- , arl us a rt -Sp i l- Bah",aC - ci iiss'gas-as-kss' Moi R IK BukSe SYR P ' apgaesM n sad -sa es aa nd s-pla ai Fs1 'L -vnasaffice, BRE, -il) lu [C-St h Mss tA W ~ L ontst penfo .P as SaaC.sl.a,-.""'. C.b dent2wih, L.oaf, Upraiuat-t-s-gtow ZEDRA Cae BandasageîIdvdalOsn-(s' taasa s-ssia aad aa aa iitss- Aa-s- pais-sabla saatpis- Su For C. . Whm. Qa Si y a ih sPesAei7 xpt a 1 sa- ill tasateet-s d b aaaava-d s-r s-daà p onie F 5 , 5 1 1elulî wil e Sas- , h arou ts p a e nFohsraasa 7 a us gl asfth -evil a finsal. ehAPtt t-, rs-K-..aqaetLttedrd [h p-spsa i a-îssa Ahs~a 'auase a-sy a-aai Iys ikaagadSthfa-sar1 55lseaia -uat '.aps ,,s assb os~ss,,,, sa issa. n aayhaa b ai, l aana riiaas knd has a'ams s-h B-s' as aaass'0, a t Ba aulA ahna A an adad- "rs- $ah$ $ s lîeue C hi'"'M ai paiSmaise lttienterl.ve t5 sawmr hnta nsia pri-iinstl a- Shisas- Ar s'7t) -s-t-i. mre ntbi n' a l anygýke ia a, Alre- srnesahi5PaPts e g. iS as iChaS i es Aes-Dýe L @ allütýd spin hdop- aaor ICd Don't tiiss MurreWrs Orchestra, 0f IIaiimilt. Playing at -EDGEWOOD ---PARK. EDEN aMil t. -- TUESDAY, SEPT. lOtht I DANCINIG, 1030 P-M l'O1 A M. GEN I I\i 1 , ll PRINC ESS THsEATE. FRID'AïHSPJY FRANK COSGROVE, Ps-, s-- mwçW- Fla-. j se(and ?~ubbiin5~ bt'er u)i/,4 merrirnen, The Singing, Dancing. Prancing, Ail-round Hit of the Year. A Whirlpooi of Hilartous Laughteî' Supporled hbIs M ost Sprghilj, and t ,s I 4 j j j 'j 'j i i i i il i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i t' i i A ut, 11111, Ca ai. - <ha/n 1 -i I s 1 NJ L- to

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