t t,.- - .Mai F No. 1 (flmPIoN Travllers' Gulde. DN ,L, &tl ANADIÂN PÂCIPIO fKA1LWAY sioo ge W7. OINS UAM TF jDýyMORNING 1148 Lhm. T ,t~,l5m. 8.06 &r..6.42 oLu. MITO 5OT 0sOp. .(Sais.onlyl 10.62 a&. MITNOT423pan. &02 p.m. ItX ST. 828 6.. ô00 p n. (ex. Bat. & Sn.) 7.47 p. m. ~sn ~IG oing Wnt-12.48 Lm. ; 428p. 0 oing Eanis725 am., .02 pn.,9.44 pan. tât CANADIÂN NATIONAL RAILWAY iiPi uOINO SOOT. GoImN OwrT. .ee,,d.edih-, y b. -k.. egrsuT .'ltetehil SOCM 4 bom I5'"0 -P--e, e5t t. a,.t.seOrét p .î io. t'.li E, M E LIC AL i.it N#S. cCULL &St[iLA4 .0'. O.A- F-0N R LE( t 1'TC lit Nil DENT D R. F. E. PENT! DR, SI'ANL Yout clsooing lite is practicauuy sclmted. Whee' uval yoer taste inl veiches, rso. eut glass. etc., 'ont wilu fiud jssi whs± you vssst. Right nov vu la lhavaafine dispusy of ~ ) tbeauttul 0ev articles, so desir- abe for your owa use, and for gî'ta. Ineleded in ibis diîplay aelatet Ibatiorus of O siteer PIeu 11usD Wa.r# thetatble sitver which fo over 65 yeets han beau tiestandard iuvug plaîed sente,0 J.&Ab MARCHAND "-"a JEWELERS :GAL MILTON 'ONT. tj lcs POLLOCK & INGRAM e su te etistre ta Culer & Worh ~tlLlTT MONUMENTS m GA LT. ph... 3548 ONT. TISTRY -- C. R. TURNER .BABCOCK Funerai Direttr -lu tOtONand Eubalsur Ti,,,. Agent for Dates@ Fenerai Dasin. sead Peortu t3 MILTON. AKI1N G NSURANCE ,~~ ~ L ite rie, Aftnmoel,!BU!gIsty t. Plate Glane, Accietal, itth. 6% ist Morlgage Glé :Bens. Y BRAUND Ditriet.Repreenetatve ito SUJN LIFE INSIORANCE Coi. W ttue i ",., F.DDEWAR Ph..7. iita'Cee Mie 5&Main tlill e î.ts~T. G. RAMSHAW Valuator and Actiolittt -r or te sopatby. Vauatîi premptisly an!deêt l. sales rond or ýtedcnt satisaction guar- - '..titlr1ClOt, auleesi. SERVICE$ MPes 0 - ' ILTON. - . t.tt,51e CLUBBINO RATES. lý,"1y ý.nRoustmr. csapin ~"'~~Toronto Daiiy Globe 85.00 $6.35 & .taîc5Mil and Empil.. .. 5.00 6.35 _____Toronto Daiiy Star.. 5.00 6.35 Mottreal Fum. Herald i.' scity05l and Wenklv Star.. 1.00 2.85 .5 trc te WD ;PHospHoDINE.O e t oceCd WIssrandS. Il SI en- *MIs, iod~ d.ter.',Ow 5.5.d.l OLI-)NTV' OF HAT-ON A~L COURTS CALENDAR Sitg neoro aut Ju . u Ma Jungs s. ia d 1'i 0' . w . il.a e s. e i2 na8 Tttse.y > i: na. H Sn . , 10:0aitu. t e s e W uMnué.i P- à.r csaanl, .pAnes. kt.;Ld.. f th. pSt O-ditO . e t iOsait neisasa uor mu sJ 55 uu .. P...ns«scsys mass-R.- '- - ite sa m n. y..îsîtul vi th@ L- b«te tsOîsista~e-e- îpdaaary.th Ar. IIhlaVs la laI Ç* m mIu medbofian né (uMeuia ameIdmuby ~.. Mg~a~m<a'oek. intendueuee et AU0aden Tires. 4gtala. -*B rh~.~ The landacape-et Californie have dé6ai %6"814 te bave tuv &ed been greatiy enrlcbed 67 the acelimn- îiart e01 coiabi9 Uàlit lnatisaincifthte eucalyptus. Ih la net IdtattRe lail eitatnhave be-ui otten tisas isbapresenceofauanisnpert- at . Ille M tb e of ea tobloe edlugredient adén a naturael eeinent A faaniy H»PI abr te Siease»urg. te the charnu et menery; bnt the vtere ho SMt Msimmilpà>aa NSker enealyptus b.. a.e ne truiy native some Oaàa ett ins-gla n. édnrinz 8tp"ean ilappearance tbat Il eerne au if ls L ygetma wu fr'eonenisiy Il it fuscWIantroduction train Astraliemuent tois. Aiet recerds. 51111 ntalt, bave teen more in the nature of a FOR SATISFACTION - 'Itttl et the. iegal suite la vhlb c shome-cong nutet an adoption. Y~ ' avelved ad are vaiuable The vide plains and valieys are nev ineu0re., et informeation au anetisemSat everyvhere geaced b>' rantsannd apin- ad bis affae. One ho la ouaid 'W neye o4 theze fine ireen. teantiful STODIE, 1FOILONG bÇA ave ezaoede bis ralinre te ment hie alite, vitetiser teallinis their tutt> Y&E - - dabla on tIra soreet "a certain art" npraya lu ibe*vind, er standing, au vith idewigbh. anuexperimeatilst; mili as If painted. ia tise turrld air... 13TOCKI ONDS sanas>' baveaaialeit that the set- The long.,arluitar-Ilise baves are OR IN i E 5e aes,. vu ate cart et1jriting. - an fine la shape a an e e magined. SL.aOdr la Mayences. ve fld Guten- and each tire carnies a fl @cale er Office : Abe N of eniu.ece WC A K E S brg lniartuerahip witslsa wealthY color inls lioage-tise tiue-vhite ut eeCm &, ý,,jpesbabiy tamtltari- vusthe nature Oet1te trîtiant runuets and erimonue et QUOTATIONU AT AIT TIME. th~JU6e Invention lat progrean. Yet. te, the loues thiat are rend>' te tait. Thel A. 9.SPROA, Ua.ger. OTE ~ toe. grev Impatient, brought solitbarktsvlu netereating au thetuae PHaSEagalusi Gutenberg and the Pisltinfi9 lis prevaiting roter a delcs atavn, If you take YB,&"T for ofIce pasnedien bis baude. Theseoet smotesough te tube on fine tene _______________ your heJth, trytha":adaeeten uy Ln _______________su_ ;une abla, a termýshards n oe fbr gIk Seak aIROYAL YEAWT viels agpiea te boa printed batt're 1brove icther troun stem and cake over nlght la t4iid the yeas ito0) appeared i Mayence1 branches, muing a tiveiy ettter auý waterithalttleugar. n 146, ndethere eesus ne doetttey ra and chute lnte ieind, aut weII, aiain aad that Gtuenterg lu entitiedtatethe ie eetega tynricvy u .M rs. F. 8. R s el Stirrwliiaaitueautad ni, r-rvaiga hyýi wy h dit tur typeissens vert sud te en - ýdinty creomu and grcentot-whltca et TEACHER OF drink tkî IfquId. eral rormat of tise remous niette tuer taris -Deliclilawheiitakeu. vicieuersbis name. Oniy 45 tOP-t eThe treestutit fgrewth oeil off Piano, Voice and Theory i orange J" l.~ e are tueva te-day, tarement urnong~ liseheunle8tat the hent aedreetage. Lsmeus ima iadietdnatty s.,i u, thesu that epy whist van inte iii)' long epe 'ef et tin, arme. and Thirisyonn.Suecetilat Jnudidnteu S'TN9A% U rary of Cardinal Mazarin. mcsanuiter hranches etoulue uit their in tiidgutmer EramiuuiseIn amaaGutenbrt eee' rne in ue ademe celore and 'draviug"lte- TorontoConuservutor>' et Munes OFs WrnITs lien&,huad cerne airendt'tereveItlticn!ven ttc densoueefnletoage. Finiclas Hnee. Eiht ouee FR MOleTsI th e rîd:the campues, te lnIrn elry sommer ttc irce fiewern wtî sFmem oos igtoos ORand gssnpowder. Nw carne iseing, t ta o t inenueioi Saadiu-meday at Mlon pet1ite tenuet 50 yuA.S aklgi irpsuible te Pretece vi'h tooitui uend tter, teret - ecei T.rato Ad,ý-18 W.t..l..dAle.reasenabie spet a numer ofetprectse-re asquaint uatd curioe îau cure ses FWGLW 1y 1.7sta liar ceptesetfte sane bokeet, Tacrevu ait,.theree uai T..OTo .N. lifting the tamisof thie production et îrugrant ou nrdalwoeu. ondthettcnrt _____________________ bookset. trever outetfte bondetofa teedret tisees mere rotuet tou thante patient laberers luntecloterra it otietc perfume.-J. Sueatüt H H E LE R oethtie mnsutea, ihoe tuateChute, tn "Califerne, Cost Truit." THrE ARJUAL ETE. vert er tnaslteowe and tee prene te _____a__ Teacher of C rni e i oàk uàmietahe. A WONDERFIUL AIRPLANiE. IIU LIN Bessae Inie vention. rvl- UP 8NOW-cAPPED PEAë. flan Bers Baili&q a Trampe etfisbe tieuturd hy a remartatîn inventien Austrin Furtert CeassineruPlan kva Pispili prepared fer Terouto Cou- wtt t te descrtted an an "saellai tels- Fistelar te ant mbMouussi. The hettient urticle con te trans- ervaisur>' etMusse Ex' visoneeeye.-" h viii enabie airpiaB e Thora ia hardi>' a peputur moue .îtertme n r uacretcv n teipeete amnatin. in fLgti ver enemy ceunir>' te tread- tain ranurt lu Auatria vtlch h teL tt tch ta recerety puserd the tulteul cami bacs te tetevisien recelvtng *@ta-e-day 11s chais, er fanîculor ruu,a ltgias-i eute ai et King St., Milton, Ont, tient ut militer>' teatquarters living bt>' vtlb îtusandn eftoturlets are lite o r&ilivy taggage vue, ter ttcj '9 panoramas et ailtte country (ever irasortidvInter and nmumer etOfllnartie itou teen tult as o "tramp" PHONE 24.' wtleth Itelafling. ibeusanda ut metresabstve ueo tevel'e. tcsty 1 Euet>'sue peesiions,,fortificatious, Ttc nevoot seteme put tererurd b, ty' s tun nante tuVîctera Vrîîoce, ireuet streeps oute mnee.andte Austriae Federal Forcit Cemm'sie nui e u c eciaa o rctght-crrlrtr -dispoitiens, Il lu cied. viii tie sienere glveo planm torte eretiee..rtter ttc tranepert ef treepe, or au n seccu yt>' ttceecrol Staff as clearu'Y yet aneter tunicular raiway, tar leont dlettre bomer. Tht ime N- Flemi g & ue Il ter werc maicting tiseusvilla une up te the susemit etfte Duet-,pier Lieu engluer witt vtich Ih le fit- Fle ing 82;ttc natet eye. tem Meuntain. over 10,000 teci' .A.rtn t ~'s"incYcdSeverui grout Powers are internt- lgb. tise gluet ef ttc Sazuitr g moue- ted teeeto c oe thon 1t000terse- Armstr ng 1ýdlne cdeemeut oethie appas- tain raglen. tuove anst za iunpewer, andetitotre toute te curry -FOR--- aies. wttct taete invention et Mr'. eergut. This îuow-eupped meuntain adiiee tcrite ahnecud IC. Fr'cnisu mist el-tuO an etasenu ter milenreustd, trem 1remuin l te caic fer hrtweo ecvcnly Freah, Cooked and CuisOdi pioncer ofteeitntt the îoeay meuntaîn toises, wlhai gheurs. toiertistenuppliesctheertheîthîo MEATS Threuih une ut tie radiu eyaetfthe unces trmed part et ttc toge lm- tr etriclptîr upio .The Idtiget by Mc. Jontina ciams artillery ' uS- perilgante preerve. Ste anyteur ll ctiiotetie.Tcad Fleh and Poultpy ln Season sersiii te atbele ttetisire a sers"nuiota trent the hbeecountry, on meit andt rootf arereinforet vl.th wmeeten anduse exoctir vtcre tbeirsBhelim an trean atroad, fleet teatheme hletia tay ad' hefleor, tu est et mue tinMiTTO; tond. centres, leoti. Ornunden, iqoîsioti oui""'e tcmotcet ofantunedrground ..QVALITYU AND ERVICE" Staffs iii ne eonger bava te reiy aller r rtthatepansioe ctemest roilwoy tort uge. Inalmilly trengtit onthe tcicptoeand teicgraist; tbey ara luatifiné. md PHoNz 42 w. - MILTON. ilii te etle te sec fer ttermelven bey About hait-va>' Op te mrntaieý TOO BAI). a btttry ta pcegreualng and moa are the Dachstein glacier and lt-; -iheir plansc accectilttgi, caves. danribatty eue writlcr un "t N-lrnCturrll Telle Ose Agaisn2t An airpiene setectatîr adaptta rose talrylasst." The prepoerd rau Hl-il IS A M H E N S O N'tothttcapproous lunov endier cou va>' v iii bayesà statien aite care.,!Ste.lt e fininted a tai-rnt icb menlu raitvay viii WAn mestipeople are avare,Mr U801LOER and CONTRACTOIR tee et practicailtesta viii tie made. tranchisoff and coneey toeeriets Winsto Choretîilte ty ne meanus Reut".se. . The invention l operatet ty menas ttreugt the lcy grettees and domed averse t te lliio s1terles egainsi hlm-: mmsanl vae. i o photograPth c lene tocuîed on tha tale and paut subterraneun latru acîf. assailuS te Cisaoti i Mantwsntseeg idt titgh un oPeailn sthselthat are mate te fa nto a murlod One epecliali gced one te red eff sle btlîm et ttc 'Plane. At pe _ielt clret bautyby poverui erarc- thteeoter dayrettcer'eetanetoldMu S TEE5T MILTON raneeIt estimotedtota1e tee ries, îîghîm Puor thn coeneience et me vite teappeeed I esecea pîtere et hlm toil lu teueed ihtt ibis ciii te great-loriotsanaaauternebie rodsitisaise! nnnae lndm, eut ttepîted t t o t>a'- 1>' utended lu ttc ocar future. prepoanst an fur as tecaves. Ttee standcirr so te Iau. the railvay continesoa e'tet e m- "Oit, ttts WtneteeChurchill," _________________________ HOARD FOUND. mît, visura a modtern itotet vIii te e- o us ent>' s1 eretet rve Austrise aed ime 0cr- Ttceid choit vus more then oa tutl PIAN TUN NG oine tInLondon Sept Large Soin mannfirrne bave lresdy ootmltted deat uf.tit'ecaeg'tt,togt Impcr- ANDO ef Moue>'nlueHe anose, plans, sut tha e rt la npecred t e trOt>'.Winste' tecoeme. A coad et gld and sucver, total- bogie ver>' îheniiy."C rt"te-i "Acrgmn REPAI RUNG ing mort thun £1.000. vas tuund ce- "taeeî éoeseprrrr"csilet crniiy in a emuil heuse lu Seutteea,1 FonqerHeliday n le('igna ('ader Nae the tc O' it,'tteolitltcioe." H. Wheeler, Phoeo24 Milton. Eegiand, tormleryeccuPlet ty mIenVrin :Awa? Annie Panneti. ugcd 70.lesia "ite? __________________________ _ -MeuPanneit maadmittcd te the Tisa Chinete catender. mtict tod "A petîtictue. o mcmtec et Par- Pertsmot PeerLav hufirmar>' aibretenedta teseale more ret cItter1 lianecet. tev dae tetereo ou a.of t tIllune.!1 (aye thin btacgsate cdetriment et Ttc old toon levi>' ooot his trad. CANAUNAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS aud asearet ot hec touse van s asietbusiness iuierenta bans tee purget naelooee t py caerne tebis cycs. t>' officieIt of te toard et guardlans. t>', hi storet tfihe State Ceueit ai Non- "Tîtate tee tad!" te eectalmcd The Double Tinack Route Ttis rcoited in le cfindieg et te- tn.vse nneentes the pbliciînotr" And te tus sert e goed fnce, belveae ivwee titi ont £600 le goit daut belilata e b ervet leinfutere.tee!" MONTREAI. eliver. 'aitieChristiousdar la net eue etfiiîcm. TORtONTO Whte cdeer et a roem a the ugh China bas steptet New veet MoTOft-COAOH STATION. DETROIT tote cboise vas teret ope bailays ln cenlersaity vlt vestere and for ttc renevet searet. the leer vas Idese. Londeon Tersnsste Be an Big an as CHILIAGO fouedta te te itten uader a pilieet National ladependfoe tda>' cerneu Redman Station. ________paper aeutboesganet vtieb reaceeton Octeter 510, vlth te irtta>' et Ttcimmensee nopotas-il> et rnter- Uneaacallad DIning Car Ser icsi-. te twvndev ahI. Sun YtSe o Novemter 12. Att couches te ieti'oîod hy thtct art ta -Int a tineet box vas abeut £1500la Suitaya tbreugheut the >esr are te termittus os big ut o retîvor sttittneil Sleeping tabn gh trinsandgoît.ad veelrg oodeboxe& teueeevet. Tisetenture et tise nc teint ereced nteh to odn parler Car oprincipa Dam Trains. vere pactet teate trIm wvtttilver it la tisai Chutas tarous "turniiiu Ttcheo. termieus lt eibcbg tîi FnB lntnfrmnatieon frein ailCandian aud copper. Otiter targe suosfsitiondn Als'a5l5vemrba et nubiec- near Kunelugien uvat ont viii tie National Ti!ckets Agents er H. V. Titly, menu>' veufsud vrappcd ie peper -tien ta torolibi diasltias, auci s anthe eqututosti mt luti ploifertus, cact District Passeger Agent. Toron- and 1in oit shopping tagu. Japaise. presentatien et ite ivent>' long enough te pcrm:t o pamaengeri to. sNu one seeme t ta ov boy Missenaue sisaad-.-are mines.Censider- train te dram op on cubher ids. The j. E. BELL, Agent, Milles. Pauncl ccumulatOdthtie moeu>. Ste attletialas bas lis time saut beau entruoce ont stuateon oece>'>'an area lvayî apperedtateteie npour cir- mate ibat China uteervet rnere dayn tii0Iet teep. Moe than 400 coaetes TmuE>'noNz s17. comtaucci. anet tatlivet in tibofethumiliatiotu ofanetjubiatien. wmlii te ccommedatet ut oncec,and emat.ihouettc vtoleofetber lite, The Suite Ceuncii tas carroceteri>' îty ilte uttble t ouautanduntuat _________________________that matter. WtUa Ogieober 1 la nu- ai ttc samne lime. SAVING THE BEDS. tional ladepentencendey, Januar>' 1 la Pauseugcrs viii bie abIe ta tallts BARBER POLE fIN CHINA. reengWiet an tise assuivernars' et the ibeir ticiset& ai an op-te-date tootint - An Agittion t ae O0W Ff acaofestatblismeantetftisarepublil. office andtlset up tise piattrm troue Mena t tis LadyBnrbe'5vieht tueur court te te tarlt>' muann No.a h ei o -Cas Be tise letan Tan fi a Match BoL. et an etectricat inticater. Tbere viii Mese Th" i .5Tuais Oi. An International offert la telng Th nrosdstyfceaileawitg-omthl 100p- China han adoitedthtecbarber pole, mate b>' the Royal Soctaty' foreru ,,Te s tenu eneiof>anet ceslritefvtresen t me bi ,000d acb- Tise itiner&nt barber.Whu gtrolle tise pretietien ut Bîrds te B1alli Public recaisîiyti'eheo e ten att repe.retrue tenaree, nsuhi streete vita basin.bwvei and nenti>' opinon a&ainsithie destructionfsn et mua Maisetere ,ihe Lantdeteet rpofr ete> ît 1,i-gioea talanead ramr, l gràdisal>'geing la- tîrds b>'0o1 pointien oetraiterea ehala ogiuri "aThnon. t'aure t e taeh iec dagad. thnegh itli patrenl-a- Tise soclet>'baha u an adissilve Prof. A. S. Xlt s."Tee r ed yth@dl0»b11China detoie tpttint ans ol-titiat bird ant beuare5'Obelinve tate issesa marsellona Belfast. spetdieg $1,500.000 on Ntiet et, buinc a entes n b et,'re hpvcaO aii>.Tis eisa-kisevofss ele tise constructioen eta uev dock. ban et b>' ta. coolie elasa. j etamp print- ig t e t ar t, genio net a st ao hs tr ueut nvse bie01Fre> k et vaiss, barber.' Tise latesnt aiséinetalitU eparatrors and egvettse genmsentSiu.Tetm-aaagritlnîpemetsît usaimepalfl etilIu Cituce bosu ma iréE." Tisaeare te te ent ait 'ta touad tu h. 60.000 titanes htisa lptuiiting trots vtuae eilapas tou ngrinl la oae, la tae heur t ftareugiseut tac erld. TheY an ba- et vater. A tlm et fia usratWveul sftec ttc great var cauisd vbleipread IF ta naralflI ttlaient. vtthl lai prited l in llais.. Wreneh. Ger- go iissite a mntb"àbom.' dietreen lu tise cit>'. There le building theUo t b Aanattcan Club. itsean ant Italia. 'a great traisatistit uiner somting 4d.s uIthe 0 aa mai isi a ieaseistant iecte'S tthiT e il.teme' DM? 1s35,o00,00. An ununeuai type etOee paId e ov er > h cairapc tl a h The aubLsIt tU 9 Y Yonngg&ti l tnov belag tultila BelfapI fer wita bci uit.ae'Mndlrouget lp, "Tise idigetfail oi-tarnlal aipa laa iin1h.ual cr*ntebrie a aevgt err'aavbihtc eul bemr ta 1et oll isprtr tîacdieaîc teot S - trentJet bi rdu plae dr ocen00sausne eerplatia cilld te Pradse.gr«tB"Ptu he ghtdirctio. N'trm t ioeb reom lent. analpt@ant arrange tt carry a arnail aie- Rouao(ibT aisSten motre tisas Il v lte alWearten t e a baert r-1l a wà*frntai.bis lt ane ory recpnsa2is0a0en ;tua th*ni = lbe .-IL e . * ase à_ Etm .- laneaci etvbaa Financing the < Farm You have the sound agricuirural < experience. The Bank of Toronto has the sound financial knowledg,,e. Why flot ally the two for bigger, berter, more profitable developrnnr? The Bank of Toronto is aways glad to lersd irs besr service and co-opr ation to responsible farmers. Drp in and see us. We will be glad ro) discuss wirh you any rime your farm and financial problems. MILTON BRANCH-M F. Panton-Nide te SOME DAY! There iti perhape some much desired thing that you are looking forward 'to ome day. It may be a home, a trip or some cherished drearn of your ow,,n. Whatever jr is, regular deposits in a Savings Account in this Bank will b r in g reulization closer. lis sa osimte mtr Inteet com(tounded TU1E BANK OF MMA SCOTIA ECSTABLISH188192 C*pital 810,000,000 LRiatqe $20,000,000 Total Anueto over S* M~O,00O J. A. &UO, au"iqzww, Toronto. L Atr1e~