(n No.52 VoLUmB 69. cANA11 CHAMPION Travellers' Guide. ,Uac.îSHsaD AI<ADIN PAOIFiO 1AILWAT >,vKR1Y Te{URSDAY MORNING O NG GoflS*UADI 12.48a.. r ,.eiS, rehir0e 8 .06 ar.6.42 o.m. #MINST, MILTONi ONT 1.50)P-. ISat.onlyt '10.52 Ia. -#rcreruicîe - MWc 6.00 ,e.ea.(e. Sat. & San.) 7.47 p m. Tr. 'rcu,1a Op.p., 501 0b. .9e~p"éoiag Wet-12.48 a.m. - 4.23 p.m.. fIý -l .crc I d ".»P% effl. ee4ti-. Going Ka1t-7.25 a. m 0.112pW..§îP th- Ur.1rrr -. %.l'oI serî e S300 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY cr'Ii orISîIS(l R 140 i.484.m ; 1.35 . n1 . 84 a . 23pw r.-ie4e Crie,îî~, ri . -. Mll 21 j un .--dbce. -e.ef r.,, ,crcuYc 00C!Wide th. f ,eý ,u,.ce lio . hichi. tu i,î,eiîif 'eyîdiSelectio r"lr ...e .acc.. dd -1h4Youc choosing here if practicaiiy ceclace, lOcrunlimicird. What- T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ee rou c. e ,, eieOiei inH. r... ieeî.iese lice 104 il I I iIlIlr.,cut lassc, li., yo00 1' iiL01000 w'l'ficd iît what ylu wunt. MEDICAL Right neww ee W. t ,SltiRSON M.O.. e i have a fine deplay q of heautiful 0cw a 4 ~ articles, sa desir- iii ,ecdS'0" ~ahle for your oten v re.i ofir hbolt,. 8ft, use, and forgiflca. r ., u 0 d 7iJOtu kp I«mtiided in ciii ~..MCOLI. & S,THFIRLÂND display arc lacet * . rpaterns of ~ .:.ï 1 i Ocirer ci. 847ROGERS BROS. 1M 11110 hAll.E. GOWLu1ND, M., .MB"lie >It htWr A . r 1 he table silver w4. -ctTilEiWOOD. MB. w hruh for over 65 Or NýI .»d ears han berri rueri ~,i1ei~e. ,,,,c f 010' ,dthe standard siloee pateti wae. o PAeLERHMO LEGAL %SiLLIAS 1. 01CK r err f ,i mlltCi Oni iiTIiSN&LLLîOTT J. & A. MARCHAND JEWELERS McLTON ONT. CATeER & WORTH GALT. ONT. MON UMENTS C-edfoi.i.loc.dieeo. oirc:- ueala MILTON CEMEICOY C. R.TURNER DENTISTRY Fanerai Dfirector D R. F. E. BABCOCK anti Embainier DENTAL SURGEON Agenittfor Daiale@Furai Designs. o,, rceoc rae'H-ier I PoNO 163 MILTON. DR. G. . îKING NSURANCE ý D R. G.A. KURGEN G Le, Fire, Atomobie,!Burgiary or îrrr.îrrîo,'un r. plaie Glass, Accdent, Heaiih. Tlclo,I ,rý 17r Or ist Morgage Goiti:Bonds. arrrrr,,or ~ Dîiîti-rpreseeotti v o. DR. SFANLEY BRAUND SUNLF SUAC IrENTAL SURGEON F. D- DEWAR Il.rr, 1,-- Ph-r.r ,. 011 C- o i .N- &11-tSsc i.. U i F,, ruillgs by pp0rtrOC'r ________________Vainator anti Acioneer No Nedicine, Surgerv, or OsespathY Valuatioin promlty attendu) bo eta n atisfaction ena- NE-Ii.SEN" The ChiroccraCtor, t 00 -MLTN LADY ATTENDANT CU BN RTS O aiCh.ee e, I ,r. îr rr,.rO ..d"0c Torontoe Daily Globe 85.00 $6.35 *f A,-[ ruiro' ug .,o.kTc.d.y& Mail and Empire. .. . 5.00 6.35 s..r. ,~ 00'.r Toronto Daily Star. . 5.00 6.35 Montreal Farn. Herald ,f y ru rha-,.,rîrrhr' i Or yo'u and Weeklv Star.. 1. 00 2.85 .î g,lr,i ,rrrirrttial nI ai a . GOO000PRINTINO 'cow ith re 0W*1E 2 HOSPHOCIPIE. in i k -u y. cf.îîry toffice Th-- Gr-1U Egluh Ircacercee *Toet , d c g-c20es r y rrrrr iri iat.lrtr lied. e W J eee osiyutem -ke. a-.r.Mmr tl. adif ary crlt heut are i. Itead V.i d foNr 40. fa-i,,-irVi lier Uîî&n D.l0,M.Aratal NI Braî-Wa' lreuirrrr.eufflo. 1le <g Durill L.-c 'Y f PIpOtt5 p trir rc r.r,,r k ateeî.urte penes, , 1 IScd51il44 l 'C.eemc;te4pIL3 c iru et u o rnarre. O. ancîno ex I eecreppt .ea-Npan~ ma"4li tra atilieu i.,ro .lm M CO:UNTry 0F HAL-T0N LOCAL. COURTS CALENDAR Pie.f trti0 D.o H lia'j~X.. May 0.. 8s4Lne olt r Misn ....... lrdy....... 1000-.. i 8 10 28 0 S 'ralaThdr ..10.0 a.m. 10 i 29i 7 9 U tCa.pheiu.il,. .rd.r .1.0.. r e 2 SN».20AND Aeea4m o. crUa.-2. W. P..sone. hua L J. . Ohmht410@ COR I.E.C -ecp-l . er.e.;4. Go.. a A.20 10. i 4,. ,.o 4. W. .1. Oec, flrleta.ý. G.eal 0.40eim.oet h Paot, "d c(01e.I cou t bt8, 404ih ouw14i4at 7. U 3a.. .ad 10h D-.a... ep.a.g da,.lot 1p.W. ()amef0 Cera SH44ag1. .ith.# Jsrcy, .edAprllMdsltaOoab*t, 10 M.R*d ht a,.» .. 4ah .qia eh ,p.. 004 aidt o Otl.ta10a1 .0e.Ae.a.uns.. 1h jmu1t7. l4hApt4I. 54hjey . )SIIl 0ai By orde W. L DICI MINO OiR«k DÉ tin a HILTON, TEUUDAT. NAT ýs, ISe. lt ARE OAIMING GROUND 7ULT14 W 0S. Tumm.Oce .4 *OBla.Ola ew itO nLatcwcefîr t <f Catr ffve tn - imihlit ithy. ....Menaboeahlp . ion expert ofCoClucmrbia Un!.'C Whllc the Owedlah match trust. 1010 Y ..~~ V Bwedinh telephone industry ad aIl- seA ie rseBigotwaoyla er powcrtccl Swedlh aigregallcal.OfnJe auiI vos weis .yc.g ccf..1 arc usiiy extendîng theiri actvel Vtae.Usd u a l.,. te ali parta ni the cvilisaei erts. uOnce. headont Ci la od theSwdih O-peatIesOfPrdUý-te lokas lf sou had health oelTOCýl IS FiTHE IL tien an d ditrihution are leadnr enoe l VAIED IN TIr rucving thefieid of private etterPrialh 'That la chy the &eî-a.ioY09L et orne, saoi tcc New YorkTribune. . as taleenocc h 4that rvrcî P, A COM!PLFTE RAXNGE 0F ls At the beglnning ai this yar1el theairy t. made I i ont. hades memherahlp OC the organisatioai el-reIMI are eut ln deep o'a lu back Ilec inlathe Ocedish C-apeestive Un- FOR OVER o si erening the sun-aaaad .hin wl lb B i0-on (Kooperativa Forbundet> totall0d Oc unior,.. There arenose, i 166,000, agat.ut 100,100 n19la nd .11BTER &Uour sports drecele, aad che smaet- rnigfo lahit 3c1,000 in 1926, vit, thecuniouns et rocksaxae thnae t0.1 acem le hi acigfonlahit te :ce u tra-occer LuSi Yeax vae 360,- HO E 1ema n CtcM." ho olcd leatlier betgo. tO 00là0 croco, (worth 28.8 cent.hAIl eeaoee taaaed aeeh tares' Tes ag aeilbui ciaeo galiet 286,000,010 ia 1917 MADE emart, rouehbac"enseout," inelr ag r el ul aind 1t,000,000 le 1914. A tu mail opinion, ad cp stick in cuisordrau! r becng reciforced ah al rae. a mrmher cenats fer a choie houe vomeo cho have tiehtYiy pontdo-il.vre f 10 theImportance ef thc co-oDer- B E- c *Ip. andi aeed lup rosge, tomairo thra one forin Pi aives ien a ingdomCab aouti ,000,- look ller aad peettier. from $1.95 ta $13.59 sted 00 nhabieants ce apparent. I"Thc high aehooc girc chOnuses ce,, 1_______________ r, -deca ho playe a larger part îie mectesu sther baseanaemlaoa eallocU PRESTN, ONT. 12' eh roC the 0wedsh c-opera- mthng Ciee creng wl, AT B MastesiTeecme . te.. .anincethoeeoC eom21ethilerher," .ellesaid. 'No high ettanottgirl rHA oabîîait'-ies. Acrordîne te data ooaei should neel roe,. Coe IC ec la iEamlHtB in hecrret ceeue of Commerce Be-- healthy, faihes thc right sort ofet Blc Eaoliu B portse iono wUs co ai the ie- Cloe and cas th.e ght aort oC foodi. ~trimmînge, ohirreul pockets r occfleuraM111 te country- chicO TE OONELAYER seclooksha ltOy and heretere doe iveiy lincd. Reg. $7350 - STOBIE, FORLON G & Ct ur outabout 4,800 saches a il oneet n ec ,o e. ma uo, STOCKS. BONDS ductioen.ttlaiseorue sa big hoot aned We tI e cc claae n) îcpolerIfCtb0r cyebrowe arm ~ Woal oh en ehor lfactoc-y, a margarine actnry an Sucecrejhb, urntrohe. mcehc.pcn. able mal piseh l-hem a lit- hape, tith drîrk brown ci GRAIN Icicoetully tbel Il drteeminca Dcthe fil werecnet for-'the ooeulayer cie te mehapelthe, ,butitlulurO tiem 1ee0fo Offie : bov Ban of omm rcepricercf ehatboter substituts In le ewouid ail Ile deldMen and un- tinaie olack cne l ltest$.10---O--f--r Ohfie IAboa IanOof ommrcedccend a chermîcal plnt 1,100 mals could die if sunetrohe. and The praetlre oC cearise hute off S V lemeclyes, wteh eporte 501,000 plante wîeld bo iilglted Oyy a cc-her- the Crehrd se thceetre lorihTEME QUOTATIONO AT AMY TIME. es aannely or ope-pheephat. lue overdoee rf ancre wave ultra vin- aad mccl ef the hal, la eupoc~ei 0,niand.nr iioo tac-ile, chloride, etc. I lancueorcd let raye. The ozoe layer whicrO prn- ipeuple Wonder how tOhe at meag- Amhgn ii lT A. . SROA, Mnagr.that the Ce.opertive Union t. con-'trots us hy absorble oonok 1ete stol on thc Orail, couldeurivil Or txidizod steel. Thoeit ri PHONE 26. ol~~~aderine thOcronstruction of a faetoe7 harmlful raye, slu inthcecper elm-tOc fahiou exper.c uert hadiie: r un s"h ea iii PHONO ~~~~~ Cor ths manufaoture et eleelrical aOp- aphere, poibaOly about cceuy.Oelthat eurh grls ieokcrd ueeir r-viri rn o tl oarlncg ______________________piaoees, amterlias 10eeturchase oC a mles aOovo the rarth. There la so oud wtlOot a reince il cor1il u rnking it cnoth proof. ;1>eý bolaneycd aapesrcmicc, litîle oCf ti aB ao .1if it wece doece They tevrotIci e edrnacrd ,rt ________________________ Il O eated ce Commerce iReports tOcre,,lun10crreglon ef eormal aIme- olete a faus .lrece oilhire urdiITCASlIS---A cocoî heir the union lutec-vcned la th@emiepresrsuor, it euid formia ao- Il, tilhe it wuc rmlig or n " *rs.uisu. RusseiiInduerylIn 1926 frer o elyauoeut oeelghth ut au Incu The short teîking foir fi cccccr a,. E ith pricos froîîî-- --- prce-e Whcu the treet mauagers aw i bwat file proOîbly mles in er opnonr, l nlc-iUy u sportsnm TEACHER 0O jgOal the Ce - operativc vos about teta îccneac. fer the active eporteweman, chen WE PECILIF . OlirIa a cton. of lis own îOey made Theseepoints cere amene those clyln enist or erif.FN VoiCe and Piano ~~ cnciiutory offeve cu the uuion chicO rught out recenlîr y Dr. W. J. 1F01\lARN occuted io the perchasce o oe oC the Homphreye oC theoU. S. Weather Su- MIOERICAN .eSCOU.rl Pupie prep e fr , T o o nto C o - tro o le lerc te S& c-e a peak lug o u te ortelu a d n e- ý eeva rcy Enamîccatoof, CoUner the drecti n fteu C o u-oper- tere et the seulme Th e O rsct's a ea T liM s. e'hp E rla c sR 1 Add ~ Mou Phii0chrir.a Iruelet asocton~e, cas eeeaale.cd ment.bdloui1n0te flue atmesphcc-c, ot*09. lelnhuolm Ie 1912. Il nov Cou- 0e saad, Thislae uuural. seelug that; Thelosig of 1928 eaded theeigcleh crorl retiv prrîertienaà lioverthe Oearh waoborî ofthe suc, MostteetOsyeareof thOt cryafthe B' f' 11t\E 2S 7 Sceicarpital and a rateel as a uf tOc aoi hre uuprobably le Siceut of America mo,, >mreet. wtita1 mi rinr ls 1ev. This ezample 0baslesprenant placeo trih e eune totaIl memOeril enerellmeut of 816,~ 2E 0YIti1 Ovoo bfolocvrd Oy housîng eo-lpbu- noame gialhavceOee uddedeand 958. This numOere lcediScoeut E eirIs ru oler Sterdiah citlen and are :till i Otg aded, ry vcaneoes. eeytar lsh.le Teacher of A rratec-iui chere ut the producs hat aro eee l oiled ouItcuf the mol- laeds aud te maay foreten connterie nd V aId l heilo ioouî 2900 stores iaet lu rock beurath oua sorfacre. whcre thcre are American reatde IAM IluM ce rom thle Ceiteel Stabeea.I lea ccIule tte escteem ilu ic r PIN an VIOIN II t improrots lrom thie ecoutry total- TURBANS AN uOPPEu'u" Ille Boy Scout mevemeut t. eld t10e lîng19130.oArerleaefruit (can- ADat the eud oet bot yeor there cerea Pop ciprepareil Cee Teronto Con-- rd Cid fresht ced ryc Cccmed the Turk ehi oNtlîk Uaismiia e hon 200,00ad me elvlue Oet as seevary oC MusicEul- 1ri bih iof hse yorchaees. cea e nilausr avlntefrt ladesCuc-ngtOeir ie The Ci oporclivo Uion aise cune a CuTol n fotinteOheigo h amînateele. le lîrorarcir romseuy, with 147,5W0 Some amsigtoreeloif Amanuli Bey Scout moveairat. OCflts grriup- KlpS. oliuie, a uereiig ta 61000ý000 ah'î reforme have oruer froKabul. 25,406 cerne coutmaavo. otualiy le rb l st, M iiton, Ont rronrca.ocaul Oie isearre c'rernie Whee the King aholird rue 1or- chavge of Scrout traeosaud au addO rvtro OlsI ,8I0000ýaci the oîppiy if toppore" and tiocci 26,496 teevo s.antlatcd cHN 4 rlu.It arcleoneicc hurgiary, r criniud t0 bceIde masteore. .he reu ofTheaa.Feo lidoiy and matrrcuee. qui(,, miuirthe hLtteec reil ent sar- cludieg troop cemmlteme. mcm- laIoernre creoeItlalbpouted ed. 0ne man, Who 00.0 rîtirer very bers oC the local Scoutu eulsIn v t troitirîr ltcterrth ofithe Sodiel poor or re-otca 0peed litsii os ach distritandcleaders ofthe move-N 91Yn Flei ng± & Szmoý-i orut 0verlhetlpc-eprdurtilouceWetern attire, eut a melon in mcnt nattonalis.ttailcd 14,740N121 ru and distribrutioni a aîrlctly leIn rIcto, aceopeel eut tho Inierlor, aud Oy perseans. 1 lions affect .A.rmnsronlg 'ithutheprgces ciceg made Os 10e ceariee haIlthUertrie, ounls hrcd Thvre ceresactual s6006 Boeilr er s poi -tu oi nonselueand the Socti aattefied the artiorlttie tha e w c couets ce the mevement e on eemher wcevr e -FOR-rDamin pcriy of thc hlagdom. 'properis dressed." 31, 1928.O Ofte sgc-euc 589,956 bOo droppcd to lers edadCrdAu Kabaloi oreiy turned 1Pini loeged be Scout troops aud au addii bushd cattie t Fresh CookWeatercn clothee vouaEcioPean blenai 14,361 carrîcd ce aceutlag e- FrnCoedandCre IVN I ILNE. buring -omparisvilvul îthr Atghue lîvîiin a asne scoutbs. Tr ea Sceult- pound, butter Fish nti ouity InSeann ~valteNlaoed 0rtl m As uV. capitl. hcb tie perifroiance musI Dvsion, cOich La inluled on othecrc- e .B Fish nd Pultrin Sasonwiiie-Niskedhave bherd te meni, cli rfurird te corde as part 0uth1e actîvîties fteptpud u ______________ me Silence. ait Il ouc lu thb uifailice riusere. troiep Scouts, ehectue a membeioOp own living ci Gm tMOrIro IhFreuiro. modern prison aItlorea Thvs er rove ciid aurd iiruneat- oC 4,105 boys me-ethane fteenye decline so abrtup *QUALITY AND SERVICE'" urs les- lliil 1,250 chîbe-maehed iy on the brunie of the ootc chule theolcd engae n ea smauohlp aertiei, priorvclive In alcelute siece.e audience,.in tru riOenotal feshiru. Recorde aI tOc cnternatioual Sceub- .. ycurs be strsugg Pou o 42vw. Mcc.TON. Thry neroilior îeo rach cillraI faces or endeevored ta o jy thue rtothihIng Bureau aiI bondon, Euelaud, combination o ieaiilruirulires. showiv eliioeoun h iornuleL. showte 10.1the Cnlbed Stateh auwc oldu Frîm îthe moment u mcceoanmOe aeuai memherrhip of nearis hallifniwicwudh, SAM HEN S N c hi,, avoind ies nech, bhe pelior BUEMJR0 IA tho Scouts of the corid. At prrcrub - courageous men SAM HENS0INi:-l ta wiodooea awhte oiod lu the coeld-clde roheeheed of DUILDER and CONTRACTOR u lnrn rie eae elU acddlho Pacr ia Rie'dresecr te Bulld NoveI ceutIne there are uearis 2,000,000. Gradually, ho, moinetor peth0 helfliotes.HoeBHome. Scoute. reprecuntine forts-Ico dlffcr- : Mer worked hi £ces teaeiro f is urdrai n ie ttins ~0e M. telesarn iie, rut oher eeur ooe Autoine,.the hlrdrooser, wviiiasuel u ate r depressmonanc Ile t, C.eeaerei ie ster t h1e hocpitlior tath 1e nrdeu ilorio co ioyfesil rroo irui RADIUM PLAYIIdO TRIICKS. ~ - Cnda a- fov discnplie. Airl Oeain Woilho fui-ie, le nooc oieî ciaiîrrcîh a urew 1 Caal__ iOOMMERIAL TREET. MILTON0 mrrit iglirihenrsa dus. but <ocd oco for barl 10brcdco e.~ise. IcFnlPoeutet fTht.s<Jatiy Eleane sqh os u ir oand ekii iuobio Olm tareuce rchitocl drum îp for hum lhr plansb wol lthe tim tasix heur andthemnoeY of a private lacoObaliei su ai t.Slenpls L.ai o ho eri-I les ien l te buy emcic dcelilog cau ho rciled priroie , rirer a dium la practlcaliy the most ex Tcfcmrw D lIcomnfov ho Islegoiug to bcild for hecocoiflieievproduce ia thc corld and l htermrw C n r l TeGorerumeet receives tielthîe Rue St. Didier, cff the Aveunev valued at appreelmatlîr12.000,000 fight. His own e C'CD ceit l decircurcîncr, fe fr Kce, n Pais. an ouce.Nec Oepta authortea tomebutpeop ha prisoner. Thr prlereer uevee ceca che imagineble, speihaiiYplinhe, mauves selves itto o oaaof thceummeoest andi . whc lhad unboî mn ry unmdlieh leavee, but hall et il and laveudere. He bila feced hat a rhcapeet ot maldi. hn hsh Achoîceselertioci ot Io plaîrd tole isImmediate credit for eymPIIOeIY Of! rt ofilore nire ivenhm At saeytug rates, vOlcO eaaaot b 0e of. T its n hie iiiîir eîpreee. hleîdvîcteit roiffirre, ibleire au thecocntrotîrd Oy ay khoocuefatie eaueo l Beof, Pork, Veal, Bacon anid Yrt 1en eplîrof ail tOet, mrny clrianevirolnnauoi lo ce drinO bal fIlmi l -elsearicetramin policy 10 furtht Coolced Meato. soitudeentiiote thi aeredub c ha. droeIl tr sprend the leiner Ucten arc ateis of eheltuc. Radium -o in evc-y possibl notc\ Cre fcurOO of thoîr eeet coes. hours of lthe rcof 1hiIl le lileretîs la a very belvy nemeat.t, Laatemte - Also Fresi Eggo and BtaaýofudeaaeoW. cet e Olae2211; ettem la one. of tOeleOhteet of elemeats, db ou alwuays on hand. atomtc cctgOt e1 4. TOua tOc orieinal -- raialter eecliae Oive Oeliue, G. H HU MEatous b as an aonieweight of 22- 5 S. Buck aoOldStaud the atemie ceight of commo, tsod 91THEt'.C.ANA4.I PHONE 143 McLTON JOITD15 t seccus cetain, hertore. that tOc INCORPOPLAED 1855 fual produet ofthtOlararc andc eest O C N _________________etemcnt la impir icati. PIANO TU NNNG Ns ATT ORu R . Capitalid ps aAND I D U U A A Y BesutysIn Desigial on the5 Ski- Reserve Fund P~~ Tntou a a rt ceIt dcvelip S H. Wheeler,Phuae 24 Miton ncd boftaeaChsa r e a bhohin g 6Ha ATO RONTcCNAD teDr. Feihualhi, vho or elgOte _______________________year. Oaatudieci epidermai decora- c tieu. Boceecr. flot untIl 200 ycac'e adth1e art rcel lit e ight.6 iCAINNTOA RILASaodsie0eThgcdnae Double Traeck Route O pporrumry - coneent- In Amerita. sayB thc expert, there Ociceen'eIe.e.e..eieid £isrje a lot oCfStuti but the designe L I~ MONTweeAI.ment -in&-....e. forOavc ne arttt. eatlandi chocwn _ E R TOONTO ie fu-afi arlse posihie imagination, capecially reicreune te DTROT Initiale andi pittarea of pretty gurts DERITwtha Sav sAcult clcO e Cesîed te peeiu elcy -_____________ aCHICAGO One oyou stat, the acttiut ucheDy LaaltdOig aSecte.keepa 0.growibg boehby rel aoaso 'aru.a±t. ordoer. Aeotsa U U"yat youilid0" S" 'lit",tattoosti emblesu. auch asare cOra ? SleepIng ni I traîna ant by memhq. et certain orgaa.imonc __ lml-I "on U ctaisantitlerest wbh accnlàt.a leg Impreaaion, enamlaing ets ifl l nto__n nisraSns. aeuec.-W itdc ang, d.1-a Ionge threai E Lz 2 . Goods.. Jforth IARGEST AND FE DISTRICT. 24th OXES oxes with tan cow hirlr so iid and body, ttr et- --- -- --- -- - $4.85 suede ilat Boxes, rotild whide trimnii Ï, 1i e' ---- --- --- -- $ 7 .85 TRUNKS Prnnk, well strappedi w tii rnaikable fletwre of tGi- fitted wicih irîsîde tr g rd gu. $24.00 for- $1- O plote range cf .Suiit Cases ------ $1.75to $7.50,, ALL CLASS I S 01" r IIEPAIRING AtSKEN )ute to armer 11922 condi- tug thse fac-mer cious. Whcat than$1.00 per to 6 cents per . 0 31 cents t the fac-mer's sîs did flot stly. For three ;gled against a of diffculties lave driven-ka n to deapair. wever, the fac- onseif ouat of id t-day, th ner i; regareled icescrful'in thse 7on hia biggest ifforta countcd îud help from id institutions anded faitis in kstood by hiTIe uncbanging -er bis interests le way. Mn )IAN BANK IMERCE E ýTO RE; 1AT RITE ,RITY GOODS MI1LTONJ MUR m IK- i, m