Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1929, p. 3

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VALJ teumns îil« Mats, cru linge lie a ,rd. ~MPANY rimmed' refresh rHome "MM: rquickly nof rnuss udes the ~ft-toned ~'I he de- lar pat- ie you're corne in lui. CEEALS 1 3i 2c I9c s 1e Si 13e. We have them- Long-mileage, troUefr.. tir« Y OUcm avethe tire y.. wfu. Anbte fEadi tthe priS yaig iant to puy. No maiter whm im. or type you reqLure, yueugia ri us, becauae we are Goodyear Tire Specialigsa. ce bring Goodyear quatiy wiihiu rcach of everyone'm purse troeh btier aellng methodeand better M., Look over Dur mock-t'u uxte"uvu. And cvery Tire a Goodyuar, baekud bv Goodyear eirpriencu, Goodyeâar resource--and by our servicu Cavelils Tire and Battery Service Main Street, Milton, Ont. PHONE 245 ttaylng at hantaemasas esei hume cRtf O & WUITESie Pure Lard, Duff's. 2 lbs., 29c VginlBranid Milk, ý tin. - ---- ---35C 1 ,(,(l1and White Bath, 3 large cakes- 25c 2lire d d W heat, pkg -- - ---- --- 12c 12 il l'liiuiie I'ancy-Lice, *; lIbs -- - -- -25c aiî~Goldlen Wax Brans, tin.------ 19C Tiue a('tsiip, large Dottie - - - - - - -- 19C Iloi I 1,adisb, fresh made, bottie ---- -*--15C Rsisled IlaspI erres, tin ------- 33C ils-r Gloss Starcl i1lb. pkg]-- -- ----- 0e lih sPins, rouind, 6doz --- - -----19C Il inili!Frcsl ('or mber Belish, 10 oz. jar- 25c I ic ~trShorte'n i 1lb. pk 1 I ubln Iîîîîa lels good s ze, '2 for -- ---35C Oraiiges, Soiskist,2 do -33 POR. CDNdIOGHAM DEVE -' 'Qualit. Always Hilgher Thon Price"- fMackenzie's Store Uours: i er'Y day exvîept Sunday, 8 a.m. tili 10~ p.ln. Saturday tili 12 p.m. Seîîilay, iclephone 40j. Housecleaning Needs ln-a inr aîo np Oil Silef t'aller, ban-F eh, Dil ion 1Ha%(" Iateisld Acamon il O ui Y , ChloiasculnLime., (su Ced r Pluisaluisl ies DvCie.anr, Mahie il Slvr Cera-iinsc Oit Cedar. S 5pring fdeeds for the FarM! usmailelax de Pane TaI Pc. Helleboer hluesStone,I il -ing \ tein arc Remedies; Cooper's Sheep Dap,uSte I i rola luisi Cruale Carbcnir Izol Dacnfetent, ara s sSoe, Zenoleum, Po. Ginger, aa i ireLiniment, Pc.Gantian, C t asisi t i ss a Blu Puce IscaciPc. t aibilie OUi Au a- Ta-lodane i Tar, aim izitee Red Cedor Flakes, I lieras Cerbolic Acid, Pirivx, Ilorse iiidCatile Salts, odîd(e Potaib Husonand Catle Suiphur CaueoatcPsh toc debonni. JM. MACKENZIE9 hm Bsel Phoe 4. Té Rexall Stère. Milton CREAM PR,~ti SEND YOUB ORgn ~StreetsvilIe C~ - à Fast, tîp-to-date truick servic«. Elwk ikr faction at sa IID Phono Streetsiê or J. A. M M iel-nqt thé A dura.ble fait color ---------%SWisa-Net 4m~tain Panels Motu Pfeofrxqtst T"hm&0uM, W* so bopbagde. vmut. la In tm,Àud wESUSU&t Xliy T 33.jin- attai $1.50 S qtp.1o'aqiie metmminàa-. M U - l -l -_;,tti ibm il u aun.. -beauty and daintinmoe.' Opportunity Sale.. 98e CEMMi tlam telala a .y- i~ The fI~lo &WteM&a A notuai gemzetawa Iwa e ci Praidde wu ~~ i&iu..~Fmi Wrauy un Coperu. atPretty I&ncy Ru gs M - A tmoemka.sale Pnce 19e Ruvereable Jute Ruge of mncy pretty patierers 3. M. Waukmnatu ta avingeg In- mm cal ne Ford, Ouytik.',zé ew-Biwf rNt nclr.Yuoprnt.SL.. 9 imrtue of hlm drng séco re *WOated, uacSa tibmi0 t Ulma Bocrt" MGowan. of Hameiton, daugbar. ahl t6e Me. t3aevma i "Lth. msi TenTmMgt. cliant thm waek-und vth friends baie. inn Le. oeilt8D? uneet. W. 1. a"d 90vserial.atsfr PThe M riais i@bm n&I lssso tu-thelte BIManLova. » et ibm Ptélames. 'uai oulmnr.ii.Wood'& LavendçrSl newa Wearepauing.-R. M. Fauken . 4.. lnns T'gmame fflktaaannunamdet pplof idBUlB h abotilca ke Our entice stock of Seat quolity odsSl Sieavhmrciamppromisewatel a pîtuarMU e rw dâgte etu. "-ypÜnrlrn&tiet ha WDBABSEDALL. Undrrwear, besi colord, ansd eserysnerknors îLe of dvrs wethr bmpecrpi Toma adte lteOiMOThome tl» it1114-ZSupacior I lb a x bgh qualiiy cf Wood'% Lavender Underwear. xpeted. Lovîlîla. Onit, tuer Ci . Faim. frmihu of ý*gcltUMe» urlt taflcosté d teeingt h ult if12-4 This is a wonderful chance te savs. Norman Oankey. ef Winnipeg, visit- usetno fMr. andMU. R. A. ilteu tisi <am -.uoc jetTmesesm.eaae mn eylo NCES 1. 25. au$. dbisotMJonowad vrYne.Lwil.Onit. ibm marrteau mmi teck cmiaOVsite.bmutdAfreryncay oa the hween.kMa-Jend. aeavcteitaepluce aarty tn JUDa. ibafiet mite"W Idl.elr jetut i vn eed. At a eqamua lmeeing Sala Prica- KIKRrg 25..Sl 16 Thm vaak.mfonde.oatrim Dn.and GreaMe1unotaWa- e Bueone Meade.y &e-a mtbte i c. - VESTS, reg. $1.50...Sale .98 Galbraith&Cmany.ttestriCo heGregoyTeatetam u n d uaii Wlu aiei $2.39 pair SLIPS, reg. $3W.0.....Sale 1.98 -Glbeiib& CmpaT. teve. May ti, for ihe GH.M. Am ed uni roll, the Motee ii aumn'm pregrama. Thm con- MmeA..TsdadHWShield. la -The premotion and presse- Auucdsthe , 5z eiIsvérus . .oin Save Spinggay. et Si.Cathariaes. were il, vatioli of gond relatahios ean ib theita ammmanièetan t utof m, naslmig njoeepaur y . ion onnenmday. rural mant an memmunitima." Thorea gmiii et 7,M T sa h1et iwroundg nté o eibittu edute i-ana n Te blem Phne WA- 5Ufl uLiDi tTffd H il iehaoa frttrail«îmm anucr. Net vaal,002741. Tauase oe eimmtau.a am.Tefîe. ~ WLIDC, ls Mr. and Mc. Win. Edge, of Wtr oeesi&iofteGdnHmdm90"tanmd 7 fanalas. The log te&na -i11 play on Baierda, nexi :1 down vistai et he hme terctoreilondmi i e a Grdon mSOI pantion la 31Th 16 leutaie Milten et OukviSl. Aminet aiBnrling. Nociason Senday. TeW .o rc hrhwlui jt.ýa. Theasaasinent hy varda le taon. uhite Breta b he b y. __________________________ ThoW. . e Grma h -un viiafeilev M; HSt Ward- $M,0 etl ___ Arrow aîGrad" 2-pies Under- bold a salietfhomamada lakang s Ioward ast9 WodSoin7WftU, Nort eair, sarlies. tc.-Art Salrs. tho eriory lawn on Saiscdsy aftet. Th exeptions vara 8M,000. m Mi io.tn orit et8 Acse ternoo nnaeinnic a lav MimaMary Gevimal attended t tes viii aiso e la ervual. OccstensBly i apn htsmoe1For CustomRad DAYhe Abboti.-McArilaoc nuptiale ai Kil trssfo co oMuni For- gais mai fron the pont office belonging ina-linaetfWnraimdm and Tweeds S TU D Y TR AT ! brida on ttaterday tes.at cîpecîeeced i vniry vaathe hinniyenlse miCh vbas n bo. nr;I Muaeto e nuea.________ MiltoJn LâwStBwr l itte tenc.Is e.aloit fangeCubth won b.Ini aie:. o aeCo Milten Lav6 Bowling l u teof sme uee on May 4Uh.On =letn=sea y the Post Office De- Aine al vock prislnlng te ibm art hold is offcia]lopeing on Wednesdmy a tacui a iawe eac Keil,,eri a coueptianent. pusaog aong informataona otf.terlng. 4Maple WaInUt Cream rudge. aticreoune nt, May 22nd. nt children vice ohaecvad peiting ibm and annoescemania. va nota ihai a' rsiiteraf, Cmaai, etc. nld .p Ri ou eked hp ,leg Mr. ams tear ad itledaag. finiahing teuches on a liféaiard @eOWmn t Holand Laadng va senenced IePtiatit.ii.u we-ed hppn tac, ot Caepbmiivilm. mapat the weck- rmac. Raibea n nusuai occupation io 80 daym ina riioneani for vil r 'ma"«u aid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o utimhna fVce oci. Ccddie ij"e im nerry mean t h uief pj7.1ic lic Es~ . WILKISINvaieor, 0.l --------Saturday cleat Frice 25e lb, edthe pomte oguiyoctoutNopcepecil ..pinmna post.ettr...am...uUIeI Ipast e orfe rpryMay."-Atoi Fre res. praperiy. If oiuabooutitge a letier t ______in_______________ Outed aitliasiena abkson Store. We Tickets a"r goiez fasitfoc -immie yeurmiail te w icb yen are sot antitled. __________b_____ carry sua s rtr AA to ER Fw iibe. Yehnîsona Yoh" andl indicaions al nec filet il is rçlsreed tu ibe pot office WEEfK-END CUOCOLATES 35c.lb pint te a hîghiy secaieul perlomeraa once.NO IE Mr. and Mcm.Chans. D. Meticeger, et ance on Tueaday evaning, Mav 2iai. Here îs a real specîil n these Choralitteswiti Vaesevir.MBl.,nadva hme iiitiag RtreyocmaiBves.in aO . UCl. W@ herby gayaectice hat ail cee- ten dîfferent flavors. Buy a porlnd and lie rouxînred fritand erMters aiin offe. a- enr ve and taererviceMay of their quality. Reg. 40e and 50o lb---- Ail£ aarieeaTsCHAMPON c5COLTS FROM Iotaa.aec.-F ifiae e Rites Chstch Coumesnion service viii 3 illvii ha ot cfaed byMaye are roai liv-vice businecas man ue. OTyeung erema.pucebascl by MaHgS .hbr elidon May 26tb. and the Sacranoici diseontiesea tl au oni ie matîcl. ---------------WEEK-END SPECIAL 35C bM in Milice aed ave moecy. Wilsnc seveetb lise. 'Irafmiga.c dur-.oftha Lrda Seppar viii ha dinpeeaed mi By order n ________of__________________ Rcv. andl Mc. S.W. Hase, et Kitch- 5ngbireresitiip te Icelanal. bava m- the mrniez service. Oaîng Ce the atI Hydro-Biarisie Power anar. spent tbo wcak-end vitb Mcc nrid inexcellent ronditioe afier ibcir hai ihe pecedint Fiday iaas beiay. Comsmission oetiario. Patiserson i tterkcîsn a erînch cre diped tan actM. c c.R rtip. Tbey ara premiin tetahie Prepurafery nervice ail ha hcid os 190 Univernity Ave. hcltrg 0,fr3cII Han' re.ntdsi lMrai.ceandmi taieegWrdR.jy Jr.sg.Mo lId.Toroanio. Chclte. rfo3leb je the aena cf Rialgaelal mi@table. The Lndies' Aid brlida business Inerf- Neilsons Ire Cream in stock aIl tle3er omd A ghoît bas brus mecs en the golf isg A ipotnte mSbsol-conitons Mnnday aller- aiusetiGergetovn. Pcebably a OacA npraimmi~o Notice to Veterans of the Try Neilsons rew Ire Ci sani Brick, TIei oseâ Sesismas vho ilm nul1lochit for hie Omagli Literacy Soity lm i aId nns.n ___ hall. on srday May 8tb.ait58p. m hr. S PLL HCRIGreat War. T Sitt oaMcisear i Mltion. 0OcGahana, Preideet. h2tV -- . .. ,..l i.i- i.. SmiW&,aili W . BA N R Ai imam aauami5.12,S uSuT cFo TtL-i olig-Tm .. Ir ooaeay atic flVoteront of-the Great mI14 - 81.00 and 79. par.-Galbraith & Ce. Mc. lgin Ford and littie dangliter. et Tileon hucg, cical hmberparente, Mr. aed Mc. Chas. Neeri. niver the DrP. sald Mri. B. A. MeColl retrnerd onnMonday lasi fcom a pleaat tciP te Santiago, Cal., vbmre tbry opet suceraI veekn. J. D. Ferrent. QI Hamilten is ai- tmsdicg the fusierai of ie ola neigh- ber, the laie W. . Robinson, ai Horn- b, Ibis afteeeiai. ,BILTMORE" Whocpee Hats, al clo& aet for oin 1.75.- Inn; en Fciaoa TiAt. Lmvi Simp n e thtoon, chorgasý ew ibsriesnet. frece incliief a irlhaseivens ofe a ecniof 6and 18, vase onaitiad for trial by tiagistrate Barr in Poils Court. The Cmvi vwam ceprametua tir Creva Attoeney W. i. Dieit, vhila Hughes Cleavere, etBuliegci. arcl fer the defecce. The tLadies' Aid Society et St. Paulas United tiliuie bilul bnd a rummagfe and hoer laking sais ons aturdmy atterne, May isili. hegaîîasg ai 2.30. Alan a few cev occraceahie quilis abd apones. Teauoicmag tehaasette the suhenrnee Frday, MIay l7th. Si Crl et equalitionofet asessasatit Dr. R. K. Anderson, M.P., ohe han Trafalgar tocosha p imilan ote iai bren atisndiag te lis parliiaentirY adepted liy Neson oTnomip ti yaar detimsataIOtawa, apeci ibthecee-enda e bîg atteupteal. The north enal e ai his bome becs. th, Tonschip et Trafalgar tamls thai M. anal Mm. Aiea. Park aid Mies tue lobeite oec pcperty la net hiet Agies Pari, et Glat, aid J. H. Mille. , scesceal itS eogli. Thece hlaa et Tnronto, eni the veoit mialet tSi-1.. aset te eisutt b cau&someant of bome of Mr. aid lira. Jobhna.le the township 315.5011). AoAiNsT DArLacET SAvaNi-By a BIlLeUCe A MOsaruLY hNrOsEabY ,.teof 7W o te eidelcset c teyoneraurplus fundsinSueond Branapten tornedalosia DaylgtSae-StndrdRyIltiem Ltd.. vhieh pr log ai ibm poile on Mosday laci. 12% perF.aoni.ujPayabla 1% eae mont 1 oc 1 liparticulmes apyt Spcia cetecacem te Mctber' Day T. G. Ramn iv, Mlien, Ont. apjt were odein the cbrches on Suoan anal thnecutom et veariet a flerai TEcaico o ccNTCI.-H. W. Bay- amben vau oteercual by nier. iry, wSh as been teacbec ibe Lese- At te reent onvoatio of e-ille pulie Seheel for the pas i Oea Ai Im ceant oîsoatie et eyare bhassacerpicala position se the Mater University. Toronto, Ceeul K. teonbcg ntaff cf the Miltoe Pablie Dolby. et Stceeisailc. formeriy of Saiben, to aecced Mra. J. F. MeCai- Milte,,crcelealhia BTb. degrce. Jian,. euea illisg the iseespicua terni Mxiii FaNESobras, ail ,ine aid et Mrei. R. J. Bcrnfimi (tc Lîlile colore, 5. pair. or 2 paire or $1.00.- MuinI. Mr. Bayley viii assamm bis Galbraith & Compay- îew datîcae S eplaabri. Astioe Sala of Fueniture. prepecty INCREASING i-Tus CHAMPION a et B. Branseietl. cer et Prince anal liaI t fiiboerilirrn is inceasiig eeery Maie Striais. Miton, se Starday. ni veeb. It nov bas ose of thela ag. 2 p.m.-T. G. Ramsmbaw. Auciseneer. est crc-ulation@ofetaiT weakiy nuvm - poper pubihee in is iapart cf the B ave jeu bouglat an CialBeys' Re- precincea. hieb in a greai becOft te usine bttes yet P Iftinet. do me analaiverticere. Wear it. Tho Pcuidani anal Commit- tee have thon toc sale. Ritght Haclent Cenapanien Murray Si.i * preat. Excelnent naopa. W. Daem Ibm .W.MA. f Kex-Cbrrb R. 1. Glbrith anal Gondon MeKn- bciO Ibeir ansual boemadm baking riee..an l Cents. W. T. Basnard. Jolan and a adjaie le the Sunday Seheel Lecocq aid MEdwin HaccoP. lrbrano romon Stnidaj. May 25thail p.m. nf st. Cair Clapter, No. 7à. aR.C.. Mr. anal Mr@. Johne M. Card., t oRen, paia cateenai visit te Key- Bualpla, atoatonneea hy theirHamilten, rceenily, GuepR acopanedbytmica spnit teRoyal Arela Dugree vwu ex- John R nlmienaPhyilim Ba vhaa ibm thelia édlwtb Mr. anal Mrs.KOC.enplalteal lv ibm Pont Principale Aunai- geukealclaties et Hamilton District, Thm advertinud prica len Mltni s p- OPEMNiO Oe NEW 8roiLE Wn Heaice te-daiestoies anad ibe qealitiy etgonds -Barry Raibectsoinvites jeu te the daaymla makitng Mlton an ai- epennt of bis new gâparlor Chain irattave shotpig amefer Maltes Store at Bornby un May 28rd. luth a onany. Bey y j on eds le Milten. anal 5ht. To intraibama ibm alain va ara pnttiig naa cei avlng ene unge. ThbM ogiv-n by heu nlon idaegoeisL ieoluqi u o in ibm Menaii non DWOmana le- cash qan ahyTor-leam mtidunaismenabermblp tampalgubeid teu thie FarmemW Buidina hura remmtiy, SPMOAI.L'aine ibotTbuinm.- wuvargellattne nal gcijy un- Aurangenmi na& mleg matie te belal joy" y &ILan orgaisailen namtin We Miten Olal mg.ad Mcm. . J.lSte cdanal _Boys anal Gicanev Bvfng. la Toronato ai f rnk Mmd tsnalj. t anad tea" ueiuioaff itat aMm ar- of - a5ie agmn a umtei m 8Baye .j,.e nome amieet -n e IMutaien M ada.joe t tisaWeeken4 aiimbetetiute alou. àgrMn.Won. 29tb. Il t newM imiGLBa fat truie.- t vi.amvo bm itn s uu. mt- e t aulmth emaà itUas bou m omatêue 110MM oue insfcr ll b", hb U ytg cd OfflIa. umut tsepe-ui th Tirnto. a u omie=ut!gam Badh invithjmalvi Mia v as pracIded by ihe Mimsiosicy Sutiherland boas heamppoinied Medacai Cnmittea viih Miss Wilferd ie charge. B.prreisleatiefthibmDeparinani et Tbm Mission Band, seder ibm guidance of Pensiona anal Natienal Huaih foc Mc,. Galbraith, amsisimal vitbthe pro.. ilMiltee andl aurrannding district, anal urme; andl ivo papaci vert give by Miss thoee requirlng iceatmnu for a Clmmeii and Mis. Failami. The Y.P.L. penienahia dimsbility abouid report ouI ha ithdrwn neect orek, te bina fer nmsm. Il SUNDAY, MAY 15751. District Adaieitrater Iam-Moccini Wersbîp. Pensiosanmd National Bealth. 12 ociockc-Chutcb Scbonl and Brother- bond._ _ _ _ _ 7 p m.-Erenint Worship. Soberi 1"Te Dsner of Ambiion." O I E AIl arr ieciled.-N TI E Joie URh is ibm dole seltfoc eur Ans i- Wae ffar, mebjacite p rioc sle. cecsasy and Rrv. S. M. ReadiosorBHA., a iimiicd enueit ohores le a ni Gail, oreerly et Grorgeown, nili ha nine iorcad Ie ibm fautant grav. the preachar. log golal camp tue bm ved. Thm mnoy-makieg posaibilitium oft ibs RIUSICAL FESTIVAL WAS A GRAND stock l naiotuniismd.FaIt SIICCESI. pacticutars malil frae on cequsL. Hueghes, Weod and Company The Halien Cooety Publie irbonî' STOCi KBam seconal annuel musical festival, held in Miloe bigla mebool auditorimaMonda y Hamilton Trust Bidg. eveeing, vas a granealmeceas ailceonal, 57 Quman Si. W. Tocante. Ont. the place bet gcravalea Ce the d0ooce stsanngronb eing et a preniasas Thte _____________ filoviez achonis pcrlaciaoed s Actes, direcied y Mes. M. More George- ton, dia-ecimal hy Me. Casieli; Oamgh, BROWN'S dircte byMrs (Rv.)D.H. Meten i eans, Branie Paleito, Mrlon, Pane I se, Asb bel] Lmetne ad Maltos, elà bý Met To. GiRussell. of TE ronto ie, fwhmar o congrais îDR G STO R isicl uo es besofneet iafestial, vbicb ceflecieal creai cradit opon 1ilIS the place ta buy that New vbo isok part. The adjudiceiose e Dr. Lavrence Misse and A. C. Russe- Eastman Kodak or Camera dy. of Toronto. tespacior J. M. Den- atte ili -rie yeno cfMilles prasenetheCuprizes Co rgtplO hu vineern as folievi; Seaiir Choir-lai, Aten, cmedn- No. O Brownle, reg. 82.25, for $1.69 ed by Robr im5psoCo., LC., Trn-.No. 2 i a 2.75, 1. 89 C, as pca u dosaied hy Milton N.2 Scanda of hu Canadisn anksitof Ce-NO ~a375,2.69 merce; 2ad, Brasia. Shialal. Vesi Pocket Kodak, reg. 85.00.... Junter Chir-lai, Paieras, cap, do-Fo335 eaiad by T. Ese nCe. Lia., Toranto;Fo$37 2ed, ieugre, aiald. No. i1 aireg. 811.25... 1Bey' Choir-lot, Miten, cup, denai-1 For 18.39 ed by Ituinieman Co., Lia., Toronto; No. 1 areg. $15.50... 2ed, Actomnhiaied I Foc 111.29 (Bila Seh-Meauis.doeslnd bï, Hal- eg SOSa. on Hom umaanlSchon Cilubs, lotui, s No. IAre.805 .. Smilla, Farne, geid nadal; lsd. Jumalu For $1529 Bellock, Paiarmo, ilvar modal; 3rd, No. l r a eg. 82.50.... -Honera Atitina. Mrton, brassa meal. -Fr862 Boy' Seie-MeUai, donaeal b 1 or$1-2 ton Wumenms Institute, lot. JIald Photo Albumm -Special 79c69c,39 rSklh A,Ace. d madal; led, Char; Nu-Ace Mounting Cornerast5 a 100 1Ilia W&itMillo, un sioradal; Ird, OmraWldeeBroae, .breaual . Ailimiz"m r ef m aFumelm. 3t Qatk eitceu laDvmolgal Alfataiote iseveaing'ipregraan FP»iiing. . ua b thfoik daaitem,u8eriy exenuted______________ r y oppiloftBranlete -i tel-A bissoe. Ogmmpblvifla. iun Bandr.ïHe 2,A l, e.s jy*l~.4mpmmoet1l Mmv iumele bmlael styles anM b~ar ubeiviit< dy. I Doings muitiplvQzick iJja'y D B -an 5 i d .i S e C -. a al- , tia n a t d i r S e o m mi a n e ie 1 P c an i u f Ou a- ,oe e .. il in Ise ciaoe ish Oumliinaoic a..~nesreesa Pi..Seaa * 5 a-,ila,'.ae est caclicci no a 7 ecs 590 Ce i C-naa i& vdi Ve, Th;,c.eoi a..iacs m pi tble 25 - îl s*J6usitb19m . . î Puvderm 4 n-ai250 vaun si-ara.chipes 2ja DOMD~s~RSW!Z îWEEK-END SPECIALS! BUNS, SCTO._ I RDER EAIRLY. PHONE 87. Ouar Mastta 16It a k erY Serg*e at ail tim C~ . THE MILTOI [ z a T . 0 . D OW D N ,f 4 luoRY O . a CRAMBIMR »Ouna taria epl u pupiy 86 iij jý ii M PHONIL 14 M

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