Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 3

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ETSI of milusa ft îosoed lar pat- yioii r olut inl Corne ln and Show Yotwsle Tire Corde aud Supertwist Corda. W. have a machine tlmt wili show juat what the differeuce le and how it makea Good- year Tires so much better. It'il imite ouly a minute of yesr lime -ani you'li know o whoie lot more aboul lires. Cornei and try il yourseifs. Caveli's Tire and Battery Service Ma:tin Street, Mlton, Ont. PHONE 245 Szipe-rtîcist Cords-More-tretch than old-style corda - ies~as~ta -. a~ ~ aMis Nais ~4W~ trou W~fU*~#. A meiodesmatlc laleoti0estsltoja. waey - asuasela esemn e. -.TON immed nefresh Home Are y0erbrsiess O.K.P a'm i NS Notiime'Dar. euak. MW y4b. ~ sm o.a Gt unr - ani BOUMsMthse cllecton Of sesa tpm tg il- sn,àqec ton to-Mrnow moealag. Au gdmi M mNmt:,MryBarba"f. tkt~sissusI%. i bs ptseni taow b lu the lB MIlo mBmlasscoieg klggo Facfaitvah. _ Mee 19,n.ail Ltheg"a màkea ony U296 each.....abtaith à Co. AIthe pafsime 'pll, The Georgetown LaceoiseClusbai bas hsMwtb e "" been fformerly entered ln thse O.A.IOA. lclaek ami white ta a bllebt Un-e»& Tise Milton Preemedf Brick (0o la rein- present a différent if nSMt au«attis- Oig tbeir plant at Bareetevle aS041'fn1Litre appesanos. seed. Arrow ýtGrad" 2-pisse Under- we bave a large stock of odd Pante. wear, tripes. etc-Art Wa"s Many pattera@ tO cisoo froan, 01.96 up.-Hilye & Go. aaecesa.s.-NmusaKay. Of Uehfit Ob bigis ncoal teacias staN. bai -ssi Mms.maplesdlen bas returned bomne ed ber position. said rcs.lgaaatot k=e fromta uelphs General ilcepital and la effect at tise ead of tise pesabt terniuId doing fine. jane. mise wililit eeeim& by Nies, Georgetown, like 1 tber towns in Helen Cleaver. of Bnringtoa. a Haltos county, ia experiencing a bous- Mcm A. BarSon, neaseMilton,. mt ing shortage. witb a painful accident et ber bomne Lady Bailic has eoid ber beatifu Yetecday. St fgl neas tise bousse. f residense in Toronto tu John Jenangs srlin 1Ue ce of ber iead on -Oakville News. te 9tnes 1p nfltlng a nasty gas Miss Mary Byes, cf Oaknille taus iâ -qiýsertlutcstolse becs, appointe0 instrcteess of art toc Nomezc-Mesnbers of post In .BE.a Henergail College, Toronto. S.Lý, pleaae attend the cegular meet- ing Fclday, May lti. at 8S p.m., t1 Miltesawn Bowling Club wcul coSsilebcamber. town bail. ElactianE isold its officiai openîng on Wednesday cf offier.-H. Hari, Soey. à atterntoon, May 22adrisce eorgetown Business Messa As- CoLLECTED $149.-Whiie is Milton soiatiohasnsateid a shleld. valuedE oc8t week Miss Kellett collectesl 0149et SM, toi the Asiscrone Imaprovenenta for thse ReligionsoTrct Society. Cluis, tuolie competedl foc In san ocafors-f Arrow "Grad" 2-piece Undtr- cal con tnt to tae bellian Fieday, May 31st.Full patlcalacn la neat wekst wear, tripes, tic. -Art Wales. issue cf Tun CH1Po Ttc isteiof tulips arsund tise Sei- Trafalgar Lo . 80E., ilîl bold a1 diers' Bonumsent plot in Victoria Paslk ecere and danse in tise Farmee's Club1 tece ciii onc tantful bloom. itosm. Milton, ons Wednesday cr00- The ieavy trostoeodsonow lurces iog. May l5th, t8 'cîseis, toc tise did little damaoge other tisas dampro benelît of Richard Nankiveîl. Tsckete thecacdorof thecsrly grdener. toc. Mrs. Franks Poacen is visiting hier Jotn R. Mcllwcicis. of Streeteville, trotter. Rebt. Hillin 50 ot.Mr. Peur- ansesoce tise engagement of bis I e spent tise week-end cith thens aise. daugister. Isabel Icene. to John AIea- andier Mscphy. son of M. Murnhy,Poct0 WAoLL PArERa and Floor Corerings Ccedft. tise maciage toi talle place on -Glaltraith & Company. Bey Istis at St. Audcca's Preoisyterian Watrcdows Lede, A. F. & A. M., Churccis Streeteile. partiCoaspbell ULege.Campbellille, Vos get a fuldollars coctis Migoudao atfraternal viqit onTesdey eeisg. any tisse yes rs eady toc tisem et Police Magistrote H. P. Moore heue Battys gzeenhee if yoti are a talent- aotttee coses per ceet of infraction btacot tiseMteonHotiesitural Society. et tise Higtway TraHei Act tiseodayn. Messtecship $1.0 Wtt foc large posters onnoeî,scing ,Os Stucday nent. May i1, tise open. ',Yitsie Yetesen, Yo.' Keep tise ng gamscotheRalton souoty- has-1 dole, Moy 24st. If yoo cescot loogis bal icague cl ta player. Bronte le do cot koy e ticket. seheduird te play et Bulingion and Milton wiil psay et Oaknills. On ac- Lets al toelle archance and l'ache a coot t fdayiigist saving tisse, tise crssp'not on tise tock echange. Oakviiie gamc ciii stact et 230 stand- ht ie ttc bock yards, byways and ardtinte.1 lane.. .BILTMORE" Xhoopee Haie, I Dcg toc liccase recelpts avebe i oos aetfrmn 17 snciieg tisa at week, but thee ailrre otc o nc,9. stili aosstber et usiicenned ecimais sn Art XWales. teine. Tise Blicigton Gazette Sasye"Mon,- Mtoo LolitWalsh and Mc. Suesa, day eresing eltishis week usisered inte of Torono, spent Wrdoesday ercnisg Burlinglen et theo Crystal Theatre tise in town. the guests of Mc. Lyie, fiist stowisgeofpictocealth music Broste St. and eiects, Tbe'pcegram cam herald- Sport Shirts, collais attached, ir da ftise se inscie cand effct white, tisse, grýerisand PinkSpecielbottese.Th e muian efc $1350-Hiyrr & Ce. a erre ry cier, and isaiaà wondertai tone." Mr. and Mcc. L. Siecer, Miss D. The Ledire'Aid Society et St. Pasisa S100cr eaed M. J. A. McDonal'nUid tecf Ciurtciiwilhlda mntg 'Toroto, speot Soedcy et ttc tornsecf ansi hosse teking salo cr Sturday Mr. ccd tirs. Cee. Chier. ettercoon. May Igti, heginansg et 2.30. R-. M, FAsosito SHOcsSToan IVe Aise e few nec serviccaislc qciite and spsotopi&ltoe casioseseof fcctlearr-apcccs. Tiecsistsag t csent to pasoeg, front tise ieest dires pusp te tise sehecirois Fridar, Mer l7th. 3Lt lite eocict woc chocCoI AMAit I AL-Twc Celctiels. Mr. and Mci. GCee. GostIe. cf loir- Cares Quogpopieto of theVYork- villic.ecd îlr. W.C . asd Mci. Sharp. of cics Cote, COkoilie. and tirock, Ugo1 Londons. calird os Mc. and Mcs. J. Hon. cppeaed tefece Polluez Magis- Harrisioe, t Asic, on Sssscay lat. tiate Mliceen on Tsseacay. sisarged "O1iiTMORE Whooprc Mois, wittbeash ofthtie sarrotic dcuge act. Refis wee rssacddfrteone ceet. ail colore,let for men, $1.75.- Quong wa eiratei osnibail, wnIle Han Art Wales.croc iodged cnteceossnty lutbers. Tieptoornesencrehcsy meing tise 'Te tIrnhy cnd AshgreWsmn's vole. teck ouf theceadwayo tetr lctitute. wilitholdealoint suimee Gulecphtltee, ie Nelson Towncsip, pcs. meetinsg et tise home cf Mcc. J. A. paratory 10 building tise eew tigtway. Rotinson en Ttcsrsday. May l6tis, et Nso es Ceca.-Ttc proposel2 pm.Reecysse ceiccsse. Ladies torse show focrtOakvilie seil cet meak- ui reie tercialso thts yecc. tst if mey te ce- HoitQUETED.-lise memberescf St. gardedoa ceetanty fornect yrar. Paul'@ finited Ciurcetehorcwecsen- OreilleSsode, etfirontfordsied intetainerd if e bcquet giron sy tise îisttîcycTtucdalo.. fficiel hoard inatte sehocîccomon 5 to inf R. Cuniegtamu, o Miltont rd rciglnt. i ppcia tioncf coh sotordtolcatfodoncidy.prairss sntlsg ehuret. Ttc banquet BI>O\%NS DII1IG S T OBRER ttorcssgtly encyrd. Folocicg tise Siiectol, 6 cokes cf Jergene Batcsuper. Rer. Mr. Hucibsi ecteul an etaîrman ansI totmaatec. Af tee e Sîio1t oandlooe l8xlli Gestoine Booth feew wrdo f tisants foc tis e cery 'losel for t9c. oethtie King. tise etairman propoeeula Georeton'@ udioire reort how toast criiet crasrplied to by Il ris-f (tecgcowea ecdtoc' cpec shwsicg and îînging tise National Authem.i an oser draft cf 522,337,66. RtePay- Jodge Elliit pcopoeed aod R. E. Hec. ers wece cintg theecorporation, t thse -.n eended a tcot tuthseichir, ed cf te ycac. anttc negttortod tris cseuigts prtu iii of $.to.ittO.tise musiciai part cf Use eburcci sec- Tthesai almeetiucf tise W. C.T. riceswan carcieci sut. Franks Peecen, U. wtîl bt eisld et tise borne cf Mec. Peesident cf tise chir and Mm. R. R. Lieeres ce '[snte, May iltis. t 2 p. Calbraiths, secetr, in a few creil rs). Evry wemeelcteesteodincterri choses crda aceepted tise toast os,1 ci dccc tnvited. taaite ischoir. Sisert ipeecer ii.,acd Mounain. empîcyrd in Ira es re maes iy J. J. Wilann. E. F. Mari, Cottîtis herber scop fer soims tisse tasJ. M. Denices and G. A. Rematreet. A rsecey pleainetnart s!tise progeanmme Fctedaos ition sbaein fMojunte cas peorideaay tise maie quartette,i Forto ad mv i fml owhist sang sevoral negesonselsdies.1 ttLowns. Stanley Fay, aise bas taon à a ralc1 Sis Hostece je eteeper uin Miton, memrsof tise ehoir fsr annstoer of AIl tiseew isadea t $..81.60it',Y--acsceav'gtownand glngteDsc' $1.00 and 79c. por -CeliseaiLi & Co. *des, chers iseisan ecsepted a situations. was pceented wtisa clais bug isy tise Strretsrslie Fair Board tas dcsjded menttacm cf tise choir. Tie prescrita- to feflr a ivecucp asfirst pcizefer a tjon wattmade bylies.tGalbreaith. Mr. mscal competifien foc pupils cf Fay tbanked Use choirfr tUe itt and scetels je Toronto Townsip, joclusI- for tise klndly cefecnes toisaBer ,iag Union Sciseels. rics an a memier of tise choir. 1 ToosE LiOHTrs cons BuGism.-The ls use ol.Ltd..sanutac-i 1iaw eqeicec aIl issee-dran ce c evsienMieeeeti te bore c ligist on tcss-ced solisab niiCuserti. Cee. tebind and chite le front. Don't fZnrqaiýiltoNaEs. itI e to obey tise lew. 1matdi s Xa-a d. I V llcis. iltal At a meting cf tan Balton cusnty (lag »S«o<ese.mlstai Latis, Rarosiutire cf tise W.C.T.C.. belldiseceEclogi jianl ie aa rceentiy, as, invitation, froin Actao :Flie..04aWtrêlMe~r.W. Fohi telS tise county convention tiser on Milton, get ' , 4 5tisoetJ n wan accepted. 1M NOTICE. Taiseunotice that By-Isw No. 492 of the Town cf Milton reijoirco ohl ýorers and harborers of tiogsta psy dog las or the ist cf May, aust if cnct paid by the IStMay are liable te be commoord before s magisfrate for violation cf coiti By-law. Thc Town Clerk itoa... cupply cf dog tags and i[erîivo pleascîl to bave ail parties cocerut ed cailand geisa ag ansavecos Spring Dncin Olict. .s 50 5.an Rietisello Rienul, Reg. 75e Ccc P-,s' ee Qscc 11h.-li. . 40. .. .. ...11.69C 104,.Ib.35e Dvjiide Colfaniis IPLI CHES S- cT. .1-a e rOs0 CanREDO & WHITSo o Llour, e e 1css P1a st r v, 2 4 11h. 1)ag, 93 e .1 xi* ho l~îîpic pglic I i Wlfu iNo. h i , ' tîn23e il j Iî -21 i liis, î 23e l] o 'iil -2.c 13c c , îl-25c I \\ lit O M ] ' 25c o-, c loiiie*1îîltî,Ltn 14c s il, 1 :i tIl tt 1i u, ' m ilie Lî%y oyrupî, tin 25c il " '( . > I moil n , it 1lb.ttîi . - 25c i. i iii tî i l'i,' tii14c i i----- 25c 'À , lii33c PHON R. UNMIGHAM wE PH0N R.CNIBA ELIVER ",Quality Always Higher Thon Price"- , J MVackenzie's Store Hours: Vt ïCt' 1:i I\ e\ 1,t S-ilii i a, ,S a. i îl.i11 g ii l tx tt 12 ) i Hoisecleaning Needs! , 3So 11, -'1. i .. i, PgI Sm . '1', o ig r I i \11 il' i li.hr l Tar fi c"loeoUsh J. M. MACKENZIlePhm. B. e PIhIone 40.lTeRexali Store. Milton tolisEl sisisig ricene tec ctop sIgea etn ie igi'sc th juat enactly chat tiser1lndi.^_e-tIl ont toeslow dcin. Ifiteplaiecugs, and pecpleclitsenestisbisennto dere .acar sbocld te able te ucdcratasd goalREngîjish. Stop meeee to stop ycsr cec. net te Stop telticg ce smok- ing. Tise Ceorgetownce ecld carst A Otteca lant cet cisile tise foes ca dosing tise pubilie corsestiatîssu, Dr. R. K. Anderson, meintar for Viai. ton., siccoasu tise nerd fer polificea en Oeknillo and Ceocgretowc.ad anis- cul cietiser delegations chiot hall caited os Use ministrin tis cecese- Te tuaisMr. Elliot replied tiset ttc nerds of otiser diatricts tai bren feuosl toe tamoespressngisut tisatte Ceorgetown case merjted eerly cu niderat ion." MUSIîCAL FnsctVAI--Tise WSeisuel festival tir tise aneois ofottisee csuty dili ta belli in Bilton, on Mey il and 13. Os Saturday next' Mer Il'tise Ielisalination conteste wdli ta ield. Tishe main avent wcul ta beld on Bson- day evenlag, MAY 13, aies, sethe br- nus and finala dit msi;ke up tise pro. grain. cisicis cll tafound on page 4 in tbisf. leof TEE JnArlPO. Tise festival dli ta ibelOla Us te auditorium cf tise Hilton Bigis Sehool. Admis- cjsi. 2z. Don't misle IL ef AeCCDNiT-Sifferlsg trois injuries abolittise lisaitand c ettMcrris Biehnlck, csf Bamilton. 10 e patienicnl tise Chenerai Hospital. Bichissiishail a narrow escape fcsm deatis cien a C.P.U. train crunieul into, hie auto et Flamisoro ecsselng en2tise Guelphs lins ttcen Kîlide and Carlile. Tise sar cas deniolisicu. Mombrs ofthtie teain crewea trlcated hlm andI tosis hlm te Masiltea. Tise asidentoOlurý cu seon Monday mienlng lest. chile Mr. Missnliscasall b is car te Milton. A iparing cossedy.deaio entitlesl 'Vmssnie 'loisoni s o" cll ta stageulin tisa pninema Theatre. Billon. on Tuesday. May 21tt undersauspiese if tise Unitedul isscis TP.ii.Tisa sat bas bren seisealsng tir aSOMtisse uodertUshe lcionaof Mr. A. E. MiII- .n. andI tisilplay promJiseste taOne of tisa brst srottesi1agsdl la Milton. Tise ladncldual sasEstre ofthUe cent are digp&ailug s«cp ios allaent and his 1talent along =th lie spisodfi aitory *mi hou tiseauience la suspenma asI býmtiUs-na ahl. Tise dîrectar Uscflov nitise it lai tus Play lea jast a littis dlffecrent. IU LWUIJ Conccyckc c.16a 2 0 5O IaL 0.OTha n-1b. Tm.n3b. New linco, lu thc laieei stylco Pmffed Rtos cus1'70e u E SNIH and otade@, are orrieing daiy. cesseQsei5eWA SOAP ibrimps n210 îenoss49- ILOnsrs3a -OXIRDSIc.s~..Choice Red Cohoe -PUMPS Rt"Kîsils c..ff -S TRAPS ccc 1 ...Ç30 ' MC'2 N Mene Engliet made Oxfords, in Libb'. Mcalcob se-a2 ysid botblack anti trows.. iproad so-15e Globeo a ysd Cscce ycck ?ERBl 52 - a27e Real Strong School Boots Muhos't - 33e Fine Candir REPAIRIKG Cieen -.39e, nc scissois SGROVIND Tc.sZ5c 55ii. ccc c..cc 5 MaeNabb'a Shoe Home DOMINION -STORES LI!,*eED Tise Bosse cf tiostSiscse cp»Oîe.sl. epiea "WhbcrO Quaslôî Counta" PeIoNE 4 Mîc.Toit D 11- 6 285 1 .Ii tic' -i twel 1 t ' i tsOr- -it. a danilce 1-- du b. g 1ny u 1, sa ,. i,ildo en- tis îstteciieir st,-Fers tl'it, s'.t'uiugrs Of ýlri ,lisee ticg- ,us'ccrsid. Tise e- la lae ýiseinercea#* I. astidis-barge Of 00 te I 0 made tht W. M enterd thesAMl ' eae Stores sam n businorss plaOe ae octais. em et ofmesse ery poplar ises~Si. ,.Fez in ,aJAPÀNIIOII nul. l tt&- a a fuglth e- si sea. o aiisiiy won tisefBrut n ~ie5a tii tmaby Pincipal "The Lavica Lei.m" "i ý.R. 9111aplsantait o pois. fletnring Ken Maynacd. 0». et tis a sity taaotslu ELsswo m.d-WiOe l bnL U6epeessat a very peetty slîbt ist lalia Weil osieaih-an eni . --arn Te ighy niaesi reaani l1kelit lawns, wbicb epie N.&I dosa credit la Usahe lent& IL seaons af Use beautifal village.s s y many _____le_________ mosreta nUe aot-Scl A change la tise staff cf tise local yisansis ot tise Banks et Toronto hes WIII &Dy of tise citins bs hoava em enmaie. A. C. Hume. cisc tan friada iaToronto please ank tise' ta bran junior rIens fer anme tisse. bas phons Loydbroek 082, an tise tayn resîgneul and wll aesst bis fatiser. A. dean Usera ara msklng arrangemnstM. Homte.on bisetasse ia Eaqueing. tuop.ir.e tu comas te tise eunlon lan(tordes, W. Lewis will seseul Me. at7. Hume. Who learen on Bey ihi. Tise annal meeting of Bt. Unon W. Erery man aio la seendigging tise t. cilîl ltabeld attise bossecf Mrs. . -geodea iadustrlously fer a h sue se P. Home, on Wedsssday. May l5 a Usu raêedayas annet ta hranded as a at 2.1D pa. An yone w is erate vas-desentisusinat. As ysu kaec tjis sUfer ber bosse fer meetings during @ th massesftee atcising speebled netrear. please andlauyeur nasse brastiro Os Use firt day of May B.A. at tbsmeeting. RSoll call-,Sutarestison Tarnacl. sof Loanville. saugist a traut fer neet yaar's pregramme. csi menared 14à incei n lescgrtt. Tise militer y hall beli latise toca baIl isece os, Tburody evening cf last cesis. ender Use auopîcra et Pest No 136, Milton bransis cf tise Canadan For Cuso ae lt Lio, cas ccli attendedcono deris so Mg Cltes Ueffliccement creetier. Exelltent FielnofWrtdsa T es msisc as provideul hy Brothecton'i maie te measscs. Orchsestra and tise pipiera efthtie iltet Alan ail cork pcte nîng to tise art Bjgisiandec' Regîment. Hamilton.rn --A leigis is otione tsdred PCe1g e groani on, eny markset" T a mic Prcsfng Altsiag, Cîaailsg, ec. Ysisesns YV icl maka yos tesset ail yose troublsi andI hases atory that E. WILKINSON.~ clii deligist eny audience. Tisere are startiing derelopsseeti as creli as osmereo s niycy ompications frei thise tohie mystery cecuca unti IL l DR. J. G. SUTHERLAND isaliy leaccd op. Dise-no s A ceai acealul demcnsfcetion cf Fcji oies leetejeai Refrigecateosca ys es, lisNseanad Throal g eeCrclBtte Sereat ai Fstsng cf Glasses t5ciay. ohowicg tise great ad rantage Wil ta et Dca. MeColi & Sutherlands cf ltis a eisi so n at ngSeice s tai t C hi n c s o d s t a le yoesr sachies homlan oie remOffice_________________1__4 ineyuseet. Agchomeny cf tisn Icei__________ cesses. Aedi nwo ere cl N E T R tecssted intiisanew hoseseicitderu e. N E T S Nnw PINrCIP'AL BOAOs.- Milteon Wo heinesas ors.cusck c sstthch wttt cjrcs ceh.k- scritnvsor-iho Higis Sehool Board tas scgagcd J. E. mac w .siss ibli oostnrs socSfoc Marcellus, Principal cf Nec Lisiseerd hi.rsiPul eoioe .jsd tees.o Bîgis Set . te nocceed Prineipal Hep- ecaesi. Nosoiton ehaeer. hucms. wcis a septeu tise position HGHSiOcOD eroserAN et Assitant Principal of Norths To- Hiton ooTrans t de rosie Coliegiate Iititste. Me. Mac- 57 Qeece i- W. Tocos Ocnt. ces eii kesan in Miton,.aisng tacs, Principal cf cisc public esoci ece abtasifiteen yearaire. BEES FOR SALE. BROWN'S ORUG STORE tas UCouaaioppoctusits foc tegicece bren appointed Agent for ihe "'am- 10 hivsircacf ees (Itaiuoo), quaefity cf cee United Cigar Stores. Every- sapersa nd cter matecuol. haed e tising in Tobacco and Smokers' tractor.inocndaion acti racks, palle, Supplies. ~~e. Muttbe sold as welist Supplee. oce ced bac no place foc coule. H QrEASSOe. We bars beee Write Boa 483, Brampton. vio SEFOREBARGAIN Evsryone who hau worn a Lavender SiIk will stify to its superior qualities."Ile top notch' in under- wear. Here la your chance. ,*W are offering you our entfre stock as prices that are otainIy hargains;. You know how rnuch you have been pying for Wood's under- wear. These are ail guaranted. àbsolutely first quaiity garments. We quote you tb.o regular price, also the sale price. Corne early1 KNICKERS, reg, S2.50 VESTS, csf S.50 1 SLIPS, reg. $3 l00 Sale $1 8 Sale] E Sale $1.95 PuritaRn Raid Siik Hosiery We specialize in Quabity Sîlk Hosiery. Are ymn zwearing the best ? Our Hosiery Department is brin ful of hose you will like. Ask to se the special fal fashion atocking at - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -$1.50 o & ACorsets, SiIk rsses, MiIiqery SSATURDAYTREAT! H aple Wainut Cream fudge. Include a pound ln your week-end ohoppiiig.1 e l, 30c. lb -------- Saturday Treat Frice 25c ib. Don'tforget ohe' ay unaMay i2tl i tt k WEEK-END CIIOCOLATE S 35c. lM. Here is a reai special in these Choce Lttes, wiffh Wten diflerent fiovoro. Bay a pound and le coni nced Sof their quality. Reg. 40e and 50ecIlib-- 35Clb, Patterson Patterkrisp, a crunch centre Ille i Chocolatte, reg. 50c, for 39ocILb Neiloon's tee Creaim in -stock ail the cirr o id. Try Neilsorie new Ice Creani Brick, The H oste. W~. T. BARNARD PHNeE 14 P MInLf omnonSorsTON es Th.oc cc . kc.d pdsci~ps5~ es c k , c T EL&5e-O5k isanrc nfrla . NDi. S 4t l 40

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