Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 2

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rvý' i TZhe Caussllan Champion fsJ aS m ~ Ei KEIT. Mar7% 1. W W i JAIL AND LUSUES FOR 1DANIS JgI iiqa i ttI f ballant abaut laspnslg tlebiaisbubt muat Qe Reulta flu 7 Da» Pa r ney ak, am e awlsg a gramisi dlepsltlan t.' Baya J- ..x crnz do noafat affeaces aglainat wamen laid _____ lu cases af rabber>'. eapsalaly mbb mlb laene.Tm nag m"u. Ja Make .p peur mnd t day tbat pon iii tlsaronghlv caric enta Bldeman and Mite uniaathave jus a igt o p ours kîa real .tiebîng faîtbl hpt. it for hr beau .esteseed ina agma ta 12 yenrs ebance.ta get wnil. mile pour skia troubla. ml l e a1 and 9D labes and 10lYeamlSdlaahS Tane prabably becs lite a lot of tisg cf tbe psnt. respeetlvely. an tuelng eaan ofd I teer people coavisced that tbetonl oteoetacigebtte te do pactiipatian.ln a ntera hold-up tiag ta unsamas as laintiment or salve it ail nt orce bat ose bottin e me ts effraya. Tbree mlI 6e lttia diapos- (sote of tbem are ne-"'gaad). but in milI sbosv 704 bepood sllquestion tha" itian ta quarrel wtb tbese sentencese the big majrltp of cases tbevee.ticbp pou bave t at diacovere th te may ta and a gonddeaaof aPPraval of tem. malvm imply log tbe poreand tbe rffltrcpur siotaotrfertbeaîtb. _________ eodition primarily remnsn1.te same. RItesber EthatdOONES RUER FULFIMENTCONIO Go to J. M. Makenzie or a..> otbcr ALD 01171is a cIran. piimerl.ine-~0 TH U FLK gaMNG od druggl.t ta-day asd get as orig- tratiitg Antiseptic Oil that doesot inmal bottle of Mloosea E'eraid 011. stan or ieavc a gray residiie an.d Te report tlai ek that the igboay The vers' 0.-t application iii givo tbat it nmot gice com.plets satisfation mas heîng survcyed rnt Milton to st.. 1700 relief and a fem sbort treatrent or yoor mone> tcrioliyrfiidrd. the mecond ise .and titiste connect ita No. 7 Highway ai Ato ili 6e ocîcoono seos ta Ibasembo bave smaitcd tbe comn- OBITUARY. 14ILTON OLI> BOYS- REIINION- menceement of constcttion o tis liniog __ op rend. li ilprovide s nem otiet ta rlieve laSie froon teDondan igbmay R. E. HALL, Folloîong arc the charoten of the Old and iake ose of tit mot sccnic bipb- Th lonertlof tht eR.E. Hall, Boys' econion commîltes oeys in. the country. Wth ils completîison hose deelh «oued t lts home i"i Pitlittg F ODtcac., Milto iit bc sers-eU oî tb trough Treflgar, on Frîday. oas hetd on Sonda> Facade-A. O. hSpra t highoer. fitl ilsihort.. h.otistocc altecnonn o bChuechoit « cmete>oand Coscessioss I NI CI>ictiiîs icom Actoo ho Hamilton b>abuot igbit oas se argel> attended. Mr.Hall oas hoimnmîne Races .. NiasîcU. miles bo th route taheo b> going to on bis 743h yeac. a son of the taLe Alhert Sports-Art Woaes Guelph end follooing the highsoay ohîch Hall. ose ofIrTaaigat's pîoees, and Eslertaîsneet-A.E. Mîtîsoo. le tit ose usoally chose. nom. Milton o lîctd aIt bis Ilite in the sagoc distictc. lii, acds-XX F)eoar. the lst ton io he Couottt of Hutton taoîlcf. oho was Miss Alcaetia May, >« OtDcortlons A.L NacNahh. he seerd b> a Poincial Highoey and Uceesed im 22 yea0<5 01. lie tas the Itascitg XX BondaIt. Ihe> deeriteconsomrmation ofl im lst memhe oftbion amîl> Me, ilait 009 ltt<tsoit XX IlCIetîs one to1joio then oitb teDondac hîgh- a meoet of Bthel United choech and n r s l ac<, A. IChamber. ey oni th soth and No. 7 se thr north. polluecs oes a Lihtcui. Ont son, Clarence' Il cas dt&cd 10 ove <144forho< s Wthlils compileion mc prrdit <at lt ci Traflgar, srvsacc. r'acts job 1<3 .The 's9 îîi cîlI toi.>place mîfl hecome ont oiteamontpopuihlaih- t the pcnd )nsaturtîitc. Julie <9(h 13 oays oi the poicital syste'.. les ceeuiicNî'i-s hopei lta,Il20 "i,, ulIte'%rin2 cthe htaciy il place t in a lashby itsell FR ORSI rs etwe and Iansor'. Iis roote, ohic is ooo Hentry N. Noesh, 5-)Xatl.oavenuie, t h, lttcIlIttitJI'1199111îlîîî1d eooidedohco fsbleinta neofth Gudelp. dîcd soddtsîî al :h1< tetcaî otitîtIltltthl TonlIa'! the main arteeiesots'iftmth o l hospîtaioXbdsesdaî sîght oflat t e>e l îî,t aî .of'I'3lie 9tu (n rz the cities atherscoth. Ils tact>comn-M. Noecishad ben nsI2ling hîîthIfor ,fîre,andîî IlItOP"'91' 9ll'l1v petion mli h. tagrely avaîted b> o lotgt thet ast Iwot-ýarDets )992<', oho w92 Illc NtîItîîs(),d111î> .1 îîîîloit Sctonoflth molorîng puhhic.Ato. Kiiyeas otR,tashboeoîinNasagaoeî,a ,attî- c 099 Xfdt,-cas itîîcoung'ota> Free Prss.townshp.bu hoiîeotîa young 929lit.A nlr he ieho>< îî, l n - camtoGuelphîoîehe b lîcthvdtîcnce itn liettslt caoîc eocacetîîinîthîîîcsaîc lune 2til tliII' hIlîos' hi<1iiol TOWN COLINCIL. 1fruithusiesschchhlec ductd socces oîIlhî' 1Toro1to1.2, andîILtîsîs1oîîîtd Cocncii met Tuesday night. octILsanohîîhino he hoîcoîît'u Tht ollocîcg accccsts otît pas-ed: uiein Ht I «o uaslot12ilke c CN NE OVRIEETI Toon Hall y easaosteîtî________________________ Blaîn & Honeant. i151yrsaoadrtrd CNESUAVRIMNS' Bert Jonts 2 (11) XllAX 'ilt.t ,11.X'<.<9fl ctccrs $17 11) 9k. Atîtîl> us Glri the ,îlî $1 W2Xiltîom I lT.losc., o oeIl krocto. .3-...I oî t Watewoehs figurîe aîoîo g l',tîît i.cttes 1and,. 1 W. A. Chapman $20 2 ote1ld ietîetîthî.'l'>pcgoihiî î sî îîc.e'iî.iil Ici-c W6. tam'. :2 1 nionictl.3osd 1-y0> 5îidti> il,,0 LI1îoeeIilily 9vorn. Xttly Vi. John Laing 277 <g.t Harvîaroeîid Ae.. T. hîc,'octoitît John Hardy . (t1cercctc. stlici.ghhb..> îontheeo iii ii-i e ice te'o,fat ieet, - --good lico.ti, frlîîe tituteLie v.di îlb t i- cslllM île, ttl, cet. l4 to go <o-cite %ltcd,]Emopirecofficet, A'pl> .d I tlOl4.Ilil Piningoand Conticgtncit< mheheoo atîîeî,th<eek XVsîiî Monîcîal Woetd $25,il<go'. lI. v Il on-,i tlîiTiio ,stiXX w 12 gtît 1191191 s11 oi it îte Iou- o . Applt I .31.1 'iltoit FL..bitle se, iot <lltîli c X s< îîi. tS A. L.Cha hees 1îLX) "" cs1îeiîtîîîîhi<t t'îtiîîîl îlîIî,î.12 C. Jones if;,1X) 1039ef aI ouoîî, 111îîî litoseîi.îhîîtA ,îiîîl.î, W. A Chapmon 1lx fcitt.îttîîe<1dîteîh'lîstitiîtets ilcetobyhccet 7 r2*2. ,nil,15n 0<2 tîîîIe tvc5 ail aident, i.t iittFOR loe îîîtî <Inn>ikcil. .1 'plantt.hgîîî., ccii,..M.- hî,eetosd-oshsan,cc 'oglîîoî Ii , ou, h.-o21<1 il tllotest I$31 23Lite Ifa Xîlîoî.lîltîs,,î I Xîtî. 1.itt miî Xîî t gh Iljoo hX m.Robhertson 1,1)19 mwivr ictte wositl. .ntîo îîî t31 atloîtî,l 19111< S. Eoard . 119 Soeeî<o.igoaieIi.,.hîtwau o. <c2>t.r î etsl .i0.lBoxs I16,XMîiîlton. XX sîoît t". Mt~~~~ oicigeValley.cîXîcîîg t ,î 0,9h.jtîlîîh- tGtoretWlson..7 1 iiolie i.M ltIi1lig1tf Robert Buîshî 1(0L IlcThe, .btiih ih ok îltýfocFîloîi01 itecIl-.k îjgî Iii - AD McDolct tïe11Lllllîîiitacect.iîlcý,ýOn sl'îTu-loy 1ittet iicîîg.i-dttîîIllel.î.lîaiî< ilIaîo & Hancant 14 lF c con t<c E îcieg Ccc tcictteýy, Mlîti, Ltltî -. >t Iiin.11,9< ti . 1J F L) Smith .. 150 %ça.iootglyttended. H- ies1.- lîcîbSî iîtî t.îkcc h leeîtiic,, ancîhc fctihî lcîINtl aodîihitc.e.c 1, , Fnne $1,0 3Scl2nipocc<î;c ooîg t<îs ttiT ocli NV.GXNI, lhl.î1l.. . Fîsaoa.eTypcS 171 Union.1<N,,. 91 oct Public Schooi f000>toing,,,lioc<hoei<, orot, lîtîît. tî<iG îcîc îtîI " Wattcorhs . .... 64 2 vert hît ty ycitt i)g, the lccc M, tiI'l i, î îî A lln ,T.IA Toon Hall . ý ..... 17 IL1 ho < toas toîescd sîh 'tte : H,ttIi it, M îlllît,.I Pitîcg andt..o<lingcchcs Ci 4'i CHAPNî'îsîfora <ciieo 'tearhosFa cî îîh .t 1th tctetsacd Welhs , ...h11) 1. <ig itcsc.l hîs le&(]& cn tiisî 'i Iie Jiega ilil faf. o C. Jonts, assestcc ...(.. 1 0'Mer thot. iîcietitlMlc;.tti ît l, I tîtetý ille Ap1 - -- A iiiocheofîrelaivîenand fi ipsdocîu îY T.E. 56'.-', 1119, \Idt ln $119374X(l ii tîîotîtdicicîstenitded the scrc iàotheaith-Blaî< Thot tht Mllonotld Nite tthe graeit. FOR911 h I)to t'. 1.-t Boys' Reunio Cmmitte egeanod ilîtilîsthe<.l..îli , it1 cse othtstceet dcinthtOldikBoSyisscc'<h otb 2>' ldcosîon, ooderetht sopeevision of thc Scitic Temprance Coaiesi -, oo sîeetîs commitîe Caecîed. Isol,'. l Lon ],-,- .îîî 1- 1, A couo eccsioto hecrcotFlaloî< In litilc',thXC. U.cticle<î Aill{dof <Tîîkcîgî aatoslîthe asotssmnlerollf19-)9cilht eptîaoîe cîctesItcîwouh lhceNoîhîto i,,k. toctîtote, t,. 'lott lng htld c< Fida>. Niay 17h. ai 730 p, m ,Mececigt 1in hc Suoday hchoîls 001of .toîet lcoctltcte-. tht mtmhesthftLie h.Rest Blaîn Domîcion of Cacada. tht lcilîooiog '<ccc Fc Il litîî- 271, NiîIto. Flof- aod ConccîllorsCollec, Buck, London and the thee oîghesc hoys and gîrls în te tlî îolc ;, 11t Nciog. ..27ý Irving, coont> ofciHalîo henîoe Bc1s-Noecîos Gîhso. honoscejvoititt.t Si 0590 Bt. i ci KNXCUC. Aclon.;>Sidney Xoke, pas, licenhy. liasv2ni e, --î, .'a uu li. l ENOX CHIJRCII. hoSacl.haomer,,Ch.urchill.cîs. Il19 ,gl";t..,;!1 Senor01Gils- lliu,,lioîlhîît, -îYt, 4>11îc 1-9 A laîge oumhe oftht mtmicee anîl Miltîo;Dûtothy Craîîlccd.hosces. NIîI îoecit.ok îilîTîtîît. lIIt adheoetnscof tht congegolion tati- ad- Io; Nae lHaetîs. 1100<9 . Rlhtîd, 1'i il'- tct 1.1 Iî 0>9 canagetof hetsocial eeongatîthe home JuicsoeBoys hîtoscd. NMatshall,lhcn- oîî'iîîctgctclgltI.I. îoî< g oi of Mrt and Mes.Phlîps ast Fida> atnd ce.. Nllcc. AthurotDa, to<>. hocoe , >. ,.>,,< .t otîîîîî a set> enoyehlc ttmt is cpcted. and the (Gee<getownso, dic acîiphîl, itotîto nt iC,.I tt.it ,, ; 101cif ccmmîîtee in chargc of thtPIoe FoU Nd iîton.' iliI totou bornîe, Caî...10,<0tan ms vey graoifiedby ththfnencialresclts. Jcniore 1201sJo> (Galhraith, hoce sgte -2, suit0.e. dîît- îîho fus Tht Happy lHlper'< Mission Bond helU Mlton; BDccc.>Ncl)ooaldl. hcsî, wt, utstgle ano, Ldiilte 1;lîtk cuite, a -, 1opic" meeting in the sehool-rccm on Georetown; Francîic at . lîoos totîîîtgîraille, hliîto o.ti l. Monda> atienoon. Geogeown. On Tccsdac atrnooolthe WMhS.421 cottnci.t.odW- iiod i hel lils regilae monthly meeting al the Tlîe Illtc ('ountl XotctsîllIool, t0 lixtciL Oo homecoftheSecetary. Mcs. Phili>. and îsîîhoo eîLlir lî oecparolcoi* t hcet.lîe lt. >121, o.land itt tc thererports of thtFProsical meel.ngîin fest c<iottcccceoorl o'ttsccooich 12< Hamilbton <ee retd. îts ctî t locchebd'i heco it n Next Sndo isNiothets' Datuad a wchich isoîccogý_edlcl. epac o]Ma tpLaseviccicî blhhldîinthetmotteg. t>18. 'he pesîdenor h I utýi Thte mcohes of tht Sonda> fchoo.oîII le s. GiC t' it of ci> hee r Lake a pomînenl paît in the servic0e and footeoti hiotchles Th1' orinwl oilociop thtcetrîepecs. et>ce<ot otie ueo h uL On Monda> eceniog aboutloeotsty fhie 1soono 19,, li]ponsfth uiy m ttn rs o fiO urv o n g Pt o p lc 's S c î e ty o ad iî c lo u e t< air d d e S.rý 9 c îoite d D ix ie Y . P . S . a n d tO O k Pa t 10 t o o t<for J d oi g do m >e i iI n ý. ,I the pogramme. AIl present re-port ah>y A 1'. MacVonsel, o i-cua epr - splendid Lune.t1senlolîte, on oddretson 'nca Er- ST. PNULS CHURCH. lnloshlhome deons ses hAi2ind0. ttt-sildcmosîeolîon b> Miss Langto, lis 0l acU Thte C . . tles on Soicedo> aftt e eportetsof ageieulture;. cddrecco 6> e b , efnh ot os eIl ptrceîced. and o nîce D. Mcecctet Ptîesoît of Torooto, ccd1 li lîdy som ealioed Ici- theit wocto. I t'seeal mcsical seleclioco.e.sa.,.0 ws c fine pt'lcdc to theit 8>0930. str-' t 5 vice of moishi> heli-dn nda eo>c'n- Mure'tpeople îtst mont cds t,dc>y -ý titg Tht gi-to jetheit cn roismSan <a celeoe ect h>bo tht coicteseols, chîle the rcgclot coie, d "secc. sng fcnm the galey. A oct> înttre<t«s gen h> thet goisand the minisiergan a shot't tsih. Thteseviee<oncuded t.icoancAt Georgetîotn, s tteiisy, mth thte eoesnîonal hymn, "Follomithc I Mas'tth, Edwin (T eddpi. nn kîo.94th -e Tht Y.P..on Mcsdny 005 30 ehnrgeShthdbNiln ut ibt hi tslte FelloNelsonemmottechip, ons>.tMoethta6 ever driven." (nosme on requt) T HE owner quoeed obove bas Lees dri'.ing automobiles for 15 years, and hbos an inrimate knowledge of motor cor pei-formarice and value. Yet bais ren- thnistitc coment mercI-g typifies that of ehousan ds «ho hase tsrned to MncLasighliro -Buick aftec malsing their oi etaittittg tests Not on1> have motorises in oïl parcs of the country accepted iscLaughinBuick's invitation to get behind the wheel anti get the focto about McLuglin-Buick perfoi-mance.. . but they have entereti oi-dei-< for moto chan toice. as usany> McLaughlin-Buitks os, on>'other car at or above its price. Be suce to drive a MtLaugIll'.Buick! Try it1in trafflo--on the traigtasey- ugotht steepe<t ils. The more thorough your teste, the more careSsai Vour corn- parison-the more inevitabi>' aili tht-y lcad vouat.McLaughlinBuickI s--att McLaughhn -BuWk - JAS .HOUSTON MILTON, ONT. leu Anaie.. açe. f. The tu ek'1bs aa &Rt be ld-tseaded esgim*in b. st..4, it"vilage Dore l@S' m OR S4h &Sa*BWl, eM bisl SeaUn, sm" 4 au bM VBe".>'aBpe lb .1 ti Onat4eekldem i BPi.n~i u emt ama euâ TSI Couse Regular à 1 nwee ARTALES- Your Tflor --ILTON 1- ART WLES --- 5. (JOVER YOUR LJE We bave Squares Rugs auJ Maté, Olcoths by the yard, ail wîdths. Wall Hangrngs in ail the beaitîful patterns, border. anid celings to match. Curitains by the par or oîngly actd by the yard. WINDOW .SHA DES GALBRAITH & COMPANY SMI LTIN am Cut This Coupon Now MAILU TO DAY Plez.. end me ,Ilutiatcd folder, N AME .. ADDRESS If i.neer.ted in U.ed P.». math X hce 71 MASON&fRtjMSQH Mokers of famnoas Moso'. & Risch and He'.ry Hebert pianos in. models to suit ail '.ceds. ivite you b «<ind thc aboe cou pon today IlL 1111 Cii Zhî ONGIE s'., 'lilI(IN £1 GUELPH BRANCH--105 Wyndham Street. "In power, case of dring, and flcxibility, the ncw McLaughuiin-Buick .out- performs any car I have S3ELRITE3OE AT te In thc Hoose, til.. naid tc to e i,. , ba s aggescî'îi ha, mn counncdpritI,,ý eatheoptoci-td. t < ingftbe tan.,îlot, t- mgeviile SBan, cvi l qgbenît>eeccîî >. FERS <t'OE55h. 1<0 âan of deeî,ittgii- 19" several l.îici l 2.l o heen increacII. '11,1< t bdeed. aboo hi-". iaS 8 250. aed d- 'îîIft »aM 11.0tu,$1 74.. ent l. mcdoeclîci X' Il - as entei-cî th, AlI> rH ardwareo Btîî'-and 'otAetos hoojce- tboce Wdsare ow aco toic â synaytem o<f ic1han- l.b tevers' papiicar tai PHONE 30 SI job ofHo eg i-eR I <."Says Mrs. Dollar-Wise Pineapples- Preserre - he'd - .hbigbU 1 l h. nheCo] eplod.'lmee-ig .'.lIy4I (G.d - . li.e.cd...d. 'FIa1..d . ..p. i i Mly d4 , qolh 1I h. - o.> boy '.p.<o.a .1..,p.o. .î da.ei..il[.,.' Ii uh t oh. 494 Pri.1.br um.a.by P..e.g y- Pi'ple..o O mies.9 i d evr4rud S-em-eemppodýiinft .Wbb . REd S..ih-k 'A .cpeca r shid,. h-s -C . i A o - i.P -b> h. Tb..l. CC., 2 2 6- 23 SPECIAL-Vicoey Brand Red Cohoe Ayle- To.. ,2ý . 2 1 W., Re-. cho,2.7oiun. C & --Ci.. Saxmuon.1 T11n 25r FIG BARS SOCKEYE SLONdfino l-Y -f.- 24.,4k 2 sana 9~ ANCY SHidIMP-P»Bo de.- pull, p-ee-Il. Sp.'.obAyh-F.. .y, f. 5, EAN HOLE EANS-Mll. .o. yl-2 tin29< WIoie Be.... <boL, 'i. l7 SPECIAL--Carrdl* .... ,Craer S- K..., Lbby- 2<lins25lr 2 ..2 ERmu 2. 2. Ps 2U m. ,33cB t e .m- 9 Sçe.-Gi -o'. P- S<e..b.ev OLD CIIEESE-Roeli ps. s4oli.6-,.R. t2& CHÂTEAU OR VELVEETA CHEESE-¼ L.pdnp. 39< MAS e lC SLICED RACON-F.ny MildC..s4 .opp.d. lb. 29, 0K.VE >yCOTTAGE ROLLS-So.d, M44d-& 1-.d 4 . 29t Sfid -hm15- lis 1l SPECIAL-Sd.epp * snc. 5cedPo.cbe.&-os. 2 '.23 e Ry1A h, 2<. . 25cCocoanut pZa id15 L.ne -4 2, i. 25l: PA>TRY PLOUR-C...'. Shnf Rd,. 2= 1. 89< RAIIN O pWERnm-C....r. P.r,.N. M.... a... 21< Fo f, f u .O EEDLESRAISINS-D.i Mest. RBd, 15-. 2 pkg.25 Po 'i~PATRAS CURRANTS-P.s.. tQ-s.l., pr1ý S-.1.4C' ..Re.eo4. 23< , JUMRO 1PRUNES-Ibssd.....CI'l... 14 - b. 2. i"4'o. pe2-D.ylo,<Ji SWEET PRUNES-S.'., CL.'..g'.d .e31.. 25, jl-OCe. 20< bi. z PEACHES-C.lii..i., E.&'q-, 4<.q..àyib. Ui Sp.W-.-D.y & Me.'.'. SPECIAL-Piset atM. 8h.. Pouah Ia c IJngSugar sîbs19, SODA RISCIT--Pfst. C.is4WLp, 36-p16, EASY-KLEEN - i.'. nnltfol CUCUMBI KR 15-Ldév'Iàby. H ba.. ~. d. gis. iscelen, p«.biei 00 RIPE OL1VES-.C.liL.'.4 Gl-oos.'. 44% Ps It~ MAIN-STREET, MILTON It cet more ta amusesa cbld nom If th. provincial detective force Giond weatbrr i. ilosst,,. tban it 41.3ta. educate bis daddy. needn a .mart man. tbey .n.gbt off,. a by t1he fermers and g'i . 15.000trout fry mere placed in tbe poition to Orval Sbaw. boping tht-pli get lout..ctî1- Stream@, near Orangefil a.t meet. An Orangeville citizen bas mritten 0on 176eWelllngton c.ointy -wl A '.an in fW~y h bas h'..ive. to The Banner auggsting tbatO.ange- cided vqalu.mou.îy to d,.il o 1 $à-001.0 prise by Mussolini fope baving ville engage a pastonan ta delijes.Mail paymentp fur mlleage n<> t ý1, four bilidren lu, iz pears. mblle bis ta theis' do....and tbat-twa dehverle, aarefut«4ioeat alioot"i-,j t, mife ia given neltber mention nor be made daily. Be classes aàs nlgbt. mIitEsat. amard. Do tb% eial bat &a equare bamktl.bnswhopramithe staseta et deal for tbe math..? nigbt for the evenlsg mal. Tbe iqrgfsaNcwn.ttee,,î<i h .*#'Iftthe tintaij .t-. lala i.. c . -1 Iî ~I 'il r of enthnoa..*. &» Z.

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