Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 1

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IL bim.dcA. G.,idniNEuî J. & A. MARCHAND MIL.TON - :COT.T LEGAL WILLIAM 1. DICK cAtiecîaYl CATEJ? & WORTH c cîcletîdeîecniscGA LT. ONT. T,î.î~i., MlfeIT MONUMENTS IILTCtIiNSOlN &LLIOTT bud f-Ctuucend aul ipct :nnc vaiei liucecacnna, ic. MILTON CESETERY TIl.I.. iei.T lTi nihna54 C. R. TURNER DENTÏ1STRY eal i DInor DR. F. E. BABCOCK 1 o Ebame DENTAL SURGEON Agent Sr Dles FuseraI Ooigne. eDent aliHeipîtll PHONE 63 MILTO.N. Pce.tîw)nt - n, ny .hcntc.d lAi uXTuACTIlNl .1i 6 DR .A. K 1-N G 1N U A DENTAL SURGEON LIce, Fine, Atomoble, Bsrglsry CîhuIIIR Tl Iîîlîîlîe. rîîee. Plate Glaas, Accdent, Ieltis. e ~..îî.~. TlepIlcî197u 6% IsI Metgsgc GolBonIs. DR. SANLEY BRAUND SUN LIFE INSIJRANCE CO. DENTAL SUR~GEON 1 F. D_ DEWAR 1 ,i I .c,îl,-î-- Ic Is l.Cci -n- h.. 72.OuficaCo. Mmi»&Mn-ai-So-a 9 1 .uî.c~ly pp.l.ti.sut X RAll P-e20 T. G. RAMSHAW vaiatrand Aseloacer No Mediciune, Surgerr, or Osicopntisy Iî nnaion ,spty attendial te. ___________ niesau tî--tut d sataction gnar- NEILSEN Tise CiiroPrîctOrS nedMITN -ni K hiPen 11 ILON LADY ATTENDANT uhuuiuo11 rîîîaeiiifii CLUBBING RATES. .îîet i.u Obs-d7%N idist SToronto Daily Globe $500 83 i~~~r h.. îuuadPiea ifi. 15nJau6.35 A T M ILTON-lu Ruasm.nBk . Tomnîf Mail and Empir.... 5.00 6.35 Ilc.iuirO. ius2ii. Toronto Daily Star.. 5. 00 6. 35 oil îîî tuer sathisig te sel, puai and Weeklv Bia..1.00 2.85 jgcieîecdretrnisfroOm al-11aI. l IF.I cuAMaaIoN. Try t amI aie iHOP GoOD pRINTING-NOv in tihi wHOPHO6INà t ilot look urer pour sepPîS ut fim Tomsa sd Iesusau uais sýiî,erlTy-bul isonda. lettes- iessl W MW98- eIl , rtc.. and if miv 60 tae. narem $Wosuilri la ce tise us-dis-vith TfBEIe- 111 riotung Offlce. liera oue sul. g- itwclae vui t modorttaPfiles- 1, abu oname,itc,.asud 1oi0 sa 1 j% a-40Lu opuy. , COUNTY 0f t-4AL..rtQ4- LOCAL CUT M~A Da of il 't . ......... 1nisy cGsbi, 0i.. i..i....P a ma ai(. to. a.nb. roK. rswu er & W.dt5 rna esliAsas 5 rconta f 211l 1 *9 [.WHE VOLUMB 69 CAýNAýDIAN CHAMPION PUBLI5HSD MýVFRY THURSDAT MKORNIIMG ime.a ofPub5es."81 aIAIN ST., MILTON ONT? T.u 8.00seeMMrat lpm. (eme se&.h8um6) .47:p. 11, U aid iu. ô--i-505 OlE 055WE gui RIBINO RÂAi. t 1.4ga.m; 7.8p.i. 1 &gi6. Ipa., 'f t, n i r iu. 88M84per T uh i a5ta b. mskoasd 3 S SI S U ,p - ýu»nd sa~rd by . ». of S ith. tipeiat o ei1989- orene.î,fii ,f=diel ulb. *,.nio5.d tat. Your chooting ,icnad,.tiea, osi..unlumited. What- 2b f--h eel bur tte i WHIE, atches, jcwky j~i.~~tt' &uVHIIC.cuglams, etc., yoa PUBiOHRi ili find îust wha You Want. MEDICAL Right nov vs ~i'I\have a fiedisplay tK. AND)ERSON, M. D., b 2 of beautiful new 1.0 ~ QS4Iarticles, so desr- ffi-Om- ..,. 8 wable for youir ovu ~a lffl' hiarS use, anad for gifts. Included in tIis i) ic. McCOLL. & SU rlIEISLAND display ar ats N pâtterns ual t'tltL .GAND, A,1. the table slver 5.L. CATIIERWOOD. MB. whch for over 65 Fll jý-j .-rof .11..dyears has beers ccî n..,,înîs. ~ ~ "~the stadard ilve Mîlie ____ plradar sivu ti. A . O.DtLOliLFQ, BURN PEACOCK cul rcnts the WITH lTE CATLEMEN, earliest fWàmers, poisesscd only 8 66 catlegand 407 heep. In 1925, there were 16,500,000 cattlc, sheep and mwine on Canadien fari and ranches& This induatry to-day flot orly supplies Canada with meat and dairy products, but aleo exports à large surplus, competing succeis- fully with producte; of nimilat nasture abroad.1 Thie Canadien Bank of Commerce was asnong tise first ta cestablisli branches intihe Eestcrn stock- raising centres. Throughout the West it has earned the titie «'Pioneer". This Bank has 470 branches in egricultural districts. THE CANADIAN BANK~ 0F COMMERCE Te.ow6f m mon vas sl~aasmoVI PIANO. ail a"*Lroune aI sel and 1IL vols 10BMa theletItista l Ppopr seaare fer Toroato Oea' efthtie MOUe" un ~T7isii er are servîtes-y of munie FEx. fizel. Tissa tieslow uv se dl.- ly, as if a mater oethétas *vl aminations. bal givin tisheul »Mforer osu gaentasetilre llstty vini as sullea- Klnir St., Nilton, ont, ly s-mane th a - vsii.Ottan e PHONE ~ hm bt iadebpal tiseir bouse la leS- PHOE 4.nais by tisa-ovng a *asirtil" ever IL. let they lance taemmelvm e b. t _____________________ Whoua tise let et hesage le net Flemning & ctualy veat eut t i tieepave e_ __ __ __ Arm strong vhieb etm ssaesTE(1YO the r vas malse o ieely posSaI -FOR-loodisat vas eleanel eviry more- BmUsa eesa" sel BilLigitl Are in&befre opu heaille or anai l te ori Promu, Cookod and CUPed ci ofths e olpctmmt,. laeyhich Tis e smiie square ssevion sisi KEATS lise micesrestel al i . in t ie ectual Cip ty ftonon e aprois- la tas day compartimat o escage byteetpoil adoulghe Fih sud POUItPY il SOBOR lisere sisel b. se pprieb .n»», abrmetas toicsd b lgse _______ lung naiDr et , wbieis iFoisfor tise ,are letas vend. teCiy- tre OUaRtOTTO ies a pveot round M& tgj my lp Tie tal tgt lse26 y'000 tniat -QAIYAND SERVICE" trais. Wîiseouîauclaà a id, te lmpanhse lagales 1n60.00 anydis- 'QUALTY îîtîacraatures cerialnly itenes'belut e eltl e tý ua aletr intyl- PHoNO 42 w. - - MILTON. asev ly ndliraelarly. Wliis as- main belvesegai se atctrmacily.It righl fur a guide, tasy rapdly ~lM iSe a Quh.ea, uis a s ChiaI>- round, aumetimes nasras-v e i- île selQuis VleM ampiIe S A M H E N SO0N liunatt i ' 19Ita t$t$ aie irgs omb ilaeh, filed it MUILDER and CONTRAGIOR Tiserean ara apavien te taint g10 -1i15ai.ii ih-r.aas Instinct sesma b. b. dormant, for th.y lsors.ut.000 caelis-pover. But RM lAisuob& aenlticcepua ent vue ,th ise lpslampe, If ceeoatrtsl st enougis butlitieasuasregards le.os.gc.t 11,vsidbtss Assa l tis ObasshbIe5aMiWtaivihnsdancing.com5pa'iI vins tise grant lgisi ofthea su.Tier. ara laya viain th a vaiag marial ligisisisuuereeatiy eractel OesgÉMOIAL STREUO. 5IILTON Instinct acems te b. donnanttSetotlmie' ,000tSsit sboreài mdu on 1Mon1 creep arounî rhiar comparttesat, Afrique, Traeca, visici bas a giedia- atert enougis but isties as reaiclispogar nS 1,000 milo. Tisala essty ~D ldancisg te mailpovertial artiiciel tlgist aver Ce t a As soon as tisa ior oS my peta' 1tSOue._______ cae vas cdean agalnand seltsfold aot ontt. vual opea tise aille, sel RAs DOXMOIATE» TASTBO. t M a ln aduaistai vaitzeru dartel lovn- /WeiOt»Iàlr e~Stas gangvYsyud onto tas vsltaleg Mes1e00» suae Wiéh Cats e ac 50uor. Sometinnes taey vol breaiS- in Allers. tant bhotara mmmeaciag tiseir gyra- iThe Rio Ait& Ranch inbertua bas A choice selectioruoft rions, 'aanl s arometinmes ttitas' be se nunusual viste0r. Fielingoltoely,a Beef, Park, Veal, Bacon and den viltd whirl whbih taey voul reekp habitation lae amaunaalea Coolcod Meats. sudenl5ay stop and maSs fer taelr ~is la ig vatched vilsitretb fool. tai manager outhtesirancissel ais- Also Fresb Eggs ansd Butter 8linapan taira are manuStade et peas te to b.on qui frttil terme itrenge amatI Pes icis i onîOld vits tai atlisaldminai vita rhum always on hand. nover tiinis ut botisering about. Pet fey oeicetoansolpaletaeles. pet grise- Tise bird taissea tastirieracen- G. H. H UM E hoppes, baeiles aldtoile im ra in-ingtomasnaturel seldionatetatntera il by tisa natives le do vondirfa l il tanaap vy. Tisep hava littîs S. Rocks OlIM'tao tiinge. Beuttisa queettit vondervof lgit tu, fot taey are proiliOt usutp- PHONE 148 MILTON ait lath atiso vtsng mic. aen ut s laed, vicis oece vasbis. TRIES CATOIG DEVICU. Eaglestd' Ollesi Fsnnilp. gRfotteara b.lng made lu liscovet PIA O UN NG poliisePoOte swela seOmdIr e b. ilai.tise oldait Samtip ta Eeg- AND catch Pilere. land. lMt. OaI Barrua, oneaouthta PA RI NG Londoa patine ara uine a vis-y ggt515t livingautlittien ed ala- I eficiet, ul smpl miss u caris-val iensltry, bas cumpiiel a lItt la Ikg plîtera. Eoney hal beau sel!1t ai Sot2oving unlrneo 24 rapeatodir Srota eu»board etar .WseI.Tcstuutii- H. Wheeler, lioe24Malt..girls' e ol Fna s yeaTi-Bita borne, I. Shirleiy ut Etttngtae; 4, ___________________ iclts ete esauelI IOtartaret; . , Lei(itsa; 6, Okeuvet ot ___________________ articplc e poi-itike oere ia . eOkeover; ', Nledit Stinîrop; t, CANDIA NAIONL ~ poiet B5Die p ittl is cpordtheima Lagton; 9, Wrotta.iep: 10, Birke- pe .. on.th.ov lemmelvs ey; il. Ogia; 1l, Droaiop ut Drahe-1 CAMAIAN ATIOAL RIL is pt n t oraim nt Ints. o e; 13, Bcsiitt; sel 14, lz- The Double Tpaok Route cable u ert nag cohies ns ut5Willim isitssiiisinlibui visenever-teucisil Sp "Y- A odfBponWe IIONTREÂJ. ting most. ANuIe ~dt'Wb TORNTOTise poiler, whe édbal p«ssd l NianTy 700.000 spiders vol b. DETROIT bimeafiS npropesly et Seps b.te rautrel le praluce a pounl t oiseb cnd mn"csyespoitl. pooilde te e cecoriel te estiteates etoftietiste CEIOÂGO isiseset te smi et thse psv.r-upta- visa have expormmited vitistise suis- Sued muniS ma hi bcd tikin ~bi stasces a a subittlafot .11k. A Unixcesled Dlslssg Cars-viycia. meaey betori. -tipisthiie 15. mnls spierisbu Içe. knuva ta api - - Seing dlisete lae ilitond» l- a thstail 3S06 Farles on, sieeinjg-cauon is i rcine seandadtsaLt tise »ottqeshow bs Parer li onpriciar ayTrains, bande, vise thw teil-tli marfwviep p.jba dselnpagsamsilne sOms- Pualinformationota anadie toalpriusil telsioù th~Se , u tajnIsne cent n.ares et 7,156 National lickai Agente or H. V.Tlyfhi*yotbistad- Md àBP5, IMunbc-afcersont et a totsal isemt7armat Dstrct Piaiuengr Agent, IToron-f rougit out Sp lise P@rUbTSIO. 81 10 4-s e. E.iEL,.gis,.ile 7_ tuiferont ingela touteaers lelsIout la ths attempt ta hua lova Mesm e, BlýOettis Ilaheo vlts au S*gatiW t 1.5'eapeclally autable for Isaetesisi grovth wveoloftoutdoura, $or aerai heurs at a strateis. Tises -ise diabea vers piseeltulane incuba- ter salvarusel. toestisaulats thse srsa lite, Ia ao esai 'vers a" mi- brobe colonies touad. Jmet ftr oom- paison Il mcv ha suid tisat a ainilat liish vils Jeliy, exposed for fitteen minutes to cipy air, vouid grow' over vttb etescoloaies tee aumarous te cont. Anotiser hlgisly ipectacular test conlucea by Dr. Kaza.nsky vas as tollave. Priais julcy meat la an open gle an iar welottoutduors. visie air. luit anulrain could racisSt. Fur elgisi moatlia It via onpued b. tise Moements. TeK vlien Dr. Kaaansky ex- i.miaad tise out again. ut trace et nottiag vas tound. Tise meut was as tras as visen isacedlnlutise jar. almnt a yenn ago. IYARTAGNAN REALLY LTVFD. Pulle! Evea Mare PisenosmailStouts la Railrttylisala Fictia. Fev vise have enjoyed tise thistitt eonnined la Dumie' immortel 'Tsree Muiketaira" knuv tisat thn intrepild'ÂcAts.gnan vas tison t rani lite, and vaseut mereiy a craitIon of thse authotua braie. SNe vas a cric.- turc utf feshad bInaI. Tise trutis about tise man. luit canne tu tigisi tbrougs mrenuolntahie native Ar- magnat. la tisai hi polaI aeven mura pisenomenil atunta Ln eratYty ia. Dumas ever Intel b. Imagine te fiction. It vas un bis rapuietintsaitishe timons Fmrschadage vwa touaded tisat mnys, 'Wisere a Freneisman I9nes not go, tiserean Gascon viii ativanca vitsont fur or tremisting." M. Cisarles Bamaran. a native or Armagnac. in tise entreme antis ut LFrance, bas made tise senaitionat dii- cuves-p tiat destroya tlie legonda about D'Artagnan vittiont diminiais- ieg tiseir cisarma. Tise cisevalier vas bbra under tise reigu ut Louis XIV. b. tise cisatiau nf Casteimure, tise sevents ai. ut a aivet somn. RIs Satisen visSeigneur Bertrand le Bats and his motiser Francuti de Montesquieu, daugister ufthtie Lord eto Armagnac ia Bigorre. Upon ne- kcelvleg tiseking's commission iso adupied tisenme ufiesmotiser. e AN EsPESINO EKOTEL. Even Mlails Wi Be lleqaired b. Speàk Univiesiel iague. Madison, Win., ays tise Milwaukee Journal, ta b. have tise tirat Esperantu bitai, accordlng b. plana ut Glenn P. Turner.,isotel evner. Ru la an ardent Naperanin levuteo and isalevea ai »mucs la tiseSuture davelopsaînt ut tItis univeriai langaetat hisa t convertlag tihe Sisenluci bouse loto an - isporaute haret. lRe axpacts to il- veatiIt 93s uchisnlethe- aparantu diractory puisiaisel bytise Universel Esperaste Association. Mn. Tear aima ru, have ail tise butai mmpleyees speak tise liegnage. Tis eclark is nov itulptng It and 5ev- irai et tise employai atreadp knov tise rudimmenta. Mr. Tusper tàadaver- ilning for a girl vise apeas Eperan- te ru verk as mald at tise butai. tt auna appis, a girl visela isvlling te las. thea tangage viii Sa ired. Tise Esulaneincongrusetoftise United Sranes mat la Madisonaoulestamis ad eveatel csallrab;e total Iter- ait lthtsa anguae. Fse intructIon vAs girîn caca a viek b. iatareeted persae4bpaslotal piston. i UJ~UOF ALITUDE. Ta atulyl sud lJse -ss-re su Hdu"t DW5sied PuesMbosis. 1%iseffeeb sof iigis md 1ev pee- moatt uses pmceen aUleel ilSh tielipltaItis erglai idieut lte ail II tise piej0atel mrles.of szpestmesliî a-i* Pruesure i 1: 85 test lmng alilht fitomI je bobo, * ItÎI1nitiseé e w u? =to ij 7lmcýO il s th . a y > OIre 11fgà WM q~*itlu41n*m ta d 4ffg0' eh inutas ac o rner i isich.cito 1 hu firt a rdavitIL exciange ,,c i- hibiton of cduaîîl. e uver5 cdosan te anr d thoui '-.:chyou aIS ;at ceua t s JIIont let tires 1- j~our~ Amr

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