IES Ins te riais [a ts sle ry :rwear Lo0v e S fs UP J1 Rose ~2t any E t~LS 2 CUT 9c c 23C 29 2'5 f- 20c 1ct RADIO ... It o fot too late to have that Radio yon have 1m bi UVe le in P Manas...îd t pn Gond Fridsy tomrrow-sud tbuum W*ss I cen thinkiîot of infitalled. 1a u" 7114111tl SSe oudaeto-day fer tie Mate«r -oi vacation. HE O.auO À.-hleeai-DafiuPli Rladio programmnes are btter than ever. Just 1b HuvDns5llO~tl5lm ;CZoaUv.w A.O.W.Weolt. la &quesingu aretossnnb.lp.u rde raetW"ij a seloame -i- 't' 1 l«.d7lîPl51""* sel ti n wha 3 O Ueo. mana. of Haiton. la Vis- dont. 13»Me engin ukat led sad h ltaag ber frlend. Mmu J. T. lisnaif 1Iwui thrown bàawtd@. bus hemaI "k- Félix in "Ohu ~I Ou I t us instail a good machine on trial and con- ineai t~to~~ -lg telalttof Uic ggea emislng And Sceaic. S Bàw meig ntonhllt-enuroumihiftiio. taW. ecplas-______ nigbt at eght oclcck. Be there i1 i t eWl anvuc- v ce you wht good tBoys areoni i.Byîd giclas am gettm their blrd loirnioely. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd We I a~e everal goti ussd ets at vryousws ready. Ltthe cg work go1 t ui hrhcarcuet tu~ecI We hve eveal god sedsetsat erylow Lut week's nclement wester bai Tuesday, Ap'll th. Harold UÀyod i prices, nfact lt prices iio one can afford to be bren detrîments) te thecinapte ayruP lboIjrnova Au.nie.-At Uic lait e MUc illon Businesa Mena iKDB OH iAaafistlnBR UMcDaffee sud KM. vt ont one. Rater coimesthis ycar onitte lat Ceet eeeleried te set ai re- C.ldy-"Old Grey nm" dair of Marci, lutter eariy for the Unentaver fe ascato irt ewEaoter bionets. sniur fie anlto uh wth OurOGag.: Lei Mountain Union (Bellei) achool bai briith of Uiecrourveil, and A D Speost Serli-Tarzin Tb: Mifbiy,o. hem n ord nuatiater Eairr on - an d A L McNabb of the seras on epo N.2 1 I R E S co~~ont of messirs. îomitteteprovide waysanhd mes..____________ _b Boys 1Hoeweilidred ilby wearing Ce nlrv Ucari._o___________ rac qiare tord Oford.-R. M. EASTER LILIES-Leave your or- A GRAND SUoeUM.-Under tbrsu- Col Wehae ec idoi 0 soc f (ro yiu aseder carly ai Browaî Drag SIoe- il ofthe Ladir' Aid Socirty of niE Di. . Boll, cf Brampton, bai bren LMRo o.Newiaer ditorsae r Preeyterian Cbiîvcht he coin-1 Tire- and vaon sttp ly on xx th aîtt3,iue ytoii iay r leci.nd preidrit cf the Royal Win- 0ow begining te receverprearolationoedy-draia. "The Path Actais the Hi teri Foir.Toronto. Hilrell "Y wrd7w.~.~ BU.aiegivra jente Prncum13 nd, ittprceu t h t au i Get(iorgetowna Ci-crry wasairobbed cf Milton, brought a large rgg (a rr- 1te atr rr nTrdayrTe"igf Kric aitinasaigrisdau cenr. ThPlay FI of ffl pounde of buttereand 22 don. vggn rord beakrr) te Ton COAnaPON Culier. asaiaell rrneivrd and cajoyed ty a, one nigbtvrenently. wacictmriaorrd Safifincbes and 1Lg codReginaid Marshallisngisg 'tis. argretMelaser ishs e egbrd 4ounces. Thereggac itaola eed o h Ist n t Ca eu Ba te y er i e MMate obathetb largeit we bave ever sern, W Mise Dewcar acompatird on tepao o Cave l B a tery Ser ice hank&Iltbnnccbn werrrao vcrykiiid laidty a Barred Rock puilîri. e Thoso taking part ithe play were: nit Le bier avile an tbe boopital. BEAsTîrYîvo BURLiNaToN.- Tbe r Mv. I. W. Loti. Mien M. Walker,Iy l'f)" I2 ' Nî'rLO" F. D.. Obrat. iiravly oppointed pont- Biilingtoa Borticultural Socirty je Miss HBrin Mili. MisEnînireMitcbeIl, D Brasiter. will tate naer tbe Burlington mating a drive for nirinters. Tbersan. Bn. J. R. Mîitcbell. J. A. Mct.cnaap, ci pootoffice on Aprîl lait. ery bai donc npirndid work in brzanti- George Ellitti.SHrery Pbilip. P. W. set _____________J__il E. Harrisna. ao bai heemna the fYing tbe towna bavilaaimrd tber Onnt. A. E. Million, Tie play was idE ik lt for srveril weeks, a recovr. controlnofArmory. Hydritrant and aaeodrtcrnnlirtn fl ngwearleaird Le Bay, onrv parkas. Ttc faire front bai bcen A. E. Millson. and tbe pro crdn iv, coavertedl froan practically a jifgir e anouotcd te $130)..i ______________________________________________ RpV. .W MeInne,of Le&ntdole. a mot attractive spot- Burlingtoi _______in%________ ua ntlent on Fidîy and lavored Gazette. e 'Ht 'ColiýiON Witb a acil. ME Duncan MoCowan entertaicer. by treprraentotiven nf tbe Dorant And CUT FLOWERS O V~'r'~h Firss ~The Milton Brick Censponyn plan fNMlor Cn. Admission fres. Eggs. r s F r t , uoz. 2 8c a^c treetsille io Woeiog fui)) forcer Tbebeavy tbondvntorO, wbicb o- For, Easter wiahitbcrranedaocberrofbhacdi. gabotsixnoetlockonaTiirsday A h ITNGENO du .1 Oc.. u-,le boxes Thc Oabcitle Star hbai os-rd ts cvraing fat, wbrn min fr11 antor- A h ITNGENIIS Xl ii , lIt , it,] X'ite., :>li c.o 25C pant to tb. Witakerrblocb, crcthe rerat., canard tbe Sixterc-oîileC Ureb PHoNeaîH ATYo P&G.So ,Wht ati,.)brconrof Dondonad Coltorce Sic. to overvliowiii boîta, an did otiier do, 19C We 1 '-'cauk the hpiilNpie tofiMiltonr',for onaller cereko,reealting ia erilars te- A sii offue(1 , il l6 5C rth îtertbr oic u e H iow n fo flooded, liridi inundaird and culi DR. J. G. SUTHERLAND ai( tlciers oovaii iriCi~ verts aanbd away,maing itextreme-Dcýio a r' ' tîiest 0, ii.2c itie loicy, aise for iacreaccd boni-îy dnngereousfer motoriste traceln fEr oeai hot B S-cii oiaos ie2 ,2tiz27 uco.-Miitoc Dnîry. in tony casnancountîry m l igrLc oi hot B riiis, S: ti ln , si c, Sc-1nari ie Mltan md Ftigof Glases N. ~-irciits, lIcl &XX tc, t ~îirc o s eou, tits havtocageed teoboterve thec Wednrn. betbh Nortbwood, one o) tbe Toroato .Vii broai Dme. MeCel&Sîbod s, U(l - \"iie, i! pre li% oil 2 ins25C doydb1flin)biday, avicb begii cet Public actool teacern obo arc teaeb. Officoeaib hMondny front i te 4. FluSocv-i îîs t)ry, 7 I11)lcig -29c '.edciendny, Apil rd. 1îcg io England, aili cit Beiiaad. Vloir, S.,..)Boy a ceW Sprng Deercoat for Belgion, Orrmaoy, Saitnerland and Situker Satlt, plain or ccc.'..-. '2 îiit'c15C Ea, ter. Tîîcy are îicely tatiored. Francerdnring ttc Eaiar blidaya 'l'i Bi Pinappe, o. 1tii, ý forlatst hade, ad ae prcedas o1w onWitb a partir of eaiibrr. Misen North-b r n lii Ilt ltit'a~~cl'. Xyliiîr, >. 29iicz$13 ia50.- iller & Co.nord in a daughier of Mr. and Mac. D. Sé-rv u l is1cft o le.e, 'o.2 tî 3 iieiov iteLnlo.OtinNertbcoo, of Milo. and a former Driffs vue 33C Two toresof te Lutait lockOak-tracter in Milton publie acbnol. o t e r I (tilcs Fort- Ia-eil, IL cmtie, ccc gne large Ifer the Atlatic and Pacifie store, 1-OR EASTER !Servec P. NI. C. -cttutrt's h-tsi lerry liotin, .i ) . j-Lr 34c wictt totpossession Aiiril lit. ]les Crecoc. W'e have al the popu- Ni'('tîCbbagi-,fiirtilîcads, It6c MPVvcNl L, Din tritAgrctoril Rn . lor flaoon in iîotk or bricks. If New lisese, ite lalesi (i le-. Iliîiîntslage p -fitt lit' 27C preetativerfor Hat oo coty, re- yoo nesec trie,] h ihees n pI conot 1ioes ttat pring plowinc innîmocrd 81uiprise iii tore for oueni Sîter-n, tds r rt Otlt str -od -cric ',-ciiisciy i t 2W 1-il. ' c -pt,i i-, ht is in Neson townhipon Fridîy lbot. imanso1c r UeonisPaor. OXFORDS putil iidici o. 'Mes. Henry Richardsn anad dangb PROTanT PENSION LAC.- Aittce tir niob to tbact their fiecdnocnd Macbsesionof iioltoi oeiniy con. -PUPPPS POEWE oigibeen toc tiîidioensn ad ymptty rit, teld bere, o reîollîoa on panned 30 H. CU NI GH M EuER Metiiin ttîir receci bereoaoe 1roteniiig ogoist ttc Provincia ol OîîcSTRAPS PI~%E B. C U N IN GH A flEIVER~~'the doîaîioo) Mr. Richardscon. eromaeiit rtrgicg thec aiiciiepiliiies - --Quality Always tllgher lhon Price" T'le Wýitnon famîrlica cf Sheridan re 20 per ottc proponed old age plannin o ce elebritethe uiclunoreclî)pensieos egiliticii. At the sanie Mei's Eoglish stade ____________________________________________________________________y cf ttc arriva i heuic r0- uîeriicg Rey. J. H. MoHain. e) Oit- Iot llcck ascd troliti.. us) 1Chruiccypher Wilnon t Sheridani v ille, was aopîoated oa membereof ttc ~~r lods. Hei~~Bord ni Edocatîse. Ttc appointiment elSrngShO ot f lcpiteii loairt twice To HL ' L os E-z At ionrglc.lac piieiieii-'an metiigo)fili,, nsdny uililt REPAIRING lc0itlni ce ilttporrlicn enrrisoe Hts BaReiNeeiC 0UD one agirat ; oe Mg- a ncaoimoýiinly decidedteol CSO GUN /Imlz, t.~ e iiz i S ~ ~~li e ;MiltonOi): Boy@Reinn Jnnc7 teO' H le iutrlnuetoc. Oly a iioited Jidge Eiotnand B. K. Andemon.M.P.; MacNabb's Shoe Hm iuber 00 oid. Oui sle ni Mac- Hon. vcmi preidects, CharleJon __ i'mDrg Store and thc Seiite anid uni. Boton ; Prcnîdcnt, Mayor The Home of tlood SbOr l St oe.Sver ; Vice.preîîdrct. Jotn Manird t PHoON 4 MiLTOs e aster 'l'ie Ontc lie Star ioy'siice tbor, ictary, Fred Dewar ;TreaiuverM.____________ iotr.1ofl te iteeciy ligthiOy lianF. Ponion. Everîveffort ilbe made -oe4 t. thetc the t local police to matc ibis te et Oid Boys' Rr- Iit'i titik htoceIriti.rie Shirts iitît 2 collors attache, ti i i luTe Ontritie New mi os .a is$lN c s er Main Street - Milton F4 Ierot oioho hbnccii tonts uiffice ,Il one pie$.9.NwNeker i ve foc irverni yeaes.gagecri pbin Butîsore Rate83.9- n od $5.00, Opposite Litie's Barnein Stop penition on Sntiocdov. acd a reliecing Beys'i Stcs ai cty prices 'Ses oibon tobeSi oser the nonor nt)itesi, oietem asd te eosvioced. "'cIT bi u ocesner uappuintedSpeciel Mciii Suits te Soasere SUl1 E aster I.ilies e r ing tls saur flims 1,orfiisiig. $22.50. -ABRT WVA t. E S, Yotir Made to Order 4 l i t ecclrerel oeildimade Tiler. 35yeaei'exoperirace ai cuiteran ccii c iiî etciit- rsth dghglssy ]sirace qui T. aod . H.C. laridgeanil Mec. tare tiloe. i tc.Sherinnsi Studio. Tilson anuitMn. AgneaTrate. Bsamp nstiick of cie h ni and.wi iniluh- The hoirof S Geoge'sChurhion. Mm JhnBoyd. Tctorotobert 1 cludes the laîest dvnirc'n adCoe rt cero SOcrgnCtcc.Andersnuffaillo NY.. Mca Aberti orCrig SLoiceilieeil perita foneactdraina AnidersnofciHamiltorn, -Mr. anid Mnm.fopi. enildLot,'uon Tiîcnday. Aprîl 2nd. D. Reid, Guelpt, Mrm. T. F. F. Clar Pricea $32.01) UP. Easter Candy igot in te Csomifity Hall. Kil- idgc and te issesClaridge, of Shel-SisadSrn bride. This pay rllaserevented borne. te dtefiea ftepigand lo liS\t- -t2(uîî\No-iin etownsip toil. Nelsn, oh. nrdayifattjn .J. A. Cliridge teresos Tues- utan S nexn, Apri4t. day of laît werk. ~~- -~ ~ e Mes n Staney Wison and A. E. HLîo no Meo.T . Fait Overcoats '.iiiscîc are in Hmlton onFridor i1'.groipn bld a socceaofui entere- (Frmnady ge) IVé1t iiueidîug ttc district sniiiaticint in theauditorium o)fb p thedoiaooî >i.Ikirt of ttc Manacizeofthe Uan- Miltuin tigh cotoion Friday rccning Readymade aid Mdetoiieucre .i±iste vv iuilg apen by Cippipy, Noye & Raidai. s pnker cf the cveniig. Hetterington aid Mien Mabei Martin. souîs $25.10 tp. MIMisoro Ac osTo CÀLL.-en. Dr. Ttc prncram coiiitcd of a PI&Y en- Sprîag sund Fail CCess$14.0 ) P. bluiro, nbs. aitMn. Haret, bau titled -Aunt Maggie ' %Nil)." vtec eeiedini e tt aiter in Milton,seenior gvou~.plale.'TeSaine- MEN'S FURNISHINGS s ~ Easter and the Latest etra brhrtNrih nOfr sotCGIT lybsdo h ls Cap@, Tire. Shirlo. f ederarar finsi@ agi8terof Mrî. R. M. Clcnta. Mises enna and Mytle Turner.soilo VicorRe or shy Minses Moliy Batelya an jny UI IYER \Tito R codsTU HYDROU ISERS- Tube notice Dacion, and russby tbciîiMiiin.-d , & Co. thatte piner wilile nuit Off frOni groupe. The higt mectetoochestra " __________________________________ 81012cm sud orm îThe pro- Dryeiaai le-mermîn(Gond Frday) Mile - idof the o ri mmm' fnnd, Clean rclg-Dnu J M. M ACKENZIE, Phm -8 8# lydr uncie l___of__Canada_ ___ ___ ___ nsrtiaw&a]estwerk. PauliA. Ficr 1>Phonie 40. The Rexali Store. Milton dedlfor eanng ertteILbOnas iliî S T RT E T ieBnt arrgtnae rte srvto A U DAY T E T - a nationaîl apple acrmk duruog tt _________ Ai menthniaite i acuatedr APLE WALNIJT FUDGE-Fresh homemade metigri_ o Stud.1 MarL. d ug ld il.h-fr- h wln. . e. 30e.rb Adrecs ........ .. eV nc Iellcian ........DunecanCanim iJ. mSinn anr Gomin l..... H..P.A:eIL leJetian...... Duai Can e J. N. MeFcul God Save The King. JUDGE ELLIOT. Ctaicmnn. Ticetis 750. Read Faikena ad. on front Pcge. Membien of PosIXS.Britinh Empire gion. meruinz calîrd for Wedneaday, mcrii led, ni 7.45 p.m. ntarp, nt Aria- ici.-H. ExiL. Sec. , At te anmui) meeting o) Jersey veden. treld lest Silnrdiy ntthe mre o) D. O. Bull, CentreREood. Peel îunly. E. Harrop, Hilton, nias vîccrd lireclor. DANCE-Friday. April t, nt Town all,=e nuoeofcIMilton Legion, Post 6. Cand d novehltic. A mcal iigt's n.-A. PATTRruSOiN, Precîdent, H. 1Uit, Screlory. The ncnly Ienmed Acion Amateur bleus Clut nre mnting greo plnsn r wat)is expesîrd tbc hoIe gmeolei tlticrmcci ecr teld in Billon Court- i ncei= on nîlwthteibrDominion >y Cerno.Ail itheactuve niblelie otob bavc reîpondcd b tasheinvitationn nIonS, andwiththe bnetii of Pren- cilt lliggýintotam on dtis ifficern o) e A. A.C. if Cnnada, te Crcilen roi- iltion il starn ever giuibrcd loathen nAsion in looted for. Hnndrcds of ciivlaions are bcing moitcd tbformesrt sidenîn. and in addition1tathe Grent cclt on the lin) Jnly, Shene il alson eattrctlions on ttc Sslturdny prcsîeon swel an o eomtincd cbarct service ATTENTION!I Pos t 35Multon Brtish EmOpire ea ie, y. Mulretretsiti, nI illaae laMoeoesnndltayoti2ipeeiM.uooor.i 4n rondoci serice inamcry cifther ri Marshtall iccli. baded bytbc Molton 3ad. Servicre de dirctioon ofiR . J. q.McFiai. Cooe Naited Bec. N. . ulu.A. PATTERSON. Prcnidcni., I ~undegudai.ieic. SGrapefruit - 21*.. .v ITR nasais cniinala Candiesa 5.OR SPcba2.23 for i PICKLES~ z ayadde. SossaEasteî e FrIuits fer Slads 2-~27- Jeliy 0 9 Charries 25e e- mieoml.19, 0Apricotso..23'- h U caui eid Choreole ptneappî.e. 25- Easter Eg5 , 0- Peaches o-25- 6__-_25, m . Zt25e- îor lit t, r," ue.aktaue Try i- iÇ een 'Wteatees 4- 25e Iîmporird LicoinsO as aefAlinos i b. 2_, Wlsat Pk* , 24- ____ L i. Can alC0ic Egge eMollets -- .252 Chic Chi10Egg UCI iuaDycs k.PC I ~ aNa os - 4 ne 7 L95 LACH Grapo Nulsv«7 5 i &5 Quakeryses c lks 3- 299COS AN chele i 3"95 a.e 0. I 2. f ~ ~ a4 leer 4..0 MARMA PLAD 22U~Qal LUSUSILL Poeoý1 te l ___________A Iehi or2's7ie c t , ODITIAR. BAY CICK renlisFi-diyn'bleib ___ torke% cIOPf~ e u GunO . nnnco. TttLieONcadtayBgEg 0)0 ite'A iOUiARY ana. caYhtdooFrdaCste neilut 10 r nibte Qn tsc coîi, noo n oRi t .ai. X O Sria vre odrTrd *22 pe 100. andM a y Bigr. -- 321 prr101 io e Rienfelenirs ie"cd at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~0 WuzHr-myeiflttrh.Mln. xle 111 PLay- H prNO tee«à aete u i.Iogcnfrlr Ptos-u- tAne.d W erson.Of o f S. aie F pv 50 Jo-ed onv t scOCKred b 2Bail0e ofIe1tif Miiion.chuc; Ch e. w ed ld. fon rmely f Bei. H tiicN g 50pv11. m ee r iiga e ie nni s e m ev..) . 1- 2 pr10. a. &AM ...$I0eeld0()lontekNte rnd bm e cc ifrlut la K n rby Ite7a urne gMilton.che -lapyy er 00..... ue...e.. loerly a acea b. lRofle c ton ,erwho forme em ly-osfM orn.n- Bacs9eper Ion. ue oa u r c h - v u s at t k o v u t a d i i9c oni n.- e b o u r o n lB be R s O u i8yltefine5 vs t iIbOdM («t omRn Ttbig0. 5peWtAI.T o f cc125. Plu Iego e eacî 0lh ai.el usWn lem .S fil, a@ suadite secondo rnefton. !F e.!l= e. . . i" W olmetaterMgber t. a meho go, w en incifs lay.l j3.1ngm pa mmIWet As M r. &e hiarsexe r u= oaethe ontefr.Ibe hmta- ose «,, weil, lkuomls lu llev-mnmGulmva o l2, idte nine betaen- f, f th leuIaster Ldçger Viait the 2nd floor for Klddles' Dresses, Newest Sprlug Coais, Silk Dresses,'Latest SPrlng M4iI- lUnery, fliouse Dresses. Fix Up Tour Home tir Eanter New Rngs, linoleum or Oongolium, and the fiîaest range of Smnall Bedroomn Mats-ail thse newcit. Stoi)lia our 9,nd floor. Eanter Baqs SilkDUnderw eai, No outit remploeeminu t T hohe ci cc-~ lntet tis our nciratigo, lapcstny yoor REnter cuci cý-ct-c cci insot or plainu lenîher pouîrî. Th1e price ofWcccc wi\.. c-o Ste)] Potiches aence wii. Ouir docgd, tbut the ic, l i,tl rhowing is conoîth andîl lot' Bîconcer. Noci' ll -c i prices areto suit yccî al, len price. Sh hic ic-c , oicc Woed's Silk Bloomers For Coat & Dress Flowers Reg. $2.50, ý ait,aiIcz','.- Sluop heretin o-crI. co]orroege, li.i-tii t v98C New Spring Neckwear! A largo well assortedl showing of Sweetheuonte ;t-. ecy Crochet Lace, Colt an and Cuf Sets. ,WALKER STORES, Limitcd SAVE PHONE NER PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS 9 ,, itau or, ilg h ,i' itg linu t tii h10us lic., cof pe- iutc tutu jutv