MEOlCINE FOR ddThere i YOIJNG UIKL~ MOre tisas20,000 acre. et Indian YOUNG______ ads,. iicislacludt Simorne but agrlcuitural arau la the=ec Miers EndarmeLydiaE. RIa- lRiver distrct,are likelY ta be mnil hanua VegilbleCOeîOipo l allion ii la ail prohbii' Thiao a ssrvey thon la belng mate ln tise SynyN -" cmvsteei t-r orth ceunts-y hy W. Mort-t-on. aildagter toaULCIM E. Pikhayna Inspecter er lotion Agencies for vriiIe Cnntposnsd for veaicacs lthe treeaesers Prevnces, vlth dans seco ot go shout heatqaarlers t Regina. mach vlth thoet-hblergirls ai obe mon onetresngosgh. Wr got ia bollles A nev lndutry-hedger farts- aniti hr S greot taire. She is mach- ing-ayopbe startet la Saskatche- lif ot rnovilasstore asd maiks tht-oc was by John Rothesherger. farter, muils. very morsing and tack le the of Vaognard. Lait oprlng Mr- eeeiag."-Mai. MAROYt'aNC, 44 iothesterger caseh o hader ant Linga Road. Sydney, N. t. faut- popo. lHa ut a large pt-n. aout 1l fot long ont 4 feot vide. Pineoee, Ont.-"t connt-ntiy hsd Drtea susasaeho fot th ataetn paisinoimy bsckandtaide andnpeat oniti her at-e son qite taet.and two days inbed every mnth. I have are asia ta becint-ger thasn snY tohes titres houes ni Lytie E. Pînk- tadacc rusnIng vlld. Their colite harn'ssVegotabie Compoont iTatit-o. &re tant-scellent t-nsditiont eto- 'I'hahve dose me goandes1I lsta-s ftrs ni $108lot-r at-t ohmbat-e becs harothent in the bosei. I havt- rrcom-t-ecet-ed. mestet yntar gent reedicine te acvrsai lrienti an )avegive itt-te y17 Asev otidtrecordvac st bY yoar-olt girl' -Mac. AtrRE Oto- t-r Canadien Pacifie Iolivar T-- Lavas, PinevetOnt-at-io. ccnllysabe a t-ainof grolac-o _____________________________ ba amile lnlent-e aouopt-t-ted tctmeeStoohosd Ascolo, ln PRIZE WINNING ESSAYS- Sauas-teentas. vwantheo cageot tnd brasient grole traie ln5e tery, ccaeisteng et 135 otdet grole cars, Milto. ni, fit-Ot. ii. l92e tat-t ppt-iaeîtety 40 fr01 la Tht- Champion Ofice,- ieaalh, anselr tar,.a a enoct- and Milton, liai.tnaIne. The at-on vwelahti c-s UtarhSic:-isottnloig ht-t-it 8722losnd thttalcotents t-t-afth fie iI snd lad pro ot- otat-tar of the t-osn sere 202000 bonhels eas intatht- lilca(onto lierre cf grain. Gardena Cocess, litit. The pttacs at-t-c Octatt-O hi Mrt-Lt-ic Ttc cathosaoncocfte rttltnn hottit-.Chîlcun Nitrat-etit-oda. ELOto- f lisehet-la e na ectiouo that It ctiaioBuIrauTortoO ntoaitoc la totoease ramoter taelInercot t-li- 1 mîtl bc-vt-t-alad if y -ocanttc îotot tors Ila orts prtnatd J. G map let-ie l hti tt the sas-t t-attdee, wotteos-sports manager Yot-c-a-t ct- tuii', oftcheobaeau Eotnac, la alodea A. P.MAtChANNI I - t- ort--c aIofibiuslnet-'n pro- AgriultralReprsenatie. cra.come Obsktina. atlleg aced 1- daîtclor lRt t-oîîi utoi-e. huzîaen ili he is ul swngasn h-îot-ktuc t th te dcg dot-tpyvii samst cor- HOME IGARDEN ESSAN LiONrf[h tt t-li labolleplatc; andte c car- I9O2N HAsLiaN LUtr dTY. niaitole d starsJof tahebocitadet tlýtcîat- ir JAsNldutoTII, 0lacu t- - mllipt-ohabip te fetcred egole lie eaid.t-lt- Strotbde mntoead R.R.15Not 2.t-c splendid t- perto icagî-n t-o As i rerriord me ct-qae luc four dtoi- e-tctr-acOolitco toIite Ct-teoc iasatodat-. brica trot pt-i lutriHumeo F'ontrnac he l-cQoehec Wlatt-s G-ardeaforTownshofttu-l-utisland Sport-suAssoctionc. Tratalgar, i Ibootht i couldvtoe a tnd______ t-llt pouow ac cid 1i lt-uol rel rt-cor tThe acother cf dioclpit- ocf Isacc s rrmord lot piatuot and ptotableo tîttitWt-ton, Ctaoadien and Amont-ce, t usaimrcinsmy gacdcoo hohav-t-nplird rtdtnd recIn Cai Tbe AgrîcattuasiRerîit-tt-oitut e- c adion waters dotIna sac pastcaca lciso ells yrushctt- gond tht- gcrdreoa-t, la greoccr t-on t-t-t rtare, stases and 1 cîlilt acd t-l tot o tîotproftit-le A.. Seymour, gnat-tt-itout-ina il mea 10 mc. at-tathettCanadien Pot-tic Rit- My gardrcRaoct-dcme o-r-tiolt dullar, may as i ontecul tan anacana fcr vcletsable- riodd cciiz-tsctvoot-focr the aliinrsocf tbc Ontarioa hcat- tem ai tht-aisaiulMilton t,:iTraifala-r. b t-amp isting t-cpty ramprcî- Tht- vegelales-t-c of a t-rtr itle tiens. Ptiiip Pet-ermas ef Lau- qualtt, and tIba irta bat-ac!td aot- hom, icithigan, mas tht- Npgon proaec oîltht-em cameo otme Cut-cto-tt lît-r t-entes fcr pechltro to, ncuahs ad iooctlt-- Inthelttcat-t EconSr--heottlocc iuri t-id hcban and tO ittlu -lat-t tE tcne bRîts-fmuher priaon mcttrn adtauotmb-t-e rnh ie "uky"p Acfat, r.nclt-of moentionot t îfî ot- ct-OTht-Oas-c Ktpp af Winipeg ail lbrre wmsc rn obu -ton t-ht-t- uit-t1 t-aht tht- art-es t-nsacctrd le thrr e cone on mtnttc1 id t lt - fte iotia Op tamp rampetîicaon 1crse-d lur t- taItcaa tlit-c oi-tsutrt o Ecgiocd wclii tat-ecnt-i-hCas- nicl orri mtcîd.Oriot-appit- or-strlc tt-ep te I thinta grt-udttofttity sottýas a dotoir aay for thestnet eas If duceltothe Nitrate otfSoda, ltt-cclotnyt-ttItlo tte preeerb, - - utaschipa eilîca tas- te nid crut-sry 2,ND Paît-t. PutORKNuLEt o ib o. cisa totamaarc carrytea many S.S.N. ,NtiN- boxe-oft-t enrn-applenst-lipped t- t- Nto. i t-y itCtoadicns tut c-at- frIedo ates-- Fucrt-erctt-ers1ttoiaot-elact-it- ct-o This hat-cou thecustoom tableond llcowr se-t-dor-titte- iittot for-thecpattcmr-aas,andaoer- andathonedthermcatt he ftoit-at-O loO cgt-oe .B.Mltoctimanaeof the pîtzcc ha thon yerr1Idruidcd totlta-t't- ot-ira drprtoetr o f c- the as- ttceI-lme Gacrden. 1ihlsoi i;lot oea odiaPactifie Express Company, t andt- piort-cigroud wic-bort- lot- "rt-at c hccc-tg tncttanIngit papootas- helote, had ht-rn u tiunhrt-y patott-and S a-etbts bt-catht- oItmnontta c-n s-el lrrtilized. S ra 1 did nrcclrtt-ocNitrateuctii ail- frtctAh Cnadinaopplesruactautucîmn fist o-lonypeiatot-tpartop(i paJolie. t-,, tcrsabipot-iit te cotry lto t- te grcocdaso(jolric- 1 ti edtc lo avtu-cstandcrd cite hoxcs fos- alcagthett-t otde t-olfth ow.Thite tlnt-te hippita and apetc llovt-e ares- otr rt- aacdottil untl-iapp:,d roiîate- acîtiby theoexrapt-co t-apnp t-I bt-dotnd tiryenrototold fiori-sc- nhcm gt-oag. Int at-t st rocotht- tome tht- Ntrctat ofoda otostppi cd i-- grwhoftetpesoi t-er rots at-t'a Hospital for Sick Children parn t-t- t-bes;en t o ut taller lan îloset ha Ircrci t-o t-itatt- asd 67 Calitge St., Teronto 2.Ont, nhe t-olt lee rttit-iontoct--tmtlac-tact Dactmbcr, 1t2t. Molher'ro tat-ctaioccgaodt-of inoe- tOt -Dcc r .EdItr- platdît-esoine îtoneatt-Os-t- t-cctt-t t For aseut- ycors poolt temat-tthut abrle ncomopare tiocotMylu retcat-sthic îHusp't- a t-ct-abche te dc c-trs mtulîlargcîsandcoaucoicai-ccfor t-heoctidrcnof Ontario bast-ecs nhun tut-etthcc didOa i lc oi Ntic at-ae ro luciy ers.mpcd hrogt tact 0f oftSods. Actot-cront--clpooîit- ariadO saco A pointwans roactet sebere that ct t--aO-- -clt- r et he bt-lot-t- Oh the Trusteesalied ta decide vbter ci Jair ced dit-ti t-ilot-tc Niort C Laevcîc oouit iho restricîrd ta cit gtrenand bte'î utc Ocool ut)i ont--t log ulero SckKi te show Nitte of Sottda ist-o lfor oti-t wtht-mitculd pt-aride vit-b eota ne pioghbligtaso at-lttl-tattiotttit-gotit-t etchtr ttatladdd to lisroorn. ccd qosîit- It-roic- uto ct-r ouoîîoîlot T re at- îoy yauegners suffer- anc-îc at-O lThtaie%st-o ioth afli îliont affttlitionet the npire ast mine dîd ncc. Ai 1orcr utucort-O-!- 0btî tarmaap long moathu mccc rt-cdc la ose n Jtonit at-t eo tii aat-coore. tat an etreagt. greenrancd gîcsy wutît- t- cc îait-to tt-t -ttdictoi aest-o ita ela; t-ut weto 1 havee ctttrac terut-otting ct- yoc tt-ey prlocpclp sert la ftesh air pocdo. [ltat -t iliOu000a t-tocut ot tonO noutunoe Hîthot-to the Hospital c-îtouîtrtuo i Nrr' frS- hltren baIotket afier ln ac stheîlot-O tce c -otgdte -a a ntocchlOt-e n istiltton cose munchîcopeett- tot- eig mcorîtoalliert-aut-y o rity ptnayrccad c-t-ee mat-e îag lait-et-plants and btt ltr t-otoittt-ai tort-locloyt-t-ndngi-ris elcp thoîr due. 1 uni positivtoi-lO-Ntit- fl t--- c sts tatgine t-tir pigt-t. tlag ploIs eOtmcntctatr uc iatiNtracai-dot meincîtelr maatb lseig -o the mot-hht-itt- tiaîst-t Pao t-li- t-t-lt Ot-ots and loclt-t-acof att-caittccn. lut-t-ht-saccd Nit-trat il urtit o ' a le Orttor et- t-k oscpi tac o msr ucsttrdpt-adu-tttbett-tut ut- Siot Ct-îlOt-ca apcod ltn cocntry i acea ficatedteta ongsorsct-oct- Ine ithonce Io hace thelimIct-e NEW LIQIOR PERMITS. îtrotgt-tene or tblr bodienst-t-litaidp muso ota li Setoplace aecro topy haecoaîsho Omnt troat- air plus, 19t-19~21) etot-c ilquou t-t-cic-uartoto ncrsingt-at-e ana ec-tdît-ai ntaîon ncc-t-aadi. I lce of lat-t-ýcart--3ittl Oa a toit-hiof land ecer t-eston, jar-putthrctetrdeitttit-o-i-ichfic amerfront the mr of t-e salt- coammist-sa i iliss oalc isc tocmion-000' hlldcca are sinsiegt- eoir vay teck ersrtiîyeaaoolltbc inhckilt-frc- bSoete ibeaath lnaneet-lroaimenî of Soe 13 pagsota -il h ropt-ct-cOoicr put-thue- sbitcpueahtrt-zsc s andit enratt-i ins onstraît t-c t-e lru- t-OttoOp- Ttccountry bonitai SI Thinilo- ci onc obrel t-cnd ta ret-t-t-at-dr wcht lac-sasae Oct acatfor chltdres lat ci rc lt-tm fot-ctOs- utoc- It mii tsah o ncg Uti te 1 The permit prnveir-tccom-tior-enfer- - ct-t-Il itsae lberaien a hsntred tet-porchasen citbera ieta-tc- pt-uit ccoele tht- parent Institution fer Whterror nso l ts -ttpt-t-tcld ît-e pot- coont-gsrso set-anen -osel ighttIl nîiip iyo artt O---)et bat-r pet-tt-t tt r îe i uaîriy gaencoaa- ntîhoeg iusatt-ro t iot as ot hotoc t-. stant ateton.o Suthe Hospital for Soc Hoery Daytcî c-olO cnetst- Tht-t-c cctCtîîdrcn tess oc- Iseadocesta seasotrt-îi sîcetthierOciot-,. cpcopso ayadae t teoesy Tht-nec- rrnit aclletitllt-pcrot- t lnasscier andcreed. agaînsi aey tcitrehaiders plrsOot -g For mare t-nell a cctory tise sarante alte iso as an rxcue-elt-- - O Hospital bas depeded for ist-sry tiens. Ttc lootsicp o utht-t-voc-clm oeiteceuposa t-e pablic renposnn ponssticf atras ofeare tht-ait t is annuel appt-atcth. btina ln possbleoffeces t-attof chiidros la epprapriatli Stllacter nwfetr ti eot- i-t mateaietChristmas ftim. Far ocer the geaiel drtail iosa crtappwat-aforrlt-fittmuras te HF.S.C. tans een ~rttac-qo-rd teolinfaormationa oanted tmaiebboensaeet bp a hemt-rssamc, Irhete addrsa t-ci-oc-t-toa t-t-tonations of liaelt-tonds, wettur il n,- tei e plo ets nrn a d. ai r To, h isls i fsirîde te H n tifo Scimool Teachai Attacked lt-otmit-ete as...ear v rnbi e~ a"te , et l go eaor a te ar vawth bis spenssu. ho tank un nanol naacbet Wsll, isahlg r mat on oar nv- Ot. aitan isalte. otlsrh la, verk doobar bard te do h. dari seoris estaise be o a vit vtoutudina Mrethanthbho.ina m eus.nome et i.1aisdor naringi el isseoshi. vîdesesotmoibol otoa r died -.0ea¶en ra g mmCthaes-.lo gs..I v. ln acbn eurt-, tee. bat oun its bs snder a ru m- f. ad go Br. 1rô .d ,d, or ad lan I IncISe i seovua, ionien. brIn,- *ond *SA Caniada the Big ,Game Huir ae Hm lle 'r>lss4 te Roev- 1 - wag Mu. Engîlas peoe h at-e bt-cc bitbic vllb pride sot av-e ait-i ol.,t tied la France. Ohe vai Be*"'1-I ger. a girl eTo nt-tees. of lKt-rt. Jt 1 land, living vîth mutier Il 'o- loage. Retir voaz afieInara intattct- e kne~ wuot ci cheo eut-rensaof t-h coa"t narr Roatogne. Aushale vs lrolling vltbht-ir ntother atoni si, L hoeta F'rech-b ortmas vas aikat lsg aail lact'sicgig ni tladcc ployin king cf the cacile otiiththt- acc Geing a tittît- toc for oct tht- dcý ,aunweptomnayccadlkcte ki Ilardisto îlo- ahaI ol :t -n-t It. Daîtyand ht-r mnttlît- f - t-i valch. aad ser-rhartOd t-e - t- meanswept toiff is frt- Wilbccl att nta tsa t Orlîr placared tlia t-- i otrach cultt- thaio t-oh, - t t i place sehere the msllehtad1- t- tt i bing upand damaSOt- îa d - t, roarhed tisa vhrn tht-t-uit-ttý ber asttIr sraggt-'d au. d.ia-tt lna aacr t ter-î ottr- oilo- otI i anly stand atill on th,' 1oi t-t Tht- rt-e-nto Iw twicad3bohhtrý op and dean la tht- t--t,., et- groupa tof itatt-ht-rnstndoington us t- t-r nîd e toft altht-o t-ckn Iatt-cc t-ctt onedaotrd ttc Il mat au EngJi-t man,Mr. SIdaca Spriit-ot-tBtc- it', t-a etc tht' at-ohbot oood cet g i roceutilegiloail mal- c-to l at-chOu itett- att-usl il %s 1 lt-ut, hrcontol-tbody ciao dcit hkk t-yt-t-tpet-u10shocre. int-t-titiidlothelitc OOt1-it-par land oî nt- fialsîtltOvht entîfiiouo t- ccldost-taoitcaa [-ai t:ti tcet- torcoIl. ga,i-- 'h- t ta ct-s, ltot i _ g -i t- IN TUE-IOIIAT OFIl-I' ThcsîîsiîS5t-ýt laa olucatoccaîd forototl,,it-lit'.L- Eîtgiccdla a 1hoittît-t ttttt-1t1 rît-y da, -t tt at O -ut- ý oi i.t y ho-- tatt- -tt Thul uî- tantile0t i tel l No ptlut'-apo-r pottii aft-t; t Thîs lcie alli o aI Tcom Tkarcoooot Iý thi .fot f- litpcch Enthat- -tn Allitckî il t-t -tt- L(ttat A tod clotoliaut or"a lu stot-htrat--t c, iliia ji t e i -o K, fat- ct-oIt-t-itud I i t t pe s'àý laadlIctds otth, at-toit aitesclt--t--end at tkoît cigit O ii- tot pit ii t- t- uid lacs and tr i iito itat t Ith(, t til 10 uset- iti ai£ i % Doit-t-t- ftic i t a t p-ht l b, i! patruo l th, it -t--re at d - i -t , the pat-tingi t-t i toi t(a i . t-t-i cr t-t tat ccii ttttof ti titoits t t-cr ir t o ra tlti )tht-c- N ,i cr man eteraccI lsneis suraoaoodý The ThogniüroII l- t d o. t, onconetii- t ofýitith Lta aoiii t tý ton0 ihîlot- 1 I-itIpi or -ýttc ito the long toi moliood tri-t tle -ci erts' toia tRittt - 1, ,t taie b, iit oa apond iav10 goi itiat,,t-id i Aa ont-ai ct-InscI it- I t ilo, t o1i -t t-o a aurintoc tt irt .-, l a tt t atoîd a t-uit-t-t- o ot-doGvitlii UNE l'ut'Ni) A YIbRý Maany tunataîiotf alt-r lt-oiît- l11 Uld I lolrt->. Tht- aucntof ut a u ittor-nt-ttc coan to t-t cttttd flet tt it at-le the- stttt it on am , ico t-O, to a anac i -oti .alo eb oit-i blu o oiotp aut-toI t- ia>ic 0 tr; dotgý thet t-utiout t ot-t o f- a i t li g o f Tt-yt-o l, Olialtotd-tiIc-- urc fr lito m-lot s ii c a lo i h ct-ns i lt- f - tlit-ittltt-o-t t-t i ineiiotittct t St 1aogu t la ite,, Pltto t . . 1 l iý il ti cat h-oi-, oc ot t-ltoutiti t ta Y-oit- tlira t - t i lt t t -, fIlugettcc taa pt-ci o toit 1,--t On the k ttt lt-to ttto tiou ti IL1l lord Ct-ri-thuitooi- -1 oo the f tlci t ul at '*a poittts oio oi goto hait t Iittai tti o lt-lot-at it t- gî-a t--a ou I, iooodt t trInt -ý Iltoat1-of t tt i- a i Lt-t- tti u oidiuuoi'tfa-tuoot11 ti W- cttito-ltci bý u L flt-t i sl is i-l l t-Ld ï o P ( N Iîtiolli1 U- f ortoi- d o t - o - r t-ait li t-c oi cd i. ot - il npriat-- iCt, -l. o d lit-c hmabor-tolttttt it ni00.1 " l Thst hll o - -' 1 tittt i - o ar opel e " ai-t-t 11, ,li tauot- i i Il la maitiogt-it-phul,,li.t-ttocpîco elecîtricl ilatoca , ia -odt-ho la saint-'a untu o ct i f litais. Rino Casari stlth. Aceordîca 10 i ut-'-Ltotodora tntl docns un tarlc ot-tia-ortut-osuuth- t-hlnnt-crsiolat-r mtciuot'put-ci-eo-. tara %u thu animai m-ikl tt ----'e"Keep in rnind yout're Ricling on Air!" A itslathe loti!tt-îlthe road. The hctavier the lo ad the more air it takot. 'Ihat's why tireamk e re have toorked out th e correc t imlii tien pressure for every size of tire for diffrreot loads. Know t-ttcrtrect pressure for your- tires, and atick te ît. Doot guess il -gotoge il. Tcve or ibrea poutcds ut.dut pressutre rote mîl.os off the life cf a tire. e-tp in mnd yottt-t-rttci utattr, and ift lscct-c taa, sufienairyou'cîe i- tratght ito troule. Pay a weekly cisit toa cDcoincsTire Depo and hte You are netler jar a ay from a 2M DOMINION TIRE DEPOT R. L.McDUFFE M ILTON I' Auction Sale Regîster. GOOD PRINTING-Ncnithseý "t-io lcookOt--ter at-aiipptp af aft-ce Fritop, Nov, 16-Ciorisog naît-oaIataiionery-billbt-adn, btterbedo, er. farse stock and am plement at- Aiea t-riopeettc, and if cany ot e re Clark, lot 24tt, 4t-b lino, Namsagaserra, Short Place tho ordr- sitb Tan Caini- SaIet- i2-et-bock, R, JKer-, Auci, tiOta Psinting Office. Ht-e o pa el Tneetay, Nov. 20-Frassk Day, loi aeti ret-claco mark ci nanderace pt-secs, 3. serenloin, Bramosa. will hold an casrtcita s ,nmsretc.,nd nce nxtensive ceirng anction sale cetIro saleas ito a py, uores..42 beaud e t ud. 48 pige.,1000 l,50tIsebaoy. implennonts in et o onntion ont op la date, in. elntsngt Oheveolet caur antFondtruk » 'Rguaigc m e a I mantia'redopti sma orer pa0o.o6 % off for Caah. ]LR. zKer, I~~ ~ on 10-1p inor mm# MOan e 1aradise l'a-J ut.- ~so d'a" Mi' "0 'Iaenor sgme resoucrn su aorbewtr rt fo a spoe=an Moose, deer and kit, t bea .oud ln the Kipaoa - Timunkaming districts, Uppc ,r neau River, Lobe Megatoo, - the Laurentias Mountains, . Champion Gene Tunney -tvisc, âprtang. Noted "going-le" plo-ce this hunter'o paradise aeai-cj belle, Nominingue, Lac Sagua0 Mont laurier. Similar ettr, i 'o-..are bound lu the pr-ovitnce of 0t-u p nthoaa 407,000 square ctth *heavily waoded and puttif stoched with wotd life. A ttr, regions bere lactade Gertgitt H French River, Mrtagomna, Suct ,r ~tr5,G r?- - z b-RmiswCa t7oaasen Jackfiah and Ni.pigea. Alberta bas a gsrioat ph tý mountain goats, atoOt-tiait s1it-a- - j Nova Scotta, fasclnating country deer. 01000e. gri-lces, caribo M' of Losa fellowsAcadia, hasin Southbavarlety ofesttall]gasc, ailfci Mlodis oao fastous "Jumping- con lhe canveniently rechcd ft:i off' pince ta the btanting districts uach noted 'jusaping-cff' plact,-t C aa I s tinthre finest btggae o rderng Lake Kedgemakooge, and Banff, Calgary, Ednmontott anod lla édeeand caribou aitoond la th are tesaunt of the flneetopeci- Brittsh Cotanabia Caribou p rot-tares of Noca Scotia, Newe mens cf anoone, dccc and btack bear. Ceunies' districto offer the st-to Brunaswick, Quebec, Ontariao, Aberta la Newa Brunswaick, the hunter han gent ai big gainte laUic Cao- andBrtish Columobio - the lattcr thousadsocf square ailes nf big Reeblea. Front Anheroft, i.(;t twoo ffct-iag sacuntaîns nlap, sacca- gome country. Front Planter Rock, hanter entera the Cat-thuo o otý tain goate and grizely bears for on thc Canadian Pacifie Railntoy, nahere, witb cther btig gcccc-, , godnta'tre, btcaribu ma acrthere is asy accessnaothe widdlife faund the atrat sltnggy gco- bot shol in Nova Scotis or New at-casocf tbe Tobiqan, Nepielguît and whoao very fcrocity lurs the ý> Brunwick. Fl'oy t-pors front Upaalqoitch Rivera. Otber ncted ties and daring nporttaoo. 1 vtraa goit-cnin altcseproincces game disrctshbrdr teMiatiiield, Kantloops,S-t'l- t iedîcate thet gaine wsaltbc monr e lkcotk, Goaperec, reaieSicanuîgt-eataootkct-t.1 oI picatofot thin pear thon foc saatp and SeatgccîcRiBcs. go very season ia qocott lt i, casna pao>- Qoclocc, wîth lt o7000 qaegaune aluwich lhcoe e gtico ai- Victoria Scene of Yuletid e Festival "Wioo dccOct tlove tcc ý atoîtf "thrt- -iJ as" ', sk-t tticket-t-t in '*Tlie îlt-i-ta. - lote bacc-ilac eil toout-li: t ci - ti t1,i to t. - 't olttrco Id snsi-oCbt-lstc t -otit at 111ai acdithot iîftlout-t-it-t-o L tai nit otti lottpulltittthe at-trIngsofEcoisittpeople no mai habhithe notîines,- itttilc e tticiti cuit-lt iter huo- ai at-l-ts o et- ratoto tcîto îlt- ttc l pt-ov-d soc t-ttttilttttitctlý r- otlttttt it-antt t aay lt-etttIloitttr"' Tht- ctlobioloîtttii - Mr.-t-teott- Ad tlîtîocrtoneia . ki-,Illt-o ttttt h,-î.t,,ato tOcTa'rltt ittttantd il tt.i ' pert-llîstitotopiiitct ttt. ttttiittti occotcau aud the Entlco ltostl 1,onttcof ittoot i moare tbor-oghyt-iett-tltit,,toi ttt.ottl 010k andllcot fttestivlstttiooha, o,tîot-.t1 t ta the dicoaîtîlddic t-ct-o iit-t îtt - tt--t . ,Enoili ittthe- iacadiaPacifîritotZio oct Iittttocadltxci-tetf itrame ttttt-tt oittoot- Acooatht-it-airecofilt-e-ulîotjýitIi11 i- nalhiatctf ticschat-ctalItottgli cttoit. Of ot-itiotttpt-t-ut-tatioa of "The theott-r Ntybt-ii(, tttttt ttaa ehaagcd a tite sOtte and thito-.tie tttt tt ttlapititItat bad lte fîrt-t.ptfi -tat-o-ai( 01 t -, hr- Bott ht-lctcoas iîeitcoccEnt 11,11t:ttt:i c te0t1t1YAbbeCistsmas, 1328, jbot kttt tot-î-et>il as Eaglich ast-ttc oîitut-tot-tt-cti utpele reit oc ititII aon the tltti-oandtiotiio gotht-ctd. fitot t ta-.s bt-lotothe bailleet tft r--t i, tt Outtde tht- Brtli iitti-tIlu t-t-i -t-onoao .otosforas dowtai- rongi thte- t-t-to iit- lti Eagioloas.0Vic-totria. 'Jlit- tiltttt 0ite s bt t Ditckens wcli itt- served ta the' ce ttttt .,- : ii tr-tOl1lss-t-ot-t-istiagi-h. andt-l--oi at, is lt-od adîothrtt-iltrea Chitas toîdtt,-1 ptepie ceotolcgliib C-il tout itttt - ttti - 'oi.It it-kocît ho fanon o'bit-oîts il-tiot ii t o ht-r-te diglt t -oc cin oticc ttO t-i t olo flu 'tl-tt' 'lit-creoroitoo eiliîîttti tO i a nhcoîostthlie wclts c tooso lta o to tlii I ari c-ti-to hoit.and os 'Victlot-taiiit acta ta i- btterr attongter fI-lnt t troti--tlo-pt- att-reacri te oretoililt-eat >t - t VIt-ltot-ta Il ît-t t-ert ott t chiotte îtti 110y'rptepi rooal par-ts oft lit outticît- il- ta rigt ot-cOot-i tît- i-iot- lid ut-uOtt weterntt-Sates. Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies Visit'1 of the llanging Glaciers in British Columi PASS bottes t-,bave1 hutte. miles.. isg, 2I girl-tue nel Glaçie ves in but M of aq la HocIte&,anof l ljn et n. o or nd the seemba, aa thoaond, mant vaso tte gol n a oignifpieg lthaI M ot ltulfotten 0. f th- baadrrd a 23 are ladies, Tbt- eMbers c-ho it-inco naIin pet- thia yc. for the Lak- hac nId lipsards af 200 nain ireils. a Labeofsot t-ha t-o. about 7,00f =nte,,la t-be Seibli. boeret about 20) ia ul o s wmut ns4 g Iivec nanas ides cf rT oppoerace wc-i 9 Imsmesetcirque, %o n tormntsg a moat- -p Cff aioctr ie an t 00 foot higber ~8l. Frem t-bas ta fslig coalisa ~ a miniiare A 5bfrt nf the n ~aa& It ila h , m~aa.tny oet -Arlri Lak e ~ t~-~' hia til C Aa I! ceeo ' t t i uf t-t - Ld' -; t ii of t-c t init ,iý p v c-ti or uc tha Oh nrothe - LOi pca and, ceut-r ais thiatî-at000 - rith cthi c t- the lta ac,,s e se or ny MMiins of Insulatlng Air CeiNs 1 CANADA GYPSUM AND AL.ABASTINE, LINUTED rusa. Coasada 4 Clen-ents & Co. Fat-lalenB Ont. Chas. T. Day & Son---- Milton, Ont.I 1 ýl c tcI r ai t L)st t-t'