Sectio4. ched y f :,f;L \ ushty Facio \ Cott on Sheet. dilib ine cqualily1 ........ 22e ' lankets v Irankets k . 1ý , l ral bar.., fj r4vragrey! 'h. Ir a Big .....$.79 Bat h To wel' r. .r. W ai] lite 1, \r' lvy 1' . Dnt ........ 69C panyj ery! IL STORE. Her OLLS! ~PS I'i ANI"S E 1-EL H 4 sîtrs 25c r Brand TOES 2 3CORN, uaker Onts r-, r'- Poas Toasies 3s. 25c Carroll's TEAS S60c ~ -65c . 41C cr.17e 25e rl a r--q r, r,g rnr i, CRDI OR S t h,;rr r ' ... i...rr 1h ,Md 112 r,Ï .fN r,O à i. cr to Sus ortes witb one nt & al igr. * in good condition and ui8P 1 only Roizes flatter>yess, a tube4e.... 4 1 Dayfan,'single dial, 6 tubes----- 1 Westinghouse, 655, 5 tubes -9--- 00 1 Crosley ",-5 tubezr-------------7.O 1 Crosley,' 4 tubes;, with earpbonos.---- 40< 1 Croley, tubesp-esrphdaeu ---204 1 Westinghouse, 4 tubes with speaker-. 45.00 These sets are complete with new tubes, batterlàl and speakers, except wNyere speoiflad. We also have one Baby Grand Sherlolt-M*tlmifl< Grarnagbone, a very fine pene of furituBre, i t or reasoxiable price. Aso one Victor Cabinet Grmam- phone with 35 recorde. One Piano, in good condition, oost $525.00. For qnick sale at $125.00. Thiis'piano bu a us been tnned and ia in wonderfui condition. Used ver>' littie. Eg. .,-i . ý iý 1,0 For ipr lu î,~ n~iiel j Bail ook patierus ~~I1I~UI 1or ii~ egnnr-.50For $1.09 ea Lâaa' 1k am WeI Ho, lon'.V Mwooli Hoe ~ Cavell Battery Servicé ali lld-ts wna PIIO'r 215 MILTON 2.30 pm. SPfr and Rso -iiguîii $1.00 pr. F( jMr. aad lire. LyOéà and lmusEîS' ~ _____________ ItlimnToronlaý."tstwe ________________________________________________rdwith e. aliilMr Nn. n. Inugis rmerbas taken overtlsbe s li'Ln rvr in.Wq okSc ilaekamithlntbiss et s IDr. 13. pulieGlon,îce MnsWW okSc help8 tbes. uceig .Aby '1 1' I oi F tssur Coti... seliedi-gB.'esb7. rkWxuler weîghi, good quabity. Sldm5good quality Chain3Epa& WfITE81.00 oly. -ART WALES. YerTaller. mi. ma Mes.Do& . O lit1 t 0 e. 0.Prpar2C3pa 10 _____________________________ Messrs. A. Plntion Cova'.Vap Pure Lard, Duff's, 92 bs. 3ce n"Prt:?wa onTh ai Serv-î,sGolden WMax Beans -tin lca18e eagueoTPH msbeomnti-. -lsStreetaville. A. A. iaon, aleu>of CsshMl os odl h oi VVC II .i L$ i uî èl- - -Streetoville. wasfnd $5-an amis o , Un ted Try rh d Z I- a t eHboar S o r s L M ~Vheat pk. AncxtrtyabutnaresMillos every Nv0t mPie Om fBQFor MILTON and DISTICT An eîraSUeville. Burlingtos and Milon ebGhIe 21e l±1201 noon for Hamilton ontilsoodlsndqasti.Iees-a cai'6 J. . Hrri, f Te CnadenBan ile.will bo selleved b . muser 1ur" b.bg29 iCe.--e-n-, leOnt-.. nent ArmE. ,Fou s9w Lammo.-Wood.fmli Seîv-îs 1î~u' - lb ba 2 er t~he holiday et the ihome of bis latnd Orche tiMetun h is Rapbrr Jin 4 oprents, lMr. and MIL W. larim5L'5w an ordrertrom, ibe deputfl t elgrOfWlNyal'S Pinl op tmCpeophoi - ilii,,z ar 3e utueino*.f t oss PAYIP KNOX CIIJRCiI. r Ihtnts l1~pbrîyCalvin Fleming. f lon.110,vs pento 0umkàmw mc.Iamo 1Mtttîc~ Rd ad -3 bxes25e g tieZbW Oveteransiwisa attend- 0:«m hm TIse moothimeeting of- the A U 4515 RdadWht,-3boe 5 c h aHis hiandsrt'5'fnion and in angland f0o dameà niUiS a.o.e banquet iuntise Ryal Colisemen.Toron- = 18t grese emt -a epie Slu i s W.M.Seoda I ntie meisani mou aisT'RE1 MkEgeBadLi18 oun saturda>' les.n oa Is.. 'Thse Happy Brîpers' Mission adsM ril , gl rad - - i uctO>or.SABKOX ChrclaL.A.ATTuTiON-Ametingof ai 5ihoding avefiteresting m tiOgDoit wlod a rummage sale in thesmihooi vetcrasm ii î h e In the ' For Friay & Saurday aitrn ,vihn tre ltaeofts UTRCTI GFE h Qîikroom onaturda>', Nov. 2,et3pm.os Mondai' eyesing noet oeaock orFia- audytecageainaqivtdt no h g.5eMienDori Davis, of Reveistoke. B. for the Purpe-ofanaizinf à Mals progrosramme- 3e ieariclsoatiCrma e, whiucor madeRkind, withaood ute fl heor î 0.,i sho ta attendisg Tomnte Univer- of The Cnde e'unMlo-Futtvs e. 0 3c leatce h hita ae hc - ~~~IC ~sty, and Miss Doris Bae, spent tise Addrres v3 adlvréh' iu.2e -dnly r aîlt, lb t i Tisankadii.g lhlidays ,vitis their Ool. (0. O. Brown. and Major C.OCousi .4 ci 2C ---19 i9 c j 1eun ip aa iis e (Si , - - 5untr. . .Beys and MisaBy.esoOorees od PlsrgSc 39o Y. P.S. vii taise place neat Mna'.l---------------- aera Tet bars 19c assis, Az a-The anuelhbaeinsnon.s s,,d aintake the frm oef aiocial. _______________ lP.ins SaGntBrîtanalanSilamretk sud "2eemas25e vth Ail SaisIs'm(iureis. mil-Englisb Health Saits ---e--- The Aid Tes. in aid of thse 9>un~ at hî.î d ie b 5 " inderwta.-AI't Wales, Yonr ton fleigistvitehoseld lu these. iR eg 0 ------ 390,Fieer Fond, ld tis (Thurmse ate WEEK END CHOCOLATES u60. Tise Strcrteviile Minstrein mtored useso, Nov. 241h. AIl bleds utfisseful Creomnsorg $1.25--.98o Martin Srot ie a markdsuc ms, ansd- The quality of our asaorý=ent neyerch 111 .CUNM1N8H M WE te Milton on Taesiay nigist and put and fassi' articles, aullabie for Zmu m îne. tieprersusse and social hall heur ever ystthgetThe obnibr IN R.CUNNINOHAM ELVR on a show in the Prci.syiti'eun. gifle. home isking. easdi', etc. Alter- Joint Euse, reg. 60ocfor .-.-47e the teacups wemeenea'dhi' ailrsn. awystehget hoewobyt -Qu ity AIway,ç tilgher Thon Price" -Tiscre sas a faie aldendance. AT «BTIrasiiiu H. B.Bas trct ca-Liver til Ejx- ST. PAUL'.S cHIRCH. kowh"eek-End" whoe ihsyoua Tise Mt. Union W. I i viimete ota d pl il oda hb E . trctTablets, reg. 60o ~47e - omr"etngeci-WEEK-E SPE s o a( et 2.303 pin. Ral sal-tucideets lu, reulu, Milles, os Srturday. Nor. 241h , Hot Water Botties---------- targ mon is d eene seviccet y chntdes.1 flersuoosand evening. M m" Batedo Seil-9 alit mrigadsieDysrie RADJE A siNzT-.F. Hom. wouldbe pies»e tu haeber pupilis Seil.9 il .Thse Armistc a y evc.M Cscll as o 5,aWs-e pca Âs aivlw ..- bcbg theirwvueoS s turda>' mure- à evelin the secesig. vas esutitul, hclt as o 5,8 4kedSeil pirry. ef Oakville, denler in boots au n . er ashe yl isa one oe il for SOLE AOENCY FOR in ils stmplicityr. Patcrkrlsp, vllh a crlapy CMeu centre. Spec shr.oae u tlat vse g îelenghi ts eciludent- toD.0.Carof_ heAt teevens gservice o xeln ___ o came as ortie nefit ofi il - ilver colleetieis. cred tors. -Oakville Record. Sucras Â5D CONc -ARET rHutls Fausnes ChaeaIRateS nhm eesuytecor n M a ke z suaiad concert viliihoa iyeTlu Lovvilie Ms sblCrstI eihethe cons- W T ARN ThedMilton Bus viii Uuigon, wCt beriwo reWede asolo Wite Fir Trnt, idyPNV.Unte CurhonWenedaoeil NOV a pound af our Wek-end 1 a'isasagflrlng Supper PH&ONE 14 Witrd l. T ro hna o Fids,.Nlv.itt oued prugrana b>' Fred 4en-.wuiselanlutardyeeigadw -~~-----~~ 23rd T ilosston.s l oviiplnudon. tenor aoleist, HamiltonsGeorge Chacolates, reg. 0C., Ifor 39e. as no], a asd seve.asivms phs o15' Miles.Neviove. elocutisnst oS Hamilton; GN O as usuexlna grnoues.Tsr ______________________ t D svDNoar. vhs recently ptirriss9cd \îiccýs Ularidge. isumuronusestortih- A ETFRvss xeln grams of voal and thes Jenuing taris on thbeirgisthin ie. ers ai Aclen. and BrVJL Brlginstrumental muiseads MIs Trafalgar, vill estih a hrd of pre-Orhestra. Supre ron .0tu83.mita' oak$Ca A . Paranso rmes w. ueo ,r seecto Special Pricibrcd The doctors famili' Admissio e . Eautman' CameA Gaa of Guelph, ~adrVi"ev.R. w re atlie mesnis tise AltsCraig dis- .ilreIlSc ndFilms h'Hg ciolUaetr. Rclt trit nF e Poppi'Dai' v&a oiserved ho Mltos vere over 017.00i.------ MAsiLLIN..Mhe E. Chisto i nlsviios Saturdai' lus.vst, isr T heen sgLueyîrflsbr 0edvlp- SUNDAY, NOV. îsrTs. ForEvry Da i te ee eSopies for m reiiffctC., day and ladies cllected a total oS 15100. cd sud printed. Quick il s. m.-Mbrniep vorihip. Suhieci. so vr ayi 'ngitlier. Brouts udWest Mary prceemiyl ta divlded as folloviSric Ts Ntr t ite:udne 5sPhoe SM2. ostrd te Wr Veterasa ofToronto,"Te1areof DivinChumt ad Hatrs." K cSt dents frein 'raconte U siverite o se tird te M illes M em or al F ond 12 o'. m .- vC hu c n d o i .t b je m lo . éand Noarmal Scisool vho spent Tans-so 5 . A t-thelse 0. ac.T.. or- t 1113- reaking Resteint., A sermon lor g'seDa e ios sud rUerg- lef vr.A is ls Stee amn aasuuam ses ',s ep Stgvni a e o e var f reinpaign t O9. p..a louchse=o wuvasung e plcccihii'ivie R7 a tri s ay5 es t e t aggters pedet Baree ______________ nuSchublert,.thtalirent Composer, Normal. aud litsseth flick. F. Lttl eie tuatetiee~rms estidoNvme 9 88 hserlCs " ~ tetor Ci pure i15 Ovrcoall, biue, irovn, grcys. J. r1Denes, it;ieer yerprenat- tii mshouttc omme latiea i ty 2 for 25e asd Dorotisi'Denreg.et5theorsorogthe Ma Mxted Be r Oasa atai u iv comemscattsanevorm' titi Tahiar - MK. Desi'es, reCeommltzthe ~ashorgt Res40co Ilîîst ---u---l---- 17o Spaclal ai 15.75.-Ami Wales, Ynniag mite 0te.mmciJ forthe Pcose. ber his. I iclîcî.. iver Ln o edcne $1.00 Aoult ifciesds of Miss Mari' B. Men-pmsCeVaed PI the Y» Ilisyme) Croe, vhs Seosme a belde ..WI!fGBr-Princeu Thseatre, oneebrl.l týiiiiiiriia yruof iPepsinr. 6efor -----49e0 on Bturdaysi'it gateed tthe home dayosti. TisurdaycNov.20& *Ta A. ËEW STOCK Y .5jona n p . ge n '-,~rriî rae 60 - of hecrsist. Mes. A. Chtisholus, Pearl attempt theelmpoenble ane minala r- thb'e o.= - a p.m showeved liec ils mas>' sesful and -W Inotpe4 s ma ole T PIE 1îr.p unr3 tîclaîrser, reg. '25c for - ------- 15C t sTuna'eelgIa s raoumUsaeetA O FR .E..'Wuxai sh vicStck eý. 2c or------4,----- 1C pretty gifle. pvem nlvariante *Boutfonde.F=103 _ _ _ _ Srhxig tic îg.23efo - 4 - 5e Tise annuesl meeting of the Wssmee'a fiing vlevpsilnt, I ?oued lIe Ues#ne, Tasteless Cod Lîver Oi npot' e' ra Aeci$10a0Mlesviitac590d mfi 0fI* o11I ~& S"ise , whito, palk a dtand IiD D îEN~ sPRUIN 1'cîeLiîsîanOn rg.$10 fr e ibe Liberai Club Res over ie- are beevll>'lsdebted ta Pmammut fo caexôola Fw 55.L-9 0sen esaki . malil Pur liisin Olre. 1.0 fr ---------- 54 mnta'Hardware. fIbIsepn ai tise air",O. Boy Briave. si[0of enslg.CX= 5P>JA.Vmed*et a ua hlcio haîcg .raolagetoefo - 8e Seor LAnGE Mote.-t.sst vesk Jet O Âo.. i. ,iMuuel Fiu Shirte176- A COIPd S -?fPiione MtUt21r-. o YS.2 11 1ý1enzo Shavilig C lai fiTurner huteher. o Oakville. formerly ",g , ou n i e di enro" bl .2 101 i. hirtu m - poesoalDr-i of elMilles. retuceedfcomàamose-hiiet- sa___ of On A010010114 erIIOmAg ret iOa urei Pîattereons Patterkrisp, reg. 50ocfor ---- * s~e~dil5t hstm ~~ee mns Ee e mu luEng- A p y minlio. Hîs Masteî's VoicesRecords, double sde reg75o rnsoeMs 1.s -yeledu hae tar 75cl.etaatc$J04 o'uito......lle for 81.00 bW N sonhi Cigrteimfthe~iaî' blOealr PbM vie.. for 39o orChrm= e.em il.d ~ for39c o------------ ---------------------------------- e t> P b<.Vc SioPs 3Ls leInms, Mcml Markset.*M iscians the2l0e11% due.ii-H.Daener S n. s il. 2**anPe . e _ - Rýose Clîccolate Buds, reg. 50e lb for - 39c l sutov.emg i amo ue wi9uimnPs.....lkP. ar. .lili -r----- ov î7tMiil ta.olsteLien SPepperment Patties, reg. 50c lb. for - 39eIlb.i liruiieamls a. 3- i PINO iU IN ý- , WA Phono 40. The&Rexal Store -aMileonjc WeISNOicîMYour 'W HIG EEST FEICIS 1Dat.'Roas .B.Ded M ai BUTTNoic îOudetrniado n RALTOI$db iluson #et" fe a .-. -ks w ). -ed~ AT 1 real home 1Reg. 30c. rice 25c lb. -lb. hanges, ts t regularx et sampled ce missing lIAL 35c lb, :lal 39C lis. MiILTON k-liv. mesi re.>oe d .e...e iaTi lisai ma»I u3 o 09 Norh1t28. ~Rss4 ~mdv.